The Burning Crusade Classic WoW: Leveling Guide for Launch Day or After! Revered by Level 70!

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This is great, although I imagine you will get a few "how about just play the game and don't worry so much about min-maxing" comments. ;)

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Siddown 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 đź—«︎ replies

Not all heroes display capes

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/wowjnew 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 đź—«︎ replies

Just what I was looking for, thanks.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/JunoVC 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 đź—«︎ replies

I think maybe noting some instances are a lot harder than others and some can be extremely melee unfriendly would be a nice touch. Such as Furnace being Harder than Ramparts etc.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Freudinio 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 đź—«︎ replies

Took a long time to make this, because I wanted to get it as accurate as possible. I hope this helps out a lot of folks while they level, and especially those who may be new to TBC. Let me know what you think and if it's helpful...or not helpful. I don't mind critiques. Thank you for your time.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Icosiol 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 đź—«︎ replies

Going to follow this for sure. Thanks a lot for posting.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/joemama19 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 đź—«︎ replies

And bookmark for later. Nice work op.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/HurtsFlyerin21 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 đź—«︎ replies

I felt this in my plums

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Slimysalamander 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 đź—«︎ replies

Saving this, thanks

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SirKrohan 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 đź—«︎ replies
The Dark Portal opens and the rush to level 70 is on, but is that really the best thing to do? Hello everyone, my name is, Icosiol and in this video I’m going to show you my plan for increasing reputation with the more important factions in the Burning Crusade while progressing to the coveted level 70. In this guide I want to share with you all the strategy to leveling for the Burning Crusade that I will be using that puts more importance on reputation gain than actually speed leveling. The goal of this method of leveling is to reach Revered, or as close as possible to it for as many of the important factions available at the start of this expansion. Racing your way to level 70 will often spoil more efficient routes to gaining reputaion with the new factions in Outland, and likely cause a more dreadful experience in the end game as you try to catch up with your rep. At certain points in this guide I will suggest to complete specific quests. There are far too many to actually show on screen, so for those please click on the links provided in the video description below to find which ones I am referring to. Also understand that when I say to run a dungeon it is to fully clear the dungeon of all enemies to maximize your reputation gains while in there. Lastly, please keep in mind that in many cases you will stop earning reputation in a dungeon, or with specific quests and leave you one point shy of reaching the next repuation level. So for example, when I say to do something until you reach Honored, you will likely still be Friendly and one point shy of Honored. That just means you’re ready for the next step. Now with all that said, let’s get this video started. The very first faction you can start earning reputation for is Honor Hold or Thrallmar which depends on whether you’re Horde or the Alliance. Since I’m a filthy Alliance player, I will be pushing for Honor Hold reputation. On launch day the Hellfire Peninsula is going to be flooded with people trying to complete quests which will create a massive bottleneck and really slow things down. That’s okay though, because what you want to do is actually get into the Hellfire Citidel dungeon called the Blood Furnace. Both the Ramparts and Blood Furnace award Honor Hold or Thrallmar reputation until you reach Honored, but since Blood Furnace awards more reputation, we’re going to make that one our priority. If you fully clear the Blood Furnace you will earn 750 reputation per run which means you’ll run this dungeon 12 times. You will earn a total of 9,000 reputation, so your reputation bar will say 5,999 rep. at Friendly. Once that’s accomplished, you will need to complete quests to officially reach Honored. This is when you will start doing the pre-quests in order to unlock the quests for the Ramparts which leads to more quests in the Blood Furnace. That means you will run both the Ramparts and Blood Furnace one more time while not receiving any reputation in doing so. That’s not a problem though, because it also means you’re not missing out on any reputation gains in reaching Revered. Once you have completed all those runs, and completed the quests for them you will now complete all but the Cenarion Expedition Quests in the Hellfire Zone which will earn you approximately 10,685 more rep. This puts you at a total of 19,685 reputation earned which should show as Honored at 10,685 rep. with 1,315 left to reach Revered. All that’s needed to do now to reach Revered is to fully clear the Shattered Halls when you reach level 70, so it’s time to put this rep farm on pause. At this point you should be level 62 or close to it, but there’s one last thing we need to do before we move on to the next step, and that’s to visit Shattrath, get our flight path, and choose Aldor or Scryer. Don’t do anything beyond that, and now let’s start Step 2. Your next faction to work on is the Cenarion Expedition in Zangarmarsh. We don’t want to do any quests yet as they’re going to help us get through Honored, so instead we can choose between two options. The first is to fully clear both the Slave Pens and Underbog dungeons until you reach Honored. Underbog is the better dungeon to repeat as you will earn more reputation with the Cenarion Expedition, and take about nine runs to reach Honored. You will also acquire Sanguine Hibiscus which will help you increase your reputation with the Sporeggar. Once you reach Honored you’re ready to begin completing quests, but before I talk about that let’s talk about your second option to reach Honored which is farming creatures in Zangarmarsh. Located in this area of Zangarmarsh are many boglords and other creatures that will help earn you some rep with the Sporeggar, but that’s not your focus. What you’re doing is farming these mobs for Unidentified Plant Parts to turn in to Lauranna Thar’well who is at the Cenarion Refuge. Turning in 10 of these will earn you 250 rep, but they only grant reputation until you reach Honored. That means you can only turn this quest in up to 36 times which equals 360 plant parts you need to farm. If you don’t want to farm for these you can simply purchase them from the AH, but understand that early on in the expansion they will likely be limited numbers and the costs will be high. When you turn in Unidentified Plant Parts you will receive a Package of Identified Plants, and these package have a small chance of containing an Uncatalogued Species. Hold on to all the Uncatalogued Species until you reach that last point of Friendly and then turn them in to get a nice boost in to Honored. Once you have reached Honored you will now focus on completing the Cenarion Expedition quests in Hellfire Penninsula, Zangarmarsh and Terrokar Forest. During this time there are quests for the Slave Pens and Underbog, so make sure you get those if you haven’t done them already. If you opted to farm for Unidentified Plant Parts try to only run each dungeon once as the creatures in there will not offer any reputation except for the later mobs in the Underbog past Friendly. Once all of these quests are complete, and you have turned in all the Coilfang Armaments you have obtained, you should have reached Revered with the Cenarion Expedition, and likely have reached level 63. At this time you should have already gone to Shattrath and completed the introductory quests that lead you to your decision of choosing your allegiance to the Aldor or Scryer Factions. Those will be the only quests you will complete at this time if you haven’t done so already. For those who chose the Aldor you’re going to farm for Marks of Kil’Jaeden from the cultists found near Auchindoun in the Bone Wastes. These marks only grant reputation from Neutral through Friendly, so you’re going to farm for 220 of these. If you’re a Draeni you only need to farm for 100, and if you’re a Blood Elf you need 340 Marks. For those that chose the Scryer’s you’re going to be farming for Sunfury Signets from the blood elves found here in Terrokar Forest. The same numbers apply except if you’re a Blood Elf you only need 100 Signets, while Dranei will need 340 Signets. By the time you’re done farming for these you should have reached level 64, or be close to it, and your Reputation should be one point shy of Honored. If you don’t want to farm for all of these Marks or Signets you can instead purchase what you need from the Auction House. We will come back to our Aldor and Scryer rep a bit later, so for now let’s move on to Step 4. Now that you’re around level 64 you want to begin working on your Lower City Rep., and just like the Cenarion Expedition you have two Options. The first is to chain run full clears of the Auchenai Crypts dungeon. It awards 700 reputation per clear which means you need to run this dungeon thirteen times to reach Honored. There are two quests associated with the Crypts, but they award rep for the Sha’tar and the one called, “Auchindoun…” is out of our reach at this time. The quest “Everything Will Be Alright” can be completed and turned in now as it won’t negatively impact your rate of Sha’tar rep gain later. Your second option is to collect Arakkoa Feathers which you will turn in to Vekax who is located here in Shattrath. If you’re not yet level 64 I highly suggest you farm for these feathers which drop frequently off the Arrakoa mobs in this area of Terokkar Forest before you run the Crypts. 30 Arrakoa Feathers equals 250 rep, so for every 90 you turn in will reduce how many times you need to run Auchenai Crypts by one. Alternatively you can purchase an obscene amount of these (1,080 to be exact) instead of running the dungeon, but early in the expansion you might find this to be rather expensive. When you maximize your reputation at Friendly you want to now begin completing all of the level Kappropriate Lower City quests to help make a dent in to Honored. Completing all of these quests will earn you 5,950 reputation with the Lower City which now has us at a total of 14,950 reputation earned and looks like 5,950 in to Honored. Because the Auchenai Crypts doesn’t offer much XP you might still be level 64, but likely close to 65. Now let’s put our Lower City grind on pause, and move on to Step 5. The Mana Tombs is an excellent source of XP if fully cleared, and that’s what you’re going to do until you reach Honored. Each run will earn you 990 reputation which means it will take 10 runs to reach your goal. Be sure to complete the quests asociated with the Mana Tombs, but do not turn them in until you reach 5,999 in Friendly to make a dent in to Honored. Once you have reached Honored you’re going to head on over to Nagrand and complete the Consortium quests found in that zone. You will earn another 2,010 reputation from those quests which will put you at 12,360 rep. earned which looks like 3,360 in to Honored. There are more Consortium quests to do when we reach higher levels, and speaking of higher levels this is the part where you might have fallen a little bit behind. If you’re not 66 by the time you reach Honored you will enter the optional Step 6 which is the catch up phase. This begins the more painful part of the process. It’s around this time you may find yourself lagging a bit in level, and so in keeping with the theme of this guide I want to show how you can maximize your reputation earnings while continuing to gain XP, so here is your priority. If you’re not level 66 and have not completed the Consortium quests in Nagrand you should finish those now. If those quests are done you will want to complete your Kurenai or Mag’har quests. If both of those are complete you will want to kill the cultists at Kil’Sorrow Fortress for Mark’s of Kil’jaeden if you’re not yet Honored with the Aldor. If all of that is done and you’re not yet level 66 you’re going to kill Nagrand Ogre’s for three things. Obsidian Warbeads for Consortium rep. Each kill grants 10 rep for the Kurenai or Mag’har, and they have a chance to drop Oshu’gun Crystal Powder for Halaa Research Tokens. Do that until you reach level 66, and once you reach level 66 you’re ready for Step 7. It’s time to go back to Azeroth and get to the Caverns of Time to start our grind with the Keepers of Time faction. Start and complete the Escape from Durnhold questline which will award 6,000 reputation once complete. To reach Honored you’ll need to run Durnholde three more times, but that means you need to kill all the enemies over in Tarren Mill before you begin the final encounter to maximize your reputation earning potential. It’s not important for you ro run this dungeon more than once though since you’re going to be forced to run the Black Morass to reach Revered anyway. If you’re feeling gutsy, or you have a group of higher level players you can choose to chain run The Opening of the Dark Portal until you reach Revered. Each clear of the Black Morass will earn you roughly 1,110 reputation with the Keepers of Time which means it’s about 11 runs to reach Revered. You will be back here in a few more levels so it’s up to you if you want to do this now or later. If you’re going to do it later it’s now time to move on to Step 8. You’re likely still level 66 and you want to collect the available quests for Sethekk Halls, and fully clear that dungeon about six times to reach Revered with the Lower City. You can turn in the quests once they’re complete to give you a slight boost as well. Inside Sethekk Halls located behind the final boss is the Shadow Labrynth Key, and you will need that for your Karazhan attuenement very soon. Your goal is to reach both Revered, and obtain level 67, so you’re back in the catch-up phase until you meet those two goals. By fully clearing Sethekk Halls six times you will have earned around 6,210 rep with the Lower City. Add that to the 14,950 you have already earned and you will have a total of 21,160 rep which puts you at 160 Rep in to Revered. Now get to level 67, and you’re ready for Step 9. At level 67 you’re going to head over to Blade’s Edge Mountains and complete all of the Cenarion Expedition quests that are now available at your level. You’re likely already revered with the Expedition, but you’re doing this because you need the XP, and it gets you closer to Exalted which you will likely want anyways. Once that’s done you’re going over to Netherstorm to complete the Cenarion Expedition quests there, as well as the Consortium quests in Midrealm, Stormspire, and Area 52. If you haven’t turned in your Mana Tombs quests you can do so now. When you’re done with those quests you’re likely not yet level 68, so it’s back to farming Obsidian Warbeads or running the Black Morass for both XP and working towards Revered or Exalted depending on where you left off. Once you reach Level 68 you’re on to the next and very fun step 10. At level 68 the questline to begin your Karazan attunement becomes available. Doing this now not only serves to earn you some excellent XP, but will also allow you to be ready to enter Karazhan the moment you reach level 70. I go in to detail about each step of this attunement questline in my Raid Attunement video, so when you reach this part go ahead and give that a look to prepare yourself. Part of this quest will send you back to the Black Morass, so if you’re already Revered you won’t have to run it anymore times unless you’re trying to reach Exalted now. Near the end of the questline you’ll either need to be level 70 with a flying mount, a Warlock to Summon you, or be a Druid with flight form at level 68 to get you up to the Arcatraz, so keep that in mind. It’s not necessary for you to complete the Karazhan attunement just yet, so if you can’t get to the Arcatraz go ahead and move on to the final step. You’re now beginning the XP grind to 70, but we want to attack this as we have everything else, so it’s time to un-pause our Aldor or Scryer rep grind which was left at Honored. For Aldor you’re going to complete the quests that are now available in Nagrand, Netherstorm, and Shadowmoon Valley. Those that chose to be allied with the Scryers will have quests to complete in Netherstorm and Shadowmoon Valley only. Outside of these quests your best bet to increase your reputation with the Aldor is by farming the mobs located at Death’s Door in Blade’s Edge Mountains. The mobs are dense here, and have the potential to drop many Mark’s of Sargeras and Fel Armaments. For those that chose the Scryers, your best option for Sunfury Signets and Arcane Tomes is by farming the mobs located at Manaforge B’Naar in Netherstorm. If farming endless mobs isn’t your thing you can instead rotate between Tempest Keep dungeons for Sha’tar rep, and potential drops of Marks of Sargeras, Fel Armaments, Arcane Tomes and Sunfury Signets. Of those three it’s Botanica that offers the most rep for the Sha’tar. Shadow Labyrinth is also a great dungeon for Marks of Sargeras and Fel Armament drops, and will increase your Lower City rep if you’re trying to reach Exalted since you should already be Revered with them from earlier. If you’re still looking for reputation with the Consortium you can also take time to gather more warbeads, but that will really slow down your approach to 70 so I suggest at this point to focus on your Sha’tar, and Aldor or Scryer rep by farming these dungeons or locations for Armament, Tomes, Signets and Marks drops until you finally reach that max level of 70. At max level you should be one Shattered Halls run away from Revered with Honor Hold or Thrallmar. Cenarion Expedition, Lower City, and Keepers of Time, should all be at Revered. Your Aldor or Scryers, and Sha’tar reputation should all be at Revered if not very close to it. The only one that is likely Honored with a little ways to go is the Consortium, but that really depends on how many Obsidian Warbeads you were able to collect. If you really put extra effort on the Consortium that faction could also be Revered at this time. With your reputations at this level you likely have good enough gear to start running a few heroic dungeons to further increase your reputation to exalted. You also have access to everything you need to finish your Karazhan attunement if you couldn’t complete it before 70. Now all you gotta do is start pushing these factions to Exalted through many Heroic dungeons runs, daily quests, and maybe start getting in those first Karazhan attempts. Thank you very much for watching this guide on Leveling for Reputation. I truly hope this helps some of you navigate the muddy waters that is faction reputation in the Burning Crusade as it can be a bit daunting. If you enjoyed this guide please give it a Like, Subscribe and click on that bell to be notified of new content I create for Classic TBC. You can follow me on Twitter @Icosiol classic WoW where I talk all things Classic. For some of my other content you can click on any of these links here. Thank you again for watching, and here’s to hoping I crunched my numbers right for this video, because man I’m not going to hear the end of it if I messed this up.
Channel: Icosiol
Views: 327,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Classic TBC, the burning crusade classic, wow classic tbc, tbc classic leveling guide, burning crusade factions, wow tbc factions, TBC Leveling Fast, honor hold rep guide, honor hold rep farm, thrallmar rep farming guide, Cenarion Expedtion, cenarion expedition rep guide, cenarion expedition rep guide tbc, Aldor, Scryer, Sha'tar, Consortium, tbc guide wow, World of Warcraft, Icosiol, TBC, tbc leveling 60-70, wow leveling guide classic new player, wow classic tbc reputation guide
Id: 0SrSyiQx6Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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