10 Best Games of 2004 We NEVER FORGOT

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and we're back at it again looking back at some of the best games that have released over the past few years today a game X we're here to talk about the best games of 2004 starting off at number 10 we have Spider Man 2 the game based off of the second Sam Raimi spider-man movie this was a big jump from the first movie tie-in game they drastically changed how the web-swinging worked in the first game your webs attached to some magical structure in the sky that you couldn't see and you couldn't go from street level to like the top of a building but in spider-man 2 all that changed your webs actually attached to stuff and you could like see it happen and it felt great to dude like to the point where spidering games that have come after don't have web-swinging that's as good some people would argue that it's actually better than the web swing in spider-man ps4 Treyarch did an amazing job with Manhattan as well making it look just like New York that mixed with the awesome web swinging it was the closest thing you'd get to being spider-man the game trailed away from the plot of the movies - and went full-on comic-book II for example Mysterio makes an appearance and you have to like go through a whole fight with him made up of illusions and it felt straight out of the panel's of a comic book this is a spider-man game that is definitely gonna go down in history I don't think we're ever gonna forget it moving on to number nine we have burnout three takedown this is the entry into the series where it really fell into its groove and it knew what kind of game that it wanted to be it was a bit more aggressive than the last two while still being very rkt criterion also worked in a new mechanic called to take downs and burnout you kind of rely on speed boost to win which you can earn by driving dangerously and pulling off some risky maneuvers and takedowns expand on that a bit giving you the ability to slam into opposing cars until you send them flying off the road and cause them to crash and doing so would give you a speed boost and ramming another car off the road also looked really cool this is right up there with burnout paradise as some of the best racing games ever made at number 8 man this is a big one star wars battle from the first one the OG one this game was unreal at the time I mean it was a shooter with classes I took place on big battlefields all on different planets from the movies you could play as one of four factions a Trade Federation the rebel galactic Republic or Galactic Empire then there were hero characters that would pop up for a minute so you could fight next to Darth Vader and mace windu Luke Skywalker and at the time it was like whoa I could barely handle it it was essentially the video game equivalent of being a little kid sitting on your bedroom floor with all your Star Wars toys and just bashing them together it reviewed pretty well to everyone mostly liked it except for the games dumb AI which was like super dumb if there wasn't something close enough to the AI soldiers to interact with they would just kind of stand there and wait it seemed like other than that though it was one of the coolest Star Wars games of its time and it did something that I really appreciate in any Star Wars thing which is focusing on something other than just Jedi don't get me wrong Jedi a dopes lightsabers are dope but there's more to Star Wars than that and I loved you know getting to see some of their other stuff I don't want to just see these Jedi Knights running around they're laser swords and wearing pajamas moving on to number seven we have fable an RPG from Lionhead Studios taking place in the fictional world of Albion you play as an orphan whose family was murdered during a bandit raid and your sister was also kidnapped and as the game goes on you grow up and you see your character age and be affected physically by the choices that you make that was a big aspect of Fable choices you were put in certain situations with obvious good or bad choices and depending on what you picked it would affect your hero and their story if your overall bad you would lose your hair and your skin would become pale and you would literally grow horns but if you were good you would age normally eventually having a hair turn white with age and if you were a maid your skin would start to glow with magic it was all really cool and it was a weird game because I've obviously drew inspiration from other RPGs but it wasn't as big in scale it was very small when you really like take a second to think about it but that didn't take away from how enjoyable it was and how much of a unique experience it was I don't think there's anything else like it but look the charm the combat the choices you would make all these things come together to create this perfect package we did get two more entries in the series before line at Studios were shut down but there are rumors of a new one in development by a different team and I'm super curious to see how it comes out I don't know if another dev team can really nailed down the charm of the og one I don't know if it's possible without Lionhead Studios but I'm here for it at number six the jump from the sims to the sims 2 was pretty drastic those four years in between the games like really made a difference first you got a fully 3d art style and your Sims looked way better and way less blocky they also made a lot of changes to the core gameplay as well to better simulate life first off they added new life stages the og sims only had baby child and adult while the sims 2 had baby toddler child teen adult elder and young adult if your sim goes to college that was the big focus here adding more things to make it more of an actual life simulator you don't realize how much a seven-day week actually works to make the Sims feel a bit more real until you actually got it in The Sims 2 this was also a huge step ahead for the series it was way less restrictive and you could do a bit more and really do what you wanted like the sims type never really died down from the first game either the sims 2 may have actually been bigger than the first one and it was definitely better I mean it was an instant success selling 1 million copies in the first 10 days and 4.5 copies over the first year and it also went on to get 8 expansions over the course of four years and people kept on playing them at number 5 we have World of Warcraft yeah this one is a juggernaut it's hard to believe that this has been around since 2004 it still feels somewhat new seeing that it's still one of the best MMOs around and has a huge player base and they're still releasing expansions for it to Blizzard took the MMORPG genre one that was kind of hard to get into it was hard for a more casual player to jump in and start playing and they've made it easy then there's a social aspect of it too there are so many people that play that there was a real sense of community and there are a ton of friends to be made I've heard of people building full-on relationships through WoW which is you know it's something that's amazing the world 2 was always growing and changing with each new expansion quests new characters new areas weapons armor you name it it's got it they even added kung-fu pandas like come on Blizzard really nailed down how to keep this game fresh after 16 years which is you know crazy when you really think about it and I get it I see the appeal a constantly changing world where you can hang out with your friends and you know make new ones and there's so much to do that you always have something to tackle I don't know wow it's crazy every aspect about it it's just it's so cool coming in at number 4 we have Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater this was another big shake-up for the Metal Gear series which is crazy seeing that medgar solitude was a pretty big shake-up as well with right in and the story being batshit insane and all that but yeah two of the biggest noticeable changes made this time around are the setting and the playable character first off the last two games were set in more urban environments with Snake Eater taking place in a Soviet jungle which was really weird at first but then became awesome they added a camo system that you actually to pay attention to if you want to you know successfully sneak past guards and whatnot you were also back playing as snake kind of yeah you look like snake you were called snake David Hayter was doing the voice of snake but you were actually playing as big boss yep this is this is a prequel that's set in 1964 before Solid Snake was even born and Big Boss wasn't big boss yet this is a game that you see a lot on like best Ovilus and for good reason it was one of the better and easiest to follow meddler stories the setting is so wildly different than the last two games there are some great memorable characters and it's kijima as all hell there are a bunch of direct sequels to this game also portable ops Peace Walker ground zeroes phantom pain which is kind of weird that you play as Big Boss more than you do Solid Snake I don't know I've always found that kind of amusing anyway there's too much cool stuff about sneakier to fit in a single point so instead I'll leave you with this the ladder scene the Snake Eater song it's all you got to know at number three we have to talk about Halo 2 yeah this is a big one for a lot of people and and for good reason there was a pretty decent glow up in graphics yeah it still looked like an Xbox game but a nice Xbox game they added some cool stuff as well I mean do wielding SMGs come on playing as an arbiter so cool also the addition of the battle rifle love that weapon yeah a lot of people would argue that combat Evolved has the better campaign but one thing halo 2 definitely does better is the multiplayer combat Evolved multiplayer was fun sure but a low two had real online multiplayer you might even go as far to say that halo 2 is what kind of made xboxlive like matter I know that my earliest multiplayer memories come from Halo 2 and at the time it was so cool and huge and I was able to play online with my friends able to change the game for online multiplayer shooters on console weapons felt great they were very well balanced there were some awesome maps like Zanzibar and ivory tower man I have nothing but good memories when it called mr. Halo - coming down to number 2 we have grand theft auto san andreas my personal favourite GTA title this is the one that really set up GTA 5 which seems like the next logical step coming from san andreas GTA 4 seems more like a direct sequel to GTA 3 not san andreas the biggest change in this game was the location it's not like three or vice city where you're running around one city this one gave you access to the entire state of San Andreas which is made up of Los Santos on CRO Lossman Torres with a big stretch of wilderness separating the cities this is also the entry into the series that really introduced like real customization options yeah in Vice City you can change outfits and you could also you know take your car to a pay and spray and change the color but this one is where you can really customize stuff to your liking you can mix and match different articles of clothing for CJ you can pick out different custom parts for cars and bikes and the game even introduced RPG mechanics while GTA 3 and vice city made their cities feel living and real San Andreas is where rocks are filled that world with stuff to do besides collectibles and quests there was a big selection of mini-games you could also dump time into CJ making him work out and such to get him ripped it in shape or the opposite if you wanted to you could eat a ton of food and give him a little pouch to store his extra cookies then there's the best part of the game a soundtrack the game featured eleven radio stations but if you weren't listening to radio Los Santos or playback FM I don't really know what you were doing if Tony Hawk's Pro Skater is the game that introduced me and a lot of other people to Punk San Andreas is the game that really got me and other people into hip-hop I don't know man just that sand race is the perfect GTA game that's really all I have to say finally at number one we have half-life 2 this is the big one the highly anticipated sequel to Valve's 1998 half-life half-life changed the game it delivered it was a legitimately great shooter with a really good story great love design puzzles and its sequel was no different taking place a few years after the events of Black Mesa Gordon Freeman is awoken by g-man and finds myself on an earth that's controlled by the combine a multi-dimensional alien Empire that conquered earth in just seven hours Gordon wakes up on a train arriving in city 17 as you walk the streets you can't help but get an eerie 1984 vibe and one of the big shiny features of half-life 2 was its physics system eventually you would acquire the gravity gun and weapon that allows Gordon to pick up almost any object out in the world and then can be fired or moved around you can use a gravity gun to solve puzzles by stacking boxes or other random objects out in the world or you could use it as a weapon remember the Raven home bit where there were a ton of you know circular saw blades lying around that you could pick up and launch and headcrab zombies it's a lot of fun the game ran on Valve's new at the time source engine and there was a big difference in graphics coming from the first half-life enemy AI showed improvement as well it isn't an easy game at all and enemies will kind of think about how they approach you I just recently replayed this one in preparation for half-life Alex and I got to say that half-life 2 really holds up still and even now in 2020 there really isn't anything like it now that Valve put out a new half-life game this year maybe there's a possibility for half-life 3 who knows let's just keep on beating that dead horse finally before we go we have some bonuses for you first up we have vampire the masquerade bloodlines this game takes two great things and mashes them together RPGs and vampires getting the play around in the dark and gritty modern day LA as a vampire is an experience a lot of people will never forget then we have Need for Speed Underground 2 the sequel to the awesome Need for Speed Underground you got more cars more customization options and new and bigger areas to race in and you even got a new explore mode that let you drive around in the game's made-up city of baby finally we have Chronicles of Riddick escape from butcher Bay based off of the Vindhyas a movie of the same name this game honestly had no right being as good as it was it's an awesome stealth game with some great lighting and butcher Bay serves as a great setting especially if you love dark gritty bleak and those are some of the best games from 2004 but we want to hear from you meet us down in the comments and let us know what you think I'm sure we missed something and we want to hear from you guys as I'm sure you already know him the like' button who really helps us out and if you're new here subscribing is a good idea because we put out videos like this every single day as always thank you for stopping by taking the time to hang out with us we really appreciate it and we'll see you next time right here on game 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Channel: gameranx
Views: 910,924
Rating: 4.8845186 out of 5
Keywords: best 2004 games, top 2004 games, 2004 ps2 games, 2004 pc games, 2004 xbox games, best 2000s games, 2004 game graphics, gta san andreas, half-life 2, burnout 3, metal gear solid 3, world of warcraft, gameranx, andrew new guy
Id: JZW8zv_xTyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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