100 Players Simulate Skyblock in Minecraft Hardcore

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i put 100 minecraft players on a skyblock island to see what would happen when they were left all alone to survive in hardcore minecraft with limited resources and different islands to explore would players be able to work together to build up a civilization or would some players be out for blood there's only one way to find out alright let the games begin so was all 100 players were teleported to one island the race to get resources and find friends started get something get something but as this island was ripped apart the first death on the server happened as trixo fell into the void quickly followed by another player you're dead i am dead my friends we're losing so with the chaos on the main island starting to cause a lot of people to die players that were able to get blocks early on started to try and escape the island and head over towards new ones in the distance wait okay guys i see a swamp island they actually has a lot of stuff let's go to the jungle island actually but as some people started to bridge away players got defensive of their new islands and started eliminating people that they had just worked with to escape after only a few minutes the spawn island had been completely destroyed and players were in confusion as to what to do next right now we just need to get our own piece of land because everyone is everywhere look at the line are we sure are we sure we want to go to this island over there yeah it's gonna be very populated it's better than this that's for sure but the more players that started to flee to get their own island meant the more players that were going to end up falling into the void players started to form groups of trusted people that they knew that they could work together with to escape the main island and have a chance of survival whilst this huge group led by hating mc bridged away more people started to try and join their team but these new players weren't welcome meaning a spleef battle between the newcomers started resulting in many more deaths as the players rushed to the new islands carefully and slowly some people were desperate to get their hands on the resources first which saw several people die to their own teammates get move out of the way almaq i had to do it to him he was in the way whilst this team destroyed the jungle island some players finally made their way to a swamp island that was filled with resources yo new island just dropped new island just dropped get the wood these guys got a load of wood stone and even a few pieces of iron but most importantly this team was being led by a familiar face aerocon if you don't know who arrow is he's the absolute beast that went rogue in my last event and wiped out several tribes so if you haven't already seen that video go watch it but yeah this guy was leading the charge for this team with the goal of surviving the entire event and taking over the server in the process once again but it wasn't going to be easy with the other teams having found some really good islands after they escaped from the spawn like this team these guys found a small village house that they were able to get a load of helpful resources from and even some food but some players on this team really could not follow simple orders yeah don't break the farmland dude after i spectated these guys for a bit it turned out one of the people in their call had actually died earlier on when he was a part of another team and now he was helping them out to get revenge against the person that killed him the island with the acacia tree has a sheep on it oh of course this was completely against the rules and this guy should have been banned as soon as he died so he was quickly taken care you really get of because rhys is listening helping you so with their secret information gatherer banned now they were straight back to struggling and they weren't the only team but before i tell you about this other team i want to thank monster legends for sponsoring today's video monster legends is a free to play mobile game that is available on all devices where you can collect over 900 monsters with different elements and rarities or whilst you build your own empire as you play the game just like the players in this video you'll have to collect food gold and gems to help upgrade your empire as your empire upgrades you'll be able to breed different monsters and hatch your new baby monsters that you can evolve and level up one of the super cool unique features in this game is the youtuber island where you can find your favorite youtubers as monsters like dream laser beam and many many more if you download the game using my link in the description or the qr code on screen you'll get an amazing starter pack reward for free that gives you 50 000 food 300 000 gold 10 gems and the epic monster kauri a big thanks to monster legends for sponsoring this video now let's get back to the island where a member called alex with glasses managed to get a sapling really early on but when he was asked to place it down by his teammates to allow them to advance he didn't seem to want to give it away alex alex alex you gotta understand we're in this together we have to work together place the saplings down so we can make trees and leave this tiny little island okay we need to make a tree so we can leave the tiny island look at them they're working as a team look at robbie place the saplings okay now let's let the tree grow with that issue finally fixed these two teams were starting to make really good progress whilst the other smaller groups were struggling due to a lack of resources but far away from all of these guys was a small group of players that stood by each other side from the start after making sure that their teammates could be trusted i love her i i have a question for you you need to answer before you can join our team do you like pesta pasta of course dude like i love it all right that's great you're on the team this team was able to find a pretty big island with a full village on it giving them not only a solid food source but also a load of blocks to build with as they worked away on this island phase three started on the server meaning players that weren't on a team had only five minutes to join one the teams that were already established instead used this time to name their small nations wait do we need a team name or something like that yeah nepal nepal nepal too i think we will redub like the peaceful islands in the video once all players have joined a team of at least two to ensure their survival the server was already down to 61 players in total after some players really struggled in the starting phases this is one of the craziest events of all time there is nothing wow you get nothing in these we've got eight or nine people alive that's pretty good yeah so now that the chaos from the start had calmed down and players had bridged away to their own islands and started progressing slowly some players realized that phase four was on its way and started taking their guesses as to what was coming next there will also be a hungary yeah i'm just we mainly start preparing for the hunger event and these guys got it right somehow they had predicted that the next event would be hunger which meant when it was time every player on the server would be hit with the hunger effect making movement limited and meaning if they didn't have food they'd die but just as this phase was about to start the small village team now known as nepal were approached by someone on a different island i have a question for all you guys could i could i join your guys's island i'm not necessarily a fan of mine uh i think about five euros we can arrange something but in the middle of this discussion phase four started causing chaos on the server once again your hunger event has started ready guys just stand still oh no luckily for the island run by arrow when they ventured out earlier on they found an island with a mooshroom cow that they were able to use for mushroom soup and milk meaning they wouldn't be affected at all by this hunger event we got kell right but other teams weren't as lucky as them resulting in some of their players eventually dying from hunger whilst other teams started to turn to cannibalism to survive can we not just eat the villagers please oh that was good after checking up on all of the teams to see how they were all coping with the hunger i saw one team trying their hardest to survive by quickly logging on and off the server to prevent the hunger take from killing them since i kind of felt bad that this phase had pretty much wiped out another 20 players i gave these guys a bit of a lifeline and started dropping a few pieces of food to save them guys if i joined that can you guys give me food i'm on a hospital okay there's food dropping from the sky food from the sky food from the skies it's a so now that these guys were kind of saved they continued bridging out into the distance towards an island that they had spotted far far away with a castle and some food on it this is the same island that nepal spotted earlier and were also interested in checking out oh no people someone's already building to the castle okay let's let's forget the castle then i know we're gonna go wait yeah they're way closer than we are so as the hunger event came to an end the team that i saved from starvation made their way to the castle island and in the process spotted the distant island of nepal come on half of them over there they have a whole farm over there as they hopped on board this island phase five started giving players a 20-minute period of freedom meaning they could now spend the next 20 minutes doing whatever they wished for most teams this was just going to be time for farming and collecting resources from their island as they tried to stay alive but some players took the freedom a bit too freely and decided to end their experience now wake up he just killed himself wait what you inherit his resources whereas other teams took this time to start invading people's islands to kill them for their resources had narrowly survived the hunger event as the last two members of their team from earlier and now we're just arriving at an ocean-themed island that contained fish kelp and a chest with some loot which helped them out a bunch getting back on their feet back at the castle island this small team were making some great advancements as they got seeds lucky lucky lucky are you stupid lucky yes i am okay give me the seats lucky this one seat can populate a whole damn village growing children and after checking the chest at the top of the tower they found a lava and water bucket that they could use to make a cobblestone generator but after making the generator successfully one of their members went rogue and killed one of their teammates i'm going to die oh snowy wait what happened who killed him snowie i muted that whole time i'm so sorry it was snowy oh my god after their team leader was slaughtered the team now had a serious question to ask themselves should they let snowy stay on their team or make her walk the plank into the void it's either flash or ice or snowy but i can't tell who it is even though basically the whole team saw snowy kill shadow snowy was insistent that she didn't kill their team leader and one of the other members also joined her side causing the team to split into two sides in this argument bros no he's snowy's literally innocent like let's stop accusing people because they made a mistake not accusation i mean we saw her kill her so with the team split into two they knew they couldn't afford to fight at this stage so decided to come up with a mutual agreement guys guys if she kills again we kill we kill we kill so now that this team were all back on the same page they got back to work whilst these guys had been arguing amongst their own team the wow dude had finally made his way to the island of nepal and started coming up with a plan to stay safe and protected on this server i think we should have a leader but it's not like a dictatorship they're just like more likely i'll i'll nominate myself i know i'm new here so no hard feelings if i'm not voted but i will not donate mine maybe maybe we should let the flower decide oh yeah so i forgot to mention this earlier on in this event tj one of the nepal members managed to find a flower that he was very protective over and decided to make that the centerpiece of their team island so this flower meant a lot to the team and they treated it with a lot of respect for the most part oily there your little flower what did you like to be the leader of this band but before their flower could decide which of their members would take over they had a group of visitors heading towards their island and these guys weren't peaceful friends there's so many people there's like eight hands the flower will protect us nepal was under attack from the arsonists of arrow's team and they weren't going to hold back kill them all no mercy oh these guys are not all these guys aggressive we're leaving before they knew it nepal had been invaded by aeros team and nepal had no choice but to evacuate their island to survive why did we leave guys no why are we going to the castle i don't know let's go to the castle go to the castle let's go go go go go go don't turn back i'm sky based in the rush to get away from their attackers nepal split up over the skies to try and survive but they had nowhere else to run when they started heading over towards the castle team nepal were cornered so with no other option they had to fight back and try to win this battle guys why are we being attacked in the freedom face hey go hey go back go back go go back gosh i'm gonna get build up no i'm in trouble we're in trouble i don't know how to use swords on arrow focus on arrow he's our leader i'm gonna die i'm gonna die guys i'm dead no even though their fallen members had said farewell two of their members were actually able to escape on a bridge and a sky base just as phase six started as the moon lifted into the sky all players had to now spend the rest of this night fighting against mobs from the blood moon everyone back up everyone yeah come back teams started taking to high ground to avoid being caught by the mobs that were spawning down below but even those on the sky bases were struggling these mobs weren't letting people have a break so as players fought their way through the night using weapons and makeshift traps eventually the sun started to rise once again and somehow everyone survived the blood moon with phase seven came a time for peace for most teams players now had 45 minutes to build their island into something cool and the winning island would be given a prize for their island design the castle team started to build straight away to waste no time hoping that they would be able to claim the prize but some other islands seem to struggle with this pretty basic phase the best looking island gets a reward well shoot we don't have resources to do that all right hopefully we don't get assaulted after all of arrow's team survived the blood moon they saw the announcement of the new phase and players in their team had a conflict of interest with what to do now what if we just so was their team debated on what to do aero continued to explore the world looking for his next victims and eventually spotted the castle island in the distance and called upon the rest of his team to show up and help him invade since these guys were busy building away they didn't see their enemies building towards the island and even worse for them two of their members had just went on an exploration mission and found soccer's island but it didn't end very well for them dude get the high ground get the high ground i got it both wait you killed the boat get out so the castle island had just lost two more valuable members just as they spotted arrows team coming towards them is coming go go go go decrease the player count instead of leaving everything behind as they ran from the enemy they decided to leave behind snowy as a punishment for killing their leader in the hopes that they'd be able to sweet talk arrow into letting them live of course aero was not interested so these guys were pushed away from their islands and ran across the sky bridges hoping to find somewhere new to settle down as expected aero was not going to let them get away with it that easy so as they ran away he started tracking their path and stalking them it seemed his team weren't interested in the prize for the best island at all whilst all of this had been happening soccer and robopanda had spotted a temple floating high up in the sky and had been working away chopping trees and bridging up for the past 15 minutes and eventually they arrived and were able to check it out there's an elytra there's an electro oh my god wait wait take it you take it you take it gold it's gold uh what can we use gold for golden apples uh oh yeah we need an iron pick well we suck this is stupid uh i'm sorry to say it we gotta kill the iron golems as soccer and panda were up here grabbing the gold and making some armor aero had finally tracked down the old castle island members after following their tracks unluckily for soccer and panda those players ran for refuge at his island and brought aero and his whole team along with them error was able to kill two more members leaving only one person behind snowy the leader killer as she ran up the staircase to heaven she pleaded to soccer to let him join his team and soccer accepted her and stood strong at the top of his bridge in his new gold armor defending his team ice is now our teammate get them kitted up frame listen get your freaking entourage out of my island look we can have peace with these guys i'm not their leader they can choose what they want we're here for peace anyway so it's fine soldier what peace peace of mind you rolled up you rolled up with shields and axes arrow i have a bow i will shoot you right now what do you want here there's nothing here we took everything here yeah i'll throw i'll go throw the beacon off the edge right now i mean if we can't have it no one can yeah yeah i'm okay with that just leave us alone i don't know why you're here i don't know what you want i have a golden apple i'll pop it and i will take every single one of you on because i know i have the armor i know i have the armor i can fall you guys can't do you really want to end the event do you want to die on the event simply over an island i don't see the point here soccer was not moving and aero's team were still insistent that they wanted to rule this server and take over so they weren't going to leave without blood as aeros team got closer soccer knew it was now or never so started eating a golden apple and jumped into the crowd of enemies oh i tried to jump off good luck guys after heavily overestimating the power of his gold armor he was slaughtered by the enemies and now his teammates were helpless so stood and accepted their fate as their enemies charged towards them after basically turning the island building phase into a purge arrow and his team of mercenaries had killed all but one player on the server even though pvp wasn't even encouraged and that one player was the lost member of nepal that escaped from their invasion earlier on instead of rushing for this guy aeros team actually decided to try and win the island building prize by quickly returning to their mushroom island and starting to build some memorials houses and walkways but this place had nothing on the small efficient and clean island that one flip had built up from nothing so as the island building phase came to an end the admins and i looked at the two contestants and chose a clear winner one flip his reward included resources weapons armor and food but after hearing the news that they hadn't won the build challenge arrows team were not happy and started running across the bridges of the sky to hunt down one flip and his flower island after a while of searching he was found and he spotted them charging towards the island his time to defend was here oh no they're coming they have an elijah great he tried to stand his ground against them but since he was outnumbered and with the help of the elytra they managed to get on his island and start burning him out as the lava started flowing one flip chose to take away their satisfaction of killing everyone as he leapt into the void and sacrificed his own life they'll never get me alive now arrows team were the last team left on the server they knew they had access to every island they wanted and all of the resources in this world so they started making their way back through the islands that they had conquered over the past few hours knowing that they could live in peace and upgrade themselves through this world this event was a test to see what would happen if 100 players were placed on the skyblock island and today we found out that people would fight for resources backstab their own teams and ultimately failed to create a functioning society due to greed and a lack of communication if you think that you could create a working civilization in a world like this check out my discord for future events and subscribe for a bunch more videos just like this that will be coming soon i hope you all enjoyed this skyblock experiment and once again a massive thank you to monster legends for sponsoring this video make sure you download the game now and claim your free starter pack which will help you get a huge head start and speed up your levelling process in the game
Channel: Sword4000
Views: 1,704,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, Minecraft, factions, Funny, Videos, Fun, Happy, Minecraft videos, Modded, War, Private, Survival server, Sword4000, Sword, 4000, 100 days, Hardcore Minecraft, Hardcore, 200 days, 100 days hardcore, 1 year, 100 days challenge, 100 days Hardcore challenge
Id: cFLucMTlQfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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