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december 22 2016. one odd-looking man attempts to eat 30 000 calories in one day after eating 20 days worth of sugar while looking like a complete in the process he succeeded and decided to merge this day with christmas and call it carp's miss four years later he's attempting the unthinkable he's trying to eat 70 000 calories and he's gonna stop at nothing to get to this massive calorie goal deep frying half pound reese's peanut butter cups eating massive cakes and taking down giant snickers bars this is his story this is the 70 000 calorie challenge carbs edition [Music] folks i got 70 000 calories to eat let's go shopping [Music] all right everybody we have a lot of goods but before we get to the eating you guys know i got to take my pre-calorie challenge weight and also do a little pre-calorie challenge physique check welcome to carbsmiss 2020 hopefully you guys are ready for this one because this is going to be the highest calorie challenge that i'm doing in 2020. if you guys saw cheatsgiving you guys saw me take down 35 000 calories for cheats giving and for this crazy calorie challenge everyone i'm going big and i'm doing double i also gotta let you guys know that i will be donating ten dollars for every thousand calories that i consume in this challenge to toys for tots which is a charity you can also donate yourself if you check out the interactive card that i'll be putting right over there or right there wherever it appears 2020 has been quite the year and i know there are a lot of kids out there that are struggling anyway i can make a difference in someone else's life i'd love to be able to do that so like i said if you guys want to check it out be sure to check it out i'm going to be going for an all new pr i'm going to be trying to take down 70 000 calories in under 48 hours if you guys think i can take down 70 000 plus calories in under 48 hours comment down below shock i've got some new strategies that i'm gonna be trying in this challenge you know what i'm just excited to get into this because after cheats giving i've been pretty much just living on chicken and lettuce and riding my bike like crazy i mean i rode like 92 miles today this is meal number one total calories for this meal are gonna be listed like right there for you guys and total macros will be listed like right there for you folks without further ado electric empire this is meal number one this is carbs just a little warning to everyone all right these calorie challenges they get very very brutal okay i'm not gonna lie to you guys this is this is about to get very very very insane so if you're not ready for it just know that i want you okay i want you and why not now that ladies and gentlemen is quite the sunday all right folks so it is officially now nine o'clock tuesday december 15th and it's time to get carbsmas officially started so that being said carvsmith has officially started in three two oh this is the caramel chocolate cheesecake [Music] you know we're actually gonna let that simmer for a little bit believe it or not the ice cream is not even melted it's probably surprising to you because i always eat healthy ice cream we're gonna move on over to our fudge oreos [Music] i'm telling you guys right now shane's [Music] amazing [Music] all right guys well oreos are down i gotta get to this ice cream now but i have plans for this one second okay this might surprise some of you it might not surprise some of you but i discovered something recently just drizzle a little cereal on top of that okay it's a little just a little bit garnish your ice cream with your cereal now i'm not eating this entire box of cinnamon toast right now it's a garnish okay it's garnish having a little crunch with your ice cream goes a long way get into these all new sugar sugar cooked white chocolate sugar cookie m ms [Music] everyone we have it dad's going to get a w oh those are legendary [Music] oh boy goes it down i really gotta learn my lesson with the sad it's too hot this is the snickers slice and chair bar they really want you to share this i don't believe in sharing just in case you guys wanted to see what the inside looks like it tastes like a 2000 calorie snickers [Music] more chocolate is clearly needed i should probably chill on the chocolate sauce probably going to regret it tomorrow morning it's delicious though okay a little bit more okay we're good all right folks that's uh that's what our sunday that looks like right here so far it's going absolutely amazing i love sundays [Music] alright folks sunday's down but now we start to finish off our snickers seriously there's so much chewing going on good [Music] sprays all right folks well it is currently uh what time is it 9 30. hey my light went out i just noticed my lightning bolt it's not oh i'll have to change that or figure out a way to get that going again anyways it's 9 32 so that took us about 32 minutes bummed out about my light but whatever i told calories without me will be right there tall macros will be right over there and take a shower get some sleep because tomorrow is going to be a very very big day it's currently 8 o'clock in the morning we're going for a little run i love eating a ton of food in these challenges but i also got to make sure i'm active moving around getting the blood flowing getting that digestion moving i got a big breakfast at home after this i got lunch i got dinner if you guys want to know more about exercise food challenges how all of these calories affect my body feel free to check out my third channel that'll be linked down below in the description anyways let's finish off this run [Music] 20 miles down i was totally not planning to run that long but man that ice cream last night just hit the spot now everyone it's time to get breakfast started let me check the time over here 11 17 as you can see i went out and got the brand new krispy kreme christmas edition donuts right here folks we also got some toaster strudel and another brand new item that just got released the all-new ihop milk and cookies pancakes right here folks we're gonna get right to it i'm gonna put the total calories for this meal right there for you guys and total macros that means protein carbs and fat those are gonna be listed like right there anyways everyone it's time to get meal number two started you guys know the drill i don't even need to say it all right so those are supposed to be milk and cookies pancakes but whatever i tried it's pancake time another fire wow [Music] you know what we're just gonna eat this actually like it should be [Music] all right everybody well our pancakes are all down those are actually really really good gary say shockingly delicious all right next i'm gonna move on over to some more deliciousness right here if you're a true toaster shooter fan you'll know strawberry is the best [Music] all right toaster sugars down so far breakfast is going absolutely sensational sensational now everyone i think it's only fitting that we just move on over to our christmas crunch right here i feel like i've had this 8 000 times but it's you know it's holidays whenever the holidays come around and there's a cereal dedicated to that holiday you guys know i'm gonna i'm gonna eat it let's check that out determination health and fitness you're probably wondering why i brought out the nesquik well guess what i wanted to throw in my cereal i feel like we shouldn't stop there why should we stop there we don't have to stop there you can take it up a notch always try it i'm just telling you right now try for yourself you will find some deliciousness in your taste buds will be electric i'm not really sure if this is going to taste good maple chocolate i mean i don't really see anything going too horribly with that let's try it out whoo you guys going to get a w oh definitely [Music] wow [Music] i'm telling you guys right now i'm pleasantly surprised by how good that tastes okay you know some sometimes i i come up with things on the spot and i don't know if they're gonna taste very good and you know guys maple syrup and cereal is actually very delicious it is a tad bit unnecessary but you know it's delicious actually there's no such thing as unnecessary with calorie challenges true [Music] all right guys well our cereal is all down put that over there we're gonna save that milk because we're probably gonna be needing in just a few seconds but anyways i think it's time to get into our holiday krispy kreme doughnuts next they're almost they're almost too pretty to eat let me get into the santa belly first that's what's on the inside right there now it's donut time [Music] actually you know what that's gonna get irish [Music] amazing feel like i should do something with these i've never tried butter on a doughnut before i'm trying to get calories in find it we're trying it okay it's not actually that bad [Music] i'm not i mean i'm probably never going to do that again but not bad at all it's crazy how they got these to taste like actual sugar cookies yeah don't props to krispy kreme [Music] all right folks well our krispy kreme donuts are down you know what i'm in dire need of some saltiness you guys know me i do love my nuts cashews peanuts almonds [Music] all right that's melted down now i'm gonna get on over to our last items which are cookies it's actually really curious to see if this would actually be very nice let's just try one oh oh we're done 1500 calories [Music] not bad [Music] actually know what i'm just gonna do this just to do this [Music] [Music] all right everybody well mill number two is complete wow that was a lot of sweetness oh excuse me well it is currently 12 19. uh wednesday december 16th we are 15 hours and 17 seconds into this and i'm going to put the total calories for you guys right there in total macros i'll be right there total donated charity will be right over there somewhere now everybody i think you should know what's coming [Music] next bike ride is all done now it's time to start meal number three all right guys so we are done with the bike ride it is currently 4 42 right now i ended up doing 68 miles today did a huge bike ride yesterday in the month of december i'm actually attempting to ride my bike 2 000 miles which is the most i've ever attempted to do i'm documenting all that on my third channel because i'm prepping for an iron man next year if you guys want to go see all of that if you're curious about my training and running my biking all that type of stuff it's all my third channel like i said earlier link to that is down below in the description i'm the most curious to get into this gigantic milka bar right here if you guys ever if you haven't had milk bars before they are they are sensational uh that being said the total calories for this meal are gonna be listed like right there for you guys in total macros that means protein carbs fat those are gonna be listed like right there for you guys [Music] ah that's a good idea it's like a zigzag it is a zigzag i don't know how do you draw a lightning bolt i tried my best you suck i didn't really try my best you're probably all shaking your heads i'll let you know this is better than your gingerbread mrs electric should i just bite his head or your gingerbread cookies are way better hard gingerbread man should not be a thing [Music] almost fits that's what she said i had to i'm 12. [Music] right that pathetic excuse for a gingerbread man is down chocolate balls i love balls chocolate balls [Music] i don't want to say it all right let's get after these balls of chocolate oh oh i forgot how good those are [Music] all right well arlendore troubles are down how cute little snowflakes [Music] like the asmr part of the video [Music] [Music] cheetos are all down now we gotta move over move can't talk now we gotta move on over to this side i'm not sure if i want to do this giant milka bar the pop tarts you know what i think now we gotta get into our sugar cookie pop threads next you guys are new to the channel i'm not the biggest fan of pop tarts thankfully i have a secret weapon for this i have a secret weapon this evening listen nutella can you give me a cold one how about a gold spoon i'm way too full to get up right now and move you're the best thank you friends and family that is the real way to enjoy pop tarts you gotta do it you're gonna get a gummy and yes i just gave it www moment to pop tarzan [Music] delicious i have a feeling i'm going to be getting this nutella tomorrow [Music] all right well i'll pop that right down holy crap 140 times 12. [Music] that's like 1600 calories bar of chocolate and there we go everybody this is the milka bar the mega mocha bar [Music] oh that's cute so whoa such flavors is good chocolate biscuit oh now let me go i'm a really big part that was amazing this is one of the best chocolate bars i've ever tasted [Music] i've eaten a lot of travel bars in my [Music] life oh those go hard [Music] oh look of my mouth [Music] this is being already [Music] all right folks i just gotta be honest with you guys i have zero desire to eat the rest of this and i have a very very very big well let's just say interesting dinner plan and uh yeah we're just gonna have to save that either for tonight or for another time we still packed in a lot of calories uh it is currently 5 39 we're currently currently 20 hours in 20 hours and 37 minutes i'm gonna put the calories consumed right there for you guys filled macros also be right there and then and also how much donated charity will be i'm gonna veg out for a little bit and then then grab some more food for dinner and then grab some groceries and it's time for meal you know before babe there's a problem i'm not on the cover why am i not going to cover why are you laughing that's a good joke just so you guys know this is either going to go really well or really not well but i'm going to be attempting to deep fry two half pound reese's cups [Music] oh my gosh i made a deep fried recipe hello and i'm about to introduce you to the eric the electric weight gainer shake [Music] [Music] alrighty folks so it is currently you guys can see right there it's 9 10 wednesday december 16th still the same day uh i'm just i'm very very very excited with how these came out like check that out we have deep deep fried greases we also have some other goodies as well we got some kfc chicken over here because i was just feeling the salt also got some fries and because i gotta have some cheese i decided you know what it's gonna pair very well with that well we just crossed the 24 hour mark uh total calories for this entire oh i forgot to do a little video for instagram right now by the way if you guys haven't yet check out my instagram follow me on instagram you guys will see all this way before it goes live and i like to interact with everyone on instagram so you can check all that out link to my instagram is down below in the description all right folks so the total calories for this entire meal are gonna be listed like right there for you guys in total macros those are gonna be listed like right there for you guys without further ado everyone this is meal number four yeah you know what i think i'm just going to go straight after this kids just look at the finger looking [Music] good [Music] wow i gotta say i've pretty much eaten everything sweet today these are amazing i love cheese very cheesy [Music] i never thought that cheese and fried chicken would actually taste as good as it does [Music] i think i'm gonna save those fries for after these deep fried rices because those are gonna be a sweetness overload let's jack these up with some cookie butter [Music] there's no such thing as too much cookie butter [Music] okay never mind maybe theirs all right over apple pies are down our first shake is down okay well now all that sugar actually just pretty much everything just caught up with me well everybody we have our fries our popcorn and these massive deep fried rice paper cups i think it's time now to get to these bad boys how do i even do this [Music] oh my goodness gracious there you have it how's the inside look right there i kind of knew that that was gonna happen this is a mess i'm still gonna eat them anyways though get some milk i need that actually kind of looks good [Music] that's a flavor explosion right there [Music] i know what's going to describe that i feel like i need to take a bath after that couldn't squeeze oh my gosh [Music] yeah i'm feeling it right now i'm feeling pretty hard oh all right folks well our fries and our two shakes well two shakes are down i got one oh my goodness crazy [Music] all right guys well we have a few servings of popcorn left and i'm gonna try to go to sleep we're just gonna be fine the shark has in there if you guys are still watching up into this point comment popcorn down below [Music] oh my goodness all right everybody well just like that meal number three what a number four is complete that's currently 9 54. still the same day i should not be touching my phone right now so it took us a little bit uh it took us about 50 to 51 minutes 52 minutes to do we're 24 hours and 52 minutes in oh god let's talk calories right there for you guys total macros right over there oh my gosh i just feel like i'm a beached whale right now two hours later you know usually i show you guys the the food babies after the video and i'm going to be showing you one after this video it's gonna be it's gonna be epic but i thought i would show you guys the baby after the first day and also my weight after the first day as well but the real food baby and the post carbs miss wait comes after the video so be sure to instagram for all that 7 59 thursday december 17th we are 34 hours and 58 minutes into this challenge being a lot of fantastic tasting things in this challenge but after a certain point the taste really doesn't matter anymore i really don't know how to explain it to you guys right now all i crave is water the plan today is i'm going to attempt to go out on the run i can't guarantee that's going to go very well my cardio on these days is that it really helps with digestion but i really can't go for very long just hoping i can survive this and hopefully get to 70 000. this is gonna hurt a lot 12 seconds later no way i'm gonna be able to keep running oh you've been at it for like 20 minutes i feel like if i keep running i'm just gonna well it's not gonna end too well i think i'm gonna walk for a little bit longer keep the digestion going and then it's time to start meal number five are you okay i feel like i'm in my 17th trimester right now did you go swimming no i just went for like an hour walk where's your santa costume my santa oh i wasn't gonna wear it yeah i think you should wear it i'm so hot and sweaty and it's gonna make things way worse but it's christmas all right christy is very adamant that i wear the santa costume if it lands on heads you have to wear the sanded costume the entire like the rest of the entire video and if it lands on tails you only have to wear it for breakfast don't cheat oh my god you stink do you do you know how hard this is okay i'm like 44 000 calories deep right now that's heads alrighty everybody wow what is what is what is the time what is the time currently 12 20 thursday december 17th at this point we just really need to go for easy calories and so i picked really calorie dense things this looks like a beautiful cake all right let me just put it that way before we jump into this meal it's christmas everyone i love you guys thank you all for supporting me throughout this entire year this is the biggest food challenge i've done in 2020 i'm so excited to get to 2021 because everyone believe it or not this is just the warm up for 2021 and before we jump into meal number five if you guys are enjoying this video if you're enjoying this crazy calorie carnage it'd be the best christmas present ever if you guys gave the video a like that being said total calories for this meal will be listed like right there total macros will be listed like right there for you guys it's time for meal number five cake is giant man i can't even see you guys over this thing stuff in some nest quick i think we're gonna get into our peanut butter first all right folks peanut butter hard [Music] all right peanut butter zuma thankfully i needed oh ladies and gentlemen you guys are going to get a w oh [Music] white chocolate honey almond nugget [Music] oh oh there's no brown bar this is delicious looking at another part [Music] oh that cake is there's just looking too promising right now [Music] over our trail mixes down all we have left is our cereal and our cake [Music] now the reason why i chose this cereal is because elf is one of my favorite christmas movies of all time you guys gotta comment down below with what your favorite christmas movie is of all time let's try it out oh that was a rough cereal [Music] i'm sorry but there's there's no way i can i can't even get through the rest of that my mouth is is obliterated if you guys are curious about the rating of the cereal i'd give it a six and a half out of ten just in case you guys were curious about that anyways i think we just gotta get we gotta get on over to this beautiful looking cake that's a thick slice of cake it's almost as thick as i'm going to be after these challenges are good [Music] i do need additional calories cake and peanut butter though eric really actually you know what that sounds delicious unnecessary definitely but delicious most definitely [Music] my glutes whoa [Music] all right folks well uh about half of our cake is left i mean like 55 right now uh i i just i can't just rest that cake on i mean i could but i'm just i need to i need to plan effectively here all right so we are 40 hours in you guys can see that right there as you can see right there 40 hours and nine minutes it's uh it's currently 110 right now and put the total calories right there for you guys in total macros we'll be right there oh my goodness guys i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do this but i'm gonna give it my best shot yeah but it was probably a bad choice i'm too full and too exhausted to even be embarrassed right now by what i'm wearing [Music] i just realized i almost made it through an entire video without using ranch we got to fix that it's time to make the electric christmas calorie casserole oh i'm an evil genius all right everybody so we have meal number six in front of us right here it is this has just been oh i haven't done a calorie challenge like this in well over a year and you know i did a few weeks worth of training to get ready for this and uh i definitely underestimated this one for sure this last meal is is a very calorie dense meal obviously it's going to be i'm just going to let you guys know right now it's going to be a battle between me and food it is currently 7 42 thursday december 17th and uh see how much time we have left so we are 46 hours and 40 minutes in i'm gonna go ahead and put the total calories for meal number six right over there and total macros will be right over there as well i don't know if i can do this but we're gonna give it my best shot this is meal number six so there we have it i don't even know what to call this i i just all i can say is that this is the calorie casserole i don't think i should yeah i've eaten off a knife many times before oh my gosh that was amazing [Music] out of all the things that i've made this year this has got to be one of the tastiest things i've made wow i'm checking this out [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i wonder if this pie crust is gluten free actually you know it probably doesn't even matter at this point christmas casserole calorie casseroles now [Music] wow [Music] ice cream is down oh sorry eating 70 000 calories really tends to hurt i think we gotta get on over to our christmas tree cakes next now it's time to get after these christmas tree cakes you're chasing the rainbow for sure oh my gosh this is a skateboard i have like only like 40 minutes left it just feels like my stomach is in another dimension so that's like literally the only thing i can say the last thing that i want to do is even look at that cake but i mean i just looked at it and then i have that reese's giant reese's in front of me i'm i'm the stupid one that picked it i just knew that i didn't eat a solid reese's in this video catch some blackboard oh [Music] it feels like i've eaten way too many nuts in this video that's what she said yeah but for real just thinking about how many comments about nuts are gonna be down below in the comments section it's probably gonna make me go nuts [Music] our notes are down oh my goodness guys okay i'm uh my i mean i feel like my i can't talk i'm in my capacity right now it's just i have like half of this ice cream left reese's and then cake oh it's 8 30 right now i'm gonna take some time to breathe oh my gosh this is very intense you know what i think i got an idea [Music] i actually look like santa claus unfortunately everybody despite me giving it the best shot it looks like we hit the 48 hour mark already you suck about 20 of this cake left i think now the question is whether or not i'm actually gonna be able to take this down oh just feels like i have a small child inside of me oh oh i'm just gonna sit here sorry this is probably not really that pretty but it's a little bit harder i don't even know anymore guys i'm just babbling at this point oh babbling babbler [Music] what cake final pressure [Music] they're almost there i think i've said it eight thousand times ladies and gentlemen you can see that right there so i can check this down oh my goodness he's left this girl said electrical part i love you guys very much and uh hope you've enjoyed the video like i said it'll be the best christmas present ever if you can give it a like for me and everyone all i can say is get ready for 2021. i did a lot of crazy challenges in 2020. hey everyone i'm just getting started if you still want to float the video comment down below electric let's finish this one out just like that electric empire that has been another crazy insane calorie challenge and i hope you guys enjoyed it looks like we ended up finishing at 9 21 19 minutes past our goal but it is what it is now it's time for me to show you guys the post calorie challenge food baby and we're going to wait a few moments later so you guys know this is not going to be pretty [Music] cool [Music] if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to give the video a like and also and let me know down below in those comments i'm gonna go ahead and put last year's christmas video in case you guys missed it right there for you guys i'm also gonna put another playlist that i think you're gonna enjoy right there as well that being said electric empire i'll see you guys in the next food challenge
Channel: ErikTheElectric
Views: 1,411,952
Rating: 4.9301181 out of 5
Keywords: erik the electric, erik the electric calorie challenge, erik the electric 70000 calories, 70000 calorie challenge, calorie challenge, erik the electric carbsmas, 70k calorie challenge, holiday eating challenge, eating challenge, calorie challenge 2020, erik the electric mcdonalds, 70k calories
Id: _E9Xyi80IyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 17sec (2897 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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