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it has been one year since i started my foodie youtube channel i cannot believe how quickly this year has gone so i thought to celebrate there's only one way i could do that and that's by redoing the 10 000 calorie challenge this is most definitely my most requested video so i hope you guys enjoy it don't forget to give the video a thumbs up if you do and subscribe to my channel if you are new here i'm going to keep this intro really short because it's probably going to be a long one i'm doing the same as i did in my first one and i'm starting at midnight it's currently half past four and i'm doing pretty well i'm dreading my next meal but i'm doing pretty well let's just get on with the video and go back to the early hours of the small year it is friday the 2nd of april and it has just turned midnight as i've done this challenge before i know what my main struggles were and one of them was like chewing so i've picked these which are yogurt peanuts and raisins 499 calories for 100 grams i'm then gonna have one of these biscuit meats cupcakes cherry baker ones these are from m s and again this is crazy 451 calories and they're not even big i've then got a krispy kreme doughnut so there's 100 grams there i'm starting off with these and it is now 13 minutes past [Music] they were really easy to get down i mean it's the first thing i've eaten 499 calories that is crazy right i'm excited to try these i've also got these in a different flavor crunchy biscuit base meats delicious almond sponge topped with jam and buttercream oh my god the smell of this is unreal [Music] i'm now going in for this lotus biscoff oh the white bean commission feels a bit dry and so i'm eating it now i'm not saving it for tomorrow this is not a joke it's 23 minutes past that has taken me 10 minutes i'm at 1347. so i want to get down another 700 calories i'm thinking that's a lot of sweet and i need to go to bed so i mean the sugar's already in me but i think i'm going to go for mix in some normal nuts and yeah so i'm going to do 50 grams of salted roasted peanuts and another 50 grams of these so 50 grams and another 50 grams of them so 100 grams i'm also gonna have a pack of these so that it takes me over 2000 so it is and i'm going to be at 2 2107. [Music] that's made me feel physically sick all those flavors mixed into that bowl she's just giving me the hebrew chives ugh right i'm gonna stop there it's 21 now i do need to have a good sleep to be able to like focus tomorrow and i need to get up early to get in as many hours so i will see you guys in the morning for breakfast no we won't call we won't call anything meals today it is going to drive me mad it's 7 54 on friday the 2nd of april i actually woke up feeling hungry i always find that when i go to bed with a full stomach i woke up hungry and also i slept fine last night i mean i'm so tired at the minute because i just have been non-stop but i thought that because when i've done the 10 000 calorie challenge before and i started at midnight i couldn't sleep that's good news anyway i'm gonna have two croissants one sweet one savory these are from m s and these are 321 calories each if you're thinking about doing the 10 000 calorie challenge spreads and sauces are your best friend i have got lure pack which is really high in calories full fat mayonnaise why the have i got mayonnaiser but yeah still full fat mayonnaise and nutella so i'm going to make these and then i'll tell you the full calories for like the butter and spread and everything just wanted to show you this as well so the croissant when you scan it in comes up at 230 something calories so a lot of the foods don't scan as they say so it's really important that you double check so for example i've had to put 1.5 to make it 321. i am so prepared that when i go to mns i've taken a picture of all the calories on their board because yeah that'd been a lot of calories lost if i didn't take that photo [Music] [Music] this ham and cheese croissant smells amazing let's dig in i'm excited [Music] i'm gonna go warm up this nutella one because eating this after eating the warm one doesn't compare so one minute i'm forever hunching over to getting shots anyway i'm gonna eat this now because it's heated up i've burnt it a little bit but that's fine okay so i finished breakfast i'm gonna run through the calories two croissants is 642 calories then i had 26 grams of lupac which was 184 some ham which was 34 cheese i had 49 grams of cheese which was 204 calories and then i had 20 grams of nutella which was 108. on reflection i should have put more nutella in like a lot more but it's too late now anyway my total this is crazy um at 20 to 8 3280 i can probably eat more but i've got room to break it's still early um i think i'm doing better than when i did it last time because i feel like this was a really smart breakfast anyway i'll catch you guys in a bit just finished building some furniture it is now 10 to 10. i am now going to have a yum nut from m s and i've never had the plain one before and this is 363 calories and then i'm gonna have a cup of tea and attempt to eat three of these i don't even know how big they are i'm assuming not too big because they are 126 calories that will take me up to 4021 probably by about 10 am because it's not going to take me too long to eat a donut and free biscuit so let me just get my tea and eat this these are tiny i should easily be able to do three i'm gonna make that four i'm now at 4147 calories and it's not even 10 a.m i don't know when i watch other people's 10 000 calorie challenge i'm not am i just that greedy i don't know what it is i think i just i'm really competitive i don't want to do this and foul i mean i have done it and failed before when i done the healthy but that was like undesirable food so and actually that left me more bloated than when i actually ate 10 000 calories of food like i see people get to 3 000 calories and they're like there because i could eat more right now but i'm like you're you've you're nearly halfway there and it's 10 a.m it's now 1104 and i'm gonna have some pringles i saw these i don't know what they're going to be like but i just picked them up and then i will weigh everything after to see how much i've eaten i want to get into five i want to get 5 000 calories in before 12 so wish me luck let's just do a quick taste test of these if they're really cheesy i'm not gonna like them [Applause] no they smell good i haven't even had a chance to do my makeup yet so that's great anyway let's eat these [Music] that's made me feel sick i feel like it's that creamy sauce i wanted to eat it with dip this is an easy way to get in calories but that's made me feel sick let's go and weigh these so that i can work out how many calories i've actually eaten okay so i weighed everything with the lids on to make life easier so 100 wow that's actually quite a lot of grams eaten i mean 159 and 146 there's definitely a better way to work this out but but here we are so i'm just going to work out how many grams i've eaten and put it in my fitness pal so i had 74 grams of sour cream and chive 172 68 grams of original 62 grams of the mac and cheese my total is at 5018 and it's half past 11. right it's now 20 to 1 and i haven't eaten anything since that really made me feel sick i'm not gonna lie um and i still haven't got ready i've been like i've been doing loads of washing yeah i need to oh i need to put my bed in on a clothes horse okay be right back i'm not eating just yet sorry about that right back anyway so i've got is this doing date yeah um this is from m s and basically it's just a slab of popcorn and milk chocolate and white chocolate all right what's the color you're saying per 100 grams 4.98 and there's 205 grams so that means a thousand calories for this [Music] i've eaten majority of it but i need a break okay guys i'm gonna power through this next part because it's now ten past one i mean i don't know why i'm coming free once i finish this i'm nearly at like six thousand but i don't want to be eating till midnight if i'm gonna be honest with you like when i don't um i'm wobbling on but but actually let me let me take a minute jesus my ankles are weak let me just take a minute and oh wish real good and actually say a massive thank you to everybody um obviously i'm doing this video celebration of my one year youtube anniversary don't want to get emotional i don't always get emotional every time i talk about a milestone i always get emotional okay great yes i just want to say a massive thank you to everyone for all of your support and love over the past year it's been crazy it's been so fun i have loved every minute i'm so passionate about my channel and about you guys so yeah i do want to say thank you and yeah i'll say i'll save the rest for another time or something but yeah um happy one year to me and i cannot wait to see what happens over the next year exciting times ahead anyway i'm gonna read the rest of this i'm very wary that you can barely see me but i couldn't be bothered to put my coffee table any closer and i didn't want to sit on the floor again because i'm always sitting on the floor my battery's red oh no let's test it and see how long i can film for on red battery died and i can't be bothered to put you back on tripods because i just had to change the battery also to anyone that's new here i've just moved and my sofa doesn't come until the 5th of may hence why i've got garden furniture in my front row it's not very flattering [Music] i'm not going to force myself i know you're probably thinking there's only that much left right but i cannot how many grams is this all right i'm taking 17 grams off all right this may have been a mistake right i'm i'm i'm now not even at 6 000. i've now gone back on dos i'm at five nine sixty i'm gonna go lay down for a bit and then i need to do my makeup oh why did i do that i'm halfway through well caught wherever my anyway i'm just doing my makeup and my mom and dad are coming around earlier than expected so it's i don't really want to film and they're right here helping me do and i really should be helping them too so i need to quickly get some calories in i can quickly get in another thousand well not a thousand but like nearly a thousand so i've got this from m s i don't know how i feel about this i might not actually like it it is a toffee sundae it is 421 calories then i'm also thinking as well my mum and dad will really like to try these so um if i eat the other one now i got a lemon one so and these are 401 calories i'm gonna quickly eat these and i'll give you a calorie update [Music] that was surprisingly easy that toffee sundae thing was delicious um that was from eminence's from eminence everything's reminisce i've taken quite a bit of a break i would say it's now five minutes past three i'm actually losing my patience with that locking on me and i am at 6781 because the only savory thing that i have eaten has been pringles and they made me feel so sick i don't want to eat anything savoury is that weird how is my head not exploding 6781 i need to finish my makeup um so yeah i will get back to you guys in a bit i finally got some makeup on right it's half full i'm not gonna lie i'm really feeling it now like i could happily not eat for the rest of the day another m s bakery item this is caramelized balsamic onion and tomato for culture i'm not even going to try and say that one of these never had it before but it sounded nice and this was this could be a rookie mistake eating bread after i ate those things earlier i felt fine and then it caught up with me whilst i was doing my makeup i was like oh my god i feel sick where is it 438 calories so i'm gonna pop this in the oven warm it up and yeah hopefully it's nice or i won't be eating it um i think i've slightly overdone this but it smells delicious do i think this is gonna be a struggle absolutely am i gonna get on with it absolutely time lapse so this is actually resembling eating a desert right now so i'm gonna get some mayonnaise i've got 20 i've got 22 grams of mayo here which in itself is 142. sent me [Music] it's ten to five and i'm now on so that bread was 438 calories the mayo was 142 so my total now is 7 361. i'm feeling bloated i'm feeling sick feeling tired so i think what i'm going to do now is have a little nap so it feels you know i mean i'll get a new belly because i really don't want to fail like really really really don't want to fail so i tried to nap and i couldn't nap but i feel like i did nap you know when you just lay there for so long anyway i can't remember when i filmed last but it is now it is now 18 26. i am gonna have ice cream and i don't think i've ever had this before i've also got the new ben and jerry's cookie dough sprinkles one but i just feel like this is my me because it's got sauce and stuff in it this is over a thousand calories as well also look at this spoon becky got it for me as a moving in prison it says hannah's ice cream spoon with extra sprinkles i've done a whole tub of this in my first 10 000 calorie challenge so i feel like i should be all right with this we'll see sorry i didn't even say what this is this is vanilla and chocolate ice cream with blondie brownies chocolate brownies and soft salty caramel core and you guys will know i love salted caramel [Music] i honestly can't feel my hand anymore what the hell oh my god it looks like a squishy i can't eat anymore let me have this final bite on the spoon i'd probably say that's half would you i've still got so many hours until the end of the day it's fine i've spoke about this before but some days i'm like i don't want to leave the house and today is one of those days so i was gonna drive to mcdonald's but basically my nearest one is like always a huge queue like always never not a huge kid i don't get any better to go so i think i'm gonna try and have some cereal i've never had these before we've to bits minis now i know we speak minnie's way a lot so that means like they weigh a lot which oh what am i trying to say right that that means that when you pull the ball why am i really struggling though i'm i'm trying to say it but i can't actually think of what i'm saying where's my phone i just got the in and you pour it and you're like oh is that 40 grams it's quite heavy so you need to have a lot right anyway let's just pour some so obviously i can't count the milk therefore this will be like what three oh 300 calories that's not a lot i don't know do you know i can't believe the fact that i'm still sitting on my floor i've actually got a dining room but it's just sitting on the floor with a coffee table like it's just the perfect set up otherwise i've got to get my fat house tripled out so anyway let's eat this [Music] sofia and ginseng genuinely crack me up anyway it's half six seven and i'm at eight thousand one hundred ninety five i don't wanna do any more if i'm gonna be completely honest with you i'm just thinking about everything that i have to eat and everything's making me feel sick that wasn't too bad but it was boring as know what i fancy pick a mix maybe i'll have i'm gonna have some big mix although the thing is i just don't know how to measure the calories for it i'm going to have to like just see what comes up when i put in pigment 100 grams 440 okay guys make that a hundred and fifty you're doing it like a lot [Music] done it so it's now twenty to eight i'm at eight thousand eight hundred and fifty five because in the grand scheme of things 1150 is not a lot i don't know i just don't want it i'm giving up and i hate myself for giving up because i want to i really want to do it and i'm so close but like just the thought of just eating anything else and the fact that like if i was like 500 away and i felt like this i would force myself but i just i physically i'll probably be sick i've i've rested but my tummy is stretched to the max like str i feel like if i laugh too hard now the food would come up i feel delirious that's not that is what i feel like we're delirious so i am ending the day on 8 855 calories i could rat no i'm not doing it i was just gonna say it's eight o'clock like i could not eat anything and then like eat eat 1 200 calories at like 11 but i just don't want to so that's it right i need to stop talking because i need no i just feel like the video is going to be so long but now i'm thinking about i'm not have i even spoke to you guys at all or is it just going to be like that annoying sound that i it's just gonna is it just going to be that annoying music come on just get the out of me i've probably got grease coming out my scale scale skull scale no skull right i'm ending a video here i hope you guys have enjoyed it so sorry i didn't complete the 10 000 it wasn't meant to be so i didn't anyway if you did like it don't forget to give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel if you are new here as always thank you guys so much for watching i will see you in my next one
Channel: Hannah Marling
Views: 137,542
Rating: 4.9340329 out of 5
Keywords: #10000caloriechallenge, girlvsfood, 10000caloriechallenge, 10kcaloriechallenge, epiccheatday, cheatday, food, easter, lockdown, 10000calories, foodie
Id: o04PQzepH4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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