10 SHADY Gamers Who Paid A HEAVY PRICE

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most of us playing games are legit but some of us are willing to bend the rules a little and sometimes suffer outsized consequences for it hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 shady gamers who paid a huge price starting off at number 10 a guy who stole a knife a red digital knife is facing up to eight years in jail now the knife in question is fairly cool i'm not gonna say it's not but i'm also not gonna say that i think that it's worth 1400 which is exactly how much this knife is apparently worth in the czech republic where this happened now what happened was this unnamed gamer was supposed to pay about fourteen hundred dollars for the collectible knife basically okay so this guy paid a deposit on the knife and got the item and then didn't pay for the full price specifically the deposit was 190 so a little more than 10 percent i mean i'm gonna go ahead and say i don't think that any collectible knife is worth 190 even the deposit so in some ways i i look at this and i go well this is the result of an utterly ridiculous digital economy but at the same time an agreed upon price is an agreed upon price and uh yeah i kind of hope he doesn't get eight years that's kind of ridiculous but still at number nine a brazilian counter-strike pro ran a online store as an influencer for a number of years and apparently around 118 customers didn't get the goods that they purchased now she was convicted and sentenced to 116 years in jail now keeping in mind in brazil you can only serve up to 30 years of any jail sentence you receive so that sounds a lot more severe than it is still 30 years is a long long time however she will not be arrested and will not go to jail until the appeals process has played out which her ex-husband apparently has taken responsibility and that definitely casts the entire case in a different light still gaining influence in the counter-strike community running an online shop as an influencer and shorting a bunch of people on the stuff they bought sucks it's definitely not something you want to hear about but 30 years out of a person's life for that is also kind of insane like just have them refund it and pay like damages of some kind at number 8 two gamers got jail sentences for stealing about six thousand four hundred dollars worth of virtual items now these aren't stiff sentences like the previous one but there's still honestly a lot two gamers by the names of wang and kai were sentenced to two years in prison and fined for cyber theft now cyber theft sounds pretty cool if you ask me however it is apparently not a lucrative thing to get caught doing from what i can gather with this thing a couple of gamers got a hold of another guy's account information and these guys made off with a bunch of online items and cashed out with them which as you know requires some form of financial information seems like they didn't really buffer themselves very much between the incident and the payout i mean stealing from a fellow player is pretty low at number seven uh we found out that if you hack pokemon and sell them you can i'm sorry i'm laughing at this you can end up in jail for it specifically pokemon sword and shield as well as pokemon home have the ability to sell pokemon apparently one guy doing this got caught and is actually in jail see apparently there is a an act in japan called the unfair competition prevention act and well i really sincerely doubt that this somehow has like a specific purpose of stopping pokemon hackers i'm guessing the language is workable enough to weaponize against these pokemon hackers now apparently this guy hadn't just done like one like he didn't just sell one hacked pokemon he had been selling many of them for like 42 bucks a piece 50 bucks a piece etc etc he made about 11 000 before they caught him and put him in jail so keeping in mind exactly how much he did just doing it once or twice probably isn't gonna get you in major trouble but it's probably not something to try to do also like 40 50 bucks isn't really worth pressing up against the law in that way i don't think and number six a call of duty gamer by the name of casey weiner solicited a swatting call which resulted in a death and got sentenced to 15 months in prison now if you are unfamiliar swatting is making a fake 911 call which gets police to respond with a swat team you say something like there's a hostage situation here this person is a shotgun or a machine gun or assault rifle or whatever and you basically prime the police to shoot the person in the house that you're targeting which is what happened unfortunately a man named andrew finch who wasn't even the gamer that was targeted was a accidental former address given was shot and killed which is i mean it's not an uncommon result they think that there's a kidnapping or a hostage situation or a shootout or something going on and let's just be clear they're freaked out going in yeah i think that 15 months is actually kind of light for doing this kind of thing and killing someone with it and number five a south korean overwatch player who is selling hacks and totaled in profit at around 180 000 dollars lordy but it's because back in 2016 uh it became a criminal offense to create and distribute aimbots in south korea and a lot of the time this resulted in fines of like tens of thousands of dollars oftentimes ending in a probation but this gentleman was particularly successful at it making tons and tons of money obviously what would you do with a hundred and eighty thousand dollars oh i can think of some things and number four hey remember the guy casey viner that who got in trouble for swatting yeah the guy that he contracted to do this swatting yeah that guy got it much worse than casey weiner got i think casey weiner personally probably should have gotten it much worse but this guy got a 28 year sentence because he wasn't just implicated in this incident he actually pled guilty to 51 federal charges of fake calls and threats which landed him 20 years in jail now i personally can't really come up with any good reason that this guy should be considered anything other than a huge slime ball so i mean i don't even want to say this is an outsized sentence like 51 of these things maybe not all of them were swattings but swatting just sucks it sucks so bad and number three some korean overwatch hackers got arrested and were hit with ten thousand dollar fines remember how i noted over in south korea several people had been fined tens of thousands of dollars for aimbots and various games well i was talking about this i mean these were the only guys who got fined but 13 overwatch hackers were arrested in 2018 were fined two thousand dollars and two of them got probation now it's actually a fairly low sentence for what the law possibly can dole out giving a fine maximum of fifty thousand dollars and a maximum five years in prison i mean ten thousand and two years is and it's not fun but way better than that there was definitely some concern along the lines of the law being too broad and targeting more innocuous mods that don't mess up people's gameplay but let's just be 100 clear here don't hat games it makes the game suck for other people like don't be a jerk and number two the mastermind of a group of world warcraft hackers was sentenced to two years in a chinese prison these guys had hacked and defrauded over 10 000 chinese gamers through a series of online transactions according to the news in china basically they coerced people out of login information and emptied out these accounts i.e accumulated gold accumulated gear for three dollars per person now thinking about the fact that they did this to like ten thousand people they probably made at least thirty thousand dollars was a pretty fair amount of money basically they considered this flipping world of warcraft accounts and started a company to do it the main guy got two years in prison i mean these accounts were not like willingly given over they were coerced it was bad it was done under false pretenses so like yeah that just sucks and finally at number one china cracked down pretty hard on pubg cheaters back in 2018. like this is being done at a mass scale 10 cent the chinese publisher of the game you know who tencent is and how much power they have they are working with the country's police force to identify and arrest cheaters to player unknown's battlegrounds like do you remember like cheating in games like 20 years ago if if you weren't alive back then i i totally get it but like most games were like single player and we were playing around in our rooms like oh you can jump really high or your head is big and now like you're getting arrested for an unfair advantage in a game but you are playing with other people and ruining the experience up to be clear but still this has resulted in hundreds of arrests in china and it's just insane i think it's maybe a little bit harsh like ban people half of the pub g player base is in china and if they're terrified of cheating because they can get arrested but everyone else in the entire world can cheat and not get arrested for it well get what i'm getting at that's all for today though leave a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe do not forget to click the notification bell and as always thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 487,908
Rating: 4.8950238 out of 5
Keywords: video game culture, cheating punishments, video game online cheating, cheating penalties, stealing in-game items, counter strike controversies, csgo controversies, video game hacking controversies, gamers, gamers getting into trouble, gameranx, falcon
Id: m9bBx-_GWmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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