I Made Geometry Dash Icons ULTRA REALISTIC

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in the past few weeks I've made my entire set of Geometry Dash icons hyper realistic and in the last video there were a ton of people asking if I could do it for them as well but out of all these comments one stood out to me the most now Lon makes great videos and I've been watching him for quite a while so it came as a surprise to me when he commented offering an obscene amount of money if I were able to make his icons realistic now of course as a college kid that instantly set off the alarm bells for me like money I can spend money so of course I had a counter off already I said no money I'm not going to do it for Mone I don't want to make icons for money why would I do that so instead I'm just going to make the icons for free and I'll Farm his reaction at the end of the video as payment wow these icons are just perfect for this of course though we have to start with the original game mode of Geometry Dash the cube so we're here in Photoshop and we got to change this icon into a realistic face now first off we're going to need some teeth this dog tooth will fit perfectly and we're also going to need some beady eyes and what animal has beier eyes than a cat I like this one cuz it really just stares into your soul yeah icon also has a tongue right here so we're going to search that up and this cat tongue is just too cute come on finally I'm going to need a skin texture yep we're making a monster God that is just gross now who would I be if I didn't name my files drag them into Photoshop and then we can start piecing this stuff together I chose the cat's spiky tongue because it really has that monster feel and I think it'll match the icon pretty well and with it cut out all I need to do is just hit warp and then drag these points until the tongue area is filled out and with a mask on our layer if we hit control I we can then paint in where we want the tongue now now we're going to need this tooth and while I select this I'm going to make sure to keep a lot of the gums here cuz I think they're going to add to the gross factor and we all know that that is what I strive to do when I make icons now these teeth are very triangular so I'm going to go ahead and straighten this out just like that we have a sharp tooth now if we make four of them and Shrink them down to their respective sizes then we have a god- aul monstrosity of course this is all I can do I'm going to warp the skin around this object and then going back to liquefy once more we can push in all the sides to add depth it already looks like a kind of folded the skin over the icon but the magic comes in when we fill in the right area now I'm also going to liquefy the skin to wrap around this mouth for the eyes I'll just use the bloat tool all right now that we finally have all the pieces in place it's time to start shading now this is my favorite part cuz it's really going to make it look alive for the cat tongue I'm going to make an exposure layer and I like to turn up the gamma correction cuz it keeps the color and with a low flow on our brush can paint in the areas that receive less light now the same goes for highlights you can paint in where the light would hit on this tongue for the back of this mouth I'll just make it a lot darker and then I'll paint on some of the bumpier areas now I'll add one final dark shadow where the tongue might collide with some of the skin I got to do a whole lot of shading on these teeth now in shading the outside skin I need to keep in mind that the darker parts look deeper right here it looks like the mouth is popping out more I'm going to make the bottom feel a bit more rounded I'll do that by adding a soft shadow on the edges of course we got to add some Shadows to these eyes and while I'm finishing up shading I want to ask if you could just go down and hit the Subscribe button it only takes a few seconds and you can always unsubscribe if you change your mind I really do appreciate it though finally I'm going to add some highlights to this starting with this little smirk here but now it's time to make this icon lons if you remember Lon has it textured to where these eyes are angry of course I got to add that to this version and push these eyes down to match the shape and now that we have our very angry fella the blue color seems to be in the eyes and then the teeth in the tongue I'm just going to color those in and then I'll make the skin white make it a bit brighter I'm just going to add an exposure layer and with a blend if I can take that brightness out of the darker areas and in the same bounds I'm going to make the brighter areas brighter and the middle areas dark and in areas that doesn't make sense I'm just going to add a bit of a shadow before I make Lon ship I just want to mention that in the description there's a download link for all the icons that look like this where there's no extra colors attached and with a few touch-ups that's lon's icon let's see what he thinks at the end of the video so it's the next day and you can tell because I am wearing a different shirt but the ship it's kind of reminding me of some Phoenix or bird so what better thing to do than get some feathers and I say these are pretty self-explanatory so I'm just going to rush through them real quick I chose this for the wings this Eagle Eye for of course the eye and then for the body I just chose these pink flamingo feathers but I'll recolor them and of course I'll drag them into Photoshop first I'll put this eye in place I'm just going to liquefy it to fit that perfect circle that matches a lot better just go ahead and fill in the back part of this Phoenix going to liquefy these feathers to go upwards a bit more some of these I'm just going to remove the stem and then I can remake it facing the right direction and I'll go ahead and finish up adding this depth now it feels good enough to go on to the next step and that's going to be taking the angel wings and putting them in place on top of the head it's going to take a lot of liquefy okay that wasn't that much to be honest and after angling all these feathers how I want them to be we have a nice full head of feathers let's put another wing on top of the area where our actual Wing is and now I'm going to start shading start with an adjustment layer and with an inverted mask I can go ahead and paint in some Shadows now the most important thing here is going to be the separation of the front feathers and the back feathers we'll do that by making these back feathers a little darker of course we'll also add Shadows underneath these feathers the higher up the feather is right here the further the shadow should and in areas like this where the feather seems to be touching we can just add a harder contact [Music] Shadow and now that I've shaded it all you can see the huge difference that it makes we're just going to lay on a smooth highlight layer on top it just adds a little bit more pop to the whole thing and now I have to do it for all of these other parts so wish me luck this is going to take a second [Music] so I've made it to this point and I'm wondering how a feathered mouth would work I feel like one tooth isn't going to do much doesn't matter after adding some shading on this tooth it's really starting to get some form here because it's such a bright surface I also do want to add a bounce light on the edges though and that really fixes the color of it for me all right I've finally shaded ated every bit of this bird phoenix thing except for the eye so I'm going to go ahead and do that and then I can color it and now with a little bit more form to the eye we can add this teal color that we find in lon's icons this icon also has blue in the tooth and instead of a human saturation layer we're going to hit solid color pick this color and there we go next up is lon's ball which is pretty similar to his base icon so we can take a lot of the images we used on this icon and transfer it over here and I want to start out with these disgusting skin folds one cool thing you might not know about the liquefy tool is that there are different options on the left side and one of them is the twirl clockwise tool and I'm just going to press down and then I'll take this warp tool and I'll push the edges to wrap around the actual ball shape so holding shift we can go ahead and tap the corners with a layer mask and after doing all of that we can just hit G and then click on it to fill it in I don't know why I've chosen to use this skin texture again but at going to be similar to the first icon I'm going to take the cat eyes that we've already used I'm going to flip this eye upside down cuz it kind of looks like the eyes are peeking over and we got to open this creepy mouth and I'm wondering if I should just leave the skin on these teeth oh let's see how that will turn out kind of disgusting but hey and I'll push around these pupils until they're the shape and angle that I want I'm going to do my best to add some New Reflections that'll make a little more sense pertaining to where the light comes from and we can add some extra fake Reflections by just painting them in at the bottom I'm going to sink in these edges with some shading just to make the eye pop out a little bit more the mouth will look a lot better with some dark shading around it adding some bright highlights around these edges is really giving it some form I'll add this beautiful tongue in it'll add some highlights on top and I'll make the Eyes Green for now just to match this one now even though I do want this to look pretty similar to the original icon doesn't have any teeth after recoloring the entire thing we have three of our icons done the next icon is lon's UFO and if you look deep into the lore of this it's just Stitch it's just Stitch from Lilo and Stitch first I'm going to take a look at what kind of materials we're going to need Stitch seems to have fur big alien eyes round teeth and kind of bat ears so what I'm going to do is search up fur and this lion texture is good I might just look up alien eyes to be honest these are disgusting but I'll take them I think dog teeth are round this one's perfect for now the last thing is bat ears this little fellow looks awesome let's name these files and drag them into Photoshop first thing I want to do is take this alien's eye normally I would just warp the eye to fit this circular shape but this time I'm going to leave it like this because it fits the eye of Stitch a little bit more now I don't really like the reflection on this eye so I'm going to do a little bit of magic and just cover it up of course what that means though is that when we take it to the other side and flip it horizontally we're going to need to paint in our own Reflections in both of these eyes we can move on to adding these dog teeth which I'm going to cut out individually using the pen tool and once I've circled all of them I can hit mask and then drag these teeth down here sticking with the theme of the eyes I'm going to be a bit loose in conforming to the out outline of the original icon and I feel like that'll give us a better idea of the Stitch part of this UFO the next thing I want to add is the ears and as always we can liquefy them to fit the backdrop a little bit more and now we can start painting in this lion fur I'm going to make it black and white and simply paint in the lies animals usually have their fur following the Contour of their body shape now for the nose I'm going to take inspiration from this image I'm going to start with a solid fill layer and I'm going to paint right over that nose we're going to use an exposure layer to add some shading where we're going to need another exposure layer where we turn the exposure up and the gamma correction down and I feel like I could use an oval brush with a low flow we can tap around now this already has some form in it right but to really make it complete we have to go through and add subtle shading on all areas this means that on the bottom right we're going to draw in a nice Dark Shadow and to make this a little less flat I think Stitch would benefit from a little bounce light on the edge of his nose so I'm just going to add some fur down here and I feel like shading these so I'm going to do that obviously I should also probably make this fur blue it's has some disgusting yellow teeth so I'm just going to tint them a little bit the shading is looking cool and all but I do want to add some deeper contact Shadows next to things like the eyes for this one I'll use a hard brush do that with the nose as well and even these teeth on the bottom right now it looks like this eye is protruding from the face it'll make a lot more sense if I had a shadow around where the eye would be give it some roundness by softening the edges and then adding a highlight on the opposite end and you can see when you zoom out that it looks like the eye is underneath the skin something that's good to know while drawing animals is that fur has a lot lot of black and white spots in it and with this eye it's going to wrap around the island just a little bit if we add these Shadows that we just made on top it already starts to come together I'm going to copy and paste that to the other side the next thing I want to do before moving on to the ears is add a highlight to the top of his head all right now these ears obviously have to be blue and after making these crevices darker I can go ahead and move on to the highlights on top so I'm sure at this point you already know the steps I'm going to take so I'll go ahead and fast forward and figure out what to do with these horn shapes now I've made it to these horns and what they remind me of is a rhino I'm going to decide not to use this one and instead I'll choose this black and white image rename it drag it into Photoshop line it up with a background and then put them behind the fur and then with some shading and some highlights we have our Stitch UFO but of course lon's icon has different colors so let's change that and I think it would just be better if we made these brighter areas a bit brighter and now this UFO fits in a little bit more with the other icons so I'm going to go to bed because these take forever and I'll get back to the next one in a bit it's been a few days and I'm sure you could tell because I have a different hairstyle now before we do these impossible ones I'm going to start with this simple wave now for this one I'm going to start by just shading but to get a base I'm going to open a solid color layer the back is going to have a bit of a darker gray the second shading layer I'll do a similar thing to the top here but I'll make sure to add a bounce light to show that light is still coming from up there I'll make sure to do the same thing for the bottom part and then I'll add a bit of a harsher Shadow coming from the top cone and once we smooth it it out a little bit we're really starting to get some form on this and I think just adding some darker shadows will allow us to move on to the highlights I'm definitely going to want to add a highlight on top and I'll even add one in the middle here because it's starting to look a bit metallic and I like that idea I think it would be pretty cool if we added another solid color layer and adding a little selection to the background we went ahead and added some depth I'm going to pick my favorite brush metal texture I kind of like this one cuz it has some grunge and I'll drag it into Photoshop by holding all on my keyboard I can add a clipping mask and with the liquefy tool I can just go ahead and shape this Tex and now I'll just repeat that process for the top of this thing and if you think these are cool right now just wait till you see them in game at the end of the video I just realized that this icon has blue in the back but luckily this is a smart object so if I double click on it and I find a good ice texture I can simply drag it on top fit it to the area and hit save now as long as I add it to this back side a little recolor is all I need for this to be perfect next in the lineup is his robot I think we're going to need some dinosaur texture and a Stegosaurus would work well because of all its spikes now I also want an eye for this dinosaur this one looks good it looks like we're going to find another use for that Rhino because its ear is pretty similar after renaming our files you already know what we have to do drag it into Photoshop and this time I want the Rhino's ear and we can hit mask and overlay it right on this robot and next I want to put in this eye which I'll just do a rough selection on for now looks a little whack but of course we can make it fit a bit more with some liquefy let's get this alligator skin texture I think I'm going to paint a separate layer for this mouth but I don't want them to be perfectly separated so I'm going to use this mask and Fade Out The Edge that that texture kind of merges in with this bottom layer here and at that point all I need to do is add some shading to this bottom jaw and your head can just put it together as a perfect piece I also want to sink in this eye with some shading this will also help separate the head from the bottom jaw and a lot of highlight to the top and that just adds some contrast to bring it forward and seeing how well this rhino ear is going to fit it's starting to make me think that it might just be better for these horns to be from this rhino as well and this time I'm going to take this horn so now I'll put it into place and hit puppet warp because now I can pin this top part and then drag the bottom right to set it up before I hit liquefy when I mask this in I'm going to make sure that it's round and in perspective all I have to do is add shading and highlights to these so I'm going to skip through all that there are also these leg parts and feet but I'll spare the details and just skip to the end product [Music] all right I've made all those appendages and before I recolor them I'm going to put them all into this form to see how they turned out and I think that looks pretty cool time for these last two icons these might be some of the coolest ones so I'm excited to see how they turn out and this spider looks robotic to me I love this skull shape and I think the spikes add some form to the silhouette so what I'm going to do first is maybe even search for a metallic skull let's get the stupid AI images out of the way and after a bit of searching I've found this one and I think if we cut off this bottom jaw then we might have a winner now another thing we're going to need is just some metal sheeting and I don't want any brush metal I think something like this is going to work best these glowing eyes are kind of reminding me of the Terminator and those kind of Lights close up resemble traffic lights so I'm going to use this and I want to make the parts in the legs glow too so I'm going to use this led panel texture now I want to start by placing this skull I don't want this bottom jaw here and it's definitely going to take a lot of warping to fix the shape I'm going to hit okay and see what that did that's not as bad as I expected and I think adding that traffic light inside his eyes is really going to make it look cool but first I actually want to bring back this metal skull and just take the texture from the top of his head so that we can kind of undo the damage that we did through liquefy that worked pretty well and now I want to insert those traffic light eyes with an ellipse I'm going to select this area and mask it I'm just going to place them in the eye sockets then using another layer mask I'm going to paint them back in where they should be and the cool thing is that if I hit this chain I can unlink the layer mask and then I can move move around this traffic light inside the eye I'm going to repeat the process for the other eye I think the Glow's really going to look good shining against all these metal surfaces but first we're going to use this rough metal texture and just paint in these spikes and you already know we're just going to push the texture to form around the spikes and I'm excited to start shading this so let's just do it I'm going to start with some soft Shadows I'd love to have more contrast not necessarily that much but we'll fade it down in a second and if light is hitting this corner here then the shading might end up darker on this side of the spike now I'll add some highlights on the side we'll move on to shading this big skull we're definitely going to need to add some shading to the gum area and he looks pretty tired so we're going to give him some eye bag something like this indent here is going to have a really dark inside and it'll gradually Fade to a brighter value as you get out of it and I'll add some soft shading around the entire bottom right side before I move on to the top which is going to have a few Shadows due to these spikes as the shadow gets further from the object it gets softer and it gets a lot lighter highlights are also very important though and if we put them on top you'll really get the sense that there's some sort of light coming from the top left also going to add some subtle shading to these lights but in the layer styles for the exposure layer I'm going to use a blend if we're going to make it so that the shading only applies on the darker values I can do that by pinching off the brighter values on the underlying layer and if I hold alt and drag this little piece here it'll make it a smoother transition and now no matter how dark I paint it the brightest parts are still going to pop out just as well now I'm going to add a bright Rim light against the edge also add these highlights in the middle now real quick I'm going to do it to the other eye now my real favorite part I'm going to add a solid color layer make it whatever color we want it to Glow we'll just use red for now now if I slowly tap in some bright light around these eyes you can see that it adds glow in a natural way but the thing that'll bring this together is a Hu saturation layer if I turn up the saturation and change the blending mode to screen and I can go ahead and paint on these edges to get a more realistic looking glow so I'm just going to go around the edges of the eyes paint in light where I believe it'll reach and now when we turn on the glow just adds that little bit of realism that we might have needed real quick I'm going to throw together these legs and now that I've finished those I'm going to go ahead and recolor them and now we have one more icon to make before we see what Lon thinks all right let's finish this the last icon we have to make is this Boo from Mario and he looks like this but also King Boo shares the darkness under the eyes so I'm going to use these as reference and instead of using any stock images I'm going to do what I did with that one bomb robot and I'm just going to shade it until it looks like a Mario render I'm going to take this solid color layer and I'll just make my brush the size of this boo and paint in his body shape I'll add in this little tail and his arms then I'll get these other extraneous Parts like the tongue those pearly whites and thrusters apparently and all of that combined leaves us with this now it may not look pretty now but we can make something out of it now to start off I'm just going to add in some shadows and I'm sure you've seen by now that adding in Shadows is the best way to make something feel 3D cuz really what depth is is a difference between light and dark and on a plain white character like this the bounce light is going to be a tinted blue got to add a shadow around the entire character and now when I put in the highlights they'll actually show up and I love this process cuz you can just see it coming into form after every brush stroke something I've noticed about the older renders is that the face is just plastered on so I found this render of King Buu that does it a little differently and I'm going to use that as the reference so it doesn't look tacky or out of place so what I'll do is add a selection here and with a new shading layer I'm just going to add a bit of Darkness under the eyes now that already looks pretty cool but we're going to need to put the Eyes underneath it I'm just going to mask the top of the pupils away and these eyes don't seem to have much depth but I think that it would be cool to make them a little 3D just going to shade it as if it was spherical adding some highlights in the top that'll fade down to transparency below but right now those scrunched eyebrows kind of look like a flat PNG you just paste it on the sphere so to make them pop out a little bit more I'm going to give them their own shading it's really starting to take its shape and if I just lighten it up a little bit and then add some Shadows underneath the eyes real quick I'm just going to knock out the shading on these thrusters and next I'll shade the inside of the mouth hi I just kind of took a nap because College ruined my sleep schedule let's get back to it kind of forget what I was doing it looks like I should be working on the edges of the mouth here so that's what I'm going to do there should definitely be a shadow under the tongue so it's going to have a little dark outline here just to show the ridge on the top of the mouth yeah that looks good that looks good that was genuine surprise there I'll add another Shadow at the top I just need a add a white highlight at the bottom oh so tired and then it has just a highlight down here and then we'll make this a little bit less and then highlights on the bottom right that looks good enough for now let's just see if the teeth can make it better you know sounded like a stock yawn yawn Sound effect. MP3 should I Yap more comment leave leave a comment in the comment now where would would I see this tooth in front of the other one also cool thing we reached 100 10,000 subscribers I was stuck on like one subscriber for years so I'm pretty happy with that I would say sometimes the light will reflect off of let's say this surface and it'll end up hitting the edges is yapping still in style am I allowed to say that you're generation Alpha comment below tell me if you're if you say the word Yapp I'm going to add in the blue Highlight as well yeah that that'll work add it right there so all that's really left is this tongue let's go here it's add another tongue line but harsher we can fade out The Edge and then if we add shading to the whole thing we also need a bounce light you guessed it I'm going to put in a shadow that kind of references the top of this mouth here all I really have to do is follow the Contour of this tongue and I want to redo the color here then when we add the highlights it should work out I'm liking how it looks now I can work in a little more bounce light on the bottom now something I also want to do is add a solid color turn it to screen and I want to paint on these edges here now I have the shine for specifically those parts above the eyes cuz I also want to add it around the eyes and like that last one I'm just going to tap around until there's a nice halo around his eyes now I'll go ahead and color this like lon's icon make it blue perfect that looks cool that looks awesome to be honest but anyway let's move on to what you've all been waiting for lon's reaction to these actual icons I don't know why but I'm honestly kind of nervous because I feel like I'm it's going to be both me being amazed and also like horrified we have hores Beyond Comprehension wait what I didn't know you could name it but I named my texture pack okay yeah Wars Beyond Comprehension here we go the skin is wow okay I love how out of place it looks in the menu that's so funny I love the eyes they're always like dilated like he's yeah he's staring into my soul I'm staring right back at it I love him all right the ship here we go ooh I I just like this one to be honest that's awesome I always thought of that chip as like a bird but like yeah it it kind of doesn't look like a bird the face has no beak but he has a mouth so it's like really confusing so I just put feathers over it I guess he has a feathery mouth okay the ball this one I'm the ball this one this could go many wise oh he's drooling he looks like he is caked out of his mind all right the UFO oh okay it's a goblin I mean it is a goblin that's a goblin UFO it it is I've always thought of it as Stitch from Lilo and Stitch I think you just think of Stitch as a goblin which I mean it is a goblin I mean an alien type Goblin wave you have as the default so I mean it works that's kind of my fault cuz that's the one that I wanted when 2.2 came out but I didn't unlock it until like a week ago all right the robot um I saw in one of your videos you tried to make a spider and it kind of like the legs were going crazy see this wow I love the texure yeah I always thought of this robot like a rhinoceros or actually it might it actually might be a rhinocerus that's funny I did use rhino horns for it too all right the spider oh God who oh wow I like this one a lot he is coming for me he's coming from my soul he looks like he's up to no good but you know he started off you know we had like these cute little feathery guys and then we have death we got one more and it's oh man I'm not going to lie wow that's that's so cool I was the most excited for this one just cuz I just cuz I love the boo swing wow and then let's look at them look at them all together what an icon set it's kind of like a story if you look at it cuz you have like this cute little guy and then it kind of goes all the way down until you see death itself as a spider so true and then he turns into a ghost let's play with him look at him GH no it just looks so out of place I love it it's hard for me to focus just cuz I'm I'm too busy looking at at him all right here we go here we go death oh wow it's kind of sick Works wait why are the legs working on this one I'm happy about that here's the ship that's so that's awesome look at him go oh the robot works too yeah oh my God I did it wow okay so those were amazing let's take a look at the swing oh he's red wait that was sick Geometry Dash PR your ass wa he's so cool look at him I love it w look at the ball this is a surreal experience right now this is actually surreal It's Kind it's similar but unfamiliar look at it's crazy it's alternate reality Geometry Dash I'm going to do theory of everything so I can look at the UFO here we go look at him look at him go look at him and you know it's before we get to the robot and the spider so it's like a cute and a wholesome icon set oh the Dome I just noticed the Dome the Dome that's that's cool yes it's a bubble thank you so much for making this for me man I of course I remember I commented on your video I didn't actually expect you to to do that I mean you you offered an obscene amount of money so what uh you know I you know I am going to pay you but like just you know just make sure to look at the back of the trunk don't don't don't tell do not tell the no matter what are you saying what are you what are you talking about so thank you so much CH man that's crazy of course no problem say hi hey it's me thank you for watching all the way through please subscribe to Lon his videos are great and I really liked his last one the tribute to Geometry Dash so thank you byebye bye-bye bye
Channel: emnerson
Views: 879,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, top 1 geometry dash, geometry dash top 1, geometry dash 2.2, geometry dash memes, geometry dash but every, geometry dash but, geometry, top 1 geometry dash player, geometry dash challenge, breaking geometry dash, geometry dash voice, geometry dash new record, geometry dash hacks, photoshop challenge, grief gd, click between frames, geometry dash drama, daily dose of gd, tidal wave, gd icons, geometry dash icons, difficulty faces, 2.206, geometry dash 2.206
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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