Can A Rocket Scientist Beat me in a Puzzle Race?!

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today I'm joined by a rocket scientist and he's going to be attempting to solve puzzles faster than I can solve them all right to get us started we have a level one puzzle this is the pyramid puzzle it is only two pieces and all he has to do is put them together to form this tetrahedron although it seems simple this one can be a little counterintuitive let's see how he does go you got to make a pyramid with that one oh okay see does here uh so it's a tetrahedron oh tetraedron like this triangles okay wait I'm I'm bugging on it no you got 10 seconds no we'll let you keep going past the time it's pretty crazy that we're two pieces and this is supposed to be a puzzle I also struggled with this one what I'm trying to figure out is like does the tri is the triangle oh is it like formed like there you go got it like this you got it yeah once you see it it's pretty obvious so for this one no candy I'll have you put that blindfold back on next up a level two puzzle this is Newton's gravity defying puzzle and the solution here is a little clever all you have to do is blow into the cylinder and the red piece pops out let's see if if he can figure this one out on your mark get set go so just removed the red piece from the cylinder without touching the brown piece so without touching this exactly Yom is studying to be a rocket scientist at the poly Technic in Montreal his team oros competes to fly Rockets every year in New Mexico so all the money he'll learn today will be going towards their trip to New Mexico and hopefully helping them fly their Rockets the highest don't forget to like this video and subscribe how does it work so there's just it's a clever solution we can see there's some like there's some space between this the brown part and the red part absolutely I'm not able to like take it with friction maybe if I spin it no 30 seconds that's going by fast um maybe I if I blow on it do it there you go just Time 1 minute 29 yes I had the idea but the execution was kind of rough all right so we got that one let's see if he's ready for a level three this one is one of my all-time favorites from hanama it is probably the most satisfying puzzle you will ever solve but this one took me at least 10 minutes to figure it out all you have to do is rotate the two pieces into one another let's see if he can figure it out on your mark get set go together so they form like one piece that's right okay do I have an idea what the piece is supposed to look like no okay oh like this wow wow okay that was far too easy for him wait what that literally took me like 10 minutes the first time I've ever solved that yeah it's nice little piece I'm starting to regret this idea so he made some quick work at that that one but let's see how he does with the St Cube this is more of an IQ test each individual piece is different and all he has to do is form a cube this is pretty simple and there are a lot of different ways to solve it however solving it with a time constraint can be more stressful and more difficult let's see how he does so Cube two I think I if I ju Just Do the Right base he's doing really good not enough this is so hard under a time constraint makes it infinitely more difficult please did I do it in time you did you did it with 1 and 1 half minutes to spare well he made quick work of that one let's see if the next one gives him a harder time this is our level four puzzle this is Houdini's water torture cell the goal here is to free Houdini step one remove the base the base also has a very strong magnet step two unscrew the screw that's on the bottom now St three is pretty tricky you have to take off this little black sleeve and then screw the screw back into the base once that screw is in there use the magnet to magnetize the screw rest the ball bearing on top of Houdini's head and screw the screw in pushing the base out from the bottom and finally freeing Houdini let's see if he can figure all of this out whenever you're ready go ahead and take the blindfold off and you can get started I already uh took off a piece which it feels like a magnet no that's great a new tool he's taking down a lot of notes which is something that he explained earlier that this is something that rocket scientists dud they have to take notes down they have to write down their steps to figure out what went wrongly magnetized 12 minutes left little spin test if I try to turn oh wait what what did I do my complete luck I think so what I was thinking is maybe like by putting the magnet up to this I can magnetize oh yeah exactly like this like magnetize the screw and then bring the ball up to it and put it back out 1 minute 30 seconds no please yeah no ah I had it oh my god I think I'm I'm misjudging yeah oh yeah I have it 30 seconds yes yes yes yes please congratulations that was stressful all right so far Gom has ran through four out of five puzzles giving him a total of $400 but for this final test we've got something special in store this here is the color cube step one he has to unscrew this little bolt which will activate the game a blue light will flash indicating that he has to travel to the blue side once on the blue side he will extract this small stick which will have a diagram on it showing an arm meaning there's some Force involved in the next move take the screw and insert it into the bottom of the blue side pull out the box in this box you will be given a small little string with two little shapes on it as well as a red piece travel to the red side you'll see the red part is flashing on this red piece you have some instructions the goal here is to fill up every single dot with the lights using the arrows and the check mark you have to fill up the entire screen once that's done it'll unlock the next level he'll have 45 minutes total to complete this he can ask for hints at any time but those hints are going to cost him $100 each good luck Yom and I'll tell you right now I'll round up the sum to $11,000 if you complete this within 45 minutes take the blindfold off Gom your time starts now tell you what if you give the team $1,000 we're going to put your face on the rocket deal it has now begun okay so this is one of oh okay there's buttons too okay I have to take some notes on this one no okay this this pushes down here oh oh and it's also magnetic I feel like I should screw this one up and then open it looks like a door handle kind of thing so I'll just do that oh that's why the strong arm okay I get it now you got it doing it at the same time just going to open it up oh yeah I can feel it whoa oh okay okay that was the mechanism I like how he's observing all the pieces but then he remembers he's under a time constraint so a puzzle within a puzzle within another puzzle what if I do this so I can go there H should I take a clue I think I'll I'll take one I need to unlock you know one de there is okay it's all about using the arrows and like you said finding that pattern uh I think you have to cover every single every single one of those holes eventually in that pattern you should be good to get it now yeah no it's now it's obvious oh I did a Mis input I'm going to one here under one two here one two here one through here this one's over yay hooray this took some time and $100 all right on the purple side use the string in the two shapes to unlock the top of the box that was hidden in the blue side this will give you a bunch of puzzle pieces as well as those squares again but this time in purple if you fit those squares individually onto the red side they will show you different numbers those numbers are a sequence notice that every square has a symbol on it and once you match it up to the puzzle pieces the sword goes with the shield the rabbit goes with the hat the star goes with the telescope rotate the puzzle pieces in the sequence indicated on the red side and that should unlock the next side so now I'm at the purple part okay oh but the red is activated at the same time oh yeah okay now I get it by activating the purple side and playing the red side at the same time oh 35 we have numbers The Shield is is 35 that makes no sense 14 41 who knows different uh values here maybe if we do it like in ascending order 1 2 3 4 5 6 I'm done there we go so one 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stars [Music] uh oh it turned off oh nice I got the congratulations green one now the next side is green it is very simple press the the button it will indicate what sequence to follow within the maze simply repeat that sequence and you should be on the final side you're at 20 minutes it leaves you with 25 minutes but you still have a few sides to go I'll just dig down the shapes and probably this is this means the order in which I'm going to do it is it a memory exercise that sucks it is a bit of a memory I I have to be fast at taking notes yeah no okay I hope it's going to be I'm going to be fast enough s b t s c d c let's go okay that was the hardest part okay come on congratulations the green side is now done now this yellow side is a little bit more complicated because you have to unlock the small box first notice on the small box there's a clock and on the clock lock face two of the numbers are switched the five and the four you also have another diagram which has a big circle small circle and then a big circle again if you can figure this out that is 5 45 the combination to the lock open the lock and inside you'll be given a small Cipher as well as a bag of bolts these little studs fit on the grids on the yellow side but only in some of the holes once he fills up the holes they'll give him strange symbols using the cipher he'll hopefully figure out that these symbols are mirrored and that these symbols represent numbers figure out those numbers hit the button go back to the red side did I tell you Chris that I don't have a great memory good thing you have a pad and a pen so what I was thinking about was the the number that I need to put in is the number of holes that are not like obstructed by the the yellow wood so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 okay this one is tough yeah it looks now you got to figure out whether it's $100 tough or not maybe I should think about this too the arrow here is going up but going up where and what do what does those uh three uh circles mean I mean I could tell you yeah so how much money do I have left I mean you're down to 300 that's a lot you've only used one clue that's pretty good so far yeah I think I'll use a clue for this one it feels like a toughy so we're going to start with the smaller box I'll pause time it's a three number combination big circle small circle big circle so we know that the two on the ends are the same numbers what numbers those are will be hidden on the clock face there's something wrong with the clock oh my God and I will start some time you're at a half an hour you have 15 minutes and I guess the big circle means the bigger number so I'm going to try 54 five it it all comes down to sometimes just seeing the right clue at the right moment cuz I I just glossed over like the biggest the most obvious clue ever I'll tell you I did the same thing well I always stole my friend that was just like Chris Ramsey okay that's interesting I'll just look at this before ah yeah nice I'm just going to lay them out here so this blocks out the kind of weird 25 like if you look here it's like the 25 next 33 kind of so I guess it's just the number three just mirrored am I missing something or am I basically there oh that's not a three that's a four oh I'm back at Red okay on the red side every single color will be flashing in order meaning he'll have to turn the cube on those colors in that sequence and if he does this the final side will open so red chaos whoops here green white yes oh my God and money there you go you did it five minutes to spare so that only cost you $200 yes brings your total to $800 $ for Gom for the team for the team for the team always for the team thank you guys for watching I really hope you enjoyed that and thank you to Gom and the oros team over at the poly Technic in Montreal we ended up giving them the full ,000 to help them on their trip to New Mexico if you guys want to support them I left the link below and also like this video subscribe and let me know in the comments which profession you would like to see take on some of these puzzles we'll see you on the next video peace [Music]
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 449,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, magic, magician, illusion, science, physics, toys, chris ramsey, street magic, street magician, brain teaser, brain teasers, iq, toy
Id: x8MmNW4_4pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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