10 BIGGEST Video Game Weapons of All Time

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there are video games with weapons that are of an insane size we really want to talk about those weapons right now hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 of the biggest video game weapons of all time just to clarify we are talking about size here folks so yes some of this stuff is going to be iconic but we are not saying like most popular or most famous weapons we are saying biggest and we mean it the most ridiculously sized huge impossible to wield weapons that we see in video games starting out with number 10 an obvious one the bfg 9000 from the doom series you cannot do a list of big weapons without mentioning the bfg so we're getting it out of the way it is the ultimate weapon in every doom game and a few quake games this thing just takes up a ton of real estate on the screen and fires these massive plasma projectiles that destroy everything in their path no matter what doom game you're playing from og doom all the way to do maternal you know that when you pick this thing up you're gonna be dealing some pain to the armies of hell how are the doom guys lugging this enormous machine around i don't know probably nobody knows who cares the thing looks awesome and even though the design of the gun itself changes the bigness doesn't really ever get lost like seriously just whatever doom game you're playing it's a huge gun for most people what this gun actually does is kind of a mystery you can tell it shoots a big projectile forward which explodes and causes a bunch of little explosions or something along those lines but what's actually going on with the gunfires in the originals is weirdly complicated it shoots out 40 invisible tracers in a cone shape around the direction it was originally fired which does a certain random amount of damage and actually you know what it's too much there's not enough time in the world to try to decipher this crap of course there's an even bigger bfg right the stationary cannon from doom eternal the bfg 10 000 which is strong enough to blow chunks out of entire planets the bfg 9000 power is the thing though and it's the 9000 that's the real star of the show in the doom series and number nine is clouds buster sword in the final fantasy 7 remake let's get another obvious one out of the way you know what we're talking about here cloud sword is big it was over the top back in 1997 when the original came out and it only looks bigger and more ridiculous with the more realistic graphics from the remake to give you an idea of how big this thing actually is the scale model used to promote the game measures the sword at about 185 centimeters which is over six feet tall taller than cloud himself like keep that in mind cloud swings around a sword that is bigger than him because of the more realistic world that the remake takes place and sometimes his giant sword actually gives him trouble and it definitely looks like he's struggling to swing up more in the remake than the originals of course there is a bigger sword the mesa moon sephiroth sword is absolutely insane in the remake the sword doesn't look that big but check this thing out in the original it's like one and a half sephiroth's tall like where does he even put it it's a lot easier to get away with these types of oversized weapons in games where you never actually show how they get around with them it just disappears when you leave the battle screen and that's a big help and number eight is the spartan laser from halo 3. in comparison to something like the bfg the spartan laser isn't actually that ridiculous but it's still an absolutely enormous weapon that takes up a ton of space on the screen when you try to hold it it's basically a portable space laser like a hammer of dawn that you carry around only spartans are capable of picking this thing up let alone actually firing it unlike the bfg this thing is not indiscriminate it requires skill to use rather than just being a fire and forget type of deal every time it fires it requires a few seconds to charge so hitting fast moving targets can be pretty tough but basically anything that gets hit by this thing will die it was originally introduced in halo 3 but it's pretty much shown up in every game in the series after that it's a cool and iconic weapon and its downsides make it a bit more balanced for multiplayer than certain other ridiculously huge weapons on here as far as big guns go this one is both really iconic and actually relatively recent so even though it's not the biggest gun out there it's definitely very big and really satisfying to use and number seven is the nightmare soul edge from the soul caliber series for fighting games no other weapon out there comes close to nightmare sword also known as the soul edge in soul calibur i mean we've seen it in pretty much every game in the series it is both memorable and very very big because the sword is so huge in fact it gives nightmare a unique fighting style he is slow and wields the sword like a club most of the time but when he really gets a flow going he can start chaining together combos that hit surprisingly fast that's what makes it unique it's not just a big club it's a sword that can be used with some finesse just so happens to be that big huge as big as he is because of his somewhat unusual fighting style nightmare isn't always considered top tier in every game he appears in although at least with the most recent entry soul calibur 6 he's pretty near the top in most people's rankings the soul edge is just a cool looking weapon on top of being enormously big and sure every character technically has a weapon called the soul edge but when people think of that term this thing this is the weapon they're thinking of giant sword blinking eye that's it it's big it's cool as hell and it gets to mention on this list for all those reasons at number six is the smelter hammer from dark souls 2. just look at it the dark souls series is obviously no stranger to huge weapons it's got multiple categories of equipment classified as ultra and giant so obviously there's going to be some big stuff floating around but so far no other weapon in the series has been quite as big and beefy as this thing the smelter hammer from the crown of the old iron king dlc from dark souls 2. the iron warriors that populate that area drop this thing sometimes and for most players it's a totally useless piece of inventory junk simply because of its insane strength requirement you got to put 70 freaking points into strength if you actually want to wield this thing effectively anyways that is easily the highest strength requirement of any weapon in the entire soul series and it is by far the most difficult thing to wield and that's because just to use it i mean look at it it is so big and takes up so much screen space that it becomes legitimately hard to even see what's going on when you've got it equipped this weapon is actually kind of infamous among souls players because mainly of how ridiculous it is it is referred to as the chicken drumstick for obvious reasons and one reddit user named citron cactus apparently calculated that it actually weighs around five metric tons so i mean the strength requirement kind of makes sense it would take some upper body strength to swing that thing around and number five is america from saints row 4. there's plenty of silly and over-the-top weapons in the saint rose series but the america it's something else it's not just one gun it's at least eight guns strapped together at minimum it's got a machine gun a minigun a flamethrower a rocket launcher an auto shotgun a heavy pistol and a giant knife and just looking at the thing this it seems like there's gotta be more crap hidden in there this thing is crazy powerful it's so chaotic too every time you reload it switches between the flamethrower and the rocket launcher so it can kill some of the toughest enemies in the game in just a few seconds but with that amount of power there's also a few drawbacks to say the least obviously it chews through ammo like crazy and trying to aim at something can be a challenge with how much the gun sways when you shoot it probably the hardest part about using this thing is actually trying to see what you're doing like the muzzle flash the fire that comes out of the gun can easily block half the screen or more but when it comes to big guns nothing else on this list is more american than this monstrosity it is crazy and it's actually even kind of useless but it is also hilarious and number four is xor from super mario rpg okay yes just a little bit of a cheat but i mean come on this guy is literally a gigantic sword he's bigger than bowser's castle so there's no denying that this dude is not big and yeah you could argue he is not a weapon per se like you don't actually get to swing him around in the game or anything but he is a sword that is i mean at least definitionally a weapon and by our standards the standards of the people making this video it's a weapon okay this guy is maybe the most iconic image from super mario rpg just a giant sword sticking out of bowser's castle it appears falls into the castle and you're not able to get back to actually fight it until the end of the game it's basically the big end goal even if it's not actually the final boss all we're saying here is that if it is bigger than a castle and it is a sword it absolutely qualifies for this list and that's why we're talking about it and number three is the k9000 cyberdog gun from fallout new vegas this weapon which was introduced in the old world blues expansion isn't just big it's bizarre it is a living dog's brain attached to a gun like just look at this thing there's the brain right there it's got ears that move it's even got a nose so the dog can sniff things out and that stuff isn't just for show it detects enemies even ones that are outside the normal perception range so basically it can find bad guys better than you can it barks when you take it out and it winds when you put it away it even growls as you shoot it even the gun part of it is actually pretty unusual you would think a huge object like this would be inaccurate but it's actually fairly precise it even has a scope otherwise there's not actually a lot to talk about just takes up a ton of space and it's weird as hell normally you put something like the fat man on a list like this but i mean that thing is mostly empty space it's just a catapult to launch nukes from and size wise those things have nothing on the k9000 at number two is speed buster's buster launcher from no more heroes which is by the way just a weird as hell game remember the boss that was a superhero that shoots you with crash lasers or the one where you don't actually even fight like some other guy kills him for you for a game that is all about boss fights they do throw some pretty serious curveballs and the speed buster is definitely one of the stranger battles in the game basically they are an old lady with an absolutely enormous gun this thing is huge like it puts the railgun on metal gear to sham it's more like something you'd mount on a ship rather than lug around in a shopping cart and the unique nature of the battle means that you're not really fighting in a traditional way instead the entire fight is about getting close enough to disable the gun every few seconds the speed buster will fire what is called the buster launcher which creates a massive beam that is totally unavoidable if you're in its path and the only way to get closer is to hide down on one of these little side alleys and wait for your opportunity to keep moving once you're close enough she's basically defenseless but getting close is the battle when it comes to guns this is maybe the biggest we've seen used by a single character and it's weird as well as extremely goofy but undeniably huge and at number one is the wailing dark from asura's wrath if you've never seen this thing you're probably wondering yourself how could a sword be big enough to be number one on this list after stuff like the buster launcher which is as big as a city block or xor that is as big as a castle there's no way some sword is just gonna come along and beat that here's the thing there are over the top games like no more heroes and then there are games that are like a sir is wrath this game is just on another plane of existence compared to everything else out there it is that crazy and this sword inexplicably is one of the craziest things in it why simple according to this article that originally appeared on joystick the wailing dark is 380 thousand kilometers long that is 236 thousand miles long or the distance between the earth and the moon seriously it is that long and this isn't just a fan estimating its length or anything this is actually from the developers themselves specifically hiroshi matsuyama the ceo of cyber connect 2 the guys who made asura's wrath now bear in mind the sword isn't always that long but during a climactic moment in the fight with august asura is impaled by the weapon and it also goes through the entire planet the fact that it's a normal sword outside of its crazy length makes this even crazier i mean it is a sword that can literally impale the entire planet held by a single guy one dude that's a sword that is gonna be hard to top in something like this so as it stands nothing is topping it and that's all for today leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe don't forget to enable all notifications and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter falconhero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 400,994
Rating: 4.8904753 out of 5
Keywords: biggest video game weapons, longest video game sword, biggest video game guns, biggest video game rocket launchers, biggest doom guns, biggest fallout guns, biggest action game guns, biggest rpg guns, biggest dark souls weapons, video game culture, list of big weapons in video games, Weirdest video game weapons, Most unique weapons in video games, gameranx, falcon
Id: w8op0HKCiEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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