10 Minutes vs. 10 Years of Sculpting

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hi my name is atrio and I have been sculpting for a grand total of 10 minutes my name is Steven and I've been sculpting for 10 days hey I'm Jay Hill and I've been sculpting for 10 years I'm a professional 3D artist for games I've worked on games like Apex Legends where I modeled blood hound and wraith and I've also worked on games like back for blood and evolve today today today we each have 3 hours to sculpt this girl who happens to have one of the hardest to sculpt facial expressions there is so we'll see how that goes you said 3 hours starting at 10:30 at night I did I'm so ready for that have fun have fun step one I got to go to sculpt mode oh I don't remember all right so here we go so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm just going to try to like get this mush this into a head shape normally I would like start with something that's head shaped but we're trying to keep it hardcore today people that are new they're going to probably spend more time on it uh everyone relax everyone relax everyone relax everyone relax and I'm trying to just munge it really fast S no curve no meatball I think it's a mesh UV sphere yep but he's never really sculpted before and he's in blender then I'm going to go to sculpt mode and now the game begins I have a secret weapon I discovered that Jay runs a class for people who want to make video games professionally so I am going to sign up for his class full name uh gerud um MC jingle bits what is he going to do turn down my money okay I need a profile for Gertrude this yeah this fine it's not it's not suspicious at all the student becomes the teacher I know how he thinks unfortunately the course is like 9 weeks long and I have only been learning for 10 days so we're going to see how this goes first I'm going to block out a head move this down and this bottom piece is going to be the jaw that's the brow line oh I'm going to subdivide it I'm going to subdivide it again you would never expect that to be a human head but I guess we got big brains well some of us do do you think it would be fine to ask if we can change the goal to making a golf ball duplicate it look at that we have two eyes let's say I want to do the eyes look at that the way I learn nose is is you create a little dot in the center right where the nose is and then I'm going to pull out the nose she's got a bit of a nose bit of a chunker okay so now I have a nose yeah so really need to get basic head shaped ASAP and then we'll make a base mesh which should help me later now the mouth kind of Lick in her tongue here just make the mouth and we'll add that back later this is going to be my neck neck looks good now I just need to add ears so the ear comes about halfway up the skull I made an ear brush suckers ear Mir and weld pulling it in this way oh yeah look at that that's a nice ear Boom rotate it out and down you know I don't feel too bad about it though you know I think that's the blockout I have made the Moon from Majora's Mask this is not [Music] bad can you play music why are you bored this is high octane you're watching a master at work next is the mouth it's like a big bump in front when I pull across no pull across make it oval why the long face all right let's make holes oh looks like a creepy Egyptian mask right now but that's okay I forgot a step you're supposed to pull in like so NOP that is thing is mine's not going to look too good for a while either that could be a good thing for people to see that doesn't look good till the end people laughed at d you know that when he was making his art okay my lips are like 50 times bigger making the lips smaller so I haven't even like done the art part yet sometimes these like REM meshes can turn into a nightmare so I don't want to waste a bunch of time on it yeah like that's not that great still you know what I got to start again this snake hook what does it do now that's a smile that's a little bit better okay it's time to create the mouth bag you heard it right the mouth bag so this is where the teeth is going to sit there needs be the little bag inside the mouth this Cube will form a single tooth get it real small like this uh-huh so there's this this this ah so close to being okay mouth bag mouth bag hopefully this is worth it bag of mouths get nice clean eyelids yes look at that yeah I think this is going to be it oh John Pixar yes I would be interested in a job offer unfortunately I'm busy with streaming the hardest career bye see if we can get the smile with without her looking like the Joker I thought about using my teeth kit but at the end I want to use my eyelash brushes and I'd rather cheat on that I feel like I only got so many cheats dude whoop it needs to go behind the nose here I don't want them to do me dirty in the edit dude but that's exactly why I made the teeth dude so I don't have to do this and now we have to we have to curve them a little bit this should be a crime I guess it is Criminal how good I am at this already download my teeth for free at blah blah blah blah bl.com okay what am I doing this is ridiculous I need to go faster this is is though in 2 hours we'll have this maybe if he's lucky oh no what did I do wait it needs to curve up oh that's how I feel when I see how good I am at this look at this smile God what did I do what did I do you know what that'll have to do okay we're an hour in yeah it's been 1 hour okay her ears are kind of folded back so what I will do is I'll grab these ears and then we rotate which one is the picture that's what I'm saying this eye region is like always a problem you know when you're doing it for the first time the eyeballs this an eyeball sort of they have this shape here where they kind of come in this way and there's these like these Flappy bags subdivide it twice broader tell me that's not an eyeball uhhuh okay so I try to get an eye that's generally the right size and they are smaller than you would think even though maybe I go a little bit bigger you know I mean scary right this way large junks giant curb down because she's smiling so hard is less nightmare fui haters real quiet I noticed haters real quiet when they see me work they go wait a minute wait a minute he's cooking yeah so there's a lot going on in this head in a pose where the features are being like distorted I feel for him why does the photo look different than my okay well up close it looks good but out far it does not dear Lord that Atri guy was like I'm going to be sculpting till 2 a.m. what all right we have to make a tongue God all right so you're going to want a more normal size tongue take the medicine okay I'm going to give myself just a little bit of time to try to make the topology better and then we're going to go three wow I think it did do it uh-oh basically flat I subdivided it so much that it's a cigar and let's go four ah okay let's not do that okay go back to 50 ah so we go doink dink dink we're finishing it like this I'm just going to have fun sculpting for a while the elastic deform yes dude yes okay rotated a tad oh dude big Honkers of nostrils I'm going to call that good for the nose and now the neck I swear I've been practicing oh boy what if I use my curve mesh for jewelry too I feel like they're just going to call cheating all across the board man but pay to win bro I mean get a job nerd whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what okay we're okay I don't know what happened there my thing right now looks a little bit like Jennifer Lawrence dude right a little bit okay so unlike the blender challenge sculpting is a lot more of an art skill rather than being technical H could be less stuck and model better than me right big a you've nailed it what is this that's not what I'm going for I'm going more for the one on the bottom right and you're not though shaping it out crease crease crease crease pulling out pulling oute painting and pulling oute chop chop and Chop Chop all right I need to paint the eyes now if you paint in eyes eyebrows it's just so so different imagine like somebody you know with no eyebrows they would look crazy [Laughter] Diary Of A whiy K A Little Too round a little bit too like an almond shape want to get some angles in here someone's got a be allergy like these neck muscles they connect here she looks absolutely yolked starting to get pretty small forms there oh hell yeah all right all right all right okay okay okay uh dude I can't get the eyes right undo undo undo I knew the eyes were going to be a problem the eyes are the window to the soul can see now that the eyes in here see look now I can reposition them put my camera where I want it to be and have her look at the viewer I'm losing it all right I'm just bringing in a sphere here and we're going to we're going to make a tongue real fast we want a very rough she's got such Soulful eyes there's no getting around it so we can quickly quickly move it around but she her eyes have too much soul I think the tongue kind of curling up on the teeth is one of the aspects that makes this expression not creepy as much as cute would it be crazy to say that I'm [Laughter] [Music] done you have to unwrap it to paint it uh uh what if I subdivide it again like I said need to do the hair this and then around this took me one hour last time and I'm not doing that hi Maisie hi can you hit a and then unwrap texture paint get the color node and attach it to the base color done perfect oh I can paint this okay nice what the hell was that don't worry just yet don't worry pulling all right Lucas Arts please do not sue us it's sort of stretched but once we put it around the mouth it will be fine and Arc from here pay to winded another single flaw was found thus far in the creation not a flaw to be had it like a Twist that'd be sick no no no h oh there we go that's it okay teeth teeth teeth teeth chunky Muller boys I don't think you're going to see that though that goes like that and then this goes like this right that's crazy no whoa that's she's scary it kind of shocks you with how beautiful it is next eyes all I got to do yep an eye for an eye and the whole world's blind cut out a hole there it iser and there it is Bumpy thing here and it does not look like she's happy it looks like she's angry and there's her beautiful green eyes what was just colors and pixels on a screen is now the window to the soul oh God an hour adding a little bit of detail even for the eyebrows time to detail fiber mesh there we go now they're darker that look looks better H wow that's not right so right now she's a little scary right she's a little intense but that's okay we're getting close too much. five 0.5 0.8 1.1 sure heck yeah brother I just you know went into my grab bag I brought this brush for doing quick sketches like this push them down and push them down at least the eyebrows look nice you'll see in the render oh my goodness you know hair is very very complicated I have an insane idea we duplicate rotate move it light Eclipse but now you can see the hair to do hair Justice really it could take forever I can't help but feel when it comes to the hair we cooked I went with a very impressionistic we're just playing with highlights and shadows really you know by playing with these lines when you play this character in game she will have a helmet on the back so I'm thinking about line width and depth to make these different plane changes I just feel like they deliberately put this late in the day to try and ner NF me so now I'm drawing out the actual like twisty braids we see and I'm doing that with one of the curve brushes too so to grab the original face no no no Maisy no no no no I opened the old save and it's just this oh I'm just going to pull it out like this whoa that kind of looks like a tongue that's not bad she screenshotted the texture from My Vault and sent it to me people will never know how good the face was I'm so depressed all right now we're going to add this twisty thing here we go uh doesn't really look like a braid but we just keep going maybe we blur it out it be all right add pores and details in here it makes me look like a pro even though I have no clue what I'm doing oh yeah she has ey Shadow and wow we're really seeing problems we're going back to this oh I'm not even going to add the earrings and The Bu ring ay nobody got time for that quickly whip up these necklaces uh running out of time I have 20 minutes left this is going to be the worst 3D models ever but it doesn't matter duplicate move over move down here up and down up and down no bumps and stuff all right cool and the jewelry is going to help her be just more cool and interesting and less creepy and scary just draw the clothes on there all right the lips too let's make the lips a little bit darker better bner ah I don't know why there's eyebrows on the back will this look passable you know how do you sculpt hair that's the question if I delete the hair or stuck with this okay we just can't do that so you really you got to just make it feel like hair snake hook snake hook snake hook snake hook I'm going to try something wild I need to delete this all together oh no where is it what happened what happened I saved oh this is the worst time for an autosave oh my God we're almost out of time I saved you saved the blender file but didn't save the texture image I'm not going to be able to do this in 10 minutes I'm too defeated and I'm too tired I need someone to take a screenshot and we will print screen that is it so this is the final result sculpt complete if it weren't for the clock I would probably just go longer and longer until I felt better about it but it's good enough and we just got to [Music] go we have 9 minutes to spare if you can believe it it's time to render this bad boy in blender this up oh that's Bad News Bears I'm so tired I want to go to bed no I was really counting on that working I would save this by adding in the Cyber gun I don't know why the old one was crashing okay color don't bring it up attribute background light 85 mm 85 glassy Square uh disc background blue yeah yeah yeah yeah like I said from the beginning the eyes are the window to the soul and I put extra effort into these eyes photo Photoshop in the earrings done clone stamp okay done time I really do want to see what they created cuz I feel like it's not going to be much better than [Music] mine have you ever seen something quite like this wow they looked like those images that simulate you having a stroke where you can't really pick out the objects but they look like objects that's the vibe I'm getting mentioned my favorite part was the eyes and how they're like Kermit the Frog's face or something like that okay is is this not a Google image of Trump's hair though that's exactly what my chat said did you photoshop the hair on top is that why I feel like I'm having a stroke no I don't I think you're not understanding how I did the texture would you like me to explain it to you yeah yeah yeah please please please please it's just so late we don't have time so let's go to the next one Ino what did you create unbeknown to you Jay I adorned an alias and signed up for the course nice thanks dude you may recognize me because my name was ger gude MC jingle bits and this was one of our last conversations that's right that's right the course was very impressive I was blown away by like the detail however what I'm about to show you is probably not indicative of the quality of the course hey that's pretty good the eyebrows on there too what's that I was doing fiber mesh yeah so I rendered it in AK so you can kind of see it's got all the ks honestly see too many differences between ours when I look at them side by side it's hard to get that smile right in The Sweet Spot that's kind of part of the practice so there's probably like just a combination of little things that that can change the type of smile and our brains just pick up on that stuff yeah oh wow uh again let me pull mine up you chose non cubed teeth I didn't know that was an option I might have went for it the wrinkles in the eyes teeth look like Flawless tongue even like got a glisten into it I'm going to be honest with you I made an ear brush well I a shame on you cuz I certainly didn't use Photoshop at all if you had more time what are the next steps I would do another pass on the painting like getting the eye makeup on there probably adding the lower lashes do you think Apex Legends will add my model here could you put a word in yeah you know maybe we'll just send an email and we'll hope for the best okay I'll be honest with you this was really hard it is hard and we chose a super hard one so but I had fun I had a good time atrio probably have to have you on again to Hubble the pros looking forward to the next one very excited adios thank you guys bye bye huge thanks to HCK for joining but I want to talk about Jay because after the competition I really wanted to see what would happen if Jay spent an hour polishing his sculpt so I reached out with a deal in exchange for spending an extra hour I would give an official shout out to his course and I was feeling inspired and I tweaked mine a bit as well and you can see how much of a difference tweaking the lighting and painting the eyes can make now I did legitimately sign up for his course without him knowing and it is legitimately fantastic so I feel very comfortable promoting it but I also know seeing a more polished sculpt would make my video better and holy look how much better it is with just an hour the next video is going to be 3D animation so make sure to subscribe and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Isto Inc.
Views: 358,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Atrio, devlog, Game devlog, indie game devlog, unity devlog, dev log, indie games 2020, devolver digital, dead matter, gmtk game jam, best indie games, new indie games, ark survival evolved, automation game, factorio, dani2, game dev, indie games, indie game, survival games 2020, unity 3d, the survivalists, automation games, new survival games 2020, game jam, don't starve together, survival game unity
Id: 2hRSMm6-HSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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