10 WORST Games of 2019

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20:19 is wrapping up so like always we're making a bunch of lists rounding up the best and worst in games this year and today it's unfortunately the worst games of 2019 the ones we really dislike the most now keep in mind these are our personal choices here at the game ranks offices if you like one of these games that's fine we're not dunking on you everyone has different tastes so we're looking forward to hearing what you guys think in the comments either way however you feel let's get started off with number 10 buckle up let's talk about contra rogue core corpse core I don't know how to read either way a fans just really didn't want this frustrating stuff like the overheating weapon cooldown system six hours later the camera angle also leading you to getting pelted by off-screen attacks a lot but those weapons like they just kind of feel like they they go against contra the rocket launcher lets you shoot like two rockets then you got to wait for a brief cooldown like what gives contra was all about the chaos and at a glance roll court does look like that's still the case but it just doesn't feel quite right and that's a massive bummer also the PC version also seems like a hot mess when it launched the framerate was locked at 30fps I've seen you know some people will defend this one but ultimately it's just a big big letdown and honestly it's sad like I feel bad for diehard contra fans that were expecting something more again this is Konami and you know to expect something from Konami with an original property like that is you know kind of naive it could have been cool but unfortunately nope it ain't it's like an OK shooter but not an OK contra game you know what I mean hey folks its Falcon and guess what I'm here for number 9 so anyway let's talk about narcos rise of the cartels an action strategy game based on the hit Netflix TV series that being said fans of you know the genre don't love it is this a game that I would totally savage not necessarily but if you're aware of good entries of the genre they tend to be a little more ants than this the combat is really rudimentary it's not very engaging AI is not the worst thing you've ever seen in your life but it's not good the way they work out the turns is just excruciating you only get one activation per turn which is I mean like I said if you've ever played a strategy game probably something that's going to infuriate you like you're like move this guy okay you get to move a guy move this guy okay you get to like everything you do everything you do basically gives the opponent the ability to do a thing now over at number eight and talk about spiked volleyball now forgive us if you heard this one we did cover it in our previous video where we looked at the worst games in the first half of the year but spike volleyball is pretty rough this is one that Falcon talked about and he really didn't like it volleyball games are often pretty awkward but this one definitely has the worst controls the highlight of the game is that this stadium looks good there's that there's at least a visual engine in place but the camera is insanely awkward and it does a really good job of highlighting how cheap and unconvincing the animations look I mean look at look it's so funny especially in the instant replay stuff you really see how freaking rough this game is now I get it there isn't a massive massive demand for volleyball games it's probably a smaller audience and you'd expect so budgets are limited but still you know and honestly if you're looking for an unconventional sports game I I know it's not volleyball but just go play Windjammers instead do yourself a favor hey folks Falcon here again for number 7 which if you've ever wanted to see what it looks like when EA neglects something horrific Lee look towards FIFA 20 legacy edition on the Nintendo switch go ahead and look at FIFA 20 legacy edition on your Nintendo switch and then look at FIFA 19 on your Nintendo switch tell me the difference I'll save you the trouble it's the roster that's it and it's not like FIFA 19 was like The Shining version of P phone I Nitz a neglected version of the game it's crappier that doesn't keep up with the mainline FIFA games continuing to have some of the same troubles that were fixed several gay ago on other platforms if you liked FIFA 20 on any other platform care about some of the features that they've added don't bother they're not here now over at number six let's get a little divisive here let's talk about Ghost Recon breakpoint now some people are already freaking out about us including this one but ultimately for us we hash it out and really it was a disappointment this is coming from people that really kind of like wild land and wild lands grew to be an even better game over time breakpoint might be the same way but as of now as of how it launched it was just dull and uninspiring and we just didn't really feel like we wanted to stick around with it don't get it twisted know like by it is by no means the worst game on this list and again if you're playing it if you found a community or if you found a friend or you're just loving it it's solo good for you I'm happy for you the shooting in this game is very competent you know the movement everything feels there and high-quality but ultimately we just found the setting of the story and just the stuff the game gives you to do to be pretty dull pretty boring and really it just all felt kind of phoned in does that sound terrible my biggest complaint with it really was that a lot of it just felt like incomplete down to little things like like some of the car is not having radios to glitches and bugs and ultimately it seemed like a lot of people weren't the biggest fans of it because they've kind of went back on their roadmap and their plans for the game in the future I do think really this one just needed more time in the oven it feels like a bad games as a service game it feels like it's designed to just you know be there it doesn't have enough modes it's still buggy and glitchy and a lot of like the weapons stuff feels kind of like boring fluff that just isn't needed this is totally unnecessary I like if they were trying to do with like a survival camp system and it's another one of those games it gets better with friends but ultimately we're still just chalking this one up as a huge letdown for us Ghost Recon fans now maybe Ubisoft can pull this car around and really make something good out of this game they've done that in the past with quite a few so we'll see we'll hope for the best cuz next over at number 5 we have Mario Kart tour yes this is that mobile Mario Kart game that came out this year which is another massive disappointment and frankly not really what many of us wanted especially us here like we do have a tolerance for some [ __ ] mobile games here and there but Mario Kart tour really takes the cake it was such a letdown and it just kind of was like doomed from the start we were so burned by it that we've never went back to it because of just the launch it was kind of like offensive multiplayer wasn't available at launch and there was a subscription service and the higher CC racing mode was behind that $5 a month subscription service what I'm sorry not a lot of games are worth a $5 a month subscription let alone a really simple AI bot race Mario Kart mobile game filled with gotcha elements basically it was just all the free-to-play mobile game stuff you really hate crammed into a Mario Kart game I don't know why we were hoping for more you know Nintendo has had poundings before that had a monetization in them but Mario Kart just goes to great lengths and after it launched after we saw what it was we just haven't went back sorry man it is what it is but we're not fans at all now moving on over to number 4 we have submersed this is a survival horror game where you're an emergency power of medic whose wife dies and then he goes back to work but he ends up crash landing on this abandoned structure in the middle of the ocean and guess what it's partially submersed and one of the main enemies is sharks which is a really awesome concept but it's just incredibly unsatisfying because they feel dumb and awkward the biggest problem to be had with the game is that it's just unremarkable and predictable and really straightforward with minimal surprises and honestly sometimes that's like the biggest sin of all you know the most unique elements the shark thing wasn't as great as it could be it's just a bad survival horror game you know like there is some stealth but it feels kind of half-assed there is an inventory management system but it's also really frustrating and they make some weird decisions it's also very buggy and just prone to crashes and many issues and I hate to like be like a weird broken record but like that stuff is one thing but the fact that they had such an interesting setup here like an interesting pitch premise and they didn't knock it out of the park like cool sharks you're trapped on a thing come on man now down to number three if we're talking about come on man what happened we have to talk about WWE 2k 20 now we've previously been pretty light on these games but 2k 20 seems like a mess where the series has kind of finally been finding its footing with this new simulation style and getting a little bit better and better every year WWE 2k 20 the quality has dropped off this year apparently they switch development studios halfway through and it definitely shows because the game is an outright mess and frankly it's just not fun I mean it could be a little bit of fun when you get a chair and you hit someone with it you know it's a wrestling game of course there's always fun to be had especially with friends but a lot of the offerings here are just unsatisfying the character creator still kind of isn't quite at the great heights the series could have it beat the career mode the story based mode is wild and I said it in the before you buy and I never go this far but honestly the visuals in it and the cutscenes reminded me of like an early ps3 game that is not good that is not what you want when you're buying a game that is based on a million million dollar sports franchise put out by a million billion dollar company the PC version is prone to tons of freezing and like weird crashes and just tons of graphical glitches abound whatever console you're playing on honestly and every year you know it's starting to feel more and more like the little updates here and there are just not worth it but that this year coupled with just the really awful quality of the whole thing makes WWE 2k 20 a downright bummer I really think they need to go back to the drawing board with these games a big time now down to number two speaking of going back to the drawing board we have anthem a game that you're probably gonna see on a lot of top 10 worst games of 2019 lists like you know come on it's kind of obvious like at this point like I feel like we're beating a dead horse we're kicking a game while it's down about anthem was a collection of like the worst elements of a games as a service game it was rushed out the door Bioware clearly didn't finish it the story was practically incoherent world's felt empty enemy types weren't really that exciting the raid wasn't in place the roadmap after all the backlash has been completely kind of scrapped and rethought Bioware has been scrambling to make this a much better game but the problem is that it came out of the oven just drastically undercooked sure it might look okay like visually and the flying is really fun but ultimately the game does not put the work in to get you really enjoy it you know the loot isn't that satisfying the story isn't that satisfying say what you will about games like destiny or warframe you might not like them because their games as a service game but they have fan bases for reasons because the people behind the games really put the work in to make a fun compelling game first that'll keep you playing anthem was just a hot mess not only just because of the game and the state of it but also because of Bioware we expect better from Bioware they've had two misses with Mass Effect Andromeda and definitely more so here with anthem but we're really hoping they can turn it around in 2020 but anyway let's move on to number one and talk about left alive this game was a massive letdown for us here because and the writing on the wall was pretty exciting like it's a new game set in the front mission universe kind of like a spin-off new adventure a lot of the original front mission people were behind it and had some heavyweight Japanese talent and also had Yoji Shinkawa as the character and concept artist who was behind the Metal Gear Solid series honestly the game had a lot of like Metal Gear design influences in the art and just the character and robot designs the idea was to be kind of like a semi open-world like abandoned city stealth game where you creep around but then you can also hijack and hop in giant mechs and tear the place up it sounds awesome on paper it was not it had really unsatisfying stealth with dumb artificial intelligence like like exploitable and unpredictable as hell the game also had an ugly HUD and all these on-screen indicators and and sounds mission design wise like you were free to kind of branch off and try other side quests and stuff but they were just so so uninspired and just kind of copy and pasted their with dumb people you have to escort all while going around and dealing with bland environments the whole concept of like being trapped in a city and kind of using like stealth guerrilla warfare like tricking enemies and tossing Molotov cocktails even the fact that the game had you know fairly decent graphics engine behind it some cool effects and also a really good musical score it just didn't work out when they actually tried to pull it off like none of it was exciting using items was cumbersome crafting any of that gorilla warfare stuff was just so unsatisfying it's like the game focus around so much stealth but then it was barely designed as a stealth game like what this game is number one because it's not a good game number one and also because it was a big letdown and let downs and disappointments were really like the big theme of this list and honestly we think left alive is the best example of that man but of course these are our choices for worst games of 2019 there are so many more games out there that we haven't even been able to touch like little crappy shovelware games maybe you've played some of those maybe you have a game that really pissed you off let us know in the comments we'd love to hear from you guys what your worst games of 2019 were if you enjoyed this video and maybe had a good time with us clicking the like button is the best way you can help us out we'd really appreciate that and if you're new consider subscribing and maybe hitting that notification bell because we put out videos every single day but hey as always thanks for watching we'll see you guys next time
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,586,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bad games 2019, worst games 2019, terrible games 2019, worst ps4 games 2019, worst xbox one games 2019, worst pc games 2019, worst switch games 2019, ps4 pro, xbox one x, 2019 games, 2019 video games, gaming culture, gameranx, jake baldino, falcon
Id: If0eEX7YWLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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