FULL CHEAT DAY!! 300K Celebration (7,800 calories!)

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hi guys and welcome back to my channel for today's video we are celebrating at me hitting three hundred thousand subscribers which is legitimately insane to me I just wanted to say thank you everyone who has subscribed to me and watches my videos and is watching this video you guys are just the best and I appreciate every single one of you so much I would not be here without your views obviously so just thank you so much because I hit 300 subscribers we are doing a cheat day because I feel like the number one comment I've been getting is people asking me what I'm gonna be doing another cheat day and today is the day my friends so I'm gonna be doing it like I do my normal cheat days where I copy what Stephanie butter more does and I'm not going to be counting my calories throughout the day I'm just gonna be eating until I feel reasonably full and then when I edit I'm going to go back and count the amount of calories that I ate so we can kind of see like how much it takes to actually fill me up because I can eat a lot I don't know exactly what I'm gonna eat today but I do have some things that I have planned out that I for sure want to eat so we're gonna kind of see where the day takes us and to begin today because like I said we're celebrating at 300,000 subscribers I'm gonna have cake for breakfast so my wonderful sister who if you've watched my videos before you probably know who she is she is an insane Baker and she made me this wonderful 300,000 subscribers cake I'm so excited to eat this she made it funfetti flavored or like birthday cake flavored because it's a celebration so and then I has like sprinkles on top and she made it drip down the side and it just is decorated beautifully like I almost don't want to eat it but we're gonna cut a slice right now because let's just get this cheat day started you know what I'm saying I want to cut it so you guys can see it right here I'm gonna stand up I think this is so heavy yay it looks so pretty with the insider oh my gosh so I might eat more than this I honestly don't know it depends on how full I get but let's just take our first bite dude that is so good the buttercream is amazing and it's cold like I said in my most recent Tastykake video and like when my cake is cold because then the frosting is really cold and then it's hard so this is just divine right now [Music] [Music] and then it's just flavored water I've been using these little like meow drop so you can give them at the store so that's why it's orange it's just like literally water flavor it just helps me drink more water because I suck at drinking water hmm [Music] like I mean honestly really strangely [Music] [Music] you believe I wax this almost done and it's been like eight minutes [Music] [Music] she knows I liked frosty so she put so much on there but I just finished all the cake without finishing on the frost scene which religion never happens to me so I'm so hungry but it's literally only like 8:45 right now so I don't like totally destroyed myself before I have like all the other stuff that I want to try today so I'm gonna have a little bit more though cuz it's so good but I just like can't not have a little bit more I suck at cutting cake dude this is like pathetic I just cannot get over how pretty the inside looks dude like I can't mmm [Music] [Music] her last piece of the cake because once again there's so much frosting that I'm finishing the cake before I finish the frosting so like I said this is all frosting which I'm not gonna eat since I'm kind of getting sugared out I just don't want to get ahead of myself before I actually like get into the rest of the stuff that I'm gonna eat today it's such a good thing to start off the day with Sara I know you're watching thank you so much I've already thanked you but thank you so much for making me this so I am on my way to the gym now to actually meet Sara we're gonna go work out together so I will see you guys in about two hours I'm really excited I know what I want to get next and I'm really excited to try it so I will just see you guys then so I just had the most probably intense workout of my entire life at the gym I don't know if it was the cake or if it was just the workout but I genuinely felt like I was gonna throw up so it's a good one it's definitely painful but if you're interested in it I'm gonna post it I worked out with Sara so I'm gonna post it on my Fitness Instagram so I'll top up the name on the screen if you want to go check that out but yeah that was [ __ ] hard but I worked up quite an appetite now because that was very hard like I said so now I'm hungry and the next thing I'm gonna get is sonic because I really wanted to try their new cookie dough blast because it just looks amazing so that's what we're gonna go right now I've never been to Sonic before so I think I'm gonna get some of their food but then the main reason why I'm going is cuz I want their cookie dough thing so let's go I think it's like 10 minutes from here so I'll be there very shortly so I see that there little windows you can drive up to but I honestly don't know how that works so we are just going to go through the drive through this could I please get one footlong quarter-pound pony could I get one double cheeseburger and then could I also get the new cookie dough glass the large size just extra cookie dough in it okay yeah that's fine okay so I guess they're unfortunately out of the cookie dough that they put on top like if you've seen photos of the new cookie dough blasts they usually put a scoop of it on top and I guess they don't have any more of that so she said she just gonna put more cookie dough in it which I can't complain about so I'm technically not taste testing the og cookie dough blast but I am tasting an extra cookie dough blast so I'll have to see how that is okay thank you okay so let's just get started on eating stuff okay so I'm actually gonna try the cookie dough blast first I'm so excited oh my god I've been on such an ice cream kick lately that I just cannot wait for this so yeah you can see it doesn't have that big scoop of cookie dough on there but it does have a whole bunch of cookie dough on there though so she hooked it up oh my god there's so much cookie down here yes oh my God look you can see all the cookie dough like right here I'm a little show so much look how bad oh my god she gave me so much cookie dough I'm so excited look mmm this is so good it's exactly what it looks like if you imagine vanilla ice cream or like yeah it's pretty much like ice cream with cookie on it but like way more cuz you know than you get at the store wow that's just freakin entirely cookie though right there so now I want to try their double cheeseburger which I don't even know I've never heard if they're good or not I was like can I wanted one okay if I don't like tomatoes so I'm gonna take out my tomato actually love that hmm Wow this is legit so good like I don't know if it's just hitting the spot like I don't know if these are normally that good but this is like really good I wasn't planning to eat this whole thing but I think I might that was obviously way better than I was expecting I haven't really been reading that stuff today huh I guess I'll right now the cake 9 the cookie dough blast seven and a half then the burger was another nine so we solve one more thing to try and it is the iconic quarter pounder the iconic I can't remember its name but it's basically their chili cheese dog I've wanted to eat these first so long like I've wanted to try this for so long and surprisingly like I still like the burger more like a lot more this is a good though but it's just like not as satisfied as I thought it was gonna be [Music] now the burger on the other hand was super satisfied I would say this is like a seven maybe a six and a half and I because I'm like I'm kind of getting photos I can't really judge it fairly mmm I said one more bite of it though because that bite looks good um so I'm actually super full now the burger just hit me like a ton of bricks so now I think I'm about to go home and shower and maybe lay down for a bit I know Sarah and I were gonna go on a walk later so I'm gonna lay down and then probably be out what time is it now it's like 1:00 okay yeah so I'll probably be out in a couple hours or so um I think I know what I want to get next but I'm not a hundred percent sure but I will just see you guys next time that I'm gonna eat something hey guys so it's now 350 I know I haven't showed you that I'm a single time today but I know and I chilled for a hot minute at home and I'm finally my appetite is back now and we are gonna go get something sweet because I was gonna say I haven't had many sweets today but that would be like I just really want a cinnamon roll right now so guess where we're gonna go [ __ ] we're going to Cinnabon so I totally forgot that it's actually at the mall I don't know I mean I feel like every cent of month the mall but I just forgot and this mall is the mall that I used to go to all the time when I was in high school and but old school so I just really hope I don't see someone I know I'm not gonna bring my camera with me because if I do see someone I know and I do know that I film YouTube videos and then I have my camera with me oh that's asking for an unwanted conversation so I will just leave my camera here they'll get the role I successfully got my Cinnabon I moved my car so I could have better lighting I think I hope this is better lighting so this is what it looks like it doesn't look so the last time that I had Cinnabon was in my 10k calorie talen j-- and that was over a year ago so I haven't had Cinnabon and forever and it doesn't look as frosting II doesn't look like azzam as much frosting as I remember it but I guess I'll just have to see if it tastes the same or what it tastes like I mean I'm excited but I feel like even though there's not as much frosting it's still gonna be so good like my mouth is watering right now oh my god okay just pick it up take a bite [Music] dude I truly think but Cinnabon has the best salmon rolls like in the world I don't know how you can beat this like I just watch this man oh my god I just watched this man pull a carrot out of his front pocket you know when guys like have work pockets or work shirts he pulled a full-on carrot out of his pocket now he's munching on it ah I can't believe I just look as bad anyways that's so messy but so freakin good I suppose my favorite [Music] I don't even have much to say right now sorry this is where just me eating I've just been like munch on this and not talking back you can see like the back of the roll how about focus focusing but like it's so buttery right there mmm oh my god it's like running down my hand hey lost by it so that was amazing even though I'm like not super hungry that was really easy to eat I don't know it was super easy my 10k challenge - I don't know how people like get sick of those I feel like I could eat a box of six and make it would be no problem um that was my cinnamon roll escapade for today so now I'm about to go meet Sarah we're gonna go on a walk but the key to these cheat days my friends if you're struggling to put away more food just go on a walk it does wonders so we're gonna go on a walk and then I think she's gonna accompany me on my next stop which I have a feeling I know where I want to go but my mind might change so I don't want to say it on camera and then like not go there so I will just see you guys when I get there hey guys so I technically lied because Sarah is not with me yet we did just go on a walk and I promise she will make an appearance later but she had to go to the grocery store and they were about to close and so she is just not here right now but on the plus side I am on my way to go get something else to eat because our walk it worked guys I'm telling you and I'm hungry again to eat after eating the burger from Sonic I am in the mood for something savory again so I was gonna go to Costco I really wanted to get Costco pizza but it's 7:30 right now and they close at 8:00 and it takes like 20 minutes to get there and so I just I don't think I would have made it in time so instead I decided that I wanted to go to Jersey Mike's because for one I just did that Tastykake video where I tried all the Tastykake stuff and apparently Jersey Mike's sounds tasty cake so I'm going to check that out hopefully I don't know if they sell them actually in Washington but I got a comment for someone I forget who it was I'm sorry but they said I can get tasty cakes in Jersey Mike's so I'm gonna see if I get some of that and then I also I'm going to get obviously a sandwich because I'm in the mood for something savory okay so I just got back from Jersey Mike's and they did have these so I just got the butterscotch krimpet because that was one of my favorites they only had those krimpets they had the peanut butter candy cakes and then they had what else they had one other clearly wasn't important enough for me to remember so some Nate my name is first before I get to my sandwich I wonder if this one will taste like marshmallow too because it's supposed to be butterscotch you see but I swear last time it tasted like marshmallow yep it tastes like I'm legit eating a huge ice marshmallow okay so now oh my gosh that smells so good so this is their Chipotle cheesesteak so it's number 43 if you want to get it just look the best to me like out of all the stuff they had on their menu so I think what they said is that they added to proclaim a oh I could be wrong but they're just something so satisfying we got really loud all of a sudden oh it's a bunch of kids it looks like they went to the movies and their mom's driving them all that so cute um so anyways well go with saying there's something so satisfying about a hot sandwich for some reason like I don't know I would say this is like mmm eight and a half out of ten yeah it's really good finding out about this stuff is gonna be dangerous because usually my other cheat days like obviously I can't fit a huge cinnamon roll into my macros but I give like no this has meat in it I could fit it in my macros even though I can't and I'll just try to eat it here first off you can see the steam rising off of it and then hopefully you'll be able to see like how much sauce there is on it which is what makes it so good it's like dripping all over me though it's like getting better as I go because there's more sauce on the side of the sandwich [Music] and once again did not think I was gonna end up eating this whole thing but yet Here I am I feel like I just underestimate myself sometimes I'm actually not really that full right now surprisingly I don't get it like why does a piece of cake kill me and then a huge sandwich like I feel fine I don't get it because I'm still on a roll I'm about to go soft McDonald's and I think that's gonna be the last like official stop that I make because I still have something at home that I want to try um literally try it's like a taste testing thing but it's getting pretty late so I don't have like that much time to go other places what time is it it is now 8:30 which I know seems like a crazy amount of time that has passed cuz I was leaving at 7:30 but there was like this woman in front of me at I want to keep crying at Jimmy John's Jersey Mike's and she had like six sandwiches so it took a while but anyways I'm gonna go stop in McDonald's because I'm on a roll and there's not much time for me to go anywhere else um and I want to get a McChicken because I haven't had a McChicken in forever I said in a couple of videos but the McChicken used to be my legit favorite thing ever at McDonald's I honestly don't know if they even still have it on the menu like I truly don't even know so we're just gonna drive up I'm gonna try to order it and we're gonna see what they say okay so yeah I don't even know if they make them like chicken anymore I'm just gonna order it and see what happens I walk that I'm give me that hi um do you guys don't have make chickens yeah can I please get one McChicken and then one medium actually a small please blue rise very slushy he was like so on the music and trying to steal some lighting from like a storefront or something let's look for son not bright enough do I look more illuminated now I'm like facing these two big lights I'm so excited to try this that's so refreshing oh my god oh I could easily suck this down Wow it is legit like a slushie but better well I want to try the other flavors now too onto my McChicken oh I just got a brain freeze from that okay so this looks exactly like I remember it looking like this is the same wrapping they had and yeah it looks exactly the same thank god there's actually stuff on it this time unlike the last time I got one and that lady ordered a freaking plane so it looked exactly like how I remember it so I have a finest and it tastes like I remember it which excites me so let's just let's just take it by already [Music] oh my god that my it took me like exactly back to my childhood I haven't had one of these easily since middle school I would think I would put money on that mmm I'm gonna FaceTime to say around I don't know if she's gonna answer cuz I think she's in the shower but I want to tell her they're just as good as I remember them hey are you in the shower yeah I can hear you oh you can talk on your Apple watch that's cool I wanted to tell you that I just gotta make chicken and it tastes exactly like I remember it yes dude it's so good like the second I bit into it I was like that's exactly what it used to taste like yeah like they're so simple it's literally just mayo lettuce chicken and then that's it oh I'm like technically in the middle of filming but I wanted to call you and update you before you got in the shower okay I'll see you soon I love you bye okay anyways back to my mate chicken [Music] so I'm gonna have a little bit more of this and save the rest for Sarah um so she can try it yeah that was amazing I would say to make chickens like a nine out of ten to me I mean it's obviously like there's better sandwiches out there but just because it's like my childhood I just I needed that so that was really good so now I'm going to drive back home and Sarah's gonna meet me there um I don't know if she's gonna even be in this video but she will be there while I'm eating I don't know if she's gonna want to be on camera or not so yeah I'm just gonna drive home the rest of it and then I'm gonna eat my last thing of the day I would say now the sandwich is like starting to catch up with me I would say I'm like an eight and a half nine out of ten Falls I'm pretty full not it's not unbearable so yeah I'm definitely gonna go home and finish off what I planned to eat because I bought this a couple days ago so yeah I will just see you guys in like an hour or so hi guys so it's actually been quite a bit since I last had the Jersey Mike's and the McDonald's the sandwich hit me late like I just got so full so now it's like 10 o'clock and I'm finally ready to finish the day off with what I had planned from the very beginning that I wanted to try and Sarah's outside talking on the phone so I know I said I promised she would be in this video she should be coming in anytime soon I just didn't want to wait any longer to film because if I waited any longer it it would just be like midnight and then I thought that she'd day because I go into the next day so I'm just gonna start without her I think she's gonna hang out on the couch behind me when she comes in so what I got from this store is a whole bunch of the ttle NT gelato layers so I've been wanting to try these so bad ever since I've seen them in the grocery store whenever I see them I'm just like those look so good because my favorite part about ice cream is like when it has stuff in it and so these all have like stuff on at the inside so I got every single flavor um I got them at Target basically I'm just gonna be trying each one and kind of seen which one I like best so let's start off with black raspberry vanilla say so this is what the inside looks like and then it just has like cookies so it says it has vanilla gelato black raspberry gelato oak crisps and then blackberry sauce right here so that sounds good yeah okay Wow okay what this actually reminds me of is when I was a kid every summer my sister my mom and I used to pick blackberries cuz they grow like crazy in our neighborhood and then we would blend them with vanilla ice cream and make blackberry shakes and that's what this reminds me of the crumbles are so good too you can't really see them but I'm getting them because it's they're like right here and short the first flavor think that's really good I was saying it reminds me of cousins blackberry it reminds me I'm gonna make blackberry shakes that's what it tastes like do you remember that one time when you were upset in the backyard and I like I know I like making happy I think you vibrate take I do remember that and you're just salad to a respondent why just like me I don't want it asked me yeah so what flavor is this again lucky black raspberry vanilla parfait black raspberry so what's the difference between a black day in black raspberry I don't know it tastes like blackberry though the black rice bread banila parfait is like seven and a half out of ten I would say ain't good next we got some stuff at the bottom so this is the chocolate trade cheesecake flavor who has cheesecake gelato chocolate chunks gram cookies at the bottom black cherry sauce and that's it whoo that looks good that sounds really good the black tarry see I don't know if I like chocolate and cherries together in love this looks pretty on the inside huh what any of you guys are wondering why she's not eating this cuz she doesn't eat dairy okay I'm not gonna be able to and this I cut a little bit on your and I keep digging that's exit like yes the taste has but you know bottom yeah that's part a lot of these are going to so what is the bottom is the Cheesecake part though the bottom is Graham cookies and then it's apparently she's kicked a lot oh but I just chased the cherry good it would have been good I think if they didn't have a chocolate chunks in here because I don't like chocolate and cherry that's a bummer because you're not gonna like dark chocolate cherry then I'm ready to talk about itself let me make it better dude I'm trying to get some of these freaking graham cookies again yeah all right [ __ ] building a good yard those are really good yeah oops I went to this one it's like a six on a chair not great can I pick the next one yeah pelvic so next I'm gonna have the salted caramel truffle which is the one I was most excited for looks like they have two types of they have a layer of chocolate chips on there oh yeah those are caramel film wait I'm gonna zoom in what does it say sea salt caramel gelato chocolate cookies that's like this part like maybe like one either I go over here or something yeah dulce de leche don't still adults the legend and then caramel truffles at the bottom vanilla gelato you forgot again vanilla vanilla gelato yeah you thick sorry oh this one was easy to go with stuff in it that looks so good doesn't it yeah oh my gosh that's so good I think anything at the bottom no so I'm gonna get some stuff at the bottom so it's only gonna get better yeah letting get any caramel truffles this is so good my we're just like I wasn't invited I was like yeah how would you try it mmm ice cream so easy to eat it really is it's like yeah it's like like like he's just feeling feels like nothing I would say this one's a nine and a half minute veg cookie which is like covered I want to be the same cookie that was in the oh yeah it looks like it yeah I think so mm-hmm then what just like chocolate tip to the bottom yeah read it it says mint gelato cookie crumbs bite size fit and we're mint gelato and then chocolate cookie so more chocolate cookie so it's like a whole lot of double up homes a whole lot of chocolate a little bit don't be you will not I'm not let you feel oh yeah you got it I listened about this oh yeah I did I could sense that that's this bad it's like most people do not struggle open up ice cream they know every single time I have to open up a jar I'd read it cuz I know it's not gonna die movies open this next one we already talked about it huh just gonna get do you see how soft that was you think it's cuz they're melting I don't know they got this first one was really hard it was so easy to get all the way to the bottom boom ice water Wow the fun sauce is so good I've never had fudge with mint before I don't think I was actually the perfect combination everyone loves chocolate yeah what do you rate that one how'd say this one is another nyan half it's like the same as a salted caramel really well maybe this one will beat it what if yeah I'll read about it cuz I'm in the bottom part is peanut butter gelato at the top my mom hey it'll be extra creamy cuts peanut butter peanut butter cups fudge sauce vanilla is a lot of peanut butter cookies it's not me no winner Jesus these are so hard open damn Hot Diggity damn yeah oh it smells it you can actually smell it oh my god peanut butter dude divine I'm gonna go where there's the most cookies at the bottom easily that corner what was it soft again Sam I tell you yeah alright okay who's going at it look at that bite something old boy yeah oh I knew it oh dang oh dang I love oh hey name I hate Louise a day what about my what so cool about this it's like perfect Wednesday when you get like frozen yogurt and it's like everything's at the top like this is like layered now what is the bottom thing like what is that they're just like like well the cookie no balls but peanut or flavor that doesn't look like it looks like I don't know like what is it like is it crunchy let's find out no you can like mash it like look it turns on - huh so the cookie dough the cookie things the bottom are like soft kind of yeah that's interesting let's do this one not like I'm getting full driving you called upon your hands [Laughter] any room how does he want with a whole bit this is fine yeah company halt at your sweater so it's like but you're doing a pretty govern yeah but I would have been no good you're not it's slipping now I'm gonna take care of this one thing it's like okay we're gonna we're gonna do it it's kind of three dozens hard that role that we've never given area the Sun dude we're like mixing it up like it's not even later here what is [Applause] oh oh you get it Wow I listen you did there's no layers anymore but it does have dark chocolate gelato chocolate chunks black cherry sauce and fudge truffles I guess cuz the black cherry saw something well actually haven't open mm-hmm last one vanilla fudge cookie it has dark chocolate gelato chocolate cookies fudge sauce you love um all the fudge sauce one mm-hmm vanilla bean gelato which that's a new flavor Robo awful come well doesn't look like a broken waffle con yeah we'll find out yeah that's like the stuff that's in Moose Tracks that's five steps that's the coolest name for energy this is a really good yeah yeah isn't gonna be random as high as the peanut butter on the mint I'm gonna try them next to each other now it was a salted peanut butter I might know oh did I not write the peanut butter maybe you didn't write the peanut butter I would say that's a nine actually nine and a half because that's what I rented a salted caramel in there so they're all tiny man yes then you gonna have to you have to pick the top mm-hmm so I'll try them on there each other I'm gonna try another bite of the salted caramel truffle okay another buy ever met bench cookie and one more bite of the peanut butter vanilla fudge that one's a winner mm-hmm that's a number one then salted caramel and then mint I'm not signing my cheat day okay so that is the end of my cheat day and it's late now and I'm probably like a nine out of ten fullness there's no time to get anything else so that's gonna be the end of my cheat day and I hope you guys enjoyed it do you have anything you wanna add I was gonna ask like cuz you rat of you not in half like what would be because you rented that peanut butter one night and a half what is Tillamook peanut butter chocolate like a ten okay so these aren't like the dome on the top because it's only the ice creams is good I like - oh my gosh rim better you know it's like the creaminess of it so I hope you guys enjoyed my first cheat day in like six or seven months and I hope it was worth the wait but that's pretty much all I have to say for this video so gonna peace out thank you guys for watching [Music]
Channel: Megan McCullom
Views: 962,674
Rating: 4.92593 out of 5
Keywords: cheat day, mukbang, megan mccullom, eating show, big bites, fast food, sonic, cheesedog, chili cheese dog, double cheeseburger, cookie dough blast, blizzard, mcdonald's, mcchicken, jersey mike's, sandwich, sub sandwich, cinnabon, cinnamon roll, fit girl cheat day, stephanie buttermore cheat day, talenti, ice cream, taste test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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