10 Problems ONLY 2000s Gamers Faced

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the first decade of the new millennium brought with a ton of unique challenges for gamers hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 problems only 2 thousands gamers faced starting off at number 10 it is not having an hd tv now hdtv was like mainly 720p back then so it wasn't really particularly great but the difference between say 720p and 4k is nothing like the difference between a crtv and an hdtv like not that crtvs don't have their own type of charm there's a reason why a lot of emulated games are trying to simulate what they looked like they did have a very specific and unique look but when everyone moved to hd tvs and you couldn't necessarily afford one going to a friend's house that had one and then coming back to play games on your low resolution square oh did that ever suck the thing that sucked more too was if you had like a bigger cr tv it was 10 times more obvious even if you had a wide screen cr tv which did exist by the way it's just that most games did not support them so there was never a particularly coveted type of television but as soon as those hd tvs hit we were like what can i do to have one at number nine is terrible pc ports like tons of games that had both console and pc releases yeah the pc release would like basically be an entirely different game and nowadays obviously the pc is miles ahead of consoles and oftentimes where the game looks the best it was not the case back then it was often like really just the inferior platform it was kind of astounding how bad games could look on the pc when you consider what the pc is now some particularly notable ones include like spider-man 2 obviously not a game that looks even close to how the more recent spider-man games look but that game looked like trash and ran like trash on the computer battle for bikini bottom was a big problem yes that game is fun no it did not look good on the pc and there are a ton of like tie-in type games grand theft auto 4 as well honestly grand theft auto 4 was terrible on pc and that was fairly late in the decade when pcs were even starting to get better still bad and number eight was trying to run crisis with ultra settings on your pc now again we're talking about the tail half of the decade but still crisis was a game that basically made a lot of people throw out their old computer and build an entirely new one specifically so that crisis would run badass on it because if a computer could run crisis it could run anything crisis also coincided with a sort of generational shift in pc graphics cards in fact crisis is actually a year older than grand theft auto 4 and the evidence that the hardware was changing so quickly is that crisis was the benchmark grand theft auto 4 had been in the works for quite a while obviously but let's just be completely clear if you weren't running grand theft auto 4 at high settings you were not running crisis at ultra settings in fact for years even still when you do a custom pc rig you can expect somebody to say but can it run crisis even though like if you built it today yes it obviously can run crisis at number seven steam used to really suck like i don't know if you remember this but steam was horrible when it launched it launched way back in 2003 and if you know what uplay is like now that's basically what it felt like back then steam was mandatory if you wanted to buy half-life 2 and not only was this dumb cumbersome program attached to it but it also couldn't handle all the purchases the servers that valve set up for steam just could not handle the number of people that wanted to play the game and might i add if this was a single player game in the year 2004. back in 2004 people were outright angry that they needed to be connected online in order to play a single-player game which i mean that's something that pisses me off now in 2021 this was in 2004 when that was just unheard of and it didn't work not to mention how clunky and awful steam's interface was back then slow it detracted from the resources that you needed to play the game it's just bad it was basically just drm at number six is building your own pc now as you know building your own pc is a project now even now when they build parts specifically knowing that people will be building a pc to do high-end gaming on i'm not saying it was ever totally impossible or never not doable i'm not saying that people have it easy now i'm not saying that it was impossible then however it was a lot harder you just had less resources a lot less people had published build guides you don't have the kind of communities that you have where people have done lots of testing and make recommendations to people and you did not have all the same kinds of resources in terms of easily ordering and quickly getting parts that we're talking about you could order them but it would take a long time to get a hold of them or you would have to go to various electronics stores that flat out don't exist anymore like you know circuit city or whatever micro center's still around but that could end up taking your whole afternoon and that's assuming that these stores had everything that you wanted in stock sometimes they would have to order them as well and if ordering was involved back at this time ordering meant weeks not days now it's something we can do a lot quicker and and have a little bit more guiding information again i don't want to call it easy now or impossible back then because i don't want to sound like one of those old people being like ah we had it so hard way back but it's definitely a different experience at number five this was the era before cloud saves not having cloud saves sucks let me just say like out of all of the developments in gaming cloud saves is probably one of my favorites yes the cloud does come with its own sort of weird set of privacy issues and problems but i mean we're talking about an era where memory cards were a thing do you know how many memory cards i have lost and those things were not cheap they were not cheap at all i remember losing a memory card and not only being pissed off i had to start my progress over again but also had to spend like 30 bucks on a new memory card so you end up deleting a sibling's game file so you can save your game and it pisses them off or they do that very same thing to you and well you're the butt of that cruel cosmic joke another fun one is when you take your memory card over to your friends and the friend just stupidly saves over your save and you don't even realize it to get home and it's like ah i have to freaking start jedi power battles all over or hell somehow something gets corrupted and there's just no way to come back to it even when they moved saves onto hard drives that didn't fix the problem we dealt with a lot of corrupted saves just because well that kind of media just isn't invincible and to be truthful neither is the cloud like i'm not gonna sit here and claim that the cloud solves every single problem again like i said there are privacy issues as well but let me tell you since cloud saves have been a thing i have experienced so many less issues on that front and number four is running wires for early online console gaming because wi-fi was not a thing yet okay so if you have ever put together like any kind of wired entertainment system in your house any of them at all you know that even a single wire is a huge pan but what we're on that like wired controllers as well i'm not saying that like wired controllers are completely dead now i have one for my pc actually for games that i intend to play on the pc with a controller but wow there is no gam console i want to use a wired controller on ever again it is just the most inconvenient thing generally none of the wires were long enough for sitting on the couch you had to sit on the floor up near the console itself which makes it just like hell on your back after a little while i know that sounds like an old person thing to say but i was not old in the 2000s and yet yup hurt my back hell that crap hurt when i was playing in the late 80s with a wired controller that was like five feet long how long were the nes controller wires that's a problem that i am so glad is gone at number three is terrible internet connections alright so broadband internet wasn't mainstream until the late 2000s with like half of internet users having broadband by 2007. in the early 2000s you were still playing online games on a dial-up connection and a lot of people to be completely clear in the united states where internet infrastructure is actually not among the best in the world despite the fact that most of the companies are here a lot of people still are so for a lot of gamers out in appalachia like that is still a problem but luckily for a lot of us it's a problem that is confined to the past i i could never i could never go back to 56k for gaming holy crap no absolutely not at number two downloading patch files manually like nowadays when you get on to steam it's like all right you got these patches let's install them it's the same thing for all console gaming patches are not a problem they download it's kind of irritating but it's not really a thing back in the day because people were spending so much on web hosting and stuff like that oftentimes patch files would be distributed through like sketchy file hosts and not everybody knew exactly where to get them from and you could accidentally download like tampered patch files you might get a virus yes from game patches hell you could just download the wrong file and it would take a while because like i said the internet connections were much more bad and sometimes you'd even have to search for them if the game wasn't like a huge mainstream aaa title genuinely like this was a situation that was almost bizarre when you think about how easy it is to patch a game nowadays it's literally nothing and finally this is one that i feel like has totally disappeared entirely it's the rental store not having the game that you want like we're not even buying games in stores for the most part now we are downloading them off of the internet directly onto our game consoles and computers gamestop has kind of lucked out with the whole stock market thing but they're trying to figure out what on earth to even do for the next several decades to still exist we're talking like blockbuster though or your local rental place which that does not exist anymore you do not need to go into a rental place to see a movie for instance that crap is on netflix they're launching movies simultaneously in theaters and on streaming services now but way back then if you wanted to try a game before you bought it you had to rent it and for you to rent it the rental store had to be up on what games are coming out do you know how many times as a kid i called a rental store to find out if they had a new game because i didn't actually have a blockbuster anywhere near me because i lived in a rural area i mean we eventually had a blockbuster but that stuff fell apart anyway so it doesn't even really matter point is you could waste tons and tons of time just waiting for the rental guy to understand that people want something that's all for today leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them is of course a subscription so click subscribe do not forget to enable all notifications and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 377,955
Rating: 4.9111481 out of 5
Keywords: video game culture, gaming culture, gamer culture, video game problems, 2000s gamers, ps2 gamer problems, xbox 360 gamer problems, ps3 gamer problems, gamecube gamer problems, slow internet gaming, gameranx, falcon
Id: dw4nVPXUGlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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