DAUT vs SLAM on the MOA6 Grand Final

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okay guys master of arena grand final islam with chinese doubt with vietnam and taotan islam is a very strong final honestly so hopefully we'll have a great one not like the semi-final and let's enjoy it together it's language chinese in the north as a red dot with vietnam in the south let me just check a little bit there to have the music the problem here is if islam is not attacking it's not picking the initiative how china can kill vietnam vietnam got the imperial skirmishers and bomber cannons china don't have bomber cannons they don't really have answers probably against potassium harvard's and and inferior skin issues you know overlay yeah sorry oh only need to be fixed now in a moment and it's fixing don't worry totally is great right now and uh which one is more putin don't worry let's see if he's gonna push the deers i'm just thinking what slime can do obviously china has a great economy to be able to make some pushing castle but if they can go for the late game nothing to do in my opinion one it is true that six rams can be very solid but chukunus can't compete with imperial skirmishes don't think so maybe not even with rotten archers sugars are strong but yeah i mean overall china i don't think it's a great civilization for arena yeah they don't have stars it's true that they have all the all the plasmids as you can see they don't have redemption with the monks so i don't know maybe honestly for a slam well what else but the only guys from from china don't have siege engineer if i'm not wrong correct me please vambron but don't think they have sich engineers well so the owners even from vietnam are better as well i don't know what he used he got eight civilizations and he picked the world city the last peak make no sense to me still if you have a great game play you can win but need to do something not to stun that gameplay we will see if it's gonna happen and let's see if now dalton is gonna feel some pressure against la boy china has bloodlines so vietnam got two i mean vietnam got the same than china except that they don't have the plus four attack for infantry and cavalry but that shouldn't be a big deal in this matchup in my opinion i don't know yeah three this is early but arnold is round well how early is going to be that we will see obviously if he's not going for a scout and going for that kind of boom baby can do something and take the initiative we'll see if he's gonna be if he's going to do that if islam is going quite fast up yeah might be a possibility where was he if he's going like 25 population up or something didn't make the loop and make sense you don't need to make it alone probably because you want to keep the goal for the build order i'm not sure though but he didn't make the look that's interesting to analyze he has 46 seconds out of dc which in my opinion is quite a lot for arena but now with six village on wood probably he's doing six because he's not gonna make another lumbrican and if he's doing he's gonna make it here you don't want to have more than five buildings on board but i'm thinking he's will order because he's it's interesting what he's planning to do yeah only one it only means yeah he will do market blast man he's going for the boom but tricky very very tricky yeah he will get used 50 gold and again he will sell resources to go up trying to go super quick up he will definitely do a really really quick hunt but he will give again all the relics to doubt all the damn relics interesting but then maybe doubt is gonna go aggressive on him i'm not sure islam is going to be a boomer boy today no he's booming man he's full booming comfortable look at his resources he has really some crazy boom going no market on blasphemy market plasmid top the goal and then the leader probably not more on goal very nice yeah look at the resources he will sell the wood going up to castle before down the ridge view the lake oh baby can you get the scouting okay is that good well he gonna see what his opponent is doing unnecessary he's not going to forget he's got 4-hp so he might take it now he see this table so he know exactly what his opponent is going to do though he dance horse collar china economy is great his boom is gonna be solid he's very fast but he won't get their relics and obviously doubt might be okay here the scout went outside yeah don't want to lose it so he's exploring more china china echo is it can be really fantastic it can be really fantastic definitely a little better than vietnam even in vietnam has no wood for any economy upgrades yeah that discount is gone it's gonna be done and now we can see how islam didn't really explore all he can see through relics but that's it so he's going to ignore the relics cup a little bit that will have of course color than double attacks but it's gonna be a slower pc on that this stone and pc on that goal makes sense perfect not the main goal at the moment vtc's right away bozo his economy on point again very good really really good and he will have definitely a good boom yeah heavy blow even whoa that's sick heavy flow from now who is this dort castle in this sear is 200 stop tanning man live a lot of envy frown yeah but he has the fruit man thank you so much for the soup don't be empty for such small things never be envy actually maybe it's not a good feeling a good feeling well he still sit on goal he's going fully boom and he obviously will have a much better boom than that doubt is still at one town center he's not even on gold he's going full on food and you can see how he's not getting idle tc he's gonna make an extra tone center one extra yeah almost no idle dc like a little bit few seconds but he's okay he will have now 15 farmers 15 farmers is solid and all to keep the production let's do the mining cap already there in that secondary goal oh boy yeah three thesis as well now doubt will take all the relics release is important here with heavy flow bozo we will see if it's going to be a node to to to push down to punish it yeah now some more idle time that's not good right i don't know here's the food yeah he's booming guys booming completely islam mixed yesterday games with boom and some some aggression it's not going to to do one ah not pose maybe he is doing outpost you can see the outpost and now you can't see anything there i don't know if he did the heavy blow sorry heavy blow the tall watch forgot about that but it's really solid for islam it's really really solid let's check the statistics now in economy you can see islam resources collected at this point is a thousand resources more a thousand resources more and that's obviously it's solid you know 1k resources more now with viral wow okay yeah great boot goal line and upgrade obviously he has 11 bullies more and established now at four tone center and i feel that this series is going to be full games man yeah i wouldn't be surprised he's no clowns and so well maybe with some burmese civilization stupid like this but i feel that guys that we can talk about whatever you want but it's a fun game guys we need to focus on what he's doing 30 farmers can't card already i mean handguard or really well he's supporting not even wilbar yeah well he need to kill he definitely need to kill doubt still not even unstoppable but i smell okay out of a lesson runs aggression with a great book absolutely university doing the buildings don't even he's not even doing monastery yeah he doesn't need it not anymore and the relics five relics amazing goals at mining is fantastic 21 minutes guys just think twice about this slam god accept the stormline and upgrade all the economy ups on 21 minutes yeah it's 7 billion is only but five dollar centers for doubt what the hell but the boom is insane here so even if he catch up with numbers the timing should be better for the canadian it's now might need a little bit of stone and doing artillery ranges he's preparing the poop push as you can see sell some wood and now he will go up to imperial in 22 minutes you know what i what i say when i see this time up 22 minutes imp now you're going to convert somebody here okay being annoying time to move those values make a llama came out the back and then with the archers make the domination all right he does no arches yet he's doing he has rhymes already and he will try to get them out of control five was on stone no the lumber cam and the doubt already ahead in villages because look at that economy man with five tall centers this point but we have seen how strong can be the timing we have seen this different booms similar approach but yeah with those great resources without this now i don't think this is to go up to peter he's on the way to a video in 24 minutes which is great but he's kind of standard if you ask me we see a lot of time 27 minutes imp we don't see 25 minutes imp that often crossbows vodkin he need ballistic he has already three runs and we'll see if he's gonna make it yeah minecraft on the other side and uh he can't see the rt range this court is still ahead for islam with the same population because he has all the upgrades already and obviously that's gives you points and when he reach imp this car is going to explode unbelievable ballistic now all the archers need the damn hell he's coming man he's coming with the archers he need to kill the scout got it and now he's coming and out the castle then he's going camry he's gonna go cavaliers probably elephants oh elephants from doubt and that he has enough boom to make elephants we will see to be honest i'll take another monk got it take the other one there it's chemistry but the rams are coming and those rhymes are cap wraps he will need a castle forward and obviously this bull trump from the from islam is insane this boom is absolutely sick the rams are coming the elephants will be there but how many one right now he will need our balance he will need the upgrades he's going to make the castle in that spot he's going to be great since runs already whoa seats rams on the way okay there's a castle the ram is gonna try to take the dc no now the castle is at the back small fail there by islam now want to see down if he's ticking the castle it's gonna be really great but quick is going back well he wants to secure the rams still now pike banabri no stone now the castle there you go he took a tc but not doing too much obviously this is important this hit workshop is going to go down and nobody listed for doubt sorry the university so he'll need another all those buildings when you are attacking that fast is important slam has the same value with three tc's those are six rams he need the arvolez thumb bring all the uprights that he has chemistry yes he has he'd need to open all the walls exactly but he need to kill the buildings islam need to attack these tables if he cannot go to the castle in mind if he's killing all those his rams and now arvales need to kill his respecting doubt it's respecting doubt at the moment and in my opinion he should have competed with the with the rams and he will have kill everything now he gave him a chance to get more army but it's also true that his outlets are now stronger as well he's gonna come with traps yes he has one threat but he's still not attacking the momentum still looks to be for islam for how long five relics is through that another university novelistic being a slow islam i'm not so convinced about that gonna make another castle now coming with the pikes but he's hitting the initiative he's killing more villains he took a tc another village down six wheel is already killed not a lot and the ramps are coming but not too many and the threat was slow very slow no more light yet an elephant as i told you it was a slow this is plus four is not too many elephants that's the good thing the the gaps will die very fast but he's using them to kill the runs and the initial push militias starting to fail you can't make malicious when you are so so so little resources still he stakes threat with it going to go down probably need to send some release however this will help a lot now he killed quite a lot too but now he's going with the rotten arches and like i told you slam respect the doubt and probably that's cause costing him the game so many hours and helps now but not so many helps now the loo okay and with the rams more rams is needed score is getting closer and closer population the same force harmless well good micro the house will do the job ratan arches still won't be able to dominate here because he got a lot of our balance but more rams are he's needed a fantastic bike i think the kd is great slam is really good with this now you need to kill those elephants but he's good one by one amazing he's migrating constantly no doubt need to go back more have our views he need another castle he's now selling the food doing the plus four armor and he still have a lot more army than doubt now doing chemistry hand guard well as you can see his boom is much better but now the army from the audience is starting to be stronger and stronger and those arches are just so tanky so but his resources are delivered zero zero zero those are three traffic jets oh boy you need to kill the gas yeah he will and this is a good castle as well very good very safe though but still very good where's the rams i don't know rams you mind if he got rams here he will kill the walls he will think to travel instantly and right now he's not gonna take it you know he has to be careful he needs to send some of the village to repair those traps but he got so many units islam need to kill now before doubt get in the game he needs houses he probably need another but that castle is gonna be down probably yes it is yeah it's it's crazy economy elite rather than arches without castles is like a garden without flowers but hey he's a good outbreak all right all right okay and now doing all the stables trying to kill those trebuchets yeah but islam need to go six rounds to finish the game yeah he's doing a great job he's not letting doubt literally time to dominate well he's trying to do the job here now house but this is open still this is open still oh come on slam amigo he's open still well this is this is here by doubt that seems that he's gonna lose the first game in the tournament losing so many villages look at the score not letting doubt time to breathe he's so focused for travis and you know what they call these how i call these amigos do you know how we called in slay it's late come on lobby man to help you in the channel again oh my god legend total domination is looks damn conscription light cavalry so you see how this civilization important it is but the timing the momentum is so great but boomer cannons need to kill the bombers he will run down to that is fantastic that's fantastic that's really fantastic he lost some music yes but here he's gonna be fine with the helps on the skirmishes and the castle is down he's awesome he's really awesome he just need runs to finish the game seriously though he's not giving up because he's a legend you know and he's has five relics but he has no army no army at all in the whole game town can't catch up i have told you many times that slum has a incredible mechanics yeah he just needs a confidence he will need him don't be really nervous but now let's see if he's gonna finish because it wouldn't be it wouldn't be also the first time that he has a huge advantage and then he throws yeah 2 000 score ahead no 1 400 going with the siege rams trying to kill those now the rollies are not giving any resources to him anymore these few elephants that are coming he need to go back a little rotten artists are a strong fan he's still spamming however b is an obelisk and this army is expensive and he's losing the ball as you can see privileged going around two castles are protected and the thought is not giving up he has 141 villages you know but he's completing his base all the time i still insist kill and break he's not doing but he's still with a lot of army all the time we need to take the castle you can see that he can yeah and you can see how he has 50 units and arches are sick but you travel you need to kill the traps without controlling those the castle is now so now doing some damage but he's spamming constantly the light cap need to go for the power cannon he just scares his handle with those straps oh the doubt is still going and he might even doubt can do imperial skirmishes rams islam france islam is what you need out of gold already islam 21 on goal of curves but yeah and this one is going on he's a bomber but he's still pushing constantly that's the good thing the thought is unable to mass more than 20 army because slap is attacking non-stop no stop that boomer cannot need to be killed cast himself and now no more castles for the lord only skirmishers and now he's not migrant slamming into micro making more buildings has to be careful it's many harmless coming with more light caps just to be careful with those scams it's not even noticing about this but the push is real man delta 150 believes unable to have army man it's not going to recur but those bomber cameras are going to go down he's over man he's over he was just pushing like a hammer you know non-stop non-stop all the time and amazing first game by islam really dominated controlling completed tempo you know the timing the momentum yeah and he's called in the over delta 157 million no army man and five rallies will now see them slam total domination and doubt is losing the first game in probably the cities he didn't want to lose in the grand final whoa there you go man please fantastic crazy stuff yeah i mean i don't like china but obviously if you play like this well it's a good scene right a doubt it's not giving up 157 billion are you for real but where's the rounds there's another castle no no it's cheesy man gg islam with the domination great great play great play by by islam probably nobody in the chat even expected but well well well master masterpiece master domination right first loss in the tournament and islam doing a great job statistics military slam kill even less than his opponent he killed 19 buildings economy doubt more but here what matters is this timing with two minutes faster imperial he never let doubt doubt to do the job social 128 159 great efficiency from islam and apm islam apm obviously ahead from the lord guys gain number two boys okay ladies and gentlemen game number two and this matchup is very interesting and then you have to tell me guys what you prefer because oh boy or really boy game number two is a very nice one you have the betting there is lam one uh sorry doubt option one the slime option two and uh we got a theopes versus visantinos i think both both are very strong civilizations and both has chances here if you ask me for the really late game i would probably prefer bees and things but if you if europeans are very very dangerous like non-god bloodlines but do you see hazards then the least curious is very cheap for visa things both civil decisions got bomber cannons you know uh it's not fast enough recent things it's cheaper to go up that doesn't mean you're going to be faster you also get one extra 100 foot and goal with ethiopians and islam has here several choices for example he can go for another crazy boom and it can work perfectly fine because you can get 100 extra food and gold so you don't even mind you even need to mine gold to get a purpose a perfect build order but it's a pity that you don't take their relics when you can have pike average for free didn't say that you have seen how well it worked the crazy and fast book let's see what is going to be right all the three tiers already in the bank perfectly urine and missing some no he has also the deers and now with the poor okay i think he's getting their resources a little bit better slum wild out he's sticking the bar already but the deer is there with the handed food you see what i mean he's wasting resources he's definitely wasting resources well islam tears are almost gone sticking now the boar and the timing obviously it's much better here beautiful gonna make the milk and i'm telling you if he's not burning gold then islam will go for the crazy fast castle as well and ignore their relics i think in this matchup might be a mistake why because here you'll be you might be unlikely faster than bison teams peace and this with the cheaper uh cheaper resources to go up you might be ahead in that regard so you want to probably get the relics but you have seen guys how islam love to play this kind of boom boom game with crazy fast boom and try to attack fast let's see if it's gonna work you probably feel comfortable and think that okay if i pushed out doubt might be slower you can see three values are good and this is doubt and now a second overcam on the right very good luring he has four villas on berries four billion wood already have the house now doing a couple of farmers yeah he knows exactly what he want to do obviously and the great deal order here by the canadian one more time i don't know if he's gonna make a second lumbrican but he's already in 20 population he's gonna go up 22. i wouldn't be surprised seriously wouldn't be surprised yeah he's going for that he's sending another this is the number five valid on paris he's trying to go crazy from a guy 22 population up 22 population up unbelievable oh boy no okay he's doing another another bill here yeah that was maybe too much but he's not going for the goal so he won't do much more values yeah he's going up now 23 which is still being so quick oh my goodness yeah very very quick six villas on wood five on berries everything on some food sit on goal because he will get a hundred foot and a handed goal and he's going for the boom so he's gonna make exactly the same strategy every single game against doubt and that will fall well we'll see man [Music] you're still talking about the the 600 usd dollars come on man bring another topic in the chat yeah the topic of the money don't finish a is a great one it's not gonna be fun for most of the people so move on move on yeah good timing julie got five minutes yeah it's 26 population 23 it's gonna be another super quick up and well also dao seems to be going barak and stable or rt rage we'll get all the relics but look at look at this land resources guys come on check his economy check his economy unbelievable market plasmid double b tax right away and he should go for the boom so is he only going for the boom we need out boomer boy slum with full boom games seems so he's doing the bar act out and look at this transition to cancel it amazing he click it below before 11 minutes that's 30 minutes 15 seconds man or 20 seconds whatever crazy yeah two boomers oxelos two boomers what can we do with two boomers we banned them both it's funny how the two clowns are hosting the event and the two boomers are playing the grand final right disgusting time and jamie suck everyone how you doing guys well we are going to see a first boom something is not the most exciting gameplay obviously is a a good lesson to learn how how well you can you can do a fast castle with this great dark age you know and now tc where well i will make a tc here and the other one maybe in the stone why not probably that is too forward but i bought one tc here and another tc here let's see if he's gonna be correct a third possibility will be also this area on the wood but i will like more here and this one we will see in 25 seconds we will find out this is the most interesting here to be able to to make okay he's moving fuel value because he has too many here so he's moving too he's going there for sure and guys as you can see yeah he's kind expected i mean you don't have to be metrodamos but obviously great on center great onsen you they take stone take gold take the wood you have everything all great well now it's still 50 seconds doing bozo and heavy blow holy well i mean islam is doing exactly the same strategy than the previous game exactly the same you know well the problem is not arena sailor the problem is the strategies they pick the gameplay for the players you know these players are boomers i mean they are just boomers but there's a lot of potential strategies that can dominate but dalton islam a lot of people are fans from them they are boring to watch an arena is my opinion you know like i mean this is very nice to see like three pcs already with all the upgrades is insane might have some other time islam obviously but uh i'm important to watch still imperial till castle is imperial before ages booming they are not doing anything else well doubt is doing a tc extra and then going for now for for the rolex so you cannot expect anything exciting till imperial why the limp because in castle usually you see battles for the monk for the rallies which is fun to watch but he is not gonna happen because islam is just giving all the map for doubt again he's gonna lose that scout and maybe okay why boomers would be something he's confident and his boom is insane if you check he's already ten millions ahead i mean you know how much resources you get with 10 villages ahead in minute 17 it's pretty much like having a cumminsburg oh he failed he failed here he tried to go to the second long now he's one yeah he's pretty much 11 11 and well he got the average as well now going for the gold mining upgrade this with this could be a little bit more efficient but he's not relocating he might need a stone with one value so probably he will make some outposts but slum is preparing exactly the same strategy than he did before and doubt he's not even trying something different differently he's going for the boom as well alright arena one has not much is traffic that's not true man it has a lot of strategies they the players use don't take the risk and they think that the safer approach is to boom and to dominate from the boom go mining upgrade i mean what islam is doing is like a build order and he mentally probably is thinking exactly what he has to do at what time when we are in 19 minutes 20 minutes the the amount of farms you have then you have to make the wheelbarrow the gold mine and upgrade he probably has practiced this like many times you know fourteen said this guys the game is exactly the same game that the previous one is literally the same three tc's so maybe here hand card even faster than the in the previous game so maybe here maybe islam is even having a better boom than in the previous game are you for real holy moly and now doubt when he get all the relics he will come here with a mock he will try to convert those things he will move their values same that same at the previous game guys unbelievable all right gold soft mining in mini 21 wow yeah but you know what happened that in this game slam also got walmart cat not invisible gunner not like in the previous one that he didn't have bomber cannons if islam is faster islam can have bomber cannons also you know so in this one the advantage for islam should be even bigger than in the previous series in the previous game in my opinion you know of course he's gonna go up to imperial quick doubt because of b somethings but he still have not the fruit and now you see the monk is coming man oh come on oh boy our city range look at the resources five dollars on goal five villas on goal and look at the goal he's getting why because he has gold shaft mining and out sorry and islam is going up to imperial age in again no no it's slower than then no no it's the same time yes look 20 seconds is lower than with that with china because china economy is insane you know but now doubt thanks to visa things is a little bit faster also he did something different with the previous game only four tone centers in the previous one was five and now the imperial time is pretty much no difference so here doubt should really have a much better position a much better he got five relics the time it's only 30 seconds so here doubt should just dominate should use dominate he only need to go full skirmishes and bababoo we will see it's true that the boom is still much better for islam why handguard already for some time ago ghosan mining now gold mining average so all that stupid matters flip check look at the boom guys look at this lambo look at this lambo in almost 2 000 resources better i mean almost 2k that's that's amazing almost 2k resources more collected slam well let's see his room is pretty much impressive pretty impressive i would say all right now the arches he's going to take that one he need ballistic as soon as possible got it he's doing the same man now runs come on gonna make the castle we're gonna take now the monk you took both monks he's even deleting the walls coming with the ramps and the timing is still being solid still being very very solid that the scout is gonna be bye-bye and the rams are coming ballistic on the way and now a castle his face oh baby oh real baby no castles from from doubt yeah the artists are coming getting the upgrades he needs to revolt he's not rewarding situation chemistry is all baby this is bad this is really bad for islam like you need chemistry right away he's doing ballistic which is great but you need to really need the chemistry but now the castle is ain't a better spot there yeah cab rams like cab rams i think chemistry is crucial now he's doing a castle doubt is trying to counter this but this is his skirmishes just says kirsten let's see the micro man he's micro man he kisses god with these microphones or what what the hell kev rams tambourine remember that the archers artists are amazing he has to be careful he can make even few few shuttles and then take the skirmishers if he wanted not gonna happen he's migraine great and the rams are breaking here putting again doubting the same pressure than the previous game but obviously as i told you no doubt should be really chemistry by the darcher armor but bombard cannons is the way to go bomber cannons look how he's migrating man well full of skills full schemes chemistry as well doing more buildings more army for islam arbol is upgrade the rams are coming doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo he need to go to the mona street and this is going to be good because he will need to grab all the relics he's not going okay and now try with it the timing again is very important but the skirmishes are now doing the job ballistic yes he has ballistic he has the average but that cataphract need to go back and now doubt should be okay should be really fine it has no harmonies but no harmonies and those are bullies with some micro will kill all as you can see killing a lot more rt ranges and one trap the castles from these entities are so strong you need to break more walls if you ask me if you ask me you need to break more walls he's not doing bomber cannon not happening either look up his micro man he's micro great he's doing a good job but skirmishes are so solid and now the plus four only plus two now now slam is gonna have problems except if he's doing bomber cannons and this is exactly what is happening bomber cannons will help a lot will really help a lot but he can do bomber cannons as well only one siege war shot a little bit far from the action and yeah this strategy shouldn't be working all the time now doubt was really and even if he's trying to put the pressure the bomber cannon is going to be there faster yeah starting to lose skirmishes these animals are strong need to go back he's going to go back in time probably not that threat which is probably going to be down no he saved it in the last second still the arbol is doing a good job it's going to refer and now this is when the bomber channels will take over here remember that the ethiopians got also the great upgrade i forgot the torsion and giants sorry but the animals are dominating tehran is good to be there because he's attracting a lot of borrow military is almost the same who is doing also light gas faster he's going to be lovely here but the bomber counts out there he has to be careful more c to our shot and arrows versus his skirmishes light caps aren't in it but animals are good man harvard is oh my god and his ethiopians are well is now doing some skirmishes i still think that having arvales helps a lot and if he's if he put now oh oh almost losing him over cannon if he put now a few skirmishes as well he's so solid and the bomber cannon there the micro is gonna be crucial the score is almost the same skirmishers doubt all the upgrades missing the plus four the plus four is insanely good i'm telling and slam doesn't have yet the score is the same now the lord might oh my canons you have to be careful no no no need to take it need to take it he's gonna lose that one now he's gonna take it no he didn't but man to boom you just go experiences and then you win games with the skirmishes come on seriously i want to see cataphract's paladin situaters not the skirmishes but he's doing exactly what he need to do obviously obviously he's exactly doing what he need to do he's missing the puss four now with all these skirmishes doubt is we need the game at least that he's not that that islam is doing something else and now doubt got a much better macro 43 farmers only 25 only 25 but 45 on goal unbelievable really unbelievable the bomber candles be careful there oh boy oh really boy he's gonna take another he has to be careful the city's much more important than the army and now he's taking some good value with those oh baby need to attack doubt is not micro properly there because he's focused too many on that bomber cannon and then he's losing all the units but still a little bit ahead so he's doing fine but the bomber cannons and the traps in danger he has to be careful all right yeah i really think that you need to be more versatile like you can't make the same the same um strategy i guess i guess apply like doubt it's still he has resources but without any relic i don't know the bomber can he's gonna take another threat no no no he's coming with a couple of caterpillars but the guys a doubt is losing a lot of units and those scattered look how bad they are without the upbridge whoa well well well they are very very weak they are very weak and no more army still islam is having a better micro honestly and those if he's sticking the traps poof and it's losing now the bomber cannons against the castle unbelievable really unbelievable yeah more army for islam a lot more army double the army he's gonna take that one he's taking the cutter break down and no the threat which is going to go down doubt zero micro at this point zero literally micro there's the castle and obviously islam dominating a guy oh baby unbelievable well much better micro from the canadian look at the score plus four but they still those categories won't do anything at all slam me to panasonic what legends unbelievable anyway i was i was about to focus on islamic economy and then i saw that lapraka that's crazy anyway we keep going with a lot of units and skimmers is obvious going back need to kill those cataphrases you don't want to lose the bomber cannons but he won't lose all the bomber cannons is repairing and he's doing the job the score difference is starting to be very big he need to repair that cast he's gonna repair or not man stop my stream islam report it do you have to report it man close the stream islam all people is gonna tell good timing good time in amigos anyway nice nice bottle the travel is going to go down he's going to lose that one losing so many cataphracts the relics not under control anymore and now with so many units having the bomber candles he might lose this castle okay but if he's losing that one he's even more important he need to go back and don't lose the traps but he has so many units slam has more speed it seems than that because with similar economy as you can see the production from the canadian it's stronger he got 44 skills in the queue look at the queue from from that none no so that's only mean to zero for the canadian all right all right he has no army doubt 12 army no military another caster here and without relics now he don't have any advantage anymore travis is gonna take this castle and if he's doing now more ramps unbelievable game unbelievable game you can see this is a small difference how it matters a lot 44 on the q only four in the q so he's not producing units anymore that's crazy conscription what he has been playing all this time without conscription unbelievable that castle needs to go down he'd really need to go down he's coming with a bomber cannon but that cassie won't be able to be up forever ah the bomber cannon is gonna save it but he's not repairing well he's going to return yeah he's repairing he's repairing and here he's called it 20 army down is still going cloud is still trying he's gonna be difficult yes the pomegranates are there and here is lucid oh what what but you need to repair the castle and the castle i know they shoot he's gonna shoot now the bumper cannon got it no micro here in the north need to go back more bomber candles no man the kd take the kd please the kv is impressive the kd in favor to islam is just in a noble level it's close to double it's really close to double and focusing in both spots in the middle in the north in the south in the in the mountain at the beach in the all over you know well is what it is yeah taking the castle and now taking the trash that's a really good play that's honestly a really good play by the canadian we have to to to agree with that and uh it's it is good multitasking he's really really good multitasking 200 population now dealt with the four relics and little by little losing all the map control because he can't keep the production so all the islam need to do now is more farms light catch and finish the game because sadly doubt can't match up the numbers he just can't match up the numbers no not for now at least oh oh my god the micro he lost two more candles we think he's playing great and now bam okay he's fine that is engineer no and islam is missing siege engineer he's missing us too he's really missing us too torsion and giants a lot of stuff really but no doubt 60 a darby he lost williams and now do a lot of army what the hell oh boy yeah but he's great i mean he's sticking out the threat no need to be careful okay you know what is missing here see traps who is doing the rams he's gonna dominate he's gonna take the trap no those cataracts will die he has a castle here there's two three we said more oh well he took the traps but the catapults are gone or maybe not resources is too good for doubt the score is still ahead for the canadian but you need to finish if you don't finish the game he might be able to lose the game in the long run five relics remember and that's complicated but he's still pushing constantly he need to kill that one there's a bomber cannon that you need to save it and he's gonna lose it slump is starting to fail yeah starting to definitely fail he need to kill he need to micro more and obviously 60 farmers and 35 colombia will be the best elite got the frog elite caterpillar is unbelievable he's gonna be able with elite caterpillars how many 20 cataphracts whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay 20 elite caterpillars he's gonna be able to make the comeback the lord because we need to see bad guys i love the cataphracts but caterpillars without castles it's like the previous game man he's doing the upgrade not fabry now holy unbelievable gatsby thank you for the suit yeah the caterpillars are coming let's see now he will need to out micro the cutter prep military numbers more for doubt for the first time in in the game he deleted all the world but now he's thinking well helps well qatar has got bonus so it's difficult man it's difficult to stop that army yes it's very difficult the damn 5 relic is doing the job let's see the halvard ears or what problem is the bomber cannons rams poof those caterpillars are so scary those leicas are you know what mean well that's what it means so bad siege engineer that's great that's really great because the bombardier we get one extra range that's so solid and you know what i think slam meet a cast of forward obviously he's not trying to put any any closer to that spot because he got some treads but a castle here will be lovely why not 1000 stone he's coming through the right side but the castle here oh baby oh baby let's see now many cataphracts he does have a lot of hormone oh my goodness i have the feeling that now doubt is gonna kill everything or maybe not let's see the micro oh man those skeletons are good but that but islam is doing a great job how many 87 caterpillars is still numbers in military is going down from both flies look at this bottle look at this bottle look at this bottle where's the army from islam is he starting to disappear or not he's still spamming forever and the cataphracts are obviously expensive not so many categories anymore and the castle is going to be down all right so the castle is going to be down 43 army 61 doubt with more more population castle in this south okay and now what because you don't have albert beers against this but caterpillars are pretty much gone with eight on the q yeah but only one castle so the production is slow okay dowd is still with 63 army he's crying at the maximum really at the maximum and man unbelievable game doubt is winning the game because if he's taking those castles and he's raiding i don't know he can't win the game he can't really win the game with those whoa economy now 40 50 farmers eight on goal and obviously a late game if you don't take out those those siege poof poof yeah well with five relics now piece of this will dominate in the late game look at the score getting closer and slam giving the relics up is costing kingdom the game because the resources from the lord is being so great it's still 700 stone you need to well man do you really need to wall he's not walling work he's going to make another castle maybe he will make i don't know where to do it anymore but let's see doubt 64 army now islam is the one who is unable to master to match the numbers with a lot of skirmishes but you need more buildings right yeah more buildings doesn't have the production now that's empty produce you need need gold please the light gets are so bad as you can see they are really really weak it doesn't have the numbers those are elite cataphracts those characters are just lovely super strong but not a single sea tater no look at the farmers come here farmers okay still going but still now 70 army again for the canadian are you for real and you need to kill the siege you need to kill the seat the problem is those counterparts they also die against their balls as you can see they really do they really die harmless are so strong but a lot of experiences 50 army 59 and well he's not titanic he's not he turning down taking the lead yes dowdy is taking the lead and now with the cast of forward he's gonna be the domination the lord was patient and all you can see guys how people about my age 25 years old can still play this game because now has only one year older than me 26 today anyway skirmishes bomber cannons gonna take absolutely everything and 63 army 25 ooh guys one what what one in the cities gg gt well played [Music] in your face amazing really really amazing and guys a doubt basically did all these skirmishes when he did cataphracts he won the game ah you see you see well you know i think instead of empire wars they should put arena wars you know they use a stud in imperial with the resources and fight from there you know because all the games are on imp but very fun to watch honestly you know very very fun to watch these bottles um 69 farmers this time 69 didn't help and for me islam failed not failed but never going six rams he got the opportunity to really push he missed siege he was doing great micro great micro he lost the game with a hundred unit kills more but he didn't push the note fast and then fire relics the fire relics definitely did the job economy or better saying military you can see more kills for islam economy a little bit more for doubt gold islam still got more gold but that goal forever counting gold and gold it worked man and remember one thing islam with a civilization and this is a mistake for him like ethiopians listen to me with playing against the skirmishes he never did one eggers never did the torsion and giants he basically never use it the strongest units from ethiopians so my question is why you pick ethiopians then if you only use arboles and a skirmish you know he never got anything else done excuses anonymous he got doubting problems because his timing again was great but it didn't work thank you for the gift game number three ladies and gentlemen the game number three is started and the civilizations are oh baby italians and kimber italians and kimmer sounds good to me a late game i prefer probably italians but kimmer are sick at least how they play now i believe that now islam should really try to go and get their relics and stop booming only booming and nothing else but well we will see go for the batis matritos coitus movie go to the interruptus random aoe elias mueller trash who else my hook logo go everyone it's just for fun but now we are going to catch up the live game and you know what you know what i'm going to do right now guys i'm going to leave the scout from slamming his pov i need to go to the bathroom be right back really fast i will be back before castles what i'm scared daniela daniela controllable [Music] foreign [Music] hola foreign m foreign thank you for the following less than three keep on going old friend mucho kisses money you 44 thank you [Music] what my what my daughter what my daughter said why is he why is he loud and he's going what she's leaving loud and and and going away from what what i need to check the bot okay she's got well i'm telling you she's going to take over my channel when i'm when i'm called when i go i was going to say when i'm old then this this will take over already later anyway what i miss slam going up now 25 population finally something different now 27 with 27 he will go up directly to castle age and then clean the barrack finally finally islam doing something different okay i don't know what happened i don't know what's happening in my in my nose for all those people that is typing in the chat what happened in my nose i don't know but i have a problem with my nose you know now i feel better you know much better actually really much better anyway um stable stable and blasphemy he's doing double attacks go to the hell everyone and uh well let's see it's gonna be more standard finally he will fight for the relics and let's see how he can compete with kemmer boom that is gonna be pretty pretty amazing and he's going right away to castle it right yeah for the resources but islam is going up same time whoa yeah look at this awesome transition for both players he's fantastic actually very good but he has also stable going for a should do a spear he's doing he has double attacks already dolly dice as well now for school as soon as he can and yeah yeah maybe swim a little i will i will don't worry guys i i usually put to zoom out when when there's nothing happening when the battles happen don't worry will be close it will be closer i really think that islam this time is gonna make or he should make well it's of tricky because kemer can can snowball uh civilization and if you try to go see to our shop and fail you know but uh i was thinking that as it was up here will be oh oh okay it's gonna go in maybe just go in yeah yeah yeah yeah go in with all the three scouts he's not gonna go in he's gonna send one i like that but if he's sending now a spear he can't really do the job yeah he's gonna come with the sphere in the spear is is the key here yeah he's getting now in with the spear oh my god he's taking really a risk slam i don't know if this is good he's gonna try to keep oh but he cannot take the goal okay he's trying to go aggressive but then now he will have to keep him inside now during the monastery this is gonna be more complicated to multitask now the light gap bozo very interesting you see these small things make the games a lot more interesting than the previous games a lot more he can make a house just to gather those releases to carries on those ooh no no but this beer will help a lot and this is light cap light gaps as well but now he's gonna make the loom he's gonna put those village but here you have to attack in my opinion he's not attacking life is already there and i'm not sure if this is if this was good of course he's creating some chaos and he's creating some chaos but i'm not sure we will see at least he keep him inside you know fine like it's doing an extra tone center this is always always dangerous oof now lightnings as well spear is the key the spear to make the difference is the key he has five against three and one spear if he micro properly slam he can't take the bottle actually or do a lot of damage or do a lot of damage but it's a monk already and that's not gonna not gonna go well but now now fight fight fight that's the problem if you don't multitask you fail and slum is failing big time well he took a monk he lost them all here as well so he's kinda even but he failed in my opinion that was not the greatest one for slam definitely not multitasking multitasking amigos sorry for the screen sometimes i get excited over excited you know and well one two three total centers so what what islam achieved with that with that um aggression inside i will tell you absolutely nothing you know nothing literally nothing all right two light gas to his fears now he's taking the relic and he's also taking a relic so yeah of course italians is better c for the late game bomber cannons generous close woman juice amazing they are since they have amazing as well so what islam needs is to get relics and now there is one relic already but another relic as well one one he's gonna take this one that's gonna be two and well two three three two it's fine it's just fine but if you have a spears you really need to take the relics under control because you got the advantage you are also investing more resources and with the speeds you should dominate those light caps alright alright and now and now oh no disaster look at the monk the monk the relic slam definitely don't pay attention sometimes to those remember all the day when i did the interview he was he didn't really notice some really really really important stuff because he's completely focused you know like he should be on that relic why did he move to the north i don't know you know i know this game is so difficult so i don't blame him for that but i'm just telling fights and forward is ahead for doubt uh camera economy is always dangerous very dangerous he should take this relic but i really think that he should know okay i think this piece will dominate man should really dominate he now has to defend he's going to convert my light yet no i know he's gonna take it so three two four the canadian that's it that relic will never be lost in my opinion at least maybe i'm wrong but but but oh baby now going back again well i like this dancing no well he's gonna lose it but he's gonna lose all the all the light caps now he has the that relegates for him but he took a couple of monks coal mining upgrade he's gonna take it oof he's gonna take now the monks one two down there you go two took it right and now take it he did a spear convert a spear why attack the spear man yeah and three rallies and doubt four tone center why that close here i don't know he do this so often five what slime can go up to imperial if you want slam can go up to imperial if he's doing the buildings just look his resources he can balance the economy i don't know if i like five pieces seriously but hey no horse caller that that's really painful man that's really painful he's doing a stall mining upgrade he's doing the market and the need the buildings to go up but no horse collar his economy is gonna be very weak very very weak anyway we will see anyway with camera even if you have five tcs and you stop the pc's production for like one minute and then you get the resources to drop the video as simple as that anyway is russia now the building with two ballistics look at the timing here hank no no card card now the timing to go up to imperial is so important here i think handguard could wait but that's my opinion ollie and just remember my words 37 farmers can merge that food look pepperoni pizza like the chickens anyway obviously hang guard would be great now he can buy resources he has a stone to make a castle and he's doing it at home hmm look at that deck look at that 13 villas more five thousand is up to imperial all right i still think that not having horse collar even is disaster and he's still doing more and more farms without horse collar i mean just look how the players when they change the the the the build order the mechanics forget the things in the previous two games he did heavy flow right away in castle now he doesn't have course color you know he does have horse collar and doubt on the way to imperial 30 seconds behind with 17 village more now he's doing the horse collar ballistic he has the fletching i like the generous crossbowman but this boom difference is scary it's really scary i know that he has the hand card blah blah blah but um i don't know kimmer can be very strong yeah look at the book blast me and hit it blow now well since workshop between generals crossbowmen they are great policy gate and now yeah that's nice going to convert i'm going to convert no i hate the mouse you need one hour now to convert that light cap disaster anyway and even if he's doing a generous crossword that he has not a lot obviously you need an rt range you need thundering you know and that's huge if he's doing a second caster here then it's also very important we see how no castles no castles from from doubt interesting but if he's going full skirmishes and runs he's gonna kill him and then full rams and skirmishes he's good well he's doing crossbows yeah and he can see now he can see now there are two ranges he can see the rams so can we see condo tierros on on italians because chemistry is great he's got a minor stone doing magnus i like it because he see the he see the rams so he knows what's coming runs and audible s or even skirmishers obviously generous crosswomans are stronger archers when they get all the upgrades but this is what he's doing both range units it's kind of pity because we see pretty much all the games the same units arbales i was talking with terror in the semi-final why why those some civilizations well people is going marvelous all the time seems to be the easier and cheaper transition or let's say opening right i don't know what you think conductivism bbc trebuchet he has a mangonel he will need something else yeah this is gonna be this is gonna be and if he's avoiding this and trying to his economy oh baby that it can happen he's gonna ignore attack here and then he got nothing and that's why he bought it a castle he bought it a castle but the relics you know need fortified walls if i was islam i will do 45 walls right now well he's not doing and he need to adapt let's see if he's going to make it he has good upgrade pavis is amazing if he stopped the first push then maybe he can do the job we will see he got the manual he got those genuine stroke bowman puppies is insane like i'm telling you we will see he still have no castles doubt and that's really really important he need to be careful losing a billiard but he's there with good army and now need to control the units plus four as well he got all the upgrades now and uh very interesting game but guys 33 will is more more army the relics bye bye at least for now it's another castle so those are this might be might be by by too i don't know there's two minors he's gonna stop the push he need to wall but he's not rolling and now might lose absolutely everything he should make a monastery at the back and grab everything and now the monastery almost in the same spot they always hate that but the defend from islam is really really good he's really really good and he's pretty much cleaning everything with puppies now those generous girls woman's are just amazing and now he's doing the cavalry but the generous ghost woman is great problem for islam he has not the greatest economy 19 farmers remember that oh oh don't lose that remember that if he gets good economy italians get casars as well you know now he needs to go and think those who don't want to to lose that one they get great monks he's wasting genocide against skirmishes which is terrible because those units are very expensive yeah you can see how the multitasking now is not great for islam he's kind of funny a little bit fourteen is more military still have more but he's still losing more generous gross woman which is not great he got three bone mark three even mindfulness and while we don't see warmer candles they are coming now but those are many raps it's true that many many mangoes as well so and i insist that well why not few condo tierros condo tierros against skirmishes domination anyway he's taking runs yeah he's taking more and more rams he's trying to push the castle he's doing a really good job but the trap is also there and he's trying doubt to be with the hammer with the hammer the castle is down but all the rhymes are also going to be by by still wasting all the generous crossbowmen and another thing why he never made a transition islam is still with a generous crossbowman well he need to make some services well i'm telling you why he's not controlling the economy his economy is very poor at the moment he's still not rewarding he need to get the rallies back and with only 20 farmers he's unable to have anything solid to push and now dowd is the one who is doing and a great great game here another castle in this spot terrible castle terrible castle not because it's a bad location because doubt if he's shooting with a trap oh but that'll be the notice that now he can lose he can lose yeah but he does have the army look at the light caps and this game is over yeah with a better ship he didn't have a good boom doubt it's a much better boom and well he's sticking the box let's see if if islam can but the slam should have all these i don't know why he didn't wallet oh now this is too pretty you just reward oh my god kill your own archers amazing in honor to terror okay the score is still getting closer but you need to wall wall oh he's still not rolling oh baby okay still not wallet so now he's gonna come again or what with casars try to stop now casaus plus four with no army their raid is gonna be real absolutely real and those bomber cannons will take the traps we will see doubt still doing the job with the rams and a castle on his on his face i doubt he's playing this excellent and now islam can't handle the pressure simple as that gonna lose another castle again yeah here we are generous crossbowman is still generous gross woman not controlling those units the kb for islam is still better than doubt because of the castles now he's doing this he's light caps but with the llama camp still didn't recollect the relic he's trying to go with the bomber cannons his billions numbers is still solid but he's unable to match numbers and is killed in armor while his opponent is doing casars as you can see even islamic having the problems 71 billions of wood what that means he's unable to relocate because it's not the same to make the micro when you are under the pressure that when you are put relaxing all right he's gonna take the relic not really but now islam has okay army here he's housed as well and not taking back the relic so as you can see he will lose the monk he'll do everything let's look at the castle one more cameras can't help okay he didn't lose the monk all right that's nice and the castle dies super easily against those generous gross woman fantastic oh and now the bomber candles will take the skirmishes whoa it's great but that castle is down as well because doubt is pushing on the left pushing in the middle pushing in the norm pushing all over still good population for a slab which is great but i filled a little by little what is he doing here another minecart okay but wall and another castle for quite some time and slimy is holding because his units are great he got generous gross bowman not the lead but with puppies now the bomber cannons he's trying to kill the threat he might kill the trench that can can be great actually those unesco woman will eat the hazards oh baby look at this amazing preparing the castle but still the biggest problem here is that he's never walling reward and kill all the castles stop the raiding stop the massacre this is another threat he's not rewarded obviously now he can with the airbus and exchange but he could before and now with those former cannons he's trying to push he's gonna be able don't think so still 60 onward 50 farmers homer cannons are pretty much gone only two alive try to get this castle but won't happen yeah and now use cassas skirmishes and it's about time sorry guys yeah the score is similar his score is very similar but for me is fake he's now raiding still i think he has been a little bit slow slam not rewarding it was huge because now it's a doubt he's just he's just spamming you know he has to end the pop and he's just spamming raiding his economies are really very very very low he's suffering a lot and he's about to be bye-bye when he lose this last castle is over completely and now it's already thick in the game three with a great gameplay actually the gameplay that slumber has been doing with kimber in the previous series but now he's doubt a total domination with another castle on his face fantastic healthy look what he's trying to to go through guys thought he's trying to go there okay i like it but hey he's completely over now no army he's still going still trying but he wasn't in the doubt to one and islam really played in my opinion in this one not too great you know i think he got a lot more chances to win obviously credit to doubt because he did great but he did a few mistakes like not rewarding not focusing in the right spot in my opinion and well the mobility with those hazards gave a lot and you're gonna see that the economy difference it's insane in this one slam killed more units yeah because he was camping with the arches but that doesn't matter because the economy 14k more and the food economy here for islam was very low you know you nee he need a lot more also some masculinities will help against the arable s you know because if you think about that the generous crossbowmen were there but the casas came at the end when he has no more generous gross woman anymore anyway this was 2-1 you see it's social and also the apm and the well doubt taking the lead and getting a great position to dominate ladies and gentlemen this civilization matchup is just fantastic you're gonna see it right now and the doubt commands commands slam turks very nice civilization matchup honestly what is islam going to do because it's a tricky one if i was doubt i would go forward with a tower rash with cummins against turks and then make the second dc because if you make the second dc right away uh uh the tc boom and then islam is coming with a forward castle and johnny sasan siege how'd you defend you know how did you really defend can you tell me because i don't know you know the soup count is not correct completely but you can see below me i never hide my soup count soups 1180 which is great you know and well everything else is always below below the stream you know or below my person here in this scene i don't like to have the information in the other scenes because i like to have a clean as clean as possible uh setup stream because i like to be as yeah the most quality possible and i don't think having a lot of numbers with with subscriptions with money and stuff it's really nice so it's bad for the sellout yes but i like the string quality i have so it's what it is okay being said that do you agree that maybe that should go aggressive well let's see three million wood and um i hope that if if he's not going toward rise i really hope that islam is going really aggressive with turks because if he's letting the cummins boom relax it then he's dead am i open well the wtc boom can be very risky so let's see what it's going to be not super early this is for team population maybe well he's maybe he's going fast castled out i wouldn't be surprised that against turks he's not going to double tc it's really has only three billions of wood but as i said oh he's too hit he should hit that with one valley he's not doing ah you see and then he bring now the deer back i love it no oh doubt is like me he puts the deals like me i love him yeah come on come on keep going yeah yeah yeah go move bye come on you see i love in doubt man he is he's like me man seriously it is like work is going now i'm gonna follow the push yeah yeah well he's going to the goal now and now he's gonna push back again i love that that's amazing seriously well he's trying still but uh not working and now he's gonna put the d under the tc yeah he will i have the same problems thank him you know this is amazing it's crazy i have the same problem i mean not always right and not always him and me as well but still it's going to go up now there you go some other time some of the time i drop the food man and he's up not the best time up if you ask me definitely not 10 seconds later tc and 21 population up without the loom obviously now let's see what slam will do poof interesting don't think a boom will be good in this situation because you can then make a double tc boom castle and pass in with with the with the cumins and you know which is going to make the tc maybe here tone center in this area then you take the gold and the wood this is here probably here in that square we will see in 50 seconds all right if islam do fast imperial slam is going 25 population up he's not doing a passing he's gonna go a normal futile age he need a house hopefully he will do it now let's see what he's planning to do against the cool man's tc here please right yes it's the normal tc perfect pc here because you get the gold you get the wood and now with eight villages all right double vitas horse collar one police is took he should try to he's doing so no problem he's doing the bar rack so he's not going for the boom he's going to make army oh he's gonna go just for the don't go only for the relics he need to push i mean i mean if he's going just to take the relics and and boom we talk sentences he's dead i don't know if you agree but for me it's dead completely i mean he might need his just drop if use mine in stone drop a castle forward you destroy him man but he's doing blast with unstable [Music] well we will see we will see he says now it's starting to double boom double boom means wtc boom and the slam boy gonna have the foot isn't the limit this time not as smooth as it previous games yeah but he oh he's doing the look like it i like it that's you know what it means that he's doing the loom if he's doing the loom he will go aggressive but with what all right and now no food to go up drop the food okay he's going perfect it's going to go mangoness probably or rums all right yeah you should go aggressive want to see push one dc push is the way to go is there a real way to go then now you do a few light cuffs and then you you are fine even if your opponent is going but what is doubt going to do here because he won't have anything to defend yeah yeah ceasville is on goal slam is gonna go push need to push obviously don't let the the commands boom definitely not he's sending one his sphere so he know that he's coming with with the speed now he's going away and time to send ability forward or not not said it yet well it's still time one minute but still go go how fast those scouts are let's do the market already i mean market already what time he's going to click oh my god this pliers man he's gonna make a stone already you know what is coming and now he's three billion yes you need to go quick as quick as possible so this is gonna be very interesting and finally a nice game to watch well sorry i don't want to miss that uh aggressive gamer watch because the other games has been nice but we have to wait a lot for the aggression okay yeah let's see what he's gonna do since one shot right away since your shot come on yeah obviously but his resources he stopped doing billions now yeah and mine is stone look at that holy okay click up to castle h with 15 village more he's up already oh my goodness yeah bozo no economy and yeah well let's see he's doing a ram the monkeys did it but in this situation well the knight is good but maybe the arches will be better and then you go calvars is unreal because if now he's walling then the knight won't do anything obviously he will break the walls very fast yeah there you go it's gonna break it fast between now the barrack the obama here's the f15 village more but zero army and one minute yet to to reach there obviously hitting the market will be lovely because he can't do exactly what he's doing now balance the economy you need to take the market he's more important than what what his looks yeah kill the market man market very nice to kill and now light caps and knights you just go man he's in fuel need to explore but don't lose it yeah the the market will be will be down but don't kill your ram please okay kill your ram if you want slap slam slump slap please [Applause] he's starting to panic he kills his own ram he killed his own ram two mangroves spears and he killed the ram come on man come on all right [Music] obviously he's gonna still take the market but he's gonna make the castle those keep check are very strong he still have 15 villas more now he's going to make both canaro and he need to take the tall center he can't really take the tc right now with two mangles this scorpion for spears and well going all in but he need a minimum economy he's doing the market now and he cannot see the castle but he can't buy it about the castle he can't imagine he still didn't kill anything well why can't he want one because he killed his own run look at the kd for islam he killed one and lost one what do you think it is he killed his own ram i have never seen this yeah look at this i yeah okay now he's gonna think the tall center yeah he's not terrible you know but it's a ram you know he could kill a lot with those the more when he is with so low resources the pc is down but he's still 20 phillies ahead so if he's not migrating properly now those keep jeff can snipe everything pretty fast but he's coming with those there's a second tone center all right trying to put the pressure and kill now the destroyed now that the mic oh okay and need to micro let's see the micro here and gonna lose the villages come on micro it's not happening and those villages will be bye-bye not great not great on my own shot and now i'm gonna oh my god well if doubt of the micros land then gg will play one for one now but already with the lead already with the lead okay well you have to wait you really have to wait because yes only one town center islam will have now two tc's obviously you're not with the greatest economy and this map control so there's still some room for for for a comeback but the push in my opinion has been very bad for for a slam i will have gold cap arches if you ask me not not the spears and and one night even light caps is better because they get the extra piers armor you know but uh oh oh oh oh well one for one is good in this in that situation yeah and now he has to be careful still 16 villages now three pcs i mean it's good that you don't let the opponent come aggressive with the with the coomas economy so right now he's catching up a little well not really well he gets up five billions which that's good and now the knight is he's gonna be nice if he's taken no no he has to be careful my gonna my gonna one for one no but don't lose like this yeah don't lose an ice like this oh that was a good one now we need to shoot the guy but he's not shooting man oh baby well i'm gonna take the mangonel it's okay and the village just go back his micro don't keep children is this slime giving up or what that really is not even moving but no don't put the railing down oh all right you sit at the back well maybe maybe he didn't have time but still guys now the problem is that doubt cast the forward and bubba boom no i believe so yeah billy's deeply is not that big yeah but i think islam is doing now the right call start to mind a lot of stone good thing is that not a great economy for for doubt 12 fighters only now slam has 20 farmers he can really stabilize and if he's doing a castle here he might be fine and in late game i think i prefer turks kassadza and cub arches from turks domination really problem obviously no cap ramp but i know the castle is coming just make the castle here because if he's doing a castle here yeah you need he's so defensive he's really really defensive you need to make it a little bit more forward the ca i mean those keep just cannot reach this castle is extremely defensive you need to go a little bit more forward i don't know what you think because you really need to defend properly your resources yeah i don't like that customers but you see the score you see now now you just look at the castle here he's gonna make it i think he take the goal and everything you understand yeah two don't work with zero relics i don't know why he why he made the monastery here instead of doing here and get all the relics that's another good point yeah but the timing is very important if he's able to reach his video faster which is not going to happen and well yeah thousand with this game but uh uh look at the resources okay yeah but you see how bad is this castle yeah it's not doing anybody now slam idle in the dc on purpose because you want to go up to imp and he's going up to imperial age i like that and let's see with the terms now he can do the job yeah i know islam what he has one is table and one castle that's it doubt about to go up to nvidia horse collar now solid 32 farmers without horse collar not the way to go now wilbaro the difference with the with the economy is insane and the lumber cam he keeps us are coming but he's going to go around and with the ram he can go and dominate completely easy he's completely over even if he's up to imperial because he got nothing yeah i think i think this was a unfortunate game surprise slam secret shot a pc there okay i know what he's doing but the night together the phillies oh my god police inside man is we can't okay he got it see to our shop those kids die against that but it's total domination by the law i know the thoughts and okay tc rush i mean it's good to avoid the rating to be honest but fletching but you need bill is on the tc and those are yeah well with chemistry they help another tc okay oh baby what is this seriously yeah total disaster guys total disaster now and uh with 24 billion less three army he can make one trebuchet but he can rate completely now and now he will call it gg well this was a fail a fail rush by by islam he didn't really do any damage at all he islam killed one velar actually doubt seven but if we check now the statistics we're gonna see how the economy was 33 kills 17 an economy much better as you can see and look at the time up to him to castle it's for doubt 17 minutes almost 18 that's amazing yeah i don't know i don't know what what was what would be the right push but definitely not what he did also the monastery at the back gathered the relics at least and um spears and he killed house of his own ram i feel that kev arches probably would be better to rate i don't know he's difficult than humans you know but but still for me i think the approach here was breaking castle drop on his face want to see one tc and go imp with a castle here and he could do that you know in my opinion you know that's what i think would be a great strategy if you ask me game number five let's go ladies and gentlemen vamos amigos and now we have well cyruses and sicilians cyruses should be favored here by by by much but you know now the confident the confidence is real and doubt feel like okay i'm winning 3-1 i'm gonna use sicilians i'm gonna have fun you know now what is that going to do with sicilians full boo he uses sicilians as well in the semi-finals okay so oh boy oh really boy don't forget guys this beautiful stuff huh if you need a vpn try some rpn and check it out yourself amigos but a lot of advantage okay a lot of advantage and guys next week next week is next week yes next week is gonna happen something guys i know it's tooth you know but don't want to spoil but it's gonna happen something next week you know it's gonna happen something just i i leave you there you know and it's not gonna be at the end of the week okay this is gonna happen something the next week popelos do you know what means nest week this week me next week you know all right a meal and what sicilian is going to do i want to see sicilians actually they are trash remember the day when i was casting with the vibrant he was calling them pretty much crap you know i was i was positively surprised because i i saw viper like very straight and not avoiding any topic so i don't know if you enjoyed that casting with the viper but i did obviously i'm also not a fan boy but you know i i admire him as as his career you know and as a player and as a streamer so obviously i like to to go cast with him this will give them redemption i think yeah sicilians i'm not surprised when they bring sicilians you know because i mean i don't know a lot about historians and stuff like this but today's italians i know that is not the same but prince sicilians was kind of kind of weird for me but hey it's not that important you know but the most important is that the civilization is crap you know well since you didn't get sea turners as well don't forget i think they get c drums they get c trams too the airballers don't have thundering if i'm not wrong and then that's it what they get what else they get because they don't have casars yeah they have um all the uprights except the last armor for the archers the tech 3 is so bad well they have cavaliers full operate against soros's cavaliers looks like a great option sorry guys i didn't know what to say because yes they are bad they're really bad but the first crusade maybe it can give you a fast attack like you make that upgrade and then you get 50 walking days there well it's not 50 anymore it's 35 right no it's 55 7 for each tone center with a maximum of five this is right it was 50 but they put 35 yeah seven plus five i agree yeah yeah yeah correct indeed calorie with resistance that's true they have resistance comparison resistant conversion resistant bonus against uh pikes against well stars don't have house but against camels as well maybe it can be good you forgot to say when you type this kind of things peter no bomber cannons no retention no thundering no power no hand no hand cannon is no nothing you know and then you put total crap yeah yeah yeah they they have a good arbor the surgeons but let's see what doubt obviously this kind of choice is kind of tricky because if you get the islam now with a 3-2 even if you are confident you might give him some some hope as well and you don't want to bring him back into the cities you want to punish him you want to destroy you want to dominate and if if i was doubt that would have been my life but you want to pick you want to keep my lying kids that i decided well maybe it makes sense too but you want to finish the cds so okay mark it and now what stable all right but doubt please make the market but make the market down make the market man oh my god well he leave the market there but he's not doing you know like okay now he's rushing in with four values unbelievable and no resources obviously he will buy the fruit after the market so he's fine and he won't have so he will buy 400 gold and he's up to castle yeah same time dance slam so no problem oh stone okay islam is gonna go clone full clown i believe barrack that's my name is stone just not to make a castle probably to sell the stone probably just to sell this stuff okay you farmers yeah for scholar doing all the fun like he's doing the farm there man make close to the pc seriously i mean doubt what the he's doing now another okay it's okay then it's okay it's okay don't complain man you complain too much man i know okay 10 or wood 39 foot you can see the distribution obviously different yeah sicilians man trimble tumble sicilians amigo how many hours i'm streaming quite a lot five hours heisenberg thank you man thank you for the prime amigo 13 moons has been a while i think good evening all good evening to you man appreciate it man really appreciate it yeah i really appreciate it man one moment i need to take something okay something is wrong here sorry let me focus here this is scouts as you can see scout war and who's gonna take it well that'll sicilians kill this look how he's eating the spears man that bonus man that bonus eating the spears as well what the hell that was very solid okay sorry i was taking something important in the stream because something was not going well you don't notice but it was about performance and well let's see a lot of farming light cap still with a lot of angola and a stone i don't know what he's oh he's not selling this stone he's going to make a castle estrada center and he's still trying to get the relics 500 stone so he he's he's planning to make a castle on his face then is this needed well we will see yeah he doesn't have the light caps he's coming with with a monk as well same feliz now doing the light cap has to be careful it's going to convert gonna pick that relic want to convert the speed but the speeds are not working as you can see again sicilian so cecilia has something good the clone map its claw is smaller so everything is closer that was a bad move here my doubt no no you need to go back he was about to be converted but he didn't now he took one relic gonna take another so it's already two relics and there is protection the third one maybe he will go take that one but he want to secure all right and now a third tc look how fast they are building so fast slam he's gonna come with a forward castle or he's trying at least but thou don't want to let him take the eggs and just just commit into the battle and see what's going on no it's too much yeah it's too many spears i mean if they have helped the the bonus this is still four spears come on but he's coming already oh boy it's two relics i'm gonna take the third unbelievable these two monks he's gonna take the third relica maybe here the four yeah if he convert to a spears he can commit and kill off let's see he's not doing the loom because he want to go for a forward castle but he's taking the relic okay forward castle uh i smell a fail i smell about castle i don't know what you think but it can't be i don't know oh she's going to to fight now no no he's too many spears he's gonna take that one maybe maybe i smell properly maybe i smell properly has to be careful need to go back yeah islam i don't know what islam is trying probably a super fast amp but if you convert a spear if he killed those spears yeah yeah it's game over guys what assad end of the series very very sad end of the series islam i don't know what you are doing with the better seat but uh this is a full titanic boat it yeah he shouldn't make it maybe he will [Music] let's see if he's not doing the castle obviously his game over well maybe maybe he's gonna make it he's sending more villains i like that yeah but now he's 15 village behind and now he's still trying to oh it is failed it is big fail oh my god oh my goodness he's gonna make it unbelievable i don't understand why islam is doing this in the grand final in the last game when you have stars and versus sicilians his disney name is total destruction total titanic by islam seriously this is not the way to go well very very poor the last game i feel bad for the series i feel bad for terror i feel bad for dracon because this is not the best way to finish the series and not the best way to finish the tournament that islam did great great tournament you know really great tournament he did but the grand final disappointed in my opinion i love him but i have to be honest i am a commentator a caster and this wasn't great at least not for me you know in a in a latter game you see this you joke oh titanic but this one wasn't aggressive the way to go military as you can see he killed double economy yeah and this was one thousand two hundred dollars for doubt congratulations he's the champion master of arena six and well in the grand final except the first game the second game also was great but then after the second game total domination by doubt total domination seriously and hopefully guys you really have enjoyed with the series and with the tournament thumb up on youtube amigos you
Channel: MembTV - Age of Empires
Views: 7,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DauT, Slam, Grand Final, MOA6, Master of Arena 6, Best of 7, TheViper, age of empires 2 definitive edition, membtv, microsoft, JonSlow, Dracken
Id: 7ABOwlBmwEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 13sec (7633 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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