10 Game Concepts We Can All Agree Are DUMB

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sometimes you're playing a game and you're just like how did this get into the game who approve this hi folks its Falcon and today on game ranks 10 game concepts we can all agree are dumb number 10 when the npcs walk faster than your walk but slower than your run so like when you've got somewhere to be it doesn't matter but when they've got somewhere to be you better keep up okay it doesn't work exactly like that but they're inconsiderate yes I'm aware they're not real people I am aware that there are a few lines of script in a video game they should still be moving the same speed as the player when you're walking down the street with somebody in real life do you like try to leave them in the dust no you don't because nobody does that that's not how people are but it is how non player characters are number 9 fast travel is such a great idea in games where there's extensive worlds that you need to cover a lot of ground but you know how sometimes you've can't fast travel because there's an enemy around except that enemy has not made themselves obvious in any way you're just like where is this enemy I don't want to fight this enemy I don't care about this enemy and this enemy apparently doesn't care about me they're like hanging out in a tree or in a house or something in the meantime I'm stuck here yeah I'm talking to you Bethesda this is you I'm addressing Bethesda there's got to be some way to get around this number eight solid trees and bushes now that might sound weird on account if you're walking down the street and you try to let's say phase through a tree or bush you can't it's physically impossible they're all a solid that's not exactly what I mean you see in games like Grand Theft Auto there is a lot of things that you can hit with a vehicle and they either go flying or they fall over but often times trees and bushes that are part of the scenery are not like that in fact you hit them and it's like you hit a very large boulder you know something that takes up so much more space than a bush or a tree and also is much more solid I've never seen a bush or a tree that has the consistency of a boulder now one time not in my entire life doesn't matter where I've gone all the trees and bushes have tree and Bush consistency but video games unless they want to write a script for those bushes and trees so they fall over or they make them as separate objects of something I don't know just basically an unstoppable force hitting an immovable object and then the force that is supposedly unstoppable get stopped by the immovable object so I guess it's a stoppable force so it's not a law of physics as it turns out it is annoying though number seven press a button to pick this up in all seriousness especially in games with no like inventory limits like Wolfenstein if I walk over some ammo I should pick that ammo up I understand it a little bit in games like fortnight where you've got a limited amount of guns and you've swapped them out if it's not like that don't make me press the button cuz I'm probably thinking about other things probably other things that are in the game if I want ammo and health I probably just you know touch the ammo and health it's not like pressing the button makes it more realistic like walking through an item or pressing a button on an item neither of these things are realistic there should be no concern whether or not it's realistic or not just put the item in my inventory if I touch it I'll get rid of it if I don't want it number six when you can't skip a cutscene especially like one before a boss it makes it really hard to go back and play like Final Fantasy 10 for instance and it's not just skipping it pausing it would be nice too because sometimes you hit that boss and it's cutscene time and it's like I want to come back to this but if I just walk away during the cutscene then the boss will start and I don't really want that and I understand the game is turn-based in Final Fantasy 10 but there's just a lack of control in such situation I don't like and again if you could just skip it so that you could start the battle and press pause that would be great too or just skip it and know what the enemy's first move is going to be for that matter like Final Fantasy tends an old game too but monster hunter world does the same thing if you've already beaten it it's tough to go back to it it's really annoying but at the same time there is a charm to these games that keeps you coming back even so number 5 two words bullet sponge there is no such thing as a bullet sponge enemy that feels good more often than not bullet sponges happen because there wasn't really a lot of attention put into the actual battle I much prefer like the kind of weak point boss or whatever but even when you're not in a boss if an enemy just takes forever to kill if you're just pumping it full of lead and it's like this is just too much you've seen enemies like this I mean there's too many games to even count that have done this at this point it's such a classic mistake of gameplay design that when I see it in modern times just like are you kidding number four invisible walls and also for that matter the unlockable locked doors as a stage barrier like there are more creative ways of ending the level like not teasing you with a door reminding you that there is something on the other side but I will say that's not as bad as the invisible walls invisible walls are just are you kidding cuz you just run at nothing well you can see that there's clearly other things beyond the nothing and like this is just something that is widespread and games still in this year in big games big names games that get game of the year have this problem seriously number 3 lack of quests descriptions or even just story summaries that might jolt your brain as to what you're doing like sometimes you will forget what's going on in the game especially if you've done something like repeatedly like in an open-world game say you've done a mission like eight times sometimes you literally just forget what you're doing and it's not helpful in any way just like what am what why am I still doing this I've stopped playing games because of this before like it just completely separates the actions that you're taking from the game itself a lot of the time you need like context or some sort of motivation to give a crap about like one of the lesser good puzzles let's just say that was artificially made harder to extend the game that you want to get past to continue with the important parts of the game number two water that kills you you know just like regular plain old water h2o the thing that somewhere you have to drink otherwise if you're a carbon-based life-form in the story you probably die yeah when that water kills you for and touching it you're like this big badass action hero buff Olympian style destroyer and like you accidentally walk into the water and like oh hey check it out I'm dead except you don't actually say that part of it like it's usually not recorded in the GAM dialogue but everybody around has to know it because you're like floating in the water Oh his Achilles heel was you know that life-giving substance that everyone has to ingest we've all got a weakness and finally number one bad game tutorials and I'm not talking like game tutorials that don't do their job because I'm very rarely found an actual game tutorial that doesn't tell you what to do it's more like they tell you how to do a lot of things that they don't need to tell you how to do like how to walk you've probably done that already before it even tells you he probably gone forward and reached a point that triggered some dialogue and the dialogue is like you can walk by using the analog stick it's like oh the analog stick I never would have thought of that thanks Skyward Sword oh yeah you know what you did Skyward Sword hey Kingdom Hearts - thanks for telling me how to like turn the console on and stuff I'm just kidding it's not that bad and Kingdom Hearts - but it is you know several hours of really basic crap I've got a life Kingdom Hearts - got stuff to do several hours in it's like the our bumper doesn't know it doesn't are you just making stuff up now Kingdom Hearts - you just want to teach me stuff that isn't even real again I'm making things up about Kingdom Hearts - the tutorial is really long in that game that's what I'm saying literally none of us know gamers need at any time to learn how to play games I understand there are people that don't know how to play the game that's true but they can figure the basic stuff out I mean that stuff is basically self-explanatory that's the point that's what makes a bad tutorial please stop doing these all game developers thanks what is your least favorite game concept that you know we've all seen leave is a comment let's have a discussion about it if you like this video please click like if you want to see our new videos which we upload every single day click Subscribe and do not forget to click the notification bell as always thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 2,718,208
Rating: 4.6972871 out of 5
Keywords: video games, dumb video games, game concepts, video game concepts, top 10 gaming, gaming top 10, worst of gaming, walking slow in games, crashing in games, video game problems, gamers, gaming problems, gameranx, gamer concepts, dumb game concepts, worst game concepts
Id: Px1MSK9ykF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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