This machine CHANGES EVERYTHING in Hydroneer!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to hydr a now this is where we got with our new M sight which we bought last time we used the the flamethrower truck over there to get really low down and then we built this huge Automated machine which is pretty well automated all it doesn't do it doesn't sort gems and crush them into like the big gems although that wouldn't be crushed that' be compressed and it doesn't self-repair which is slightly annoying but aside from that it's making us some fat fat stons um and it's like it's sorting out the the ice block so that goes up to the surface to make the water so that the conveyor work it's the cycle of hydron earing life ah and look we've actually got to a point where all my drills have stopped working I think everything using lava has stopped working so yeah even the conveyor has gone off now that is because up here oh balls I fell down thankfully here's a little staircase out of knobs that I built earlier so yeah that's because these filters have broken so I may want to look at trying to automate fixing these I know you can actually use like logic to to fling spanners at these filters so that might be something we try and set up um I also tried adding more than like the the five filters you need to get to 100% I'm pretty sure let's try again as you add filters it does actually stop the Machines working no that seems to be running perfectly okay I swear it didn't work like that before but maybe if we add more then we can allow like the earlier ones to break and these will still work or does it just I imagine it just stops I'll leave it on there I think though as soon as the filter breaks the entire system stops working though which is not ideal but yeah there's a couple of things I want to do today as well as the adding to our machine and fixing that and stuff um I want to try and add more of these drills I can't actually remember what you need to build them I imagine it's iron oh ow my face ah we need a b so we've got our iron block I think we we probably need the Clum let's pour that out so we got the iron we got the Clum do we need hard Stone I'm not convinced we do actually I think that's more for the buildings so let's take this and we'll shove it in the boot and then we're good to go driveing but yeah we're going to go back to the shop we got to go past our old claim good times we had at that claim oh I just ran over a fence yeah very good times we had up there but we have moved on to bigger and better things [Music] are you sure about that although we still have to use this poxy poxy Bridge system which I really hate ever since I found out that the bridge reviews were unethically done on them I've just I've I've not been the same sense I feel cheated by the system anyway if we head over here to the tier one shop is my money in here already yes it is 17 grand okay so we can't buy any more of these you can see they're chained up we bought the last one in stock but we do have the option to buy these and yes it was iron and Clum which I think we have a good amount of weight for now buy that for 240 quid we can then shove that in the boot so that's in there and then we can head to the volcano and and try and make one of them before though let me just head to the other shop we were trying to build so we got the tier two shop here there's yeah I've I've already bought those that's fine oh there is a lava intake booster oh that's 1,400 twid though I do have 10,000 I did cheat my way to get them but I don't know maybe we'll leave that we'll leave that so around there we have the ticket office that I I can't get rid of and then down here we have the tier three shop so yeah that's the he Stone 5,400 they shouldn't actually take too long cuz we've got like 600 of that 40 and like 40 was it so they should all happen together just in a bit of time you just got to be a little bit patient intrigued to see what stuff is in there not going to lie before we head up there I'm going to quickly go to my old claim oh the memories the memories of this place oh look at the sort setup but yeah if I just get rid of those I can then do another cleanup so we'll just pour that out that is even more iron actually shall I probably make sense to put that iron in there go into the boot of my truck and just smell everything into one bar so we got an extra iron block nice and then we got this pan Which is full of some big old iron clumps so we'll pour those in De then should probably just grab some fuel from our truck so head up to the fuel tank and just drop that in nice and then Clum I actually got two bars I've got one that I made earlier so we'll come and shove that in as well right I need 500 iron and 100 Clum I should probably come down here and just sort through all this Clum so shove all those in shove my bar back in right and so that clacium weighs over 200 so we can make two potentially um I don't actually have a saw here so I can't cut this in half but I imagine it will give me change right anyway iron we have 3,390 blo out so yeah we've definitely got the iron we we're just slacking on the old Clum a bit but uh hopefully we can at least make two new drills and that should I mean that should nearly double our output really so I think this is a good idea so we're going to drive up this road up to the very top of the volcano we came here in the very first video to explore we haven't really been back since aside from when I was looking for those pesky pesky dinosaur bones but yeah I quite like it up here cuz like we got Stone bridges over The Lava rather than wood ones obviously a bit of thought has gone into this place is a lot more than I can say for the rest of the area maybe Max hired some like proper game developers to make the volcano Dam yeah right we're at the gate I hope I can just drive like up to the top on this lift so lift come down please there we go then yeah there is room for us so we can go on and then this should drive up with us yeah there it goes all right so then I assume this is the forge thing bluming out this these bridges are a bit Nar there's me giving them all credit they're actually quite precarious right so we grab this this little guy here 500 iron 100 clacium yeah this is the right one I imagine is that where the bars go maybe if we oh no maybe bars go in there oh I don't know I don't know how this works up here oh no there's nothing there where does this go then oh there it goes on this okay so all right that is on I don't really know what this thing at the front is if I'm honest anyway we'll grab the iron I don't really know where to put this I think let's just we'll try it in here for now it does seem like a good fit for an iron bar I don't know what the bit in the middle is though so I reckon that goes there what could looks like a TIE fighter what could go oh I know I know I know what goes in the middle one of these the forge Mark so do we do it to our first one yeah oh I was going to say yes it just fell straight off really does this actually not going in there it looks like it should go there it just rolls off who thought putting that on a slope was a good idea that can't be where it goes no that is not staying there I don't know I don't know how you meant to use these um yeah I don't know what that's for I don't know I don't really know how this going to work do we pull this no okay we can't pull that okay interesting so maybe that isn't where stuff goes do we want to try and pour this into there oh it melted okay so if I grab the Clum one does that also go in and melt oh it did ah do I just drop that in as well maybe let's see what happens oh it melted it did melt so now we can pull the very very efficient lever oh and it's oh my goodness oh my goodness well that was absolutely terrifying and made me jump in real life so that is the new drill and oh yeah look at the bottom speed bonus but no output size bonus oh so I think actually we've already got ones that have item Buffs oh there's my change there's my change okay so can we make can we make another one now so if I shove that in there if I put the clouty um in we should be able to get another bar right we should be able to get another drill right so if I give that another pull that should boost down yes and then this one has no Buffs okay that's cool that has worked as intended oh I'll tell you what actually I should probably leave these here so these require Clum and the core Stone but yeah may as well just leave them next to this one in fact because my Crane's so big and I got to turn around anyway probably makes sense to try and do like a 10-point turn so I'll see you in a [Music] minute all right there we go all right so now we can place the drills in real quick we can put our change in and we can take that and plonk it there so I think we need like let's say 1,500 core Stone you let me just let me just ramp off this yeah hardcore oh my good oh my goodness oh did oh what a landing what a landing yeah we're going to go via that place straight ahead so I'm just going to jump off this mountain I'm sure it'll be fine I'm sure it'll be fine in the end yeah this this crane is actually pretty good off-road fair play but we're going to go via the shattered Outpost because if we jump out here yes these are the two the two Forge marks that we smelted earlier but I'm guessing you just add them to the Masterwork stuff and it adds stats so I guess really I I think they're random but I imagine you can add more than one so if we add like at least six to one we should get like a fully maxed out drill I guess that's one to try and figure out later for now we'll just drive this back to our claim cuz we got some new drills so we'll go via this rig just so I can shove the pan back down so pan goes there may as well may as well plonk that out a one bit of iron in there I'm not actually sure how useful those drills will be cuz if you have to like drive over to them to empty them like aren't they a bit pointless really so back to our beautiful claim we'll just park up over here then we will head down and add some drills before we do that the Blum in the fuses have gone so yeah it looks like as soon as one breaks uh that's it so definitely don't need more than five on here yeah right with these drills what I want to do I want to shove them down down like that they should just spit out onto the conveyors in front that should be fine all we got to do we got to replace both of those straight with these T's like that then I've just got to grab two more bends to connect those two together so that is them connected we then just come to the front B Bo turn them on and then we've we've increased our production by like 40% so that means more resources they get sorted into this more resources get split into all the various things and then hopefully we start making more of that core Stone and Clum cuz that's sort of where we're lacking at the moment um also I need to I need to try and fix this as well I might bring my truck down try and get a bit more room so it we'll head down to the bottom oh my goodness I know some idiot left pipes in the way down it okay we're good though we're good though so we're making this slightly wider and then I just want to push the back back probably add a bit of height as well just aim my flame throwers up nice then hopefully we've made enough room for our Gem sorters and Gem compressors at the back all right yeah I think that should be enough room to do all that so let's just drive this back to the surface I love the I love the Tor on this thing not going to lie um and by the way I think the tier three shop we can buy another one of those to shove them there which means we can drill even deeper but it does mean we have to move all of our setup down like another layer but we'll get way bigger resources but yeah right with all that set up let's go back to the shop and go buy some more conveyors and stuff and some of the some of the gem ones all right so we're now back at the claim I'm quite excited to actually like try and figure out how all this logic stuff works and and the good thing about setting this up is we won't have to change any of it I hope uh when we get like the tier three stuff anyway I tell you what let's just reverse this up I'm not really sure what the what the actual solution is going to look like but if we get everything close we should be good so we got this so This does a reading okay so what I'm thinking if we shove these on WE shove all the filters on this side then this is a reader so we probably want that sort of facing like there and yeah you can see that's facing the brokemon that's creating a number if I just grab another one I think yeah that's also creating a number now we know from the description that this is doing a durability reading so presumably this is doing a zero this is doing a number that's higher than zero now if we grab one of these which is the banner flinger any logic number bigger than zero blings the spanner so do I want to shove this like on top like that now that's not actually pointing at the filter it's pointing at the pipe so I don't know if that will work how do you do this actually unless is it just cuz the spanner is so big maybe it does actually hit the filter don't know um I tell you what let's hook this up and then we should be able to I should have got like a like a number hook thing just so we can see like what sort of numbers they are creating but I'm pretty sure that's going to be a zero that's going to be an actual number so yeah if we just grab all of our wires shove them all in like that I think this is where we'll need the flip hook thing so which one was the flip hook this one turns a logic of zero into one and anything bigger or equal to a one into a zero so in order for these to like talk to each other properly I think we need a flip hook there cuz then that turns this zero into a one and then when this receives a one because it's bigger than zero as it says down there it will h a spanner forward so yeah I'm pretty sure if I just hook this up so it looks like that I imagine if I put hang on let me just let me take the logic Hook off so that doesn't have a hook in it now so if I grab a box of spanners do I actually know how to load this thing do I just e no do I just hold it yeah okay oh look it's got five in there and yeah that's on zero and you can see that hasn't long one cuz these these boxes come in boxes of five so there's five in there if I now grab the the flip hook shove that on there oh no it's just wasted five spanners it hasn't fixed the the filter at all so is that because it was actually pointing at the pipe and not the not the filter I wish I had a number reader now I really thought that would work if I'm honest I wonder if I take the filter off yeah look it stops it stops the signal there's there's a signal coming out now when I take it off there's no signal does it do the same thing if I shove it on the top oh yes it does so maybe the filter just needs to go on top I don't want to waste another box of five Spinners I think this has only got three in okay so if I shove that in there oh that fixed it yes okay so that's how it works that's how it works okay so these have to go on top like that and then I think I can just set up everything else to sort of follow the same pattern so give me a minute and I'll just set up one of these for every single thing feel like I may have bought too many wires as well right okay so we got all of those set up you can see all the all the all the numbers are coming through let me just shove these logic hooks on the sides like that all right then I just need a few more corners to go up there so shove those up there quickly then these are the repair things so if I just plunk them at the ends they should repair everything once they're stocked up with spanners so we'll grab our spanners we'll shove them in like that okay so they got to go into the Gap got it so into Gap there you go that's got five in so this one as I put it in it should go down to four yes cuz it repaired okay so just spent some time getting those fully stocked up they've all got 10 each apart from the one that's used one so I think that's it this is fully fully automated now we'll never have to repair anything again thank goodness all we'll have to do is make sure we keep the we keep these stocked up with spanners so maybe my my next trip to the shop I'm just going to buy spanners until I have none left um I think they can only hold 20 at once though so probably worth bearing that in mind oh this is actually quite I'm quite proud of myself on this one well on Matt you actually did something quite clever I think all right so with that there I guess we now just take all of this stuff down hang on let me just move this all right so with everything down we just want to ex dend the pipe Network the water pipe this is not lava pipe so we do a bit of that we can then start putting these Splitters up although I'm thinking maybe Splitter Splitter there and here we just have a straight with that polisher hook on it where is the polisher is that it there no where is the polisher I swear I chucked it down it okay well I'll set up everything else anyway so that goes there these gem compressors I think they want to go down here with the lava intake facing backwards although maybe having lava through the middle would be a good idea how do I get it there though I can't really get lava into the middle unless I go through that but that could me I think what have may be better off making a system that goes up there just so it's out the way so like it's not like above my head right what I'm thinking you're doing we let's branch that off we'll swap that with a t so if that goes there we've then got lava coming out of that we can then just straight pipe that across if I just extend this so that means I can still act access all of that I can access all these without that getting in the weight then once we get to this point this is where we add another te but facing downwards and all of our gem compressors can go down here with the lava coming in the back of them we just put all these corners on like that and oh it's annoying the the lava doesn't like just drip and then go into that pipe I've actually got to put the Straits back on but still that's all of these powered up oh I've just realized it might be quite tricky to access these I guess they can walk on top should be fine but yeah gem polisher where the hell did you go why are there loads of oh there's the Pol oh there's the hook oh no way things move along conveyor belts now I must have dropped it on the conveyor belt and then it moved along yeah I did not know that's a thing anyway that is down there now I need to just sort all of these out all right anyway gem polisher I can hopefully shove this on there that direction then shove the polisher on then oh no oh no this is Carnage this is Carnage oh I need my magnet on a stick I think look at all these bouncing up but yeah I just want to put one Gem of each each sort on top of those so magnet on a stick let's just grab all of these in the air get them out of there there we go right and then we got gems of different colors that is good the trouble is these have already filled up and I'm not sure with what type of gem so we'll shove that on there and emerald on the next one Ruby on the next one so Diamond onto that one and then orx which is this black one can also get polished and that can go on the end one like that yeah and now they're ending up in the right ones cuz there's no more bouncing okay so basically just keep doing that sort of thing so you can just pick these up shove them in front of the polisher then hopefully over time if I'm patient enough we should clear up the mess we have but yeah basically now rather than loads of different different gems all all all dotted about the place we just have one one Mega Gem of each type so yeah over all once I've sort of tidied up the mess that I made I think we've done very well actually how much cor Stone do we have what does this wait oh 370 we could add nearly four more drills and I've only got space for three more drills still this is now like fully automated we've we're sorting every single resource we just head to the top how many spanners have we got left 99 oh brilliant okay this is this is so good so I can literally just leave this running now I can go take pad for a walk when I come back will be rich maybe we'll even have enough to cast those new drills which I think are like big ones I swear I read somewhere like you have to use a crane to lift them up or something so that could be an interesting one for next time but for now I'm going to say peace love and fully automating everything including fixing stuff ah this is how the game is meant to be played not playing bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 227,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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