We Ate Everything We Wanted for 1 Day (Fantasy Fit Couple’s Cheat Day)

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(Stephanie) Okay.. (Jeff) Have you done this before? What's going on guys and welcome to the video so you guys read the title, right It is going to be a couples cheat day today because Jeff is going to be joining me today He usually comes along and he eats with me, but he doesn't ever do a full-on cheat day. So this is be This will be his first one. Gonna...gonna pop that cheat day cherry. I'm gonna show him how to do a cheat day right, and the first thing we are getting Donuts, of course But first I wanted to show you guys that we actually both did a physique update this morning So I will roll what we are both looking like We both actually did weigh in so you'll see our starting weight and then we'll both weigh in tonight and then we'll do a Physique update tomorrow morning for you guys and I will continue to do them for the next couple of days (Steph) But I'll let you off the hook. Maybe he'll just do one tomorrow or something like that. First stop: doughnuts. (Jeff) Let's go It's a big day. For the past few weeks, I did like a little mini cut (Steph) you'll probably have noticed that my weight is a little bit lighter than it normally is - (Jeff) that she's shredded and Jeff has also been cutting so we hungry Ooo the hot and ready sign is on! All right you guys so we got the goods. We are going to have the hot glazed ones first in the car while they're still hot and then we'll go ahead and bring them home and have the rest of them there We are amateurs because we did not get napkins (Steph) First bite of the day a hot glazed doughnut is a 10 out of 10. It's so good -(Jeff) quick 10, just like that (Steph)What you think of it hot? (Jeff) It's good. Hot glazed, always delicious, always amazing. I can't wait to eat the rest of them. But before we go home, one more stop Game time, you hungry? So since I forgot to tell you in the intro January 15th actually have like the worst background ever for you to see the date and time. I took this picture in the car I'm using it as the background you guys believe me. Okay, so Krispy Kreme, let's get it We got the limited-edition cheat sweet doughnuts, which are a few of these chocolate ones I believe. I want to start with one of the limited edition ones. (Jeff) Yeah, I'm doing the raspberry for sure. This is the best It's the goat. I actually don't know what these donuts are. They just look like chocolate. (Jeff) Cheers (Steph)Cheers looks like some sort of Oreo crumble and the Actual donut is fried, but it's chocolate. That's different. It's not like a cake donut. Let's see That's good This is cookies cream for sure Mmm, thats oreo. The inside filling there is like a cookies and cream filling (Jeff) Let's see if I can do this God, the raspberry is so good So I mostly want to try all of them first because I also have Donuts from Dunkin' so I'm not gonna eat the whole thing. Then I also want Jeff to try them too So I don't want to eat all of everything. (Jeff) Krispy Kremes my favorite. They're so good This is another one of the limited edition Donuts. No clue what it is. We gon' find out There's like a chocolate cream filling and thick chocolate icing on top So good Want some of mine? I have one I'm going to do the raspberry filled, the og. What's the (Jeff) What's the proper etiquette for sticky fingers? (Steph) A combination of licking and napkins So I have the raspberry filled. you guys know, this is a favorite. It's been a while It's the best I'm telling you man. Oh my god as much as I loved those first two, this one's better What should I try next? I wanted this one too, right? Mhm, mhm It's a chocolate ice with the cream like the Krispy Kreme filling. Yeah Mmm That's pretty good. It's like a whip, a whip cream. I am going to do the strawberry frosted with sprinkles So the strawberry frosted from Dunkin Donuts is actually my favorite Dunkin Dunkin Donuts. I kinda wanna have them back to back and compare Mmm They're actually really different The Krispy Kreme one is way sweeter. These are the donuts we got from Dunkin' by the way, they look amazing So this is the Dunkin' version, they have their DD sprinkles. I like the frosting from Dunkin' so much better. I like the dough from Krispy Kreme, cuz it's so much softer This one's like fluffier, but - I kinda wanna try them both now. Mhm They're really different. See, I love the texture of Krispy Kreme. The textures are so different but the frosting is better Ooo They're actually pretty comparable. They're both good. They're both good though. Hmm I got me a lemon filled, nothing too exciting, but I love lemony things Mm-hmm. Are you guys team chocolate or team fruit? But I love chocolate, it's hard It's hard to choose and Krispy Kremes cake donuts are good, they're never dry The blueberry cake donut I like this one. This is like an OG one Mmm, do you wanna try like the raspberry with the chocolate? Yep Probably different with chocolate icing. Oh wow, super different. Do you like it? Still really similar to that one But it's just the chocolate gives it a totally different flavor Yeah, so it's like they're raspberry filled, but it has chocolate icing on it, so it probably gives it a totally different taste Yeah, gonna try Mm-hmm same thing, but dough is actually made of chocolate These chocolate doughnuts are so unique. It's like a chocolate muffin or something. Oh wow, I think I like the original the best. Oh, yeah originals best. Gonna have some of these from Dunkin' the caramel chocoholic It's a cake doughnut and Dunkin' is not the best with cake donuts. They're usually really dry It's not dry, not bad very good like Chocolate caramel flavor try. I want to try this one, what is this? Oh, it's um, jelly-filled. It's strawberry apple. Give it a shot I'm gonna do apple fritter That's your favorite. I know, it's been a while since I've had one Holy crap! It's a giant apple fritter It's so good, I don't see any filling on this one. Sometimes they're filled, sometimes they're not. This is like their cinnamon spice donut Apple fritter is actually really good. It usually has filling, it has this filling from this doughnut - the apple pie filling That might be my favorite, honestly. More than the raspberry?! Maybe yeah. Okay, Boston Creme. Tim Horton's does a good Bostom Creme, just saying That's actually so good. It's not bad It's good. Wow, the chocolate on that's really good. I'm gonna have a couple more bites. So today it's not a competition Ehh, maybe not for you. Friendly competition. So far he's hanging with me. You just like inhaled these things Before we get something savory though, I have carrot cake Oreos! Carrot cake is my favorite kind of cake. Look at them in all their glory They're pretty good, they're not as good as the apple pie ones, nope. They have the spice They have like the cream cheese frosting flavor. They're almost too spiced. Let's see what you got I think they're really good. Oh yeah? I love that cream cheese filling, they're so good. If you haven't tried these yet you are missing out What's so good about these is that the white chocolate like the coating is nice and thick Thats so good I love those. I'm still kinda hungry, I want to have a few more bites of doughnuts. Do your thing, I'm gonna lie back He's not used to the sugar Don't wanna get too full. Round two You hungry? And we wait. That's health in a glass. Speaking of healthy. He's trying to detox after the donuts I need a donut detox guys Blueberry and kale juice or something - tonic. I'll show you what we get when we get it so here we have a some sort of egg white and chicken black bean and Quinoa plus avocado burrito and then a full of fruit on the side So I got a chicken basil and pesto quinoa power bowl Good? It looks really good. That's so good. There it is, that avocado looks so good and the cheese I wanna try yours. I would say try from the fresh one. You have try mine too - yep It's pretty good, eh? That's super good yeah, yeah. If you come to first watch, get this, this is so good That too Making excuses already, I just started. Mine is basically empty Not too full probably could eat more sweet stuff, to be honest, but it was delicious We're gonna wait for Jeff to finish and then see you back at the house Look behind you Should we get it? So it is currently 1:20 in the afternoon and we have been back from first watch for a little while And of course, you guys know me, getting a little hungry. Before we go to the gym gonna have some goodies I've officially become a food hoarder because I have a food page if you guys don't know that I have a food page you're sleeping I have some pop-tarts in the toaster right now and they are the sugar cookie pop-tarts I've never had them before but I know that they're bombs, so I'm excited to give them a try I am team put them in the toaster. What should I try first? I have.. oo, those! I'm gonna try those first They smell like fresh made sugar cookies, oh my goodness. Oh my god If you can imagine like Pillsbury Doughboy sugar cookies straight out of the oven. That's what they smell like Mmm and that is exactly what they taste like. Thats the best poptart I've ever had. Really? Mmm, he's about to smash the snow globe. Oh, it's in a snow globe! All right, let's check it Good, right? Try this. Oh wow it's so soft. Mm-hmm Mmm! See! I just got recruited. Mm-hmm. It is actually better hot. To be honest, I win! You're onto something. I found these at Target: maple almond butter Snickers. There's four small pieces in here Mmmm It's really good. It almost doesn't even taste like a Snickers The almond makes it just tastes like a totally different kind of candy bar. I think it's good But I think I like the original Snickers better. I like it though. My English followers told me to give this a try and I found this at a Walmart in Canada So I'm excited to try it actually forgot what it even is. It's kind of messed up, but oh well, probably still good It got destroyed, probably in my luggage. It's contraband Mmmm I was not expecting that at all. There's like rice krispies in it. That's good. You can see here There's like rice krispie bits, marshmallow nougat, and chocolate 4:25 Oh Henry! Oh, there's no chocolate. This looks exactly like a payday. Crunchy peanuts wrapped around chewy caramel Mm-hmm. I like that. That's really good. This is just chewy caramel and roasted peanuts. So they have like a really nutty flavor What's next? I have a feeling it's gonna taste just like peppermint bark, but I love peppermint bark, so So all those red dots they're actually sprinkles so they give like a crunch when you bite into it. Mm-hmm, I like that I love white chocolate though. I've been dying to try these. Godiva limited edition birthday cake truffles Ooo, you guys know how I feel about white chocolates. You know I'm all about it Hmm Has a really creamy filling very very good birthday cake flavor. The filling is like frosting Mmm, I really like that Mmm, Godiva has such good white chocolate. Next is this KitKat caramel burst and sea salt explosion Hmm tastes like a caramel KitKat I still like it though. I don't know if this is new or not. And this is Snickers peanut butter This tastes like a Snickers Mm-hmm, it tastes exactly as if a Snickers and a Reese's Cup had a baby. That's exactly what this tastes like Mm-hmm, if you've ever wanted Snickers and Reese's to collaborate, it's this bar right here Okay, so I think that's everything I wanted to try. I'm actually gonna eat some this other pop-tart, it's still pretty warm This is one of the other ones that I popped Mm-hmm. This was definitely a highlight of this cheat day. This is one of the best things I've had today So it's 1:38 and Jeff and I are going to go to the gym shortly He's trying to get up a video and then we're gonna get something good after that. So I'll see you then Where are we going? Happiest place on Earth, Disney World. Second best happiest place on Earth, Publix Oh boy! This is for me right here. This is to Jeff, as donuts are to Stephanie. It's whatever I want, right? Yep. Aww yeah! I'm definitely having some Popcorn chicken. Mac and cheese All right 4:46 January 15th, it is time to eat. You have to duck a little bit. You have to throw your posture out the window on a cheat day. We have every - every sauce in the world. Go ahead Chicken tenders, popcorn chicken. These are the best chicken tenders in the world - non-negotiable Mmm! The batter is amazing This is how you do it. Buffalo sauce Buffalo is good too. Mhmm I'm actually gonna have a little bit of this mac and cheese My hair is gonna get in all the sauce. My hair has literally been in very dark and deep places I'm gonna try some of these Mmm, the mac and cheese is good Good, it's good after having a lot of sweet stuff today. Sweet stuff, is my jam. You like everything. I like food in general Damn! This is so good. I'm gonna have to bleep that out What part? Damn! No you're allowed to say damn on here The most commonly asked question I got on my Instagram post that I posted today announcing I was having a cheat day with Jeff, because I said I took a break from doing some cheat days Because I was doing a little bit of a cut I haven't had a cheat day in like two months. So I know that's gonna be a commonly asked question It's been two months since I've had one. I'm coming back, coming back strong first cheat day of 2019 So this was not really supposed to be my meal I'm just I got it on this. So I don't wanna eat too much because I have pizza coming Quarter of a pound of that and I've had two tenders so just so I can track it for you guys Mm-hmm, and then I'm gonna say this is a half a cup of mac and cheese and I've had, you know Just like a little bit of it I haven't, I haven't had that much today so this might go into the later hours of the night He's a nighttime snacker, so I might be eating a little bit later than I normally do which will be fun for you guys. True underdog story Is he gonna make it come back? You guys have to watch to the end to see. No, you'll see. It'll be the underdog story of the century Well, it might just have to happen Im gonna stop there, I have pizza coming My Pizza Hut status: We're making your order, they better hurry up. Oh! pizzas on the way Are you ready for that right now? Yeah! What's it look like? Okay, now it's my time to shine. I wasn't even supposed to eat any of yours Oh my god, smells amazing! So it's now 5:11. This is literally, in case you don't know, this is right after we just finished eating Yeah, we just finish eating and that was just a little snack. Barbecue chicken pizza, got stuffed crust Yeah, buddy. Let's see if this one is as good as the one in uh Let me actually, like. We should prop up the.. you're totally right. I'm hungry I don't know if that's gonna work babe, okay This is so good. I gotta take a bite of the butt My battery - timeout, okay, we're back. All I've had is just a few bites. Looks so funny, it''s like one big bite out of the crust and then Yeah Mmm, this is so good Clutch, wanna dip? And the stuffed crust makes it.. the crust is like the best part Slice number two Puts in perspective how fast I eat I'm glad I can be the standard. He's on his first one. That's crazy You do eat fast. You know the messed up thing is I'm actually trying to eat faster than I normally would, for sure I'm literally trying to like eat faster so I don't take forever, like on camera Number three I'm trying to compete After Cheesecake Factory That's what I've probably been craving the most, to be honest with you. And this is a large pizza, so these are large slices I'm gonna stop there - three slices. It was so good. Jeff had one slice. Thank you for joining me on it 5:27 and if we gon' get some cheesecake, let's get it Okay, so before we get cheesecake, I know we've been talking about cheesecake all day, I got changed after the pizza Those were my gym clothes before and it is now 6:25 But I had a girl who follows me on YouTube. Her name is Robin and she sent me the most amazing Looking cookies. So huge shout out to Robin. These are ginormous Cookies you actually wrote out the calories for me. These are almost like a thousand calories apiece So I'm trying to decide which one I should have. Cookie butter snickerdoodle, double chocolate caramel, chocolate peppermint bark, walnut Nutella, White chocolate cranberry - that, that's calling me. I'm a white chocolate lover maybe you pick one and I pick one and we both try them I think you should do the white chocolate cranberry. Oh, yeah? Yeah. I think you'll like that one. So I'm gonna go heat it up, I'll be right back Looks like a scoop of ice cream. This is what dreams are made of, wow Wow That Tastes like a thousand calories. That is so good. It kinda tastes like cookie dough. I really cooked, it's really hot It has that really homemade cookie taste Oo, hot This is amazing. Yeah, kinda wanna try it Hmm try that half because I'm gonna track this as a half. Let's see what ya got Holy cow. It's good, eh? It does taste like a thousand calories! Uh huh So I ate half of that. That one bite was like 100 calories. Worth it. Okay, cheesecake? Sure Oo yeah buddy! And there's big chunks of strawberry in it, oh my goodness I got a little bit hungry when we went. Cheesecake Factory is far, it's like a good 20-minute drive. So I stopped at PDQ If you're not familiar, PDQ is like a fancy fast-food joint that has mostly chicken but I got a cheeseburger and some french fries and a strawberry shake which I already tried in the car and it is Amazing. I tried some of the fries in the car too - they are very solid. Seasoned, delicious, money. I was gonna have my burger first It's a little bit smaller than I thought it was gonna be. It has PDQ sauce on it, which who knows what that is I checked all the boxes Burger, pizza. Jeff is a little bit full so he's gonna chill for a bit I guess it took him to actually have to do one of these cheat days with me to really know like How much I eat. And you don't notice it too - cuz it comes so effortlessly for you. Right right. It's just gone before you know it Mmmmm. That's a good burger. That PDQ sauce is so good It is good - isn't that sauce good? All gone. These fries are really good - seasoned and delicious. I wanted to dip some of these fries in this strawberry malt shake. Give it a try Pretty good, this is one of the best milkshakes I've ever had Now for some cheesecake It is currently 8:40 at night and I just helped myself to about a third of a serving of all three of the cheesecakes that we got Ooh, baby I thought it would be easier for me to track and I wanted some of everything. That feels so heavy I want to get a nice bite. Lemon raspberry was obviously my choice, I love the fruity things I kind of butchered it but it still looks amazing to me *experiences real happiness* That's so good! That's delicious, it's like two of my favorite things: lemon and raspberry. It's like a cake I wasn't expecting that thought I was gonna be like a full-on cheesecake, but it's like a lemon raspberry shortcake Mmmm. That's so good. And just like that a third of a slice of cheesecake is gone. Peanut butter has some of the raspberry on there Mmm, yum If you're a Reese's fan, that would be totally your jam. Tastes like Reese's in a cheesecake My god, theres a whole candy bar in that thing. I'll have a bite of this cookie dough It's so rich but it's so good. I'm gonna take a little break, I didn't finish those two feeling a little bit full I missed that what was your what was your top top one? Feel mine. Mine's all right here Alright, what was your number one? Lemon Raspberry. I'm gonna save that one for last actually feel pretty good now True underdog story you eat the whole last order. What do you think the whole thing? Oh, yeah. This is my favorite This is my favorite thing at Cheesecake Factory Go, Jeff, Go! I'm rootin for you. I'm so proud of you. You should save some room to try the others. I'll get to them Im gonna eat that with that one. That is very rich, yeah. Yeah, that icing is crazy. That was the first time I've ever had that one Love that one, but maybe not after after after cookie dough Really? It's really refreshing Yeah, if you like fruity things then the lemon raspberry one is so good. You have to eat it like this So they can see It's not fun if they can't see the food So on the screen We will put the winner of today's challenge. You might have come through at the end. Guess we'll find out. It's time to weigh Oh, it's not over till it's over right? It's not over until the fat lady steps on the scale. January 15th, 10:00 at night. Okay, Okay. Moment of truth Do the thumbnail But this is not the end of the video this is not all she wrote unfortunately you forgot it follow up I'll see you in the morning. Good night Good morning guys. So today as we saw is Thursday the 17th and it is two days past my cheat day I will put my weight up on the screen right now You'll see that my weight has gone back to my pre-cheat weight and that was actually surprising I thought I was gonna take me like three days because I did go pretty ham this cheat day I did do like over 10,000 calories as you guys saw that is what I'm looking like I really hope that you guys enjoyed this couples cheat day I really hope that it was a lot of fun for you guys that made it this fart If you made it this far you guys are the real MVPs I know that you guys like my follow-up so I keep doing them I love you guys so much and I will see you in the next one muah Bye!
Channel: Stephanie Buttermore
Views: 5,238,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fitness, physique, stephanie buttermore, 10k challenge, 10k calorie challenge, 10000 calorie challenge, cheat meal, cheat day, epic cheat day, girl vs food, donuts, junk food, food, fitgirl, mukbang, calorie challenge, donuts challenge, food challenge, pizza, doughnuts, epic cheat day donuts, cookies, taste test, food review, donut taste test, food critic, JEFF NIPPARD, MAN VS FOOD, PIZZA HUT, krispy kreme, dunkin donuts, CHEESECAKE, cheesecake factory, post cheat day weight gain
Id: y1wNfhmHMSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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