10 Recent WORST Game BREAKING Glitches

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at game ranks we enjoy a good glitch but some of them make the game unbearable hi folks its Falcon and today on game ranks the 10 worst recent game breaking glitches now before we get into it just a quick disclaimer some of these have been fixed we're not acting as if this is a stationary situation and it should be made known anything can be patched and it's great when developers do that number 10 in the game pray specifically the PC version there is a rare but absolutely game destroying bug in the form of say a file corruption basically what would happen is your save files would corrupt in the game you wouldn't be able to continue and if there were corrupted save files the game just would crash eventually so even if you were able to load another file it just worried it would screw up anyway now this was a rare bug but it did happen to the IGN reviewer who gave it a 4 out of 10 because of this bug I think praise a good game I enjoy it it's not a 4 out of 10 even with an awful bug and that bug was very quickly fixed let's be clear but still it's disheartening to get a brand new game that is good and you like and it comes to a screeching halt number 9 is a game breaking bug in Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword ok so there's a specific string of events that causes this bug I'm not gonna detail the whole thing but it's basically you go here do this thing talk to this person complete an event speak with a person and other events just stop it also messes up your save file which cool right love that you could avoid the bug by doing these events in a different sequence but I think more interesting is how they patch the bug now the we didn't really have a way to do this at least in any automatic fashion or even just kind of a non-intrusive fashion the games didn't check for updates on their own or anything like that so they basically had to release this separate thing called The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword day to repair channel which was essentially a second program that authorized Nintendo to patched the game that mechanism just didn't exist in the Wii and once the Nintendo eShop closed that was that you could also send your SD card to Tendo customer service and they would fix it for you which wow that sounds like a waste of time doesn't it but then again this was a while back things were very different maybe number 8 the division 2 ended up a lot better than the first hand even the first at the end of its run ended up a lot better than when it started but there was a process involved and a lot of patches were released to this game during the course of making it into something good one of those patches did make the game good but for a small number of players it also made high-end backpacks disappear from inventories as well as locked them entirely out of the game also it's important to note that despite the divisions kind of rocky rollout let's say it did have a lot of people playing it and a small number of people is still a big number of people they were able to identify the problem causing this very quickly but because of the way the division was set up they weren't able to update it quickly on April 1st 2016 they said we will be deploying a fix in Update 1.1 on April 12th that should resolve instances of the infinite loading backpack issue due to this fix requiring a client patch we cannot deploy it at an earlier date we thank you for your patience now keeping in mind that a live services game is something you play on an ongoing basis 12 days without it is a lot when the game basically takes your stuff from you it's also kind of I don't know if I want to keep risking it every moment of the day because I'm sure people were like I'm gonna wait number 7 is fallout 76 just the whole game the whole game is a glitch itself there's a patch it's called uninstalling the game I'm obviously just kidding but he did have glitches that were game breaking in their own way naming Lee that the game itself was already broken when it was launched I mean it was launched in a very glitchy state it was absurd but as they work on fixing those there are also new areas that they are working to add I mean this is a live service game so that's kind of a thing that happens on the regular in those and players have accidentally glitched into new areas for instance vault 63 an under-construction vault that clearly had something go bad in it the area didn't have a way out however players fast traveled out but they were worried about getting banned Bethesda didn't ban them but still the reason they were worried is because there's another area of the game players had glitched into which was a developer's area with copies of every item you could get as well as a non-player character allah-allah Fallout 76 a single non player character somewhere in the code of this game Wow but anyway Bethesda had concluded that they had gotten there through attempting to glitch and banned a bunch of accounts who were there I don't know how they determined that it was intentional because hey this is Bethesda of their games are very glitchy it's so charming I think the gaming community has moved on from that view it's not charming and it's kind of amazing how many glitches still exist in this game months and months after its release its I understand they fix them and they do work on the game but I mean look at this game number 6 a map that was added to pub G in mid 2018 contained a spot that did some things that basically were ripe for trolling so the collision detection and the actual polygons and texture of the map did not line up I'm guessing that some sort of artistic modification was made for the map and it wasn't properly documented or there wasn't enough communication between teams or whatever it doesn't really matter it's not actually something that is horrific if we're talking about why it's there but its effect was the issue is that it gave players a place to hide entirely it was impossible to see any players hiding because they would go under the map without flying off into oblivion like what happens when you glitch out of maps you could essentially hide underneath the actual texture the actual polygons and you could see right up towards anyone doing anything in the vicinity and you could shoot up through the map meaning this glitch basically made this area of the map unplayable because frankly not everybody is going to know about this glitch and the people who do are going to take advantage of it this one only took a few days to get patched because obviously but for those few days I'm sure that map got a lot less traffic number 5 metroid other m had a serious problem that basically made it so there's a door that can't be unlocked or open despite the fact that there's nothing on the other end of the door except the rest of the game you could cause this issue simply by backtracking at a certain point which let's just go ahead and say that's what Metroid's about like there's so much backtracking in every Metroid game the fact that backtracking could cause a bug was I guess particularly ironic Nintendo put up a support page saying proceed through the door that was just unlocked at the end of the room before you do any backtracking and you will avoid the bug which is good and all but I'll bet a lot of people didn't do that and get this remember the annoying way of fixing the bug that Zelda had that wasn't the support channel they created sending in an SD card yeah that was the only way you could fix this problem if you had caused the bug send in the SD card there was no metroid other m support channel you could download and patch the game which kind of sucks number four when Diablo 3 came out there was a game breaking bugs in the game when you come across a Templar follower that you could exchange your shield with if indeed you did exchange your shield it immediately kicked you off the server gave you an error and you couldn't log back in until it was completely fixed fortunately this one was fixed fast they hot fixed it within 24 hours of the problem which is a big deal honestly players were expecting it to take up to a week until they actually released a patch and Blizzard immediate was like nope this is too big a deal for that number three the last boss in Monster Hunter World on the PC cost would appeared to be a save file corruption preventing you from progressing after beating the boss there was a big controversy with this because it affected a lot of people and didn't affect a lot of other people what was found is that it actually was a problem with video codecs Capcom basically assumed that video codecs that you to compress the specific cutscene in question would be there and they weren't always you actually had to download the manually update windows there were various ways of getting those video codecs but once you got them you could progress that was it that was the fix which was kind of anticlimactic for a lot of people who were having a lot of problems and arguing pretty view mately that their problems were real with people who were saying no there's no save file corruption that's nonsense it just turned out not to be save file corruption that's all or even really a bug with the game to be honest well it certainly acted like a bug and it prevented people from completing the game it actually kind of wasn't any coders fault but Capcom definitely could have thought ahead a little bit better here nonetheless number two in Red Dead Redemption there is a bug that if you retry from a checkpoint for the mission polite society Valentine style it will make Sadie Abigail and Jack not present until chapter four now given a lot of Red Dead Redemption is built around the camp and the kind of community in the camp it is a pretty different experience without them there now you could make the argument it's not game breaking but it does really change the rhythm of these chapters of the game and although you can go back and play those missions in Chapter four everything just makes a little bit more sense when they're in the camp from Chapter two fortunately Rockstar did issue a patch not long later and finally the last bug we want to look at today was a far cry 5 death loop that would occur because the game would autosave while you're falling to your death now there are various ways that this could happen in some cases just falling in a certain area would trigger an autosave but in others it would be because of helicopters or planes and some of those things were fixed later however I don't know if all of them were fixed I've tried to find confirmation that some of them were fixed and I can't find it I never personally experienced any of these bugs myself the helicopter oriented version of the problem was actually fixed but I am going to go ahead and say like shouldn't that have not been there in the first place there's plenty of other games where you fall and they have a solution for that kind of have you experienced any like major huge game breaking bugs in recent games leave us a comment let us know what you think and if you like this video please click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe and don't forget to click the notification bell as always we thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on twitter talcum hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 2,036,150
Rating: 4.8893213 out of 5
Keywords: game breaking, video game breaking, stuck in game, game loop, save file, corrupt save files, game breaking glitches, game breaking bugs, game breaking problems, game breaking issues, pc, ps4, xbox one, wii, switch, gameranx, falcon
Id: 72ggDL1IGVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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