No Cars Allowed! Watch Me Create a Walkers' Haven in Cities Skylines 2

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those of us that drive love the open road the roundabouts the traffic of a bustling City but is there a better way a less polluting way a way that involves no vehicles no traffic just walking we're going to try and answer that question in the only city Builder that used to have donut Vans City skylines 2 I started by choosing one of the new maps just added to the game by colossal order Coral riches North American hot and flat perfect for all the walk-in our citizens are about to be doing I named it stron which seemed to me to be fitting big wide Broad and flat not one Mountain Hill or lump in sight perfect for today's challenge The Key to Our Success was going to be making judicious use of the pedestrian street this was described as only allowing foot traffic side note and service and delivery vehicles but no cars no motorbikes no trucks everyone would walk everywhere or so I hoped and just before we do that a word from our sponsors instant gaming if you wish to order City skylines 2 please consider using my affiliate link which you'll find in the pin comment below and on screen right now when doing so you will receive a steam key which can be redeemed on Steam as normal but with some fantastic discounts plenty of other games available too I do love a bit of FC 24 footy and forter is certainly my cup of tea as well thank you very much for your support let's get back to the video so after checking the wind direction deciding on the location for industry I started laying out my pedestrian streets with plenty of space for residential growth we had an outside power line so it was easy to hook up a transformer for power and after checking the flow of the water took care of the water and sewage needs as well to be honest my biggest concern was how far would people walk to get to work and to [Music] shop well guess we're going to find out I zoned residential commercial and Industry nice and close to see if we can encourage the walking we desired and I waited for somebody to move in soon hopefully and we didn't have to wait too long they arrived in their droves but they were in their cars they were not walking they were driving on the pedestrian street without a care in the world why oh why so I followed the first offender a member of the Marquette family to see where they lived they had started this whole trend of driving and I wanted to get to the bottom of it and would you believe it it was Karen and Freddy Karen we're going to be keeping a close eye on you although at the age of senior I don't think you'll be undertak in this rebellious driving for too long sorry anyway more and more Vehicles flood Ed in recklessly driving on our walk-in streets and already I was starting to think I was facing an impossible task but I would not be beaten I decided to make it so awkward to drive so expensive so annoying that they would just have to walk they would love to walk they would walk everywhere I then wondered if the roundabout that was 13 car Road and 2/3 pedestrian street was sort of confusing people so I upgraded to more walking and less driving and even remove the ability to either uturn or drive straight on into town would that work and then we found a walker Yasmin Keat yes she was homeless and feeling pretty neutral about it at the moment but she had a job and she was walking there yay Yasmin maybe if I zoned plenty of residential Yasmin would eventually be able to afford a home once she'd got to work I watched her as she enjoyed the open road free of cars and trucks apart from the trucks going to and from the industry and eventually she reached her place of employment would the money enable Yasmin to buy a house uh let's hope so I decided to keep Taps well back to our growing founding City and a hearse had to be called something we were unable to provide ourselves so it's going to be driving in from outside the city to collect and oh it looks like they're able to gather from a distance so WiFi body collection uh yep they were defitely gone well back to Growing we kept up with our demand commercial and residential hoping it was all close enough to walk to still Vehicles were entering stron but I began to think is this how the game starts off a new resident or perhaps a new business owner that they have to arrive by vehicle first but then later on would learn to walk but I soon forgot about that as we were now a tiny village with more cash to make pedestrian roads plus we'd unlocked a rock mansion and we all know rock stars are wellknown for keeping the rules 100% so they were going to walk everywhere weren't they So what had we unlocked that could help us in our task ah lots and lots of roads and a couple of services okay let's carry on after a nice easy within walking distance Medical Clinic I decided against the cemetery at the moment as I wanted to test the magically working heres a little bit more and I wanted to save my one development point for roundabouts or Road services or see as we go along so the rock Mansion went into the heart of our pedestrian Community I was sure they would be a beacon a shining example of anti-ar use I also decided to make use of the new medium density Demand with some shops nearby it was at this moment I took a quick pause to check the city's to Wiki and found out that pedestrian streets are supposed to be for foot traffic only as it said earlier but we can expect some delivery drivers and service vehicles on them SE wouldn't love lie to me would they H I would continue on regardless and I was noticing less cars on the road than expected people were driving for a new house or if they moved house yes but pedestrians were increasing albeit very slowly I gazed across at all the dirty disgusting roads I would not be using even the Hideous Bridges but then I hit on a plan why deprive the residents of ston the beauty of a roundabout I embarked on my task of upgr RA in every single Junction to a small roundabout which as it would happen took us to small village who knew would this Milestone now help me reach the goal of a no car city maybe education was the key could we edicate out of the citizens their obvious love of the vehicle and entrench them with a fondness for walking instead ooh another hearse has been called not good for the Miller family but great for science we followed the Hearst in it's stopped though for only about a second or two and once again WiFi body collection okay so heres don't enjoy The Pedestrian streets at least they weren't encouraging driving by showing how good it was to other citizens and new people moving in the Millers were 100% gone oddly enough the roundabouts proved popular and citizens would mimic the movement of a car as they walked around them they would stick in their Lanes carefully and ever a slightly signal as they turned off so sometimes even using them to do u-turns or other illegal driving but perfectly legal walking Maneuvers and look at this at one point the traffic flow had hit 100% yeah it was now sort of 80% probably due to all the people moving in and the deliveries but 100% was possible we could do it so to education I wanted Elementary and high schools within easy reach of expansion planning to use all the space around them for more housing and these and all the roundabouts led us to large Village so let's have a look any unlocks that could help us in our challenge no but I decided on road services and parking maybe to encourage people to leave their cars at the entrance to the city also College to keep the education train moving and Welfare Office to keep people happy despite being constantly fined for using their darn cars so would road service help well how about a traffic light at the start of the city let's make driving a real pain I'd also love to beautify our pedestrian streets but unfortunately none of the tree wide or sidewalk or other options would work on pedestrian streets well at least we had parking we were making bank and had enough in the bank so why not go the whole hog with some gigantic overground parking it was Sleek it was Modern it was spacious everything a driver would want to park their car and not struggle on the slow pedest streets in their vehicle right right well as I waited the citizens taunted me they were using the car park to turn around in to cause more traffic to be a nuisance with their awful vehicles but then it happened people finally started to drive in and stay in they arrived in their tens then hundreds more and more and more they were parking and walking was this it had we hit a turning point in our 100% walkable pedestrian only City while our parking plan had worked and traffic was backing up they wanted to use the car park they were drawn in they couldn't help but park and leave their cars behind Walkin was increasing and growing dodging the weirdly floating cars became a hobby that families just could enjoy together like tiny ants my citizens walked around and around things were definitely looking up so to keep morale now growing we added a police station and a welfare office and as you can see the people rejoiced so we kept expanding keeping the people distracted with shop shops and more shops I also decided to highly tax and hopefully discourage more industry and commercial from coming to stron with their dirty trucks and instead encourage growth with lower taxes for the people hoping to stop them abandoning their homes over and over medium density housing was built across from the Hideous traffic and smelly car park to show the people what they' avoided by choosing to walk instead I decided to help with my encouragement of parking and not driving to lower and then eventually totally remove the parking fee Al together and then to remove the traffic lights to enable a swifter entrance to the parking lot Grand Village I gingely checked what we've been gifted to see if it would Aid or hinder our Challenge and the district creation tool along with policies caught my eye further down the list there were bus which perhaps seemed a good way to encourage alternative transport or not used cars but would that really be in line with our no vehicle challenge I created a district while rubbing my hands in Glee at the policies I would soon enact to curb driving and there was nothing I checked the city policies and we could adjust taxi fees would a high fee discourage the vehicles or would a lower fee encourage more taxes and less private cars if in doubt take the money ooh mustn't forget the roundabouts pedestrian abouts Walkabout yes that's it they shall forever be known as walkabouts tra Mark I also took the opportunity to add some low rent housing hopefully helping with the housing abandonment problem that kept rearing its ugly head from time to time and I decided to check in on Karen and Yas me okay guess they're no longer with us offices were next on the list we wanted to make sure that our highly educated citizens had somewhere suitable to work then I remembered the upgrade to the school that would provide happiness and health so made room for those as well I then thought well I need more jobs to attract more workers so purchasing tiles with access to Farms or and oil felt prudent using that space we expanded some more um question can a farm work on a pedestrian street let's find out well the Farms have companies that have moved in employees and 100% efficiency Plus in our production panel we were making more grain than we ever needed so I guess that's a success Farms on pedestrian streets with not a tractor in sight nice then we hit Tiny Town and this bought some goodies along with it mixed housing so that's going to cut down on traveling time to the shops for sure plus more ways to make money and keep people happy at home with internet and post and biggest of all the policies surely some of these would discourage driving in stron surely would they well our one District needed to extend to cover the whole of town and then any policies that were enacted would be covering everywhere so what did we have energy awareness why not recycling um it says less free time sure maybe they think less about driving roadside parking yes 100% do not park on our pedestrian roads please we're going to charge you for it speed bumps for sure why not cars would be slower if they dare to drive at all and people would get their extra steps in climbing over those lovely humps in the road that's how it works isn't it I'm sure you sure about that well I can't see the speed bumps but I'm assuming they're there so I checked the traffic flow and that looks to me like over 90% what do you think more growth meant more signature buildings which meant more happiness all was going well it was then I decided I would continue to try and keep the people at home with amazing super fast fiber internet with green coverage across all the town Plus for the older ones we have perfect postal coverage and a post office Citywide Recreation was abysmal but I discovered we could tempt the citizens to enjoy what was called indoor Recreation with the Grand Hotel plus 75 indoor Recreation and the National Gallery of Art with plus 100 Botanical Gardens and Fountain plazas would encourage people to go outside tempting them to use their vehicular transports so those would be avoided the grand hotels enough to keep us in the green all over town and also it would take us to Boom Town now we were cooking with gas policies such as heavy traffic ban that promised to forbid trucks and heavy traffic from entering the district sounded like just what we needed to succeed we'd have to be careful as the district we had took in the entire town and the entrance of the highway so it's going to be interesting to see how that would affect things it was then that I noticed that our overground parking was chalk uh block so I upgraded it with a car wash which made people happy and then decided to unlock the underground parking and automated parking buildings to make room I extended The Pedestrian Road and place This Magnificent edifice to the car but would it be enough parking fee zero and yes they would park vehicle after vehicle bikes and cars would choose to park but wait a minute those dirty rotters are trick me again they were using it as a long cut that's the opposite of a shortcut just to get back to the road again and avoid the traffic but then through the use of my secret spy drones I found them parked cars park bikes the people loved it they flocked to park over and over and over and over and over and over and over traffic grew and grew as people drove to the car park so then leave their cars and walk around our burgeoning town but wait most of the traffic is outside the city and we were heading towards 95% and even more traffic flow is there a way to push the traffic further outside our city yep there is deleting roads add in more pedestrian streets I think that will do it and the traffic is outside the city limits but I think the car Parks might be causing more traffic what can we do how about moving the car parks of their own Road oops do these cars count toward traffic if they're floating like this but to be honest I'm not sure yeah I'm not entirely sure what's going to happen with those so let's just check our traffic flow anyway and wow it's so close to 100% I can't believe it oh dog parks our lovely walking citizens had no Parks um even though they were happy with the indoor Recreation that indoor Recreation became less fun when the dogs had no outdoor recreation you know what I mean also we can't forget the college the firehouse and let's unlock and place a crematorium so we don't have to rely on Wi-Fi magic death care being stuck in our traffic and the parking was Chalker so we added even more parking of the underground variety this time with free parking of course I'd like to just uh take a look at the underground parking see what it looks like oh man I guess it's a good job it's free yeah well I did want to try the buses but with 99.9% of the people walking and only the post van or ambulance on the road really they just seem no point so how far could I push this how big could we go well busy town that' be a good start but we'd reach higher with the help of even increasing amounts of parking lots oh yeah I also realized that people are going to need stone for use in their house upkeep and upgrades and things like that so I just threw in a stone mine to care for that need and keep cost down brain wave I decided to unlock some squares and enjoy access to trains to unlock trains place a rail yard and station hook it all up add an outside line and wait and it worked train after train bringing in more and more people who preferred their legs over cars they happily strolled around in ststone without bringing a car with them but what have I hooked up even more outside connections using all the platforms available to us to have at least two connections to each of these outside nearby cities once all the rails were hooked up yeah trains were backing up more and more people were moving in and walking fantastic and then we hit big down where high density would take things to a whole another level oh and the Streamline Dino of course so that got me thinking could we add a cargo train station and increase the cargo traffic heading into the city well once hooked up we set up the cargo route and waited and it worked more Goods trains coming in yes we knew there would be trucks but maybe not so many coming into the city from the highway question mark yikes this truck traffic had got pretty bad it kept going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going maybe a train line on the other City would help alleviate the traffic uh no maybe three well it certainly bought people in but look traffic was going down before it reached all the way down here and along to the end but now it's only up to here maybe just maybe we'd cracked it and we were able to have a 100% traffic free pedestrian only City yes no traffic on the highway had we done it well we just had to deal with the danger of floating cars and looking at it traffic was near to 100% as was humanly possible demand was through the roof money was going up and up and the town was grow growing exponentially we'd hit great town even managed to build a state-of-the-art university Large Hadron Collider and we'd hit small town and we had our first highrises and we built the world's highest radio telescope from this amazing view we could see that our pedestrian street only city had a very bright future indeed so that's what happens if you try and build a pedestrian only city let me know what you think be sure to leave a like And subscribe before you go and have a great day take care bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 182,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, biffa plays, 1 tile city cities skylines 2, one tile city, cities skylines 2 challenge, cities skylines one tile, cities skylines 1 tile city, urban planning, cities skylines 2 game, cities skylines tips, cities skylines ii, cities skylines 2 tips, cities skylines 2 ep 1, cities skylines 2 100% traffic flow, cities skylines 2 traffic free, cities skylines 2 gameplay part 1, cities skylines 2 traffic fix
Id: Yz1J2bjlX8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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