3D Environment MasterClass Vol. 3 | Volcano Shader + Animated Steam

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good morning welcome back to another saturday morning vfx adventure guys we are we're going to be doing some really cool stuff today i'm very excited and um you know i'll probably say this a couple times while people filter in but i want to give you guys a quick overview of what we got in store on today's stream all right so as you guys know we're doing the parallel dimensions contest it's an environment 3d environment contest that i've been doing over the last month with nvidia and pny we're doing some awesome giveaways but basically on today's stream what i'm focusing on here is basically taking this mountain that you see here on the bottom right you know it's a very plain basic mountain i hadn't even touched it yet it's just kind of a default default mountain here inside of cinema 4d and we're going to turn it into this amazing volcano that you see before you right here we're going to talk about first um giving a rocky texture that we're happy with um and then we're going to add some of these like foreground well i guess they're it's all in the background but we're going to add these like craggy little extra bits of mountain that surround the volcano and then what we're going to do is we're going to work on this shader probably with an emissive in octane but we're going to get this lava flow look going down the volcano and then finally what we're gonna do is if you look in the crevices of this volcano you can see um my cat gilbert is like stomping all around the computer here hey bud now's not a good time now's not a good time so we're gonna basically and you can tell he eats this thing like my mic cover is is basically covered in little gilbert chops but lastly what we're gonna do is we're going to talk about how to add these like animated steam jets um coming out from the the belly of this volcano and we're gonna you know use after effects and some animated png sequences to do that so i'm very excited to hop in with you guys and make this make this thing look super awesome um so okay couple more things couple more things i have to write all this stuff down because it's a lot um next for those of you guys who don't know i'm doing a render contest it's a 3d environment contest and what you're looking at here is actually what i created on the first stream um two streams ago this is concept art that's going to guide my 3d rendering as you guys can see here this is what we created last week all right so this was week one with concept art and week two was creating the the ground getting a realistic looking ground and if i come in here if i get a little closer you can really see like you know we spent a lot of time getting this mud looking right and breaking up the mud and different reflections and i can still tweak this i probably still will but not on today's stream um we're focusing on the volcano all right so if you guys hadn't seen those last two streams definitely definitely do so um you know hang out with me for the for the day today here for the next few hours and if you hadn't started if you hadn't joined this contest it is not too late it is it is not too late at all um it's called parallel dimensions because what i'm going to do is i'm asking all you guys to create some awesome environment using this template of this character who's walking toward this mountain everybody's got this template you can download it the link is in the description it'll bring you to this page right here so like i said i'm working with nvidia and pny to do this with you guys and they're giving out some super awesome prizes too so basically you know this is just a brief description of who i am what i do um you know i don't want to get into that i don't need to get into that right now but parallel dimensions basically is this contest that we're doing together you can download the template right here you can enter as well you have both streams right here this is basically a place this is the landing page where all the info is going to be added and your guys's submissions as they come in and i've already got the first like five or six submissions we're going to be adding them to this page as well so this will be a place for you guys to track that again this is what we created last week all right and as far as prizes go um nvidia they hooked me up with a quadro and it really is incredible i truly do love it it stands out to me in ways other cards have not um but the first place prize for you guys whoever wins this render challenge gets the quadro in rtx 4k um second place you guys get an nvidia shield tv pro third place a one terabyte ssd which is super crucial for working quickly and fourth and place honorable mentions are going to get a 256 gigabyte flash drive all right um now you can only win these prizes if you have a us shipping address and you are a us citizen apologies to my international folks who will be submitting you can still submit you can still join i just can't ship these prizes out to you it has to do with some legal stuff on their end um it's a bit complicated and i do apologize so if you are international and you do win as well i do want to send you guys one of my prints um i do have a a print website where you know i have all my photography and you guys can buy different prints um you know i'm running a 15 off sale right now but for those of you international folks who win this thing like i definitely want to make it worth your while um and i'm gonna be sending you a super nice print you know signed by myself i got a note on the back and got some really nice music recommendations that fits the piece of art that i'll be sending your way so um definitely wanted to make that right with you guys now the contest does end on november 2nd that is the last time um you guys have to upload and right at the end here right at the bottom of this landing page you'll see you know you got 8 days 14 hours it goes it goes down to the second here okay so make sure you guys upload right in here and yeah i think anything else um yeah we talked about faqs deadline um you know at the beginning of the second stream so last week's stream i did a whole bunch of faqs and if you guys aren't a part of my create with clint discord server i do have a parallel dimensions like section there where there's faqs you can read all the faqs there and i'll be adding to them as you guys have good questions so shall we jump in everybody how's everybody doing here let me let me check in with y'all thank you for joining everybody really appreciate y'all i'm excited to jump in today do this volcano make it look super nice ooh let me grab my coffee one moment all right what are my chrome extensions i got dark mode dark mode it's the way to go i wake up really early so usually i'm not on my computer when i wake up super early but i eventually do get on my computer around seven o'clock and i don't want to blast my eyeballs with white with a white screen so dark mode is very handy what's up everybody i'm glad that you guys are working on your submissions um if anyone here is working on their submissions or is still planning to enter give me a thumbs up all right i'm very excited for all the stuff that's going to come together for this and at the end of the day i'm going to choose the top 20 best renders on on the november 7th stream i'm choosing the top 20 okay and i'm going to put them together into a super cool audio visual montage um that's it's really going to showcase all of your guys's hard work so the harder you work on this the better that final end product will be i'm going to post it on my channel here i'm going to blast it out and video is going to blast it out pny is going to blast it out so it'll be a really cool chance to get some awesome exposure and win some cool prizes all right so how are we going to do this volcano i think the first things first we need to find a texture that that really works for this for this mountain in the background it's going to be kind of foggy so i don't think we need to do anything too crazy right um like we don't need any we don't even need 4k textures i think a 1k or a 2k texture will totally be fine we don't need displacement or anything like that um because it's so far away we need to save as much of our computer computing power um for for the whole scene everything's going to build up really fast alright so we don't want to waste it where we don't need to use it okay so i think the first thing i'll do um you know i'll probably hop over to bridge qixel bridge now the foreground texture you're seeing here this is rd textures real displacement textures and they're the best textures i've ever used they come in 4k and 8k sizes but let me just browse um qxel bridge real quick to see if they have anything that will work for us so i'm going to go to surfaces and we'll go to rock and i think jagged would be nice so we probably want to mix a few different textures together in order to get a more unique kind of look okay so we certainly want everything to be um oh icelandic quarry rock that's not bad layered cliff rock this is pretty good so i'm gonna start favoriting these as i see ones that i that i like that i think will work for us this is a good one um i saw one up top here that's actually not bad the coal mine wall is pretty good and we just want a little bit of texture differentiate uh differentiation i think that's the word um in these three that we choose and we'll mix them together it might just be two so let me start with this and we will we'll go from there basically right so let me download this you definitely want to download the 8k versions because why not you know so i'll download that guy and let's go ahead and download this coal mine wall as well download and we'll export just the 2k is like way back in there it's hilarious he's having a hoot um all right so these are doing their thing basically we'll mix those together in order to get this kind of look here this rocky look okay and then we're going to come in here and we're probably going to select some of these polygons and make an emissive texture two different emissive textures that will break up with a basically some octane noise one of them will be this red and one will be this bright white orangish yellow gilbert what are you doing bud what are you messing with down there hey all right sweet i'm excited to see how you know this animated png sequence will really work with these like little steam vents inside of the volcano i think that's gonna look super cool what's up everybody thanks for joining thanks for hopping in good to see everybody here today yeah at 5 million subscribers i watch all of the mcu movies with you guys we'll do it we'll do a live a live viewing of that look at this little bud this little gilbert just down here what's up gilbert hey bud he's romping around he's having a good time all right let's check our downloads yeah sweet so both of those finished we'll go ahead and export check our export settings 2k that's perfect let's grab both of these uh what just happened one and two oh come on so export coal mine wall and then we'll hop in here and we'll export the second one boom the layered cliff rock 2k as well you guys have seen me use quixl bridge before it is the best it's the easiest way to transfer models to the program to your program of choice it works with everything it works with um with unreal with uh with maya with blender with arnold with basically any any renderer that you have like you're going to be able to make use of that so it it dropped these two materials down here in the bottom left my head's covering it but you know they look like these they're there so let me hop out of camera view and let's get really close to this mountain and just real quick like see what we're doing okay so i'm right up on this mountain and i'm just gonna go ahead and drop our first material onto the mountain and see what we get it looks horrible absolutely horrible maybe from a distance it could look kind of cool that's actually not half bad it really is not half bad the fog is gonna help us break up you know um how dark that is but i'll also color correct it as well but we need to do a couple things just to make sure that this is being wrapped around this mountain in the correct way okay so i'll hop out of the camera we'll get up in here we'll take a look at what we're looking at let's double click and go in to the node viewer if you're not working in the node viewer basically any program has it any renderer has it you should be in the node viewer it's a lot easier to see all the things that are making up your texture or your your shader versus you know diving through menu trees and whatnot so let's go ahead and add a projection node to all this you guys have seen me do this a million times before and i really wish octane had a way of dishing out this projection node to all the different image textures in one go that'd be super nice all right let's set that to box okay and that's going to be able that's going to wrap the texture around this mountain in a more uniform way it's obviously way too tiny so we need to scale it up by maybe a hundred times and now we're getting something that looks a bit more uniform and a bit more correct it looks really cool let's just roll with that let's say that's looking good for now let's set up our second one okay so we're going to do the same thing let's apply that coal wall to the mountain all right and let's change the projection so we'll add that projection node and pipe it in to all the different image textures that make up this mega scans texture and it's great because the mega scan textures that's the whole point of this is they come pre-built they're already built for you and you guys know too that basically the black and white image textures they only need to be recognized as black and white versus color so the type is set to float by default in these materials it's really nice i think for some reason the specular isn't set to float it should be but yeah that's just an incredible quick way to get your textures going in your program all right let's set up the box it's going to be way too tiny and we'll make it 100 times bigger and it's pretty cool that's looking pretty cool it's like jet black that's fun okay so one way we can do this one way we can break up these different materials is definitely with a a mixed material we're going to want to do that so let's go ahead and save your work make sure you guys are always saving and if you're doing it the christmas way the rocket lasso away we're going to be saving iterations so i'm on f let's go to g and basically as you make progress you're saving out a new version so you can always go back you know you can always make tweaks and it'll be cool to document the process too all right so that's that's looking freaking sweet like that's like that's a really nice texture and if i hop back and view it through the camera it's very dark so we'll probably need to come up um on the brightness with that and i think as we go the lighting and everything will kind of bring itself around and come together as we continue working and yeah so you guys are asking questions about the character gilbert hey bud so jamir you say can we use a different rig but use the same animation um by rig you mean a different character you can change out the skin you can use a different character skin you're really trying to get out aren't you but you cannot change the the animation you cannot change the bones um the character needs to move and walk like this character is moving and walking definitely change out the way the character looks believe the way he's walking okay he or she it's kind of nondescript um because the whole point is i want to blend all of your guys's renders together and have them look like they're looping together then you can't do that if you change out the walk cycle all right so let's go ahead and make a mix material and we'll add both of these rock textures to that mixed material okay and we'll add that mix material to our mountain and that's going to be a perfect 50 50 half and half split between both materials and god dang it this thing always crashes every time i open up a mixed material in uh in octane every time i knew it was gonna happen too that's why i made it make sure to save jeez it's like it's relentless but i've never made a volcano before i'm super excited to to see how we create this volcano starting from a base default you know kind of material in cinema 4d and bringing it out to something that looks like this this is of course mount mount doom in mordor come on cinema all right full spectrum studios all right you say i get crashes every time i do the mix material that way if you do it inside of the node editor it doesn't crash let's give it a shot so let's go ahead and grab a mix material boom all right we're going to say material 1 is this rock and then we bring in material number two the coal mine layer will go ahead and shift-click that and it'll bring in the whole the whole hierarchy all right material 2 fantastic and then let's go ahead and apply that to our mountain give it a quick render so now this is mixing between both textures by 50 50. so so it's set to 0.5 if i go to zero we'll go to one texture if i go to one it'll go to the other texture point five is right smack dab in the middle but what i want to do is break this up last time we used noise all right we use the octane noise to break it up but let me try a falloff map let's try fall off and see see what that does so by default it's actually pretty sweet what a falloff is doing if i solo it okay it's not really doing much um [Music] i figure the easiest way to show you what's happening let's just take two rgb spectrums and we'll say that this rock cliff layer will pipe that into the albedo which is the color and we'll color it yeah it looks like it's set to white okay and then let's do black for this other one we'll set that to black so you can get an idea of how this fall off map is breaking up these two textures okay so with this one i think it's basically saying anything that is facing the no anything that's on the outside of the model is going to be a certain texture that's what normal versus irae is that's by default now if we select the falloff node and we change it to the 90 degree option what that's gonna do i believe is say anything that's up top is gonna be a certain look anything that's at the bottom is going to be another look and finally we have the 180 degree option which i feel like is the opposite but we don't want that one we want the 90 degree one that goes from top to bottom i think that'll be a cool look so let's change that back we'll go 90 degree and let's go ahead and maybe the skew factor we can adjust that's just how much of one we see versus the other kind of crunches it and what you can also do is give it a a gradient and you can crunch that gradient down to really show more of one or less of the other right so it's just like levels in after effects or photoshop you're kind of just crunching that that layer down but we'll leave it as uh by default right so go ahead and we'll pipe back in the actual color and reload our scene d von williams what up devon dude devon is one of my very best friends one of my very very best friends um devon so i'm doing this render and it kind of looks like a death stranding render i'm like pretty inspired by it um and dude i set up the model you got me for my birthday uh let me let me show you guys real quick so devon got me this like sam porter bridges uh death stranding figurine super freaking cool um he sent this to me for my birthday earlier this year and it is one of the best coolest gifts i've got in a very long time it's set up at my corridor corridor desk but okay let's take a look at this and make sure [Music] things are looking good all right so i accidentally piped that into the wrong section that's why it didn't work boom so we get a little bit of differentiation here in the texture and the way it's broken up that feels super cool i dig that a lot now we can also change the way again this falloff map is crunched down so we can see more of one texture less of the other if you break this up in the right way you can also take the skew factor and crunch that down to just get a different look as well and differentiate between these two different vibes but i like that a whole lot i think it looks really good we can take the color correction node for both of these guys and we can take the gamma maybe to like 0.5 and maybe 0.75 or 0.9 basically you can color correct it however you like whatever fits your scene the best that look to me looks too dark but once we get our fog in here the horizon fog and it should should pop in you know the fog is really going to wash out the look of this thing pretty quickly and it's not showing up for some reason but that is all good there it is yeah so you see how the horizon fog like breaks up um and just fades out that mountain but i still think it's a little too dark we can tweak that though based off of this reference so you can see that everything kind of bleeds up into this mountain and the sky is very dark around it everything kind of is brought together by the atmosphere and the fog layers so i'll go back into the mix material i'll select both of those color corrections and maybe we will just say hey it's going to be 0.5 or 0.2 0.2 might be a bit much but we can bring the brightness up and start to get to something that's like a little a little different here but what we're going to do next is we're actually going to add some jagged rocks around this mountain in order to you know again it's all based off the reference you know we put this reference together in the first episode of this environmental master class and we want to follow the reference that's the whole point so you can see all these different little jaggedy pieces of mountain all around um your main mountain and you're gonna see the difference and you're gonna see those those little like foreground mountains pop out because we're gonna have some fog and atmosphere behind them as well so what we want to do is kind of cherry pick some of these models here and bridge and scatter them around our mountain in a in a unique way we're going to do it one by one to make sure that it looks really nice and it's perfect and it really fits right so let's see this is looking fine um i'm wondering if we could do this two different ways if we could potentially take this mountain right here control drag to duplicate scale it down and then change the seed so we come back up to landscape and we take the seed to like 10. oh i guess that's not the one which one is this here we go yeah you know you take the seed to any different number that's going to give you a different look and automatically that that feels better to me um i'm liking that look and we need to push it behind these mountains so let's let's do this let's go to option and uncheck the check camera option okay that will allow us to hop out of the camera and kind of move around our scene a little bit and as we move things that's updated in the viewport okay so i want to wrap this mountain with different kind of mountain mountainy features and i want to angle them in towards the mountain so maybe what i'll do here is we'll do this with a target so i'll give the mountain a target tag somewhere maybe under rigging where would it be hmm they changed all their tags so uh shift c will find you anything in the program so you can say target and give it a target tag it's an animation tag all right cool and then i'm going to make a null object actually no i'll select this mountain hold ctrl and then make a null and that will spawn the null right in the middle of the the object you had selected okay let's move that up into space just a little bit and then we'll say this target that we put on this mountain right here let me make that easier for you to see it's going to be looking for a target so the target will be this null boom okay and now it's kind of it's pointed that way we want these mountains to be tilted towards this main mountain so you can see how using a target will orient that in that way and when i duplicate this it's going to point towards that target regardless so the more we make it doesn't matter it's all going to be pointed that way so we can move this null up and down to control the angle of each one of those and you can come in here and also no you can't tweak that but what this will give us is a quick way to get the look we're going for um and then we can come back later and we can delete the targets and and add little details and tweaks afterwards okay so let's keep working on it let's change the seed of this because we don't want any one mountain to look the same so just change that to 10 and consistently go back to our reference to see what's working and what's not working okay so this guy back here if you can see is hovering just over the mountain and it looks like little rocky shelves which i really like because you'll get that nice under glow underneath from the lava i definitely want to replicate that charles yeah man you're like yo shout out to all those boys listen to ambient music watching these i'm listening to it right now um i got it on shuffle it's the best um [Music] it's such a vibe man yeah i got the ambient music making these ambient environments i love it it keeps me super uh what's the word super creative man it's the music that really gets me creative so let's just switch between these seeds until we find something that we like you know that's not bad we could maybe rotate this around no it's not going to let us because of the target tag let's keep adding a few more okay let's just add a few more and one of the one of the the contest requirements was to not touch the mountain or change the silhouette of the mountain too much so i'm being very aware of that i don't want to start adding more mountains like all up around this i want this to be the focus the central point of of the scene so i'm keeping that in mind while adding these mountain figures around the main mountain all right oh that's good see that has a nice little rocky piece on it and i can always come back into this camera here and we can adjust the the height of these guys to get us that like that shelf that rock shelf look that'll be around like the back side of this thing now i don't like how like how circular this one is so i'm gonna just keep changing the seed until i find something i like very nice i'm just trying to give it like some depth here and make sure that there's an actual like differentiation between the space um between this foreground mountain and this background mountain so we can add some fog and stuff in between so i'm going to keep duplicating and changing the seed that's pretty cool i like that very cool and we'll keep going changing the seed to find something that looks right maybe one more off to the side here like a lot of small ones is a good idea but okay let's go ahead and if we delete these targets are they going to change nope perfect so let's hop out of the camera and see what we can see here so that was that's looking pretty sweet um [Music] we can rotate these around to get different looks as well and we're just adding like depth in layers to to this mountain that's perfect that like shelf rocky shelf is amazing sweet so i'm a fan of that i like how that looks um now i don't know if we need to change out the texture um let's go to a hundred percent let's just call this one and we'll see what we can see welcome everybody if you guys are just joining we are taking a stock mountain in cinema 4d and we're turning it into something like this here volcano with bunch of different foggy layers in the foreground that lead up to this giant lava flow peak with everything coming down the side so i think we're at a point now where we can start adding the lava flow elements down the side of this mountain and giving it a really cool look and we'll break up the look here with uh with some noise so we have some hot red glow with some warm white glow and and uh and really split that up we'll get some glow on the backside of the mountain there's a little under cast here under light on the back of these guys and then we'll wrap it up with this the steam vents and actually an animated steam vent that will use like action vfx elements as a png with alpha to get that look and i'll walk you guys through that whole thing so very excited very very excited you guys also have to realize too like if you're working on something and it looks like butt like right now this mountain looks like butt because there's no atmosphere you have to realize that there's it's gonna get better all right guys like it's gonna get better from here and i'm not just saying this to say like oh hang in and keep watching until the end no like i'm saying this for you guys because there are times where i get discouraged when creating something and it because it doesn't look the way i want it to feel or want it to look when creating it and i'll get i'll get impatient with myself and i'll get bummed out and it'll cause me i've quit certain um you know certain renders or certain piece certain drawings i've given up on them because i'm like you know it's not looking how i want it to look right now and it should be so i'm giving up no just stick in okay take the time and make it look really cool i promised you're going to be surprised with yourself when you actually stick in and continue working on something you're going to get a really really cool result at the end so don't worry about it you know don't don't stress too much about it also i just got an idea i think that the the mountains are super dark in the background i think we can actually darken up this mid-ground layer this little sandy area so we can we can darken that up and that's going to help us kind of blend into the mountain in the background but i'm not going to worry about that right now again because we're here to make make this mountain look legit so i'm wondering if i can come into my mountain material and we take our transform nodes for our uh for a mountain and we we we scale them down so we take it down to 50 instead of a hundred i think that looks a little bit better i think that certainly looks a little bit better the coal mine wall let's see where are you at yeah this guy right here maybe we take that one what if we take that one to 200 what does that look like interesting what if we take it to one so it looks like the coal mine wall is like our main kind of our main texture here i'm wondering if we can reveal a bit more of the other texture yeah like this you know so that's revealing more of our main texture or the other texture rather and we can take that guy and we can scale that down maybe to 30. okay so now you start to see um [Music] tiling which we definitely don't want so let's take it back to 50 and let's take the coal mine wall back to 50. re-render our scene and you get a crash that's how it happens um so you guys got to make sure you're saving your stuff invert dude you about you're riding on thin ice right now son you say who am i what am i doing well my name is clinton jones welcome to the stream i'm a director and vfx artist and i like to take every saturday to basically teach you guys a little bit of what i know when it comes to visual effects so um for those of you who don't know i work at corridor digital and you know we got a show called vfx arts react where we you know we break down visual effects all the time every single saturday basically um let's go ahead and open this up real quick i think this is the most recent one yep awesome and i'll just save this as a new version but yeah we didn't lose anything we got all of our mountain stuff in place but yeah the whole reason that you all are here um is is to learn right we're all here to learn and grow together in the passions and the the hobbies that we really enjoy but don't do enough of on the weekend or during the week so we're taking this time together to do it together um so invert i hope you're you're here and you're ready to learn and you want to learn some vfx if not you know hang out just have a good time and if you're not trying to have a good time then boy boy just make it pleasant for the others that's all i ask all right y'all so let's keep this up okay let's go and render the scene and let's just try and get that scale down and then we'll go in we'll start adding this lava flow which i'm super amped for that's what i'm most excited for all right welcome to everybody just popping into um i hope you guys are having a good saturday i hope you guys had a good week um you know i've been working super hard super hard um i mean this whole year has been a tough one been basically working two jobs at once you know the corridor job and then um my channel here so it's been it's been intense it's been a really tough one and i really gotta make sure to take the time to take breaks that's my biggest thing i've been biting off a whole lot all right so let's let's work on the scale here so we said we wanted this guy both of these guys at 50. we brought those down to 50 and then we actually cranked the gradient to reveal a bit more of this other texture here maybe we take the coal mine wall and we go back to 100 because that was actually that wasn't looking too bad sweet okay that's that's not half bad at all coal mine wall let's go to 300 let's see what the heck we're seeing one so it doesn't look like we're getting that big of a difference here but we've set this up in a way for it to be easily accessible and easily tweakable here with this falloff map so we can change it to the irae version and get a different look and hopefully it doesn't crash on us save save save but okay we can always come back to that let's work on the lava flow okay this is this is gonna be the biggest look to creating this volcano so i'm gonna select them our main mountain okay and let's do let's do uh i'm gonna duplicate it i'll rename this to main mountain back and that's for backup and then we have main mountain and i'm gonna turn off the backup holding alt i'll click this once turns these little these lights green press them again and it turns them red the top one the light is for the viewport the bottom one is for the render so if we were to take this main mountain and we turn off the top light you're not going to see it in the viewport but you will see it in the renderer if i turn it off in the renderer obviously you don't see it there but if i turn it back on in the viewport you see it here so you know it's handy i use these things all the time so let's we've created our backup right let's hop out of the camera and get up in here and see what we can see okay to create this lava flow what i'm thinking about doing is is basically this if we go to wireframe mode and we take a look at this thing we want to select these polygons and basically give the polygons that we select a material and a miss of material that you know emits light but i think these are a little too chunky this is a little too broken up to get us a nice clean line like we see here in our actual reference now there's different ways to do this i could certainly create like some sort of drip looking um effect in photoshop and that might not be the worst way to do it um i think the thing that's keeping me from from doing that is is basically a realistic looking um brush right because if i go in here and i look at this i guess it is all kind of just branching off and spilling off and i guess that's what i'd be doing if i were to be selecting polygons so maybe we'd do this in photoshop instead of hmm the only reason i'm not doing it in photoshop is because i want to actually have the lava flow around the mountain here in a realistic way but there's not that many little mountains that break this up so you see it runs down the mountain and then it'll split off like this now what you could do is probably do some sort of like simulation using like x particles or something and have a bunch of particles and draw you can draw a line down this or draw some sort of spline down this that could work as well and the cool thing about 3d is the fact that you can do one thing like 10 different ways i'm not going to do all 10 different ways i'm going to choose one way and go with it um and yeah i'm using i'm using bridge materials for the mountain super great program boom looking super nice i just chose two different ones and then you know blended between the two i might come back later and choose different ones to to mix it up with um but what do you guys think i'm gonna leave it to you guys should i make this mountain editable and select polygons and then apply material material to that polygon or should i go in photoshop and create like some sort of uh you know uh like lava mat and drop that on top of this mountain how do you how do you guys think i should do this i'm gonna leave it up to you um invert what's the difference between cinema 4d and maya um basically maya is more of a studio program in in in the sense that okay both of them cinema 40 and maya they both um are 3d programs you can create 3d work inside these programs and um you know you could do an animated short film with cinema 4d you could do an animated short film with maya but the difference is that maya is more set up for studios in the sense that you have um like a modeling department followed by a texturing department you pass that off to the lighting department and then you pass that off to the rendering department um so it's kind of like set up for a pipeline in a studio cinema 4d however very similar to like blender these programs are more for like the individual you can certainly use them in a studio but it's not built for a studio this is built for individual artists and they just they do everything really well and it's not split up like it would be split up for a studio that's kind of the that's like the main difference at least in my my personal um personal experience i have used maya um for about three months but cinema 4d has been my long-standing go-to 3d program i love it a lot and a lot of people here enjoy blender as well alright so let's check what do you guys want to do um yeah you're saying okay just make it editable and have a back back up uh sculpt sculpt it okay it could be interesting assign polygons so i can edit down the road yeah sim would sim would be more time consuming that's definitely true yeah invert my any 3d program is very complicated very confusing and you really will have the best experience and the best time in any 3d program if you find a reason to learn it so if you don't have a reason to learn a 3d program it's going to be boring and it's going to seem monotonous and whatnot but if you can find ways to to use the program and come up with reasons as to why you would use the program that's really when your mind starts going crazy and you can come up with cool ways cool interesting ways and it's just like with anything like if you're not into golf you're not going to care about a golf anything you're not going to probably anything about golf but if you have a reason to get into golf you're gonna start researching it and look looking into it so i don't have a golf hole to fill in my life i don't need to go out and golf but if i did i'd find a way to learn a little bit more about golf you know okay so guys it looks like we're gonna do uh we're just gonna select these polygons i think that's gonna be the fastest way and it'll be the the easiest way i think see you norlin thanks for joining man um okay so we backed up our mountain let's go ahead and subdivide it that means we're going to add more polygons to this in order to get cleaner lines so as you can see um we can add to the depth and the width so let's try 600 on the depth maybe 800 so these numbers need to be about double so 400 one to two right in order to appear as squares so maybe we just double that from there so we go 400 by um all right sorry 800 by 1600 and i think from a distance we're going to be okay that's going to give us the best look all right um this guy these guys back here we can probably take these down to 200 by 200. so that they're not as dense you know because again it's all about saving computer juice you got to save your computer juice all right invert thanks for stopping by man thanks for asking some good questions okay so guys let's go ahead and make this mountain editable boom i hit c and it's editable now um i'm gonna go ahead and pause the viewer here because we don't need to see it and we can come in here and we can start we can come in here and start selecting if i set my radius to 1 i can start selecting like lava drips just like that yeah so let's do it from how we can do this what do you think go back to the camera like this and come in here and start adding little lava flow areas um i definitely want to reference that concept art we put together so i'm going to open up pure ref and i'm going to go ahead and drop in an image oh um let's see one moment guys let me just open this up cool so now i have this in here and i can zoom in um let's try getting this down to like this and then we can really see this while we work so it starts up at the top and it kind of speckles off and breaks off as it gets down towards the bottom so that's what we're going to to replicate let's hop out of the camera let's come into this kind of view here and i'm going to get rid of or hide rather all these other mountains that we created to just give me the best view of this one mountain right here sweet okay so i set my selection tool to a radius of one i wonder if i can go point one no it's only one mode will be normal sweet all right cool all right so let's give this a shot i'm just gonna i'm holding shift in order to um select multiple bits so i can do this bit here and if i go over here it's not going to work because i'm not holding shift but if i hold shift then i get both right so let's come through here and let's just go to town i'm just going to do like little little bits and there's a way to hide this gizmo i think it's like alt s it's definitely not alt s um let me google it if you guys can find the answer before before i can find out in this tutorial you guys get bonus points it's okay okay all right so i got the answer does anybody know i don't see it it's alt d all right alt d is what we need not alt s so we'll go back and we'll go again all right so alt d will hide your gizmo that way you can kind of keep it out the way so let's try it again yeah so i'm just coming through here and i'm like just getting a little bit of lava flow and it always starts from the top and comes down and it breaks off and goes on these different paths and it looks like it kind of breaks off and like speckles off down here off to the side we have these different like broken up layers of lava there's some that come down and runs down here i'm kind of going going along the shape of our mountain something like that off to the side and they're all connected that's the things they're all connected so this goes over the edge this goes over the edge there and it's all kind of seeping and flowing down our mountain and joining up into these main channels these main streams so this all flows downwards boom right kind of flowing down here hitting these these little crevices and flowing off to the side like this and holding shift to really get all these points down here and i want it i want to actually have a lava pool down here and we'll do that later we'll certainly make that look nice a little bit later but this is just for all the main flow and we can always come back and add more to this too you know if we don't like the look we have we can we can come back and and do more with this and alpha matte yes i absolutely will add an emissive texture to this this polygon selection here let's see what this looks like i'm excited so i'm going to go to select and i'm going to hit set selection all right so that's going to give us a selection for a mountain and let's go ahead and make a octane diffuse material i'm an octane you can do do this and whatever you guys are probably in blender doing this too that's okay but we'll make it a miss of texture so i'll make a blackbody emission we'll come in here and we want to give it a a color alright so let's first actually let's apply this to our material so i'm going to let's see under the main mountain we have this selection tag this triangle i'm going to apply the emission texture to our main mountain and then i'm going to right here in this little selection box drag that triangle and now just those polygons we had selected if i double click it that'll just be the emissive texture alright so let's go back to camera view i'm super amped to see how this looks and let's render it and see what happens interesting so my the first thing i see is it doesn't appear to be that shiny and it looks very pixelated so the pixelated look now i wonder if i can do this with there's another there might be another way to do this in cinema that allows us to easily and quickly you know adjust but let's keep going down this path and see if we need to change okay so we'll add our mountains back in that we added and let's set this to 0.5 and let's first make sure that this is actually glowing okay so surface brightness we'll check that okay so now it's actually glowing let's set the temperature down to like a thousand even 500 which that looks insane um let's let's try 750. thousand and maybe what we need to do maybe it's too bright so we set that to 50. yeah a vertex map i think a vertex map is what i'm looking for yeah definitely i think i think using the vertex painter or vertex map is going to help me um help me make that look smoother but right now let's go ahead and lock in the light let's lock in this look here of our emissive and then we'll come back and we'll we'll tweak the uh the actual lava flow okay so one thing at a time let me save a new scene so i'm just gonna have this off to the side here um and i'll bring it in as i need to as i reference it so a texture let's go ahead and drop in an rgb spectrum texture and already something happened it's actually giving the mountain itself some glow which is really cool and kind of what we want kind of what we're going for um i'm going to actually add some mountains around the back of this thing alt d to bring our gizmo back in and i just want to bring these mountains around the back side so that we can get some nice glow on the back of our mountain which we'll probably use with like some lights or something let's change the seed yeah just like that cool so in octane you can set the camera in under the camera imager to saturate to white if i set that to zero that'll basically look like that it look kind of ugly but if i set it to 0.2 anything that's super saturated and super bright will be saturate or will be kind of set to a white instead of the actual color it just kind of matches real life a little bit more um the flow of the lava like the the thickness of these streaks is making the mountain look smaller that's true i'm gonna go back and we're gonna adjust that but right now what i'm trying to lock in is the lighting okay so let's see i should be able to just choose the color unless this needs to go if i take this to like a blue interesting okay so let's let's try like a red orange color ah yeah and that's not that's really not the look we're going for it's really intense so maybe it's the surface brightness that's blowing that out but at the end of the day like this does have to be bright [Music] um i wonder is is it supposed to be distribution instead and we definitely want to break this up with some noise projection will be uvw to xyz to uvw for noise and we'll give it a transform as well and we're going to break that up let's see i'm wondering if that will go into distribution and then we take the noise give it yep okay so that looks half correct and then maybe the noise has a a gradient ramp on it and that's going to determine our color which that looks like it works but it's looking like hmm you know i wonder if we go with the photoshop route i'm wondering if that will be better certainly we can do the vertex painting route but if we go into photoshop i'm just going to open photoshop real quick i'm wondering if we can do something pretty quick so let's transform this down something like that we also want to we probably want to mix this with a a gradient or i'm sorry my mind my mind is going to fall off yes we want to mix that with a fall off and we'll say it is a 90 degree or it should be 180 degrees very nice so the best way to test if this fall off is working is to just make a sphere bring it up drop a new material on here put the fall off into the diffuse channel that's by default working uh normal versus ira and then we have 90 degree which is it looks like that's what we want and then 180 degree let's take that 180 and let's give it a gradient and we'll crunch it but i'm pretty sure the the 90 degree is what we're going for and we can flip it we can say negative one so it's inverted so that'll always inform me if i just need to test something and figure out if it's working i'll bring it down to the most basic mode so go back to the fall off 90 degree and this can be six i think we can solo this too hmm i gotta find that find that sweet spot and in the octane camera you can actually give it some glow as well i think that'll definitely help post processing uh we'll enable that and we definitely want all those lens flares so we'll take the glare amount to one um we'll set the angle to [Music] negative 90 and i'm just going to take the glare blur all the way up and in fact i'll just take that that angle to zero so it's looking like a minecraft mountain right now just because of the quality of those brush strokes so we can do let's see if we were to do vertex painting trying to figure out the best way to do that um i certainly do know though that if we come into photoshop and we make say like uh a 4k map here so 3840 by 3840 or no technically it's 38 is it 3860 no 3840. all right we got crying babies in the background it's time to shut the door all right so i'm wondering if we can like piece together water texture or like water drip texture there's not a lot of water textures online but we might just have to do this from hand so or by hand so i'm going to come in here and let's switch this up so we get something like this but that is too thick this really needs to be built up in a very very small tiny way so my size here will be 5 pixels and let's just paint out one half of this mountain and we'll go down we'll go just go down the line and see what we can do we'll see if this looks any good now there's an easier way to do this i am all ears so i'll have some streams break off and then rejoin like this one here and like there's definitely a lot more streams up towards the top and it's kind of like a river system that's really what this is is a river system so we'll get more and more detailed with this and it's really just experimenting i'm here to experiment and you can set your brush size even smaller for these kind of little bits down here and you know it's kind of like lightning actually maybe lightning is the best um kind of reference for this and i might be able to take a bunch of different lightning images and use those to build out a map a lava map you know but it's very very interesting how this looks both like a river and lightning which is pretty crazy how nature works you know and i'll come in with a black brush and erase some of this this is going to help break it up a little bit give it a little bit more texture vfx wizard that's a good idea using a height map of the mountain to get a nice reference i do think though that this could potentially give me something that that would work just because my mountain doesn't have too many features on it i'm kind of faking these like little turns and angles and stuff i'm gonna go ahead and save this out and see what we're looking at and i'm going to make sure if i hit ctrl r i'm going to set this up so that it's in the center point right here so we'll take this guy and we'll just get that right in the center point right here and we could easily just you know duplicate duplicate this with ctrl j spin it around so that we have some on the back side as well and maybe what i can do is take both of these well maybe okay here control um we'll do control g to group everything to make sure that lock is turned off i'm gonna duplicate that control e to make it editable and then i'm gonna see what happens if i content aware fill these areas i'm going to hit shift backspace oh interesting it gives us a little something but it doesn't really do much it's fine let's take this let's save this as just like a png and see what happens all right so that's the before that looks so bad um so i want to do a mixed material once again all right so let's go into the node editor and we we want to basically break up the rock texture and the emissive texture with that map we just made so let's go mix material we'll create one we'll pipe this rock mix material into mix material one and then for material two i'm just going to drag in this emissive texture holding shift will get the entire hierarchy for you you can right click and auto arrange it and that it goes into material 2 and out of the amount we have an image texture and that's going to be that map we just made the lava map so let's apply let's actually invert this so we'll switch we'll switch these around and we'll set this to float because it's a black and white image and now what we'll do is just apply that new mix material to the mountain and see what we get reload our scene and take a look at the difference so our mapping is off we need to change the projection the projection is going to be box and we need to transform it as well we'll transform it up to 100 and what we also need is it cannot loop so we just need to select the image texture and instead of wrap around we'll do black color so that way it's only being it's only being added once to our model and i'm just going to use the transform tools to try and get it to sit directly on top of this mountain hmm so it's proving difficult to get this right on top of the mountain um so it's it's doing something but it's it's difficult to control certainly it difficult to control it this way hey um yeah i'm wondering if the vertex paint is the option here um so we're kind of just going through going through the options to figure out the best way to do this it doesn't look half bad but i'm also seeing areas these white areas where um we don't really we don't want any white areas so really what it's going to be here is if we get rid of the noise we kind of need to get rid of the noise so that it's all just lava back here yeah world creator terrain stuff i think would be useful but i don't have world creator i don't yeah it does need bloom so you can come into the camera imager and work on that to get that look going and it's too red i feel like it needs to be a mixture between red and yellow so maybe what we could do with this gradient instead of black obviously it's going to be kind of an orangish yellowy color that is starting to look close closer at least the bloom is just way too intense so maybe it starts out as red now it starts out as like a white yellow and then cools off to like this red reddish color but that's not that's not the worst but i do think honestly coming coming into like uh google and doing something like uh lightening texture and we use this as a way to build up and create our lava flow so we would take something like this um so we do like texture lightening on black maybe i mean we could also do this in after effects too because after effects does have a lightning plug-in but you know what i'm saying you see how this like branches off there's like these main streaks and then they branch off and get weaker and weaker it's exactly what we're going for this kind of a look here lava flow coming all down throughout all this that i could see that really working it also looks very similar to a tree it's really crazy how nature uh has all these different patterns and similarities but remember how i said like you'll create something and it just won't look that good um and you need to keep working on it well that's exactly what i need to keep doing here if i want this to look halfway decent i need to keep coming in here and keep like making this more detailed because this isn't half bad i do think one of you guys gave the idea of coming in here like this we'll do we'll make a new camera and we will hover right above our image negative 90 and we'll just be right above our mountain we can change our aspect ratio to 1000 by 1000 we get right above here and we want z depth that's what we're we're looking for so we'll go into our render settings octane render settings we'll go down to octane renderer and under render passes info we'll do the z depth slider we'll work that and we'll try and get a look here that actually shows our mountain and it's not really it's not really shown as much here let me get in closer maybe and it's just it's not giving us that much height detail let's try again you know i want more detail in that and it's not giving me what we need so maybe we take this okay we unlock it and we save out a png this will be our lava map reference we'll come into photoshop we'll open up that reference and didn't export the z depth pass for whatever reason so let me just grab this pop into photoshop paste it and we'll crunch these levels down let's see if we can't get a look out of this so white will be the bot let's actually invert it around that doesn't invert okay we'll invert it here and then we'll throw some levels on it that kind of gives us something something to go with ctrl shift i will invert your selection no i do not want yet you can go up to select and let's see you know image trim and that'll just trim out all the transparent pixels and we could use this you know it's super super tiny but i think we can make something like this work in order for us to just have some sort of reference as to where this lava is going if we want to continue down this path here because it's actually a more improved version of what we did originally so i do think it is better so i'm going to keep working on this here that's not bad at all you know and then you get some like some lights back here that can really like punch up the look of this lava so we have a light we can bring it back in here and we'll use this light to kind of shine and illuminate these these little crevices here so let's get in close and we'll take the visibility and and just turn off camera visible right so we're only seeing the the glow from that light and what you want to do is actually if we bring it down into these little crevices we can just kind of scatter them all around down here to give us a nice look in this mountain and we'll certainly set that to um let's go into the light and we'll say the texture is going to be an rgb spectrum and we want that to be kind of like a a reddish orange texture or color rather something like that because based on our reference we can see that glow underneath right all back here um usually it's mostly it's mostly here i'm seeing it that kind of under glow look so i'm going to just scatter these behind the mountain and kind of shine them up onto these little crevices you um what happened not enough memory interesting so i'm going to save this we'll see if it has a new iteration call it j and let's give it a little fresh reboot here and see what we can get zach yes certainly i could make him sphere lights are bi-directional i might certainly might do that but we'll see what it looks like at first then we'll go back in yeah so there's a bunch of different ways to go about this process and it's tough you know because i feel like i don't want to waste your guys time so i don't want to keep like doing it one way and then stopping and going back doing it another way but certainly that's kind of part of part of the process it's part of i think some of you might say it's part of the drawl as uh you know to these streams but it's tough you know i'm finding a balance between experimenting and and you know just digging into different ways of doing things and also keeping it entertaining at the same time so it'd be nice if uh you know it'd certainly be nice if i can get it right the first time every single time it'd be the most the fastest quickest way but it can't always be that way and it usually never is especially when it's your first time doing something if this was a tutorial that i was recording um you know i'd i'd have to basically do it two or three times before i actually did it but since it's a live stream i just don't have the time especially since i have a full-time job at corridor it's a lot of work certainly a lot of work all right let's render and see what we got so we're getting that glow here on the mountain which is exactly what we're going for that's a really nice look this guy can probably be turned around don't know if this one's doing anything for us back here yeah we can delete that and this one here actually too i don't think it's doing much for us either it's really this one that's lighting up this little piece that i like a lot and i also might just grab this light and we'll go ahead and hold ctrl and we're going to pop this into the center of the mountain here and i want to make it seem like there is a pool of lava underneath so i'm gonna under light this whole mountain from this little crevice okay so that's certainly an interesting look um i might take that down to like a hundred i don't want it to be too crazy i want to keep it kind of subtle and there's some nice lava flow at the base as well so you know i might have something like running through here a light that runs through the center of this so i'm gonna continue duplicating these and just kind of basically do a small little stream throughout the center of this and i'll drop these as low as i can bring them and i'll see what kind of lighting that gives me and i'll shine these back onto the rocks themselves yeah you could put a volume around the entire volcano certainly um and that's kind of what i'm going to do here basically i want to have uh different layers of fog in order to really keep these mountains poking out and standing out now one thing i really want to do here is add that atmosphere and add that fog in an interesting way so i think you can certainly have some stuff like this i think if we add this fog layer i feel like this fog should appear i don't know why it's not appearing right now there it is if we duplicate that fog layer so i'll ctrl drag it so it's duplicated and we move it back towards the mountain and we give the mountain just a bit of fog an atmosphere so if we turn that on and off it's very subtle let's see if we can't really work this into place oh it's so thin it's very thin so we want to open this up a little bit more and now this is when your computer starts to chug and if you set the voxel size to a larger number that'll really help you know the viewport settings and it'll it'll help save some more computer juice for you let's see what that looks like all right so the fog definitely too thick but we want the light to shine through so i'll boost up the scattering phase and i'll set the density to instead of 0.01.001 that's too much 0.005 and it looks really cool because it starts to like diffuse the light back here and give it a really interesting look now the little sand bar that is in front of the mountain needs to be darker it's a little too much so i'm going to find that and let's actually hide the horizon fog from our viewport so we can see a little bit better and i'm going to select that little bit that landscape too and it looks like it's this going after this mix material so i want to darken that up so with the mixed material selected go ahead and find out what that mixed material is made from so i think let's see if i can come here it's tire soil entire mud so tire soil entire mud that's what the mix material is made from right there okay so i'm gonna duplicate both of these all three really so tire soil tire mud we duplicated those and i'm going to call these dark be the dark version because i'm going to basically darken these up in order to get the mid ground to match the background a little bit more now the octane mix material i'll call this dark mud as well and i want to reference the new materials that i just made okay so let's apply that new mix material to that layer and it looks like nothing changed which is perfect that's exactly what we want let's go ahead and save we'll hop into the node editor and let's go ahead and change both of these mud materials i'm going to go ahead and auto arrange and make sure i'm holding shift i'm able to move the entire hierarchy we'll auto arrange that and this okay so it's the diffuse that i want to adjust so i'm going to drop a color correction node in between there let's just take the let's try taking the gamma up to two on both of these and see what happens let's get rid of the fog for a second let's try darkening this up even more um i want to give myself a let's see let's render the region right in there cool save and re-render the scene so changing the brightness to zero doesn't do too much actually so maybe what i need to do instead of adjusting that maybe i just need to adjust the specular because it might be just reflecting a ton a ton of light here hmm i'm gonna hop out of the camera and see maybe why this is not darkening up all right so it's working it's actually darkening so i guess it's the the roughness let me try the roughness and adjusting that or in fact if it if it is the the specular all right so that's not reflective at all now so i'll go back into camera and see what that looks like all right so that looks horrible that definitely looks horrible having some reflection is obviously what we want so um let's try changing that to a mid gray for both of these and maybe we need to take the contrast of that to zero that's starting to feel a little bit better and we'll take the transform of the noise that's breaking it up to maybe 35 so it's just a little bit larger okay cool so we'll just make it a little bit more reflective because we don't want it to match the mountain color we want it to be just a little brighter than the mountain color so that's not it's actually not that bad um cool take that background fog drop it on see what we get liam okay so uh i used this image here that i created in photoshop to really get the lava looking nice and i just did this with a brush and i adjusted basically the way it was sitting on top of the mountain just with rotational bits and transformer rotation and i made sure that my camera the post processing on my camera was glowing the that mountain mountainous lava back there so i want to set maybe that even more 200 and 100 to get that nice lava glow that looks super nice i added some lights back here too and a little bit of fog just to you know really kind of bring that bring that back in now i'm still not getting i'm still not getting this mountain exactly the way i want so i think what i'm going to do actually here is i'm going to open up after effects and we're going to do a cool little trick so i'm going to add some like steam vents and stuff actually animated steam vents and i'm gonna do this by using um different stock footage with uh with alpha baked in so i'm gonna save it as a png sequence and i'm gonna place little cards around the mountain areas and around and behind the rocks so it looks like it's actually steaming so i've never done this before and i'm very excited to do so so what we're gonna do what is going on come on after effects i literally just opened you and you're gonna crash on me like this maybe i'll have to open a stable version of after effects and not after effects beta my goodness i'm just maybe maybe i'll give it one more shot if it does it again then we've we've done what we can so yeah i mean like this is really what we're going for we're going to add some trees and roots and rocks later but i'm really trying to get the overall general feeling of the render down first before i start getting into the micro stuff i'm not too worried about um the foreground bits like the you know the tree stumps that's all stuff we can add once we make our landscape look really nice definitely get some fallen trees in here that we can we can bring from mega scans and maybe a little bit of uh of uh what do i use forester right is a program that i use for trees and whatnot okay come on after effects i think we're good okay so i'm gonna import um the small scale smoke plumes from action vfx action vfx if you guys are unfamiliar is basically a website where you can download a ton of amazing stock footage and this isn't sponsored by them though it would be cool if it was because i use their stuff all the time but yeah so small scale smoke plume is what i'm looking for small scale smoke plumes these guys boom uh perfect let's import those and see what we got i also want to let's put those in a folder smoke plumes and then i'm also going to import the um fog and atmosphere pack they have as well so i just double click down here in the viewport or in the uh project browser area atmosphere smoke and fog volume 2. so all this good stuff we'll import that so looking at the reference okay you can see there's a bunch of smoke kind of rising up and around the mountain a lot of like it looks like it's in a cloud almost so i want to place a bunch of cards um a bunch of planes where these animated smoke layers can sit in between okay so back in after effects let's just take a look at what we're looking at so these are some small scale stuff this is probably too small for what we're doing i want to find like maybe five or six really good ones i'm going to export those and then we'll use those and put them on cards so i'm just going to go through and find the best ones here i don't want anything too small like that might not be bad i also don't want anything too heavy or too opaque and i want to fill a large area so the ones that are like standing up pretty tall may not be the best for what we're trying to do so i'm just looking in this window here oh here's a good one yeah that's great certainly want that so it looks like it's this windy smoke that's gonna do a good job for us yup that's a good one that's a solid one and since we have 88 frames we can move these around and shift these around to like different um different points of time in order in order to get a different look all right so let's check out the fog layers let's see what we got here so this is some like low-lying fog i don't think that's going to be good for us so let me just go through and see what we got there's something like this maybe i don't know if that's going to be what we're going for maybe this one here is very subtle it's almost like a cloud but i think that could be cool so i'm going to pop that in that's not bad we can use that too um really what i'm looking for is to make sure that the smoke stays within the frame so i'm going to go through these and mask out the borders so they're black right that's too much i think that's good though i think that's a nice look for us so we have these six here that we'll use so let's go through these and basically if you just hold down the uh this mark this box tool you can do the ellipse tool and double click it and it'll give you a perfect ellipse around your image i'm gonna go ahead and feather that and then expand it so just choke the mask in so now we're only getting like just this little bit here you're not seeing any edges which is exactly what we want okay so i can take that mask and i'm just going to duplicate it across everything weird it didn't copy it how we wanted to yep there we go no borders perfect exactly what we want awesome awesome do the same for this guy and for this last one cool so now what we want to do is well first we'll save our project file obviously we don't want to lose this transparent smoke awesome okay so what you want to do um you want to get rid of this black okay so the best way to do that is with unmolt which is a tool that you can get from what is it red giant it's a great red giant tool if you don't have it you could also use the built-in after effects one it's called like a remove color matting is that the one no i think it's still called unmult in after effects it's like uh or uh transparent background alpha what is it alpha [Music] i know there's a free version of unmolt around i'm forgetting the name of the built-in after effects one but you're basically just getting rid of the black around your image so unmult does a fantastic job of that you can still see that you have um you know your element but when you turn on alpha it's it's actually looking really nice so you could do let's see let's put in just like a gray background 50 gray or even better yet let's just load in our concept art and that way we can check the alpha levels over our concept art see what it looks like so this is our fog layer sitting nicely i think i think that's great and we'll we'll want to apply the unmult effect to all of our different smoke layers perfect perfect so i'm going to go through and basically just export out [Music] these six different versions i'm going to extend my duration project duration we'll go 2000 frames which should be plenty and we'll just one by one do these png sequences and if you don't have a png sequence um setting already set up let's do that so basically we can make a template all right in the setting i always like to do underscore at the beginning because then it's always at the top png sequence and we'll edit and we will just make it a png sequence great fantastic um you're gonna want it with alpha so it's rgb plus alpha very very important it's rgb plus alpha millions of colors plus that's fine i think that's uh either 8 or 16 bit trillions of colors is either 16 or 32 bit i forget but you it's very important it's rgb plus alpha you want the alpha okay so that's a png sequence with alpha we'll hit okay and let's find a spot for this render okay so vfx this will be render output is exactly what we want so this is windy smoke and we'll let that go so wow it looks like that's gonna take a minute let's um let's focus on some other stuff while that goes yeah but first how is everybody doing are you guys hanging in there give me some thumbs ups if you guys are feeling okay we've been going for two and a half hours probably go for another another 30 minutes maybe another hour on this once we get these like steam jets going but i think it's about time to get a kombucha because i am feeling a little thirsty and we can always work on our lava flow texture here to get that really really nice so i'm gonna keep working on that now i'll be right back i'm gonna grab a drink i'll see you guys in like two seconds man burke that is the goal the render has got to look cooler than the reference that's certainly what we're going for next week i am going to talk about my process of switching out this character because i'm going to photo scan myself in my camping gear and um make it all sci-fi out and i'm gonna walk you guys through my process of that which i'm very excited for i'm excited for this whole thing really this is a quite a blast and a good time it's a very good time and art day you are correct the png sequence is to retain the alpha information um in the in the layer so i'm able to just drop it into the mountain in the background now this is a trick that um if you guys know ian hubert he is maybe one of blender's very best artists and he uses this trick a whole lot he's constantly doing like atmospheric smoke stuff in the background with this trick looks like this is gonna take a minute so let me let me see if this lightning trick works and what we need we got to go to tools we got to go to size and we'll set it to large because we want high quality images of lightning that we can drop over this maybe this one here this is pretty big this is not bad but it has like all the um that's that looks like after effects this is amazing this is definitely the vibe here that's so cool but it's so tiny that's the issue it's so tiny we'll crunch it down so there's no glow but we don't want to crunch it so much that we lose the details and that's kind of what's happening here so maybe it's something like that and we set that to screen and now we have this as an element for our lava which that i mean that totally looks legit to me that gets like a real natural look for the lava flow there and i just want to find like some larger images some higher quality images man lightning is so cool awesome very large super high quality so we'll make it black and white we'll drop the saturation and control l will give us our levels so we crunch that down and i'm really looking at the fine detail down here so like this stuff i don't want to lose this so maybe that's as far as i'd go something like that and i'm going to go ahead and erase or just with a black brush is totally fine let's go ahead and make this raster able so renderize that layer or rasterize it rather and we'll just paint black in here we'll take the flow up and the hardness up and i just want to get rid of this like stuff that isn't really lightening or is that the it's the lightning behind the trees and we'll come in here and just clean this up a little bit because i'll crunch this down a little bit further i'll get rid of this guy these ones that aren't really tethered this is just a cool interesting way to think outside the box and get a look so let's try that again let's actually do a levels adjustment modifier we'll crunch that down until we like it right there something like that cool feels good to me and we'll erase it in the areas where we don't want it okay so basically we can see that it's getting rid of all this detail down here we don't want that we just want that super crunch basically to be up in here so i'm going to select this little white box hit ctrl i that's going to invert it and i'm going to paint in there so i'm going to paint white let's see boom yep drop the hardness and we're going to paint white to give us that effect only only in the areas where we need it because you want to retain all that detail so let's be very careful and we'll drop the opacity so that feels good um i'm gonna go ahead and group these guys and we'll make that editable set it to screen and we'll flip this around and that gets us a nice looking bit of lava there that's actually pretty sweet awesome very nice i like that a lot very detailed because of the lightning so adding the lightning gave us that look right there which i'm a huge fan of so let's go ahead and duplicate this around to the other side just like that and we obviously need to get rid of like whatever this logo is so we can just kind of content aware fill this out and that's going to be shift backspace and you make sure your contents is set to content aware and it gets it gets rid of it immediately it's basically the greatest thing ever content aware fill is the best um i'm also going to i think that's fine down here as is it kind of tapers off naturally so i'm going to save this photoshop document and i'll save this image as our lava map we'll replace it and we'll see what it looks like here get this update so let's store the render buffer and let's make sure that that lava texture updates okay there it goes and that's the difference that's awesome yeah the lightning the lightning really adds really really added to that it added a lot of good detail that i think is super solid so that's fun that totally worked now after effects is still going hard all right that is quite the export it maybe didn't need to be at 2k resolution but we'll place a couple of these around the scene and i'll render a new one as we continue here and see what we get what's up salumi how you doing um good to have you man it's been a minute yeah we just added some sweet lava on top of this with this map in photoshop using images of lightning and i think it worked i totally think it worked i love it when that stuff works out salumi are you doing a submission for this environment contest because you always put out good work man i really really think you you put out some good stuff daniel what's up oh just finished yeah so we're we're actually making some elements in after effects where these are just action ascend or action v effects stock footage packs of some smoke and whatnot i'm taking this i'm going to throw it on to some cards now these have alpha they were exported with alpha which means you're not going to see the black and i'm going to put them back here behind these rocks to make it look like the volcano is steaming so let's go ahead and set this up i'm just going to make an octane diffuse material i'll hop in and we we just want to give it uh let's see we don't even need to go into node view to be honest we'll go to the diffuse channel we'll load the image and we'll find and navigate to our render output windy smoke we'll hop in here we'll select one of these we'll hit open and we'll click this we'll go to animation and we'll calculate it so that's all the frames of this animation we'll set it to linear i believe is the way to go on that i'll try with the i'll try with the embed for now and then you want to go to common or notice editor and animate the preview so let's go ahead and make a plane and the plane you need to have the at the right aspect ratio so i'm going to do 1920 by 1080 because that is the aspect ratio of the stock footage that we just rendered out of after effects i lied it's 2048 by 1080 so you just need to match that that's true 2k resolution let's stand it up and let's see if if this works all right so that looks horrible um let's go to the node editor and we'll go view frame all all right so i'm select that it's tri-linear probably do anything but what we want to do is actually i should you should be able to hit like alpha on this maybe here's what we have to do diffuse image texture load our smoke element and we'll set that to alpha and we'll also pipe that into the opacity and maybe we need to invert this oh it looks like we had it so let's let's try this let's try pushing this all the way back to the mountain and we got to flip it upside down i'm going to turn off our fog because it's taking up a lot of render juice and i'm obviously not seeing our smoke if i scrub forward i'm still not seeing our smoke so maybe what we need to do is throw some color correction on here and do something with our gamma there we go i can start to see it now so maybe we duplicate this and we say this is just normal and this new one is the opacity so maybe it's maybe we just need to adjust there we go okay there we go now this is working so i have just the you know the base um image texture or image sequence in the diffuse with no changes i just changed it to float because it's black and white and then for the alpha i duplicated it i set the type to alpha and then i just boosted the gamma a little bit to give it a bit more um to give it a bit more opaqueness so i can see through it a little bit more that looks really good and it'll be animated so if i hit if i hit uh if i hit play this should be animating should be animating um if it's not let's come in here and double check so the animation we calculate now it's being animated we want the same for the opacity we go in here animation we animate so now it's being animated now i'm not seeing anything because i'm wondering if now you're supposed to be seeing stuff the whole time hmm so i set it to range and it looks like let's see the best way to tell the difference so zero it's gone but frame one it's in okay so maybe this is just a bit of trial and error guys maybe we set it to exact frame exact second or range okay so range is working for some reason usually usually this works so here again when i'm trying to problem solve the fastest way for me to do so is in just a blank new scene to see what the heck is going on so i'm gonna do that i'm gonna simplify it and then transfer over what i learned into the main composition all right let's do this so we'll grab an image texture and we'll load our png sequence and it looks like but but let's try and get it animated i click calculate and it goes away i don't know why that's the case all right so that brings it in why why why is it not animating do you guys have any ideas as to why this is not working let's calculate it and let's just say 200 frames that's so weird i wonder if it would work in a non-octane material movie start frame 2644. i think that's why we'll make sure we want to animate the preview which it's not working for some reason but hopefully in the renderer there you go it's working it's because of our movie start frame that's that's why it wasn't working so the movie start frame is in our case what the movie star frame is referencing when you're in after effects it's referencing this number the start frame 2644. i'm going to set that to zero it should always be a zero but for just this one it's 26.44 so we'll go back into our main setup here and we'll just make sure those uh let's see range exact frame 2644 fantastic render and now it's actually working properly so sweet solving problems solving problems every day that's all you gotta do when you're doing vfx is solve problems constantly solving problems bunny live you had it you had the answer so now we can move this card around however we want and what we want to do is kind of hide it behind bits of rock and use it all right so if i go something like this let's go ahead and turn down the intensity of this light it's just it's too much right now and we don't need it so i'm going to take the emissive texture and tell it to just hold on for a second because it's too much all right so let's take the plane here i'm gonna go to check camera and hop out so we can actually see what's going on let's see if we can start using the smoke to shape out our environment you see how it's behind this rock well that's exactly what we want we want it to be behind this rock and you can scale this thing up even more that's amazing yeah that looks really cool so i'm just going to place these all around um now i wish there was an easier way to kind of adjust and offset the timing so i might have to make new cards um to truly offset the timing so let me kind of come over here and uh seb chen yes i am using a pen in replacement of a mouse it is the best i absolutely love it i don't own a mouse um i don't play any like desktop games i'm mostly playing on my playstation or my nintendo switch so i don't really need a mouse man that just looks sweet i'm gonna start rendering another one here it's that windy smoke that really really looks nice and i'm going to render this one at half resolution because i don't think we need the full 2k so best settings you can just take to go to half we'll make sure we go png sequence render output windy smoke this will be windy smoke 2. and that should go a lot faster so i'm going to flip this around and you'll see them doing this a lot in video games um they do this to get these kind of looks in um oops let's try that again in different video games that's how they make like different atmospheric effects yeah that's really starting to add now you want to offset these because you don't want them to be really kind of going um you don't want to be duplicated it's the same reason we want to break up our tiling is the same reason you want to offset the timing of these different smoke bits so i'm going to duplicate it and i'll set this one to the start frame [Music] instead of 2644 let's offset it by like i don't know 300 frames 29.44 and we'll apply that to the new card here and you should get a different look a different steam look there and we can scale it up and maybe it's not entirely um oh that looks so cool and maybe i'll just offset it by another 300 frames we have a lot of frames to deal with so um let's do 32 44. we definitely make sure that these are both not the same here there we go and we can do a third one this one could be 35 44. and we're just doing this to get different looks so let's keep going let's keep duplicating and you want these at different depth amounts so let's hop in and keep placing these things so i'm hitting n and q to turn off textures and that'll allow me to you'll see this a little bit more oh that's awesome that smoke is back behind the mountain and let's give that this guy here we just want to make sure all of these have different smoke values awesome and we can duplicate and drop one into this like central little area and that looks amazing yeah that looks super cool so i'm gonna keep going i'm gonna keep adding this stuff off into like the corners and really just add to the scene and pepper all this stuff out um let's get the emission texture going again and see what it looks like and we just want to keep building it up keep working there you go there's our second one so we can we can add that now and get even different looks so all these cards we can just keep working on and keep adding um so i'll duplicate this and we'll hop in and i'll name these as a smoke one smoke 1.1 smoke 1.2 and this will be this will be smoke 2. and we'll switch these out so we got a completely different look now and the start frame if we calculate that should line up just perfectly so let's go ahead and duplicate this guy over here and we'll drop on smoke 2 to that new one okay so smoke 2 needs to be adjusted somehow unless smoke 2 starts with nothing really in frame but okay that's not the case that actually that's not bad i think it's just blending in with the background that's all and let's go ahead and control drag smoke 2 over to the right side and let's see if we can't get it behind this little crag right here scale it up move it up so now it's back here and we'll control drag smoke too drop it on and we'll call this guy smoke 2.2 because this is where we're going to offset it we'll go 300 frames and you see that you see how it gets us this like this effect in the mountains back here a foggy atmospheric effect it's exactly what we're going for and you just want to break up all these different rocks with little different pieces of smoke i'm very happy with this i think this is turning out nicely we'll do 2.3 and we'll do 2.4 so 2.3 will offset another 300 frames and i'm hoping 300 frames is enough we can always change it and at the end of the day we only need 88 frames for our render so let's go ahead and just keep moving this up that'll be 2.3 and we'll move up another one and that'll be 2.4 that looks so cool so it's getting there it's certainly getting there to this kind of level and it's just layers and layers and adding different layers so i think we have one more small windy smoke which we'll export here from after effects png sequence and we'll go windy smoke three and again i think we can do we're okay with doing uh half quality there because it's in the background it's pretty far away 3d what graphics card am i using i am using an rtx quadro 6000 which is allowing me to really add a bunch of crap to my scene it's great it has 24 gigs of vram alone just on the one card um you can see it down here i've got 24 gigs of vram and i've used 2.7 so far um it's a fantastic card and it's allowed me to create these larger scenes which i really hadn't had a chance to before because i was on i was on a gtx 1070 before this so it is blowing my mind [Music] it's pretty incredible so very very very excited about it nvidia did send it over a few months ago um so yeah it's been cool um you go i'm not quite sure the difference between the rtx rtx 2070 and the quadro rtx 4k but i think you can go to a website that like allows you to compare cards um let's just say like rtx quadro versus um like rtx 20 30 80 or something and oh it's benchmark yeah okay so you can go to benchmark and compare like the different cards and everything this guy right here and it'll tell you all the stats between the two cards so i was using and i was using a gtx 1070 it wasn't even a ti and i'm currently on a rtx quadro 6000 so it looks like this card the 6000 is 140 percent better than the gtx 1070. so what you're saying comparing uh the rtx 2070 to the quadro okay so the rtx let's do rtx 2070 nvidia rtx 2070 compared to the quadro 4000 rtx quadro 4000 ah so the rtx 2070 versus the rtx quadro 4000 speed wise is 12 percent better ah interesting very interesting so you i mean if you have the rtx 2070 versus the quadro 4k it looks like you're in a better position just a little bit by just uh just a touch so that's that's cool to know it's very good to know but yeah this is a great website it helps you compare different cards and everything um but yeah let's keep adding different little smoky bits i like this second one smoke 2 is a bit more subtle so i think i'm going to add some smoke 2 elements over on the left side of the frame and i feel like i could use a couple more oh i could definitely use one back behind there so let's just take this guy and get it back in there to separate these little bits and there's the third one it's done so i'll ctrl drag smoke 2 and we'll make smoke 3. and we'll load these guys and calculate and let's go ahead and draw a drop smoke 3 onto that new guy and we'll make all of our different versions for smoke 3 to give us a bit of randomness do awesome so i'll bring this forward scale it down and try and fit it between some of these mountains here as many different areas you can break up the better you that looks very cool yeah i'm happy with this i'm wondering if we can do any stuff on the mountain itself so if we can come back here and start doing cards on the mountain awesome yeah that looks super cool sweet yeah that's looking that's looking really nice i'm very happy with this i kind of want to do a quick test render and see what that looks like so let's see let's lock the aspect ratio we'll go 640 by 270 all frames 24 frames a second and let's save this out we'll do iterations and we'll call this v1 and we'll see what we get um but that has been that has been a fun stream i think that really turned out it looks super nice um this should go really fast but i'm gonna hang out with you guys for the next 5-10 minutes while this renders answer any questions you might have and we'll take a look at the final product and see what it looks like yeah so am i gonna have a big cloud behind the mountain maybe some volumetrics uh to have some cool volume illumination yeah definitely again we're going for this we're going for this vibe so i'm really happy with what i have so far on this mountain i might keep adding to it throughout the week um but i definitely need to get the sky back here looking right and the clouds and everything around this area looking correct so i'll probably do i might do some fog volumes but i might honestly build out the sky um like in after effects and bring that in after the fact i like this png sequence um with like cards in cinema 4d i think it's really powerful so i might do a little bit of that with some fog in the foreground here up in this area i think that could be sweet and i also might just tweak it a little bit in after effects after i render too um to get the right look of the fog but you know these trees are gonna go in eventually i'll put some crows in here i do want to have some birds flying around up here i think that would be absolutely incredible so maybe that's just me going outside and filming some birds and comping them in the same exact way i'm doing with these smoke cards um the only question mark for me is on like the illuminated smoke up here because i don't i don't quite know how to do super nice smoke simulations um i could comp it certainly but i don't know i'm going to figure that one out i'm going to certainly have to figure that one out it's gonna be tough but it's okay i think regardless of what happens this render is gonna look super sweet yeah i'm excited i'm very excited for this so how's everybody coming on their renders are you guys doing okay do you guys have any questions are you guys entering the contest are you just starting it's totally okay i have only worked on this for the last three streams this stream last week and the week before that so i haven't had all the time in the world um certainly not oh this is cool yeah you get a little bit of a little bit of animation back here i think this one's a little fast stuff in the background you want it to be um if it's in the back you want it to be moving slowly that's how you know this thing looks big because when you have this quick moving smoke it looks fast so i'm going to go back in there and maybe slow some of that stuff down just a bit but i think it's looking pretty darn cool yeah i'll probably use some stock vdb assets drop those in i think that'll look nice lobap how can i start earning money from c4d when you reach a good level from sites like freelancer um so you know i've i've started freelancing back in 2000 2000 2007 is i think when i started freelancing i was young and i just made one good relationship i made one good connection with a guy his name's joe cornell he owns synapse effects and they are a one-stop shop for anything practical pyro any like weather atmosphere fog blood and gore pyrotechnics fire you know he's a guy doing that and he from time to time took on some web clients who had some vfx needs or some graphical needs and i helped him out with that he was the first guy to really help me with um with the freelance world and i think once you make a good connection keep that connection okay and how to make the first connection yeah i guess you said sites like freelance or um [Music] i know there's a website called like uh shoot it's one where you can like post your work um give me two seconds and i'm going to get you the name of this website it's good for freelancing uh fiverr i think is the name of it fiverr so you can offer your services on fiverr and business is all about the relationship so as long as you continue in harbor not harbor um uh basically yeah just make sure it's a good relationship keep working on it keep adding to it and make them happy you got to certainly come to a point where like you don't want to give the client everything and bend to their every will but you do want to make sure that you guys agree whatever you agree to in the beginning um you get them in the end and you'll build a nice relationship with that client and they'll come back to you they'll certainly come back to you so keep it up yeah hugo or hugo says art station is also good personally i don't know but i do know a lot of game developers and concept artists uh and game guys are on art station they're posting other stuff there so it's a good place to keep your work as a portfolio most definitely but this has been fun everybody this has been a lot of fun um i'm very excited about all these renders that are coming in so far there's six renders that have come in and they're all really cool so keep it up i'm really looking forward to seeing everybody's this top 20 thing it doesn't it's not going to work unless you guys turn in your awesome renders and i really want this final product to be super sick so i'm counting on you guys to keep working work hard and i promise you will you will be rewarded um whether it be with a new graphics card a new ssd uh you know some flash drives or if i'm sending you prints i'm you're going to be rewarded physically in some sort of way but also um you're gonna be rewarded in the sense that you took on a long-term project and completed it and you're gonna feel good about that most certainly seb chen yo yeah dude pinterest man it's great i'm glad it's now my most favorite inspiration concept source which i always had a problem finding before yeah dude pinterest is great you build up those boards and really really kind of tweak um those looks that you're going for it helps with inspiration so i'm glad very very happy that that the first stream did it for you man um let's try bringing that down where are you picture viewer cool so we got a little look at the smoke back there that looks awesome so there's this one like quick moving one back here that we gotta figure out but that's certainly it like that's the vibe they're all kind of placed back there um i think they can all move a little slower probably half speed maybe this one quarter speed most definitely but i'm very very happy with this look i think it's awesome ah so cool i've never done this before and i'm really glad it turned out that's awesome yeah i gotta keep working on my lava i think i maybe get a lava river coming down here or something in the foreground but i think that'll be a good time dude i've heard the joseph seed comment so many times i got a shave no i don't gotta shave i need to get a haircut that's what i need man and don't worry we're gonna add vignettes we're gonna color correct the crap out of this if you can make it look good without color correction then my god it's gonna look nice with some color correction i promise you yay i'm super glad that you guys are enjoying all these um jacob are you saying if you don't have c4d experience should you start in blender it's really up to you man at the end of the day um but blender is free it allows you to jump in and learn for free so maybe that is a good place to start and then when you're ready to uh maybe spend some money on a subscription service i know max on switched over to something like that recently you can hop onto that i love cinema 4d i'm never gonna switch over um yeah it's it's it's one of my favorite programs ever so if but if you guys like blender there's nothing wrong with that definitely look in the blender if you're trying to get into the 3d world it's definitely the most successful way to do so emil thanks for joining appreciate you what am i thinking for the sky definitely some storm clouds absolutely definitely some storm clouds um you know i'm going for this this reference that i put together in the first stream volume one is on building concept art now there's a lot of um [Music] references here in the qixel rebirth trailer um a lot of good references for the sky in here so it's very foggy but there you can see there's some clouds back there certainly and they're doing the same trick here they're doing the same trick with those cards for fog like this stuff is definitely a fog layer all that stuff is a is a fog layer [Music] um yeah so they're they're doing they're doing things like maybe this is this is certainly a brighter sky i definitely want to go for more of a stormy look um and then maybe have like some sunlight blasting the foreground which i think is always a really cool look i love that look so much like there's a guy on art station his name is um eton zana and he was the lead i believe the lead concept designer for the last of us too but he's got this image here is exactly i'm talking about you have a foggy dark kind of stormy background and scene but you have these little streaks of sunlight that come through the storm which i love i love that look so i'm definitely going to try and get that kind of vibe going towards the end of of the process here and eton he's great you definitely got to check out his work i take a lot of inspiration from him um like this is just beautiful absolutely beautiful and he gives this whole process down here too which is sweet looks like this is last of us yep this is his work on last of us absolutely beautiful absolutely beautiful you can tell there's inspiration here that i'm going for here it's kind of in that similar um foggy dark uh wet kind of vibe which is super sick yeah atonsana it's pronounced or it's spelled e-y-t-a-n it looks like eaton but it's aton eton zana and thoughts on real-time ray tracing thanks to rtx dude of course i mean what else do you want to know like that sounds great i'm excited i'm still working on unreal engine i haven't given up on unreal i've just been doing a lot of c4d streaming these days so um yeah you know it'll be a good time i'm excited for next year very very excited for next year but guys um please keep up the good work knock out those submissions it's really going to make the top 20 video something special i want it to be something special so i'm looking to you guys counting on you guys to deliver some awesome stuff no pressure no pressure i'm just excited to you know collaborate with everybody and put something cool together so guys i'm going to bounce i'm going to grab some food chill out for a little bit but you guys are awesome thank you so much for everybody's help and uh i'll see you guys next week it's next week is going to be our final stream um for this contest right here and then i'm going to be announcing the winners on november 7th okay so hang on to your butts keep cranking and uh post in the parallel dimensions work in progress channel it's on the discord in the discord server um down below so definitely join that if you guys want to uh want to keep up with everybody's process and everything and you know in the meantime if you guys are looking for other ways to support i do have an hdri pack a warzone hdri pack that i put out earlier this year i do sell photography prints both of those links are in the description below as well um yeah check them out i'm going to send i'm going to be sending out a batch of prints this week i had some uh some some good big ones printed out so i'm actually i'm probably gonna go pick those up today but y'all you've been awesome thank you so much for joining me i hope you guys learned a thing or two i know i sure did so i'll see you guys next saturday same place same time peace out y'all have a good one
Channel: pwnisher
Views: 199,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, visual effects, 3d, modelling, blender, cinema4d, maya, 3dsmax, octane, arnold, education, tutorial, stream, pwnisher, corridor, tank, texture, archviz, photoreal, boston dynamics, bosstown dynamics, robots, after effects, compositing, live action, corridor digital, s22, v2020, nvidia, 3080, 3090, quadro, rtx, challenge, contest, environment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 0sec (13140 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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