Animators in Gartic Phone, with a Budget.. (No Time Limit)

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everyone knows that animation is expensive and animators are sometimes underpaid so in this video I got sponsored by hit game AFK journey and got to pay everyone really well yeah that's the hook of the video the animators get a bag and you get some awesome GIC phone animation in my eyes that's a double each of the animators directed the sequence for one of the game's characters I picked this really cool looking character named CIA mainly because she reminded me of someone oh speaking of reminding you should subscribe and hit the Bell it really really helps out now these animators have worked on a ton of your favorite stuff so it's no surprise they eventually had me reacting like this goodness oh my goodness my God go I need to see that on threes but in order to get there we had a very long day of animating ahead of us to start off we had to draw the first frame of our own plan sequence which seemed easy enough uh okay I'm done now with 20 frames of Animation total per sequence that is a total of 200 drawings between us so with each frame taking anywhere from 25 to 40 minutes to draw we were starting to feel it why is this happening to me in a good person you set this whole thing up this was your idea don't put this on me what are you talking about you invited every person here I'm blacking out right now the the voices with so much time between frames I found myself with enough time to actually play AFK Journey while waiting for others to finish their frames I set up I set up this so I can play while I wait for you guys I don't have a very well balanced team and I keep taking L's because of it cuz I don't have a good tank as you can see I just died the game's frames kept coming I leared of this one sequence that had something extremely demanding it was for this character named kolina uh the storyboards called for us to make sure the backgrounds were completely colored in Black the issue being is that GIC phone doesn't have a fill tool while you're in the animation mode so on top of that there are all these really small fine details of effects animation that we had to not accidentally fill in Black my brain saw her holding up the her hand and giving me the middle finger which is actually kind of what it feels like right now now most of the storyboards each animator provided were pretty easy to follow along but then there was the second half of jun's boards he had this character named chippy an adorable little hamster and for reference this is what chippy looks like and this is what juny Drew exactly okay I I'm seeing it now I was so confused okay not to out juny but everyone has he DET you can show them can I show them here's what juny did for jimy it's just circles so I'm like what try 10 hours in and we were coming to the end of the session and chat could notice a very obvious difference in the expression of my face so just so post to like the basically the before and after of what it looks like to do GIC phone no time little bit stream look here here's me at the start hair is here's me here's me after 11 hours it's so you can see the [ __ ] you just see to oh you developed a nice tint you're red but little did I know that after all of this something horrible was coming my way to end off the session all righty I'm so sorry I'm so sorry lock lock [Music] in okay I'm good all that was hard okay one more [Music] drawing then after 11 grueling hours we were finally done okay and we're done before we do our reveal a quick shout out to today's sponsor AFK journey is an exciting action adventure RPG which can be played for free on both mobile and PC on May 10th they're launching their new new massive update song of strife which follows the story of the war song festival and introduces two new playable characters as well as having new storylines a new leveling system new bosses and new maps the new update is going to be huge so don't miss out and install AFK Journey now and level up for the song of strife check out the game in the links below a huge thanks to AFK journey and Lilith games for sponsoring me and the animators to bring you some awesome animation now it's time to see it that was uh as of now 11 hours and 10 minutes or so uh we are exhausted I have kept myself in the dark for a lot of this I genuinely don't know what I'm going to see but we have worked extremely hard in this video thank you guys for uh for coming by and being a part of this um as this was a lot of fun even if we did lose our minds a little bit shall we just hop right into it y [Music] okay first up I've been my character there she is ladies she look great from the start lady froze the small lip shine I like oh what does what does froze mean who that frame it was frame two oh frame two I like the hair in this one mhm oh I didn't know her hands got the the slight tint to it at one point oh my God look at [Applause] wor get it you're an animator oh smooth great you guys got some really good lines MH oh the eyes oh even get dude why did you do that check uh you know itic oh you did an UND sketch dude what the heck oh that's so good yeah dead Cheeto is where gradient oh oh that's where the gradient came oh nice J I love that wow this is so cool it is a I like how looks like timing charts oh we used to draw out the timing charts oh it became tights oops oops it still works whatever still works yeah I got the feed I got the feet her pupils disappeared oh that looks so cooled the leg oh God Jesus M foot at the end that's nice dude I'm a big of yeah the bounce at the end is really good I that's that that came out awesome holy is amazing okay woo glad the improvised in between didn't ruin everything no that that that that worked great dude that looks so good wow oh my God I'm so excited you directed a really nice sequence here this one is CRA the yellow and green oh okay I like this Frame oh J so cool oh my god dude so this guy's got a big snake that he fights with it's so cool okay yeah this guy thisy pretty pretty cool pretty cool I like the smooth thing that you're doing with the hair there mhm doing some sways the man he's coming up there he is this is nice dude yes I love that smar that is such a nice smear amazing oh my God the hair I like hair it's fun wow and then I love the clothing FS the hair here too I did oh that crazy oh my God that's just an illustration bro there it is there it is I dude he looks so crazy sorry I was a little tired I didn't get the hair quite right caring motion yeah oh my goodness bro this Aura what's this going to look like oh my God I wait to see how the hair came out together oh my God this is actually going to be here we go oh my goodness oh my goodness can we see that on three I'm curious yeah what bro that is wild that is clean hair is I by the hair so glad the hair came out that way hair is Ni do I put the hold on this or do I just have it loop I think without that's every single shade of yellow was wrong yeah oh it's like blinking you know it's glowing it's glowing whatever together I think Jun yeah it it look so good oh my God that's crazy oh she's so pretty pretty lady the fire starts so simple and it gets so it started so simple like hey guys's keep it and then who's the culprit for making the fire I little that's so good it's wow I just started the fire that's what oh my whoa that fire that was you oh my god what is that see that's not necessary holy I forgot I drew that this is boners Shadow off of her is so cool the bushes man the bushes that's sick Rost did Prett good on this yeah that's so good why would a Firebird make it that is I don't care don't question don't question it it's epic that's incredible is that chromatic okay who did opener dude I got to see this okay oh my God who that's what you were talking about that's insane that's so good this is actually going to look insane oh my okay yeah this okay this that's so cool I about to pop off dude you got to see this what is [Music] this oh my God that looks so goodness nice who did the chromatic aberration at the edges of their frames that's sick yeah that's when it does the separation of the blue red and yellow colors yeah wow this is so good wow bro that that is nice the colors the y'all cooked yeah this is this is great this is great do we have okay this so just so you guys know GIC phone animation mode turns off the fill tool and every single frame for this has a black background so we were exhausted filling in the black checkers yours is so clean so this character uses like a lot of like like Arctic kind of winds and stuff like a lot of like ice and stuff so um yeah wow I'm really I'm stoked to see how this I'm very stoked to see this one it is so Dynamic that one's also getting these lines so nice I get them that thin I don't get it either yeah wait how what is this magic dude yeah this is pis boards for so clean we we really just kind of just followed along really oh wow you added the shading Judy that's beautiful fantastic expression though I like how soft this one looks oh my God this one's cute oh my God if it oh my god wow let's go it's about time and then the really complicated frame I got the ice thank you Ross thank you there we go that is so there we go oh goodness wow at the end that is nice the like the like the like the wind the gale force wind like coming in from behind her you it's just it just got it's got so much power wow yeah that is nuts okay that is wild all right next one's up I don't know if the the the the blacked yeah I can see the Shing on just the H this is wild J of course it's juny of course it's JY whoa what's going on here that looks like just a it did how'd you do that that was crazy you like a Terminator line and stuff there that's nuts dude this grass holy crap yeah yo K so pretty yeah I really like that uh Good Luck Good Luck pretty nice whoa oh nice the soft painting wa she's so oh my God are so good blur even the camera I didn't know y ground blur it oh my goodness good luck Checkers whoa oh hey oh man this looks real good what the heck this is crazy I feel bad I didn't shade it oops it's a day I added some after all right cool cool cool give some flashing this there we we go nail nice she was really fun to draw yeah wow I think you'll nailed it wa oh my goodness that's pretty awesome all right bro that is nice a the zoom up looks so clean that's it looks like a lighting change it does dude it does that's crazy wow the way her head moves slightly down when she's pushing back her hair is really well done yeah I'm glad that worked out the Freeze Frame Works so good did you want to see it in threes as well that's how I that's how I planned yeah okay yep Ys perfect that is so good the freeze frame works so well that's I noticed the F the foliage kind of disappeared after a while yeah yeah yeah it still really works so well though am I crazy is there like a out of focus Leaf in the I was about to say that yeah oh there is there is who did that that's crazy that's wild that that who did the out of focus Lea that was deu dude that is actually so good it like I didn't even notice it when you when you when it it did reveal your frame but in motion it so reads like it's out of focus that's crazy juny let's see I'm excited for J whoa uh okay so this is It's like a sequence from the trailer he's fighting the um a boss basically yeah there's a boss in the game and it kind of looks like that with pedals um with petals you know petal to make it look all menacing painting again sorry I noticed the square method it's too that actually looks iops I think oh my gosh lens who did the I did the lens flare oh that's sick that impact frame oo yes of course the skull of course those are rose petals those are rose petals yeah look at yeah P what a beautiful garden it's just a smear to the rose petals blossoms in the wind a beautiful round boy wow wow it's actually readable here solid frame is working oh the spinning of it too oh my goodness and there he goes oh my God Shing on the armor wa look at him this also works like a victory screen too what is [Music] happening look at him oh my God this is so good that does it Loop yeah it does oh my God it does it Loops yeah it just keeps perpetually coming back on screen that's that's really nice sool great those impact frames though oh my God that's crazy wow uh wow wow oh boy oh boy this one this these boards were crazy dude I am so curious to see how this one came out so this character hops from like grave to grave is like kind of an agile like DPS I I'm really curious to see how this looks that is such a nice frame dude I love sheding that one this is solid look at him he's so sick oh those muscles these are so polished yeah yo you no look at blades those are really good smears shading on that looks so goodar oh my goodness those smears are so cool the wind effects too yep yep yep my go I love those those are creative smears I like those the big graphic shapes there he is there he is oh was nice there we go whoa oh the the lighting changing the zoom in oo look at him actually maybe G to be the most crazy thing we've oh the loading screen from the game that's crazy that is oh my God these smears are crazy too wow oh no nice nice T Loops right yep oh my goodness oh my goodness my go I need to see that on threes it's just it just never wow yeah three three threes J your board work's just too strong just we did that in GIC foam yeah on anime how did you that we just you guys the the D the the the the AFK Journey loading screen in the in the impact frame that that's crazy that's crazy dude pretty brilliant not going to lie guys this is this is more than Justice you did to the boards you know this is more than like justice that's nuts yeah that's good great job this is definitely the most cracked one we've done so that is yeah the most cracked thing we've done in GIC phone period spinning crazy the spinning just worked so sorry I'm I'm fanboying so hard right now does any do you want to see it in any other timings like you want to see it thre will work I might as well check every sing twos real quick that's very Snappy on threes is perfect oh my God see fours just cuz I want to look at those juicy frames but I think thre four kind of works actually so good it's nice for taking definitely sa save do you want to save fours and threes yeah I got them all yeah okay and here's threes yeah that is so nice dude and it Loops so good no pressure oh I love this one oh yeah was a lot of fun to draw tried to pull him the whole stream but I couldn't get him in the game unfortunate so smooth mhm notes [Music] the the lines are so smooth I love the the the line weight you guys gave for the eyes on that slow SP like glowing eyes nice oh my God nice [Music] Shadows dude great energy with that one nice dude wao that frame has a lot of now H this is great c yeah dude there come home couldn't C get him oh wow there he is the silou wet the sil who make it boiling like water oh my goodness how do you manage to render this like what the that was a a lot more than I was expecting wow for the the silhouette Ora that's [Laughter] awesome oh my goodness that is the setp anticipation is crazy that's like a dark souls enemy and you just know you got to roll that's crazy I love that oh that is so cool the rotation the yeah like the when his head comes into frame a little like eye twitch at the start yeah that's so sick damn damn uh this really came together let's see it in Forge real quick uh and then we'll see it got to save all versions yes fours oh my God and then let's see twos I like it on fours the anticipation kind ofes Wy like very weighty for this one nice yeah agree really cool that's really Co the impact is real yeah you guys did amazing on this one like the skull is really J just showing off his skeleton drawing skills yeah yeah yeah all right top but you got yeah there he is yep oh nice rotation yeah ooh oh this is working nice nice those hands are great whoa da wow my goodness that pose is so good that I have a really good feeling about this I have a really these are all so smooth looking I don't know how we manag to love I that robot there's robot right an empty frame and yeah I had the next one I think yeah yeah oh that's great damn my ex hard sucker for like eyes like blowing eyes leaving a trail so good that's good ohow that I love the the the the boulder lines up front that makes it sock good dude got to push it got to push yeah yeah yeah that works that works yo that hand oh my God I love nice pleading that into the silhouette awesome okay more chromatic too that's so good I am so proud of you guys that is that one needs a hold at the end for do a hole for sure for sure [Music] cool cool do you want to see in threes or anything yeah yeah that's cool wow she comes back clean good honestly I think it Loops kind of interestingly because it's almost like a transition to Black and then back to White for the so it Loops pretty well oh this one awesome yeah [Music] this is going to be so rad The Horizon this perspective yep y yep yep whoa nice that oh my God forgot I drew [Music] that who reference yeah dude I was like okay very for the next I'm W just a painting all of a sudden wow oh my God God I'm feeling a little we did not keep that level of detail but I will tell you that is gorgeous it kind of comes back great let us cook oh my Lord oh the SP oh my God the armor oh my the shine that's that's so good this is awesome oh the hold on the sword this is so cool no freaking way oh nice smear okay oh my God why oh it becomes color yo let's go that's awesome wow oh my God yo that turn is so good that is crazy that sword is crazy that is so cool yay I'm so glad it came out well what the hell guys um uh that's it in fours uh we're going to keep that a hole uh and that's threes I think the the way yeah yeah I like the for yeah can somebody download it don't worry I'm literally triple downloading I'm making sure I lose none of this guys um I just need to talk to YouTube real quick YouTube thank you very much for watching this video um please go check out uh AFK Journey they were nice enough to sponsor this video and let me pay all these animators to come and animate this for 11 hours straight um really huge thanks to them go please go check out their games fantastic and please check out my friends in the authors's description below and check out all their stuff they're amazingly talented and uh please go watch uh more videos see you in the next one guys all right take care bye [Music]
Channel: RubberRoss
Views: 1,227,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RubberRoss, Gartic Phone, Gartic Phone Animation, Gartic Phone Funny Moments, Gartic Phone rubberross animation, afk journey, afk journey tier list, afk journey king, afk journey best team, funny moments, gartic phone, gartic phone with artists, tiktok, gaming, memes, how to draw, comedy, animation meme, vtuber, game grumps, anime, animation, adobe animate, fight scene, how to animate, how to draw anime, drawing tutorial, gartic phone artistas profesionales, funny, meme animation
Id: 4TgPzy7Qk9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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