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[Music] today we explore the biggest abandoned time capsule to date this three-story manner has been completely frozen in time for nearly 30 years inside we find everything left behind artifacts from all around the world remain from art from the far east to weapons used by tribes in north africa we couldn't find out the history on what happened to the family that once owned this amazing home but what they left behind all those years ago was truly amazing nature has slowly started taking back the house and time has taken its toll on the old property so join us as we take a look inside and see what remains [Music] all right guys we are inside the house now this place is probably the biggest time capsule i've ever seen this is just right next to the front door the old mackenzie and co piano still got the little stool that the people sat on absolutely amazing place absolutely massive isn't it yeah three stories every story is completely full clocks aren't on three o'clock that means not many have been here check these front doors stained glass windows it's a proper old country man of this there is stuff everywhere but you do expect it in places like this yeah these wardrobes some white mold all over them little peter rabbit wardrobe freshener check this guys all these china vases vases vases china cups and sauces i am getting posh here you can tell it's old when there's a factory machine looking like 90s isn't it yeah it's so dark in here though it's literally literally first thing in the morning as well it's not dark outside it's just covered in iron yeah there's ivy all over this house those exercise bikes all books it's just like a proper standard entrance to a big manor isn't it rocking chair for an old oh yeah umbrella that it's like an oriental one in it that's cool there's quite a bit of oriental stuff though see loads of that voters i should be added in the living room first check this room out guys living room absolutely massive it does look like they had a lot of uh visitors as well because there's so many chairs in here entertainers i've gotta load the ball games too is that like a games box yeah it's cool oh look at this [Music] little chessboard looks like bloody jumanji if i start hearing some drums i'm going that was a big old manner in jumanji though all the books are covered in white mold as well though it's such a shame in it but check this room guys that's insane yeah you got a big bay there as well with sofas in probably use that like to chill in the summer like a conservatory there's still christmas decorations although is that no this fireplace man i've not seen one like this before though to be fair no normally the yeah i just noticed that too check these out at the top still going butterflies just watch that light look sir that guys singapore the old lanterns big old lamps that's crazy isn't it yeah isn't it yes look the vogue mirror 1919 oriental again and these these are all chinese that's a fabric that cloth oh yeah and frames must be ancient chinese there's two of them that's cool not seen that before no flowers obviously fake yeah there's christmas decorations in this bowl here as well little baubles homemade video there dread to think what's on there i like seeing these old tvs proper throwback isn't it studio color look at that speech music all chewed back tvs there's the bayer look all entertaining i think in this bit oh look at this they've got a a vine inside i just got dripped look at the damage here though all the ceilings coming through there it's gone completely through there the buttons have fell as well a bit dangerous in it i like this hippo he's cool hello these standard old 90s carpets what a room this is yeah there's some newspapers here dale what do you got uh tv guide just says november 2000 oh yeah that one's two thousand as well yeah then 21 years that's easy math november so just before christmas so that explains why the christmas decks are up might have just been getting ready there's another jumanji box that's just potpourri there you go should we head into what i believe the dining room the size of this room as well so dark though you can see why it's so dark all the ivy over the windows there there's a truss i've probably butchered that should we have some it's like eight in the morning mate oh yeah [Music] ashes manchester sheffield lincolnshire plan of canals ah the peak district canaan canal reservoir that's weird in it hey who's out i like the drink oh yeah cigar box it's dark in here in it yeah what do we have here photos photos dale hello there's a painting of the little labrador there painted by tammy signed as well you see these so there's the family there look like older people there you go yeah straight away loved canals just little boats and that isn't it yeah that's a nice little find personal effects more photos here i could be anywhere oh wow the old painting set so what these yeah yeah there's no paintbrushes there oh no it's just like attack box lozenges soda streams everything is so 90s isn't it lethal stuff like i understand believe in your stuff but don't leave your family yeah yeah probably not a good idea all negatives in here can't really see them though it's got this like layer over it isn't it another nice old fireplace there covered over i was going to say it looks like it's been packed away but these look like they've been here for a very very long time like they're all dusty enough and just sheets yeah big old mirror behind there as well but you can't see it nice this away oh this one's seen better days definitely check all these bottles i definitely like the drink like a bloody uh bargain booze all dusty all corked as well maybe they made their own wine yeah they did look rhubarb wine 1989 looks like that might be cider i'd have had the radio on rocking out some bloody bootleggers i know yeah wow all the wallpapers fell down over there there covering everything behind there just a few cupboards all these people are drunk he's fell asleep he's fell asleep he liked the drink didn't they even crap stronger thing and then it's a little takeaways that's not that part buddy party how's this yeah let's get over there all the windows are smashed in here nice big kitchen this though isn't it yeah is that a dishwasher they'd have been expensive uh yeah back in the 90s wouldn't they yeah you find a lot of that though don't you like they all start upgrading all the older houses throughout the years you can't really get anywhere because all the ceilings fell down climb over everything forgot to talk then there's two washing machines smells fruity in here it does isn't it's a bit fresh like all overgrown all the nature coming through it's just like a utility room this isn't it yeah anything in the fridge yeah of course we do there's a bit of escargot on the floor oh that makes a change is escargot snails yeah what's cold soup cold soup yeah i don't know i'm sure escargot is snails oh my god that's messed up in my last video then i thought escargot was cold soup oh squeeze through this door it might be cereals you might be right hey check this out just like back bathrooms can't get past them because this is holding the wall up we've got his jackets here looks like old military bags scouts or something sheffield newport might be should be work bags you know yeah i think a big family lived here all work boots uh that's what i'm saying yeah isn't it no it's just a little cubby hole look all the wine holders and then we're back at the fax machine still full of glassware this is a proper i'm gonna head upstairs now guys but this is a proper 90s time capsule this big old manner in the country surprised they haven't got friends on uh vhs american thor yeah 1905. that's a billy bat like an old piece that's what they used to have have a look in this bathroom there's dog balls under my feet so must have had pets check this out though this is where you start seeing all the personal stuff isn't it yeah the toothbrushes this is the bit that blows my mind like why do you leave all this you must leave in a hurry to leave all this yeah or have no one left yeah a little fish animal but retro tiles isn't it they're pretty small though compared to the size of the rest of the house yeah it's a big bloody house with little rooms well if this is 1900s then the toilets are always separate aren't they there you go there's a little garden here as well agriculture bathroom these stairs are amazing though all the detail in the stairs i know the other the carbons yeah up onto the big landing i know which one to go in first let's go first let's go in there first it might be like a spare room so they've used it as like an office that's what i'm thinking with all these files here projects i don't want to start even going through them in case of business close the business because they've passed away and everything's just been brought back to the old yeah maybe look at these dale insane isn't it absolutely stunning i love all the old dresses yeah i like the old dresses too well that's just wood stacked in here as well or is that an old bed i'm not sure below seen better days ceilings come through here as well definitely an old bedroom women's room i thought i was closer to this then i just completely missed it cosmopolitan 1992. see this is what throws me off why is that 1992 magazines still in the packet but all the other dates are 2 000. why why she not opened it in eight years just have a little view nothing in these houses ever makes sense big massive bloody garden here i can't get over the size of this london i know he's got all his hats on his little little sitting bench do huh this room's unreal oh wow wow oh god what's that a machete issue not for sale to children viz sid the sexist spoiled bastard fat slags [Laughter] have you ever heard of them got bearded manning on the front of a magazine have you ever heard of the biz yeah not for a long long time though what yeah did that have on it i don't think it says a year that's cool isn't it that's a cool find private eye all like comedy mags aren't they oh no way what it's got all remember my granddad's absolutely called it and they had all the the names and the heights on the door yeah put it all on the back of that ah have they oh look at that mike mike's about six foot don't come back in 1985 mike was six foot tim slightly shorter peter i'm just trying to deborah yvonne but yeah how many people are here there's four hang on yeah if the kids still lived here they would have been older so it's a weirdo where are they hey look it's all biker jacket that's a proper and rockers time let's see if there's a patch on the back now wow okay nothing's falling now there you go oh beer maps all the kids there definitely that still live here your grand fireplaces thing well i'll say it's harder maximum that's a glass let's smash that off the mint just a couple of mad rocks in it toronto i like the drink though the whole family didn't they yeah and look that mirrors downstairs with the bay this is beautiful what house this is some more john lennon's there dr robotnik little dartboard look at these though like where's this come from do you know what you know when you have a drink and then you wake up and you've got like a cone in your house and that kind of something did you just rob this off the front of buckingham palace oh it's plastic is it yeah they actually took down the queen's thing off the front of buckingham palace check this out they do they're definitely older imagine sharing a room when you're older go in the pub magazines uh looks like bit lumpy though i shouldn't have done that could have been someone under there yeah see if they've got any more mods from rockers clothes it looks like they're work closer i'm not gonna look but guarantee there's some pornos under those mattresses just going off what everything else that's in the room i bet you there is a double mattress as well wait how many people are here i know it's crazy look there's a separate bathroom here brushes be careful i thought did it feel like it moved in no it's felt all right all that shoes down here trainers miter good yeah wow oh look at the good the condition these are the fair jackets wow it looks like mum or dad's clothes that looks like a bit older yeah definitely older people in them clothes there's dressing down there house coat whatever you call it oh mark's in spencer's suit not cheap them are they well i suppose you're not going to be skin if you live in a house like this and then into the next bedroom flowing quite freely in this house i thought that was a dead body then for a second it's just clothes wrapped up single bed look at this guys the chairs either side of the fireplace all the ornaments left on there i've snuck through this way i like more chinese stuff oh wow look dale a little marble inside this oh cool little frame dolphin are so much in here isn't that wait that's well cool nice nice fireplace as well not sure whose bedroom this would have been though look you've got this big old stereo in here bush cassettes what do they listen to your 100 best tunes so i suppose that's like an early now that's what i call music rock and roll music same mods and rock and i'm all over it meanwhile is it no africa school photos sun's coming out a bit more now oh yeah no writing table [Music] black magic chocolates i like jesus clothes packed away oh no i didn't see that so robin looks like a robin these dresses are nice so aren't they i love them it's an older woman's clothes here so maybe maybe nana lived here yeah jesus this is a a music book stand isn't it yeah yeah yeah more oriental stuff look at that that's an old picture looks like late 1800s i'd say a young couple there having a kiss the dust what's happening i'm loving this house like an african uh i don't know what you call it ornament don't remember the words then i'm going to go into the next one mate and then move on to the next one it's so bloody big this house i like 3d a few more rooms to go guys oh wow here's your master bedroom definitely master bedroom there's a single bed in here too which is strange just trying to move over here guys so i can see this bed properly check this out nice big four poster bad built to last oh hang on a frabby jack no ah some old money in it though for the fabijay egg then we're thousands but on this nightstand some more chairs behind us here oh look this wardrobe's falling in mate that's collapsing in my mom used to make it you see daylight through the roof that's not a good sign this probably won't last that much longer looking at the damage yeah i'm gonna have a little cheeky look in here definitely work from home investment regulations ah so maybe a solicitor ah see i've been right the last couple of times solicitor could work for now that all the royals charles and diana what's up playing all the beer as well yeah if you want to get drunk if you're assaulted by arista rich let's call this house i'm not gonna force that open have we seen a name anywhere dale not even a first name before something i think it was something keegan's or something but i don't i'll have to go back downstairs it was downstairs yeah if that were there oh they all wash things i think that'll be more ornament because they're not going to need it they've got bathrooms everywhere unless it was converted yeah another guy sped down like they've even got a candle holder over there old style if you've got electric there's no lights actually is there that's mad oh yeah there's no light in this room i don't think there's been one in any room yeah yeah like a new style yes one more floor guys just wonder what you all think of it let me know in the comments what you're all thinking of the house so far they have to dunk down here but we're just at the top now top floor four rooms let's check them out whoa more beds mate some russian here i think how many people are mattresses for the news i know yeah oh i can't get to them but look at them look at them old chests oh wow andrew it's a treasure trust treasure chest a treasure chest i couldn't see then look at that though dale the rats have been at this mattress yeah big time yeah it's all over the floor definitely being out there aren't they yeah i've just seen that five six rooms up here going on here oh wow was that never an issue with no room in this house that german i'm sure that's funny that's got his name in it [Music] transworld railway old suitcases he's got suits in there too that's like women's clothing oh yeah look at them old suitcases guys i don't get into that always little beds in the way in that look that's the only the second tv we've seen dale that's going right there so many bloody rooms for kids a little stereo system in there look at that remote jesus that's massive i don't know why are you looking kiddies photos what i'm going hunting lions what why are we they always finding weapons that's a proper african spear that it's got all the engravings on it too wow that's cool yeah is it like a massive banger though oh at the top there yeah be careful hold that a second have a look at what i just found a sword i'm telling you it's a sword it is as well no way is it a sword it is sword oh behave yourself wow looks like it's not stuck on though is that the case there's a case isn't it yeah say don't know that's cool though isn't it yeah let me have a look at that handle hold it steady check that out guys all the detail in that look at that wow be good if you could open it up wouldn't it no is it in there like yeah make feel the weight of it's got to be oh jeez yeah hold that i'm trying to open it i might be like oh my god mr muscle i'm just trying to see if there's a catch or that's interesting isn't it that's not like oh it's a rushed it that's why is it's rusted into the thing that's cool get a picture of that you go to look at a banjo and we end up looking at a sword oh yeah i'm gonna try it we'll have to put that back though because imagine if that went into the wrong hands oh no way look at that still got the string oh no no no no no no it's got a little sun up for it as well deliverance but yeah that's dangerously for this house look at that what we found now machete spear sword [Music] that's crazy i'm gonna come and get a picture of that in a minute but we'll have to push forward dale that's the house bloody massive still got three more rooms four more rooms oh look at this they're not actually the older i'm sure they've played without like a few years another bathroom that old tub bath nice yeah floors going in here so i'm gonna yeah windows completely fell away there there look all these kids teddy's in that kid's toys where's your kids toys though as well yeah so it's gonna let you scale that all the polystyrene has been eaten away i'm sure you can get some sort of version of it let's have a look in this one [Music] [Applause] wow fair play peter wow another bedroom mate these model planes are more suitcases at the top how many bedrooms is this no that's ridiculous they're cool yeah oh just watch this floor it feels a bit not all the christmas decorations look onto the front garden there what's under the typewriter i'm thinking yeah old typewriter nice this place i'm not sure obviously sat in front of the window coffee makers are they coffee machines yeah well it looks like a little kettle thing at the back and it's got the timer on the front it's what time of that is it's just a clock i don't know yeah what's on it nuggets guys if anyone knows what these are give us a heads up in the comments pretty cool like be interested to know what they are all the rats are eating these cushions though mentally mental last room now kitty room vibes yeah definitely this is like this is the room that kevin got on him yeah alone at this oh wow hey look at the size of that chest that it's on where are they singapore i'm not sure that one says singapore but i'm not sure what that cherokee singapore yeah well that's greek or something yeah hundred hundred to them is like forty pizza or something oh sleeping bags oh god that's stankers there's a lot of these youtubers the german stuff looks good like eagle probably isn't it probably in the nazi's house do what i'd actually think that was pretty cool if we found loads of nazi stuff yeah history in it look at all this wow badges for swimming and stuff it feels like a kid's room some coins down there as well and then you've got your puzzles it does feel like a kid's stuff yuck you're disgusting fur coat oh yeah oh look at that as well look at this good story bloody [Music] it's definitely full on 90s this house isn't it all right let's get some room how did you stand up in that room all right guys there you have it inside the biggest time capsule we think we've done so far one off one off absolutely amazing retro 90s everything's been got the most rooms i think it's been pretty sick in here wasn't it to be fair absolutely massive hope you've enjoyed it guys if you have remember to like comment subscribe let me know in the comments what some of these things are that i was asking about because i like to learn that way and yeah for next time we know for next time found a sword a spear what's going on we always find weapons don't we it's weird but yeah i hope you've enjoyed it guys if you have remember to hit the like button and uh have a good weekend enjoy the rest of your week and we'll see you next time cheers peace out
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 276,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places uk, Abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places uk scary, exploring abandoned houses 2020, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, urban exploration, urban exploring, urban exploring uk
Id: l7l3T1bEACo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 50sec (2390 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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