WoW TBC Classic Profession Guide: Best Professions | Ranking & Leveling | The Complete Guide

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[Music] foreign hey guys toy house here with another guide hope some of you are enjoying atlantis new server karazhan i saw some of you say hi to me on alliance side and it was an awesome launch anyways today we're going to be talking about professions this guide is massive i've got all professions primary and secondary and all of the specializations as always guys there are time stamps for you to skip to the profession that you care about and if you find this guide valuable at all hit me up with a like and a sub and with that out of the way let's get right into it so tbc brought some welcome changes depending on what profession you chose you have benefits exclusive to you and your profession this includes jewel crafting only gems bind on pickup items and also the consolidation of consumables there's no more dire mall buffs song flower ani head car heart and changing layers not to mention being online when they drop it's much more streamlined to prepare for raiding just grab some food two flasks and you're pretty much ready to raid this means that professions are where it's at for getting ready for raids in total there are three secondary professions and 10 primary professions you can only have two primary professions and there are no limits to how many secondary professions you can have and jewelcrafting is the new profession in tbc and it is really really cool let's talk about the secondary professions first because they are the most straightforward so first aid is one of the three secondary professions available to all players in wow for players who don't have healing spells or who are aren't also undertaking alchemy as a profession the bandages like heavy netherweave bandage created by first aid are among the best ways to heal yourself in battle or while out in the world without food overall due to the low number of materials necessary to power level it first aid is a wonderful skill for everyone to have capped it will help with leveling even more with glasses that lack sustain like warriors and rogues but other classes can find it handy like warlocks who life tap or want to heal their demon pet without using health funnel out of mana paladins can also bubble bandage so it has a lot of applications since it doesn't count toward your professional limit every class should learn first aid in tbc there are two new bandages netherweave and heavy netherweave bandage the trainers for both horde and alliance to become a master and pass 300 first aid you need to find arisella or berko in hellfire peninsula and i've got a map there for you to check that out they sell you the master first aid book and the manuals for the two new types of bandages so i'd recommend you just pick up all three when you get to these towns and hellfire peninsula all right up next we have fishing so fishing is one of the most time consuming but rewarding professions in wow it's it's pretty awesome it's a lot of fun and uh there's a lot of flavor in tbc as a master fisherman you can earn or catch numerous wear rare companion pets like magical crawdad and toothy you'll also be able to catch fish that are used in important end game cooking recipes like huge spotted fell tail for fisherman's feast or enormous barbed gill trout for hot buttered trout or golden darter for golden fish sticks which are all really valuable raid consumables you can also fish up gems gear and fishing also provides reagents for other professions like alchemy so this chart will show you how much fishing skill you need to cast in certain zones and what skill you need to prevent the annoying fish got away i've included all zones from skill one all the way to max the biggest takeaway for tbc fishing from this graph is if you want to fish beyond the dark portal you're going to need at least need to be at least 280 fishing skill when you head to outland you can learn how to get your fishing pass 300 from the book you buy from the snarion refugee refuge in zangar marsh and that's on the map right there there are also fishing daily quests that reward you with a bag of fishing treasures which can give you a wide range of item items including the two ring i have the c which is a blue gem that grants plus 15 stamina and also some other fishing items which are kind of fun not super useful but i think they're cool fishing like first aid doesn't count toward your profession limit so it's worth picking up for all classes all right next we have cooking so cooking is most known for the well-fed buff which increases your stats based on whatever food you ate the benefits are myriad and there is the potential to make profit from selling rarer food buffs on the auction house to those without the recipe or the skills cooking has helpful recipes to help while leveling and end game provides amazing raid buffs i know the smoked sage fish is one that is amazing while leveling it gives you a mana per five it also is brain food which means it gives you both health and mana back while you eat it so it's it's a nice one for leveling if you're thinking about leveling fishing then definitely consider leveling cooking at the same time because they really complement each other as you catch the fish you can cook them and you're leveling both professions at the same time so in tbc the master cookbook will allow you to level up your cooking to a new max of 375 and it is sold by baxter in thralma for the horde and gaston for the alliance in honor hold because cooking is a secondary profession like the other ones we talked about all players regardless of class or faction should level it through 375 and that is the end of our secondary professions and we're going to start talking about primary professions and remember we can only have two of these so your choice is a little bit more important so mining is one of the most essential gathering professions in wow it involves extracting ore from mineral nodes throughout the zones and it provides reagents for blacksmithing engineering and jewelcrafting so you can see why it's so valuable these are found using the miners basic ability find minerals it shows node spawns on your mini map mining is hugely popular and it can certainly be be a big gold maker in tbc for the reagents it provides to multiple multiple professions so mining can be profitable by either selling stacks of ore or smelting bars and selling those so in tbc it's important to know which is more valuable because jewelcrafting prospecting which destroys ore to find gems so definitely take a look at your service prices to know if you should be smelting it before you sell it or just sell the ore no matter what you plan on going mining for mining is a great profession for any class so once you're in outland competition for veins is going to become much tougher there's fewer zones and flying mounts decreases at the time it takes to do your farming routes and reach the nodes uh i laid out some routes for you that are pretty popular fel iron can be found by making circuits in any zone but the two most advisable are hellfire peninsula and tarot car forest hellfire is useful because it has the highest number of node spawns and tarot car is especially worthwhile for power leveling because you can quickly move to negrand to start collecting adamantite now adamantite is rarer than fel iron and will be the last mineral you'll need to gather to cap like thorium there's two types standard and rich and like the previous rich veins there is a difference of 25 levels but skill levels between when you can gather normal and rich deposits to efficiently get collect both however the optimal zone isn't a grand making complete circuits around underground should be enough to reach 350 but once you start looking for rich deposits specifically you'll need to focus your route the nodes effectively spawn in a ring and you should be able to streamline your hunt if you make a circle passing through sunspring post down to the encampment just south of forge camphir continue around oshugun to talar south to kilsarro fortress and then following the eastern border of the zone up through burning blade ruins eventually passing around garadar and returning to sunspring and once you've gathered enough you should be capped now we're going to talk about two endgame ores in tbc quarium ore and eternium ore so corium ore is essential to end game crafting in tbc high-level blacksmithing and engineering pattern patterns require chorion bars and high-level gems are prospected from the ore itself the nodes to gather it are corium veins which can be found in all zones of outlands to farm most effectively however the two best zones are negrand and the isle of quel'denas while quarium technically spawns the most in zangar marsh i'd say that the size the zone makes it a bit ineffective to farm instead in negrand widen your rich adamantite route to include twilight ridge and make sure to pass by the ring of trials and i think that'll be better otherwise the route is pretty similar the isle of quel de nas is particularly useful to visit because of its small size though there are fewer veins here than some other zones completing a circuit around will take a fraction of the time compared to the others now eternium ore is a rare drop available from all nodes in outlands out of these however higher level deposits like quarium veins adamantite deposits and rich adamantite deposits all have a shared high drop chance so because of this farming for eternium specifically is not really what you do instead it's advisable to choose between the other materials you'd like to farm and then invest a solid amount of time into it that way you'll definitely find some maternium all right that's a lot of info but hopefully that helps you with your mining quest moving on to blacksmithing this is uh i had a lot of fun learning about this one there's quite a bit of changes to blacksmithing and tvc blacksmithing is basically the craft of allowing players to create their own male and plate armor as well as two-handed maces axes and swords one and two-handed so while in vanilla blacksmiths were able to craft a number of high-value endgame recipes blizzard has really expanded on that in tbc uh your range of gear that you can create that is good is much bigger so most smiths choose mining as their gathering profession as blacksmithing has a huge potential it also has a huge price tag especially if you choose to buy all your materials on the auction house so this combination is suitable for most classes that wear plate and mail armor regardless of spec though it's especially beneficial for tanks and melee dps i'd really only recommend paladins and warriors learn blacksmithing because of the abundance of plate gear and blacksmithing but if you really really really wanted to there are a few items for rogues and enhanced shamans and blacksmithing but it's generally not recommended for those two classes so do so only if you really want a bop item since you aren't going to benefit as much from blacksmithing as paladins or warriors so if you see on the right hand side i really recommend paladins and warriors but if you wanted to rogues and shamans could uh you'd have to be an enhanced shaman and rogue you'd really only be doing it for the weapons so take it with a grain of salt i don't really recommend rogues or shamans do it but you can if you want to all right so once blacksmith blacksmithing cap they'll be able to craft gear like bulwark of the ancient kings and embrace of the twisting nether or weapons like blood moon dragon strike and blaze fury as well as a vast number of boe epics like oath keepers helm and hammer of righteous might when it comes to leveling up blacksmithing since patch 2.3 blizzard streamlined the process for training pretty much all professions so as a result of that trainers in any major capital city can teach you from apprentice all the way through artisan few that is awesome because the only recipes you'll need to acquire before heading to outlands are in gadgetzan it would be most it's probably easier for you to train in a capital in kalimdor if you're power leveling but you can do it however you want all right once you cross through the dark portal the master blacksmithing trainers will be in your faction's first outpost in hellfire peninsula so alliance smiths will need to find humphrey and honor hold and horde players will speak with rohawk at thralmar there are also additional trainers from both the aldor and scryers once you reach a traff in alder's rise any player with the appropriate reputation can learn from inodo and baryan will do the same in the squires tier so here is my favorite slide this is uh talking a little bit about the specializations armorsmithing and weaponsmithing so from vanilla to tbc i would say that the value of armorsmithing has increased and weaponsmithing has great gained three sub specializations to choose from axsmithing hammersmithing and sword smithing so on this slide you can look at my recommendations for which specialization you should go for depending on your class and what items you'll be able to make anything in green is a clickable link by the way and as always the link to the slides are in the comments comment section below so you can take a look at all the gear that each specialization can provide for you and decide for yourself which one you want to go i personally would only recommend um armorsmithing to paladins shamans and warriors swordsmithing all four of the classes could go obviously a rogue should not go blacksmithing and then choose axe smithing i don't think that's the greatest choice because rogues cannot use axes in the burning crusade all right so on to engineering so engineering is one of my absolute favorite professions it has a ton of fun items and a lot of useful items and it really captures the fantasy of being an engineer engineering is one of the more unique professions in world of warcraft it uses metal bars to create parts which are which are then used to create useful inventions like the field repair bot 110g engineers are also able to make ranged weapons like ornate corium rifle and the ammunition for them like adamantite shells which come from the adamantite shell machine another invention or adamantite stinger from adamantite aero maker in addition once engineers cap they gain the ability to make a piece of profession specific epic headgear like hard corium goggles these are really strong when it comes to training once you reach outland your master trainer will be at your faction's first questing area in hellfire peninsula and as you can see in the map for the horde the master trainer is zebig in thrallmar and for the alliance there's lebowski in honor hold unlike some professions the neutral trainer is not in stratrath instead all players can find zyrol at area 52 in netherstorm keep that in mind for later as a complimentary gathering profession most engineers choose mining due to the high number of metal bars and fair amount of gems required to reach the cap otherwise purchasing all materials materials to level engineering can get really costly considering that engineering is going to be sharing these same materials with blacksmithing and jewelcrafting and all classes can benefit from engineering regardless of spec so i said any class can learn it especially given the addition of those epic helms in this expansion which are very powerful all right in the in addition uh tbc also added flying mounts by the way i forgot to mention that engineers can actually create their own flying machines so both flying machine control and turbocharged flying machine control are recipes learned from trainers so that's also another added benefit if you want a very unique flying mount so there aren't any new specializations for engineering and tbc but there are new items for each of the two already existing specializations gnomish and goblin engineering for nomich engineers and i'm just going to cover a few because there's quite a bit there's the new ultra safe transporter uh and gnomish poultry iser to name only two and then for goblin engineering there's the foreman's helmet granting sun resist there's one with attack power and there's one with spell damage so choose whichever one you want and then the new dimensional ripper to area 52. so keep that in mind if you want to quickly go to the engineering trainer goblin engineering will probably have easier access to that trainer always fun and super flavor flavorful stuff with both both specializations generally i would say goblin has better has been better for pvp but really both specializations have things to offer nomish generally is considered to have better trinkets and also take into mind the difference in teleport locations so the ultra safe transporter for nomish brings you to toshley's station and the dimensional ripper for goblin engineering will bring you to area 52. all right we're moving on to jewel crafting so i have to say jewelcrafting is one of my absolute favorite professions once you reach outland to train master jewelcrafting it's similar to the other professions your trainers are going to be in your faction's first town which is going to be honor hold and thralmar alliance should talk to tatiana and horde should talk to kalian there's a number of neutral trainers available as well in shattrath there's namiha and hamanaar of the aldor as well as crembree silver main of the squires as well as nether in netherstorm everyone can also find jazz dalad of the consortium at the stormspire and i got that on the map before you check that out unlike most professions in wow they're in only a limited number there's only a limited number of trainers that teach apprentice through artisan jewelcrafting the alliance's only options are fari in the exodar and hannah gembold and ironforge the horde can learn from kalinda and silverman city alina in eversong woods just outside the city or nahari cloudchaser in thunderbluff these names are actually pretty hard to pronounce so sorry if i messed up those people's names so what's awesome about jewelcrafting is that it's a new profession in tbc it's it's you know it's it's a new addition um it involves cutting gems to put them into gear or using them to craft rings necklaces trinkets in order to find these gems jewelcrafters need to use their main skill prospecting on a any ore which destroys it in the process in order to search for these gems and then once once you cap your jewelcrafting you'll be able to craft really awesome gems like relentless earth storm diamond figurine living living ruby serpent or the natural ward because of all the ore needed to create bars and find gems mining again is the most complementary gathering profession a jewel crafter can choose if you don't just know that splitting materials with blacksmithing engineering can potentially raise the cost of metal bars in your server and finally jewelcrafting is suitable for all classes and races given its potential to buff players of all builds so it's worth noting that jewelcrafting has jewelcrafting only gems so like some of the other professions there are some things that will benefit just you for going those professions as you can see since these gems are bind on pickup once you cut these gems only you can use them and they are stronger versions of other gem cuts that's something that is really really cool about tbc depending on what profession you choose you have benefits exclusive to you from your profession all right moving on to another gathering profession herbalism so herbs gathered act as the primary reagents in alchemy so these two are usually combined together elsewhere herbs are sometimes used in enchanting cooking engineering and various other professions and because alchemy is suitable for all classes so is herbalism and as the profession takes place across every zone there is really no specific race that benefits more or has an easier time leveling it i do have i have found that blood elves get a ton of blood thistle in their starting zone so maybe they have a slight edge of having an easier time leveling that however out of all of the zones i would say that zangar marsh is the easiest to consistently level your herbalism in tbc it has great biodiversity and mobs like bog lord that act as an herbalism node after it's been defeated you can also make complete circuits or focus on specific areas like the northwest corner around marsh light lake and ango roche grounds and also around umbrafen lake out of all the herbs that have an individual node one or two i would say are the most important manifest and fel lotus so these two reagents are used in a number of highly useful endgame alchemy creations as well as a couple of elixirs the most nodes are in tarot car forest above chatrath and around skedis the zone with the second most is negrand where they're around twilight ridge and near the border with tarot car the other one i mentioned is fel lotus it's used in making powerful flasks and flasks are super powerful in tbc because their effects persist through death so that is a new change uh usually if you died in in or wiped in classic you lost all of your consumables well these flasks will persist through death so these herbs are super valuable because it will make these flasks so the two maps on the right are routes you can use to farm fell lotus it's a little more popular than mana thistle as you can see mana thistle is a bit more uh there's less of it so there you go those are the two herbs that you're probably going to be focusing on if you level herbalism up to the max okay next up is alchemy so alchemy is the profession where you're gonna be using the herbs from herbalism to craft potions and elixirs or using stones and reagents to convert one material into another known as transmuting so alchemy is essential for high level rating and pvp as the potions and elixirs are some of the strongest buffs available in the game and i kind of alluded to that earlier in the herbalism section there's tons of resistance potions there's just amazing buff elixirs all sorts of raid consumables they're absolutely vital for completing certain dungeons and raids as well the materials alchemists can create are necessary for almost all end game end game crafting and also giving you the chance to earn some serious profit because of that to learn master you'll find your trainer in your faction's first questing area in hellfire peninsula for the horde this will be apothecary anton vic in thralma and for the alliance it is alchemist gribble in honor hold both sell multiple recipes you're going to need all players can look can learn from laurel keem and chat with lower city you will also need to purchase at least one recipe from them so keep in mind where they are overall alchemy is suitable for all classes especially with the addition of endgame trinkets for almost all roles in tbc most players choose to take to also take up herbalism as their gathering profession as purchasing all the herbs for your concoctions are going to be super costly if you're just constantly going to the auction house buying whatever you need all right so from trans transmutations to elixirs flasks potions i would say alchemy has probably one of the highest value creations so here's just a few of them listing out you know some of the stuff you can make in alchemy i definitely recommend alchemy if you haven't done it before to just look at all the amazing stuff that you can create all right next up is skinning so skinning is the use of a skinning knife to basically skin either beasts dragonkins or demons skinning is most often paired with leather working the materials can be used for other professions but by far it is most often used with leather working because the two are basically perfect together other than you know using skinning to level leather working skinning also has a a pretty good gold making potential uh you can sell sell lots of different hides that you find and uh they're quite valuable because of the amazing craftable boe epics that are added in tbc so selling high level leather is really a very profitable thing to do to become a master skinner alliance players will be taught by jelena night sky and honor hold and for the horde murutu and thralmar will do the same thing for you also all players can learn from seymour and shatrith's lower city but there's really no reason to learn from him i'd recommend learning in hellfire so you can start leveling your skinning right when you are in the first zone so don't learn from seymour he sucks too far away another benefit with skinning is that it really nicely integrates with leveling you can really easily level this profession while you're leveling your character you can just skin the creatures you're already killing for leveling so there's no need to go out of your way to level this gathering profession you can just integrate it nicely with what you're already doing however this makes it a very popular profession and can eventually drive down prices if there's just too much supply to meet up with demand all right so to level up your skinning in outland i'd recommend starting in hellfire peninsula doing the highlighted routes then once you're 3 30 continue leveling skinning in and at 350 farm the nether drakes and blades edge mountains to cap off at 3.75 when it comes to skinning there are three reagents uh that are high value to look for probably actually i'd say maybe four as well basically these items make very powerful items and again the links are in the slides if you want to click them so i'm just going to be talking about a few of these very valuable reagents so one of them is the nether dragon scales which are skinned from drakes and worms throughout outland and the easiest places to find high concentrations of these are another storm or blade's edge mountains fellhides are most often found on elite demons and dungeons but also can be skinned from non-elite mobs one of the easiest ways to farm it is to head to another storm and focus on artifact seekers and warp chasers around arklon ruins and manaforge duro another non-elite uh farm-friendly mob is daggertail lizard in blaze edge mountains alright next up is fel scales so these are important for mainly crafting epic quality male gear it has a higher drop chance from skinning than most of the other end game materials and it can easily be farmed by flying through the northern part of blade's edge mountains noted on the map and skinning the various types of basilisks throughout the zone this next one i'm sure is no surprise the thick cleft hook cliff thick cleft hoof leather is one of the unique kinds of leather necessary to craft and game gear in tbc it's primarily scanned from cleft hoofs and can easily be farmed in nutrient however the rarest of the materials that i've listed out has to be cobra scales because cobra scales can actually only be skinned from three different mobs this can make farming them a little bit more challenging two of the mobs coil star cobra and shadow serpent both spawn on the northern ridge of shadow moon valley making that the best spot to gather them the other twilight serpent only spawned into grand on twilight ridge so if one spot is over farmed you can go and check out the other one skinning is an awesome profession all right up next is leather working so leatherworking in tbc has some new bop and boe recipes uh and specialized gear so skinning is the only profession that is able to gather the necessary materials for leather working so most players opt to pair the two and in terms of class and specialization leather working is suitable for all leather and male wearers you can find master trainers in hellfire peninsula for the alliance you'll find you'll learn it from brahman at honor hold barim spilt hoof will do the same for the horde at thralmar and all players can also be trained by darmari of lower city in shetrath so leatherworking is in my opinion the absolute best profession for raiding and pve due to the ability to create drums of battle in drums of war which are very very useful in raids if you take into account the combined benefit for the entire party you can see why it is so powerful you can also craft leg enchants like another cobra leg armor which will definitely be best in slot for some classes and all leather workers can make very powerful gear i've listed this out gear like carapace of the sun and shadow and living earth shoulders so um just just keep it keep that in mind there's some very powerful gear so leather working like several other professions offers you the chance to hone your abilities in a specific specialization when you're at least level 45 and skill level 200. for leather working these are dragon scale leather working elemental leather working and tribal leather working to decide which specialization is for you one of the easiest ways is to look at the endgame gear i've listed here i've also shown you in my opinion which specialization is right depending on what class you're playing uh i would say that for dragon scale leather working this is mainly for spell using a malware so elemental shamans and also there is the eben netherscale set which i would say is okay for physical dps male wares aka hunters elemental is for physical dps leather wearers so i would say rogues and druids only and tribal is for spell using leather wearers which is actually only druid so while the specializations themselves are not new in tbc they can make powerful pieces like primal strike vest windhawk belt and ebb and netherscale bracers for example so definitely take a look at which specialization you think is right for you and what gear you want to go for and decide for yourself okay so moving on to tailoring so tailoring is using cloth that you find on humanoids similar to first aid to create uh different bags and different cloth gear because tailoring is able to make gear for any spec it's an appropriate profession for really any cloth wearer so i've listed over to the right you've got mages warlocks and priests and because it doesn't really require a companion gathering profession it's most often leveled alongside enchanting because it also doesn't need a gathering profession so although for pve maximizing dps i'd say leatherworking is the best for drums i would definitely consider tailoring because of the powerful gear that you can actually use for some of these classes some of some some of this powerful gear includes you know mantle of the nimble thought and hands of eternal light and spell threat enchantments enhance enhancements to gear like runic spell thread so once you reach skill level 350 you can head on over to shattrath lower city and begin your specialization quest specialization has two primary benefits the first is that when crafting either primal moon cloth shadow shadow cloth spell cloth you'll make two per cast depending on which specializat specialization you choose the second is that you'll be able to craft a unique set of epic cloth armor and the set includes a waist a chest and a shoulder slot and then it's going to have a powerful set bonus so which specialization is for you well i'm going to walk through that right now uh so i would say moon cloth armor it is going to allow you mana regen regeneration while casting it's gonna buff your int and your spirit um it's basically for healers i would say that it's for holy priests and if you wanted to i would say if you're a resto druid it's okay to wear cloth and you could go for this set the nether weave set uh heals players for two percent of the damage frost and shadow cause and buff into stamina and the spell fire set buffs and increases spell damage by seven percent of your total in intellect sorry i meant to say instead of another we have frozen shadow weave so um based on the gear and what class you're playing or on which cloth you feel like selling the choice is kind of up to you um shadow weave tailoring is really for this frozen shadow weave set so if you're a frost mage if you're a shadow priest or if you're using shadow spells as a warlock which you should be in most cases shadow weave is for you moon cloth tailoring is really for healing so i'd say holy priest or wrestler druid and then spell fire tailing tailoring is for fire mages and destro warlocks who are using primarily fire spells so i hope that is helpful to you all right up next is enchanting now enchanting is a powerful endgame profession in pve and pvp as you level it can give your gear buffs to make leveling faster this profession is usually paired with tailoring because it doesn't require a gathering profession because of this pairing enchanting is most highly recommended for cloth armor wearers of all specs but it can also make sense for pretty much any class to become an enchanter but my highest recommendation is to the cloth wearers to also get tailoring with it enchanters get their materials to enchant by using a disenchant and in raids you're going to want at least one enchanter to disenchant unneeded gear this spell allows players to destroy gear of at least uncommon quality into dusts essences and crystals at high level enchanters can add buffs like enchant gloves threat enchant weapon executioner and enchant boots sure-footed also enchanters have an enchanting only enchant for their rings which increases all stats by four put that on both rings and because you're an enchanter you'll now have an eight to all stats lead on an otherwise equal set of gear all right guys and that's all for this video so this one took me a super long time to create so if you enjoyed it let me know like the video subscribe if you're new here if you're new here welcome i'm planning on continuing to make tbc guides so if you haven't subscribed yet don't forget if you subscribe then you'll know when the next guide is out let me know what you guys think about this guide if i missed anything if you have any further questions if you're tell me what you're interested in learning about next and i'll see what i can do for you guys so i really hope you guys enjoyed this i hope you found it valuable and i will see you guys in the next video take care [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 131,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, wow tbc classic best professions, WoW TBC Classic Profession Guide, wow tbc profession guide, wow profession guide, wow tbc best professions, wow tbc best profession for gold, best professions tbc, wow classic tbc professions, tbc profession guide, tbc profession overview, tbc profession bonuses, tbc profession gold makking, tbc hunter professions, tbc shaman professions, tbc warlock professions, rogue professions tbc, tbc professions overview, profession leveling, tbc
Id: Jti3nfwzvio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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