200 Players Simulate Star Wars in Minecraft

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I split 200 players into the Rebel Alliance and the Empire to find out if the rebels will be able to make it off this massive desert planet known as Tatooine to stop the real-sized Death Star from destroying their home planet will clown Piers AKA Darth Vader be able to get the job done in time well there's only one way to find out I present to you the Death Star experiment this experiment is in hardcore mode players only have one life and one chance [Music] [Music] so why on Earth are you in prison right now I would think you would know considering you interrupted the temple as you can tell this prison is massive in size and this is just one of the many important areas of the Death Star as the Stormtroopers spawned in they located their rooms consisting of one bed and a chest groups start to spread out and suddenly they actually found their resource sector which is home to their ammo and farming mining they were also very curious about a different kind of block you see in order to speed up the process of launching the death star's weapon the Empire will need to gather gold to craft the accelerant material Tatooine also has an abundance of this material which is in publicly disclosed locations it's important to consider the idea that this is a fully functional death star weapon it is capable of destroying entire planets let's just say you are not going to want to miss the unbelievable ending of this video please like this video Captain lights would really appreciate it or to want you to subscribe as well do it the Empire started to explore the long hallways of the Death Star and meanwhile the emperor couldn't wait any longer to get into the action for you to fulfill your purpose what has reached about a Jedi and rebel activity on the surface throwing the skin and annihilate them [Music] my friend I wonder if your thoughts are clear Lord Vader I just want to be on the front lines right now your past cannot be overcome the commanders were getting ready to deliver on the emperor's requests you see clown Pierce has a very important task he currently is widely known as Minecraft's best pvpier but someone on Tatooine wants to challenge this idea and take matters into his own hands we're fighting off Darth Vader you will learn more about him in just a moment wait I think I fit my application wrong I want it to be light side the emperor knew what he needed to accomplish he immediately ordered a squad known as the Elite Squad to enter into the orbit of Tatooine this was in an attempt to achieve ground level security and to begin their search for a possible Jedi the Supreme Admiral ordered his men to follow now exiting the guest star is no easy task luckily the Supreme Admiral knows exactly where he is going as they made their way to the outer sector it was time to prepare to enter their very own Imperial Star Destroyer this Beast is capable of initiating airstrikes and sending out spy drones romantico with some of the miners this clearly wasn't looking good for the Rebellion as the rebels found themselves in a crashed ship in the middle of the Dune scene [Music] they were lucky to actually find a small Oasis nearby however their team was very scattered and it was only a matter of time before they encountered serious threats but there was also a new hope Skywalker found himself in an escape pod on the opposite side of the map in the northern Dune sea oh my God we got some Jedi armor let's freaking go lightsaber so I I start heading out he needed to find a way to cooperate with the rebels from this far away he would also be instrumental in their fight against the emperor but first he would need to defeat a far more unexpected threat Minecraft's number one PVP are clown Pierce AKA Darth Vader I like to be really careful because like there's no food sources much of the rebels were still figuring out how to find food little did they know it was right underneath them Tatooine is home to melon-like fruits in the sand as it turned dark the rebels camped out in various locations north of the crashed ship they had plans of investigating the Jawa camps the following day over in Moss Eisley there was a lot of suspicious activity within the civilian population a player by the name of biopart was sent off into Moss Eisley with orders from his boss known as wash AKA Jabba the Hutt if Jabba the Hutt made smart trade decisions he could increase his supply of accelerant material which is extremely valuable and you will learn more about it in just a moment bioparts scheduled a meeting with Han Solo [Music] listen man I'm late on my payment we know you have the accelerate man bro stop pulling your life Han Solo created a trap he had stolen handcuffs on him the entire time [Music] he dragged bile part across the Dunes North of moss Eisley all the way over to the sarlacc pit [Music] what in the world is going on over here [Music] their audio was unavailable from this point on I wish I could have heard these screams out of the sky [Music] all right Jabba the Hutt was not happy with Han Solo however to make matters worse Luke Skywalker needed to negotiate with the Huts in order to have a chance of securing the necessary resources to make it up to the Death Star you see the Millennium Falcon is located just west of the famous pod racing Arena on Tatooine the rebels need to find enough spare parts to repair their massive transport ship however Luke Skywalker can make use of the Millennium Falcon if he finds enough tier 3 parts and while the Huts have quite a lot of riches which also could come in handy for the Empire as they need an excessive amount of fuel to destroy the rebels home planet the Elite Squad continued on their search and headed in the northern Direction the Empire also sent down a stormtrooper Squad to begin fully searching every building in Moss Eisley everyone the Android if there's any Rebels nearby they can attack off do you know exactly where we were supposed to go [Music] the Empire's presence was beginning to become a real threat Han Solo noticed this while leaving Moss Eisley and he wanted to get word out to the rebels but the squad spotted him in the distance [Music] going the most Eisley that's not good I'm gone I'm gone this is panic just made DeLorean rifle's Not Gonna Save Me now he had just enough space for them to lose sight of him the rebels began to make their way deep into the Jawa territory the Jawas are known for having large quantities of spare parts which could come in handy for the rebels however that's under the assumption that the Jawas are willing to negotiate this is clearly not a time to go AFK the jaw was pulled out their stun guns and escorted this unlucky Rebel away back over at the Death Star some of the Elite Squad and his Supreme Commander by the name of its ghost scheduled a private meeting amongst each other this was no ordinary meeting clown pierce the emperor and other loyal members of the empire were not invited hello guys thanks for joining me today in this meeting I've picked you guys from the best of the best from the elite Commandos across the Galactic Empire today our main goal is to Dethrone and destabilize the Death Star we're going to initiate plan known as plan Paris we'll have a colleague of ours who's undercover as a prisoner to self-destruct the entire Death Star but by that time we'll be long gone the Empire clearly was in trouble Luke Skywalker was headed towards Jabba's Palace because he desperately needed their help in getting off of Tatooine Stormtroopers were spotted to passing him by but if you look closely Han Solo was actually hurting them away okay Ed the prison Warden of the death star known as phoebas was in charge of taking in new prisoners and Han Solo was never actually captured oh and yes let me demonstrate how cuffs work I can right click and there we have it simple as that Luke Skywalker ran into a deserted Tuscan Raider base he was in search for any valuables they may have left behind but as it turns out the tuscans were aware of his arrival because of a nearby spy you see the real concern here is that this spy may or may not work directly with the Empire this could easily leak Luke's location early on in the experiment this small group of Tuscan Raiders started their Ambush attempt boom this clearly did not last long Squad Emperor Darth Vader and the Admirals began their departure yeah I got everything ready so I get my own TIE fighter right uh probably let's go as they made their exit they passed by the pilot Training Center this is where people can learn how to fly their own Tie fighters yeah I just love how everyone is kind of stopping and just showing respect they are afraid this would surely create a major threat for the already struggling Rebellion it was time to open a gate that is rarely open [Music] was on its way this squad known as blue Squad would attempt to provide some air strength for a rebel alliance that was severely outnumbered thank you Skywalker made his entrance into Jabba's Palace why should I give you those parts for nothing in return I want my final payment so we can achieve our goal and win this experiment I know we just need some time no listen wash wasn't so clever after all because he let Luke Skywalker in with his lightsaber fine let's make it an easy bet for me in the Pod Race wash decided to bet his tier 3 part on a pod race because his friends already practiced using the available Speeders and he believed that they had a competitive Advantage it was time to find out if Luke Skywalker could win this bet and not have to take the more dangerous route of perhaps attempting to assassinate Jabba the Hutt [Music] thank you [Music] foreign Skywalker received a critical tier 3 part from Jabba the Hutt he was now on the move towards Maasai sleep I do Wonder however who designed these speeders [Music] foreign no luck searching the small town of moss pelgo the Elite Squad began to launch their spy probes to speed up this operation the rebels also became aware of some spying going on on their Discord server lightside has become aware that there are people listening I don't know how they don't like that no you don't say it's so unfair that they won't they won't let us listen to their coordinates I mean bruh why clown Pierce and his team remained in Maas Eisley while they were planning their next move Luke Skywalker made his way south to avoid four different Stormtrooper squads spotted just outside of mass Eisley he decided to meet up with someone who may have some words of wisdom also please ignore this horse glitch the speeder textures worked 90 of the experiment go on Obi-Wan and keep going west going west oh wait is that it is that Obi-Wan anyone there hello wait are you the legendary stories of the myths that's been told the best one in the castle whoa I I I crash landed on Tatooine not too long ago I I was walking for a long time we could make our way to Moss Esley grab the tier three part that's there he quickly learned how to use his force abilities which would be critical moving forward Luke and Obi won Kenobi started heading north and were caught by surprise they were extremely lost they thought this small Outpost may have actually been Moss Eisley no wait this is moss Cecily but it may have actually been worthwhile after all a small Squad of stranded Pilots ran into Luke Skywalker these pilot skills were wasted potential because of the fact that there was no Rebel ships available on Tatooine blue Squad was the only Squad with ships and they were on an entirely different planet preparing to depart so if you guys want to like stand by us just in case Stormtroopers come and infiltrate us and red Squad I guess is red Squad I'm gonna call you ready later do any of you guys have uh any professions any Pilots well I'm a pilot all of us are [Music] the Elite Squad arrived to the rebels base the lead commander of the Rebel Alliance and a few important individuals were the only ones still in this location the Empire opened fire the rebels made their Great Escape Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan ended up splitting ways with the pilots because of the latest emergencies they didn't want to attract unneeded attention while they made their approach to Moss Eisley but you see they didn't expect to cross paths with Darth Vader who in his own words wanted to be on the front lines I should want to be on the front lines right now they somehow didn't run into each other because clown Pierce was in a different part of moss Iceland I seriously was expecting a massive fight at this moment because of how close they were Kevin then found a tier 3 part in a cargo ship and they made their way out of moss Eisley undetected and of course clown Pierce was also leaving Moss Eisley at the same time and yet they still didn't run into each other plow Pierce and his Squad were heading out to see if they could find any hints that were Luke Skywalker or the rebels may be hiding other than the obvious location that was recently under attack back over at the Death Star some Stormtroopers were getting a bit agitated that their leadership wouldn't let them exit but nonetheless they still were making slow progress on their resource extraction but one of the prisoners in the Death Star was up to no good keep a close eye on this figure as he begins to communicate with Stormtroopers outside of his cell this development will become increasingly important as we lead up to two more critical moments in this video so keep an eye on this guy but remember that meeting earlier about plan Paris you see Ghost and his team had a good look at the center of the Death Star which is how the Death Star receives all of its power this is also home to a location in the central Bridge with a keypad if someone enters the code correctly they can then self-destruct the entire death star and ghost knew that the prisoners had information about this code yeah guys study it but don't don't guess the code but the Death Star wasn't the only place where the empire was being infiltrated you see back on Tatooine a player by the name of reef one was the captain of the Star Destroyer however he abandoned close contact with the Empire and started killing Stormtroopers in Moss Eisley what in the world is going on over here [Music] 's there's some serious conflict going on in Moss Eisley right now oh my God here he goes [Music] bad news he killed basically all of the miners that went to bestine because I don't know they couldn't heal so they got murdered sorry if one essentially committed treason oh yes it would be nice if you would execute him the latest Rebel activity I couldn't help but notice a few Rebels off in the middle of the Dune sea underground isolated from the entire Rebel Alliance they appeared to be building something very strange but it quickly became clear to me that they wanted a sign of Hope one of the players I quickly recognized from that previous attack so perhaps they were just hiding out this appears to be some sort of religious structure so I ended up spawning in a light source which completely shocked this player I then proceeded to give them a message of hope they were extremely grateful and worshiped this new God in their presence the force was clearly strong in these two but the force is also strong and the opposite effect for some clown Pierce made his way all the way to Luke Skywalker's own home as he continued his search blue Squad got word of this and tracked him down but they were being followed by two different Tie fighters the entire time so this operation was a complete failure Luke Skywalker was actually on the opposite side of the map he was getting ready to fix up the Millennium Falcon so that he can make his way up to the Death Star on the way towards the ship they ran into a mysterious location oh this thing kind of looks sketchy that's the void oh my God no this is this is for dirt this is where Darth Vader was made yeah yeah it is it is I'm here I think so we we should make a trap afterwards they finally found the hidden Millennium Falcon like I hate animals is that what we think that is that's the Millennium Falcon boys thank you foreign [Music] that's the Gunner up there right yeah police required Parts in chest what's that I found a control system over here what does this button do if the empire was to stop an imminent intrusion now is the time the emperor decided to take matters into his own hands uh just a suggestion maybe it's worth going over to bestine as it was mentioned from Rebels does anybody have eyes on Kevin because then we can maybe get the clown back in here quickly to take care of Kevin because he is my biggest threat right now Roger that supposedly there's air teams out to find us right now it's Millennia oh I don't know should we dig inside of a mountain camp out for a bit cool well they're Stormtroopers they probably will miss the emperor got even more Angry as Reef one tried to explain his recent activity causing the death of many Stormtroopers yeah generally I want answers what the is going on he tried to shoot me down from a firefighter which is just stuff I don't know he didn't know it was you inside so he started shooting yet well I mean me personally I hit him like a couple of times but I'm not the one who killed him the emperor's piloting skills needed some work he was stranded in the middle of the pod racing Arena Luke Skywalker and his team were ready to head up to the Death Star sit back relax and take your guesses as to who will win I will see you on the other side [Music] foreign now getting into the Death Star is no easy task and well I think I'll just let Luke explain and we're gonna start and fly the Millennium Falcon then it's gonna stop to go fuel on a surprise Place once we we're done feeling there we're gonna go to the Death Star but in order to blow up the Death Star we need to find a prisoner or a person of the Rebel Alliance that's stuck on the Death Star to give us the self-destruct code let's go boys now things are about to get really crazy a player by the name of deadline green wanted to meet up with ghost in the emperor's quarters because he had some new information Hollow deadline it appears you have summoned me what is this for what is disregarding right because I I summed you here yes I'm very suspicious of him why what has he done he's he's been acting shady talked to the guards he's not acting like the normal person I've not been captured all right then thank you Bonanza can you please close the doors to the emperor's room wait what after he executed deadline ghost quickly left the emperor's quarters to avoid any suspicion I don't understand how this is gonna fly are we actually flying wait did it work it worked no shot fuel the Millennium Falcon we're traveling where are we right now though we have to go outside this is the best thing website where what the heck oh it's big [Music] you have to kill them [Music] force is absolutely strong with us now we are a strong team there's an enemy we need we need to keep on high alerts who's with me are we all together oh yeah kick some butts let's go to the Death Star you ready let's do it okay uh my game first hold shift don't shift all right boys [Music] okay so from what I was thinking from the schematics that I was given if we go straight down the hallway to the left and go up to the staircase there should be a little room we can kind of see there's gonna be a vent where we can travel through we use this fed to go to the prisoner area and there's a prisoner that's there that's going to give us codes to self-destructive Millennium Falcon now if we're all in the same Pace we keep our eyes peeled on the Stormtroopers we should be okay all right all right let's do this all right let's take a look around so a room is literally just in front of me like in my direction it's right there all right you ready bomb Russia so I think we're at the main control center up here if we look out the window we can see our ship right there it's beautiful okay so now there's a vent over here now if we all use the slash crawl muscle up thank you [Music] listen bro dude it's been like seven days I'm sorry that's seven days here I was on the Death Star crawling through effect [Applause] hello hello Luke Skywalker hello you won't make it past dusk what you don't know is we have something planned coming your way but we know we know everything can't beat us a white trials with the power of the force the energy is all surrounding us so we know that we can defeat you guys watch your enemies but watch your allies closer dude I am I'm bricks oh my god oh my god dude be prepared for a fight I'm not kidding um uh we should shift as soon as we get to the prisoner area we need to go to the prisoner area though to get the code to self-destruct us oh my God they see oh my god dude I'm so scared I'm so scared oh my god dude oh my God they just completely see us looking at us oh my God he's right there Jesus Christ oh my God oh my God okay go back [Music] all their forces are over there right now another thing is why is it so tall of a ladder I don't know dude wait wait it's late okay let's hope we have to crawl again we have to call again I'm actually shaking why I know I literally like look below oh there's no turning back maybe we shouldn't go this way since there is turning back all right I think we have no choice in this matter oh wait that's snoke that's snoke that's snow lightsaber okay dude lightsabers are op I honestly think we can fight it off this is thrown wait wait hold up guys take a picture oh yeah take a picture I gotta go fight Darth Vader oh God yeah Darth Vader needs to die first but if if the other Stormtroopers are trying to shoot at us like I think us three like tez me and PK should aim for clown Pierce while the rest of the rebels oh my God twice get him get him boys foreign [Music] [Music] oh that was a lot of damage that was a lot of damage a lot of damage [Applause] oh he's back he's back he's back he's back he's back oh there's there's storm the emperor's Corners okay boys get ready for a battle get ready for a battle oh no I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I go close [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] word has it that the torch was passed on [Music] [Applause] [Music] good afternoon uh I'm just sending you a text this is about making less thinking ideas of making just make foreign [Music]
Channel: CaptainLights
Views: 1,040,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft civilization, minecraft star wars, 200 players simulate star wars, the death star experiment, clown pierce darth vader, Minecraft Civilization, Minecraft Star Wars Experiment, minecraft 100 days, 200 players, 100 players, simulating civilization in minecraft, captain lights, mineplanet experiment, minecraft country, minecraft nations, minecraft war, minecraft story, minecraft film, minecraft movie, 100 players simulate civilization, minecraft roleplay, minecraft
Id: vr6afx-d8hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 54sec (2394 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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