I'm Finished with Classic WoW Content (Melderon)

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greetings everyone meldaron here it's been a long time since i've made content and i'd like to explain why that is today i've decided to stop making content for wow classic and stop making youtube content pretty much all together for the foreseeable future this decision is not just because of what happened recently in the news with blizzard and sexual harassment allegations and unequal treatment of women no it's this has been happening for a while that has a part of why i made this decision but it's not the only reason why i'm not quitting playing wow classic i should put this out there really quickly before i get into my reasons my long reasons why i'm doing what i'm doing but i will be quitting making content so i'd like to explain why i'd like to start by talking about this channel how we started and some of the achievements we've made along the way i started this channel in 2016 after the nos shutdown because i was very angry about what happened i played private servers during us even a little bit before an ah story and i stopped playing retail during that uh what's that probably pandaria rather lich king transition phase there and i started playing more and more private servers and i started watching people like dodgy kebab hamster wheel ork bit alex central and i really wanted to be try that and be a content creator because to me this was a really interesting time right private servers were kind of like almost seen as like you know bad or illegal in a way and these guys were like kind of cool pirates that were you know doing something against blizzard even then was very disenfranchised with blizzard because i didn't like where the game was going so i decided to make content too initially those were just kind of little community pieces talking about the game doing some leveling some very very bare bones guides and i you know discovered shaman then too so i was started playing shaman wad so i kind of was interested in how they would feel in vanilla classic and they were very very different and i fell in love with the class and wanted to learn as much as i could about them so i started making my rudimentary shaman guides and getting so engrossed in the game and in classic azeroth and this world that i missed so much and what was going on in real life in that time was i was towards the tail end of my phd uh if you guys don't know i'm a research scientist i work at a hospital and i'm a phd in genetics and any free time i had during that time i was putting towards making content so as time went on my content got better and better i got my brother involved deaf camp in the channel as well we started doing uh podcasts talking to other content creators building up our repertoire of videos if you will getting to know people and slowly but steadily our subscriber numbers went up our view accounts went up hit from hundreds of views to maybe a couple thousand and that was really cool and towards the talent of my phd i had decided that i was going to move to a different country germany and get a job there i actually had a job lined up was with a woman that i thought i was going to marry and everything seemed to be going great and at this time the channel was getting bigger and bigger as well getting to learn new things i mean new people and things seemed great unfortunately for me i didn't know that my life was going to get kind of turned upside down as the relationship i was in fell apart kind of randomly and surprisingly so instead of moving to germany and starting a job i was supposed to be starting at i moved back to philadelphia from kansas where i get my phd and had to move back in my parents for a while which is not what you want to do at 36 years old so what was there for me i'm sure all you're going to answer this question now warcraft content creation and i just put everything i could into it if you if you remember before classic walk came out i put out a ton of content upgraded my stuff that i had you know and just put so much into this because i had nothing else to put my energy into i was in between jobs i had to find another job it was really scary for me so while i was there content creation was there and classic wow was coming out that was the best part about it i remember sitting in a when i first found out that classical i was officially coming out i was sitting in a berry farm in the middle of kansas collecting field specimens of fruit flies and i immediately called death camp and lost my mind like and ever since then i was just emboldened to make content this is what i fought for for years making content in 2016 until 2018 was just promoting the game promoting classic wow and that time or even though i was out of work really just was great for me i got to meet new people like the class what a live team the website we built cargos navic egregious ale we built a website together we our plan was to compete with wellhead didn't really work out but we tried we made content together i met other content creators got really close with people that i've only dreamed up that i would ever meet and talk to people like mad season platinum wow willie josh from countdown the classic you know all these people that i only listened to i remember running in the gym listening to josh's podcast when it first came out thinking to myself i would love to talk to these this guy i'd love to be on the show one day cargo's it was instrumental in building our channel so was people like asmongold watching our videos even alex sensual laugh all you want but he is one of the first people to watch our videos on his stream hamster wheel orc bit s fan tips out people that we talked to when we when we were you know getting bigger eventually we got to get press passes press passes for blizzcon we got to meet developers got to meet omar gonzalez have a drink with him talk about the game with him talk about beta talk about things we could change make the community better before tbc came out i got into contact with more developers and we talked about how to make the game better what what needs to be fixed in the beta what's broken what need what is still unsure of i was part of if you will quality assurance even though we told them you know and it wasn't like a job where it wasn't a job per se it was just a position that i found myself in to help the community and we told them when we were vehemently opposed certain things like the cash shop like world buffs i told him from day one i didn't want world buffs in the game and whether something worked out or didn't the fact that i was able to meet these people talk to them have an impact in the game in some way the game i love so much i've been playing since vanilla the end of vanilla and i know you all know what i'm talking about you know if this game is really special to you i know you realize how impactful these things are and the the channel itself we we've achieved a lot 37 000 subscribers ain't too shabby for a classic wild winning channel having people like eisman gold watch your videos ain't too shabby meeting developers having a podcast like good morning azeroth with people like cargos doona dane ain't too shabby i also want to say as far as achievements go it was it's been an honor talking to past developers like john statz and kevin jordan about the game if you told me that i'd be able to interview these people i laugh there's no way that i think that would ever happen when i created this channel so thank you both john and kevin for being amazing and thank you for giving me insights into how i almost should be and how even us as players can screw things up i've achieved a lot i've learned a lot about myself about content creation real skills art skills that i can use in my publications in science practicing my science in the esoteric if you will shaman guides that i've made over the years three hour long shaman guides built the classic shaman discord with egregious 40 000 people community building is probably the most important thing i have enjoyed through this whole process and the biggest contribution i've had i've achieved a lot it really means a lot to me when people reach out to me in game and say thank you for making your videos you've helped me play shaman better thank you for making your podcasts whatever um people still reach out to me in the game to this day whisper me and thank me and that's huge but something happened the reason i'm making stop making content like i said wow content creation and world of warcraft was there for me when i needed it most when the pandemic hit that was a huge blow for me because i was getting back into work at the time i had found a job about a month or two before class while launched and was really getting into it and as you know the pandemic hit in 2020. i was out of work for 15 months working from home but out of work physically for someone like me structure is very important and i didn't do well in those in that environment waking up every day you know going to my computer i didn't want to do anything i didn't want to make content or really work i was just kind of in this funk for 15 months which sucked because i just got back out of a kind of a valley after my breakup by getting a new job and getting myself back out there again and then the pandemic brought me right back down and that was really hard for me content was usually my go to in situations like this but i just felt kind of disenfranchised for with everything but i still soldiered on i still made some videos not as much as i want to but i made videos i made videos leading up to tbc more shaman guides a class general class guide which did perform very well and people really really enjoyed and if it wasn't for the classic shaman discord that stuff wouldn't be possible by the way it was very very a group effort but recently i went back to work because philadelphia released the ban on if you will on wearing masks indoors and stuff like that and my employer decided that it was an okay time for us to go back to work that really significantly changed things for me everything has been improving in my life since then i feel better about myself feel better about everything but most importantly i feel better about my career and how much i love science and how much i really missed it not being in the lab now i don't work with lab materials or animals anymore i do everything on computer i should have been that happy at home right but i didn't feel that way i needed to get back in the physical work again to realize that i want to put my energy towards my job and that's the real reason i'm stopping content is because i want to put as much energy as i can into my job and when i come home i wouldn't if i'm going to play well i want to play it as a player and not a content creator i want to continue to lead my guild into new content continue to do arena which i really really enjoy i didn't think i would and i want to be a player again now would that burn bridges for me will that mean i won't be invited to be a beta tester or give my two cents into what i think needs to be done to the game possibly but that's okay i've done that already i've done the best i could and if i'm not invited to do that again for at the lich king if that's a thing that that's fine i felt the shaman discord with the egregious and the other people in there that was an achievement as well i've done a lot but it's time for me to kind of ride into the sunset and just be a player again and like i said i won't be quitting classic wow and if you and because of what happened recently if you want to vote with your wallet and that's your way of kind of making a difference more power to you and that's great that's your progress to do that for me this is my way of doing that and like i said i'm doing this more for selfish reasons but what happened recently in the news made me make this decision quicker because there is a part of me that doesn't want to really advertise for a company like blizzard anymore because that's really what content creation is is you're helping advertise the game you are making money of course but very small sums of money in my case but it's it's it's something right you you are helping that ip and that and that business i want to transition talk about blizzard blizzard can't do anything right right now they really can everything they do every step they make forward they're making like feels like they're making 10 steps back i don't play retail i don't really know enough about retail talk about it but retail seems like it's in a really bad state even while classic population numbers have dropped the addition with the cash shop and the mount and the hearthstone and the level boost in classic wow was a horrible decision i think it hurt them more than it helped them even that little burst of money they probably made in the beginning people feel disenfranchised with bob ends you know what happened recently with the sexual with the discrimination and sexual harassment terrible horrible stuff that shouldn't happen nowadays it feels like they were also complicit in a way with letting alex if ratsyabi go two years ago prior around the same time this investigation started i don't think that's a coincidence that doesn't look good either their response doesn't look good nothing looks good right now so i understand when people say they stop playing or they're quitting making content because of those reasons i really really do and it's a part of the reason why i'm stopping start stopping to make content not entirely though but i do want to say the reason i'm going to continue playing the game is because number one i enjoy it and i think tbc is an excellent game two is because there are people there there are people there that do care and do give a i know that because i've talked to them one person told me a blizzard employee that they want to make blizzard how the company was when they were a kid growing up they want to make the company the best place they can they want to reinvigorate and bring that magic back the people i work with during the tbc classic beta are passionate and want what's best for the community in the game these upper-level decisions with level boost and this and that and money this and money that those aren't their decisions i believe in them and i think they're amazing people so i will continue my subscription because of that reason and because i really enjoyed classic well i've always have that's where i'm at with blizzard so blizzard is a could you can look at it as a whole and say blizzard is a terrible thing it's a horrible company they don't deserve any of our time or effort then there are people there that do so don't forget those people and be careful how you put your negative energy towards blizzard because you could hurt someone who isn't who doesn't deserve it and and puts it in there 100 every day and makes the game enjoyable and listens to us as a community so long story short i don't think blizzard will ever get to where it was but i do believe in some of the people there and i do think i think asthma gold said this that it may be too late for a while retail but it's not too late for blizzard to have a cultural kind of renaissance and internal renaissance this may be the pain that we have to that blizzard has to go through in order to become better one day i i don't that's true but i think it's a good take and i think that would be amazing to see now it's all about wow classic my passion would maybe start this channel vanilla wow was a lot of fun for me i enjoyed it world buff sucked that was the worst part about classic i kind of wish they weren't in the game but i understand why they left them in and there are some benefits as leaving them in competition is one of them one thing i've noticed is devoid from tbc classic is no one gives a about world firsts no one watches the races that could be because this 25 million raid supposed to 40 but i think it's the danger that world buffs provided it's that you have to keep them to win if one person dies now your time is off you know things like that so the world buffs brought a lot of interesting kind of uh meta interest into the game but i think that while classic itself like if they do fresh classic realms they should consider taking world buffs out i think it would be interesting without them yeah things would be harder especially next rams would be more of a prestigious thing to do to get max rams down without world buffs one other thing i need i think they need to get rid of if they're going to do classic realms is somehow remove mage boosting it kind of breaks the developer player contract if you circumvent the game leveling is a really important part of an and just blowing your way through it i think is a terrible thing so i do think that world buffs and somehow removing mage boosting from the game it's pretty easy to do if the level difference between a player say like someone's level 60 and the people in there level 20 25 there should be any xp there's a there's a formula that determines if the level difference is x then y and y would be no experience right i do think that you can also fix the honor pdp system in some way to make it a little bit more accessible to more people but those are the things that i think would improve wow classic or vanilla well if they're going to do fresh realms and i do think they should do fresh webs because even i'm getting excited again for vanilla classic and i just stopped playing it tbc classic i think is amazing and a lot of people don't like tbc classic i think i think it's not as in people aren't as enthralled with it as i am but i have to say once you get past that initial hump of experiencing the content getting your revered reputations getting the gear you need it's kind of relaxing especially for someone like me who's back in work full-time come home raid do my dailies do some arena what else is there to do for the whole week maybe level some lots if you want to i feels great being able to play my main character whenever i want do arena with him whenever i want do dailies farm gold i love i love tbc classic and to me tbc is the best iteration of the best mmo ever made and i think people just need to focus more on that and realize that the game is beautifully done there's so many new content coming up probably in about a month and that's gonna be that's me great so i think tbc classic is a lot better than people think i think that unfortunately classic wow has been kind of rolled into a lot of the issues that are happening in retail right now and i think that they're very very different games and i think you can enjoy classic tvc and not be in any way attached to what's happening in retail at least that's what i do because i don't play retail but i do understand that maybe it's a little bit less epic the development team back then wanted to be more efficient and and remove certain things from the game certain hard things but also in that way you remove the balance right it's like classic wow yeah 40 man raids sucked but they were epic yeah world buff sucked but they gave you an incentive to really try hard to survive yeah leveling from 1 to 60 sucks but you'll never get that vastness of the world that you had in classic wow so i understand why people are more attached to vanilla i do and i think people are starting to realize that more than they thought they did how much they were attached to vanilla wow but i do think tbc on paper is a better game in every possible way i see tvc is kind of like the porsche 911 but vanello is kind of like that old maybe that old ss camaro or that old chevy corvette it still has that kind of prestige to it it's still beautiful in a way on paper it's not going to beat the porsche 911 it doesn't have the amenities of the porsche 911 but it's still a cool car it's still something you want to drive that's how i look at uh tbc versus classic vanilla now briefly once i wrap the lich king before i say goodbye um i think rather lich king has a problem and the fir and the problem is is that when that game first comes out it's going to be a joke next round this is a complete joke it's too easy we've all seen it already most of the player bases beat it there's guides for it there's you know and it's an easier version of next and vanilla i don't know if it's going to have the you know the pickup or motivation that tbc classic or vanilla classic did so just the suggestion to the to the classy wild debs maybe bring heroic modes early on uh starting with nexramus heroic next rammus baroque ulduar it might help kind of uh stave off a stagnation that may arise with tier vii and additionally i think that lfd i don't think you need it anymore lfg i think that there's enough intra server community and people buzzing around and talking that you really don't need that anymore i think you if it's still in the game it's whatever i don't think anyone's gonna care because that's when it did come out but i would seriously consider removing it from the game as we can see how detrimental it can be to the community in in wow all in all guys i think wow classic will be around forever in some form or another in that way i've achieved my goal as a content creator that's all i ever wanted i wanted this version of the game to be available forever for everyone and yeah some things might change fresh classic realms may have world buffs removed or you know tbc classic maybe a little bit different than we thought it would be with these character boosts and ugly mouths running around but you know wow classic's here and it's here to stay and you made that possible and i'd like to think i had a significant contribution to that or some contribution maybe even not significant who cares i had a contribution to that and that that was my goal and that's why i started making content and i feel like that goal's over it's now time for me to work move on worry about my future and myself def cam's not going anywhere he'll still be making content he'll still be streaming but he's going to branch out and broaden his horizons in other games i think he's a great streamer and i think if he moves away from just wow he'll do really well also be on the lookout for a video by him soon on his feelings as well also the channel is not going to go anywhere neither the videos i want a constant reminder of what i've achieved people i've met along the way and just one continuity of what i've done so they'll they won't go anywhere don't worry about that and they'll always be available to watch if you'd like to because i'll be watching them too it's been a wild ride i want to thank each and every one of you for making this dream possible and making it a dream come true i did what i set out to do and more all i wanted to do was have classical outcome out but i got to meet amazing people i got to meet content creators i had to meet blizzard employees i got to talk to people like you it was a fun ride and i'm not saying it's 100 over forever but for now it is so thank you so much for supporting this channel thank you so much for watching my videos and thanks for playing the game i love keep on keyboarding and grinding everyone
Channel: Defcamp & Melderon TV
Views: 20,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warcraft classic, wow classic, classic wow, wow, world of warcraft, classic, tbc classic, classic tbc, burning crusade, burning crusade classic, blizzconline, announcments, news, updates, tbc, paladin seals, spell batching, release date, beta, blizzard, activision
Id: LDXhWj_TqmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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