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since the dawn of time humans have continued to push the limits of food consumption in the world of insane eating challenges there stands one challenge that is yet to be conquered one that is yet to be tamed by human hunger the infamous ten thousand calorie challenge graced the Internet in 2013 we saw many try this infamous challenge fail it and have us asking do you even eat bro some who successfully completed the challenge were actually silly enough to single-handedly surpass that and eventually push it to 20,000 30,000 and even 40,000 calories in a single day however there stands only one individual on planet earth stupid enough to actually pursue a number that is almost unfathomable to the human stomach hundred thousand calories this casual dinner tonight pop-tarts are gluten free what is going on folks my friends my family my members of the electric Empire welcome back to another video and more than likely the greatest calorie challenge you will ever see with your own eyes that's a bold statement I know I know but as a person that pretty much made these I feel like I can say that maybe to both oh well three years ago in 2015 I made the infamous 48 thousand calories and 48 hours challenge I follow that up the next year with the fifty thousand calorie challenge and then you all ask yourselves Eric what's next and then I said well I'm gonna do sixty thousand calories in 60 hours and I did 68 thousand calories in that video unfortunately and here we are one year later hungrier than ever and one thing seems to be on your minds more calories 100,000 calories in fact I think probably about that color a lot of people seem to want me to do that so here we are 100,000 calories in 100 hours that's a little over four days of eating a lot of food for time sake I'm going to cut right to the chase here are the rules rule number one this has to be done in 100 hours now 101 hours again that's just over four days now the rule number two liquid calories are allowed but they should be minimized by minimized I mean keeping a minimal I don't really know how else to say that oh look at all the food bar but right now this gets gonna hurt so bad well number three doubles people this is a hundred thousand calories okay that's like how much food yeah that's legitimate like forty days worth of food in just over four days but the average man at least that's a lot of food rules put on your balls here without further ado my friends my family my members of the electric Empire this is the 100 thousand calorie challenge let's do this it's time to go shopping why don't you guys keep telling me Eric Eric Eric the more you do these the more you are destined to be forever alone in forever single as a hoping no one looks in here enough already people so we're gonna go somewhere I've never actually gone before in fact I don't even know what they sell everybody just talks about it I'll let the suspense build now come on guys it's it's an eric the electric video we got to go to Krispy Kreme this is like one of a thousand different fast-food places that I'm gonna be going to so I figured I'd start with the best hi there I'm actually gonna do a dozen of your original glazed please and let's do one apple fritter and one blueberry flip almost a Twitter fritter please and that will do it today thank you if we got a big breakfast at home so we gotta plan accordingly awesome thanks so much have a good day and now we are ready for meal one breakfast of champions people we got big plans for this challenge big big plans but before I really get into the challenge we got to make a little apparel change really quick so slick so slick all right people so here's the thing I've got some goodies at Target and of course I had to go out and get some Krispy Kreme doughnuts and I need it oh my gosh those look well I'm always excited about my Krispy Kreme I'm gonna try to make this video as condensed as possible I'm not trying to make this like the next Titanic I mean I'm probably going to be as big as the Titanic by the end of this but I don't want this video to be like an hour and a half long I mean we got lies I mean I could do that actually but we'll see how this all goes my point is I'm gonna really get into each meal we're gonna we're gonna crust some calories and this challenge people I can't tell you guys what's in everything and all of that but like you know let's just let's just get this out of the way first and foremost that this video is going to be very very intense so that means less talking more eating I guess you guys I know what you want I feel yeah I feel you I do also want to let you guys know that apart in the goodies I got at Target oh my gosh I have so much food I get bagels well people we are a lot of food so all this is I'm planning on consuming all this in the challenge okay planning on it who knows if it will happen or but I'm gonna construct my first meal and we'll get to this challenge alright so this is what we decided on I already don't even have my phone Eric come on prepare prepare prepare okay now normally I would do some sort of home-cooked meal to start things off but let me just say guys I'm not really gonna care about all that today it's more about the fast food the candy and the sugar and the fat and the sodium and everything else do so we want something quick we got cereal we got pop-tarts we got Oreos we got Donuts we got cookie butter which absolutely looks amazing I've got some Nutella grilled peanut butter - that's gonna be coming out way later we've got some fritters Oh so to clarify here my initial plan was to start at 134 I just might have notifications on the phone please it's not a tender notification promise all right so it is 1:30 for May 18th about time you guys see this it's probably gonna be June 5th because I did say that I wanted to post this on June 5th exactly one year after the 60 thousand calorie challenge if my end cap challenge video got I believe 30,000 likes dedication loyalty people all right 100 hours this is all going to be timed on my phone so hopefully all this power of my phone I'll hit the timer this will go for a hundred hours unfortunately I can deal 100 hour timer on my computer which would make no sense anyways so a hundred hours will be over on May 22nd which is a Tuesday that's 5:35 p.m. as of now and I do want to spice this up a little bit I want to make this fun so each meal will hopefully will be named I mean I think it's kind of cool I actually haven't even informed Instagram and snapchat that I'm doing this yet you guys if you haven't yet follow me on Instagram and snapchat at the electric yeah check cool big video guys stay tuned follow me guys do it all right now Instagram is informed are ready to get started I had to get my first calories of the day and there's only like 200 calories in this so beautiful and RIT people at is 140 in the afternoon on Friday May 18th and as soon as I hit start we are ready to begin the 100 thousand calorie too much and here we come about to be one insane challenge let's do this guys this is breakfast but I gotta get to the chocolate first we go strawberry cheesecake chocolate Wow all right Oreo time that looks promising [Music] cookie dough [Music] a Nutella be ready bar whoo it's a broken fortress before us right there but I don't care fire [Music] all right people why I gotta get in contact right now cheers guys you've gotta start making use of this viscom cookie butter spread this stuff is amazing people it's amazing apply generously oh look at that look at that all that is health and fitness right there people in 2018 start off with just trying to keep it on the lower fat see that kind of went out the window [Music] I know what you guys are thinking Eric do something creative and show us the diabolical mastermind that you are my answer is fine I will okay I'm so excited to do this right now you guys have no idea so we have donut right there we have a pop-tart like so by cookie butter generously to pop-tart oh my gosh and then we stack another donut oh my goodness dude look at this look at this I am a genius right now just look at it people just lucky I am a genius man no words no words [Music] I was gonna have to save the milk but I gotta use it right now boom no I gotta move over to this doughnuts finish off the glass business overall minion look at that man is crazy [Music] mr. dance cookie butters down [Music] I walk zero stuff you consume four days we're gonna have many more milk awesome cheers guys [Music] already did worth your good remember this [Music] [Music] well it's safe to say the first meal was done I'm gonna save chocalate for dessert tonight see guys a little bit three and a half hours in was a terrible decision eat that much sugar before the gym but I'm me and I need pizza for I order from this establishment I just want to say that in the past I haven't been a big fan of them but I do have coupons so order for carryout please okay let's do the medium two toppings for $5.99 each first one let's do pepperoni and bacon please what are the crusty of let's do spinach and mushroom please for your wings let's do 14 please I'm gonna do some cheesy bread and then do you guys have garlic bread as well let's do the 32 garlic parmesan breadstick bites please our bread bites whatever they called alright thank you very much let's go get us some pizza you too what does I hate to say this we got to go to the store again what I had to get some stuff for breakfast tomorrow man that is a lot of pizza that's a breakfast for tomorrow that's my Walmart backflipping people we got a lot of food here I was about to get saucy follow me we got two pizzas some wings that this is the Domino's destruction meal we'll put it that way cuz we're naming all the meals I have forgot to name the last one I'm just gonna call that the breakfast sounds cool we have to calories are gonna we got a hit here if we walk up in the talkies take these talkies like you guys have been telling me I need EVPs as I never really got to him but now I train goals this is supposed to be a dare but I have some Twinkies for dessert and depending on how I feel I am going to be making you do it good piece of his trail mix it is about 6:30 I believe I also have some some regular Pepsi right here because of course trying to get our calories in so we can't go diet Powerade horse and of course I'm gonna I know they didn't give me enough they gave me two of things a ranch so I've got more rich everyone this is meal number two 6:39 and almost 5 hours into the 1,000 calendar challenge now everyone it's time to have a little dominoes destruction hopefully this crust is gluten-free fire I have enough this trash need to sauce arises pizza just right what do you guys think are you team Ranch on pizza you better be team Ranch on pizza because we're about to ranch arise this Pizza whoa that is ranch arise right there that's ranch aeration ranch just gets me so excited Pizza number one is down gotta move on to greatness over here before the next pizza here we go [Music] the wings are down you can never get too cheesy Raleigh Chalmers on bites look at that look at that my first ever parmesan plate down Moses redeeming itself I might have to do a supercharged mini short right now when in doubt just ranch it [Music] oh my gosh oh I just spilled Powerade all over me and it's so cold oh it's so cold I have to push through oh my goodness I feel disgusting right now y'all look out with these garlic parmesan bites the bites are all done thankfully now we have the pizza pie this place though actually my first try takis so let's try it out delicious I'm gonna hot either [Music] talkies on pizza the tacky I don't even know how you say it I think you say talkies talk sit down while Domino's has done talkies are done oh my gosh I power it on my head I have some witness we had to go with the og Pringles okay Oh jeepers it was only [Music] these are sent to me by a subscriber loose in Hong Kong I believe chocolate and onion different texture amazing and it just looks like you know there [Applause] do apply well here's the thing people a good way to give calories in is with trail mix another good way to get calories in with skills and cookies so I pick skills because there were my sour skills is where my favorite candy as a kid I want to know down below what we should guys his favorite candy as a kid these look like the things and they have something in the middle of the cookie what do we have here let's see what we have here let's see we have whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] hoodies are done [Music] there's a trellis got almonds in it raisins it's all healthy pretend like you don't see the end homes he's like 300 colors in this entire thing [Music] [Music] McKenna's I'm a went way too hard in the first day because I feel like I have just been literally run over by something large and massive we are six hours into this 100 hour $100,000 challenge my head is telling me I have no idea how many calories are consumed but of course after every single meal I'm gonna be posting them like right there in a sense out of what I just ate to be like right there a lot of the total macros all that dirt over there oh my goodness I just need a shower I hope that tomorrow is just gonna be better than today I can confirm I definitely overshot it on the calories for the first day oh eight hours in and I know I've eaten way too much I've been wanted to move from this bed but I have to 10:02 something to go sweat for a little bit I can smell the fries and hashbrowns and deliciousness from here and I have no idea why I'm wearing this headband cuz I don't it's yesterday but it doesn't matter because it looks cool 23 hours right on the dot that's kind of creepy how that works out like that but bike ride has me feeling refreshed at least kind of refreshed but I still feel like I'm sweating cheese sticks right now or cheese bread was cold hi there uh how you do next still have your 2 / 4 and the griddle okay let me do the 2 4 4 of those please let's go ahead and do the 20 piece chicken McNuggets please I'll do sausage McMuffin with egg please thank you very much that's cute finished chocolates hey cats we got very we got a lot of sweetness people this is Nutella Oh since it's Saturday and this is a lot of sugar again well we got some protein in it too but I'm just gonna call this one the Saturday sugar shop in 13 next day may 19th no I'm not blocking my tinder notifications I don't go on tinder anymore I got one McMuffin Touma griddles a bunch of candy some cereal because I got a got to get my cereal in I'm kind of combining breakfast and lunch because I'm doing this after lunch in breakfast can be all-day lunch can be all day I am the breakfast king so therefore I think breakfast should be all day I have a bunch more sweetness right here and I have an entire four thousand calorie container of Nutella right there I was gonna keep it on the lighter side today because I overshot my goal fiesta bed by a lot we shoulda known that trail mix but I did anyways as usual it's time to get crazy [Music] nuggets time brings me back to the 200 nugget challenge nuggets are down I want to get into one of these cookies right now mrs. fields [Music] peanutbutter cookies I can't believe it took you this long to get to my milk my coffee over here oh man I got special plans for these croissants right here now we take you tella and yes it's pronounced Nutella you guys don't believe me I mean I think I got a thousand comments on my last video with Nutella in it because people seem to still not understand that Nutella pronounced differently here in America this is probably the point where I should actually post like a helpful screenshot so you can all read a little bit oh oh I guess we can say goodbye to the low fat diet yes we can say goodbye to that yeah we take Nutella like so just like that you have a Nutella crystal cross all a my friends yet I know not French don't don't play me in my friends and family that is arts right there [Music] fire [Music] like I can't express to you guys how much of a mastermind I feel like I am right now that even makes sense master [Music] gosh my goal doesn't have to get me tell on the table but I did I just now all over my face perfect the sellers down I was such a bad decision because no I don't want to eat any chocolate like at all I need a wet nap now I think before my sugar tolerance gets the best of me and got got to get to the Cinnamon Toast Crunch right now that's of health and fitness right there I think I've said that already in this video one of the favorites [Music] this is indeed this time to be sure Sean [Music] cinnamon toast crunch has always been my favorite cereal but I want you guys to comment down below what your favorite cereal above all time is cereals am I'm so disgusted with myself we got a baby stuff Risa sticks I have no idea how many flowers I've eaten but you know it's probably a lot bite-sized milk chocolate and peanut butter crispy wafers focus for me yeah we focus for the Reese's mini stick verge of licorice the the phaser I I wasn't aware that phaser was this good I've actually we don't definitely don't get this in America because I definitely can't read that let's finish the cafe latte I'm good at it looks like they took the coffee infused chocolate fruit and nut bar about to get nutty up in here I've never seen a strawberry too fat before but now I have look I broke it oh my god that means so much chocolate that's the best thing I've eaten times sake and because this already has Nutella on it I'm gonna eat this last I'm gonna say this and this in this little mini Mars thingy for dessert tonight for even I'm alive then chocolate oh that has got whole hazelnuts in it dude this is sorcery people this is absolute sorcery goodness could this get any thicker it's almost as thick as me oh my gloob guys realize this is vegan and gluten-free perfect that was a lot of sweetness 221 so I don't know and it took me over 24 hours and officially I don't know how many calories I've consumed but they're gonna be like right share the meal well I can't even talk right now the meal that you just saw is even this like right there people it's time to go to the gym if I can even walk I did change my shirt it's very fitting right now I'm gonna do two burrito please what's the white rice mistaken Allen please let's do it sour cream and corn and cheese chicken it now and then can you put cheese on let's see sorry from you cheese people were back at the belt alright so I'm gonna do the the new mile naked chicken chalupa yeah let's do two two month okay well tomorrow all right let's do one mile than one wild accurate Crunchwrap supreme please three soft tacos please let's finish it off with the Cinnabon delights please everyday Macrina quick looks great alright would you like to donate $1 - how could we charity's better let's do it thank you a thank you alright is that it alright I'm gonna oh gosh this most man this is not gonna feel amazing tomorrow no idea what I'm doing so we got some Taco Bell so Chipotle but it doesn't end there two of my favorite hot pocket flavors okay I mean why are these only 320 calories each my favorite candy of all time Nutter Butter actually it's not a candy it's a cookie oh no I said that but it's gonna finish off these pop-tarts starburst minis I gotta get these hot pockets presentable actually all this presentable but these didn't even prepared first I'm so I'm such a genius I know I know those look promising while the chicken to Musa one burrito two burritos I was struggling to come up with the meal name for this one it's Saturday night with Chipotle and we have talked about where they live mas I usually watch Saturday Night Live on Saturday nights let's make this meal the Saturday night there were 28 hours into this challenge and my friends and family it's time to let loose let's try this out hey is pretty hard to [Music] stop these hot pockets power pockets I think I saw the things on those yeah that is beefy crunch wrap time tomorrow because I'm a little pissed when it comes to spicy two forces are about to collide look at that we're combining Chipotle and Taco Bell together to create one entity of vast food or Americanized Mexican fast food this is truly living moss now we have our Chipotle burritos now my all-time record is I think I did 11 burritos in one sitting rap is the inside look right there chicken with their new peso inside of it yeah I got even more cheese on top of the cheese all right Chipotle's queso is Eric approved I need a little sweetness before I get into these chips over here we've done it people we've combined Taco Bell and Chipotle I need to know down below are you guys team Taco Bell or team Chipotle oh my goodness I was talking to her prepare for that there is cinnamon cream billion these oh my goodness gracious [Music] [Music] water both officially been he has done now never move on to greatness emphasize his Eric sighs 16 times we're getting what that is right now a lot of Nutter butters people look at that bunt another this butter I have to say first poverty is done luckily I have a second we can replenish my glycogen stories [Music] you know it's a lot of people in comment section they're gonna go here oh those look what calories bro those are the same people that are probably gonna comment down below it's only because of how fat I am and still not think of that they do a food challenge or is so freakin weak especially the skinnier but also probably the same people who don't like fast food and it gets gross finally they're also probably the people that comment on my videos and go Eric once you upload a video that's not edited it fig I guess I could make this 100 hour video people just never cease to amaze me [Music] yeah not a bars are done the last entrée for tonight is technically no I'm sorry cinnamon roll pop-tarts if you'd let me scratch on my table those are some cinnamon roll pop-tarts right there people these look good [Music] starburst chocolate these whatever these are oh dude ow why do you guys do that to me then there's some new dots in here my goodness looks sensational but it looks way too freakin hard this is not gonna break Mikey oh my goodness gracious who got nuts in here people [Music] [Music] let's do this omocha the noisette peanut butter dark chocolate candies well those are kind of like a Reese's Pieces [Music] well that's all done where one last chocolate bar left that has apparently got hazelnuts in the ponds oh wow oh wow oh wow I thought I'd take two premium chocolate before it oh wow that's amazing [Music] it's done we're almost at 8:30 hour mark I have no idea how many calories on that right now five before so I'll be listening that like writes me for you know macros and of course the snapshot for the meal no not sure clean up and I'm just gonna hope that taco bows it hurt me really badly tomorrow almost halfway through such a bad decision we talked about last night 9:19 and i fuel like this 10:33 on they wander right today I'm still so full 44 hours in let's see you guys later 106 still Sunday May 20th and that took way too long legitimately feel like my stomach is about to detach for my body it's jack-in-the-box time okay so I'm gonna do the sausage egg and biscuit please egg cheese in biscuit and then the loaded breakfast sandwich please and then let's do a jumbo platter please with I'm gonna do bacon I'll get a side of your mini pancakes please and that will be it can I get some extra syrup with that please awesome that'd be great thank you fast food or and it was just yeah we're not gonna fit a ton right now we got more thank you yeah let me just say that fast food is really not feeling a me right now but I really don't feel like making breakfast that I'm not going to be making breakfast at all in this video yeah I just wanted to get jack-in-the-box because it's my all-time favorite fast food place yes it's actually a thing it's actually one my favorite series birthday cake Oreos why did I get those obviously the real reason I got him I need something to funnel the peanut butter know my mouth with so I got some cinnamon raisin bagels and more candy of course like always I got to get this presentable for Instagram okay what can I say if you guys haven't followed me on Instagram yet go do it because you guys get to see stuff like this first they can cheese how cute mini pancakes there we go breakfast wherever this is sampler mister big bar and that my friends is a complete breakfast wait my third container of cashew milk let me just say everybody that there's a reason why I don't do bread stuff like heavy starch stuff I can go into this in the aftermath video but actually know what if this video gets 50,000 likes I'll do an aftermath video a lot of you like the aftermath videos so if this video gets 50,000 likes I'll do a little aftermath video for you guys assuming I make it through this challenge then you guys will know all the specifics about how all this works in terms like digestion fat gain alright people so it is 150 to 48 hours and you got to get this down this is probably given in my last meal with all like a bunch of bread stuff because bread is to literally just filling me up like crazy rice and grains are even worse for me but I'm not gonna rant any more about that did I start off with breakfast butter first all right so we got the breakfast jumbo breakfast platter with I don't even know guys I'm so delirious right now when it comes to food and there we go that's it that's pretty it's gonna be pretty good now already folks let's do this [Music] I thought just occurred to me okay I forgot how important digestion is forgot to take my shot of apple cider vinegar today that Justin during these guys is important very very important well we're good to go now that is definitely a loaded breakfast sandwich right there we got bacon we got all the essentials people all the essentials including bacon more essentials [Music] guys know I'm team waffle but how to get many pancakes anyways because there are many waffles recipes for you right here birthday cake is always good even in an Oreo [Music] that thought just occurred to me forgot the name of this meal it's the sunday showdown because this is a showdown of sugar if I haven't said it enough already I think I've actually consumed more sugar in this video than anything and that's what the internet looks like right there once we got more nori oh this is be mr. big bar not that you can see it but it says sharing size right there sharing size yeah that's funny I don't really believe in sharing sizes I believe in error sizes I'm burning up Oh guys if you haven't already got to give the video likely to poop today now I gotta get these bad boys down and this is something we peanut butter lovers will know there's nothing in this world like opening up a fresh jar hydrogenated people well just look at it step one take gigantic keeping amount of peanut butter step two apply it to bagel like so step three you see the ultimate crunchiest thing ever like Fitness fitness peanut butter cinnamon raisin bagel mum mouth wide that's end result [Music] and I'm sure you figured this was coming to ya Eric always goes above and beyond always always [Music] I mean since obviously I'm a peanut butter on my bagels type of guy I need to know down below what do you guys put on your bagels let me know down below oh my goodness I'm officially in the peanut butter canola right now and of course the venial a hit this cereal good job Barry just gotta go ahead and get this down if I have enough milk left this is the Nutter Butter cereal don't want to spoil their cereal for time it always wants to focus on my face I am NOT that beautiful in fact I'm not beautiful at all right now actually ever well [Music] I didn't finish all my peanutbutter earlier bottom of the jar left so now the jar is done we have created a monster right here I've never done this before this might be a wo W moment again people I don't even know oh goodness oh goodness oh goodness [Music] that is peanut butter enjoy right there if you are a peanut butter addict and you have not liked this video yet I don't know what you're doing with your life but then again I don't know what I'm doing with mine either wow that's done maybe not hold on no it's done peanut chews Ferrero trucker chunky this is the bourbon pecan pie chocolate I'm so excited about penis sometimes and then this is let me know what this is a table right [Music] oh my goodness gracious that is that is a that is an amazing amazing chocolate bar right there look at that people look at that oh my god whom milk up now I want you to sponsor me hello my goodness oh my goodness fire [Music] just like that the sunday showdown is done I am so hot right now and I feel like I just want to go to sleep I gotta go to the gym tow cars to be like right there 50 hours head I don't know guys I know I don't know how I'm gonna do this it's time to try go to the gym five-thirty oh I feel like a stuffed pig right now Oh 51 hours in and I think it's safe to say that I definitely went way way way too hard at the start of this top 2 3 feelings I'm feeling right now thirst Heat does that feel like I'm burning hot within my body right now in filth we're here at Wendy's let's do one Baconator please okay so can we do one Baconator please and then I'm gonna do a son of a Baconator the Baconator fries will do the 10 piece nuggets please let's do one more Baconator is there any way to add more bacon on that let's do 3 I'm gonna do one medium chocolate frosty please that will do it thank you thanks man gotta get breakfast tomorrow a little bun that's just being in the grocery stores disgusting me bagging it so here we are guys it is currently 716 this is Eric's Eric's dinner I am really feeling it right now it sucks it hurts Lots I feel like a stuffed fish 53 hours in Wendy's has there Baconator right here also got a frosty it's not really actually that frosty anymore to be fair that the Wendy's it's a little bit of a tribal way I got some candy and everything uh yeah and I had some stomach issues so before I really get into this folks this is all for you Cheers so I also decided to get some additional toppings for my bacon eaters with more bacon so can we just guys if you haven't liked the video yet you have to like it now because I'm putting additional bacon on my Baconator with extra bacon oh that is that is officially a bacon aderhold bacon will be over here just in case also got some turnovers at the store I haven't even eaten anything yet and I already taste bacon so this is gonna be the Sunday night bacon fest cheers people now it's even more awesome is a bacon bacon a der partner that is Baker is bacon heist bacon eyes like so my guys we gonna get calories in some [Music] I don't need bacon enough to actually really have a really valid opinion oh that looks sensational that looks like it should be put on the menu oh my goodness please please just take a moment as I was saying people what are you one type of bacon person are you on the crispy bacon person it'll need bacon but I'd never really do [Music] [Music] that is a crime scene of french fries and bacon this bacon goodness [Music] we're gonna fry [Music] my mouth is bleeding oh no we got to get any DS he says cookies which I don't have anything to put on top of like oh oh [Music] and I promise done have chip over there limited-edition strawberries and cream there's a lot of balls of strawberry cream check this out [Music] I have no idea why I got these they sounded good at the story [Music] John Rice's are done they're not just normal peach turnovers darrid sugar and peach turnovers I've never actually had a peach turnover before it's my first time ever having one hopefully it's peachy they're getting more calories guys oh I'm just kidding I wouldn't do that not that crazy you might be thinking yourself Eric are you done yet if I introduced you guys to my friends yeah believe it or not I do actually have friends you what's his name you might be asking me these these Deez Nuts Oh hilarious be here all week on a juice cleanse or something like that [Music] [Music] just like that ladies and gentleman Oh meal five six I don't even know anymore I think it's male 6 it's done 54 hours there's a full count I'm gonna go pretend like bend around Oh oh my gosh I look like death 9:27 good morning there are 67 hours and so bad news guys I'm not feeling good at all in fact last night I was this close to going to the emergency room I woke up with the worst headache in the world and my heart was beating super fast it's done actually a lot of these and I'd like to know that I know my way around this type of stuff but sometimes it gets to do crazy I'm most likely not going to eat today because I still have over a day left but I do want to just get this done I'm definitely gonna be able to go left or go right my bike today the pain went away and I was able to actually get like two hours of sleep I don't know if I can do this that's for 36 I don't think I can do this guy's I really don't think I can do this I have 74 hours left actually almost 75 hours and I feel like my stomach is literally about to detach from my body I'm gonna go to the store and see if being around food makes me hungry again wise man once said go big or go home what I'm about to do is not wise at all hey man you want some food got some candy enjoy it man take care all right god bless just do my part people do my part guys were calling a ultimate American fast food challenge I got some amazing donuts at a local place so we're gonna go there good now folks that is service you cannot get that at Krispy Kreme I Love You Krispy Kreme but you can't do that got the goods it's gonna be a rough night Ben and Jerry's Reese's ton of candy we are 76 hours in it is currently 625 p.m. there is no chance that I'll be eating any sort of savory item in this last meal this is almost like a desert desert I got to get creative though because there's no way I'm be eating all this in full form let's make a final masterpiece with all this let's fix this oh gosh this is gonna be rough [Music] [Music] dang it I forgot I can't fit it in here oh well I guess I don't really even need to cook anything anyways now it's time to make the hard gainers shake no yes good gates I'm also doing this to me [Music] that's quite a special thing oh that is a massive cookie it's apparently like 4,000 calories oh my goodness my hair alright guys so it is officially time to go out this again and try to get all this down I'm looking at all this chocolate over here I'm at the point where I'm I just don't know what I can do I'm gonna try so it's currently 703 77 hours into this but I'm I did this fast but we're going to all that strategy-wise in the aftermath video and just like I said guys if you keep made this far in the video for my sake done these for a while and this is the craziest video I've ever done in my life you guys hopefully will be able to understand that doing things like this is not really attainable for the average person with an average stomach size average stomach capacity so everyone's gonna have an opinion on the internet even if you see this and go man I wish I could do that just don't I'm being very clearance in saying guys that this is not normal and this is only something I do for YouTube and something I do just because it's absolutely crazy and not a lot of people in the world can do it so this is all there came in for fun and now I can really throw it back to the 60 thousand calorie challenge where you know what I got so that's the number 60 you guys remember in the sixty thousand calorie challenge I consumed his gigantic cupcakes for like eight people I want to make a vent of and we've joined forces with teen cookie teams donut and team chocolate team a bunch of different teams hopefully I don't get these backwards like I've done in the past and there we go people out you guys have made it this far in the video since we're doing something crazy we're doing something insane we're doing something electric comment electric down below you guys are still here and you are still with the flow of the video if you guys think I can finish this insane challenge and now to hopefully close off this video we can get to the berserk dessert oh my goodness gracious that is absolutely insane this should not be legal right now can I do one last fitness joke it's fitting this whole cookie cake doughnut sandwich in my mouth peanut butter oh do we lost one I don't even know what I'm saying let's do this guy's Cheers amazing [Music] where am i doing with my life protein shakes good actually this is like a Nutella shake this is just so rich more [Music] great question just looking that is just they all taste the same at this point there's just almost rigor and just chocolate Oh [Music] like dessert pizza talk about fitness I feel like I'm about to go from now to shape looking Johnny Bravo guy to gar fury it's like little cookie pieces in there I don't even know brownie pieces what did I get brownie kick I don't even know what ice cream I got I'm not gonna fish those out better start getting some of this candy though [Music] not sure suppose cheesecake [Music] this is milk chocolate with speculoos speculoos cookie filling inside let's see how this tastes we got some cookie filling on the inside of this oh my gosh Oh without a doubt the hardest thing I've ever taught you to do in my life [Music] see my hands like literally shaking from the sugar at the robots sticker New Gods [Music] [Music] a lot of people hate my complaining but this is just the hardest thing I've ever had to do the protein shake is done actually it's not a protein shake at all and that my friends is all we have left if you guys can see that this has really wreaked havoc on my body we were finishing it anyways [Music] and if I put this by now a mouth and swallow it that will mean that I've done a hundred thousand calories in less than a hundred hours ladies and gentlemen friends and family boys and girls people of the Internet this has been the hundred thousand calorie challenge I have no idea what I just did or what I just put on the internet for you guys but I have never done something this gross and disgusting but also monumental in my entire life total calories it looks like Rachael there for you guys that we consume today actually you know what the snapshots for all the meals will be listed like right all over the screen right now so you guys can see that an official finishing time is 78 hours so we finished at 78 hours in 22 minutes it is 804 right now people I just want to say thank you for taking the time to watch the video and also a huge thank you to everyone who has inspired me over these past four years I've been doing YouTube this is entirely been my hardest video I've ever had to make and I just want to say thank you to everyone that's followed me that supported me and I have formulated my own approach to food challenges and doing crazy stuff so if you guys want to see more of that in the years to come be sure to like the video and let me know down below finally if you liked the video hit that notification bell right next to subscribe so you get all future notifications whenever a video is uploaded and most importantly follow me on my social media Facebook snapchat Twitter Instagram you know the truth thanks to give Washington everybody go ride a bike [Music] [Music]
Channel: ErikTheElectric
Views: 18,089,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheat day, epic cheat day, 10k calorie challenge, ErikTheElectric, ErikTheElectric Calorie Challenge, 100k, 100000 Calories, 100000 Calorie Challenge, 100k challenge, 10000 Calorie Challenge, Food Challenge, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Krispy Kreme, Chipotle, Wendys, American Fast Food, American Food, ErikTheElectric 2018, Fast Food Challenge, The 100000 Calorie Challenge, 100k Challenge
Id: OSK4fPC966s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 31sec (3511 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 05 2018
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