I Made 100 Players Simulate Ancient Civilizations...

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imagine if ancient times were recreated in hardcore minecraft with ruined temples ancient gods and 100 players split across three empires on this map with the goal to be the last one standing well that's exactly what happened today and as all three empires spawned in each had completely different terrains the aztec tribe that were in a dense jungle the greeks that were in a grassy mountain range and the egyptians that were in a plain desert for the egyptians this was going to be an especially hard task as they started to explore the desert and couldn't spot a single animal or tree in the near distance dude there's no trees or animals how are we supposed to even get started as for the aztec tribe they spawned in a clearing in the jungle that was filled with grass trees and seeds they were able to use to quickly set up a farm and start feeding their team finally was the greek civilization that spotted a ruined temple in the distance as soon as they spawned but seemed to struggle right away with keeping their team together guys the minions as they approached the temple they quickly realized that there was nothing of value here so got to work setting up a farm next to the pond nearby south of farms next to the next to the next pond also don't kill the pigs guys if you guys kill the pigs i will kill you as they worked on expanding their farm one of their players had ran off all alone and spotted a huge greek column that was made from bone blocks guys the temple's made of bone blocks the temple is made of bone box there's a pillar oh yeah the greeks saw this as the perfect structure to break down and use to grow their food to give them a head start over all of the other civilizations that would be struggling just like the egyptians that were still roaming through the desert finding nothing but camels and cactus but after finally finding a small rock that had a few pieces of wood and stone that they could use one of their members had spotted an egyptian kingdom in the distance so they all made their way over to check it out this kingdom had villagers trees and farms that was a huge lifeline to this army of players that were starting to approach hunger and after realizing that this was probably the best place in the entire desert to live they made the quick choice to claim this temple everybody start gathering things making chests we're turning this temple into a home back in the jungle the aztec tribe had uncovered an old temple that was filled with ancient weapons that were quickly shared between the team in case any surprises came out of the trees but this wasn't the only thing they found after a player headed deep into the jungle and found an old aztec village a village village and there's gold blocks in it where is it oh i see the village i see the village was there anything in here no even though this village lacked cheslu it was exactly what our team needed as our farm from earlier had barely even grown yet oh yeah i forgot to mention i'm playing on the aztec team so as players started grouping up around the new farm at the village we just had to wait for the food to grow and over at the greek mountains one of their members was also struggling a lot with food and started to threaten his own team if someone doesn't give me food right now i start killing villagers don't a player had gone for a walk and spotted a greek temple built into the mountain which he entered and found all deposits and weapons that he was able to split with all of his team after this almost all players on the greek team had dove underground to start mining but over in the jungle the aztec tribe was still struggling for food since their farm was too small to feed over 30 players meaning we weren't able to go down into the mine yet or else we'd all starve so with time running out before other civilizations would be hunting us down we had to come up with other ways to get food to feed our team we can make fishing rods on the top of the chimney there's cobwebs you can get string with the food crisis kind of solved our team also dug down and started exploring the caves below the jungle and as most of us struggled to find any oars it seemed there was a player on our team that wasn't struggling at all because yep once again we had a cheetah this is wicked kaka and as soon as he had some food he went straight underground to start x-raying for diamonds once again i had an x-rayer on my team and the worst part was he wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he was cheating after mining directly to diamonds on several occasions he just resurfaced and acted like nothing happened which is this man i'm fully geared in iron already where'd you get all the items how did you get so much iron and sadly for us the x-ray wasn't our only problem a few members of the aztec tribe had no microphone which meant they couldn't communicate with the rest of the team so at the start they all went off all alone and started making their own civilization deep in the jungle away from the rest of the team even though they didn't seem interested in living with everybody else they still kept checking in at the base as time passed by and because there were so many people we didn't even realize that players had gone missing and started up their own tribe in the jungle back in egypt they worked on expanding their farm and started mining as well and as day one came to an end almost everyone on the server was now down in the mines grabbing resources for their team whilst a few players stayed up top working on gathering food everything was starting to run smoothly for all of these civilizations but for the egyptians things were about to get rough as one of their members had gone off solo and spotted a pyramid in the distance that he couldn't resist exploring with no idea that an egyptian god was stood inside he walked in cluelessly and quickly realized he had made a bad decision as the god within stood up and started defending his temple the egyptian had no choice but to run if he wanted to survive so ran for his life out of the temple before he died and ran all the way back to the egyptian empire my friend my people yes the egyptian people stand strong instead of solo rushing random structures and risking their lives the greek players had decided to set up base in the temple that they had found earlier on we could use the uh the temple in the mountains it's a lot more protected now that they had their base location chosen you'd think this team were cool calm and collected at this point but their call was absolute chaos i meant half a heart how what how where are you that means diamonds holy no no no please remove the water remove the water the chickens are fleeing remove with the egyptians and the greeks having already chosen their base locations us in the aztec tribe we're starting to wonder if this village was the best place for us to set up since it was in a dense jungle with a horrible view of the surrounding areas in case we were going to be attacked so before we dedicated to this village me and a group of explorers went out to see if we could find any better locations for us to live in as we explored the jungle we came across signs of life but didn't think too much of it so continued exploring oh someone said they found a huge structure near spawn but i don't know if that was that little cobblestone thing wait one second i think we found the is this yeah this must be it all right let's watch out because it might be like mobs in here well he might have died in here because there's a player placed block there there's some wood we had found a huge aztec temple that went deep into the volcano and with no signs of any players around here we assumed the guy that shouted he found this place earlier on had died so as we entered this place we were scared for what was inside but just be careful yeah be very careful yeah watch out for trap there's a mine we slowly made our way through the entrance tunnel into the main room of this temple just to find out that this place was empty someone had already been to this temple and it was one of the runaway players from earlier as we spawned in common hat also known as mark instantly ran away on his own and started exploring our jungle he very quickly came across his temple and ran inside to see what he could find he was greeted with gold weapons and most importantly had no other players with him trying to get this loot and when he was asked what he was up to earlier on he didn't mention anything about finding the temple mark where are you at oh don't worry i'm just doing some uh stuff right now what are you doing don't worry about it where are you at that sounds really weird i'm just doing some uh you know king king king stuff i'm just in the mines oh i don't trust you so yeah that's exactly how we ended up in this temple with absolutely no loot to share with our team after wasting a bit too much time searching through the jungle we realized it was probably a good idea to start making our way back to the village as the empire building phase started continue searching there might be more structures like this i think we should get back soon though to start building the empire right but on our way back we actually bumped into one of the runaway players why are there wait here hey who's this he's a bomb right oh hey hey who's this is this uh it's scene call did you solo in the game you don't mind if you farm your whole farm with us being confused as to why this guy had just set up his own farm away from everyone we asked him a few questions and then left him to it as we continued making our way home and debated whether that guy was intending to betray the team yeah we should keep an eye on them yeah definitely they're just gonna be careful because they could be trying to just they could be trying to do an inside queue possibly but i wonder whether they would just want to kill you and take command or whatever they would want well no one's gonna do it on them surely hopefully they do not try to kill you hopefully just stick with people you think the people you know team after finally arriving home i made a choice for the team that we should move out of the old aztec village and head over to the volcano temple to start building our empire all the way over there so after gathering as many members of the team as i could we set off through the jungle and made it all the way back to this huge temple that we could start fixing up and turning into our base with limited time left in the empire building phase we claimed this temple by placing down our team beacon meaning there was no going back now and some members of the team use the remaining time in this phase to build a room of honour for the cookie cult from my previous civilization event is this the cookie meter this guy i feel like i'm gonna see i the other civilizations that had been working hard during this time had built up their empires a lot making their bases a lot more protected and now it was also time for them to place down their beacons to claim the base arrow you want to help me pick out a place inside to put the beacon uh yeah i mean we could probably like put somewhere on top then like now one of the chandeliers yeah like somewhere like right here i would say after choosing to place their beacon in a chandelier at the top of their temple the egyptians had officially claimed this place and now all that remained was the greeks who had been building up the defenses around the greek temple for the past 30 minutes and now had chosen a spot for their beacon too all right i'm placing the beacon down i've got a place great for me bit of a secret spot but you know we'll make it work some of the greek players had a completely different opinion of this spot though you can't have it blocked off so are you serious right now this is a good place this is the best place [Music] boom now with all teams having placed their beacons down they had to protect this thing with their life because if this beacon was broken by another civilization the entire empire would crumble and be taken over but before all the teams went head-to-head each civilization now had five minutes to elect a king for their empire that would be given a crown and a full set of netherright armor the egyptians took the easy route by putting a poll in their discord chat that allowed people to vote for their king of choice and it was quickly clear that the wow dude would be promoted to the king of the egyptian empire ancient egypt was known for being an advanced civilization so we're gonna make sure it stays that way the greeks also made their election very simple hey hang on i'll i will make us podiums i will make us podiums as the greeks that wanted to be king started lining up for the podium they each took the stand to try and convince the people of their team to vote for them right so if you vote for me to be king i will be the best king ever lived i will lead our team to victory but if you don't vote for me to be king can someone come up real quick someone come up right now sacrifice you after the team booted this guy off the podium for trying to sacrifice someone during the election dragon emperor 69 took the stand and well he was an interesting character to say the least humans and wormlinks you do not know this but today i am about to unleash a very important secret i am a dragon reincarnated in the body of a human i chose to become a human because i believe in the power of your kind and i have to say i am impressed we have 50 seconds the remaining players were getting impatient after the dragon took up most of the election time which caused the call to fall into chaos as players started shouting for who they wanted to vote for i've heard minions somehow from all of this shouting they chose dragon emperor 69 as their king after they ran out of time for the rest of the players in line to give their speech i guess i am king and finally was the aztec empire that found themselves in a sticky situation after the secretive player from earlier that went off and looted this entire temple alone appeared from the shadows and tried to take charge of this team after he had found the crown earlier on in this temple mark tell me what you've been up to grinding a lot and i've got all of this you've got nothing oh oh oh oh wait there's king election wait wait wait where are y'all i don't see king actually that's what's happening uh well mark's got a crown oh so listen to me what oh no hey yo mark uh i think we lacked that no i found it after taking command over the team and electing himself as king he agreed to take part in the election process where me and him would both take the stand to try and win the votes from our players listen listen i may i may you may not know me very well but if you vote for me i will give you many things like runic hammers and runic spears we already have those anyway if you vote for me we will kill everyone on this server and win this event trust me all right all i'm coming up here to say is we have no idea what mark has been up to earlier when we asked him what he was doing he just said he was up to some saucy stuff is that what you want as your leader someone who just refuses to share information with the team but just as my speech was coming to an end invader another member of the aztec tribe put himself forward as a candidate to make a speech of his own well you see the reason i feel like i feel like always the leader he seems to always take command doesn't it do we really want and he has he doesn't have the best track record for wins do we really want someone who doesn't have the track record leading us and as sword did say we have no clue really who mark is he hasn't been here how's he i'll wrap this up anyway he's suspicious sword has doesn't have a great track record vote for me now with the speeches finished players started taking votes as to which player they wanted to lead this please come empire me as players started making their choices i made a last-minute decision to change my vote i'm voting invader and that means everybody that's voted for me also votes for invader 2. hold on with my votes being changed this allowed invader to take a clear win over mark and all of his disciples that were now under the rule of king invader 07. but since our election took so long we had completely missed the start of the next phase an ancient ruin had been located in the ashy mountains that stood between each of the civilizations and now players were allowed to leave their land to explore this ruin meaning players from different civilizations would soon meet and have the chance to fight for the riches inside of this place it had gold diamonds and even netherrite so teams would definitely be desperate to get their hands on this loop first but since we had been preoccupied voting for our king the aztec tribe were way behind all of the other civilizations in making our way over to the mountains or at least we thought we were the aztec players that had run away earlier on and started to live alone had spent the last hour expanding their farms building a shelter and had purposefully kept themselves away from the rest of the team meaning that when the ancient ruin phase started they were able to row straight to the middle island whilst the rest of the team were still voting for our king and as they started making their way through the ashy mountains the ancient ruin was in sight so they rushed over and managed to be the first group to arrive meaning they had the opportunity to take everything that was in here but unlucky for the runaways they weren't the only ones that set out towards the ruin the egyptians had picked a group of warriors that would be going there too and eventually as they made their way through the desert they spotted the middle island from their coast and started rowing over as they made their way through the mountains they spotted a few riches and were pretty confident that they were the first people on this island oh there's another right oh yeah another one oh get it there's a big um there's like a coliseum in the middle of the middle yeah we'd have check on that we're the first people on the island i think so it's actually good well as they closed in on this huge ruin they realized they had been beaten to the prize and now they would have to fight for this loot if they wanted it oh yeah i see people wait how are they there already there's people behind you guys as well oh there's so many aztecs shift ship got shift shift shift yeah every ass there's like 20 aztecs in the main island oh yeah there's large mines here oh my god and as the runaway aztec members continue to mine away down below aerocon the leader of this mission and the man known for being absolutely brutal when it comes to pvp in my previous events saw this as the perfect opportunity to strike do we fight do this we could take this they're all full irons but just before he made his move back in the jungle we had finally finished our election and had chosen a group of players to head out towards the room let's go let's go zero zero we got ahead just go straight but as we started making our way through the jungle towards the coast we saw a bunch of aztec players dying in chat and quickly turned around thinking our base was under attack we're dying we're dying we've got to go back go back go back to this night oh we're losing a lot of people get there quick guys get that quick azero and his egyptian warriors started slaughtering through the aztecs that had branched off without us knowing we arrived back home and were finally told the news about the runaway players there were some aztecs that didn't have mics that just separated from the group at the beginning oh there's a lot of them okay blue names okay so right so so what are we doing there we're going over to the island and trying to kill these people they just killed our members okay we're gonna go and we're gonna avenge our members after finding out this news we quickly turned back and started heading towards the middle island as aero cleaned up the rest of our members that were still inside of the ruin get them arrow yes ah they died yes oh this guy's a lot of times with five of our players dead we were now the smallest civilization of all but we were desperate for revenge and luckily we wouldn't be fighting the egyptians alone since the greeks were on their way oh oh we gotta go now we gotta go now go go go go go go we're gonna get slow guys we're gonna get slaughtered if we go there a few of the players realized how bad of an idea it would be to go into the battle late with unenchanted iron armor but some players did not seem to care aren't iron armor stay behind i want the dog so was the greek split up with some members holding back whilst the desperate ones ran to the coast all three teams were about to clash and it was the greeks that arrived first there's greeks upstairs we're both upset oh wait oh be careful oh wait there's so many there's so many greeks above us the greeks heavily outnumbered the egyptians giving them the edge when it came to the battle oh my god there's so many greeks all right be careful when he greets me guys there's like 20 greeks oh my god there's so many of them i'm gonna die i'm gonna die be careful guys try and get back to the base that's where she's going yeah there's so many of them just back off to strike out retreat retreat far back as the egyptians started to flee those aztecs had finally made our way to the mountains and now we're starting to hunt them down as we snuck around the mountain hoping to strike an attack on a clueless egyptian one of our players shot an arrow and blew our cover completely so we had to strike or who shot don't shoot is it one on his own go get him get him get rushed push the egyptian had no choice but to run and we weren't going to let him get away nice oh good shot good shot nice nice good stuff so after the ancient ruin phase had come to an end with all of the loot being stolen each civilization was more or less equal in size after the battle for the loot in the middle and now the ancient war phase had started meaning attacks on bases and attempts to take over empires were now allowed so as the egyptians were still being chased by the greeks in the mountain the aztecs saw this as the perfect opportunity spread out food and let's make an attack and get egypt speaking with the open desert in sight over the waters we all hopped in boats and started making our way over as the other two civilizations continued to fight okay who placed lava on our ladder oh greek died oh yeah oh wait don't don't uh show me where our uh beacon is you can't find it looking everywhere all of the greeks yeah yo yo arrowhood single-handedly pushed the greeks all the way back to their land and was killing everyone that stood in his way whilst those aztecs continued to travel through the desert searching for his base okay sure but we need to loot so the other people who were red arrow please come back so let's go i'm trying i'm trying i'm just gonna explode down a little bit try and find their base because oh yes right the okay founder base his search didn't last very long and as he approached their temple to check it out knowing he could probably take down their entire team on his own he started doing the most arrow thing possible by dancing to taunt them we're having a dance off we're having a nice little dance off right now but whilst arrow stood there dancing things were quickly going to change for him and the egyptians as we continued to search the desert and eventually spotted his team oh that's desert people right we're gonna have to fight we're gonna go go go go go go go go oh look at their babies jesus there's a lot of asthma oh my god there's like ten fifteen all roaches oh we need you to get back yeah we charged towards the egyptian empire and it seemed we had caught them off guard oh they're breaching they're breaching they're breaching a wall where's the beacon right look look for the beacon look at that most you can see it's up there look at that cobblestone thing at the very top oh yeah okay as the aztec warriors started rushing through the front of this temple they managed to take down a few members whilst i snuck around the back and made my way inside the temple oh that one i'm breaking through the wall here oh okay i'm getting rushed they're in the base they're in the basement they're at the back of the base they broke to the window the invasion was in full effect and i was able to kill another one of their members that had rushed me at the back of their base as everyone else fought at the front now with a clear path to the roof i started building up to get the beacon that we all were convinced was at the top of their base but as i made my way up i had fallen for the bait wait sword where are you sir i'm i'm building up the back they've got no idea i'm here i think don't forget anything i'm gonna be so mad guys it's not here and as i wasted time climbing up here for nothing things were only going to get worse for us from now on as aero had finally made his way back to this kingdom hold on their kings gonna die go back dude there's there's five of uh azteca above the roof there's five of them guys there's five of them okay we killed like all of them where is that no we lost the king oh we've lost another one oh we've lost three with over half of our attack squad dead we stood on the roof helpless as their entire army charged towards us and started to clear even more of us out no he killed me no no i wasn't the only one that died as robo panda monkey bar and the x-rayer wicked kaka all died to the egyptians yes all right everyone gather up luke gather armor with all but two of the aztecs that went out on this mission dead the final members had no choice but to run into the distance and regroup with the few members still back at the base the egyptians had successfully defended from the aztec attack but one of their members still somehow died after the aztecs had left he just fell off so as the egyptians stood strong and started to rebuild their empire they started to plot their first attack on another civilization arrow if we're going to invade an island who should we invade uh before we go for greeks like they're not that geared before we get their beacon like three easily okay sooner rather than later i want those of us who are going to go to greeks to go but the greeks were one step ahead of them after they had seen aero run away and saw the chat being flooded with egyptians and aztecs dying they knew what was going on and saw their opportunity to swoop through and clean up after the battle i'm going to choose 10 people they're going to come with me and we are going to march on egypt they're all still dying let's go let's go let's go fantastic so with their plan to attack the egyptians in full motion their members rushed out of their base and started heading over towards egypt but of course they couldn't do this without a speech from their leader first things first i just want to say this dragons free fire dragons are big and dragons are definitely cool and it is for that very reason that i am happy to be charging fighting dying alongside each and every single one of you today now somebody play some battle music if this doesn't make it in the final cut i don't know what will it was safe to say at this point that the greeks were taking this attack very seriously and after making their way all the way over to the desert the search for the egyptian empire started i see they're based east it's huge it's absolutely huge dragon would be a base how were you supposed to attack this with their base in sight the greeks were spotted by the guards on the walls a bunch of grief coming to the base there's a bunch of greeks coming to the base oh oh there's like 20 of them yeah kill as the battle started the greeks had clearly forgot about the power of arrow and his team as they charged into the base and were being slaughtered come here come on the greek members were dying quickly and they started to debate whether they should fall back already damn it i died we might have to retreat the egyptians were killing the greeks that quickly that some of their members started attacking each other to make it more fair i got the leader here we go i'm gonna go i'm getting killed why am i why is this guy killing us hey whilst everyone was busy at the front one of the greek players snuck around the back and almost spotted the beacon that was behind some cobblestone pillars wait did someone say they're in their base well i'm searching it i'm searching it for the yeah i'm inside their base i can't find anything but as they realize they were heavily outnumbered in enemy land against weapons they had no idea the power of they had to run that you literally had a spear why did he have a spear who gave him a spear oh god they're running off if you guys are at aztec or egypt i don't care you come back so once again the egyptians had defended their empire from another attack and somehow now stood strong as the largest civilization on the entire server with 19 players remaining whereas the greeks had 18 and the aztecs only 14 which put them in a really bad position how is it going in our base oh it's going good we're not gonna win this one and as it seemed the aztecs had given up all hope one of the few survivors that escaped from egypt after our failed attack had actually escaped to greece are you at greek space yes this guy was very lost and quickly found himself being hunted down by the greeks that had spotted him on their land getting hunted down they're still chasing me with no option but to run the chamois led the greeks on a chase and even ended up running past an old ancient greek village that the greeks hadn't even found yet but before he could escape back to the jungle and get help from the rest of the tribe the greeks caught up to him and threw him off the cliff to his death giving the greeks even more aztec weapons and now the aztec tribe only had 13 players remaining and were in some serious trouble i i joined this i didn't think it would be goddamn this intense and with the stress of this situation one of the players chose the easy way out and decided to well yeah he just jumped on suicide bro wait wait wait wait i just played suicide in front of the base back in egypt they had spent some time patching up the damage caused by the aztec and greek attacks and now we're ready to send a few people out towards the greek mountains to get some revenge so a handful of them started working their way through the desert over the mountains and eventually arrived at the greek temple do a sneak attack we're just doing a sneak attack guys just pick them off we only need like 10 people in our team to win it all right i'm like pushing from this side they don't know i'm here yet so okay yeah well we'll distract them arrow pushed up all alone and he was quickly swarmed by the greeks but his teammates weren't far and started helping him take them down before they knew it the greeks were being destroyed by the few egyptians that had rolled up and attacked their base and after killing a bunch of the guards that stood in their way now it was time to find the beacon one thing they didn't expect was a few greek players hiding near the beacon with a trap that would kill anyone trying to break it i think their mouth blocked it i found it i found it we found it yeah mining it where is it break it i got trapped but no of course arrow somehow clutched a block and then managed to send the two people that tried to trap him down their own trap oh my god break it just break it so they merge you gotta hurry hurry up man come on frame frame just right on me no my yeah frame is saying [Music] after their trap failed arrow and the wow dude were able to break the beacon meaning ancient greece had fallen and all of their players had been forced to join the egyptians but of course some of the greeks weren't happy about this wait this guy's attacking me for no reason he's in our side he's attacking me yo now the egyptian empire stood strong with 25 wait no 24 players after one of them may have fallen from the roof of their base whilst trying to watch the beacon but now they knew nothing was stopping them from winning this event as they only had the aztec civilization left to destroy and even better for the egyptians the aztecs were too busy right now dealing with lions that had attacked them from the jungle there's a lying on me oh what i'm lying help help i'm dead what the hell someone died out there because of the lion there's a day someone is dead out there he just died since no other civilization apart from the aztecs had explored this jungle the egyptians would first have to find this temple before they could attack which once they arrived in the jungle didn't actually seem to take too long and i think i found the base i think i found the base yeah i see like a big temple yeah maybe picking the largest temple in the entire jungle was a pretty bad idea but now the egyptians knew what had to be done as they started pushing over the walls to take down the aztecs i see like five of them i see that please let's push in all right i see them guys i see five egypt you guys better hide whoever is in there you're just dead yeah i'm dead where are the cords for their base okay right here i think i found it oh this guy's gonna work with me i killed the phone right nice but there's no guy right here after a brutal invasion seeing all but five aztecs die this temple had been fully taken over and now all the egyptians had to do was locate the beacon where are the aztecs oh is he already dead oh is that a tiger yeah that's a tiger oh don't die now don't have him a tiger don't die i'm dying i'm i'm i'm dead by a tiger i'm dead i'm hanging them off i'm hitting red run run oh i found someone i killed it i found it's literally in the base and it's just on me guys the egyptians had shown their true power dedication and commitment to being the strongest civilization in this world and after taking down all other empires they returned to egypt and celebrated their victory it's speech time folks the people of egypt i would like to thank you for all of the work that you put in this entire event these last few hours have been phenomenal shut up i am so proud of everything that we have accomplished back in ancient times egypt was known as one of the most successful civilizations in all of history and i think we kept that true in this event cause i would like to give a special shout out to basically the general of our military forces arrowkin i would like to thank all of you for electing me as your leader could not be happier with how it went and egypt is on top as it should be everybody so let's give ourselves a round of applause all right so the egyptians had won and now spent the rest of their days building up this empire to its maximum but would other ancient civilizations be able to take them down only time would tell
Channel: Sword4000
Views: 2,695,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, Minecraft, Funny, Minecraft videos, Modded, Survival server, Sword4000, Hardcore Minecraft, Hardcore, Minecraft Simulation, Simulation, 100 Players Simulate, Minecraft Island, Sword4000 100 players, sword4000 event, sword4000 discord, Civilization, Civilizaiton Simulation, Sword4000 civilization, Ancient Simulation, Ancient Civilizations, Ancient, Greek Minecraft, Egypt Minecraft, Aztec Minecraft, 100 Players Ancient, Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, Anubis
Id: Cc7v9NdoNlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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