FITGIRL FALL-THEMED CHEAT DAY | Pumpkin Spice, Donuts, Pizza, Cookies (Fall Food Reviews)

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hi may have a grande pumpkin spice latte what's going on guys and welcome to the video today is going to be a really fun day I have a few special things in mind this video was really inspired by the season now if you guys have been following me you guys know that I was in Canada and now I'm in Florida for the week there is no better way to celebrate being in the States and getting all the things that we have in the States that are unique and fun and the variety here is crazy I forgot how insane it was since I've been away in Canada coming to the States all things limited-edition all things basic a s and flavors of fall so I am totally here for it I posted on my Instagram what you guys wanted to see from me and surprisingly a lot of people said all pumpkin everything and I was like done today did my normal physique check I also did weigh in I think I waited a hundred and nineteen point two pounds super excited I'm doing this cheat day as I always do I'm not tracking anything it's not about how much I'm eating it's about trying new and fun things and just enjoying my day so let's get started alrighty guys so this is actually the first time I've ever filmed inside my own car I filmed Olivia's car Jeff's car this is my own car and of course we are going to be starting with the infamous pumpkin a spiced latte I have actually never had a pumpkin spice latte it is all the rage I've heard mixed reviews on it people are like I don't know what all the hypes about we don't see what all the hypes about smells good mmm it's not very sweet it tastes pretty spiked tastes pretty pumpkin II tastes like fall tastes like fall in a cup Cheers I actually really like that so we are trying one other fall item this is a pumpkin scone I know a thought donuts but you just wait won't happen pretty heavy kind of dense I just want to try it because I have a lot of things planned for today mm-hmm it's a little bit dry but it tastes good I was like them consistency of a muffin mm-hmm-hmm taste the spice pretty good mmm-hmm with the thick icing on top it kind of reminds me of carrot cake on illuminate I need to try other better things to give this perspective but I'll give it a good it's good only half that now we are going to try I think this is me what could be really wrong about this but chicken sausage biscuit it looks much like really quickly heated food from Starbucks looks like looking sad [Music] hmm it tastes pretty good it tastes just like a standard McDonald's biscuit I really like the biscuit build the biscuit is better than McDonald's I'm gonna save the rest of this for when I want something more savory napkins latte that was pretty good but I wasn't really expecting much from Starbucks I was just going to get the last night we tried the other food things but now for the real good stuff I hate almost started crying Krispy Kreme I'm a grown-ass woman and I almost are crying they were completely sold out of the pumpkin spice donuts which is actually quite promising because that means that they're really good they said that they're gonna have some more this afternoon I will be back but I got a few other Donuts that are seasonal as well as things that are just spiced so it's not only about the pumpkin spice it's all about the spice today and I resisted getting like my favorite kinds of Donuts like I love the raspberry filled just because I want to stick to the pumpkiny things right here is the original glazed I got the coffee glaze which is a limited edition item I think it's only for like a week then I got this cinnamon sugar filled apple cinnamon apple filled and then the cinnamon sugar doughnut so you know peeling the cinnamon so we are going to start with the coffee glazed donut I do love coffee so let's see it seems a little small but especially when you're used to eating like specialty Donuts first done' of the day actually don't love the coffee bite after it has a little bit of like a bitterness a little bit of a bite to it it does have like that black coffee taste but it's not terrible [Music] it still has like the delicious crispy cream dough I give it a man because I don't love it I'm gonna leave it don't worry I'm not wasting any of this food Jeff will help me out with all this later oh my goodness I haven't even told you guys the time completely forgot so it's currently 8:11 Thursday September 27th now I have to go for the original glaze even though this is not themed they had the hot and ready sign on it's warm it's like about to collapse in my hand and it's gonna be delicious oh my thought I like fell apart that is amazing there's nothing like a Krispy Kreme glazed donut oh my goodness they're so different warm oh it's falling apart if I can fit this whole thing in my mouth it's like almost the whole donut [Music] mm-hmm I was amazing so good all right the other ones may not be living up to this height because I was like the most amazing thing I've ever put in my mouth just like melted away so good next up is just a regular yeasted doughnut but it has cinnamon sugar on it [Music] ma'am if it was warm it'd be so much better just like a TRO pretty good Krispy Kreme dogs are so good though the crunch from the sugar is good I'm gonna leave that much of it now this guy I've had this before the Apple Cinnamon filled powdered and it's filled with apples so good another one that would be good warm but I'll take it mm-hmm that's good I'm gonna leave this much of it okay so I'm obviously not full at all just a few tapes of a few things probably covered in sugar so the hunt continues I'll see you at the next spot [Music] all righty guys I struck gold and Dunkin Donuts this looks absolutely amazing this is what food accounts dream of aside from those six donuts I also want to try their new Belgian waffle sandwich smells so good it has like the sweet and savory mix I have to start with the prettiest donut I think this apple crisp donut can we just take a moment this is gorgeous huh it smells like fall mm-hmm has nice apple pie filling it's the same apple filling they usually put in their apple fritters sometimes apple fritters from Dunkin Donuts aren't filled correct me if I'm wrong or if I'm the only one that's ever noticed that the top tastes like granola super delicious oh my goodness that is a good door app I love that the best thing I've had today was that Krispy Kreme original glaze this is number two for me because it's pretty good okay next I am going to try the classic pumpkin cake doughnut the Krispy Kreme pumpkin donut is also a cake donut and people hate on cake donut it's like poor cake donuts they are the ugly twin sister of the donut world because everyone hates on them but I personally like cake donuts donut is a donut I have high hopes give me the basic it tastes just like the Starbucks scone not as dry I wish I had more icing on it it's good it has that nice pumpkin spice flavor it's still a little bit dry though Krispy Kreme needs to teach them because I feel like the Krispy Kreme ones gonna be way better which I will get later today because I'm gonna hold a high standard to all the pumpkin things today this gets a mess next one is a beast I have no idea if this is a donut for the fall time but it looks like fall to me I have not seen this it's like decorated with Halloween colors and this is the Oreo donut really heavy especially for a Dunkin Donuts donut I have no idea what it's filled with we're gonna find out hmm it's filled with cream which makes sense like the cream filling of an Oreo that's actually really good I actually don't mind that the top is kind of soft so it's easy to bite into that's so good that is hitting the spot that is super good hustle JIT it's super rich though mm-hmm very rich the inside isn't like a normal cream it's much like an Oreo cream so it's really sweet all right next up is the apple fritter I really hope this is filled it better not disappoint me it looks amazing I don't see any filling but I see some apples looks pretty legit mm-hmm don't it makes a mean apple fritter anything that's spiced warm apple eve i highly recommend if you're not filming in your car like a crazy youtuber like i am to heat it up because there's something about it that's not as good cold so warm them up that's good now this spider donut I think it's just like a chocolate doughnut hole with regular frosting on it but it was so cute I had to give it a go so maybe I can try to get a bite with both let's see see how big of a bite I can get with this mmm pretty big bite the combo of the two like with the cake doughnut and the Easter is actually good I like that now I only got a regular glazed doughnut just to kind of compare with Krispy Kreme they're nothing the same like it's not even gonna be comparable but I got it for kicks it's actually super dry even for Duncan it's really dry that gets a negative rating that's dry now for this waffle situation the waffles like really soggy though so like soft cheese egg and bacon hmm the maple bacon on it is so good it's probably the best part and it's crispy I'm brush it would be way better with some syrup or something on it it gets like a medium for me I think the Starbucks sandwich was better McGriddle blows it out of the water I want to save Jeff a bite because this doughnut is really good but I might eat a little bit more of this mm-hmm take another little bite of this tutorial it's legit and one more bite of the apple fritter and then I'll cut myself off mm-hmm London I'm proud this is how much I have left ain't about half of a few of the things and then a little bit more than half of the others I am NOT pumpkin out yet I am NOT spiced out yet let enough basic scavenger hunt continue I just arrived at the air B&B that Jeff and I are staying at I currently don't have a home here in Florida but anyways I keep forgetting to show you guys the time I drove back from Dunkin Donuts and now it is 909 Thursday the 27th something I really just want to stress I don't want to eat a lot of one thing because I want to try a bunch of different things so it makes it way more fun on your cheat days if you have them try your best to just add variety don't just like go all in and eat a bunch food sometimes I do that I'm completely guilty of doing that but yeah I just want to try as much as I can before I take any kind of long-term break I want to try a couple more things that I found at 7/11 and they intrigued me so I'll let you know if they're worth the splurge this may have 17 grams of fat in it so I always seen Megan McCullum eat these snack pies from 7-eleven this is actually the only flavor I could find I felt like it was season appropriate anyway so I'm gonna give it a go they don't look like much but apparently they're like heavenly they're heavy for one then we're gonna be crispy I guess not so looks like that it's like the Taco Bell caramel and banana so 417 grams of fat 61 carbs and 3 protein the thing better be heavenly I feel like it doesn't even come close to McDonald's up I know it's not that good maybe needs to be heated up or something the crust is really mushy and I want it to be like Leakey and crispy need a couple more bites but yeah I McDonald's up a pie I was hoping that I would really like that a little bit of a downer the next thing that intrigues me was this cookie butter filled cookies looks like that okay see how it is filled in these little pockets here it's pretty good it's not crunchy and it's not soft either I don't want to describe it it's like the inside of the middle is soft the outside a little bit crunchy to me the cookie butter tastes like caramel taste I like fall mmm I have a cup of cashew milk here they say I'm gonna have it's not that exciting but Libya always had these on her cheat days and I just wanted to know what all the hype is about I had top difficult war but I don't think I've ever had the barbecue once me I think that's your favorite flavor they kind of look like rice chips a little bit mmm those are good I wonder Olivia likes you so much they're really good no I'm actually this is not exciting at all I like to incorporate some fruit give you some fiber micronutrients cuz you're not getting any of that so I'm just gonna eat this I'll eat it off-camera but just so you guys know I do eat a lot of fruit on my cheat days and I don't always film it I have some raspberries and strawberries and then I'm gonna take a break for a little bit it is 928 I'm gonna eat all these I'll see you soon let's sleepy I just woke up from a nap I went upstairs to wake up Jeff and instead he sucked me in he got me I laid down with him this game over we still have lots of day left to eat it is 11 17 and it is time to get some lunch Oh every couple days lunch I did change my shirt same day though still Thursday December 27th and it's like unite now and if you're gonna get some pizzas the lighting good yeah oh yes you don't even know you don't need good lighting this is a cool little shot actually I might be able to get a picture with money they have a lot of options we'll see to be continued right I'm torn between the barbecue chicken pizza and the holy mac and cheese okay so for the appetizer we got lobsters spinach and artichoke butter and garlic and cheese so delicious this is a good choice yeah it looks that it does look really good I don't ever had Lobster in my spinach artichoke dip but I knew that was good that's high rate oh yeah nine it seems like it was more than a nine by ten but you're scared together that is sober [Music] house fire buildings they have a 10-inch feet they're coming so I don't wanna get too full so I'm gonna stop here save it and maybe I'll have some later but I don't just wanna have some tonight so we're gonna talk about what you got this looks amazing there is mac and cheese on this pizza and I'm like my mind is so it's pineapple oh my god like Velveeta shells yeah obviously and bacon I couldn't decide between this animal of the bar but I think it's the right time so I think it made the right choice it looks delicious can't wait to try it you gonna take a picture for my Instagram because you know guys do it for the career if that is not cinematic I don't know what is I'm just gonna take it to the dome yeah one wait for it to cool down blow on it maybe it was like a moment of truth that's so good I've never had anything like it huh it tastes like eating mac and cheese in like a bread bowl or something duper good I actually really like the bacon the bacon actually gives you a nice saltiness super good [Music] this pizzas better than the de lobster did really why it's really is about people really I gotta try it then shout out moon dog man who's appreciate that Velveeta on Ibiza [Music] I'm wearing a flannel shirt try to keep it fall pain but in Florida it's like a hundred degrees outside call it feeling full satisfied done 126 still Thursday the 27th that pizza was so good but now it is time to find some food sweet in a Walmart that was quick [Music] should be good white chocolate cinnamon roll Oreo cookies yeah I get those huh hey apparently you can overdose on those and that wind up in the hospital smuggling oh god I sold oh really I already see something good yeah you keep going I personally think Krispy Kreme would be way better yeah I know [Music] thank you thank you they definitely have cameras thank you so much we pin it guys life goal is accomplished it is currently 209 and we're gonna try to do this kind of quick because I still have the ice cream it's in there I don't want to melt so the raspberry filled is gifts and I got to cuz I just couldn't help myself I probably should have just got one but this one's so good but being basic today so another cheat day there was a reason this thing was sold out this morning this thing better be legit good coating on it it's like hard I can already tell it's gonna be good reviews by Stephanie oh my gosh mm-hmm Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme are like not even in the same hemisphere I know I'm sorry Duncan I still love you this one has the texture if you guys have ever had a sour cream glazed donut it's really moist it's absolutely delicious mmm all of my pumpkin dreams have come true that's super good the pumpkins really subtle but it's delicious whenever you can hear this using an idea of what the textures like because it's magical in my flannel stamp base to come a forehead mm-hmm Krispy Kreme near you I highly recommend it I know it's a cake donut people hate on cake donuts it's so good though it's not your average cake donut the one at Dunkin would be like what you would think it cake you know it would be like boom done alrighty guys we are back from Krispy Kreme and I wanted to have a few tastes of a few of the things we've got in Walmart before we head to the gym so it is currently 252 Thursday September 27th and I'm gonna put on a plate everything that I'm going to try but you guys saw in Walmart where I picked up a show you oh so soft oh my goodness delicious all right so let's give this pumpkin cake a try it tastes exactly like a coffee cake well coffee cake next is a little pumpkin bite pumpkin pie bite that's the inside of it pumpkin puree with a little bit of whipped cream yeah that's good it's like really pumpkiny I'm so excited for the sugar it's super soft I know this isn't pumpkin but I had to better rock my world now super good I'm impressed just from Walmart a little buttery there's a spot and last but not least I actually saw this on Instagram and I was like what is that white chocolate cinnamon roll Oreo cookie that's so good the white chocolate is super strong if you like white chocolate you'll love that mm-hmm actually loved everything that I had here I didn't want to be too full before I went to the gym so I really wanted to do something special for this video because if you watch my last cheat day it was the day I actually launched my women's specialization program and it was such a huge success if so many people gave me such positive feedback and I'm so proud of it I'd like to give you guys the opportunity to check out the program at the launch price if you happen to just miss the launch price if you use the code basic you can get it for $29.99 and I'll know my fellow foodies out there cuz I know that you came from this video I want to see how many people who like food like to Train too so I know you're out there so go ahead and check it down below but yeah I'm gonna chill for a minute and then we are off to the gym we just finished up our workout and we are inside Publix I'm on the hunt we're a little bit crazy we are on the hunt for some pumpkin cereal I want something good though so I'm gonna be picky this might be this might be the winner there buy one get one free so it'd be like I'd have to get two home in cream cheese cookies oh yeah sure I'll try thank you so much can I have a four piece of the glazed honey barbecue tenders so after Publix in the same parking lot as McDonald's and I remembered the McDonald has a limited edition item I don't know if it's for the fall but I had to give them did they give me more than for two thing it's super heavy I had to try them they are the sweet and spicy of honey barbecue glazed tenders that is a long name dang there's only four but this thing wait one two can I count there's five in here there's definitely five in there how am I gonna get these this thing is heavy maybe it's all the sauce look at this this is gonna be a hot mess gosh sorry that's because this is too good so I guess I'm eating these with my hands because I don't have anything else they look so good they smell amazing so I'm pretty sure these are just their buttermilk tenders just doused in sauce food makes me so happy these are absolute fire oh my god I don't know if I'm gonna finish all these right now but they're still good I was feeling really hungry after the gym so I wanted to get these announced them they might like to Hoss tenders in here and like take a bucket and dump in some sauce because this is like crazy I would try them if I were you I highly recommend them there are some things I would definitely say skip on I probably gave them bad ratings earlier in the video maybe written on the screen this is not one of them who should see how much sauce is in this thing like soup chicken tender soup the box looks like a crime scene [Music] have a box of sauce left cheers to that also really in the mood for a burger I just grabbed a McDouble so it has two patties and cheese and pickles and onions ketchup and mustard does it look like anything special I'm still here for it 7:19 the bun is really stale right here so I'm gonna leave that because it doesn't taste good in Publix I tried one of the pumpkin cheesecake cookies but I want to try the cranberry honey cookies that we got and we're still here for like another five days don't worry ooh honey cranberry cookies I've never had such a thing it's like it runs made Christmas coated in sugar and it's really soft oh this is gonna be good it's like gingerbread so it is very much so like a gingerbread cookie cranberry and is so good I love soft cookies anybody who likes punchy cookies if you like crunchy cookies you should comment because you're an anomaly I can definitely eat a lot more of those than the pumpkin chocolate chip ones they're not as rich but I still want to have one of these it was the one that I tried in a store so it's pumpkin cream cheese cookie I feel like the cream cheese part is just white chocolate and there's chocolate chips and then the base is pumpkin it's also really soft and the inside is super soft [Music] 7:24 it's just a few minutes later and we don't go home now see you home and you guys can probably guess it's time for some cereal before I break into this box I wanted to give this a try so it's just like one single serving I've yet to try this serving I was like birthday cake milk I've heard a lot of hype about this dang this will destroy your mouth I taste good but he's just soaking up a little bit brutal to to chew on mmm I don't know these are stale but they still taste delicious but they're really grungy eating like a whole box of this would like tear up your mouth don't love them because the texture is just really hard to chew okay so we had to move a sitting area because I felt like you couldn't see what was in my bowl and there's no fun if you can't see the food all right we're gonna try out a Red Bull Halloween crunch so I assume it's just Captain Crunch but it's fun and beamed and I just really wanted it it's not pumpkin anything but I could not find something that looks really that good pumpkin and I have plenty of other pumpkin stuff still to eat so looks like Captain Crunch with like oh where are those feet it should I know I know this is my last few day but whatever cheers to the cereal I stand by my position Captain Crunch as long is kind of green sort of cereal still good what's that this is the pumpkin pop-tart all right I actually toasted it in the toaster because pop-tarts are way better toasted I don't know why people don't toast them mm-hmm the publican is super strong mm-hmm if you want something super pumpkin II and get these are my pumpkin stuff all day so the pumpkins whatever kind of dawning on me I'm gonna set for the rest of the year I'm pumpkin mind you like this I'm just gonna have one eye popped both of them but Jeff is having the other one are you mm-hmm I nailed it all right about time to dig into this ice cream it's a limited batch makes me feel kind of special the come on we can sticky buns so I'm gonna plug this right now Jeff and I were talking and he and I both think that it would be really fun if I started a new Instagram just for food I have no idea what I want to call it or what the handle name will be so if I think of something I'll put it on the screen because I took pictures of everything today thinking that I might start a new Instagram with like ratings of the foods that I eat on my cheat days so I think that you guys would like that it let me know the comments down below if you think I should start a new Instagram I want some of these jokes here buttery brown sugar ice cream with pecans sticky bun dough and a cream cheese frosting swirl some promises I actually like this way better and then the one that I tried last time it's very cinnamony very sweet I like this a lot I think that's really good tastes like cookie dough for like a brown sugar cookie they put like the biggest chunks that's good I like this it's so tense it's really rich though it's hard you need a lot of it especially when I'm in eating treats all day like if I was eating like a my normal diet and got into this at night I could easily kill this pint they're still good though I'll put this on hold I'm gonna try some nails it is now 9 16 at night I'm in the mood to have something salty and then something sweet and then maybe I'll wrap it up wrap it up then some of these are not like high calorie or anything we just have these because I eat these I'm on Tuesdays too but I just love them they're super good baked Cheetos gonna eat some of these they look and taste to me like a regular Cheetos so that's really strange thing chips on plate no it was like to cheat days ago that I had sour candy and I was like why don't I always have sour candy on a few days so here we are if you looked interesting to me they are airhead extremes sour fruits rainbow very like this I like it sour candies so good hold a fruit ease even though it's candy it's oddly refreshing after all that pumpkin stuff I know it's time boring but they're really yummy yeah [Applause] everything best chocolate bar neighbor Ritter sport macadamia yeah thank you this better be good nope not that I like all the Germans are gonna rave because that's the chocolate isn't it I'm full I'm done with chocolate I could eat more of that it's been sent that is some good chocolate [Applause] ready for Jeff Kim oh god can I do it flattering they ever not even ever had at all alright shall I go away myself alrighty guys so as you guys saw I'm up 10 pounds which is completely normal I'm actually really used to being up about 10 pounds it's all food and water weight like you guys aren't realizing how much water I'm actually drinking in between every meal food that I'm eating like I'm eating a lot of food and it's heavy food it's all food weight water weight nothing to worry about I will check in with you in the morning I'm always brave enough to throw that bikini back on I will see you tomorrow good night what is going on guys it is the next day and I'm a little bit more awake right now than I normally am the day after a cheat day because it's currently almost 3 p.m. in the afternoon 255 Friday September 28th I was kind of in a big hurry this morning because I had a few things I need to take care of for my mom but I did do my physique update and my way in this morning so I quickly grabbed those clips and then I ran out to run some errands and now I'm back and I'm doing this clip so I will overlay what my weight was which was 120 3.6 pounds I was a little bit watery this morning as I always am my face was particularly a little bit puffy but it looks ok now just when I first woke up it was a little bit puffy I'm just gonna make this really short and I will see you in the next clip so see you then good morning guys so right now it is almost 10 a.m. in the morning it is Sunday September 30th so it's roughly three days after my cheat day and you saw my weight from this morning as you saw my weight is back to normal so my body seems to be running like clockwork because the day after a cheat day is kind of like a crapshoot I have no idea how much I'm really gonna weigh the day after it could be a little it could be a lot it really just depends on how late I ate the night before and like the type of food that I ate like if it was really heavy not really so much about the caloric content but when it's like 2 to 3 days later things always go back to normal you can see that I'm a lot less watery and my physique looks pretty similar to what it did before I did my cheat day I really hope that you enjoy these follow ups I really hope that you enjoyed the video the video I know it's very long but I hope that you enjoyed it nonetheless and that's gonna conclude this video right here I'm gonna put a link to my last cheat day video if you happen to miss it and right here you can subscribe if you haven't subscribed already and I will see you next Saturday by
Channel: Stephanie Buttermore
Views: 2,833,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fitness, physique update, stephanie buttermore, pumpkin, pumpkin spiced latte, starbucks, krispy kreme, dunkin donuts, 10k challenge, 10k calorie challenge, 10000 calorie challenge, cheat meal, cheat day, epic cheat day, girl vs food, donuts, candy, chocolate, junk food, food, fitgirl, mukbang, calorie challenge, food challenge, ice cream, cheatday, mcdonalds, pizza, doughnuts, epic cheat day donuts, cookies, taste test, fast food, pop tarts, cereal, pumpkin spiced, apple fritter
Id: gzPVg70aQag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 57sec (2337 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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