10 Items From Classic WoW Still Used During TBC

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[Music] [Music] alright guys my name is Mehta Goblin and today we are going to be counting down the top 10 items from classic Wow that was so powerful that they actually were used in the Burning Crusade some of them even used for the entirety of the burden could say its life time because they were so powerful some of his items will still be powerful today if the Burning Crusade was released in the future other items won't be because they were basically hotfix since there was so old powered some of his items are very big powerful items of as a very small items with very specific usefulness that made certain boss mechanics very trivial and had to be like hot fixed just for jumping guys losing him a quick follow on Twitter on the couch in my last rooms anyway let's start counting down these items so first item we have on this list is the mark of a champion there's two versions of this item womper increases spellpower by 85 specifically against undead and demon targets and then the one that increases attack power by 150 again on specifically undead and demon targets this is actually an argent dawn trinket as you can see if you equip it you get the little salute animation on the spell effect this is basically the quest reward from the last quest in naxxramas but basically tells you to go and kill kel'thuzad turn-ins for hidden is for luxury and then you get these two trinkets as a reward now the reason why this is so overpowers because for some reason because these items specifically only affect undead and demon targets their effect is essentially the stats on them is massively boosted I mean let's compare this item to Illidan Stormrage early so 150 attack power and 85 spell power you've got a trinket here from golden which increases spell power by 55 Verena furs are proc effect there as well and the hit rating and everything like that but even this head plate here sorry this cursed vision which is probably rogue feral druid gear increases attack by power by 108 and this trinket here flattered increases your attack power by 150 and obviously you probably thinking well it only affects undead and diiemma targets and well we just got to think about what is the Burning Crusade all about it's all about demons literally everything you are killing in a burn crusade probably is going to be a demon so this trinket actually becomes massively best in slot for Neil near enough the whole lifetime of the Burning Crusade particularly if you get a lucky with trinket jobs because they normally do have low drop chances so it is quite difficult to get a good trinket drops but nonetheless you definitely want to be keeping this from classic Wow if we have a progress into the Burning Crusade because it's going to be a ridiculous damage boost against pretty much majority of bosses in the Burning Crusade so the second item on this list we have a druid trinket from Blackwing layer called the rune of metamorphosis so here the tour took the original taught it it decreases the mana cost of all druid shape-shifting forms by 100% for 20 seconds so all you shape-shifting forms are basically could be completely free of mana but as you can see here the new tooltip which was hot fixed in the lifetime of the Burning Crusade but not at the beginning of the Burning Crusade it's set to a set number by reducing the mana cost by 550 rather than 100% next let me draw our attention to the tier 4 set bonus your helpful spells have a chance to restore mana by 120 base fists basically meant that your forms did count actually as a helpful spell which means if you have 100 percent reduction in mana cost of your forms but you have a tier set bonus which basically increases your mana by 120 every time you use a duck you know a bear form this basically meant what healers used to do in arena or even in a raiding environment you'd used to basically spam form spells to get 120 manor each time they pressed it and obviously can press it by about 20 times in the space of 20 seconds which means you know 20 times 120 mana you're looking at you're easily looking at nearly two and a half thousand mana gained within you know 20 seconds on top of your mp5 effect so this was a ridiculously useful trick to use in any arena situation or basically any raiding environment during a Burning Crusade the next item we have on the list is stylings impeding scarab which is largely considered one of the best in slot trinkets for the very early phases of the Burning Crusade if you look at it on Wow head there are a few comments basically stating that this was largely because during the early phases of Burning Crusade there were many great tanking trinka options for you and obviously they had a limited option available 'ti and low drop chance which means that this trinket actually had some use another reason why is because if you look at the original stats of original start state but increases the block chance by 5% increase the block value of your shield by 24 and increases your defense by 13 but if you look at the current stats is you look on the character here increases your block of rating by 24 which is a slight reduction increase your block value of your shield by 48 which is double ever increase your defense rating by 30 inches again nearly double so for some reason this old trinket basically was totally buffed it still increases your block chance by an extra 3% the block value of your shield which is a total amount of damage by a block will actually reduce on the melee hit that goes up by 48 and if you compare that to other items in a similar range you got 42 on the shield of impenetrable darkness from night Bane in Cara's on you do have items like big play items which will basically kind of like double that amount but again like it is a trinket so you basically get in half of what like a max item would actually give you and if you stack it with everything else you basically getting really really good black block value on your shield the next item we have is a very familiar item from the fury blessed blade of the windseeker the main reason why this item was used even as late as patch 2.4 point 3 when the sunwell raid was released is mainly because of EA we fret but it will provide for a tank because warriors essentially have always struggled with a we fret you know because normally they have to switch target and basically stumps on the strike which is kind of irritating and basically building up a we fret can there would be a very slow process and if off a DPS a weeing like mad then they're very likely to pull aggro from a protection tank which is largely why protection powders became so sought-after so strong during a Burning Crusade because they fix V ma mère issues which will make it video about soon fix the money issues for protection powell din which men poland's could have spam laws of a we he little ax a we holy damage spells which men dare a we fret was massively stronger than the warriors which is why worries did actually like to keep from the fury around for verray we fret when dealing with ad packs or even just like trash between certain bosses just to make their lives a little bit easier when they came to generating AOE fret maybe sometime even in dungeons as well on particular bosses and particular situations the next item on misslisa probably significant item on this list but nonetheless it became very very overpowered on particular boss fights because it was able to remove a bleed effect and it's actually below for trinket which you get from a very simple question award in this earring gorge it has a very unique effect to remove a bleed effect which you cannot normally do and pretty sure by any class ability in the game in history all the warcraft i could be wrong about that but i'm pretty sure you cannot remove a bleed effect you can remove poisons and diseases and all that kind of thing but bleed effects some some bleed effects on route from raid bosses are pretty lethal so the ability to quickly remove a bleed effect primarily for even if it you know i say primarily for a tank because tanks have very nasty stacking debuff s-- and one of them probably was her bleed effect in the Burning Crusade and you're very easily quickly able to remove it with Leifer so this made some bosses extremely easy in a burning Crusader which is why they had to hot fix it as you can see on the new flavor text will not work on believes cast by enemies over level 60 so I've asked for hole fix what we had to add basically to nerf this item so for number six on this list we actually have an N charm revered in an item because we have n changa loves - fret so this was the best in slot glove and Chum all the way until Cataclysm it must be nerfed in Cataclysm or something I don't remember using it in Cataclysm but maybe people did use in Cataclysm but I remember I used to tank on a protection paladin during Wrath of the Lich King and my guild leader told me to go to a key 42 basically soul over boss well not a camera if I soloed the boss or I did the boss with a few other people and I got this specifically to get this formula and then chant my gloves with this frettin chant in order to optimize my fret generation clearing raffle which King content so obviously this glove enchant was still ridiculously powerful all the way through the Burning Crusade content so for a seventh item on this list I have the Scarab at baruj and I've been messing around with a little bit because I noticed but it hasn't been nerfed in refferal witch-king and I've actually found out by my testing that this item is very easily ridiculously useful in reference King as well and that's because it totally scales to the amount about you can actually heal if you look at the flavor text properly your magical heal effects provide the target with a shield that absorbs damage equal to 15% of the amount healed for 30 seconds okay and each time you heal basically you get a stackable shield which just keeps on going on and on I'll show you the item now look if I click it here and if I keep casting a holy light spell I get this proc which is basically the persistent shield say it falls off it only lasts 10 seconds but if I prop up heal on again it just it just goes on again and this lasts for 30 seconds so he basically got an infinite shield that you can keep applying onto the tongue whenever you cast a heal and if you actually calculated it and one holy light refuge King level would have provided Freak a extra shield absorb on top of every single holy line think holy light healing is about 16 K so 16 clay plus foot free K on every single holy light and even you know so you can definitely see how this trinket is pretty ridiculously overpowered because I'm even making use of it right now in Wrath of the Lich King so but it's definitely something to watch out for if TBC or reflector King servers ever actually are release the next item on this list we have is another small item the elemental sharpening stone which back in vanilla increase your melee critical strike chance by 2% so this was a fairly useful item throughout the Burning Crusade lifetime mainly because it was much cheaper to make burn the adamantium sharpening stone alternative which increase your weapon damage by 12 and your mana critical strike chance by 14 so interestingly the elemental sharpening stone did double the amount of crit chance as the upgraded level Invo it was a technically a vanilla item rather than at Burning Crusade item and think a lot of classes basically preferred to stack up their crit chance as much as humanly possible ravening going for the flat damage bonus and also it was just a great cheap option so it was a decent item for you to use for all the Burning Crusade lifetime not as good as the ant-man team and the Bantam sharpening stone but like a cheaper still pretty good option for number nine we're going to be talking about the I info and Swift hand of justice combo the reason why these items are still pretty good in the Burning Crusade is because how your stats basically scale up extra weapon attacks you think about if you're doing an actual weapon attack you're it doesn't matter like the damage of the weapon because the damage of a weapon is actually going to scale out depending on your stats so when you gain Burning Crusade gear you're massively increasing your attack power you're going to be increasing the damage of I info but because the proc is based entirely on your initial weapon damage that extra weapon damage are you getting from the proc which is - in this in case of iron foe and obviously extra long from hand of justice you're essentially getting a massive boost to your DPS I'm not saying this was an incredibly amazing option for fury warriors and tanks to go for but nonetheless few people did prefer to go for it because of the nice orangey proc rate of that I info and some people did see some pretty significant DPS numbers you know if it didn't have a really good weapon at the time because you're very unlucky with drops from heroics or normal dungeons before he go into a raid a 9fo is a great item to just keep hold of especially hand of justice as well hand of justice you can you know I think a lot of people did actually from what I'm basically reading on foreign posts his hand of Justice was actually used for a long time during the early phases of the Burning Crusade as well again people just simply didn't have amazing options because there wasn't any amazing options out there for them these items obviously have great interactions with particular talents like sword specialization for the hunter sorry noble hunter for the warrior and the rogue event reckoning for paladin as well and you know find out so the last thing I'm gonna talk about is the tear free sets particularly their set bonuses because from the research I've done in forums that I've read apparently a lot of people used to basically deck their characters out in tear free sets rather than equipping like I'm like heroic and pre rare best in slot gear for certain will be early raids during the Burning Crusade because but set bonuses themselves were so ridiculously overpowered and if you read the set bonuses you start to understand why because they essentially will scale with the increased stats of your character gaining you know gaining levels for instance all of the effects are based entirely on the percentage so if you're looking for eight set bonus here for druid on healing torch critical hit you regain thirty percent of the mana cost of the spell so obviously the mana cost of a spell increased as you gained levels and gained anchor ranks of that cast and then with their set bonus you're refunding a lot of the money that you spent on if you look at the two set bonus as well which will basically meanwhile after where load to tear free the effect I don't know how this works but if you put rejuvenation I tank as a chance to increase you know give him to rage which sounds pretty decent if you look over on servers basically an effect that increases rapid fire duration by four seconds and you only have to equip two pieces so again that's pretty ridiculously overpowered for mage here we have a reduction of the evocation called out only to equip two pieces of then the sixth piece bonus you're damaging spells have a chance to cause batagor to take up to 200 increased damage from subsequent spells now I don't know if that's a raid wide debuff so if it is a read wide debuff that was obviously going to be ridiculously useful upholding ones are not actually very useful I'm pretty sure the power priests one here gives a 500 damage shield whenever you crypt of a spell and a reduction of fret so you really cannot complain buy it out there's some more cool ones I think for the rogue if you look there is basically a chance to restore five energy on critical effects a reduced fret cost and then eviscerate has a better like a prop with eviscerate which basically increases the chance to get on a hundred percent critical hit chance on your next ability so you know that's pretty ridiculous again Sharman's here have a nineteen mp5 effects when they have lightning shield active which is obviously pretty strong I think that's the last one but it's significant I can remember us a good warlock one oh you have a reducing of the health cost of lifetime that's going to be pretty good for mana generation your spell's hits generate 25% less fret which the game's pretty cool so these set bonuses basically scale up to the character when he you know gains level and power as against it gets to level 70 and pretty sure all these set bonuses were actually nerfed at some point I can't remember when bought beer so they made old set bonuses totally inactive on like well I think in on burrito if you look now if we've equipped any of the old sets from old raids the tier bonuses are just totally disabled because they knew that I always set bonuses especially you were able to start obtaining the tier set be novelty free sets from black market when mists of pandaria was released there there was obviously potential for you to exploit some of the to set bonuses in PvP and stuff like that because of their ridiculous overpowered Nisour for set bonuses I don't say they had to be totally removed anyway guys about is where I am going to end the video my name is meta goblin at the my next video ciao
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 210,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow guide, vanilla wow guide, classic wow priest leveling guide, classic wow warrior leveling guide, classic wow shaman leveling guide, classic wow hunter leveling guide, classic wow warlock leveling guide, classic wow mage leveling guide, classic wow druid leveling guide, classic wow paladin leveling guide, classic wow rogue leveling guide, classic wow tips, how to level faster in vanilla wow, how to level faster in classic wow
Id: AcSfzJ72QLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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