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some easter eggs in video games are ones we can't get out of our minds sometimes for maybe a little bit more risque immature or otherwise kind of crude reasons hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 naughty easter eggs we can't unsee starting off with number 10 assassin's creed 3 has a moment where benjamin franklin offers some advice assassin's creed 3 is a game set during the american war of independence and like many other games in the series it tries to take a look at some of the lesser-known parts of well-known history for better or worse one thing that may be somewhat shocking to people is how the game chooses to depict benjamin franklin you know the old guy with the little glasses sometimes referred to as the founding grandfather the guy with the kite who discovered electricity you know not really we're used to seeing him as a sort of intellectual and witty type but the game shows a slightly lesser known side to the character at the start of the game you can talk to him in his store he'll go off on a pretty off-color rant about taking older women as your mistress older women cannot conceive which means one less thing over which to fret in fact you also decrease the chance of acquiring something like the french pox its presence clearly visible or the woman dead i'm sure a lot of players got to this part and were like what on earth is he talking about because seriously it's a little gross but here's the thing it's almost verbatim taken from something the actual real man himself wrote a letter called advice to a friend on choosing a mistress which was written in 1745 and it's exactly what it sounds like franklin actually wrote a lot of stuff like this it's satirical it's at least partially meant to be funny but it's still kind of shocking if you don't know about it this is a man who wrote an essay called and i'm totally serious here fart proudly yeah this is less wish we could unsee and more wish we could hear more the guys said you should say wish we get on here but i don't this stuff is hilarious you mad boston at number nine it's the naughty gnomes from gta 5. grand theft auto 5 is a game that has no shortage of risque or even nasty stuff in it and that goes for its easter eggs as well there are an absolute ton of them hell we did a whole video about it uh but here's one that didn't get mentioned in the vinewood hills there's a house with some garden gnomes in front of it you might not even notice them the first time you pass by the area but if you stop and look well one of them has their pants down yeah for some reason the developers at rockstar included a gnome exposing its butt in the game is it mooning you is it supposed to be some kind of sex thing i don't know but uh it is bizarre and a little bit uncomfortable if you're one of those people who just find garden gnomes a little creepy well this is not going to change that like we said there's a boatload of adult humor in gta 5 and gta series in general but this is definitely one that we kind of wish we could unsee at number eight you could catch a guy taking a dump in red dead redemption too oh yeah we're just saying it like that taking a dump naughty easter eggs come in all forms and here is an example of the more scantological variety yeah i didn't mean to say it like that the reason this is funny is because it's repulsive during one of the earlier missions of the game called polite society valentine style you know the one where you take the camp ladies to valentine along with uncle when you go into the hotel to search for karen jones you don't have to go directly to the room she's in instead if you bust into one of the other rooms you find this guy named harville presley and he's squatting on the chamber pot i'll get the hell out of here william sorry wrong room it is a disgusting reminder of what people had to put up with before the widespread use of indoor plumbing and it is rendered in the usual level of rockstar detail so a lot very detailed too detailed one of the weirdest things about this guy who you might see for all two seconds is that he's got a lot of details about him he's got a name he's mentioned in the newspaper which even says he's suffering from a bowel disease after eating a church potluck supper so the whole thing is both gross and like weirdly detailed so pretty much par for the course with rockstar and number seven is a urinal conversation from deadpool the deadpool game is wild to say the very least it is filled with goofy humor fourth wall breaking jokes of course and as you might have expected some pretty rude stuff even though this game actually came up before the movie it definitely seems like the movie might have drawn some inspiration from it and one of the more bizarre sequences in a game which is frankly full of them it's possible to stop this urinal where two guards are taking a leak it's just on this random wall for some reason and if you interact with a deadpool we'll use the empty stall between them kicks hang out here often get it with the dicks dude seriously i'm gonna swing the peepee song nice dick one of the funnier bits in this is the fact that you have to choose to leave the urinal so you can just keep peeing for a really unnatural amount of time with deadpool making increasingly bizarre comments about how long he's peeing and how awkward the situation is at the end of course he just kills the two guys i mean it's deadpool what did you expect it's a goofy non-sequitur in a game that is absolutely filled with them i haven't trained the old lizard since level one dude don't talk while i pee all right and number six is the lusty argonian maid from the elder scrolls series this is an absolute classic most of the books in the elder scrolls games are stuffy tomes filled with the histories of the various fantasy realms treatises on gods stories of great heroes and magical wonders all the stuff you'd expect in a fantasy game but once in a while you'll find one of these books the lusty argonian maid you know the weird lizard looking race argonians these things are intentionally embarrassing filled with single entendres and like painfully corny puns like they're so intentionally goofy that they gained a lot of notoriety by the time skyrim came out these books basically an essential part of the elder scrolls series like people wouldn't accept a new game without a few of these volumes of ridiculous books the first appearance wasn't morrowind actually you could steal one from a dude in vivec city oblivion and skyrim added a lot more volumes after that each one found in a very specific location in the world it's basically just the writers having some fun by putting something really goofy in and considering all the serious books you normally find it does break up the tone but have you ever tried reading some of these things there's definitely some parts you wish you could unsee and number five is an unfortunate end from fallout 3. at the citadel ruins of fallout 3 there's a skeleton with a fan in its crotch like skeletons and fallout games you could do a whole video on just that top fallout skeletons there are so many skeletons just dotting the maps to the various fallout games with a ton of them placed in embarrassing goofy or even kind of nasty poses for fallout 3's broken steel dlc we got a skeleton that's got all three of those at the end of the game we're given the option to either destroy the enclave platform at adams air force base or the citadel choose the citadel it is the evil option but it's the only way to find this particularly unique skeleton after clearing out all the brotherhood of steel you know the folks you betrayed by destroying their base you can go to the ruins and scavenge a lot of interesting things and if you check this small room you might find this guy it's a skeleton with a fan in its crotch i do not know why it is there like is that just what this dude was into or maybe by some accident the fan fell on his junk during the final moments of his life there's no way to really know frankly it is goofy as hell it's absolutely bizarre and it's something most people probably will not unsee considering how the entire game has you fighting the enclave so it'd be pretty random to just decide at the last minute to blow up your allies instead but if you do it this is your reward skeleton with a fan on its crotch totally worth it and number four is the dance party and the evil within in the dlc for the evil within called the consequence you play as julie kidman dealing with her own story that's running adjacent to the story of the main game in chapter three which is actually the first chapter of this dlc because continuation of the assignment dlc there's a random vending machine you can interact with if you interact with it 15 times then a picture hanging on the other side of the room will fall down revealing a peephole that you can look through behind it is well a dance party [Music] it's got your standard enemies flailing around like crazy with light sticks it's got one of the main enemies of the dlc the shade dancing on a raised platform and this thing's one of the creepiest creatures in the entire series it's a pair of legs in high heels attached to what looks like a spotlight with bloody rags hanging off it it's grotesque it's bizarre and it's got a very unpleasant psychosexual thing going on with it and in this easter egg you see it dancing it's bizarre and we don't want to see this thing starting its stuff on the dance floor let me tell you it's just one image we are all better off not seeing and number three is balder flips the bird from god of war the 2018 one it's a hilarious one that nobody would even know about without some clever modders making it possible during the opening throwdown with balder in the ps4 god of war game after kratos snatched his neck seemingly killing him balder falls into the canyon beside them and flips off kratos as he falls the thing is this is impossible to see in the game normally even when trying to use the camera mode feature it's not possible because it happens during a cutscene the only way you see this little additional joke animation is a mod which puts free camera into the game this one's entirely on this one guy named lance mcdonald he has a youtube page dedicated to going out of bounds and exploring secrets in various games and he was the only one to find this one it's definitely naughty and you you won't see it in the opening scene of god of war but on the same token it makes it so you can't see it the same way ever again because you know this is happening behind your back at number two mr and mrs hanky make a cameo in south park the fractured but whole it's a south park game so of course it's it's filled with disgusting stuff duh but maybe one of the nastiest secrets is finding mr and mrs hank in the second south part game the whole game's naughty as hell because it's south park that's what it's about like if you've watched south park for any number of years it doesn't even seem naughty to you but show it to somebody who goes to church every sunday they might have a different opinion to find mr mrs hanky literal sentient poop you have to travel to certain bathrooms after getting the sandblaster power which is yes a fart this is a game where you have fart based powers because of course you use the power on a clogged pipe and it reveals one of the hankies boy you sure cleared that giant turd along with a whole mess of fecal matter it's juvenile it's disgusting and it's south park and finally at number one it's the robot dance from cyberpunk 2077. uh like this is this is a definite wish you could unseat one many cyborgs in this game are almost entirely robotic so with a name like robot lab dance you might think you'd see something more appealing but no just forget about that for now uh to find this thing you need to travel to the place called the do drop in and bust through some random door inside you will see two military robots engaging in some private time yes it's got one of these bulky robots doing a sexy dance and it is actually uh pretty creepy imagine just wandering into this scene it'd be like just randomly running into that bare bj scene from the shining it's it's creepy well maybe not that bad but it is something i would rather not see and cyberpunk is really a game filled with risque stuff but so sometimes you are going to come up with something that's maybe a little too weird this is one of those things but what did you think leave us a comment let us know if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week the best way to see them first is of course the subscription so click subscribe don't forget to enable all notifications and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 411,970
Rating: 4.8965554 out of 5
Keywords: naughty video game easter eggs, naughty ps4 easter eggs, naughty pc game easter eggs, naughty xbox easter eggs, hilarious easter eggs, edgy video game easter eggs, hidden secrets video games, single player games, evil within, elder scrolls, assassin's creed, gta, fallout, red dead redemption 2, south park, cyberpunk 2077, gameranx, falcon
Id: _LiORgTsIUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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