10 HARDEST GTA Missions We All Hated

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difficulty range is quite a bit in the Grand Theft Auto series some are pretty easy but some aren't hi folks its Falcon and today on game ranks 10 of the hardest Grand Theft Auto missions in the whole series coming in at number 10 Grand Theft Auto 5 s did somebody say yoga most missions and grand theft auto 5 aren't really that frustrating they usually have checkpoints they usually are pretty well designed you don't ever really feel like you're in an endless loop in the game for the most part but not this one so what's so hard what's the impossible challenge oh it's yoga you'd think it'd be a cakewalk but no you're wrong what you end up having to do is move your thumb sticks to really really awkward positions to kind of replicate whatever yoga move that Michael is doing and three failures is a mission failure which is really tedious I mean not as tedious as everything Michael's wife and the yoga instructors say during the course of the mission which is infinitely more tedious and unfortunately also part of the mission and it can be hard to just stay with overall moving on to number nine is the snowstorm from GTA 4 you know the one where you fight through an abandoned hospital to get some cocaine the gunfight is actually really fun it's it's one of those gunfights that just it works GTA forest gunplay isn't always great but this is one of those examples where it just does exactly what it needs to do but that's not really the frustrating part there's only one bridge off charge island and it's swarming with cops getting through the entire firefight only to just die in the escape to the city it sucks like bad I mean there is one thing you can do to avoid all of the hassle and nonsense and that is to use the boat that's on some docks behind the hospital just totally changes how difficult the mission is but I'm gonna be completely honest there I've definitely done it the hard way just for fun it gets totally wild it's just insane it took days I'm not even joking I'm not that great at the game to be completely honest with you moving on to number eight no way on the subway from Grand Theft Auto 4 is that one mission where you have to chase two guys on a motorcycle through the subway oh yeah that one like pretty much every chase mission in Grand Theft Auto 4 is not super easy without getting too deep into that but this one is really the mother of all of them the tunnels are dark and windy you take a wrong turn you're basically screwed and you basically probably will take a wrong turn somewhere because the guys you're chasing move like they're having a seizure like it's super jerky and this is not a non-active subway tunnel no no no it is an active subway tunnel one in which a train will constantly go through your mission so indeed you will have to be dodging a lot of trains now that being said this one isn't the kind of tough that isn't satisfying in the end like it's actually really satisfying when you catch them I remember specifically just like standing up and doing the whole like celebration dance thing it looked really stupid but you didn't see it so I don't have anything to apologize for it moving on to number 7 wrong side of the tracks from grand theft auto san andreas now let's just go ahead and say this right off san andreas had some humdingers of submissions but this is one where I got to hear a million times all we had to do was follow the damn train CJ oh you get used to hearing that though don't you so this is actually a fairly early game mission where you have to gun down enemy gang members on a train with the help of Big Smoke and the problem is that you're not the one shooting them you can't just get better at shooting them Big Smoke is shooting them so basically you have to drive on a little dirt bike on some railroad tracks and it's really really annoying it's annoying because you end up having to do it a lot because it's mmm well I think the best way to say it would just be difficult to keep stable it's bumpy you could easily spin out etc etc the worst part about it though is that big smoke barely even bothers shooting at them well these enemy gang members are well just not holding back in the same seemingly deliberate way the big smoke is also still active train tracks yep trains that you got dodged in the mission moving on to number six death row from GTA vice city in which Lance Vance gets himself into a bit of trouble with the Colombian cartel never a good thing to get in trouble with right well he's at the city dump you got to drive all the way across the city and remember they did not have checkpoints in GTA Vice City so if you make a mistake you have to drive all the way back to that dump you start at the nightclub you go to the dump it's a long drive also you can't do it slowly and deliberately you have to do it quickly cuz Lance Vance's health is slowly decreasing yeah this is one of those ones where I consider the difficulty to be annoying because it seems like it's difficult just for the sake of being difficult rather than to present you with an interesting challenge oh yeah we could just make it so that you have a certain amount of time before he dies and you have to do all of the driving again I mean that's just the worst you have to hit the dump clear out the shooters which is not easy even on its own get them to a nearby hospital and the whole time you're being harassed by sports cars basically it's an escort mission where before you even get to the escort II they can die moving on to number five espresso to go from Grand Theft Auto 3 this is the one where you have to go around the Liberty City that was present in that game destroying Colombian spank dealers remember spank was basically a nonspecific drug they cooked up in order to be able to use some sort of drugs in the game the dealers posed as coffee sellers and you had a ridiculous time limit they don't appear on the map so you actually see one and you have to constantly restart the mission to figure out where they are and enter mafia territory to find some of them and at this point in the game they just shoot you yeah the Mafia is just like we're not even bothering with this crap just take out the shotguns and shoot at you at your car or what ever coming in at number four flight school from grand theft auto san andreas now you cannot make a list like this without mentioning flight school so what's flight school well it's exactly what it sounds like you've got to train and prove your proficiency at flying and it really is just like going school but worse it's school in a video game the first couple challenges aren't too bad but the difficulty ratchets up pretty quick to ridiculous levels they ask you to perform takeoffs and landings while flying through these tiny little ridiculous hoops with flight sim like precision and it's not even over after that you have to start doing barrel rolls and loop-de-loops and let's just mention that flight controls in much more modern versions of this game are still not nearly as good as say a game designed specifically for flying this was back when GTA flight technology was brand new and yes I understand they were super stoked they built new technology to have flying in Grand Theft Auto wow don't make it mandatory come on but they were so proud of it they did make it mandatory didn't they ever heard of the phrase pride before the fall well rockstar was the proud ones and we took the fall coming in at number three the driver from grand theft auto vice city now with Samara as what it is it's a simple one but it's also one of the worst ones all you really have to do is race doesn't sound so bad does it well it is if your opponent has a sabre turbo which is one of the fastest cars in the game might I add and he has the entire Vice City police department on his side there is no avoiding it you are going to get attacked by the cops at some point during the race and surviving is basically a matter of luck sometimes and oh hey forgot to mention this but the game sticks you in a sentinel so you can't even start it with like a good car there's really only two ways to win this one the first is getting a faster car and parking it nearby so you can swap vehicles after the race starts or you can just drive completely perfectly depend on sheer luck and assume you won't get t-boned by cops at any point and cross your fingers that the AI makes a mistake it's basically hard because it's not designed and you like I said basically have to hope the AI makes a mistake or you know don't follow the criteria of the mission and leave a faster car for yourself at number two it's Sam or s am from grand theft auto 3 which again sounds really easy you just blow up a plane with a rocket launcher how hard could it be you actually have two options to take the plane out either blow it up from the tarmac which is swarming with heavily armed goons might I add or you can blow it up mid-flight from a boat which is mmm easier said than done games not metal gear rockets not gonna homed in on that plane on its own so you basically get a single shot to hit a fast-moving target from a bouncing boat and of course if you do succeed in taking the plane out you're immediately swarmed by a small army of Liberty city's finest I mean I get it you're shooting a plane down with a rocket launcher that's kind of their job is to stop you but if you've ever hit the plane and then died from the cops mmm it sucks and finally at number one is supply lines from grand theft auto san andreas oh yeah the RC plane one the one everyone complains about and I'm here to tell you oh yes it is as bad as everyone says here's how it works you're supposed to use this RC plane to fly around gun down five couriers around the city remember when we talked about the flight controls in the scam still apply is here doesn't it so these guys are not stationary they're always moving and your little RC plane is always running out of fuel and quickly it's basically a countdown timer but worse because you'll never know exactly how much time you got left the first time you try this mission you're not gonna win it's just that simple if you won this first time you're a freak so you do the next like ten attempts to memorize the courier routes but hey guess what that's not enough either you destroy all couriers you also got Al and the RC plane back at zero store all well David cross is saying that line the curse you berkley line you know there's one saving grace though you don't have to do this mission so do like everybody who has some degree of self-respect in skip it that's all for today what are some Grand Theft Auto missions you had a ton of difficulty with leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video please click like and if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course a subscription as always thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter at Falcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game rings
Channel: gameranx
Views: 2,780,272
Rating: 4.849493 out of 5
Keywords: hard gta missions, hard grand theft auto missions, cj smoke train mission, rc plane mission, hard san andreas missions, hard gta 5 missions, hard gta 4 missions, hard gta 3 missions, gameranx, falcon
Id: bCSTgI1pwEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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