I Redesigned POKEMON In 3D Software

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i'm a 3d artist and today i'm going to redesign pokemon the results are absolutely horrifying and after i made them i put them up on the biggest pokemon reddit to see what big fans had to say about so i found this website called pokefusions which can take two different pokemon and then spit out this monstrous combination of the two some of them obviously do not work at all but some of them are actually pretty good it's pretty awesome definitely go check it out but now imagine this except it's 3d and that's pretty much exactly what i'm doing today you should be very afraid so the site lets you either use random pokemon to mix or you can select each of them individually so for the first candidates we're going to do charizard and houndoom just really ruin some childhoods right out the gate here okay so we can either have char doom or hound zarb what is that first thing i got to do is look at both of them in 3d to figure out how exactly these are going to mix thankfully there's another website that has all the 3d models from popular game franchises they've got breath of the wild dark souls [Applause] and best of all i'm pretty sure it's legal to use the models from the 3ds games ended up being the most reliable and high quality oddly enough so i went with that after giving it a once over i planned out the best way to attack this and i'm going to be basing it off the reference image the generator made so yeah first we chop off charizard's wings this is uh this is already cursed just wait till the end though it gets much worse don't worry so whenever you do this the textures get all wonky but thankfully i have at least a vague idea of what i'm doing it's not much but it gets the job done at least next we annihilate hound jim's horns and prepare to do a head transplant next we gotta expunge charizard's face except not the ears because in the reference they actually swap the ears which i think it makes it way funnier so we're doing it i already love this so much it's so horrible i do a bunch of surgery to make it look a bit more natural i even stitched the ears to the head and made sure it was all symmetrical but i mean to be honest this is not ever going to look natural even after it's all polished and everything so you know next i figured out how to make the colors the exact same and uh i can kind of see it coming together okay so hear me out we have to delete the tail that i know i know but in the image we're swapping tails so it has to be done i'm sorry you know that actually doesn't look so bad that's a complete light i put in some effort to smooth it out and we just have to fix the texture then copy over the houndoom tail making progress i guess so next i brought over the leg chokers and scaled them up a bit and then i got to work swapping the colors out which really started to make it come together and finally i completed the head transplant actually attached the tail and even brought over the ribs for that extra seasoning i don't know what to call that so next i tried to pose it to look a bit more like the image it's got sort of this look to it so i removed the tongue and tried to match it a bit more and yeah it's not perfect but it actually kind of works in the games there was this part where you can breed pokemon this is the type of thing we need from that i feel like unfortunately this is gonna be like the least weird looking one so uh i don't know sleep well all right so next we're gonna mix gengar and machamp we could have either magar or gen champ i i think we're gonna go with gen champ for obvious reasons all right so we're using the 3ds models from before they're super high quality and you know when you import them it's all metallic it looks like it'd be a cool trophy or something so first i swapped out the eyeball textures it actually fits weirdly well for now but i mean don't get your hopes up we still have the teeth and everything so fun fact about the machamp model you probably noticed the logo on his belt but most people don't actually notice if you zoom in it actually says subscribe to me please so next i started swapping the skin color and for this one i actually just shifted the hue instead of changing the actual texture and that worked decently enough so i lined up gengar with machamp's face and then deleted everything except the teeth and yikes that's uh okay so i can explain and the image he doesn't necessarily have lips so i have to delete them and then try to make it completely flush like slenderman or something then i surgically attach the entire gengar mouth and well that was regrettable to say the least something's just so wrong about this i couldn't figure it out for a while until i looked back at the picture and realized the 3ds model of gengar for some reason has two sets of teeth look look at this design one set of teeth simple effective what what is this what what is this who would buy such a shameful thing i would so i change it to one set of teeth and then i go to sculpt it to kind of clean it up a bit let me go to pose it i'm just gonna do him one of these i think and here he is you know i kind of want to know what like actually big pokemon fan thinks of these like is this more funny or is this more like blasphemy you know what i mean looking at this versus the reference image i'd say it's pretty successful it reminds me of the uh thumb guys from spy kids anyways for the final one we're gonna do today it's gonna be pikachu and mewtwo so we could either be mewtwo or pikachu and come come on pikachu has a certain taste to it rolling off the tongue gotta go with pikachu for this one i've got the process pretty much nailed down at this point yeah let's see how it looks first i line up the faces then delete pikachu's ears we're swapping yours again don't even worry about it then we delete mewtwo's tail and put pikachu's there instead this is nightmare fuel as always a lot of cleanup and stitching everything together finally we swap the colors out which was basically turn this part yellow and then hand trace all of the purple parts into brown since i can't fill them and without further ado here are the three absolute abominations and nightmares we have created today now let's go over to our favorite app reddit and see what people over there have to say about it let's see uh one of the most disturbing images i've ever seen alright they're all abominations some k affliction of pain something out of a nightmare looks like a job well done boys well there it is did you have a good time because i certainly did before i go there's a button that can evolve the fusions you make will it make it better or will it make it worse send what you think to the comments in the description in the comments down below and wouldn't you know it ladies and gentlemen it made it much worse i'm out of here
Channel: Daniel Krafft
Views: 921,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, 3d, 3d art, mrbeast playbutton, daniel craft, pokemons, machamp, gengar, redesign, pikachu, mewtwo, houndoom, charizard, mixing pokemon, pokemon fusion, redesigning logos
Id: F3n45dh0JAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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