100 Free/Paid Addons for Blender 2.8 that you might find Useful! (Blender 2.8 Addons)

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hey Daniel here I'm going to do what's called a pro youtube move I'm gonna blow you away with these first five blender 2.8 add-ons to get your attention and then I'm also going to blow you away with the other 95 or most of them no really this took an unhealthy amount of time so please help me out on number one is command recorder now this was particularly a pain to get set up so check the description for a link to where you download these and also a couple tips on how to get it installed correctly so the way you use this one is you can basically start recording and then you can just do some operations right and then you click stop and then now you've got all of the actions that you just did recorded so I could then go and do that macro on anything else and you can do this with pretty much any operation at all and then you can go and put it down here into this list and you can just rename it to something you can also actually set this up to be a macro so if you have some extra keys on your mouse or on your keyboard you can use those if you have some actions that you like to use a lot but you just want to assign them to a macro now I've got a quick disclaimer before out on number two and that is to hold on to wherever you're sitting because when I first discovered this one I fell out of my entire chair don't you love going to texture sites and picking out some textures bringing them into blender putting them in the node editor putting it all together and then just watching it take shape yeah it's super fun so let's check out how much easier it is with Lille surface scraper let's see so you open it up in the materials tab we got some some websites listed here so far so good CC 0 textures is one of them ok now we can go through the popular materials for example mm-hmm-hmm i like this this one looks cool ok alright so far so good now copy the link from the from the bar up top mm-hmm alright now go to import surface paste the URL press ok choose which texture resolution you want press ok again ladies and gentlemen it takes the URL and generates the entire Tyrael 4000 as you look at that it happened again out on number three combs package default with blenders so all you have to do is turn it on now essentially what this does is allows you to create your own turntable animations basically automatically first go into your camera view and then kind of rotate the camera around to look where you need it to just set up a quick shot and then go into the properties tab with a ten scroll down to animate and then select the object you want the camera to turn around and then click this button and then it's just gonna start rotating around the object and you can create your own turntable animations this way very very easily this next one is called M tree if you've ever considered getting speed tree or anything like that well think again because you can get it for free with M tree it's actually a very easy install and it allows you to create trees in blender just generate them with nodes they've got a few presets in here and all you have to do is go into the M tree node tree and then add in your nodes usually you start with a trunk and a branch and then there's other options as well as you can see there's tons of parameters there's heavy documentation for this add-on online and then once you're ready you just click create tree and it'll create the tree for you and if you want to be really fancy you can choose to create leaves you can actually set what you want your leaf to be and then click update the tree and I just used a masked image for these leaves so you're gonna want to create a more advanced material for that but as you can see it looks very very cool and I just generated it with nodes for free this next one is called our underscore array and the way to use it is select your object press ctrl Q and now you've got this going on isn't that cool so you scroll your mouse around you just drag it around to do the offset and then you scroll your mouse wheel to control the count with the objects it's a really cool add-on and it I would find it useful for anything involving radio symmetry number six is try lighting package by default with blender all you need to do is select an object press shift 8 and under light go to three-point lights and it'll add in a typical three-point light setup for you you can of course adjust the energy and the height and pretty much every single parameter you can think of you can also choose to switch the key and fill lights with area or spot or point or any kind of light this next one is simply called 3d navigation it's a package default by blender and to access it go into the N tab under view you'll find a section called 3d nav go into there and now you can basically move around the camera in the scene just with these buttons in the side over here so for instance I could go into different orthographical views or I could head to the cameras view toggle perspective and orthographic and another useful one is the cursor you can just snap the cursor to the world origin or the view for example or to the selected object if you prefer to do that rather than shift s this can be a pretty helpful tool for you copy render settings comes default with blender and like the name would suggest it allows you to copy render settings from one scene to another this next one itself or actually I've talked about before but it's just so cool basically you select an object and then you go to cell fracture mess with the settings until you get something that you like and then once you're done you'll have something like this and it's really cool and you just do a whole bunch of things with it for example you could mess with rigid bodies which is another tip that I'll be talking about in a future video number 10 is export paper model all you've got to do is have a model that is ideally cleaned up I just did this and I think the best way is to have as few really small faces as possible and then go up to file export and paper model and it'll tell you if you've messed up your model and have you fixed it and then you can choose to export it as a PDF and then it'll give you this right here and you can choose to add textures from the materials and all that and then you print it out and then you can put it all together cut it out you can use glue tape I use tape but I kind of mess mine up a little bit it was the first time so sorry about that but it's really cool and I could see myself making more things with this in the future this add-on allows you to bevel a vertex with control shift B nope ashes add on 11 is called tube tool all you need to do is select two different faces go W add tubing and then you had a whole bunch of options as to how you want to mess with this tube here you can make it smooth you can mess with the radius on each end it's a really cool little tool and it's really easy to set up number 13 is B surfaces it's free it's part of blender all you have to do is go into your grease pencil or annotation and draw a shape it could really be anything and then you draw like in the order that you want it to go and then once you've got your whole shape going on then you just press initialize over in this end panel over here and then you choose your stats over in this corner I'm into cyclocross and then you just click add surface and it'll generate a model for you based on the strokes that you put down so that's really cool now this next one is loop tools it's also free with blender and well there's just a lot of things that this one can do but one of the more popular that I've seen people do is W loop tools circle and you can just generate kind of a circle from whatever mesh you have and then do with that what you will it's pretty cool I would say and there's just so much that you can do with it that I would just go check out the documentation or something now the next one is node Wrangler and everybody already knows that if you do ctrl shift click you can get a viewer node and that's all nice but did you know that you can do alt right click and drag and then it'll automatically connect just lazily so you could be far off or anything just whack there it is also if you do alt shift and do the same thing you can choose from a menu which one you want to go through there's actually a lot of features of node Wrangler that no one really knows about or uses and so there's some documentation for that online the next one is face builder and I know everyone and their mother have already made a video about face builder so I'm not going to really explain that one to you right now basically it allows you to create faces from images which is super cool the next one is render burst I don't have any renders to burst right now but if I did I would go down to render burst in the properties panel choose all cameras and hit render and it will render all of your cameras for you all the same time so you can just walk away and leave leave it to burst I guess are there a bunch of pesky materials clogging up your material slots well if they're not used on the mesh there's an add-on to help with that all you have to do is download the material slot cleaner add-on and then press the spacebar or whatever your search button is and then use the mats lot cleaner it's just going to remove from the list any of the materials that aren't being used on the mesh that way you can keep your scenes nice and clean this next one is called projectile basically you can select any object and then press new emitter that's what I have over here and then with this emitter you can adjust all the projectile settings and then you click execute and play and then it'll play the animation and so of course it's really fun anything that involves physics is always a blast because you can always just crank the velocity up to you know 3000 and then it's gone it is very gone now this next one you may have heard of it's called real camera by a 3d wolf and essentially it just has real camera settings for those of you photographers there's also another add-on called photographer which allows you to do kind of the same thing except when I was scrolling through researching this I noticed he also has all of these other products for free real sky with very nice hgr eyes real grass with grass that looks very nice a library of trees called real trees real snow this guy is just killing it and so I wanted to feature this add-on it's all free it's just a great service to the blender community out on 21 is our kamesh you go into mesh our kamesh and you'll find a whole bunch of different things for example rooms you got all these settings up in the end panel you can change the number of walls for example it'll automatically create baseboards in there you can import Windows for example and then place it where you want and then if you select the room you can do auto holes it'll automatically create a boolean for that window there there's lots of other objects in here you got stairs cabinets and much more closely related is the architect add-on and this one has some similar tools you can create walls and now it has this cool little interface and there's also just a whole bunch of other objects in this add-on as well and the best part is that they're all procedural so you won't get any stretching or anything like that this next one is oddly fun to use it's called building tools and when you enable it down on the bottom of the end panel you'll find create floorplan you can mess with the settings of that or go into edit mode directly or you can click add floors now you can choose how many floors you want what the height of each floor should be and once you're ready you can actually go through and do things like add windows and you can choose how many windows will be on each you're introduced to make them arched there's just a whole bunch of settings it's very cool and it's very well put together and four doors you could just go down to the bottom here add door and do the exact same type of thing you can add stairs and once you're ready you can go ahead and add a roof how convenient there's plenty of YouTube videos on blender G is out there already but essentially what it does is it allows you to use real satellite data and create some 3d models with it number 25 is Ivy gen and allows you to generate cool Ivy structures on your models I already talked about it in my 100 tips video go check that out by the way if you haven't and it's pretty well known but I feel like it's worth including because it is very useful from the giveaway I learned that a lot of people are interested in the hard ops add-on so in these next couple out ons I just want to show you how you can basically replicate the entire hard ops workflow with only free add-ons so the first one is called queue blocker and this is like the add function in hard ops so essentially what you can do is press Shift aq blocker plane and cube and you're going to start grabbing and creating mesh just like this it's really simple you can press ctrl to make sure that it only starts from the center and as you can see there's like a whole bunch of other options down towards the bottom there it's a very useful tool especially for just blocking models and that's a lot of the reason why people use this specific function with hard Ops it allows you to just kind of draw on geometry onto other models so obviously this is a disaster but as you can see it's got a lot of potential the next part of this makeshift hard Ops is called carver mt i'll leave the link in the description of course like all of them and so all i have to do with this one is just select the object that you want to carve and then press space or whichever your search button is go to Carver and it's gonna start out with this menu right here it's going to start out as a rectangle so just click to initiate and then click again and it will will chop out the shape of that rectangle there's other modes like a line or a circle so like I could just chop out a whole circle right there but of course it is best when it's used in combination with all of the other tools and one of the funnel legs here would be G cut it has just a bunch of miscellaneous tools some of them match what hard Ops has to offer such as clever marrying options and bevel options you can get it on Gumroad and the reason why I'm on this screen right here is to show you how you can get any of these for free any of the Gumroad links that say zero plus in here you just type in zero and then click I want this this one's called HDRI Sun aligner I'll show you how simple it is all you have to do is put in your hgri click add new Sun calculate Sun position and rotate active object now it's gonna point the Sun directly where the Sun should be pointing discombobulate her all you have to do is select what you want to discombobulate shift a discombobulate ur and then you have a whole bunch of settings just know that if you turn up repeat protrusions you will probably crash blender unless you have a really powerful graphics card click ok and this is basically what it does now these next few add-ons are made by other tutorial makers in the community so props to all of them this one is by JM it's called shortcut vor and essentially it allows you to show your keystrokes when you're making a video or something so to access it install it first then go into the end tab under shortcut view our press Start you can choose where to dock it and all that stuff you can choose the color and all of that and it just shows you exactly what you need to do I should really start using that this next one was called by Gen by Curtis Holt and I felt it necessary just to kind of show you some of the work that can come out of it because I'm not that qualified right now I haven't been getting a lot of experience with it but it's by Curtis Holt and he's a cool guy with some cool tutorials as well so check them out it's essentially a procedural service add-on so as you can see see how cool all these different faces look well with bhaijan you can just generate this kind of look check it out it's on Gumroad for $0 again just type in the 0 there to be able to get it for free and also check out Curtis Holt the next add-ons RJ mentioned J sculpt by JM this is his channel right here that's how you spell it and essentially it's a collection of hard surface and sculpting tools that are obviously very useful here are the two github pages for these two add-ons I will of course link them in the description this next one allows you to control select to create selection pads oh wait no that's blender too long I get these are all I get these are jokes but in all reality it's it's difficult to remember all the add-ons that you have installed I for one always forget to click them on or off or save the Preferences and it is easy to clutter up your bar over here so one of the best policies is just to remember the basic features that blender can do I talked about this one in my tips video and a bunch of people told me that they had no idea youth they could do this so that's just a good sign to just learn what you can and try to remember it now this next one is a node based generative modeling Russian blender add-on called CEO Chuck I think I may be pronouncing that completely wrong but that's okay I tried here's some examples you can download the blend files for these I'm not that good with all the node based stuff especially the function as you can see a lot of this is going to be mathematical so if that's something that you're in tooth and this could absolutely be the add-on for you I decided to throw in another alternative node based modeling add on in here it's called sort car and well let me just show you what this is all about they've got some good give examples here of what it's capable of as you can see there's just two there's two hundred-plus nodes in here it's just ridiculous I of course this is not my cup of tea but I did want to put it in here for those of you who do this kind of thing this one you're gonna have to get off of blender artists org it essentially allows you to make these profile faces and then duplicate them and attach them all along another object just like this in this demonstration video by andrea rastelli so i'll provide the link in here ever since blender introduced the shift a image references backgrounds this add-on is less prevalent but I still use it from tons time to create a mission objects in actual meshes with textures on them its images as planes you've probably heard of it before if you've been following blender for a long time or even just over a year probably and so under image and shift a menu just go to images as plans and then you can just choose an image and add it in and it'll add a material onto it automatically with the texture that you chose applied jewel craft is a jewelry creation add-on and it's got a whole bunch of options in here and gems to pick from as you can see there's just a ton of them the real power comes when you start using curves and arrays to do this type of thing it's very powerful and I'm sure if any of you are very passionate about jewelry this would be a great add-on for you to check out this one's power comes mostly from the associated software than the add-on itself I'm sure you've seen buzz about mushroom it's an open-source photogrammetry software CG geek has an excellent tutorial on this it essentially allows you to just take pictures with either a camera or a phone and piece them together into a 3d model using mesh room and the mesh room - blender add-on associated with this is what will allow you to bring it into blender to make some awesome renders with it this next one is called extra objects there's an add mesh version and an add curb version of this the add mesh one comes with things like single vertices round cubes and random things such as teapots you can also graph the mathematical equations in 3d space with this add-on and the add curved part of it adds well a whole bunch of different curves including for example a braid not this next one is called blender kit it's essentially an asset manager and a library of materials and 3d models that you can use for free there is a paid plan but there's also a free plan and they've got a whole bunch of models for you to use and a lot of them are a lot of them are actually free but most of them are going to be from the full plan it's really useful if you want to especially add in just your own models and you tend to use a lot of different assets there's a lot of ways that you can end up using this everything's already got materials applied there all cycles and Evi compatible which i think is super cool as always link in description the gaffer add-on allows you to quickly switch through your HDR eyes for one function I find this most satisfying and Evi because you can just swap them very easily but it does have limited functionality with av it's made for cycles and here's where the real power comes in if you hate having to go through all the different lights to change settings you're gonna love this out on like a lot in the end tab you get this pin over here where you'll see all the different lights that you have available you can choose to solo the lights meaning it'll only show whatever light you just chose you can select lights by clicking this little icon here you can hide them if you want you can change what type they are for example and perhaps most importantly you can adjust the strength as well as the color dramatic isn't it I think I'm gonna make that a wallpaper with the maze any mesh add-on you can go ahead and go into edit mode and press maze mesh selection and then you'll have a whole bunch of options here and it basically just uses an algorithm to generate a whole maze for you and that's super cool keep them on keep in mind that with something like this you're going to want to turn on auto smooth because you don't want any flat parts trying to become smooth or anything like that and then what I did is I swapped the materials on the inside with a black kind of a matte material and then left the outside a red shiny material and oh my goodness this looks really cool now I need to make that a desktop screen saver so long buddy baked regular is a node-based replacement for the inbuilt baking system f spy is used to set up perspectives with the camera and the objects in your scene it used to be just an add-on but now it's a separate program altogether as well as an add-on to help import that camera data into blender the auto mirror add-on allows you to mirror things really really easily the tissue add-on has a lot of options and I've seen some people make some really cool stuff with it essentially it's just some generative modeling stuff kind of like discombobulated ER in my opinion here's what happens by default if you do that setup but a quick google image search will reveal some of the really cool things that people have been doing with it this next one is called a NT landscapes and it comes packaged with blender all you have to do is press shift a under mesh you'll find landscape and you'll have a ton of settings to work with as you can see I was messing around a little there is main settings noise settings display settings and then the water plane settings the main ones that you'll probably want to know about are the mesh size which controls the dimensions of this plot of land so I could make it 16 by 8 and it would just become longer like that or we could make it smaller but more detail such as 4 by 4 that's cool or even 2 by 2 if we wanted to be very very detailed and keep in mind that the subdivisions up here are what's going to actually be the sub divider for your model the displace settings are how you're going to change the height and all of that just make sure you change the maximum and minimum if you extend yourself beyond those values kit ops is an insert system basically it has a bunch of kit bashing objects for you with all the boolean's ready to go so that you can just kind of insert them and it's already and you can also create your own inserts and add them to the library and it's pretty cool there is it there is a free version although the full-featured version is paid if kid bashing is part of your workflow this could still be something to check out MB lab lets you create your own human models and animate them it may not be as good as face builder for faces but in case you don't want to take a bunch of pictures of your face or someone else's face this could be for you the edge flow add-on allows you to fix your flow of topology by certain tools such as set edge flow or you can choose your iterations choose your tension all sorts of things to get the flow of your model just right and when you're done with all that you can select the other edges if you want to make it linear again and choose set edge linear and there you go you can even make all the edges in between spaced evenly by checking this box right here if you're a fan of ZBrush and you like to use it in coordination with blender you may have heard of the gob add-on it allows you to bring files tune from ZBrush and blender pretty seamlessly the beveled curve add-on allows you to create beveled curves within this end panel over here and you can choose of course a lot of these settings you could make it a half circle for example or a circle or square there's a lot of options and so the idea with this is that the are beveled and you can also make a fall off towards the end of each edge and so once you sell this up or no tip if you just want it to all be completely straight and consistent but once you've got all that set up you'll have a bevel curve that you can of course edit with all of that flexibility that you would of course expect with a curve and blender the bull tool add-on comes packaged with blender and it makes boolean's pretty easy if you select two objects and then press control shift B you'll get this bull tool pop up the auto boolean will create the boolean and cut it out and apply the modifier altogether while the brush boolean operation will leave it as a wireframe so that you can adjust it after the fact even you could even go in and edit it if you want to easy hgri is kind of like the gaffer tool except instead of the lighting NHGRI tools it just has the HDRI tools so if I believe this is a bit faster and it generates the thumbnails automatically also it lets you edit the world settings in a bit more detail as always you'll choose your folder that contains your HDR eyes and you can cycle through them and it will attach those HTR eyes something I wish it could do is rotate the HDR eyes just like gaffer does but as it is it's a fine tool the next one is mesh tools it comes included with one of you just have to enable it and under W under mesh tools you'll find some of the options that they have for you one of them that I think has some potential for my workflow is multi extrude but as mesh tools users will tell you there are many more options for you some of them are probably much more useful than this one this next one is animation nodes it's so popular that it has a box to the right in Google now as I said earlier I am not the type for nodes but I'll show you a show real of things that are created with animation nodes it's actually quite impressive like some of these where they're building up the model from scratch or I believe audio visualizers can be created with animation notes it's a very very useful package there's just so much to learn about it book Jen is one of those add-ons that fits into a category of just adding one little thing like a book generator or there's a bolt factory add-on that comes shipped with blender just adding little small things like that it's not something that I would probably use that much but someone spend their time to make this so thank you for that the simple lattice add-on allows you to just go to an object and then go in your search and press create lattice and it will create a lattice for you following the following the model and it'll add the modifier and everything for you so it's really nice the developer describes this as a work in progress but he clearly did a pretty good job this next one was called PI menus I've started using it more since that hundred tips video one of my favorite pie menus that you can use is if you press the tilde you'll get a orthographic wheel like this so I could just go win top right bottom left see it's just super fast and that's what I really love about pie menus is if you can memorize the spot where it is and blender is all about speed already people tend to get into blender and be overwhelmed by the amount of shortcuts but then you know once you get into it then you're all of a sudden just flying super fast because you know all the shortcuts and it's just boom there it is that's kind of how I felt with PI menus because at first I don't know what I'm doing but then all of a sudden you're moving like this instead of having to move your hand all the way over to the numpad to do that same thing and as I said in the other video there are a ton of different pie menus that you can use and you're just gonna have to look through all of them to understand which ones are going to help your workflow the most but my personal favorite is absolutely the tilde for viewing modes the blender cloud add-on allows you to sync up your user preferences between different machines and soon they're going to be doing image sharing and that's really cool so you can see how that would be really useful if you had a laptop that you use at work and a desktop that you use at home and you want to stay and you want to stay consistent in your work random mesh allows you to take happy little objects and restore the match and at long last you can finally make oh that's horrifying no people have been making some really cool stuff with random mesh if you do a quick google image search you'll find some very very really awesome looking art just using this one little add-on I mean just look at this thing that's incredible I mean just think of all the crazy and creative things we could do while rendering this Bevell after boolean is a work-in-progress add-on that allows you to set automatic bevels for boolean sake rate if you use an NVIDIA GPU you can use denoise which is a artificial intelligence denoiser for blender here you can on their website you can actually see what the differences are and rendering however you do need a NVIDIA GPU that is above the 700 series and if you don't have that there's always the Intel denoise herb and there's lots of Dino integers that are available this is one of them that I've happened to be aware of and it is by Remington creative and they tend to produce very high quality stuff the f2 addon adds some fill functionality it comes shipped with blender by default one of the more popular uses I've seen is that all you have to do to fill something like this instead of having to do the tedious this kind of thing which is awful all you have to do is select this one edge press FFF just there we go it's super quick it just allows you to get things done faster the scatter objects out on come ship with blender for free by default again and what it allows you to do is specify an object that you want to scatter and then draw across an area pick some settings and it will randomly scatter that object around based on where you've drawn and the settings that you chose there's a rock generator add-on that will allow you to just generate some rock shapes textures aren't included you're gonna have to add those on yourself before what it is it's a nice add-on that may be worth checking out this next one was called Oscar art tools and it's really useful for certain things it's got a bunch of different functions one of them is distribute objects I think I'll be using this one the most when I use this out on all you have to do is go to the context menu with W and then under Asghar tools distribute objects click OK and look it'll evenly spaced them out that's pretty cool there are some other things you could do like quickly removing modifiers and overall you just got to look through and see if any of the settings are going to apply to your workflow that often because obviously you can't use a hundred add-ons at once or maybe you can that's actually a great video idea but anyways you probably won't be using a hundred add-ons at all times so you got to pick the ones that you really like and use those because you don't want your end to have to get all cluttered up and everything so you just gotta figure out if any of these apply to you all the time and then if so then you can choose to use this out on coming in at number 70 is the 3d print tool box here I'm gonna flash it on the screen some of the options that are available it's got a whole lot of them and for cleaning out meshes and basically preparing your objects for 3d printing a lot of people are into 3d printing and so I just want to make sure that I throw one of those in there amaranth is a collection of quality of life tools that you would think would probably be in blender already one of those is you can double click on a texture and it will open it in the image editor down there no really it's really cool and if you go into the preferences and you look under the tab here you can see all of the different things that are available and you can even turn them on and off very nice little out-of-the-way add-on that you might find useful mirror tools is another collection of options for you one of my favorites is this noise deform I think that's such a intuitive thing to have in blender it also looks 6 so there's that there's a whole lot of other tools and the github page has really nice explanations and figures for all of them so I'd recommend that you check that out if you want to make this part of your workflow advanced boolean tools should probably have been back in that section where we were creating a free version of hard ops because well just watch this I'm adding in another another cube on top of this one I'm gonna well first I'm gonna apply the scale then I'm going to select them both and the shortcut in advanced boolean tools is alt X and so you get this whole wheel here you've got boolean's you got bevels you got quick modifiers shading all this good stuff and I'm just gonna go to slice and now I'm just going to go to bevel preview and turn it on ok I'm gonna go to bevel adjust I'm just going to start adjusting that bevel and at that point it's basically hard ops like this is literally hard ups right here by the way when I say stuff like that I'm not hating on hard ops at all I just want to make sure that people know that they don't have to have art ups to make hard surface stuff there's a bunch of other tools and by the way shout out to new media supply they own a website called blender add-ons org which contributed a lot to my research for this video and they've pretty much made tutorials on like half of the add-ons that I've talked about today so go ahead and give them a watch if you're confused or want to learn more about the add-ons I've talked about so far magic UV is a collection of UV related tools I don't see stuff like this a lot which is why I wanted to put this in here now a lot of the features are beyond me so if you want to check out the wiki I've put that in the description there's lots of tools as you can see here like immediately copy paste you v's transfer you v's mirror UVs all this kind of stuff is just super cool and from what I've heard it makes UV editing much much easier so it's come through the wiki real fast to figure out it fits for you and let's move on to the next add-on the next one is text tools I did try this one out but I'm just gonna show you the website because it's got a lot more to say than I have as you can see there's just so many tools in here in it this one also has to do with UVs and textures they obviously put over it into their stuff and it's a pretty good add-on if you v's are a big part of your workflow the Piper reader add-on can be used to add pipes between faces check this out I go to shift a add pipes and then you can mess around with all the different settings this is what I came up with it looks pretty crazy but there's written some cool things that people have made with it I do want to say with this one it can be a little frustrating to install if you don't enable the testing tab here so to do that you just have to shift click on testing by default it will only have the official and community tab selected so make sure when you install testing is selected these images show you the power of this next add-on array tools better than I possibly could the developer wanted to set out to recreate the 3ds max array tools inside of blender and here are some examples of what people have been able to pull off with it it doesn't use any modifiers it just uses the N panel as you might expect and it can create some insane looking things so check it out if this is something that you might want to attempt the UV squares add-on allows you to align your UVs with a grid or with a certain increment the beam builder add-on lets you use all these special profiles to generate beams the camera manager out on adds some more convenient options for rendering and things for the cameras such as automatic tracking of objects and managing multiple cameras at additionally there's a render all button which could replace surrender burstad on this one is called curve cad tools and it's pretty cool if you have your curve set to 2d you can do things such as W Bezier a CAD and boolean that's right you can do boolean operations on curves now it's incredible now if you want you could bring it back to 2d you could even try to convert it to a mesh if you want and then you can go ahead and extrude and look at that now there's so many more things you can do with this you can read up about all of them on the github page most of the add-ons from now on are going to be paid and so for all the paid ones I'm just going to be showing the website one because I can't afford them now too because it's 1 a.m. and you know what happens at 1 a.m. so it's time to get going on here ragdoll tools is an add-on that makes it easy to create ragdoll simulations for your armatures Pro lighting skies is a bit on the expensive side but they've got a ton of HDR is and nice skies for you to use I believe this one is by Andrew price so you know it's gonna be high quality grass Wald is a nature add-on for blender that looks incredible and it's just got some really high quality vegetation for you it does look to be on the more expensive side at $80 but it looks like the average rating is very high and it looks like the users seem to appreciate it a lot at $35 chaos is the ultimate explosion add-on I could explain further but why would I when I can just show you this awesome stuff extreme PBR combo comes with a thousand materials for most blender versions looks to be very well put together and usable in evey as well as cycles be sure to check it out if you're looking for a material library for blender at $30 as Danny Mac's I design er he also makes youtube videos on blender making non-photorealistic characters if that is something that you are interested in then this add-on could be for you at $40 is asset manager one of the more well-put-together asset management add-ons for blender if you use a lot of different assets this could definitely be helpful for you I would just recommend looking through the description of course and all the images and demos that are available before purchasing at seventy-five bucks as flip fluids I mean what else is there to say it's flip fluids everyone knows that flip fluids is like the best fluid simulation add-on and there's just whole entire compilations of fluid simulations that are just awesome check out this one with soft-serve ice cream now obviously this add-on is really cool and all that and oh wow yep I want it go stool creates a little cool ghost with your animations text effects lets you create cool text animations just within blender mesh machine contains a lot of useful tools for creating hard surface models except most of you already know about this one it's it's mesh machine retablo flow is a great set of Reed topology tools it's by CG cookie and they always produce high quality stuff I mean check out this workflow it's just it's it's nice bezzie a mesh shaper allows you to create curves and then deform meshes based on those curves it's Alton it's on the cheaper end at ten dollars and if you think this would really speed up your workflow then that could definitely be worth the investment speed sculpt is all about making the sculpting process faster some examples of that is you know I have to go like out of sculpt mode into edit mode and all that to do certain operations such as boolean's or things like that well with speed scope they try to bring it all into one mode so that you have to do as a few clicks as possible and as a blender user that's always welcome this one's called pivot transform it allows you to just move the pivot point like you would a normal object not sure why you can't do that already but five bucks and it's in your pocket the next one is box cutter this is one of my favorite add-ons ever it is 20 bucks and there are alternatives such as Carver M T or J mesh tools but if you want the full experience it's here and it's it's nice partner add-on to box cutter is hard opps it's got a whole bunch of hard service modeling tools for you and if you want the bundle they of course have a bun well that's slightly cheaper I will link this in the description as well as the other two and now a moment to appreciate hard ops art all right moments up number 99 is in trend or unsure I'm not sure how to pronounce that but it's $5 and essentially it will allow you to replace every vertex in an object with a different object such as cameras all pointing around this hair on the center in this example that's an interesting idea there but is it worth five dollars that's up to you hmm and finally number 100 is make pillow turn it on go into object mode shift a mesh make go I'm going to bed it's 1:30 in the morning I hope this video is useful to you so I had fun making this video please let me know any add-ons in the comments that I totally missed and with that I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Daniel Krafft
Views: 382,327
Rating: 4.9791107 out of 5
Keywords: addons for blender 2.8, blender 2.8 addons, free blender addons, free blender 2.8 addons, free addons for blender 2.8, daniel krafft, design school online, blender, blender 2.81, blender addons, useful addons for blender 2.8, blender 2.8 addons for architecture, blender addons list, addons for blender, blender 2.81 addons, free addons for blender 2.81, blender 2.81 useful addons, 100 blender addons
Id: n9nWAuKat60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 6sec (2406 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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