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sometimes a video game gives you the tensest white knuckle moments you can imagine and sometimes video games try to do that hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 video game moments you weren't supposed to laugh at but obviously you did starting off at number 10 sonic 06 the hedgehog slash human love scene don't even know how to say it different than this the cringe is is strong with this one there is no denying that sonic the hedgehog on the xbox 360 slash playstation 3 was an unmitigated disaster it is buggy frustrating boring it is not fun it is a mess it is a waste it is a big fact mistake but on top of all that it also has the most asinine story possible that includes a sonic slash human romance and it's not exactly one moment it's kind of spread out across sonic's full story and honestly it's hard to pick which scene is the most embarrassing because they are all so bad and laughable in their own ways what makes them so intolerable though sonic looks like an animated puppet and his love interest is just like deeply in the uncanny valley like sonic having any kind of relationship with a realistic human is bad enough but elise has this weird doll like expression and movements that make it honestly kind of creepy the first scene where elise tends to sonic's wounds it's bad enough but the second one where they hug and sonic tells her to smile it's really funny but probably the funniest moment is the cut scene when you beat sonic's story and sonic bizarrely gives elise a thumbs up says nice smile and winks at her and like she winks back with like this zombie like dead movement it is the stuff of nightmares and everything about these two is just such a bad idea it's so so funny and number nine is the yelling scene from outriders most games that come out these days avoid having any laugh out loud so bad it's good moments in them but outriders in many ways kind of feels like a relic from the ps3 xbox 360 area at least when it comes to the story honestly it's obviously not all bad and if you love games like years of war it's kind of endearing and even if you're whatever about the story the gameplay is great but we're not talking about the good stuff here we are talking about the goofy as hell stuff so let's let's do that instead during the prologue you and some of your buddies are exploring this mysterious forest area when suddenly this crazy storm rolls in and like it starts causing explosions making people disappear everything goes crazy this is where the moment is your dude is trying to save someone but they disappear and as a reaction your dude just immediately bursts out this primal yell like he's conan chopping someone's head off i don't know exactly what it is about this moment that cracks me up like this is a moment in a million stories and half of them are funny half of them are like all right yeah i get it it is not the latter though it is the former your dude's weird expression combined with the crazy grunt scream is it's hilarious maybe it's not as funny if you're playing a female character but with a male one there's just something so absurd about it it's not like yelling in a situation like this is completely unexpected but just the style of yell combined with the silly face and the fact that it goes on for just a bit too long makes it honestly really one of the all-time great laugh-worthy scenes in my book and number eight is the entire ending of metal gear solid revengeance what can we really even say about this one the entire ending of revengeance puts the rest of the metal gear solid series to shame like this is a series that's filled with overly dramatic and borderline silly moments but somehow a spin-off game not made by kojima the series creator managed to top all of it so the plot leading up to the end of the game is pretty pat it's a 911 was an inside job false flag thing where the baddies trick ryden into attacking us military base for you know reasons you fight the mastermind your standard bad guy corrupt politician named armstrong and his fancy metal gear and you seemingly stop everything but everything gets completely crazy like you know you're in for some laughs when some goon starts squatting and grunting like a dragon ball z character ultimately revealing he's a nano machine infused monster that wants to purge the week like there are so many absolutely hilarious moments in this sequence it is hard to tell whether they were trying to be funny or not how the hell did you get elected well i don't write my own speeches like the moments where armstrong solemnly speaks how you should fight for what you believe in and then he kicks ryden and there's a comedy the crowd goes wild style sound effect probably funniest moment is when it seems like ryden is going to join armstrong then dramatically turns it around on him the face that armstrong makes there it's priceless honestly the whole sequence has to be seen to be believed it's definitely supposed to be funny sometimes i think probably but a lot of it is it's unintentional the combination of the two is why it's not higher on this list honestly and number seven that time goofy died in kingdom hearts 2. this video could honestly just be a list of things that happen in kingdom hearts that series just bursting with ridiculous moments that are played deadly serious but for a lot of fans that's actually part of its charm these games combine time bent and incredibly elaborate anime melodrama with the classic disney canon it's a mix that should be like oil and water but for a lot of people it works and some people it's ironic some people it's not i personally think the games are brilliant not necessarily for their narrative elements however but when it comes to the laughable moments the goofy death scene really just can't be topped a lot of other moments require reams of explanation about the convoluted plot of kingdom hearts but this one just stands on its own as a funny as hell moment that is presumably supposed to be serious what leads up to it doesn't matter like at all sora goofy and donald are confronted by mickey mouse in this hilarious badass trench coat hood thing suddenly a rock just comes flying in from nowhere goofy jumps in front of it to protect mickey and bam he's quote unquote dead you'd think this would be a moment where they play it for comedy you know he gets hit on the head everyone cries but he's actually okay but they don't it's supposed to be a legitimately tragic moment it's mickey mouse swearing revenge for the death of goofy it's ludicrous and yeah they do kind of play it for comedy later when goofy shows up alive but they take their sweet time getting to that point and it mostly just seems like we're supposed to be relieved that he actually survived this whole sequence is iconic among kingdom hearts fans some love it for how silly it is some just like the storytelling but we can't help but laugh at it and number six is the trish death scene in devil may cry this one scene is probably the most infamous in the entire devil may cry series later parts of the series started incorporating a lot more intentionally funny sequences but the original dmc was almost entirely dead serious which actually makes this part a lot funnier you probably know it from memes at the very least i i'm talking about the part where dante screams i should have been the one to fill your dark soul with lights it's a ridiculous thing to say but the way dante's voice cracks at the end while shouting light i mean it's it makes this into all-time great video game comedy it's only made weirder by the fact that trish the one who's dead is actually a demon who was made to look like dante's mother which only adds this weird edible dimension to the whole thing this whole part is supposed to be taken dead seriously it's got sad music dramatic zooms the works but instead this one line just makes it hilarious i should have been the one to fill your dark with light [Music] and number five is metroid other m the well entire opening sequence for fans of the metroid series the story of metroid other m isn't really all that funny it's mostly infuriating now the game has its fans the gameplay could be pretty entertaining at times but man the story is rough and there is a lot of it turning metroid from a singular exploration game into a metal gear like melodramatic action game didn't work all that well and a big part of that failure came from the characterization of samus the really awful voice acting wasn't a big help either after getting through the tutorial the game immediately starts bludgeoning you with metaphors see samus is sad because she misses the baby the young metroid that rescued the player at the end of super metroid in her monotone narration samus says the baby an awful lot and it starts to get really funny after a while i am of course only explaining this so the silly stuff that's coming makes more sense bear with me so she's flying around space and gets a distressed message called a baby's cry which she ridiculously explains is a common sos with the urgency of a baby crying oh yeah and the thing sending this baby's cry the bottle ship of course because the baby the whole sequence ends with the line it was as though it was crying specifically for me get it samus has baby issues just use the word baby and everything otherwise the audience won't get it it's just too subtle if samus doesn't say baby all the time we might forget that there was a baby baby the baby the baby the baby babies baby babies pretty much every line in this part is either awkward strange or needlessly explanatory so is the rest of the game though at number four is hunt down the free man's ending here's a bizarre thing before there was half-life alex it was hunt down the freeman which the fan game that was actually sold on steam i was about to say it was pulled because it was for a while but it seems like it's back up again anyways it's set as a side story to half-life 2. it is about this too edgy for you guy hunting down gordon freeman for revenge for beating him up with a crowbar yes those are crowbar scars for some reason instead of focusing on gameplay like most half-life games would this one actually has a lot of cutscenes and yeah it's on this list because they are really bad like it's all pretty silly but the ending in particular is like a damn queen album one hit after another your main dude confronts adam a different character that he also wants to get revenge on and they get into a silly chase before the main guy shoots adam in the leg he somehow immediately stands back up gets shot a few more times and is still stumbling around so the main guy can get this badass one lighter hand you have my permission to die probably the funniest line is when he says you [ __ ] up my face because adam did that i guess instead of gordon freeman i i don't know this story does not make sense at number three it is the chase sequence from heavy rain uh we'll just go ahead and say this like it's not just like the chase sequence itself but it's when you fail to do the chase sequence correctly like it starts off kind of normal you're investigating a thing guy runs off and you're just off to the races you're getting hit by not one but two cars accidentally grabbing somebody which i don't know how that happens then you go into a supermarket ram into some people some boxes fall all over every single thing in the supermarket like i swear to god it is like a jerry lewis skit from the 1950s or 60s you have to expect this guy to go oh i don't know how that happened you're knocking people down you're slipping on ice you're getting chickens thrown into your face which by the way is the best moment of the whole thing because when you get the chickens thrown in your face it cuts to this close-up that i can only describe as the most insane thing like how a movie would play it for comic effect but it's got this really dramatic music playing it's just ridiculous to be honest it it's hard to actually even recite any of this to you i had to not think of any of the visuals while i was talking about this because it's genuinely like one of the most ridiculous things and i want to give some quick little ups to a glitch that lets you just shout shawn's name in a warehouse for a while which is also unintentionally one of the goddamn funniest things in the world but this this chase where like you fall on everything it couldn't be funnier and number two is mortal kombat 4 jax's ending fighting game endings aren't exactly high art but for the low bar set by the genre the endings in mortal kombat 4 still hilariously bad worst of all of them however is the absolutely infamous jax ending which is so full of goofy moments that it is almost impossible to describe immediately when you see this thing you want to laugh you see these characters try to have a dramatic scene one of their canned fighting game poses and animations i mean that's goofy enough but the voice acting is unsurprisingly also terrible you're the last one jerick but it's the twists that make this ending first it seems like jerick is dead but twist he actually grabs sonya's leg and she falls off the cliff then surprise jax is there and grabs jarek and drops him off the cliff and one of the most immediate acts of revenge of all time which i mean just the description me saying that in my opinion is funny but there's so much else going on jerick's yell when he falls off the cliff the fact he doesn't see jax at all even though he's standing directly in front of him the generally terrible animation it's all funny but jax's one-liner is what makes it legendary jarrett protests that this is police brutality and jax responds with wrong jerick this is not a brutality this is a fatality it's incredible at number one is exodus from earth mike's death scene i can pretty much guarantee nobody has played this game it's a rip-off of 2008's half-life 2. it's called exodus from the earth and the humor comes down entirely to two things it has a bafflingly bad translation which reads like it was machine translated or something and it's got terrible voice acting in english when you combine the two you get some of the most bizarre and hilarious moments in gaming history case in point the death of mike right from the start you know this is a winner from your main dude's line read of thanks me too which is just beyond bizarre and in the line reads just get worse funny thing is the other guy's voice acting isn't actually that bad but the main guys is just next level terrible well i think it'll be difficult to leave this place it sounds like an alien pretending to be a human being the way he says it's really so easy is nuts why does he say it that way what is happening we can highlight nearly every line in the scene but the part where frank yells oh [ __ ] off bastards it's just so perfect outside of the laughable cutscenes trying to read these loading screens with a straight face they're like a step above gibberish the whole game is just funny as hell in a totally unintentional way what are some great examples of some drop dead dumb moments in video games that made us laugh unintentionally leave us a comment let us know what you think if you liked this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is a course of subscription so click subscribe don't forget to enable all notifications and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,391,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cutscenes, video game cutscenes, funny cutscenes, game cutscenes, best cutscenes, worst cutscenes, top 10 cutscenes, funny video game moment, hilarious story moments, funniest video game scenes, video game culture, single player games, gameranx, falcon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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