10 WORST Mistakes You Can Make in TBC Classic

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[Music] all right guys and welcome to another video today we're going to be covering the top 10 most common mistakes new players will make in tbc classic by avoiding these mistakes you will save yourself hours and hours playtime and probably quite a lot of gold if you guys want to catch my live streams for some tbc raiding please be sure to give my twitch quick follow in the description i'm going to be building a monster streaming pc very soon which i will make a video about i'm just waiting for the new nvidia graphics cards to get back into stock so that'll probably be in the next you know two years or something but anyway let's jump into the video first point on this video shata reputation mistakes everyone is probably going to make this mistake but do not on the pain of death do any shatter quest or tempest keep dungeon until you are honored with the shatter apart from the karazhan achievement room but it may be thinking you know meta goblin broth i need those rep items as soon as possible why would you tell me not to farm shitara rep and the reason is because every time you turn in a scryer or aldor rep item you gain 50 of the rep gained secretly as hitari doesn't actually appear on the screen that you get the red but if you look at your reputation bar it will increase and it will go all the way up until honored by using this method you can farm aldo or squire rep with items like some fury and fel elements that can be found in the open world and in dungeons you will need to grind his reputation anyway because you will need the shoulder and chance so you may as well kill two birds with one stone but when you're honored that's when you can start to do the quests in never storm do the key quest for the alcatraz and then just do your standard normal rep runs the next big mistake people make is picking the incorrect shatterer city reputation which is obviously either the aldo or sky reputations the reason why people make mistakes of this is because they look at the short-term rewards that you get from your reputation rewards are honored and revered and then they just go for that whereas you need to be thinking more long-term because you are going to replace those items probably very quickly in tier 4 and tier 5 raiding and then you want the best in slot shoulder enchants is also important to note that the shattered sun exalted necklace rewards will give you different benefits different proc effects depending on whether you have aldor or scry repetition at exalted i will make a more detailed video about this for every single class but honestly for the majority of people if you're thinking long term and you're really minimaxing the best option to go for for literally every single class is to go for aldor so first of all we have the healer option i definitely recommend going aldo because you get more healing power with the shoulder enchant and in the long term that's going to be better because let's be honest if you're running a manner you're a bad healer and if you're stacking mana potions and everything like that in the long term you will not need that mp5 the healing power will be better and will probably be better for pvp too when it comes to casa dps flat spell damage is simply always better just simply provides a more simulated dps advanced stacking crit so really should always just go for a spell damage option and the aldo provides the best spell damage option obviously square has better short term rewards like the blood gem and everything like that and the difference between your shorter enchants is not that huge to be honest so you know you make up your own mind about that but you will replace that blood gem pretty quickly for the hunter it's the same story flat out attack power will just provide more dps the alder enchant provides more attack power and also gives pretty good short term rewards for a hunter for mello dps it's the same thing aldor provides more attack power which will be better especially because melee dps have critical strike hit soft caps and everything like that and so in the long term flat attack power is always going to be better plus the necklace on the outdoor side is much better too when it comes to tanking the value of defense rating after you've got the hit cap starts to be well just worse than flat out avoidance stats like dodge block and parry so it's always better to just stack the pure avoidance stats anyway let's move on to point number three we're going to have a round off of all the dumb dungeon mistakes that new players are going to make so that you won't make some mobs in a bed and crusade i'm talking trash mobs in dungeons will absolutely catch you off guard and easily wipe the group because of their really goofy and irritating mechanics first thing to know if you're ever doing shattered holes shadow labyrinth or steam bolts you will definitely and i mean definitely need a class that can crowd control preferably a mage because there are some extremely huge poles look at this pole in shattered holes look how many mobs there are you will need to pull all this in one go you're gonna need a lot of cc for blood waters in botanica will pop a spell reflect which actually go on to multiple different enemies right and if a warlock casts see the corruption on that reflect the cedar corruption will reflect onto the warlock and if two warlocks do it you will just it will just explode and entirely wipe the group goes about mentioning that cc will be reflected and dots will be reflected and everything awkward like that so a lot of times spell casters honestly can't do that much so yeah casters should probably just use their wand on those enemies or if you're playing a balance drawer just go into cat form or something like that the alcatraz sentinels in architraz have a constant flowing chain lightning ability right which the tank can just about deal with mello dps just forget about it stand out and fight to live another day the death watchers in also in this dungeon will wipe the entire group if you don't kill them fast enough and also remember to kill the corpses because they continuously spawn at protein horrors which will very likely attack the healer and that could be very difficult to deal with the technicians in blood furnace will throw minds at you and they can very easily one shot you on heroic mode so be careful of that never kill the slaves and slave pens or underbog because they will go passive when the leader is killed so yeah just kill the leader with single target damage i don't bother doing any aoe in shadow lab remember to pull the fel overseer back because he will fear the tank and then you'll just pull all those mobs in the room so you gotta pull that one back and also remember in shadow labyrinth and mana teams to clear the whole room of the first sorry second boss for shadow labyrinth and the first boss for mana tombs otherwise if you pull that boss boss all the mobs in the entire room will pull too for a fourth point do not forget to grind up your defense skill as a hunter or a caster everyone else probably already has it maxed out if especially if you're leveled as enhancement shaman for the shaman but anyway a caster without max defense skill will get one-shotted on a rare occasion that they pull aggro it does happen from time to time especially if you have you have your fret dropping ability on cooldown and then sometimes it's actually totally unavoidable because for instance the ogres in gruel's lair and uh car gaff blade fists for last boss of shattered holes will charge random members of the group and inflict critical life-threatening melee damage basically one-shotting melee damage if you do not have your defense skill maxed out to 375 so go and sit on a mob and just let him you know do melee hits to you and get that defense skill grinded up another thing that um is important to bear in mind i have a bit of a theory the shutter mechanic on gruel was dealing insane damage to me on my warlock right and despite the fact i was 20 yards away from everyone else and i noticed that my defense skill was very low so it may also be very risky having a low defense skill on a certain boss mechanics like that for a fifth point we have forgetting to loot constantly in dungeons a number of reasons why you should always be looting constantly in dungeons first of all dungeons drop non-green rep items that won't be rolled for like the colfang ornaments and marks are sargeras and some free signals like we mentioned before and obviously those are really good rep items that you need and the only way to loot them is you know your personal loot there's also other things like never weave cloth and some mobs will actually drop modes which can obviously sell for a decent amount of the auction house so yeah always be looting number six not waiting for everyone to turn in the flipping ring of blood quest this is so frustrating and everyone makes this mistake so the ring of blood is a quest chain where you kill mobs in an arena for truckloads of xp definitely worth doing but people are too quick about turning in the quest and accepting the new one which just messes everything up because you can't take the new quest while still on the last quest which means every party member ends up out of sync people fall behind and then they're forced to kill mobs if they don't need to kill and the people who get you know too far ahead they just leave the group when they're done right and then you have to start all over again really really frustrating so be patient and every time you're turning in each quest way for everyone else to turn in the quest too and if you end up a little bit further ahead of any other people let the others catch you up let's talk about some karazhan mistakes so the first big mistake people make is not bringing a priest for every single run you will need shackle undead otherwise it's going to be very difficult for you to do certain trash pulls in the raid and also some bosses like my rose this doesn't mean you need like free priests per you know 25 man ray group because obviously there's space for shadow priests too you also want a d cursor in every group which can either be a mage or a druid otherwise again it's going to be very frustrating and very difficult for you paladins remember that you can use turn evil as a very useful cc for when shackle and dead fails but obviously be very careful of it because it is a fear and overall you want to be extremely careful in the first big room of all the undead servants and everything like that because yeah that one can be very difficult if you know people are doing it for the first time take your time and pull as little as possible with each pull for number eight we have not doing dungeon prequest so the majority of tbc dungeon quest you can get them very quickly by you know the quest hope close to that dungeon or sometimes even just outside the dungeon but there are some lesser known prequest from longer chains but actually give really good rewards when you finally finish them for instance the extremely long horde quest chain that gives the that gears of the quest for assassin and hellfire peninsula eventually leads into a seeing is a really good loot at the end you also got i see dead draenei and book of fel flames chain that eventually goes into shuttle labyrinth so do your research get the add-on called atlas quest which basically every time you look at any dungeon in atlas it will also list all the requests that you can do in that dungeon that i recommend getting that add-on doing research intolera into all these cool prequests don't do aoe damage too early so this isn't rough of a lich king yet where every single tank has aoe damage and their threat is massively increased okay you need to get a protection piled in five seconds before you can start to use your aoe dps and the reason why i say protection paladins because if the tank is a protection worry or a druid tank then you can just forget about it maybe do one seed encryption in the middle of the fight but if you keep doing cd corruption you keep doing blizzard you are just going to pull agro unless you have improved blizzard obviously that provides for slow which smoothes out the experience a lot and makes it possible to do aoe pulls if they you know worry or druid tank but without that improved blizzard talent from the mage yeah i would just not even bother but for our last point for the love of god avoid those fell bars okay they're the most irritating mob in the world because they don't just come up to you and deal damage and have a chance of dis you know dismounting you they're actually if they're extremely likely to dismount you because they charge at you the second you are in their aggro circle which does you know it doesn't actually take you have to be at that close to them for you to be in that agrocircle but all of a sudden you're getting charged by a big ball it's whacking you in the back and you get de-mounted so avoid them as much as you can my recommendation is if you have to get near one face one like face one face to face let the charge go off because they can't de-mount you or shouldn't be able to demand you if you're facing them because you have to wait for them you know for them to actually days you they can't daisy if you're facing them so face them soak that charge and then jump away while rotating your character in the middle of the jump to be facing the fell ball to try and get an escape going but majority of the time you are just gonna have to d mountain and kill him anyway guys that's where i'm gonna end the video there please subscribe for more videos like this coming very very soon my name is metagoble into my next video [Music] ciao you
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 256,440
Rating: 4.6868086 out of 5
Keywords: classic wow guide, vanilla wow guide, classic wow priest leveling guide, classic wow warrior leveling guide, classic wow shaman leveling guide, classic wow hunter leveling guide, classic wow warlock leveling guide, classic wow mage leveling guide, classic wow druid leveling guide, classic wow paladin leveling guide, classic wow rogue leveling guide, classic wow tips, how to level faster in vanilla wow, how to level faster in classic wow
Id: PcAD2_xt42w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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