10 Games That SUCKED in 2020

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2020 has been a year of a ton of great games but some stinkers too hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 games that sucked in 2020. starting off with number 10 it's madden 21. this is a special case because while the game itself is mostly serviceable the problem is that in many ways it's almost completely unchanged from last year's version and in some cases actually worse which i mean why franchise mode remains almost completely unchanged from last year's madden the new mode called the yard feels underdeveloped to say the very least and many players have noted that it feels like the ultimate team mode is kind of the thing that's getting the most attention the problem is ultimate team modes are basically where ea inserts most of their micro transaction schemes into their sports games and madden 21 has got everything you would expect it has got all the currencies the daily challenges the pressure tactics it's got it all every method to try to get players to spend real money on microtransactions in a game that already costs 60 bucks at least another huge complaint are the bugs which can be game breaking uh madden 21's gameplay is dependent on animations so if a player starts bugging out it's not just annoying it could potentially lose you the game there's also bugs that are present that have been plaguing the madden series for years now which are still unaddressed again people have complained for years and they're just like you know what whatever we are going to set our developers in a different direction the direction of not changing anything in the game but instead adding micro transaction laden modes basically players hated this one because they felt like it was madden 20 with a bunch of unnecessary crap thrown in and sold again for full price also the story mode just flat out sucks ah cat dog penguin at number nine is fast and furious crossroads when this game was first announced there was hope that this could be a fun one but what we got uh it was not that it's obviously based on the wildly popular fast and furious movie franchise it's basically a linear story based car combat game that doesn't really do much special and it doesn't really stand out the story is kind of just flatlined right from the start instead of following the fast and furious crew we're stuck with two new characters at the start of the game and the whole opening bit is just so slow and awful i mean eventually you get to do some fun stuff that you would expect in a fast and furious game but it only makes a small fraction of what is a four hour game yeah a game that takes four hours to beat and the stuff you'd expect from a fast and furious game takes up a small fraction of it i feel like i could repeat that several times and it wouldn't be enough but what you're mainly doing is just driving from checkpoint to checkpoint listening to this half-assed voice acting and occasionally you have to ram an enemy off the road graphics wise it's not terrible at night it actually even looks pretty decent but the cutscene character models hmm they just don't look great considering how much time you spend looking at them if the game had much else going for it it wouldn't really be a big deal but it doesn't like this game could have been one of those goofy fun games but instead it's just one of those boring licensed games that no one cares about and number eight is resident evil resistance like okay the resident evil 3 remake was pretty good but the tacked on multiplayer mode is not the idea of it is great it's for survivors versus a mastermind who can place traps and summon monsters make life harder for the survivors it sounds actually really cool coolest thing in the mode is the mastermind's ability to take direct control over like mr x and some of the other iconic monsters what isn't cool at least at launch was the network even on the best connections these matches would stutter and it'd take minutes at a time to actually join one and the matches themselves would be prone to timing out or rubber banding it could be unplayable the balance wasn't that good either every match felt like it saw the survivors either easily win if they work together or get stuck in a drawn-out slog where they'd lose because somebody wouldn't stick with the group and there's only four maps when it originally came out so it got repetitive really quick just wasn't enough depth to really give it legs and the constant connection problems made it much worse it's not the worst thing in the resident evil franchise but considering it's a great idea it fell really short and number seven is the 13 remake which i mean the real thing to say here is why did they remake 13 the original still looks decent honestly has this comic book look that gave it a timeless feel the remake though total mess first off the visual style it's not really as good to be honest like they could have improved the original visual style it looks too different for me also it is buggy no buggy doesn't say it it is ridiculously buggy it seems like you cannot go for a minute without some bizarre glitch interfering with your fun the whole thing just looks cheap you got stuttery cut scenes some terrible animations probably some of the worst i've seen from a major publisher in years but like seriously look at this animation where the main guy cracks his knuckles it looks ridiculously bad everything else it isn't much better like the combat's weak the enemy ai is as basic as it gets it just sucks like seriously if you want to play 13 just play the original it's not the greatest game of all time or anything but it's way better than this and it has a style to it that there is no evidence of in this remake and number six is marvel's avengers and this is a game that really should have had everything going for it disney's seemingly infinite money like this should have been great but you know greed yeah it's a weird one because the gameplay itself is solid enough it looks great and it's pretty good to control but everything contextualizing the gameplay is terrible why because for some reason someone decided that this should be a live service game like i can't imagine why this would be a game you would think is a live service game but yup there's confusing currencies there's daily missions there's predatory prices on costumes and stingy stuff like you're not picking up a lot of things that you need like it's a drag and it's actually worse than most games of this nature they knew players would want a wide range of different costumes that's basically a superhero game tradition but instead of just giving you a lot of cool costumes for free like the recent spider-man games they throw them in a real money shop and expect you to buy them and these are at prices that would make a free to play game blush in a game that you paid 60 bucks for it doesn't help that once you finish the campaign the grind that keeps people playing these types of games is not interesting enough there's also bad word of mouth for the lack of things to actually do and like i mean you heard like 96 of its player base just disappeared wonder why it should have been great but greedy publishers just killed this one at number 5 is warcraft 3 reforged remember this one from the beginning of the year warcraft 3 is like one of blizzard's most beloved games and the modding community spawned some of the most influential games ever like dota for instance so when they announced they were going to remake this game i think everyone was excited but what we got was not the remake that blizzard promised like they said that the game was going to have new cinematic cut scenes and voice acting but that wasn't there they also implied the story and missions would be reworked and updated but that's not there either out of the 60 plus story missions they only changed three of them in any noticeable way what's even worse though is what they took out there's no more custom campaigns no single-player custom maps no single-player profiles clans ranked ladders all the stuff that was present in the original game is just gone on top of that the original client doesn't even work anymore so you're basically forced to play this game if you want to play warcraft 3 online instead of the superior original version and the game is just weird looking like they did not do enough with the visuals to update it so it just looks jarring and ugly a lot of the time i'm not saying that the original technically looks better but it is more consistent and like for taking out promised features and generally half-assing a remake for one of the best rts games of all time reforge is definitely a game that sucked in 2020. at number four is dawn of fear which is resident evil combined with a hint of silent hill and a big heaping helping of jank it does not even feel like a 25 game you buy off steam even though that is what it is what it feels like is some kind of ambitious half-life mod or something the presentation is super weak right out of the gate and the translated text is super awkward there's no voice acting the interior of the mansion looks okay but moving around does not feel good there is no turning animation so your guy just jerks around like crazy i mean it looks like trash the puzzles are simplistic the combat is just a write-off the guns feel like peashooters and the enemies are goofy you don't even need to fight them either you can just avoid it super easily like probably the one thing it has going for it is the music it's got a nice silent hill guitar twang to it but that's one of the two nice things i can say about it the other is that it's short which is a mercy but like you're paying 25 bucks for a two-hour game that's bad and number three is those who remain you know games like amnesia or outlast it's like one of those but bad those who remain as an atmospheric first person horror game meaning your protagonist is basically helpless and you have to solve puzzles and avoid scary stuff and so on and so forth the intro is basically a wholesale rip-off from silent hill 2 where a grieving man gets a message from his wife leading him into a spooky town after that quick little rip-off intro the game starts and it's just it's immediately bad the control is not good movement is stuttery you're very slow it's kind of hard to describe but something as simple as moving around feels bad in this game like the concepts simple the grass you stay in the light or these not really scary at all people in the dark who are way too obvious will kill you that'd be fine but the game is all over the place as far as light implementation goes they expect to go through some areas that are dark and those are fine to stand in but other areas are not it's trial and error and some sections feel like you shouldn't be able to pass through but you can i like sometimes the game just kills you for no reason too like here where it wants me to explore a gas station the road is lit up i'm standing directly under the light but oh the game killed me on top of that the game just isn't scary like at all for a game like this to work you need atmosphere and tension and it does not have it and number two is wwe 2k battlegrounds after the disastrous launch of 2k20 2k decided in their infinite wisdom to release this thing instead of another you know annual installment of their now infamous wrestling series they probably figured it couldn't be worse right well it's not a total broken mass like 2k 20 but it's also not much better it builds itself as a kind of more arcadey answer to those wwe 2k games it had some potential to be a fun party game but it's just it's super cheap one of the laziest things about is there's no unique move sets there's five different archetypes and that is it the only thing that differentiates the dozens of wrestlers in this game is their entrances their taunts and their special moves and that is it all the powerhouses fight the same as every other powerhouse all of the high flyers the same as high flyers it's just super lazy like to the point where it is hard to believe how bad it is but even worse is the selection of wrestlers there's only 19 male and 10 females wrestlers to pick from the list the rest you have to buy either with in-game currency or through micro transactions and the selection is truly bizarre with most of the iconic wrestlers you'd expect in a game like this having to be unlocked there's a few modes like this really bizarrely lame campaign mode with these little crappy comic book cutscenes they basically show stone cold steve austin recruiting a bunch of made-up wrestlers it's really weird art style not good weird mix of cartoony and realistic doesn't do the game any favors uh cause they look all dead in the ice it is it's creepy to say the least it's a game that expects you to play for hours on top of hours to unlock the wrestlers you might actually want but it gets tedious after literally an hour if that and there is just very little else to get into and finally at number one is gi joe operation blackout like remember those transformers wore for cybertron and fall of cybertron games that came out a while back imagine those but bad that's gi joe operation blackout a crappier version of those games or an even worse version of battleborn anyone remember battleborn yeah basically it's a game where you and possibly one other player not online though the game is strictly couch co-op only at least on pc play through a linear campaign as either gi joes or cobra you try to save the world or take it over respectively let's say the obvious the game is ugly the environments are incredibly basic they are barren looking the character models are weird lumpy potato like possibly made of socks and cutscenes are just simple animated still frames of what looks like hastily drawn concept art the game looks so cheap and it feels more cheap with stiff controls and awkward animations all around actually moving around and shooting feel okay at least maybe better than you think with how bad everything else is but the missions are so brain dead it becomes really monotonous really fast so anything it does right doesn't matter you run towards an objective in an overly spacious environment where enemies literally teleport in front of you and either stand in one place or walk closer to one of the many explosive barrels so you can blow them up or the other thing they might do is just run directly at you that is it very simple ai in this game boss battles consist of mostly fighting named characters that just sort of shuffle around listlessly and fight you like a bad cpu opponent and a multiplayer shooter it's just not good like maybe if you really love gi joe you might get something out of this but i don't think that most people will couple of bonus games for you twin mirror we expected a lie more from don't nod the developer behind games like life is strange and vampire uh this is not a good game i played it a few hours and it does look nice the story just is not all that interesting though and the opening sections are at least mostly just full of doll conversations there is not much to engage with here unfortunately next is the elder scrolls blades on switch which i don't know why exists it's a port of a mobile game that somehow runs bad on the switch a much more powerful piece of hardware it's stuttery and blurry with terrible load times like it's super basic as far as gameplay goes you walk up to enemies in small linear stages and you tap buttons until they die then you open loot chests and wait on cooldown times in your settlement it's a free-to-play game with skyrim already being on switch i have no idea why this exists and finally let's just briefly talk about cyberpunk 2077 on ps4 and xbox one it looks so bad when you're walking around you see people in textures that look blurrier than playstation one and i'm not joking they really do and that's not even mentioning the bugs cyberpunk is just an awful experience on the playstation 4 and xbox one and it would have been crazy to think about before release but it is completely true it's terrible that is all for today what do you think were any of these games particularly bad in your opinion leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe do not forget to enable all notifications and as always thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,722,280
Rating: 4.8830581 out of 5
Keywords: worst games 2020, games sucked 2020, bad games 2020, terrible 2020 games, worst ps4 games 2020, worst pc games 2020, worst xbox one games 2020, worst ps5 games 2020, worst switch games 2020, worst xbox series x games 2020, worst mac games 2020, gameranx, falcon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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