They Dared Me To Make A Minecraft Mod...

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BenjamimRJ 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
i'm a 3d artist and over the last four months i've gotten no less than thousands of comments asking me to code my custom models into minecraft and to make matters worse they're not asking anymore they're demanding can i learn the entirety of minecraft modding before my comment section finds my house or am i just going to embarrass myself in front of 1.2 million people oh wait i already do that every week it turns out minecraft has a lot of things items blocks food tools armor fluids entities and each one is exponentially more complicated than the last so here's the plan i'm gonna start out by making a custom item and work my way up to a custom boss fight now i personally don't really know how to code but from what i've heard it doesn't sound like it's that hard i can probably pick it up in a few the first thing i need to make is a new item which can be done in like two lines of code plus the hundred or so to set up the project in the first place the item i decided to make was a damascus ingot because that's what the point you have for funny i've worked a bit with it in real life so i thought it would be cool to have it in the game and with that items are complete next up is blocks now blocks are a bit more complex since you need an item and a block i was trying to keep things relatively simple so i made it damascus i made it damascus i ended up making this way more complex for myself because now instead of one file i need seven of them the block i made has to have different textures on different sides so i need one file to make the block one for the block states two for the models and three different textures and it only gets significantly more complicated from here so to practice i made steel ore steel ingots and a steel block oh don't worry about the amogus shrine i had a psychotic meltdown later we'll talk about it and speaking of steel today's video is partnered with world of tanks me and the boys played this a lot back in the day it's a free to play pc game with over 100 million players and 600 different tanks that by the way are historically accurate and super detailed and as a 3d artist let me just say i'm a big fan of that and it's not just the models either they put a lot of effort into making the mechanics themselves behave authentically based on the vehicle within reason of course there's a ton of different environments and it fits pretty much every play style you could be like this guy hello there or you could sneak around and camp bushes as you play more you get experience and more ways to modify and upgrade your tank it's basically just doing goofy things with tanks and honestly what more could you ask from a game called world of tanks it's a lot of fun so get down to the link in the description down the world of tanks and when you sign up use code tank mania to get a free week of premium a quarter million credits and a laundry list of high level tanks to try but that's enough of that let's get back to the video now that i know how to make blocks i had to make something that's actually useful for once the next thing i have to make is food food is basically just another item except with some custom properties to it like how much hunger it feels and what kind of effects it has i decided to pay my respects to kfc which carried me through the mr beast project so i made a kfc meal the kfc meal item removes the mortal limitations from the player allowing them to have speed 100 and pace 100 but big but there's a 1 chance you just have a heart attack and die instantly now this isn't supposed to be realistic or anything so that figure is lowered a little bit but i think i've got food pretty much figured out so now it's time to move on to tools i already had the damascus oh my so i decided to make a tool set out of them the first step for tools is creating a new tier like diamond or gold or in this case that one it decides what material is used to repair it how enchantable it is efficiency that kind of thing i don't even know why but i made all five the sword the pickaxe the shovel the axe even the hoe maybe it was tedious but it was all for the greater purpose of making a cuss of boss later on i also made the sword summon lightning when the player hits a mob and while technically you shouldn't be able to hit mobs that are already dead where's the fun in that you know next on the list is a new set of armor which works a lot like tools you'd need an armored material that defines how much damage and knockback you get and then four new items for the boots leggings chest plate and helmet next you figure out how it looks on the player themselves and for armor items that's pretty much it but we're still a long ways from the custom boss fight and unfortunately right after that things got serious i finally met the true villain of this video stairs here's the code for the damascus block here's the code for the stairs blocks like stairs usually connect with others in a bunch of different ways which is why they end up so complicated but i'm not about to let the stairs get the best of me after way too long i finally got it working and to rub it in i made a fence fence gate pressure plate and slab and you know what it was pretty easy actually but before i could make a custom boss fight i still had a long ways to go the next item i needed to make was a custom crop now let's do a bit of audience participation real quick if you wanted to make a custom crop what would you make because i thought it would be a great idea to grow kfc buckets trust me it only goes much farther downhill from here crops are relatively simple maybe 50 lines of code in total the main thing is just making a bunch of different ages for it to cycle through as it grows next i need to make some fluid now what kind of fluid will i be adding you may ask mcdonald's sprite fluids are way more complicated than crops because there's a lot more parameters to keep track of like how fast does it flow what does the slope look like what sound does it play for me i did the scary cave noises it's a pretty awful feature honestly i made the mcdonald's sprite so that anything that enters it starts glowing and it also charges creepers because have you ever tasted that stuff now that i made some fluids the real challenge finally begins what if i told you i could make any custom model into a minecraft block what does that imply nothing good honestly i got a hold of the program that mojang themselves apparently uses for models called blockbench remember that among us shrine i mentioned earlier it's all coming together isn't it i made a quick model since i'm running out of time and then for the texture work i decided to go for a mossy abandoned type look hit a few buttons and there she is she's beautiful oh yeah remember the among us body pillow from last video that i had to purchase if i got 30 000 likes well it's been two days and it's over 60 now so that's 80 dollars well spent thanks guys and aliexpress doesn't exactly ship overnight so subscribe if you want to see that up to this point i was pretty much on my own but i only have a couple days left to go from mcdonald's sprite to custom boss and it was clear i needed some help thankfully i managed to find a real mod developer who was willing to answer some of my questions dear skyler here's my idea when the sussy shrine drinks enough mcdonald's sprite it will begin spawning imposters that kill every living thing in the vicinity and deposit the luke back in the shrine hey daniel please seek therapy with skyler's help i was able to forge onward to the final boss of my project entities entities can be a lot of things mostly cows or zombies but sometimes things like furnaces or crafting tables these are called tile entities and are tied to a block they handle all the logical stuff some blocks are able to do like store items or generate impostors from mcdonald's sprite this is where it gets extremely complicated as there's a whole lot of ways you could make one of these things i've seen eight by eight crafting tables and energy generators most of the time they're using tile entities to make that work 380 miserable lines of code later it finally works and i got to work on the imposter mobs can be designed in block bench just like the custom block or even custom items but the coding is another story entirely you have to tell it a ton of things like how big the shadow is whether it should try to swim or just accept it's gonna drown what sound it plays i wonder what i'll put for that and finally it was time after days of miserable conditions thousands of lines of code it was time to keep my promise and add one of my own custom mobs into the game this time i did the wither spider from this video but it could easily be any of the others i got to work and remade the entire thing in blockbench but then came the animation there's absolutely no shot i'm doing trigonometry so i had to find a better way oh that's useful finally i added a boss health bar by borrowing the withers code and with that ladies and gentlemen the weather spider is complete well that was a horrible experience i loved every second of it if for some horrible reason you want me to add more of my old designs release this maybe clean it up a bit subscribe also check out skyler he helped me a lot link below
Channel: Daniel Krafft
Views: 1,632,349
Rating: 4.9671922 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, blender, minecraft art, minecraft mobs, creeper art, villager art, 3d minecraft, 3d art, minecraft animation, blender 2.8, blender eevee, cycles render, game art, blender tutorial, tutorial, animation, minecraft build, cute creeper, iron golem, enderman, fall guys, 3d, mrbeast, mrbeast playbutton, mrbeast award, wither, ender dragon, warden, axolotl, lego, lego youtube, lego set, daniel craft, dream, linus tech tips, markiplier, linus, modding, mod, mod showcase, 1.16, 1.17
Id: fELpuwrk0gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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