Designing Custom Funko Pops in 3d Software

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what's going on everybody so a couple days ago I posted the artwork I made of my girlfriend Kate as a Funko pop and I got a lot of comments asking for a tutorial for that interestingly I also got a number of comments asking if this was by any chance Kay Torino the the streamer and no that's that's not the case that's a different ke Torino so I just wanted to clear the air of that real quick and let's get right into it so the first thing you're going to want to do if you design a 3d anything is go ahead and get yourself some concept art fortunately Funko themselves have a designer feature where you can generate a reference image for yourself with the correct proportions and all that so I figured we'd get started with that obviously not everything will remain the same and things will get lost in translation but we can do our best so you may have noticed here that this is not Kate my girlfriend this is me I wanted to make us both and since I was going to do that anyways I might as well make a video on it right you're gonna go through each of these categories for yourself and kind of choose what you look like I guess it's a lot like creating a me on the week except more soulless eyes alright I figured that I'll do it don't give yourself a background by the way that'll make it a bit more difficult and that does it for the concept art now that we've got that image go ahead and click Save your pop give it a name press save and then head down to that pop yourself menu and click download save it to whatever location you want and there you have it now we're gonna get into blender and start making this thing the very first thing I'm gonna do is drag the image straight into blender there we go and then press alt R and all G to reset all the coordinates that at least is what I do now you're gonna want to rotate this so that you have a good angle looking at it because the very first thing that we need to do is make the proportions so what I've done here is I've added a cube and subdivided it multiple times it turns out this works better as a sphere for me then pretty much any other type of sphere now something else I did for this is deleted most of the vertices and then added a mirror modifier on the Y and x axis so that if I need to change the proportions of one side to fit the hair or something like that it'll work on all the corners next it's time to add the eyes I'm just going to do another cube with another subdivision surface and we're gonna go into edit mode and scale that thing once it looks nice and smooth go back in the wireframe and scale it right on top of the reference in you're gonna err on the side of a little bigger just because we're gonna have to rotate this speaking of that go ahead into object mode and rotate the eyeball so that it sits flush along the surface and once you've done one you've done both of them because you can simply add a mirror modifier choose the head is the mirror object and there you go if that doesn't match perfectly then you're gonna have to start off I'm kidding there's actually nothing that matters less now let's talk about the notes honestly it's fine if it's just a cue I'm just gonna grab some vertices and start putting them vaguely where it should go but I'm literally just kind of performing surgery on these vertices here next up you're gonna want to fill the faces of the rest of the nose and immediately this does not work in the slightest but I were just gonna scale it down a bit and kind of act like it does so here's a trick if you scale on any given axis by 0 it will flatten everything out on that axis completely it's a really useful trick that I I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere else actually I think I am being so divided that once you've found a shape you're happy with it's time to move on there's no reason it's written it really is time to move on oh by the way while I was doing this I had the bright idea that I could take the beard off real quick so that I could download it and be able to actually see what I was doing with the clothes with the clothes for me it's literally the same story as the head cut it in half add a mirror modifier call it good you've just got to be thoughtful about where you're placing the edge loops so that you can create the rest of the geometry relatively simply otherwise you're gonna run into problems anytime you see a little too much curvature keep in mind if there's a limb going off either of those ways it's going to eliminate that curvature pretty quick so there's no need to worry about it especially when you're just creating the basic form now in this scenario you might actually want to sculpt this however in my case we're running into the unique problem where I don't want to and I think this way actually works very well for what it's worth now once you get down to the feet it's gonna become ridiculous especially when you're just starting out but I think it's fine if you tilt them forwards at first so that we can get the form all right and then after that we can go crazy with making it look perfect so I'm just going to actually inset a little bit to create a neck and this neck could literally look like anything and it doesn't matter because you probably won't see it so now we've run into the problem where I don't want to create two arms I just want to create one so what I'm going to do is delete half of them that we just created and then go ahead and add a mirror modifier so I'm just gonna be extruding right from that shoulder area and it's gonna work pretty well if you ever run into something where the proportions just do not look right from the side view you can always just grab the edge loop and then scale that in a little bit and if you do want to tighten up these areas you can always just add another supporting loop and that should do you just fine now we come to the hands and that might be one of the more difficult parts I decided I were to make them independently and then bring them back over three edge loops down the center to down the other side let's go I'm gonna slap a subdivision surface on here and I'm going to press alt II extrude individual faces for the fingers and then extrude the thumb out now I'm not even going to pretend that this isn't going to need some serious adjustment but as it turns out this will work just fine as a base mesh for our hand so it turns out I decided I would do the pants a little bit differently than I had originally planned and that is to make them separately that that's what I did in the other model and it did make it a bit easier thankfully these are pretty much one of the easiest parts of the model so it's really of no consequence I'm gonna go ahead and move this all over to the head so we can start so we can start adjusting it first things first let's start scaling this is getting a bit out of hand here and don't worry we'll fix their proportions later but it is about time that we fixed these hands alright so I just looked back and I discovered that the way that I was handling these hands was not correct in the slightest bit and I just wanted to clear something up for you real quick what I was attempting to do was select all the top faces delete them select this top edge loop going to search and type the 2-sphere and there's an excellent feature in there that just allows you to turn whatever it is into a circular shape this allows it to get much smoother much quicker but anyways I suggested that you put loop cuts on each finger adjust to the size of each finger using proportional editing and then once you're ready to go ahead and edit the form so that doesn't look so weird in the back basically this loop right here will fit perfectly with the sleeve and so let's say this is the sleeve you can kind of just put the sleeve over it and it will work perfectly for these purposes if you do want to rotate your shoes or your legs a good way to do that as I've found is just like the bottom of the soles and then hit that rotate button crank up the proportional editing and Leblon or do its thing and after you're happy with the way that you've depicted yourself then it's time to move on to the hair and accessories so I've heard of a lot of confusion as to how to make good hair so I thought I'd give you the quickest rundown possible for those of my audience that are hardcore blender users now something that you need to know is that I ended up using two different hair techniques for each of these Funko pops the first one I used a yen scops technique just search up his tutorial on sculpting hair and the second one I kind of just threw together basically I took a cube I deleted two of the faces now I'm left with this so I go in to add a subdivision surface modifier I had a solidify modifier extrude it out a little bit and then scale out on the Y in edit mode now I position this directly above the head of the funkopop and made some adjustments as necessary but that's not where the real magic happens this is actually just a base mesh for sculpting now this is more time-consuming maybe than the yen scopes and you'll see what I do with this in the next segment now this is gonna be a lot more time-consuming than the alternative route and it does involve a little bit more artistic ability but it also affords you the most options Reeth apology is after all one of the more important 3d skills to learn especially if you plan to use it in a professional setting but it looks like we're coming to a close with the sculpting here so I think it's about time we move on I think we're forgetting some I think I forgot to add eyebrows yeah let's add eyebrows that that makes it a lot better so all I'm gonna do for these eyebrows is just add in a plane rotate it scale down to size and extrude that's really all that needs to happen and then of course we rotated that it kind of fits onto the mesh yeah so we got to make those headphones I'm just gonna bring this right over to the side for us to see so it looks like the headphones are just a bunch of cylinders the only reason I'll bring the reference back in is to kind of check and see if it's looking all right and in the same object I'm going to add a cube I'm pretty happy with this headphone shape I think that looks just fine but you'll notice that there's some hair going through in some weird spots as it turns out the elastic deformation works even better than the flattened brush in this situation it affects everything around it so it's more likely that it creates unbelievable results also go watch the end sculpts because if you're into digital sculpting that guy is who you're looking for and blender definitely not me and well with that I think that does it for the modeling now it's just time to get into the shading so I'm just gonna pull this out to the side so we can kind of reference it I'm gonna add a plain scale it up the usual I'm going to grab two of the walls and press extrude to bring them up and then I'm going to grab all those edges and throw some bevels on them I'm gonna add a shade smooth this is probably my favorite type of background to use for 3d stuff now it's just about creating some cool materials so the first one I made is a skin material all I did was press the e key over the base color and create a skin color based on the reference add some subsurface scattering on it make the subsurface color the same as the base color incredible I know now it's gonna look a little bit weird and evey but once you switch over to cycles it'll look even more weird until you render it mixed up let's make a black material that's just gonna be a deep black with subsurface we're gonna make the subsurface color really kind of gray it doesn't need to be black necessarily because if it is it gets a little too satanic and now we get to the real stuff the hair and I could just pick a color or I could just steal it from the reference and as you can see once the subsurface is up the base color really doesn't have a lot to do with it now I'm also gonna use the hair material on the eyebrows and well might I say this is some fine-looking topology for the joggers I'm gonna make a white material and I'll go paint on the details in a little bit here but I figured we might as well set up a nice little shot so I'm going to hide pretty much everything we're gonna need a key light a fill light and a backlight the key light being the primary light usually the brightest and usually casting some substantial shadows the fill light actually compensates for those harsh shadows that are caused by the key light and then the backlight as far as I'm concerned is used to distinguish the subject from the background and at the end of the day I can't make it perfect it still feels like something's missing and they're not perfect models but I'm really what came out of it but the goal was achieved I made a Funko of myself and my girlfriend if you want me to actually physically make these and then maybe make it a gift or something let me know in the comments also if you have some sort of logistical solution to that that would be great with that I hope you have an excellent day I hope you're staying safe these two look adorable it's almost like they were made for each other [Music]
Channel: Daniel Krafft
Views: 429,039
Rating: 4.9616871 out of 5
Keywords: funko, funko pop, custom funko pop, 3d funko pop, custom pop, custom pop figure, 3d funko, blender, blender 3d, blender funko, blender funko tutorial, blender 3d tutorial, blender 2.8, blender 2.8 tutorial, how to make a funko pop, how to get a custom funko pop, how to, funko pops
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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