300 Players Simulate Civilization in a Zombie Apocalypse

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in the ultimate social experiment 300 minecraft players are stranded on an island full of zombies and are forced to work together to try and rebuild civilization we gave the players absolutely no help or guidance so it's entirely up to them to build a zombie-proof base i like to lead her and if it comes down to it wage war against the undead and other teams this will be incredibly challenging as the players are in hardcore mode so if they die then they'll be dead forever will the players band together to survive or will they descend into chaos and join the undead sit back relax and pick a team to root for as i present to you minecraft civilization in a zombie apocalypse we start our story on blue team's island where the players swam to shore from the huge shipwreck they had 20 precious minutes until night fell and massive hordes of zombies descended upon them so they used their time to punch down palm trees and craft themselves some basic tools here take this okay thank you one player adam suggested that food would be the most important resource the team would need hey lads listen up i reckon we should head south to go get food from the jungle zombies so explain in different regions of the map zombies drop different loot for example if you go to the arctic the zombies there might drop diamonds and if you go to the desert the zombies there might drop netherride this means that teams will need to carefully prioritize where they explore adam's team listened to him and they all journeyed south towards the jungle where they came across the ruins of a huge mine temple the players spent some time pillaging the temple for all its valuables by the time everyone arrived at the temple knight had fallen and with that hundreds of zombies began emerging from the shadows but players were forced to fight for their lives against all kinds of zombies there were explosive zombies that blew up as well as these moss covered jungle zombies that spewed out projectiles not messing with that yo guys i'm actually gonna die no no no it was a huge battle with everyone working together to defend each side of the temple unfortunately despite blue team's best efforts players were beginning to die with the deaths quickly melting up players began to panic oh god there's so many of them however adam stepped up and did his best to calm the civilians let's calm down and get to the top of the temple his teammates listened to him and fortified their position at the top of the temple it was there that they managed to hold their position against the zombies adam himself though was cut off from his teammates and was in some serious trouble he was changed through the temple until he found an exposed sewer network that was way too close back up top players continue to fight off the undead waiting patiently for morning to arrive over on green teams island yes so to start with every team gets their own island then after 10 full minecraft days the teams will be transported to the same island where they can settle their differences the green team citizens swam to the shore and all ventured over to the woodland town where they raided its houses and looted all its chests then they decided it would be wise to split the civilization up into two main teams a food team and a protection team the protection team led by templar turtle journeyed up north to the swamp where they came across an abandoned swamp village whilst the food team led by a player named derwis stayed at the woodland town harvesting crops and fishing while the main civilization had been harder work five players had quickly journeyed over to the arctic region of the map and formed a radical group called the zombie rights activist they'll be very important later on back at the swamp things weren't looking good the players were completely outnumbered by the zombies oh my god there's so many of them and even worse there were some strange looking swarm zombies that had a terrifying ability just make it all oversafe he throws stuff ocean ones just gotta snipe us after losing a few players where'd half our group go the protection team realized they had run out of food so they ventured south out of the deadly swamp and decided to make themselves a tree house should we climb up this tree here let's make a treehouse let's make a treehouse which would act as a sanctuary for the fleeing protection players see the treehouse oh i see people oh salvation [Music] i can't be laughing it's gonna be me in a minute however the protection team still had food shortages and with night having fallen and the hordes of zombies approaching why did we got zombies ain't coming they were now trapped on the tree house then suddenly the protection team's prayers were answered hello everyone we are from the food team bro free savers where are you we have a bunch of food and we are willing to trade we have a tree house yeah yeah we'll come so she gathered her people and journeyed north to save the protection team when they arrived they were met by this oh wow that's so hot no don't try to fight them just run run the protection team being very near starvation we're happy to see their saviors they were completely surrounded by zombies though oh it's so terrifying to look down and see all of the zombies on yellow teams island after boating to the shore the players soon formed up into small groups then each of them set off on their own journey across the map firstly a lone player called beeback had journeyed to the capital city where he fought off knight zombies that dropped powerful armor this quickly made him the strongest player on the server b-bag if you recall was the ruthless warlord in my last video that led his militaristic nation to victory this fact was worrying many players on yellow team as they were concerned that once again he'd attempt to take control of the nation by force in the north a player called mr telly t plotted to assassinate back to stop him from taking over my current hit we we we have a man by the name of b he's got a bounty on his head first though he'd have to survive the swamp zombies what is that oh he's throwing potions wow they are very strong oh there's one on the bridge there's one on the bridge i'm gonna take out the bridge no over in the desert region a player named race champ had put together a large expedition group to explore and loot the egyptian pyramid they ventured through the dark winding tunnels looting chess however they weren't alone oh my god okay after ransacking the pyramid race champ realized the yellow team was fractured so with the mission of unifying the people he spoke to his group all right guys let's scatter over the place let's group together and make a new base he gathered his followers and ventured east towards the outskirts of the capital city to start a new base the early days of the new base were rough but eventually after a considerable amount of death we lost makeup explosions and fire with everyone working together they were able to construct a somewhat safe sky base news reached mr telly t of this new safe haven so he embarked on an incredibly relaxed voyage over the mountains towards the base could all of them on me oh no over the woodland village our group of players were getting overwhelmed by the dead uh guys we should probably head over to the new base everyone decided it'd be best to migrate over towards the new colony it was on this journey south that a player named rapisrap123 found a pig pig potato come with us the thing is his team were moving south and rapist rap didn't want to leave his pig behind guys wait guys wait up i'm bringing a pig so in the greatest journey mankind has ever seen rapper's rap led his pig over 1 000 blocks towards his destination we're nearly there buddy [Music] no everyone was furious with mr t somebody killed the pig yeah freaking mr t killed the pig guys if you guys see mr d kill him i know after getting chased by an angry mob of residents mr t exiled himself to the north over on red team's island the citizens were very cautious to leave the beach so they came up with a plan yo we don't really know what's out there so i think we should probably just wait here until like an expedition team goes and checks it out and that's what they did a player named illusion axe rounded up a few brave players who are willing to travel out of the tropical biome first though the place stopped by the river town where they ran through its streets they looted all his houses and began trading with one another ah cheers mate when they fell they hit upstairs in one of the houses yeah i i know i just met you guys but i feel like i've known you guys my whole life eventually though they gathered the courage to push on to the capital city just keep moving guys just keep moving okay where they came across a horde of night zombies so being the courageous players they were they towered up and hid on a small platform while the fearless expedition team were carrying on a sky platform other players on red team were showing off their high iqs don't do it don't do it just hit the clutch boys his group of citizens had also made a small sky base on which they heard from what looked like hundreds of zombies awaiting the return of expedition players i know they said apocalypse so this is a lot there are so many the expedition players however instead of venturing back to the comrades at spawn decided to press on by boat to the volcanic region after their small fleet of boats landed at the rocky shores they disembarked and began mining up magma blocks yo guys guys private blocks drop stuff the expedition team decided they were too far away from the comrades so they suggested starting a new base in the mesa biome just north of them let's go to the mesa with let's firey and we'll make our colony there hightop agreed with this idea all right that sounds good we are on the way when the expedition team arrived at the mesa bar they discovered an old abandoned four and began mining a dugout into one of the cliffsides news had spread across the nation that the expedition crew were starting a safe haven for survivors so people began arriving in droves along with these new migrants were high top in his group as well as a player named vaughn fine it's fun who clearly means stocking up on loot in the north it was all looking great for red team until night fell and with that came a huge horde of zombies there's one hell of a horde with only a few of the red team actually being equipped enough to be combat ready they were forced to use tnt and whatever else they could find to fight off the zombies back on blue team's island the citizens in the jungle had survived the night at the top of the mayan temple and since the zombies in the jungle region dropped plenty of food the citizens now had tons of it then the players discuss their next move right we've all agreed we're going to the desert so the citizens migrated westward over to the desert when they arrived they were delighted by what they found there was a huge egyptian pyramid along with a sprawling desert city as well as a lush oasis some of the civilians ventured up to the peak of the pyramid then they began constructing themselves a base back down on the surface it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows the players had discovered that the desert was infested with hordes of mummified zombies which when they hit you do this oh my god i can't see anything several citizens were lost in the chaos no i died on the price side though they did occasionally drop netherride the citizens built a sturdy defensive oil at the top of the staircase to stop the onslaught of mummies it did a good job however it didn't stop the citizens from getting into trouble then the civilization's chief builder a player named adg fell down and was totally trapped by the mummies the blue team left into action and the players cooperated brilliantly and managed to work together to save their stranded teammates i saved my life thank you back on the top of the pyramid progress on the base was being made rapidly some players had even built a farm yo the farm has been completed the residents didn't have to venture down to the surface and risk their lives to get food it was around this time that adam called on all the citizens to hold a meeting to discuss leadership of the blue team can the five members of the council please join me on here right guys we're here to discuss the leadership even though most civilizations elect a leader i disagree i disagree yes i don't think we should have one person in control yeah i disagree what needs to happen here is everybody put your faith in this council here and we will work to provide for all of you adam then proceeded to sort the citizens into teams one for building one for defence one for farming and one for warriors all right guys if everyone could look at me we're now gathered in the groups okay we're at the point now where we're going to start knuckling down getting all the gear possible and we're setting up our civilization does everyone know what they've got to do now yeah everyone gets to work everyone gets it let's go let's go let's go far away in the volcanic region of the map a player named pan had been conspiring against the government he had gone round the map raiding all the loot rich structures he'd even grabbed two stacks of tnt from the dwarven mines in the north i found a ton of cnt who's the guy who's got the cnc uh who who's asking adam adam who adam t h i'm pam hanna you with are you with the democracy ah okay i actually have to overthrow them that's good to know with the amount of tnt i have i think that's possible he then ventured over to the abandoned gold mines in the mesa bay where he met up with an equally geared player named organiser who shared his ambition for seizing power i just one question for you why do you want to overthrow the government do you also hate them like me to people yeah the two co-conspirators were now ready to spring their plan into action adam himself ventured north with a player named spider and all the civilizations warriors when they reached the mountains they came across a player named marco how are you doing mate we're all doing fine thank you um how long have you been here oh it's a long story this place looks great i think i'll set up cam here i might get a bit lonely but i'm sure it'll be fine right uh what a wonderful day it is i'm so glad i get to spend it with you mr scarecrow hey everyone get around we're going to have an election so many amazing candidates ah he's definitely got my vote i won i won i won the election wow what an amazing crowd we have here today who stole my carrots i have no idea who could have done such a thing it was you someone get the king i'm here citizen what happened this person stole my carrots thievery is not allowed in my kingdom you are to be exiled immediately you know what screw you and your kingdom i'm exiling myself come on mr scarecrow you're coming with me adam and spider now a little confused hastily moved their army back towards their home base they didn't get there fast enough having taken all the best fighters on their expedition they had left the civilization completely defenseless and so organised seizing the opportunity sprung his plan into action it was complete carnage haha go on right let's put down some of this spider along with a group of soldiers were the first of the warriors to get back to the pyramid they rushed through their base to organize however they had fallen straight into his truck oh my god the base along with around nine blue team citizens had all been annihilated by the senseless attack an organism was able to flee the scene unscathed got like eight it was now morning on green team's island and the main civilization had mustered the courage to jump down from their tree house and face the undead after some great coordination the place that cleared the area then they all came to an agreement on what to do next are you going for the arctic castle there yeah we're gonna make a race there so the protection team started their journey west over to the arctic region while the food team stayed at the tree house and gathered more supplies over in the mountainous region of the map a group of fearless players were doing their thing why do we need crystals i don't know let's just go this guy's scared out of me two friends natty and rygai were fighting for their lives when suddenly a zombie grabber i got was struck with grief over the death of his friend so he did what anyone else would do in that situation he ventured over to the dwarven mines and collected stacks of tnt then vowed to get back at the world that had wronged him i will get revenge on this cruel world for you right guy i promise back in the north of the map a protection team had discovered and looted a massive swamp for as well as a snowy market town it was around this time that the food team decided they would follow the protection team all right we have the food so we'll be coming with you so they set out on their own expedition west in the arctic the protection team had discovered a gigantic castle now everyone just stopped the castle yeah that's where the majority of the loot will be when they ventured inside the castle the protection team discovered they weren't alone they were face to face with two of the zombie rights activists i mentioned earlier now the question is do we trust them or do we just no i'm not sure oh no i trust where the natural i don't think they just was kissing them out with stone axes it was a standoff the protection team didn't want to risk losing any members in a fight while the zombie rice activists had different intentions while the two of them stole the protection team in the castle they had sent half of their group to intercept and kill the food team oh there's someone else who is it who is it is it lovely today would you like for food but i'm afraid i haven't the news of the massacre soon reached the protection team guys the food team lady died she was killed yet still the protection team weren't sure whether they should start a fight someone just hit him and get started like nah we're gonna we're gonna die though this gave the activists enough time to fully regroup their forces at the arctic then their protection team made a huge blunder half their forces left the castle to kill zombies then came the question hello people we have just one question for you have you guys been killing zombies yeah without a moment's hesitation there's nra led into action murdering all the players in the castle i'm dead the teammates outside suddenly realized what was happening and so they panicked and ran no guys let's kill them let's kill them we can't kill them we've lost numbers the zra weren't going to let them get away that easily though they hit the hit then they hunted down each of the under geared protection team players one by one oh i just died i'm dead i'm dead oh that's me dead ah oh no holy sh until there were none left at all well uh there goes a protection team back on yellow teams island the people were safe and prospering at their new base citizens had even begun playing music as entertainment then suddenly three players with diamond armor rolled up to the colony oh diamond armor there's three of them and started killing the residents dogs they're killing dogs and then they even began murdering people they were chasing me ah no i'm dead everyone in the panic took refuge at the top of the sky base race champ took the podium and rallied the people everyone don't panic we've got this they've got the gear but we have the numbers the spaces are home and i have one i'm not going to let these killers take it from us after this speech the people voted to elect race jump as their leader yeah i'm voting for race jam and with that race champ was rewarded at protection 10 crown just mate thank you while all this was happening at the colony another group of players at the capital city were planning to assassinate race champ by filling the throne room with tnt luring him over then blowing him up however they accidentally launched the diamond armor players instead so the conspiracy fled back to the throne room but they had hit all their tnt then this happened one of them is underneath [Music] what no it looks like they assassinated themselves instead the diamond armor murderers refocus their efforts back on wiping out the colony then the battle began what's going on is going up to stop the diamond armor players from reaching the sky base the citizens use bows and drop tnt on them unfortunately it went wrong and this happened the citizen was trapped down on the surface and after being tricked by the diamond players okay i think he might be friendly he was sadly killed oh wow race jeff had had enough of waiting around i decided to take the fight to them everyone jumped up go charge go go go go go yes he pulled himself under the valiant leadership of race champ the under geared residents had somehow overpowered and defeated the diamond equipped bullies in the north be back had been going around mugging people hey uh no cory can i get that helmet i don't know new cory you're not winning a fight against us drop your item okay we're killing the new cory i guess fine i will give you it was then that he heard the news that race champ had been elected the leader of yellow team race champ won the election and of course he wasn't happy i will not allow weak leaders to rule our nation i need to take action over at red team's mesa sanctuary things were going great they had successfully repaired the hole in the wall and everyone was cooperating and working together to expand the base it was on that day that hightop proposed it would be a good idea if they held a democratic election all right everyone i think we need a leader let's hold an election and so the citizens built a small elevated platform on which all the candidates for leader could give a speech outlining whether people should vote for them hytel went first greetings great citizens of the red team my name is a player named vaughn with one move had just single-handedly wiped out every possible candidate for leadership everything descended into absolute anarchy some players ran over to the corpses to steal as much loot as they could oh my goodness so much bong continued to drop tnt on the loot park in an attempt to claim more victims danny and the pull down from the sky platform i started hunting down the last surviving citizens was the only possible living candidate even though he wasn't a leader per se i decided to crown him the king of the red team dictatorship for the win i think he's a ticket blue team meanwhile was still reeling organization and the loss of countless attack on from teammates we need to get everyone to the top of the pyramid right now the people decided that with the rest of the old council dead adam should be granted emergency powers and be crowned the king of the blue team he is your crown adam thank you i will go down with this great nation if i must with newfound confidence after having been crowned adam decided they would change the civilization's priorities this is no longer about building the best civilization this is about getting justice for our fallen friends everyone we're gonna be okay we're gonna go after the people who did this get whatever gear you have and follow me so following their king they set out on a mission of vengeance to take down pan and organize due to them being so undergeared though as soon as they reached the surface players started getting picked off by mummies oh no well i died good luck guys somebody needs to help no i'm done how are we doing so much we're all dying adam though not concerned that he lost around half of his remaining nation pressed on to the mesa bio as he had heard that it was in the organization at the hunting party met up with marco yeah this guy from earlier who had since started talking to a horse i trust your horse you look like a totally sane person when you hurt your knee and you can't get back up you can't get back up you understand if you two didn't have voices i would seriously be in danger of becoming insane it was then that the hunting party spotted the two murderers by the river they're all the way down there it's all said and pam oh there's others there's a lot of them there's a lot of them yeah no that's why we're going skilled the chase ensued panel organa set split up with organiser heading north while pan continued down the river adam and a few of his men kept their attention on pan while no match for adam organizat his troops though who successfully took him out yes yes yes let's go organized bled west until he got to the coast however he was soon tracked down and taken out by a group of adam's men i'm dead with both the traitors dead adam had successfully served justice and his nation was at peace oh i hit you oops hey if if this person is strong i'm gonna die i don't run what no then adam got killed by a mummy with no leader marco yes him was crowned the king of the blue team over on green team's island after the food and protection team were wiped out by the zombie rights activist the nation was in complete chaos although a remainder of civilization was a small village that be constructed by seven surviving citizens the players lived in constant fear of the zombie rights activists do not tell them where we are please we're patrolling the map trying to find out where the players were hiding so there's a problem we've been dealing out so much justice we can't find any more people to cleanse down in the south of the map with absolutely no government to enforce any kind of law it was quite literally the wild west like complete another anarchy and i mean proper anarchy everyone was just going around murdering each other are we killing them oh my god so many people died and by the end of the violence there were only 13 players alive on green team there were five zombie rights activists seven innocent citizens and one natty yeah him and he still had ambitions of destroying society nutty had just arrived at the sanctuary village and in a twisted act to gain the trust of the citizens he went around the village handing out iron chest plates and being an all-round nice guy do you guys want an after helping defend the village from an invading zombie horde he had officially gained their trust and so as a part of his plan he proposed they hold an election to choose a player to be crowned leader of the green team first went to play named lunari i have really liked playing with you guys even if i have lost a lot of people i would love for us to stay together and as a leader since we are communists i will not be taking the most power we lead together communism then it was natty's turn i actually agree with lunari here i think we should totally strive to create a communist utopia it is all i've dreamt of we need to share gear as a community and build as a community and most importantly grow up as a community fortunately the only casualty came from someone who fell off the platform so all round not a very successful bombing attempt it was then that the zombie rice activist got in contact with the village hello victims i mean villagers we are willing to give one of you another ingot did someone say about another ingot yes friend we will give you another ring guy okay well what what do you want for the netherwight we need the course to your village oh it's minus 800-650 why would you say it because it's never right how could you say no to that the zombie rice activists rushed towards the village forcing what remained of civilization to flee on foot to the east when the zra arrived at the village it had been deserted ah why and ironically the only person to die from nettie leaking the nation's coordinates was matty himself i'm dead justice had been served on yellow teams island b-bag and his army had been preparing for battle against race champ's colony enchanting table potions destruction that's our plan it was clear that the world wasn't big enough for both factions however just before things started to turn into war race champ reached out to b-bag and arranged for the two of them to meet face-to-face feedback we would like to meet with you yeah same same you know what i'm heading to right now actually alone all right head there and i'll meet you back with his army ventured south to the pyramid where he cautiously approached the steps okay uh most of you need to hold back only me and wildling will go in i guess but but b will be around the corner if i give a certain single note and you join the battle because i'm not going to get killed by this okay then the meeting commands so what do you meant to meet up for i want us to both acknowledge that we are going to play the long game in this game we both want to win at the end yeah we want to win and at the end it comes down to me having to pass you over to leadership i am happy to do so ha not right now though i mean for the final event i am willing to set aside my own little bit of leadership to ensure that we all get there in the end and win this hey marcus make a silver crown like that yeah okay make it so we can co-lead here is your crown be back you and i together will lead them to victory yes and with that the great yellow team alliance have been formed meanwhile on red team's island von having murdered half the nation was now seeking our followers i want people to follow me here upon down more people who won't obey me wait there's somebody here there's somebody here somebody here somebody here it's me it's me it's me chill i am your king i have a crown bow for me just because i don't want to be executed see i'm friendly find me another person all right guys if we stick here we're not going to find anybody we ought to go out and look having accepted that they had until dawn to find a player to feed von's insatiable appetite for murder they set out on a journey for blood knowing that if they didn't find someone then von would claim their lives instead spoiler alert since nearly everyone else was already dead they didn't find anybody and it was dawn which meant it was time for one of them to die oh you guys are freaked do you see that [Music] you have run out of time it's dawn so who wants to sacrifice themselves i play a name growler through the short straw okay then i'll pick crawl come here growler ran for his life and his former teammates with their dictator gave chase i'm sorry but you gotta go sadly though after a courageous attempt to get away growler was hunted down and killed von did make a gravestone to honor growler's death but couldn't remember his name what was his name again the guy killed the guy killed um his name was growler i watch all these videos and they're always just talking about how bad or how evil these dictatorships are and then it's just really fun yeah public execution is fun it was now time for all-out war this was a battle of ideologies we've got a dictatorship a democracy a fragile alliance and a group of zombie rights activists which of these great civilizations will reign victorious let's find out in the north race jump and be back gathered the yellow team's army in the arctic where they killed snow zombies for diamonds it was around this time that mr tetley t who had been planning to assassinate be back from the very beginning my current hit we have a man by the name of beebag saw his opportunity let's go what the b-bag luckily had a water bucket and managed to save himself mr telly t knew he had to finish the job it was now or never i need to go i need to do it beebag had survived the assassination attempt then went back to farming diamonds with ray's champ over in the swamp region of the map blue team led by marco had made an alliance with what remained of green team civilization wilding one of beeback's top generals heard that the two teams were forming a coalition i decided to set out east towards the swamp to crush the alliance before they became a threat when they arrived at the swamp they targeted lumari the leader of the green team and swiftly took her out the blue and green team coalition knew they weren't strong enough to face wilding's army so marco now the leader of the coalition decided the best course of action would be to flee so they set off on a journey south seeking the safety of the capital city over in the mountains the red team had somehow gotten past their differences and they decided to unite under their dictator von they had set up their base on one of the snowy mountain peaks it wasn't long before the red team spotted the green team player hey calm down come down come down come down there's a solo green we can kill him all right the red team confident that they had the numbers advantage over the green player venture down from their fortifications to give chase around the mountain oh oh take him out it's the king suddenly though a large group of green players emerged from the other side of the mountain it was the zombie rights activist the red team had fallen straight into their trap there's one behind us behind to find us it's firm it was a massacre i need help i need help i died and with that the red team was no more the only two survivors were von knudsen the dictator and a player named scaligamer and neither of them were present at the battle as they had both ventured north to the arctic to try and broker a peace deal with the yellow team however the yellow team had witnessed the red team getting massacred in the chat they're killing everyone from red this didn't fill race champion be back with confidence that the red team would be a good ally to have but they decided to meet with the two red players regardless speedbank this could be our chance to kill vaughan before you become a serious problem what did he come to do your phone well honestly i came here to collect diamonds and to maybe find you guys just in case you couldn't tell you're heavily outnumbered here yeah yeah we see that but anyways uh you see you have this very tempting protection thin crown on you you're not the safest here right raising my hand uh what about me the gamer is going to be fine actually he's harmless honestly i think i'm just a hostage come on we could kill you and eliminate a huge threat right now if you answer this one question correctly we might let you live okay do you like pineapples oh i love them with their code word being said beebag and racechamp turned on vaughn in an instant and proceeded to hunt him down this is better this isn't very good taste come back here come on drop your crown now later losers fun luckily managed to outpace beebag and race champ in his boat and so he successfully got away let's just say this was an important moment for the lion between red team and yellow team down in the south marco had led the green and blue coalition into the capital city where they were taking out zombies in an attempt to get better armor okay okay okay okay sorry sorry they constructed a defensive wall around a section of the courtyard to keep out the undead and they even had a team parrot which they called your mouth okay stay here and don't move at all wait guys if we're the last team left how about we just make tons of beds and go to sleep get tonight that should be that would be the ending probably it was then but out of nowhere the zombie rice activists rushed their base oh they're here in seconds they destroyed what remained of the blue team however the zetaree were kind enough to spare their fellow green team citizens the remaining green team how do you feel about your blue team allies being slaughtered in front of you ah very bad very bad with the blue team and jamal all murdered the zeta left their short green teammates to mourn the loss of their friends why did they even come here they set off west towards the desert to gather resources to help them armor up for their battle against the yellow team b-bang and race champ were incredibly concerned after hearing the news that the zetaree had just wiped out the entire blue team a cold d is going on a killing spree so watch out for him yeah yeah a lot of a lot of the greens that are left were all the people who were killed so fearing that they were under geared and ill-prepared for war bibag went south on a solar mission to gather obsidian from the charmer table he spotted a solo zombie rice activist but little did be back no where is one zombie rice activist there is always more i didn't believe there's a lot of people here i'm gonna be back the victorious winner of my last video was completely outmatched by the zra and though to them too giving the zombie rice activists another crown to their collection well gg boys died the second they saw me they all teleported again race champ was absolutely terrified by the news that his co-leader had been murdered so he ordered everyone to make a diamond farm to speed up production of better gear then he got in contact with wilding beatbag's top general who'd been on the other side of the map farming zombies okay raise that list and listen listen listen you fear green you fear green but we don't we have the gear and amount of people to kill him all right we also have the resources to kill him we just see him as a threat yeah they killed blue in an instance yeah so i say don't underestimate them while race jump and the yellow team were hard at work collecting diamonds the zra having spent some time enchanting their armor at the volcano region we're hearing news of the zombie kill eggs going on in the north sure that there is some zombie murderers in the arctic area so we're gonna go cleanse them so they journeyed up to the arctic towards the yellow team but on the way there they came across this skleegamer who had fled the failed red yellow negotiations had made a base and have been placing signs what is your plan now then sleep cause most of your team is dead legacy if you can't win go down in history as someone who just writes random signs i i like this one the best my final message subscribe to markus he may make fun videos well he's dead after murdering the poor side man they continued their way up north to the arctic when they arrived to the snow castle they realized the yellow team had no idea they were coming the zra stealthily towered up the side of the castle and with everyone in position the attack began oh greens coming race champions men were caught completely off guard die zombie killers run run get your boats out go and in the confusion panicked with some players staying to fight boss race champ and some others fled in boats across the ice the zedray knew what they needed to do they had to take out race champ to officially break up the yellow team so they gave chase a player named lucky finn bravely voted in front of the pursuing zra to try and give his leader race champ a few extra moments to escape race jam pleaded to wilding be back's top general from earlier to come help him just get him quicker and big boat to death roading heard the cries of his leader and marched his men over to help as fast as he could however race champ was on his own and he had to delay the zed array from taking him out just long enough for wilding to arrive wilding and his soldiers were just down the river unfortunately though after a long chase bruce jam couldn't hold out any longer and he too fell to the might of the zra i told you about green green i told everybody about green we're gonna go any quicker i'm assuming leadership by gala we're re-emerging one minute after race champ died wilding in a small army found the zra and a battle ensued hello cody he's running initially it looked like wilding and his team were coming out on top but once el caldi called him reinforcements fellow activists i'm in the heat of assistance he's his teammates wilding soldiers began dropping like flies die die die the entire team's on me the entire team's here gonna die there's four guys on me i'm dead and then while he himself died too i'm done the zray now had four crowns with the only other crown being held by the lone dictator of the red team vaughn the rest of my team left me he'd been hiding after the capital ever since race champ and b back tried to murder him the zra heard that von was hiding out there and before long they spotted him there's a gun right here a guy right here oh we can get another crown come back we want your crown the red team's dictator that von klitzen who had single-handedly wiped out the majority of his own team was dead damn it i'm dead the zombie rice activists had been amassing a significantly large kill count they had single-handedly wiped out the protection team the food team natty the red team the blue team beebag skleegamer the yellow team lucky finn race champ wilding welding soldiers and bomb wow these guys were some seriously committed activists and might have mentioned they only lost one teammate so far then the zra spent some time hunting down the stragglers from each team at one point there was a survivor hiding in one of the trees and so instead of trying to go up there and hunt him down they decided to blow up the entire forest what i'm dead with the rest of the stragglers taken out they ventured over to the capital city where they massacred what remained of their own team then they took the throne of victory we did it fellow activists we cleansed the world well it looks like my civilization won we've got some building to do mr scarecrow thank you so much for watching please leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed cheers bye
Channel: MARCUSK
Views: 3,707,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft civilization, 100 player minecraft civilization, 100 players minecraft civilization, 100 players simulate civilization, civilization minecraft, 100 player civilization in minecraft, simulate civilization in minecraft, minecraft civilization 100 players, minecraft civilization experiment, magicgum, minecraft civilization 100 players war, civilization in minecraft, civilization minecraft experiment, 100 players simulate civilization in minecraft, minecraft zombie apocalypse
Id: 1YnE4HZf2eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 48sec (2208 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2022
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