100 Players Simulate Survival Islands in Minecraft...

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i put 100 minecraft players on a survival island to see what would happen when they were left all alone to survive as they all spawn into the world the race to grab resources and find friends started scrapboy grab boy grab one i'm going for a sampling all right i think that's more important but as players rushed towards some ruins that had been spotted on the island they opened up a chest to grab some loot and it set off a trap underneath exploding and killing five people right away holy as the chaos continued players started to escape the island in the hopes of a higher chance of survival and as they headed out people started grouping up in separate calls and making small islands of their own out in the middle of the ocean away from everybody else as they used up the resources from the starting island to try and make some progress other groups split up with some players heading underground to try and grab some iron whilst others set off into the open seas to try and find anything that could help them after rowing away from the main island a group of players had spotted a new island oh another island right there we found another island what direction do i have these guys quickly claimed this land and started coming up with their plans moving forward everyone just worked towards anything that we need mining trees food building whilst these guys regrouped their team from the previous event and reinstated the island of nepal the people that were still back at the spawn island were starting to face some serious troubles as they rush to try and get some resources from the caves no there's a cave someone's already been down here someone's already been down here let's just keep going down oh there's mobs oh i'm getting shot by skeleton help whoa but eventually there looked turned as they continued to explore and started to strip mine with fun damage from that diamonds nice nice i got the iron pick i'm coming over with small teams starting to pop up all over the ocean the team building phase came to an end and now each island had to vote for a king to lead their players for the rest of this event for most teams this was an easy decision [Music] oh i got that i got the crown we gotta select the crown we gotta select the king and the king is the wow dude but for other teams this phase turned out to be harder than expected as some people tried assassinating their newly crowned leaders after the votes didn't go in their favor oh they're killing out they're killing me yeah are you running after us oh does anyone have his vote nice nice good stuff but this wasn't the only team that had trouble during this phase a group called the sexy people had set up an underground base and had to kill one of their members that was also complaining about their choice of king after this the server was left with only 81 players remaining already split over eight teams all across the ocean that were setting up their very own empires once the king election phase was complete all teams now had a king that they believed was going to lead their team to victory but with that phase over meant another phase was starting the border of this world was now expanding giving players more areas of the ocean to explore and claim most teams had already set up a small island of their own so the border expansion wasn't valuable to them anymore but they didn't realize this phase uncovered a whole new island that contained a village whilst everybody else stayed on their islands a small team that hadn't set up camp yet spotted it so headed over and claimed it as their own before anybody else did just as these guys arrived one of the nepal members also spotted the island and checked it out to see if he could find anything valuable to take back home to his team but these village people that had arrived here first were not happy about him being on their land so slaughtered him before he could steal anything oh guys i died um i died i don't know some random at the village so as nepal were notified about the death of their member they set up a grave right away and noted down that that village was hostile but this team wasn't the only team trying to cause some conflict on the server a group of players that called themselves the cookie cult had set up just off the coast of the starting island and were starting to mess with the players that had claimed it after everybody else had left you stole the shoot i was coming to kill the sheep but he stole it after stealing some animals from the spawn they headed back to the comfort of their own island and started working on their plans to launch an attack later on yeah wait can we make it like a secret tunnel onto the main island or something yeah we definitely should but before they could start attacking anyone they ran into a problem as a team labelled the cookie cult well they couldn't make any cookies for their team because they had no cocoa beans and instead of just changing their team name like anybody else would they decided to approach me as an admin with an offer if we trade somebody's life for a cocoa bean we will sacrifice somebody uh okay that that's interesting i'm gonna let you guys do that you can sacrifice one player on your team for a coco bean [Music] as i left these guys with the hard choice of choosing someone from their team to sacrifice a lone player called duckster approached their island and they saw this as a perfect opportunity we induct somebody into our group and then sacrifice them since this guy was all alone he saw this is a great chance to join a pretty well established team so was all in when they offered him to join them what he didn't realize at this point though was that he was joining a cult and was going to be their first sacrifice you will become a member of the cookie call you get a single cocoa bean that is there you go there you go it's been dropped let's go everybody we are doing well so after sacrificing their brand new recruit they were given the cocoa bean that they were promised and now they were able to start production of their team cookies at the cost of somebody else's life but whilst this court had been busy sacrificing players for items the group that went by the sexy people had finally resurfaced and were starting to try and hunt down some other civilizations all right there's a civilization in northwest i saw them before i went here so as these guys set out towards the teams in the ocean they spotted the island of nepal and now had a choice to make holy crap do we got do we team with these guys or kill them no we should kill them they're heavily under geared no no no i think they actually have any kids as the sexy people approached the island the gods of nepal spotted them and alerted their team oh guys guys we have one how are you going to make traps here we have intruders wait how many you see seven okay guys i hope these guys are friendly do not start a fight we don't win this guys they're stacked as the people of nepal took cover up their staircase to heaven their leader dwa dude went on the front line to speak to the leader of the sexy group to try and avoid fighting i i see y'all are here hello link uh i'll put my sword away sort of measure we're not here to start any sort of conflicts um i would love to know why you're here welcome to nepal uh hello we're not actually trying to start any conflicts either we're really just trying to get away from the main island before it gets crowded so we're just passing through i would love to um make a proposal to you and your people um what's what's the name of your nation the sexy group the sexy group i am a big fan of that name well um what if our two nations collided and we became the sexy nepal and we had two leaders of you and myself we're finally yeah we're fine with that yeah all right all right so after the sexy people went back on their earlier idea to invade this island they decided to join forces creating the great nation of sexy nepal all right how's it going down there uh the wilderness i believe in him we have decided that their people are going to join our people of nepal so we have a lot of new we have a lot of new friends here but even though these guys agreed to join up some members of the merge didn't seem too happy about one of the rules over on this island if there was a legal binding contract that we have to dive someone breaks the flag in the middle i'm leaving and i'm not abiding by that that's right the people of nepal once again were worshiping a flower just like my last event from the start these guys were willing to put their lives on the line for this flower uh everybody this is our holy flower of nepal we need to protect it with our lives and if these guys found out that one of their new members was disrespecting the team flower he would soon be killed so he had to be very careful as all of the teams continued to make progress as the time passed by the village teams seemed to be struggling with a lack of communication and resources even though they had the biggest island on the server by far so in the hopes of finding some iron to defend themselves they dove into a ravine that somebody found on their island i'm gonna go ahead and zombies behind us just saying i can't fight these i'm at two and a half hearts run run run he died wait was yes that was one of ours with a player from their team dead these guys were now down to seven members and had to start seriously working together to get some iron for armor or else soon they'd be wiped off the server completely by the bigger teams that were only growing in size but even with all the big teams dominating the waters below the surface some smaller teams were still doing a really good job of making their own underground civilizations yeah sword we got a nice little civilization going on here i won't buy nice yeah yeah they just uh disintegrated in the middle of the ocean yeah okay let's go like you should give us diamonds i don't know about that one after being asked for some free diamonds i left those guys underground as words started to break out around the server about the cookie cut being hostile after a player managed to escape from being sacrificed by them would you like to join our cult i welcome you to death since the island building phase was still happening pvp was disabled allowing this guy to just walk away from them so he took this opportunity to alert all the other teams on the server that the cookie cult were hostile putting almost every team on guard wait incoming attacks no there might be potential unlikely but potential okay like memorize the people around you and close to you so as the team stood at their walls looking out just in case they were going to be attacked the building phase came to an end as hunger had struck the server next face in one second crouch okay we're good we're good we're good we have a farm this phase wasn't actually meant to kill anyone and as expected it didn't all teams were able to stay alive no matter their size by sticking near their farms limiting movement and even cooking up the unlimited amounts of kelp under the water yeah don't you guys agree that kelp will be a very reliable food source does anyone have milk but it turns out some people did have milk the players over at the village had trapped some cows for milk and started finally working together to make sure that they were able to survive this event but as mentioned this phase wasn't designed to kill anybody it was simply a phase to drain each team of their resources as the next phase approached the blood moon oh no wait wait this is this is how we get this is how we get spiders guys this guy like get light flame torches get torches as most teams took to safety knowing they didn't have the food and strength to take on the mobs that were invading their islands soccer51x decided to think he was invincible as he tried to take down an entire horde of zombies that had tracked him and his teammate down in the caves oh my gosh we're losing to twenty thousand zombies they're skeleton stuff come on runner i'm dropping lines dropping lava you're talking about the runner i want that i want that golden armor though fine take it up pick it up pick it up there it's no point no we don't i got the golden [Music] oh my gosh why how did he hit me he just hit me through a block with the blood moon claiming its first life the other teams continued to defend their land as soccer left his team behind with no king after his reckless choices killed him back at the sexy nepal island their sky base quickly turned into a mob farm due to a lack of light light up the sky base on the top okay run well guys there's a lot of drone yeah oh they're covered with the blood moon finally coming to an end all but a few people managed to survive and now the islands could get back to their plans of building up some huge civilizations out in the sea we're here for expansion and development so i want to make the landmass itself larger today we have 30 minutes to do it back at the cookie cult they continued with their efforts to annoy and attack every team that they could see and unfortunately for the team at the main island most of the time that was them let's break their crops greg i should have killed their cow shouldn't i i killed their i killed their chicken i'm good i'm gonna start slaughtering these guys as animals they don't know if i'm in here killing their animals whilst these guys were busy messing with other players on the main island one of the kings of sexy nepal had headed out with a few of his teammates to check out this cookie cult that was being spoken of so much in chat holy crap look at this oh my god you guys can't be people let's no let's just let's go past them we're looking for sugarcane we're not looking for trouble but instead of worrying about the people floating around their base they were too busy focused on destroying the main islands food source all the animals on middle island is dead i took their last baby cow back underground the team that had lost their leader during the blood moon had a member that had to leave and soccer saw this as the perfect chance for him to get back into the game wait night you have to go off in i mean it's just i used to work tomorrow so night give me your login night give me your login you're not getting my login no so i can play as you i can play as you after begging his teammate to share his login details to try and get a second chance in this event the night in red was safe and didn't share his password as he shouldn't have so instead they decided to approach me with a different offer sword can we sacrifice someone can we sacrifice someone's life to bring someone back that's an interesting proposal that isn't i mean that's why we're occult that could be what we do okay if the writing red agrees to this then sure if you come back yes to make it fair since i let another team sacrifice a player to get coco beans i agreed to this offer and allowed these guys to sacrifice a member of their team to bring back their king yeah so now these guys were back in business they reinstated their plans and got back to work all right guys where are we going where how are we going to start we were doing we already left back above the surface the village group had run into a serious problem wait a minute hold on someone did this someone did this lock up the villagers so they don't die these guys had been hit with a raid meaning pillagers were now charging through their island killing everyone they could find guys vindicators i'm blunt up stick together if you're by yourself you're going to die [Music] oh things only started getting worse for their team as their king was killed by the raiders that's okay my god you have to guys you have to run just take all the stuff just take all the stuff i'm sorry no don't run we can kill them i'm not running just prepare yourself just fight just fight as these guys argued over whether they should abandon their village or continue to fight soccer led his call out of the mines to finally breach the surface to see what happened since they went down below at the start oh there's people there's people there's a sheep what is this guy doing here yo we gotta kidnap this sheep hi red red you're not shifted red i can see your name tag do we just take it let's take a peek out let's take a peek out take a peek out hi horse as these guys broke out into fresh air they spotted the main island team walking around the island that guy has a diamond chest plate and a crown it's my stuff wait did you find a zombie you might have found that zombie but as they hung around the plans between the teams started to quickly fall apart guys i'm just gonna go i'm going no no we can't fight we can't hit we can't feed people remember yeah i know i'm gonna go explore no listen we need to assassinate that king we can't do that if they know there's people in the area whilst they hid waiting to make their strike they quickly realized they were outnumbered oh oh there's so many there's so many go back there but at this point it was already too late and the king of this island had spotted them lurking around we're not we're not we're not aggressive we don't plan on killing you guys we just know i want to know what you guys are doing here uh we're just exploring i've been in the caves for so long i need sunlight we've been underground for so long we are willing to take you guys in we have a main base we're the only base in the main area right now we will absolutely take you guys in after a quick thought soccer and his team agreed to join forces with the main island people and resurface to check out their brand new base and got caught up to speed with everything that had happened since the start so what what's up what's going on with those other guys then well after being told everything soccer had an important question he needed answering before he went any further with this team we will help you however uh we should we should talk about like power dynamic to put it simply my guys are going to follow me and your guys are going to follow you we're two co-existing teams so with that all sorted they stood on guard looking out over the water waiting for an attack from the cookie cult at any time but these guys weren't the only people preparing for an attack since back at the island of sexy nepal one of their members had gone rogue and killed another team's king and had an entire army chasing after him uh um i killed the king i killed the king what you killed the king yeah from from who what no i did why did you do that i'm gonna be probably hunted so um you cannot bring those people here that's a shame to our nation they're coming they're coming where where are they coming from bad news they have enchanted gear and there's a lot of them and they think we're hostile we gotta strap up guys we gotta strap up that's awesome during this chaos one of their players also accidentally fell off their sky base and died oh my god i fell i'm dead i fell i fell to the trap and this wasn't the only death as tj started building a memorial for their recently fallen soldier another one of their members died i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm ready guys what's going on just as sexy nepal thought their troubles were over their player that went rogue earlier on and killed the king was back to causing problems i may have killed another king why did you do that why did you why are you killing people i would like to know that's against our rules we're a peaceful nation we don't kill whilst these guys tried to stop their rogue player from killing any more players the island building phase came to an end and now it was time for the purge i'd like to make an announcement during this phase of the purge i'm going to be putting nepal on a full lockdown we're going to be having everybody on guard duty the only time people should be leaving the borders and the walls is to gather food if needed as nepal went on full lockdown the cookie cult saw this is the perfect time to leave their island and follow through with their plan from earlier on as they went underground and started tunneling towards the middle island to launch an attack okay hold on lead the way he found my tunnel that leads to the main island we're going to attack them whilst they mined away underground the main island players were ready for whatever was coming their way i don't know nobody kill each other so we must defend against the onslaught that they're about to come but without realizing the cookie cult had mined way past the island and when they resurfaced we're so much further away than when they started conquerors one good thing to come from this though now was that they were behind the island meaning they could sneak up on their enemies without them realizing at all [Music] attacking attack they're an unchained [Music] invaded the main island and wiped out everyone they could see soccer and jjq watched their new island being taken over from a distance after they left a few seconds before the attack to check out the sky base in the distance are we are they being invaded oh yeah there's all they've been invaded they've been invaded ggq okay so after a successful purge for the cookie cult they counted their kills and headed home you killed four jesus okay good job soldiers i'm coming to meet you back at the island of nepal their purge was super quiet after nobody approached their island the entire phase but somehow they still managed to lose members and it was once again to their sky base no i died no no but this wasn't their only death uh i'm at sky base no i fell i thought there was water and i fell and i died i'm stupid the link also known as the king of the sexy people had fallen to his death promoting de wow dude as the one and only king of sexy nepal and leaving the team in a very rough place i'm gonna make a special diorite memorial for him but what times were only going to get worse for every team on the server from now on as a few members from the main island managed to regroup after their invasion the purge phase had come to an end and the sacrifice phase started each team now had five minutes to sacrifice a player on their team and if they failed to do that their entire team would be killed no oh god oh my god all right everybody um anymore this is this is a rough moment um not it nose got it struggled to choose which of their members would be sacrificed some of the teams went for an interesting approach to make the choice easier what we're doing is a game of sumo because i can't decide and the first person to get knocked off gets eliminated three two one go oh my god the intensity is the middle team also made their sacrifice after someone stepped forward and took one for the team all right kill him now i'm sorry thank you thank thank you you remember thank you skull thank you skye guy's dad all right we know who's the sacrifice killer's already said he would sacrifice himself if it came down to no yeah kill him kill him kill him yes just kill him all the way back over at the island of nepal they had voted for talks to be their sacrifice but this went horribly wrong as he snapped out and retaliated against his team talks take your armor off can we do this in the sky base please no no no no wait what's going on kill him kill him go go go get that dark sacrifice don't worry no way his selfish actions ended up claiming two members of nepal and his team well x team were not happy about it everybody stopped toxed get the hell out of this discord you're the worst person yeah you killed me because of your trips guys i'm i'm tux is not getting a memorial during this whole situation nepal failed to realize that the border was now shrinking as a part of the next phase but the other teams were fully aware since they made their sacrifice well in time and were now starting to prepare their escapes from their islands just in case the border pushed them away border shrinking really oh my god grab all the food whilst the few remaining members of the middle island waited to see if the border was closing in on them the cookie cult saw this as the perfect opportunity to abandon their base entirely and try and clean up the final few members that were remaining get ready let's go army gone they're coming they're coming they're coming but they're not that geared we're fine just go around and we can go to sky base right now and if there's someone's here you murder them immediately whilst the cookie cut looted through this sky base their base was lost to the border as the border continued to shrink the two players that somehow managed to defeat the raid over at the village had been forced off their island and approached the island of nepal to see if they could be taken in guys the wow dude is talking with these two at the moment no worries just kill them instead of killing them the wow dude accepted them into his island allowing them to join nepal even though they literally killed a member of nepal earlier in this event as the border continued to shrink the main island was also taken over forcing all of the members remaining to seek shelter at nepal after their brief alliance earlier on luckily for them the island of nepal was the only island still left inside of the border so as they were being chased by the rogue cookie cult members all of the allied nations were able to be together to help defend against the army in coming go back and tell them that we're refugees go back and tell them that they're refugees we're being chased down we're being freaking chased down we we joined up with the paul we've joined up with nepal after everyone except the cookie cult were on the island of nepal they approached and realized that all of the other teams had banded together to take them down i don't know those team is trying to team up with miami with the border shrink giving them no option the teams were finally going to be face to face all of the allied nations versus the cookie culture the wow dude who are you i am i am the leader of nepal are you the ones who just approached our island i am the leader of well the cookie cult oh no wait hold on hold on no cries whilst nepal insisted of being a peaceful nation the cookie cult knew it was now or never so launched their attack attacks [Music] [Music] members of the allied nations took covers in the skies as warriors took on the cookie cut in the waters down below but before they knew it they had chosen the wrong decision as the cookie cult were being slaughtered greg greg help me kill this guy this guy oh after a quick battle the cookie cool had been eliminated and nepal had successfully defended their island thanks to the help from their allies now they could all regroup and start rebuilding the great nation that once stood here as the wow dude looked onto his people proudly they went on to build incredible islands and totally didn't just kill each other for fun as soon as the event ended but anyway i hope you all enjoyed this survival island experience remember to join my discord for future events and subscribe for more videos just like this
Channel: Sword4000
Views: 2,454,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, Minecraft, factions, Funny, Videos, Fun, Happy, Minecraft videos, Modded, War, Survival server, Sword4000, 4000, 100 days, Hardcore Minecraft, Hardcore, 200 days, Minecraft Simulation, Simulation, 100 Players Simulate, Survival, Island, Survival Island, 100 Players Survival Island, Poor vs Rich, Survival Island Minecraft, Minecraft Island, Island Experiment, Sword4000 100 players, sword4000 event, sword4000 discord, Civilization, Civilizaiton Simulation, Sword4000 civilization
Id: 4CSwUca9ljk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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