Bate's Mansion He Kept His Dead Mum hidden at his home | strange finds and very creepy vibe!

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hello explorers and welcome back to a brand new video if you're new to the Channel please hit that like And subscribe so I filmed this back in 2021 the artist Mansion so the family that grew up here had one son and some say when the father passed away he was completely obsessed with his mum and when she passed away apparently kept her corpse in the house for nearly nine days before the authorities knocked the door you can bear to let her go where they did say that he was having some kind of relationship with his mum later on he was taking medication to keep him awake and help him sleep having huge sex parties with both all kinds of genders later on people say that he was starting to go a little bit crazy I hate that word but that's what they said to me that they didn't want to associate with him for the way he was acting and apparently he was like the Vincent van Gogh he cut the top of his ear off but then later on he was found dead in this place nearly five months after he passed away he was found anyway guys enjoy the video love you loads and thank you thank you for all your support so we see the gates there behind me that's what he would have come in this property there's no chance now overgrown I'm gonna end at this place it looks amazing just through the window I can see behind me I want to play a little game as well what we normally do this is called Poppy a banner world it's for my little duck don't ask so the guy who made my merchandise made me this up and I thought right it's gonna be my little mascot if you find this in the video link in description what time and when and hit a like at the end of the video let's get in this place trying to get in this place is an absolute mission I just jumped to the Mirror going into the first room in this house and already this is absolutely incredible look at this place an incredible pictures up there of the family and when you think you've seen it all and then you come to another spot I can see the lion's head there spinning the camera around here look how creepy does that look photos always looked like they were miserable but I think that's how they used to pose wow guys and girls look at this such amazing to see these beautiful places abandoned it's absolutely incredible look at the beams as well in this room this is very strange as well look beside the bed now I've seen a lot of statues and stuff I've never seen something sitting right beside the bed what a beautiful incredible place and it's weird look how they lived with a pile of stuff just all in the back of the room some of these books as well like the only thing is we don't know any history on this place like nothing which I've tried and I'm going to try and look up more of the history so do check the description let's see what I can find I'm loving this is kind of like a like a 70s sort of like um retro sort of look s like the guy's dressed as like a baby it's got a dummy a bottle in his hand and stuff maybe it was a fantasy who knows or a fancy dress sad really to see like it's I'm hoping this place stays safe and secure it really upset me to see this place absolutely trashed I like the fireplace there the chimney stack a little cross beside the fire it's a very religious again but it's we're in France this time um obviously on this location please don't ask guys because and girls obviously it's one that I won't be giving out to anyone look at this chest again like full of books and stuff does anyone know what reasons if he wants to translate into this let me see it's notes yeah just showed you one page anyway but let us know to come in Back to the bed here we've got a Charlie Chaplin VHS it's another photo album here [Applause] that's actually empty that's really sad we all know we are looking at photos there's a couple of as well so I've seen the same guy again which was over there just so I'm thinking maybe it's the owner such a gorgeous place loving all the flooring as well are you gonna admit guys this picture in the middle here looks very evil oh wow look at the boy in the candle how many books wasting away and the elephants I love an old Globe as well and you can see imagine a view that used to be out of this window and now it's just Mother Nature's just taking this place day by day the cobwebs the overgrow the dust the Decay coming back through here look at the painting over there Little Monkeys set up all your cassettes loving them beautiful pictures there so now I'm gonna head through to the second room wow this place is a true time capsule in a way the winners are just completely open this is an absolute incredible abandoned place let's see the wallpaper just drooping off the walls the art is incredible this guy has had so much talent I think he's like he was making everything here always little arts and crafts my man used to collect these as well like the little shell ornaments just spinning the camera around look at that I've never seen a bottle like that and you know I love my bottles you know I'm gonna say it but look at that it's an actual Eiffel Tower two liter bottle absolutely gorgeous it's for about real silver maybe this is quite an expensive part of France as well I can't see any Hallmarks but in a violin case we can see what bottle that was guys there's another one up there at the Eiffel Tower Bowl never seen a bowl like that again this guy's worked and just is everywhere this would have been beautiful as well absolutely stunning to love this they say mirrors in Old Wives tower that mirrors tail Tails mirrors see everything and look then at the back door is just completely rotten I can't even apparently not open it's actually coming off the hinges but at the backyard you can't even get out there this guy's work is everywhere it's like everything like even the giant eggs it's like he buried himself in his own home with his art that's how true it was but obviously he was found they found him dead in his home but you know what look I'm going to come down to the floor a minute just the details in the tiles and it's I think this is a terracotta I'm not sure the old like kind of like 70s sort of style retro sort of table look at this glass here I thought I missed that is absolutely gorgeous and this one here two glass bottles are amazing crystals I said look looking out into the backyard I love elephants beautiful elephants and it's a bit of an Egyptian film theme there's quite a lot of like sort of Egyptian African sort of feel and maybe this guy traveled around a lot as well so even though we're up to all the perfume bottles and aftershave bottles is kept back so I've never seen that sort of set before all different brushes and stuff every night obviously kept this he's made this himself you can see and he's kept hanging up stuff and some really cool ones yeah we've got a Christian deal um loads of different ones I've been around here obviously looking back into where we was at the kitchen and the snake there obviously it's a little random just cooker sitting here maybe it packed up and just kept it for sunny can't even get to the books down there completely taken the old gas Bowl quite a weird layout I mean 2003 there the little cat lovers including myself okay so we've got the stairs in a minute look at this I don't know if it's [ __ ] ashtray or something it's the shape of a gun this goes up into the loft or stairs really don't feel good there's one missing as well wow this is where all his collection is this makes me really sad this is his whole life's worth of work now rotting away in an attic I'm a little bit scared about work but look how far this goes on this guy I need to find out his work must be noted somewhere the artist loving his old French roofs so you can just see how beautiful his work is everything from the oil paintings the life uh life drawings I think these are actual people as well just drawn it's incredible so what it looks like is his little chair up here maybe this is where he used to do all these paintings sitting up in the attic space and his work just keeps continuing such a beautiful place listen to Nature the roof or ashamed of rain is going to pour in over these paintings day by day you can see that canvases are starting to rot away it does upset me because there's nothing I can do to save these look at this what is this [Applause] an old case there's nothing in it thank you a magnificent place it really is it is this looks like a damned 1979 foreign I just want to say I don't love I don't just love exploring I just want to say I don't just come to exploring to make YouTube videos I come here because I love exploring it's my passion and I promise you now if I had to stop making videos for any reason I would still be exploring such a beautiful feeling to walk into people's lives that completely it's just like it's like having a time machine and being able to go back in time to someone's last place or to the person's last moments in life what they were doing before they passed away and this every time is just proof that we can't take anything with us when we do go eventually we come with nothing and we go with nothing so as I come around from the side here just look at nature doing its thing the beautiful nature covering the desk is probably once a little drawing desk and you know what I like to be able to just feel this but I'm probably gonna regret it and the last time I was actually in France I broke my leg so if you imagine sitting here it doesn't even open anymore damn step back over damaging any work but now I want you to kind of visualize for a second I'm going to kneel down for a literature about 10 seconds so now listen to the story not the story but listen to my words imagine that window open it's a beautiful autumn day all summer day or even a winter month when there's snow outside sitting on this little bench here in front looking outside pencil piece of charcoal paint brush in hand sitting there drawing Mother Nature from the window or if not creativity drawing what's in your mind but sitting there how beautiful is that anyway I'm gonna head back down such a gorgeous place I'm just amazed seriously how much work art is all right I'm gonna recall going back down because these steps are very sketchy before I do go I just want to show you just our oldest places look the old nuts and bolts probably holding supporting walls and stuff and now they've used Timber and different boots and pieces for the construction and obviously the wood beams going through the walls anyway it's got like a Tudor sort of style but obviously we're in France so that down the ground loads of books again into that look at the decay in here I need to show you something that you can I know some people moan like we don't want to see the cobwebs and that but I need you to see this place is 100 abandoned I get the questions all the time I'll get the horrible comments sometimes saying this isn't abandon you're in someone's house but I can tell you now it's one million percent abandoned it just shows you again how creative this guy was I mean you can make I've seen sculptures it looks like he's even repaired like a flume or something this is kind of like kind of a creepy sort of painting you just feel amazed every time and the old tools there that the hand drill hand wine drill such beautiful women as well they've painted oh why he's created that it's as if it's like looking at us and that last paint brushes just imagine coming here at night and seeing that mannequin sitting right there on his chair see him and again when you look around here wind is completely missing and the ivory just pouring in don't get me wrong see how you can't even see out there yeah don't get me wrong I like the place I wouldn't live here I just find it's a bit I don't know imagine converted freshly it'd probably be absolutely stunning in it [Applause] I'm loving this obviously Jesus now on the cross current is cross what are these I'm guessing it's kind of a tool where maybe for plow um plant your seeds maybe for Turf in the dirt up if you know what it is let me know or if it's something like this the movie Saw he's even made stuff out of metal as well such a creative guy the statue was just standing in the corner completely forgotten about as well as everything else so just standing over near the sculpture look at again like I just want to show you this look how everything's made the little bricks supported by Timber I finished such a high roof [Music] there's so many vinyl records without completely getting destroyed this is history here just decaying away in front of my eyes otherwise I get left I don't understand it's got to be some kind of family or something that could come in maybe save some of their dads or uncles or brothers work or there's got to be some kind of relative [Music] so just coming back past we've got here Lumiere sitting there waiting for you ladies he's missing a hand who's still having some young chat Poor Side he's been waiting sitting there his life drawing but no one to paint him I just noticed sisters well it's a sucker it's just like an old pinball machine or an old games machine wow look how old it is that is old isn't it I know obviously it's missing the front but it was an old game machine I miss this oh that lamp is oh it's rotting away it's a huge giraffe over there another little desk there maybe would have worked in place as you can see where we are so we're not getting lost there's a bit there and we're gonna head I'm gonna take you guys upstairs now obviously I'm not saying you want to go upstairs but look at these staircase absolutely rotten I'm sure you don't want to come upstairs with me but tough you're coming so I'm just going to spin it back around look at this always worries me when I see like a Lino on the floor because you never know how cool is that his side down it you think that his leather coats more paintings where is it all gonna end up maybe a land field you can't see out the back I mean very much we're on the first floor now it just shows you how ever grown is you can feel it just under my feet oh there's a hole there there's more bugs so I'm gonna move with tonight for this for Basic Instinct good film even up to the toilet so as well I don't know how true is but apparently this guy who lived here was literally he didn't bath wash or nothing I don't know how true this is but in his last few years of like life maybe 10 years or so apparently just didn't laugh and just believe hey nature will clean himself which is probably true your body probably does start cleaning itself after a while but I don't know I'd still like a bath I'm just trying to check this out and see what it actually is look how old that is is there a date on it okay but what a cool little Studio it's like a beautiful sink as well and that's just a bathroom but I don't want to miss any rooms actually makes me sad just sort of a few seconds silence I think this poor guy had all his life this is where they lost I'll guess if they found him in bed passed away it's like me that the Explorer a little teddy bear too long these old all these old trunks okay I feel better I just pulled the new guy over and put his Teddy there but as you can see it's just like the one pillow so sad though it really is don't have wardrobes I don't want this stuff are they called this design no clothes just books I'd imagine he's a very educated man got some DVDs here you go ladies anyone translate what this is about now if you want to translate this let's skip everybody's here if you want to screenshot it and read what this guy's wrote to bear in mind you're gonna have to flip that upside down that one on that one foreign let me know anyone put in the description I'll add them on Facebook abandoned World Explorer explorers Facebook Panama explore on Instagram obviously it's all places like this I do guys the Forgotten the untouched hospitals you name it I explore it so is this long and there's a lot of readers that like reading so translate it let me know guys while I'm doing this as well we have a pillow box as well if you wish to send us anything 4th of August is my birthday just saying um also there's a patreon of animal Explorer patreon any donations will be used for trips obviously our skies are looking at going back in uh to France soon so any donations maybe I could help the guys out and we could plan it sooner get some more videos to use um there's a PayPal link as well if you wish to donate um that's only if you wish to obviously I'm not asking anyone to just saying people do ask you so there you go let me know what it says if anyone knows a little putty cat down there oh what is that so that he had a candle right in there the old saucepan little funky caterpillar they're coming out the bedroom into the last room as you can see wow it's okay this is where all the magic happens and when I mean the magic happens this is where it all happens foreign so we've got a rubber a rubber adult thing there behind my light I give you a clue um look how beautiful this is and I've seen these on the antique shows and that where they restore with a beautiful little clock here and I believe is that little thermometer because this would be like a little cool box I believe they store stuff in there and look at these cute little glasses oh it's shaped like a boat that I'd love to restore that take that home how beautiful would it be what is this one there oh it's how cool is this look you've got a rolling pin as well it's all built in nothing's built like this anymore I can't even see in there how beautiful this would be so do you think I mean it just shows you that how many paintings are in it and like we've been in the Attic already you've seen that you've seen all the art downstairs and just shows you how many hours would have been spent in this house up in this room probably 60 of his life hello it's pretty creepy said that not saying bang around painting there so yeah I mean is this safe I'm not gonna walk up there but I want to kind of see why this ladder's here what's going on up here nothing but that no window and look at the decay So eventually it's all going to come through and Destroy This Place and the holes in the roof this needs saving come on someone needs to save this and there's got to be another variety person out there that would love to take this on and pull this home once again a lot of little jackets and stuff so I don't know true as well but this guy loved his women so I'm sure if the walls could talk this place would tell you a lot of stories of stuff that have gone on here yeah look at the shutters completely rotten outside that's what I'm saying look or not like that goes all the way down to the first floor that's how thick it is I love the way Nature's taking all the window now it's completely blocking all the light from coming in I think it's coming back into that's another it's a living room she's coming to check this room out with the flooring so sketchy oh it's a little just a little bedroom a Decay nail the ceilings falling through this I have one of these in the kids one if it still works stairs look at the holes oh God oh wow why am I walking up the holes you can see how high am I know there's a roof obviously I'm in the roof it's where it's like the car has faded the globe this is battling day by day of nature you can see I don't want it they put Stone floors on these roofs and look how loose it always this is a long drop as well bead board I don't know what they're called again this is where all these clothes are cut then all dressing up with room for occasion falling over Arts paintings the Box loving these old cases nothing in them though this one here beautiful wooden one way to change this rattle in there why would you even knock this door we're not locked but yeah Rusty the hook is put it back is that there I found it even the spiders decomposed in the web it's been open for a long time kind of weird we're gonna Nerf him it's like postcards and stuff look at this it's kind of how weird this lamp is never someone like that imagine a bulb so that's four bulbs hanging out a little window up here these little wigs up here and stuff this is where he slept weird a bit of a weird room this one it's all a bit strange but kind of cool very uh quirky but the doors completely shut back up so as we spin around here but it's a nice no way it's not even work it's one of these toys that just makes a noise I had this exact same toy as a kid I assume there's not a date on it but I had this toy all these bow ties it doesn't work anymore [Applause] foreign no way it was this one you push the button something set this toy off I'm getting out of here guys what an incredible place weird and when I say weird it is a little bit weird a weird's cold a lot weird things in the bush ice bucket made in France mod let's just sit on the table in the bush I love all the pictures coming into the barn you know pictures and stuff this guy had wow I just wonder how much time he had to do all this right there sculptures all these frames [Applause] beautiful Barn I don't know just taking the windows out just looking into this place it's even put like wallpaper on the beam because they just come in one of those beautiful units there what is this [Applause] it's not got no honey in there but look how incredible this room is called the lines this is probably one of the most coolest weirdest places I've ever got to see a pitch up there or handmade lava lamp there absolutely gorgeous the way Nature's look just pouring all in there such an incredible place it really is I'll let you look at that closer as I said lights in here coming back out of here an amazing place it was when I thought the house was amazing that you come into the barn and it gives you all that what more can you want from an abandoned place and explore [Applause] I'm loving the Pew as well see that the beautiful barn doors one's completely missing all right the funky artist's camper van I'm not surprised that it's wacky like this complete wacky they're kind of cool as well I'm actually short of that it is have you had the back open I bet it's full of paintings completely broken away oh yeah let's see picture frames you know as a Triano how cool is that he's gone crazy with his van as well I like it suits him sad in it so much I see one of these you know I want to know what they're made out of they've got all them panels and stuff all from old places probably collected over the years and another barn that's about to collapse where it looks of it yo what's up Explorers so you've got to the end of the video sorry I didn't end it at the place I don't know what happened if I didn't record I'm not sure but I didn't have any end footage it was the end of the video though I just want to say I found out a little bit of history on this place um the guy obviously was an artist we all gathered that um he was found unfortunately um passed away in his own home apparently he took a lot of stuff to keep him awake he took him a lot of stuff to help him sleep he was having various adult parties with a one to seven ratio I believe of women so he was having yeah he was probably having a good time so um yeah unfortunately as I said his place now is completely abandoned uh I did hear that it was just over 15 years um it's been abandoned but I can't get that exact date but hopefully you enjoyed it guys hit that like And subscribe as I said if you wanted a merch head over to a um if you wish to support the channel in any way the patreon link are all in description follow us on Facebook Instagram Twitter Snapchat you name it we're there um but yeah love you all guys without you there wouldn't be an awe channel so be part of the team and support us as much as you can if you wish to love you all stay safe see you soon [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 157,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned places, abandoned houses
Id: 7ayoIEGLhLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 56sec (2996 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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