Testing Flex As Seen on TV Products

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what's up guys for today's video we're going to put to the test famous infomercial flags glue this is the recent new product let's see what this thing is all about by the way I'm not sponsored I actually bought it myself with my own money and actually when I see if it's actually going to work what they do in the commercial let's check this out first of all I got here three bricks what they did in that commercial they just pump up this much pretty thick layer but not too thick and it's supposed to be instant gob so I'm gonna do one right here and one right here in the commercial it look like they had a lot of this glue so I'm gonna do the same thing quite a bit of glue that looks like they have it in the commercial maybe even a little bit more now the idea all I'm gonna do is just slop this break lift it up slop it lift it up whoa no way does work slap it lift it up no way can you believe this that actually work I cannot believe this wow this is crazy check this out this is if they break side here and they instant gob just like in a commercial Wow I better take it apart before they're going to look together and it will be impossible to take him off okay so we take an edge okay excited to put the concrete block on top of it and see what happens this is a really big one GABA push it in all the way let's see if it's going to lift up Wow no way this is a bigger one step in the commercial it works so well I cannot believe it you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put another one out here and let's see if it's going to lift all thingy that's insane I honestly did not think it's gonna work I'll put another brake on top of it see what happens oh no way oh no did not work with the third piece it almost did but what if I'm gonna give it a little bit of weight on it let's lift it up again check this solid the whole thing the third one kind of holds but then falls off but there's so much weight that it's instant grab and all three of them the idea I'm saying the commercial is supposed to do that but this is my old test and as you can see for few seconds there it's hold all three blocks instant God definitely is working that's insane that's heavy that's really heavy look at that I can hear them together the instant go up really well so one more test we're gonna do with the aquarium what they did in a commercial they put one of the brakes or metal piece inside of the water and on the second one all they did I put that flex glue right on top of it like this just couple of steps so let's see if it's actually going to work if it does I'm pretty much sold on the Google because the other tests were really amazing pretty similar amount they did on a commercial okay and there goes nothing you see that glue is still there we go line it up squish it and lift it Wow can you believe it can you believe it instant gob I cannot believe it I did not think I was gonna work will the duct tape will be also amazing let's find out it is definitely very sticky I can't even take off this label am I supposed to do this stuff doesn't look like there is much of it inside there I wish it would be a little thicker just like duct tape so that's kind of disappointing that is not much of it and it's still like 1999 something like that man how are you supposed to open this all right here cool you pull it off like that there you go paper stuck to this side but I feel like it'll just come off once I start and all in it wow that stuff is so sticky okay one of the first things we did you grab a bucket and made a hole in it actually helped really good hope because it's so sticky it's going to work well it is very very thick tape that's for sure so what you're gonna have to do is take off this little plastic from the inside wow I didn't expect that's what you'll have to do I thought it's going to be like a duct tape or something it's a lot a lot thicker she was talking about if they call this film so what he did grab a bucket and he had a big hole something like this and this tape should be not big enough to actually stop the leak I'll put it somewhere here oh my gosh this is might be too big this is this hole might be too big ha ha ha they destroy this bike it way too much you know what that was my fault there was a fail but will it work from the inside let's see I put a tape inside here even though it was wet I taped it in all that is exposed even though it got wet all the tape has got so stick it make sure nothing else too and then I'm gonna put water inside of it see if it's actually going to leak or not oh no it's leaking a little bit this side here let's start the speak it a little better oh yeah that's it it's kind of works let's try this again okay I got a little bit less aggressive they'll bid just like that so let's make a hole then you know what I'm gonna put one tape on and then fill it up and then I take over the tape and stick it a different one back home what we going to do is just stick in this stage just like this okay there is no fold so this what time it's going to work first time I feel like was my fault because I messed it up and I fold it up together it's kind of holding it's leaking a little bit but let's see I'll fill it up with water all the way to the top boom is it leaking at all yeah I see a little bit of a leak out here it's seep into a little bit I'm pretty amazed it's even stopping it at all but as you can see the water still seep into even if I get really sticky so what I'm gonna do get another piece of tape and take this one off and slap another one on it see if it's actually going to work or not yeah it's leaking a lot now Wow didn't expect that honestly I was hoping it's actually going to work as the commercial bit okay I take off the tape burn the tape look at it it's definitely a little stone alright let's go there goes nothing why there's definitely very very sticky not that easy to take it off come on this is pulling boom Wow it does work like in a commercial but did it seal it all the way you know what when you slap it actually works much better that's insane actually this time when you slap it like that it's not leaking anymore when you tape it over without water it was leaking a lot more but when you slap it like that it works Wow amazing and to show you you see the water is still over the line another test they did that they do whole over here and they slap the duct tape inside of it inside of the water and it stopped the water leaking so let's do the same thing once again I'm going to tape it so that way I can fill it up and then quickly seal it back up I don't even know if I will have enough time to do this experiment because I feel like as soon as I tape it and try to go inside and tape it back in most of the water will come out but anyways let's start all right let's pull it out we're gonna tape it in see what happens boom slapped it in just like in the commercial they'd stop the leakage let's look on this side yes it did I don't see its any leaking maybe over here on the bottom a little bit it's definitely one of the strongest tapes I ever seen but it doesn't do what do they were seen in the commercial yes but not all the way because it's leaking over here anyways so you guys be the judge what do you think about this and you know what the tape when it's in the water comes off very easily and once it's wet it's not that sticky look at that another test they did they got forty five pound weight and stuck to it and lift it up I'm Aldo same test but I only have twenty eight pound weight so it will be a little different can it hold up 28 pounds let's find out I'll make sure I stick it well don't lick it your tongue will stick to it okay let's lift it Wow 28 pounds super easy one two three four five that's crazy leave it I can't believe how well it's holding 28 pounds or not one side of a stickiness it said here that's only piece is that tape to it or tape to it and it holds over easily 28 pounds no problem so I'd say if this test will definitely will be pass with 45 pounds because it's easy holding it up with 28 pounds and wow it's stuck amazing once again I think Flex tape definitely calls the world's strongest ape because I never seen a tape that's torn it's insane like Phil you know that super famous commercial with this guy I'm sure everybody have seen it especially in the United States they go flex seal what he did is actually got one of these trainers and spray whole bunch of stuff into there and it becomes sealed completely also what he did on one of the commercials got a bucket not to be used as a hardhead that's so funny I love these buckets so what he did is grab a knife and stop a few times and then he used this flex seal and it sealed it up completely so does it actually work I'm sure it does but how many bottles did he actually go through I have here four bottles hopefully actually doesn't take that much to seal up a knife hole into the bucket and also they use flex seal to fix genomic parts one of my part exploded during the winter so I'm going to use this flex seal to fix it all together I'll show you in a minute first of all let's do the bucket test by the way when you using spray paint or in this case we're going to be sparing rubber we do not want to inhale it so get yourself a mask make you that so that way none of the rubber get into your lungs and of course I don't want that rubber on my hands either by the way he actually used exactly the same knife so that's cool I remember I did a video with this thousand degree knife now my knife is all O&D anyways we're gonna stop a couple of times but I gotta be very careful not to cut myself oh nice that's a good car look at that it's even cut to the side and then we're gonna do one more edge here oh yeah that's a good one we got it good taxon here Oh popping them back in they go to my character 0 1 & 2 1 & 2 let's see how it works never use this before that's so cool it's filling up so fast I would put it vertically because all the carbon is actually considered okay I'm okay I put little one I'm gonna let it die out and then I'm gonna do second layer I can't believe how thick it is I didn't even have to spray much in there Wow very surprised okay well back it has done out I'm gonna spray this stain [Applause] [Music] looks like pusher you have to do one layer at the time and I'd hear a cog this spot check this out let's see if it's going to work or not I'm gonna put this piece back in and it should seal everything together and that way it will seal it so that way we can actually put water now and if you're not okay we're gonna let it die out and apply another layer on it one thing that you turn I put way too much enough so that way it's leaking too much I thought it was going to be a lot thicker than it is so what I would do first layer a lot less spray on just a little layer let it dry out second layer third layer so don't spray it too much like I just did or it will just dip like a paint so we're going to let it dry out okay it's been about five minutes let's see if it died out no not yet but it look like it's already sealed I don't even know if I need to add another layer what will be a big test you see there is a big hole I want to see how many layers will it take to Sulabh this hole okay let's see if it's thick enough that I don't know way out [Music] okay that bucket doesn't need any more layers for sure just I'm gonna let the dye out for like at least 30 minutes and then we're going to do a water test see if it's going to leak or not stay now looks like it's thick enough to put the second layer but as you can see it's still wet [Music] I'm honestly surprised how much there is flex is inside of each bottle as you can see I'm doing a little bit thick layer okay let's put the second as you can see I wouldn't put too much on a pot just one spray on the clock to let it dry out second spray don't put too much or it will just leak out I could probably even seal this hole but it's probably going to take a lot of layers what I want to focus is on this hole because I need this hole well look at that boom sealed it up four layers in my leak away so I might have to do one more spray after it dies out and maybe five or six places will make this hole disappear also my boot has a hole over here I stepped in the nail or something every time I go in the water it's leaks and it's a rubber boots the point of them so I can walk in the water so instead of buying new shoes I have a little bit left over you see if you put too much it's starting to leak so it put very little bit and hold it upside down like that so that way there is out so that way I do not have a hole there of course you can make a nicer so that way you do not have this leagues but I don't care just saw rubber boots and I'm gonna do one more layer on this pot and I think this is gonna be good I can't believe how many jobs that can do I filled up this pot there was lots of cogs I have completely sold out this turn away too much look at that and I fixed the bucket and I can feel there is a little bit more left for sure unless a this is good stuff I'm not complaining at all I'm actually gonna fill up this whole thing like this so that way it's have a flat surface look how much it has left over I can't believe it I might paint it completely black because I have so much left over I don't know what else to steal [Music] boom now this pot is weather resistant I can't believe that's it I'll let it dry out for an hour let's see maybe that's how it supposed to stage your super motion yeah you know what it is kind of die yeah this die you know what I'm going to put water now same thing this pot is actually all done Oh all that stuff started check this out look at that crack over here and it's fully sealed up yeah you know what you might want to let it dry for a bit longer but how cool is that you have all these cracks over here and they got all sealed up look at this horse I should have spurred inside as well but it's a cool comparison now this part is for sure all fixed up and ready to be used again and it looks good I like it my boot said he'll look like they died out boot in the water see if I'm gonna feel any water going to okay moment of truth oh you know what it's leaking maybe there isn't another fool beside that you know what there's a lot bigger hole right here I missed it oh man I didn't see this hole but at least now I know these shoes are done I really don't think this flex glue going to fix this part because it's on a flex ID here it just gonna come off just as easy okay let's see how well this bucket does boom desert here a hole and as I said here a whole another one and all that water is sitting in there and it's not leaking so you know what it does work I love it so once again it's past the bucket is not leaking I love it boom completely sealed up shot last test the strainer test the scene water coming up on dirt loop how cool is that awesome I'm seeing leakage at all do you guys that's so cool it's a really thick layer on this one one thing for sure we definitely wasted this Dana but nothin no flex seal actually works pretty good another one with this guy right here you know super famous commercial they did quite a few tests with them so we're going to do the same thing what they did in the commercial well they got one of this top or worse and they make a hole in there and it's supposed to just a little bit of this flex shot put on your finger and put on it and it's supposed to stop the leak let's see vaccine to work just like in a commercial the other thing they did in the commercial they do a hole in the bucket and plugged it up with the Flex shot we also see how it's going to work to hopefully actually going to seal it up just like in a commercial and also when I see how much actually is in each bucket will it be enough to block few holes or is it just a little bit in its feels pretty heavy so hopeful there will be a lot okay obviously let's open it they said here Lib I'm pretty sure that's precision their piece at here so what you will do to get a knife and scissors and just cut a piece off they go just like that and all I have to do is just press it nothing happening okay they go I see it scar now let me feel it yep they go this one is black cool alright so what I'm gonna do them up make a little hole in this top over and then I'll plug it in let's pop this little hole in into here okay it's starting to pull out it was pulling like that maybe a little more in the commercial okay let's open it up better whoo this one is almost too much but it's okay alright it's pulling out pretty good so what they did is put this stuff on a finger and just sealed it like this oh wow no way they actually sealed it really easily I put might be a little bit too much than commercial did but that's pretty amazing I'll probably use gloves because it's a actually kind of messy but again this is just a little bit of water now gonna go wash my hands I wish I use gloves but that's cool that's definitely worked it's actually smells like glue but it's really really thick okay let's see if it's going to seal up the bucket they actually filled it up on inside but looks like you'd have to do a lot of layers so I will have to do this layer and then I'm gonna have to let it dry out before I'm gonna put another one because I feel like it's just going to fall down but no look at that it actually stays pretty good Wow so crazy how big that is it might be enough for me to seal it up all the way in without waiting it for it to dry out that's insane Wow look at that that's so cool I can't believe how big that is I really thought I'd have to wait layer by layer putting one by one okay almost done out here now just gonna let it die out a little bit before it will fall down oh no you know what I'm gonna put the little plastic bag on the inside so everything kind of stays and hold up together so that way it doesn't keep falling off and that way I can early seal it up a little quickly and then I'll just take off the plastic bag so I cut this bottom off of the budget now flex shut it altogether this is how I'm gonna shove it up it definitely comes out with the thick layer that's for sure and it stays there and this side now okay let's pour water in this bucket see what happens it's pretty dry now will it hold oh no way look at that I don't think it's dried out all the way it's kind of expanding to this side oh yeah it's about to pop and it popped but still I think it just didn't die out all the way it's almost dry but not all the way look at this hole if you grab it you see it's not as sticky anymore but inside there if you break this it's still sticky but this is what it looks like when it's died down to sick Alaba that is a little stitching okay let's add water into this pocket it looks like for the most part it's all dry takes a very long time to tell you off I've been waiting on it at least eight hours let's pour water inside there [Applause] looks like know it kind of failed it kind of failed takes a very very long time to do but this is what it turns into a very very rubbery gooey thing take this layer off let's see what happens will it start leaking again white alien air sealed up so well I can't believe it's actually stays in without leaking I almost have to poke another hole or something they go that rubber stuff right in a hole so it's almost how to puncture it again they go they go and it's leaking a lot again once they open the hole but it's so easy to cover it up with this stuff boom it's so sticky and it's not leaking again Wow crazy Wow as you can see heaven died out all the way it's still holding that's so cool Wow isn't it weird this is kind of satisfying look at that table just hold him so well not Layton and your liquid to go through and you see the layer of water is right here okay let's see if I can pop it they go I popped it boom blast off you remember that guy I seen on TV stuff and beside that I have couple other ones windshield spray the icer and ice off okay let's see which one does the best I wish to shake it up no way can you believe this Wow instantly this is just water now that's incredible this Jeep is very very first up as well it's pretty much ice it's gonna take a while to de first right here the windows to even and here this windows as well okay first off I seen on tv products time let's see how long will it take to depose this car no way this one is there it's barely splaining oh my gosh I couldn't believe I thought this one will be the first one look at that this will explain anything and I'm three you know what forget that that's good because Lourdes and I have to each over to get the other side it's been whispering I can't believe it I'm so disappointed I thought blast-off will be the best Wow can't believe it okay let's try the other one instead and I'll show you the difference because I couldn't even reach to the other side of the window to have to walk around I got ice off I can't believe this one so much look at that I can just reach to the back of it on the other side I can just go one two see and it's a very efficient takes up all the ice they don't have to reach in I can just go a little faster look at this layer of spirit
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 532,365
Rating: 4.7932377 out of 5
Keywords: Flex Shot, As Seen On TV, as seen on tv products, as seen on tv reviews, Testing Flex Glue, Testing Flex Seal, flex seal review, Testing Flex Tape, flex tape
Id: ewYRuvm6_S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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