10 Video Game Stories That SUDDENLY CHANGED

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sometimes you think you understand the story of the game and then oops it's suddenly different hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 times video games changed the story starting off at number 10 in halo when you're the last spartan org or not yeah one fact that was made really clear in the first halo game is that your character the master chief is unique he's the last surviving spartan 2 the only super soldier left they stuck with this for a while and remained consistent about it up through halo reach the last game in the series created by bungie sure there were a lot of spartans running around in that game but it was also set before the events of halo 1. and therefore we're left to assume that any spartans we didn't see die on screen must have eventually died during the battle for reach except actually some of them survived the most prominent survivor was june a 266 one of the spartans on your team and the guy who would later go on to create the spartan 4 program during the events of reach he just kind of disappeared you didn't see him die so i guess later writers decided to bring him back totally forgetting about the whole all spartans are dead stuff which was so heavily emphasized by the original developers it's not really a huge surprise that after the series went spartan crazy like there's multiple spartan characters in halo 4 and 5. while the only bungee game with more than one in it was reach and it was explicitly a prequel hell farver master chief being the only spartan left now he wasn't even the only spartan left on the pillar of autumn the ship from halo 1. in the novel first strike it says there's another spartan on that ship along with the chief just in a cryopod to heal their injuries so at this point the whole no other spartan thing has been completely ignored or possibly forgotten about so yeah it takes a little bit of specialness and uniqueness away from master chief but he's already basically warrior cyborg jesus and halo anyway so it's probably not that big of a deal at number nine in the elder scrolls oblivion let's talk about the imperial province it's an infamous change among people who love elder scrolls games in all the games before oblivion the imperial province is described as being a jungle then comes oblivion and it's your standard grassland and tempered forests it looks nothing like what many fans expected it would look like and tons of them were disappointed by this blatant switch one of the things people praise most about morrowind is that it's not your traditional fantasy settings for instance the island of vardenfell is a distinct and unique environment that doesn't really look like anything else and when people heard they were coming out with oblivion and setting it in the imperial province they were excited to see how this place would be different as well instead it's pretty much exactly what you expect for a fantasy game world this is probably done for two reasons a jungle would be a lot harder both in terms of design and render stuff like especially in 2006 you remember the draw distances in oblivion now imagine them in a place that isn't just empty hills the other reason i think is bethesda probably wanted more mainstream success with the franchise so they turned to place that was described as weird and dense into a more traditional setting which kind of sucks for long time fans but there it is and they did come up with a reason for why this happened certain books mentioned that emperor tiber septim transformed the province into a bunch of bland forests with magic because he can do that like did you think you were good at magic and elders goals like throwing around fireballs and stuff this dude transforms entire continents apparently his transformation powers can go back in time too because in elder scrolls online this place is also a european forest that is some impressive magic at number eight is metal gear solids venom snake now the metal gear series is filled with some pretty wild retcons like the true identity of the patriots or the whole thing with liquid snake's arm but probably the biggest retcon of the entire series revolves around the main character of metal gear solid 5 which is venom snake or punish snake or just boss whatever you want to call him weird thing about it is that metal gear solid as a series acts as a sequel series to metal gear 1 and 2 which are really old games and in those games you defeat and kill big boss twice now in video games he survived somehow is usually a good enough explanation for this type of thing but kojima decided to dedicate an entire game to explaining how it was possible you killed big boss in one game and then he appears in another game so as it turns out the snake you play as in metal gear solid 5 isn't the actual big boss you're a dude who had his face changed to look like big boss and were conditioned to think you were big boss but you're not actually him he is a separate dude who's off doing his own thing that's a big twist at the end of the game your dude venom snake is the guy who took on solid snake in his first mission originally the games just said that big boss survived that encounter but this game is like nope the guy you fought wasn't actually a big boss and he did die it's all pretty confusing but that's metal gear for you basically the existence of a second big boss is just totally changing the story to make the story i guess make more sense maybe i i don't know at number seven is assassin's creed hollywood being closed being the first game in a long-running series can often lead to some weirdness where the developers obviously have to change some ideas about the universe they've created case and point assassin's creed the original game which was set in the far off future of 2012 had emails you could read and implied the world was a little more apocalyptic than how it was depicted in future games in the series seriously according some of the emails you can read most of people in africa died out and hollywood was just closed oh yeah and illegal immigration but they're americans trying to go to mexico that happens so bad stuff was going down outside the walls of the lab you're stuck in later games in the series clearly show a world that is mostly the same as ours though many even take place in the same year the game came out this is clearly at odds with what was described in the first game so to justify it later they said that a hacker did it the explanation's obviously nonsense they later revealed a hacker group though called iridito had infiltrated the apps to go newswire and fabricated a bunch of news stories sent to employee emails why would they do this who knows but that's how ubisoft decided to explain it and number six is the diablo series where the heck you're from diablo isn't really a game where you pay close attention to the plot it's mostly about hacking and slashing it being a hack and slash and all but this whole thing is almost impossible to ignore blizzard just cannot seem to decide where the character from diablo one is from see in the original no matter what character you play as you're said to have bid from the village of tristan the small town you return to after dungeon crawling one character flat out says that you used to live in the village now in diablo 2 you play as a different character but the protagonist of the original becomes the dark wanderer after absorbing diablo's soul stone far from being a person the people in tristan recognized like in the first game now they were just a wanderer that no one remembers diablo 3 changes it again by making the dark wanderer a full-on character named idon that people in tristam knew so pretty much every game seems to have a different idea about who the character from the first game was it's one of the only significant plot points in the entire series and they are not consistent about it at least not from game to game at number five in the warcraft series the draenei are all dead or maybe there's a ton of them i don't know ask a warcraft fan about retcons and rewrites in the series i could probably write you a novel there are so many things that have been screwed up in this series most of it involves the kind of complex character relationships or motivation so we're gonna skip most of that we're gonna just talk about two races they introduced in world warcraft's first expansion pack entitled the burning crusade the new races you could pick from were the drawn eye for the alliance and the blood elves for the horde neither of these groups having an entire race around them made any sense at the time but blizzard didn't do a lot to justify it and just like yeah whatever in warcraft 3 the drawn eye up here is these weird looking monsters that were apparently the ancient enemy of the orcs and they were hunted to near extinction by the time you meet them in that game fast forward to world of warcraft instead of playing as these monsters the dranai you play as are revealed to be super advanced space wizards they basically have nothing in common with the original draenei outside of the legs their backstory and history was so thoroughly rewritten they might as well have been something completely new the blood elves on the other hand aren't so much different visually as different story-wise in warcraft 3 all the blood elves flee from their destroyed city of 12th dallas into the outlands and there aren't really that many of them left now when world of warcraft instead of living in the outlands they've completely rebuilt their city and they're living there instead they were pretty clearly implied to be totally decimated at the end of the warcraft 3 expansion they were part of with only a small group of survivors escaping but when they were added as a race in world of warcraft their population suddenly exploded and even though they'd become enemies of the alliance their country is smack dab in the middle of the alliance they were able to both reconquer and rebuild their destroyed homeland i mean from a strategy and a geological viewpoint that makes no sense essentially blizzard wanted some new races for world of warcraft and they had to come from somewhere didn't matter how little they fit they just jammed that round peg into the square hole anyway and to be frank blizzard has done that more than a few times and number four the resident evil series which uh we might be going after umbrella we might not be for such a long running series with such a long continuity at this point the resident evil series has never really cared that much about having a consistent story at this point it's more of a feature than a bug as the developers seem to change things whenever it suits them it's mostly pretty small stuff that's easy to ignore but any fan of the series can tell you there was one big thing that everyone expected and wanted to happen that just never did so umbrella the cartoonishly evil pharmaceutical company responsible for the many zombies and monsters you have to deal with throughout the series is a thing you know about right at the end of two the main characters proclaim they're finally going after umbrella which means that the heroes are gonna take the fight to the bad guys maybe the sequel will see an outbreak at the umbrella headquarters or something either way it's pretty much directly stated that good guys were gonna go fight the bad guys the company one way or another then resident evil 3 came out and it also ended with the main character saying they're going after umbrella then resident evil code veronica happened and jill starts the game with an umbrella corporate invasion but the rest of the game is set on the prison island and that was a side story rather than the main event so when the much delayed resident evil 4 came out resident evil fans look forward to seeing a returning leon might actually fight the bad guys and oops umbrella's already gone in a pretty blatant retcon instead of having any of the heroes take down umbrella economics do it instead umbrella is destroyed in the opening cut scene resident evil 4 basically completely new after all that buildup umbrella is destroyed between games oh and wesker that generic backstabbing bad guy from the original game is actually a cat-eyed super villain that also happens and number three is devil may cry 2's timeline confusion to say that dmc 2 is the black sheep of the series it'd be an understatement i mean it's it's just a flat out crappy game in an otherwise amazing series combat's dull levels are long dante doesn't have any of the personality he'd display in any of the other games and originally this game was set at the end of the dmc timeline it was meant to be dante's last adventure even after devil may cry 4 but when devil might cry 5 came around that changed as that game was meant to be dante's last game so instead of being set in some far off future dmc 2 now took place before dmc 4 even if previously it was supposed to happen after the only reason this was done was for the fifth game to make some degree of sense five had to be the last game in the timeline for story reasons four had to happen before it so basically they sent dmc 2 back in time to be set after the original game confused yet well here's the thing nothing really happens in dmc2 nothing in it matters at all doesn't change the story of the series no matter what happens so even though continuity huns might complain the new timeline is wrong i would much rather have five which is a great game be dante's last adventure rather than two which sucks and number two kingdom hearts uh just everything everything in kingdom hearts if you thought that the last one was confusing then oh strap in kingdom hearts is the big one the big daddy in terms of video games that have changed the story uh it constantly contradicts and overwrite stuff combine that with the series landmark arcane terminology and it's generally non-euclidean approach to storytelling and you've got this series that has spawned a whole cottage industry of youtubers attempting to explain the events of the series in a coherent way one of the most blatant examples of this is with the heartless they were the standard enemies in the original game and were well those without hearts but in kingdom hearts 2 actually the heartless are the hearts of the nobodies which are a new enemy group introduced in that game and there are actually empty shells so the heartless are actually hearts themselves okay uh they only get more insane when they try to explain whatever the deal is with the series bad guys xena hort in the first game the villain ansem was a guy who studied the darkness but was corrupted by it simple enough second game the guy who everyone thought was handsome was actually xenohort his apprentice who stole his name for some reason later games started introducing time travel in the mix and make things more and more convoluted basically making it so anything that ever happened in the world of kingdom hearts was actually a secret plan by xeno horde oh and he made like 13 versions of himself also he's revealed to be a good guy at the end of the third game all that stuff with him being cartoonishly evil in the old games just an act i guess there's so much more of this we could go all day uh as evidenced by youtube channels full of people attempting to explain what the hell any of this is i don't play kingdom hearts for the story it's just a good set of games i just i kind of let let them be what they are in terms of the story just like whatever you got going on just you do you and number one is mass effect 3's ending sure some of the previous games change stuff in future games in the series but not many games change the story in the same game this one's kind of infamous and you probably know at least a little about it mass effect 3's ending was so disliked that the developers bioware actually patched in a new ending to the game doesn't completely fix it most players still found the new ending fairly disappointing but still they literally changed the story few key things in the original ending it looked like the mass relays the things that allowed for faster than light travel were completely destroyed because of this it basically meant that everyone be cut off from one another including the alien fleet that was helping defend earth at the end of the game with the new ending this was changed and that the relays were just disabled instead of totally blown up meaning they could be repaired another major change was done to this odd scene where the normandy crash lands on some random planet seemingly implying that they were going to be stuck there new ending instead makes it so they repair the ship just fine at the crash kind of leaving you to wonder why they even bothered having the scene happen in the first place there were a lot of a lot of small changes made to the ending in fact including a really lame choice where you could defy the stupid kid hologram and just have everything wiped out all civilization in the galaxy just gone but those are the biggest ones honestly the whole machine versus organic thing in the third game feels like a retcon as well but nothing can top the fact they literally changed the ending and significantly also how much you want to bet they're going to completely ignore mass effect andromeda when mass effect 4 or whatever they call it comes out i wouldn't bet against it why why does mass effect andromeda exist it just it makes no sense to me maybe you can fill me in i mean it's not like it's gonna matter because they are gonna totally ignore it but leave us a comment on that or any of the other things in this video and if you enjoyed this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is of course subscription so click subscribe don't forget to enable all notifications and as always thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,270,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video game story changes, assassin's creed story changes, metal gear solid story changes, halo story changes, world of warcraft story changes, devil may cry story changes, resident evil story changes, mass effect 3 story changes, kingdom hearts story changes, diablo story changes, elder scrolls story changes, single player games stories, gameranx, falcon
Id: dyy38FOPutA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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