I Redesigned EVEN MORE App Icons In 3D Software

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i'm a 3d artist and i'm basically on a mission to fix the world's most boring logos i've redesigned a lot of icons already game icons windows icons icons that you suggested but in this video i'm focusing specifically on the social media apps youtube instagram twitter snapchat and tick tock but it was not going to be easy i started by designing basic 3d versions using the existing logos as reference images but later in the video let's just say they're going to get a lot more crazy first i modeled the shape of the app background it's beveled on the side so it displays that 3d effect more prominently next i started making the shape of the youtube play button using the help of a reference image that's pretty easy considering it's pretty much an oval in a triangle but the biggest part was making sure the lighting and shading looked really good i'm going to copy this lighting setup for pretty much every icon in this video so it's important that it's done right next i added the colors and materials the colors are super easy because they can be joined directly from the original image or you could choose a custom one if you want and for materials the cool thing about 3d is that i can choose whether it's rough or shiny i think rough looks slightly better for this one but it can definitely go either way next i did the base model for instagram the modeling part was really easy because it's all basic shapes just like the youtube logo the hardest part for this one was the colors which involved layering a couple different gradients a little vector transformation and we get something like this it's not perfect but i think it looks really good i mean i did put more effort into it than my actual instagram so i kind of hope so and real quickly while these time lapses are running this video is sponsored by morningbrew which i'm just gonna talk about them later but all you need to know is that they have a completely free newsletter it keeps you up to speed on finance technology things like that takes less than 15 seconds to sign up and speaking of social media is probably a better way to start your morning than scrolling instagram so the snapchat logo is more complicated than the other ones which means i'm probably gonna have to trace it i don't know if you don't know this but i don't exactly have the best history with tracing things i am an idiot i have been tracing for three hours now yeah thankfully someone let me know in the comments that adobe illustrator can just trace things for you and it literally takes two clicks and well that would have saved me about 10 hours had i known this a while back but we live and we learn and maybe next time we won't make mr beast's play button about 5 million subscribers too late i guess at least we beat youtube who isn't making them anymore anyways the twitter icon is honestly even easier trace it in illustrator import it to blender extrude bevel colors you know the drill now for the the uh the tick tock icon so the thing about the tick tock logo is that it's actually very simple to do hey that reminds me of something else that's very simple to do please so here's all the 3d icons so far i definitely think the 3d shading helps them look a bit more interesting the lighting and shading is beautiful but we still have the weirdest ones left to go so this is the part of the video where i really went off the deep end these designs are about to get a lot more interesting and a lot more time consuming but ironically probably more productive than actually just using these apps which is what my mornings usually look like at least until i signed up for morningbrew which super quickly as i said is a completely free daily newsletter about finance tech and business five minutes a day gets you up to speed like today i learned that hackers responsible for the american gas shortage did an apology on their website saying they just want money and not problems for society so click the link in the description to sign up completely for free it's a great way to start your morning let's get back to making icons for youtube i decided to make several custom designs based on individual youtubers because that's really what makes youtube what it is for the pewdiepie icon i took his signature wave pattern and made it using some notes spaghetti nothing too serious i decided it looks better rough rather than shiny but there could probably be a separate version with the glossiness if you want mr beast also deserves a nikon i think he's done a lot for the community and also for my youtube channel but i really want it to be based on his channel so we have to find some sort of pattern to use i just bought this yeah i'm just gonna make it blue and pink i'll be mainly working off the colors of his logo and the thick outline effect after some adjustments it looks pretty good dreams logo is pretty much in the same boat and this icon is actually going to be pretty similar and by pretty similar i mean i literally just changed the color to green i also made one for my channel based on the superior neon sign effect in my logo but it wasn't as easy as i remembered the hardest part for this one is actually the glass tubes as soon as i made them i realized it was probably a mistake but eventually i made it work and after that i added a computer chip texture to the background made it pink and called it good next i'm going to redesign the apps you see here but first here's all the youtube icons i think there's some good ones in here and if you want me to do one for another youtuber just let me know in the comments what makes youtube good is the individual creators so making the logos like this really represents what the platform is all about so for twitter i'm actually just gonna delete the bird put some fire and maybe that one picture of travis scott and yeah that's pretty accurate for the snapchat icon i decided to make a new ghost for the logo it used to be more obvious this was a ghost but you know i decided to put some actual effort in this time so i tried learning how to draw an illustrator using the pen tool unfortunately the pen tool is really difficult [Music] yeah i'm probably just going to stick to this stuff but i was pretty determined to make it work and eventually i ended up with this and i can already hear the comments going oh my gosh you're not doing this shut up this is adorable all that's left is to make it in 3d here's the result from that and i'm pretty proud of it for the instagram redesign i wanted to make it a little crazier than the others and somehow i wanted to put a galaxy inside the background of this app i found this nebula generator on the blender market which looks like a great way for making nebulous and blend they expect me to pay 15 dollars 15 smack yes i've learned my lesson from last time and i'm happy to support my fellow creators [Music] so i experimented with this nebula generator from the blender market which can easily generate volumetric space stuff you can customize the types of clouds the star density the colors and about a million other things i made one with pretty cool colors and reprojected it onto the instagram background and after messing with the materials a bit more this is what i came up with so here's all the logos i made in this video i'm definitely going to use some of these let me know which one's your favorite and which logos i should redesign next here's the next video i hope you watch it a big thanks again to morningbrew for sponsoring this video the link to sign up for their newsletter is in the description completely free to sign up and change your mornings for the better super easy and there's really no reason not to if you're interested in technology or finance i don't personally watch traditional news often i usually don't really have the time and it can be pretty boring and stressful but morning brew is not like traditional news i personally read it each morning and it's a lot quicker more entertaining and a lot more relevant for people like me i'd say thanks again and have a great week
Channel: Daniel Krafft
Views: 621,002
Rating: 4.9545455 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, blender, minecraft art, minecraft mobs, creeper art, villager art, 3d minecraft, minecraft 3d art, 3d art, minecraft animation, minecraft animation tutorial, blender 2.8, eevee, blender eevee, cycles render, game art, blender tutorial, tutorial, animation, minecraft build, cute creeper, iron golem, enderman, fall guys, 3d, mrbeast, mrbeast award, wither, ender dragon, dream, dream smp, speedrun, instagram, twitter, mrbeast playbutton, custom logo, snapchat
Id: qZEazdfpEHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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