10 UNFORGIVINGLY HARD Bosses in Recent Games

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2020 was a gamer's paradise it was just fantastic title after fantastic title and they didn't go soft with the boss fights either hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks the hardest bosses of 2020. starting off at number 10 is old king alliant from demon souls when it comes to difficult bosses we have to mention the old king the demon souls remake is amazing and the final boss of boleteria castle basically the real final boss of the game does not screw around he is very aggressive he has multiple combos he can whip out this really scary attack that hits like a massive area around him it's so big you might think it covers the entire arena at first like he's just a tough enemy by himself but he's got this one attack that's absolutely brutal this grab where he will literally suck the souls out of you permanently lowering your max level it's just an amazing dick move in so many ways and it's actually kind of surprising they kept it in for the remake i'm personally glad they did thankfully once you get the hang of this guy it's not too difficult to dodge but he does still steal your levels which sucks on the difficulty scale of human opponents in soulsborne games he's not actually that hard it's pretty easy to just bait him he'll do a lunge attack and then you just punish him but it's his nasty tricks we feel earn him a place on this list at number nine is the hell house from the final fantasy vii remake which is a surprisingly challenging game there's a lot of tough bosses in it but hell house just stands out as being a huge pain originally it was just a slightly tougher random encounter found in the sector six slums like in the regular final fantasy vii but he got bumped up to full-on boss with the remake and you take him on as the finale to the coliseum and wall market and it's tough there's a lot stacked against you in this one it's got a ton of hp it's constantly changing elemental weaknesses and you can only find it with two party members cloud and aerith things got four phases to each one more annoying and if you want to do any real damage you basically have to stagger it and the only way to stagger is quickly hit it with its elemental weakness but after a while it starts shifting its elements so fast that you won't even have time to get the magic out before it changes again which renders it all worthless this is the one boss you really have to come prepared with a game plan if you want to make it out alive this is a slog and it's the first time the final fantasy remake really shows you its teeth it's not technically the most difficult boss in the game but holy crap it feels like it is sometimes at number eight it is theseus and mysterious from hades which you'd think hades the god of the underworld and the dude the game is named after would be the hardest boss in the game but nope it's these two clowns it's actually not really clear-cut many argue that hades is a harder boss but for my money these guys are the hardest for a few reasons while the hades boss fight is a traditional brawl maybe a couple of tricks these guys are just unfair basically theseus throws a spear at you from a distance that's incredibly damaging well asterius takes you on up close with the big swinging axe it's really easy to lose track of theseus and he'll just hit you with his spear and you won't even realize the timing of it so dodging is hard what makes it worse is they're damaged sponges like you're going to hit them a million times and it is going to take some time taking out asterisks actually isn't too bad outside of this incredibly annoying bull charge attack that seems to track you perfectly and won't let up um it's really theseus that's the real pain he doesn't have a lot of hp but he's always throwing spears when he's not doing that he's casting screen covering spells and when he's not doing that he's hiding a shield like a total coward and he just drags this fight on and on and on so yeah haiti's tough boss fight for sure but in my mind these guys are worse and number seven it's razer hughes from cyberpunk 2077 the world of cyberpunk a place where you would think some big dude with muscles wouldn't be a big deal but you would be wrong about that he's the final fight for the beat the brat side job and razor is no joke if you want any chance of standing up to this dude you're gonna need basically the best cyber wear you can get because when you fight him it's no weapons no stims no nothing it's just you and your fists so you'll really want to be prepared man sure he's probably not too bad if you put all your points into fist fighting but this is cyberpunk we're talking here and basically everyone's putting their points into guns so right off the bat you're probably gonna have a severe disadvantage there's nothing he does that's all that unique compared to other fighters just super powerful like like for me at least he would take me out in a couple punches and i could barely do anything to him there's a reason the game gives you the option to just throw the fight but why give him the satisfaction why give this non-player character the descriptive the satisfaction indeed you want to beat him right even if it's kind of impossible there is one fun thing you can do though you can act a little revenge uh just sneak a cattle pride into the arena before the match glitches out the game a bit but uh it's really satisfying seeing the guy go down at number six is shabbata katsui in boar form from neo2 huge pain in the ass comes out of nowhere uh kind of like the first game neo2 kind of runs out of steam a little bit in the back half the bosses aren't quite as threatening as some of the earlier encounters but not this guy bought near the end of the game spot is a big brute with a ton of hp a super aggressive fighting style and a very small area to fight him in there's so much about this that is just incredibly frustrating his grab attack it seems like it has a hitbox that's like a lot bigger than it should and his large number of charge attacks that you have to avoid is going nuts attacks to take forever you have to just wait out actually you know what there's just a huge amount of waiting around for this guy you don't get a lot of opportunities to attack him other than just this really easy attack to deflect there aren't really a lot of safe spots is what i'm getting at though and yeah he has a massive amount of hp like i said so it turns into a battle of attrition pretty quick after a while it's not too hard to recognize his patterns but the fight gets so long it's just like i'm trying to maintain focus here it's weird because a lot of the bosses before and after this guy really aren't that bad but for whatever reason this dude's just a total beast and number five is the flame lurker from demon souls uh one of the all-time classic roadblocks as far as the soulsborne games bosses are concerned and he is just as tough as he used to be he's aggressive he's on fire and he loves to explode the flamework is most likely one of the first bosses you'll find demon souls and in comparison to most of the others he's a lot faster he loves to jump he'll slap you around and you know he does fire damage with his attacks so they will go right through your shield unless you got a lot of fire protection equipped just standing close to this thing does constant damage like the more aggressive you are the more fiery he gets so if you're a melee fighter this guy's gonna be a hard time pretty much no matter what you do there's nothing particularly gimmicky about him either he's just really tough considerably tougher than the actual boss of the area the dragon god yeah this little fire monster is tougher than a godzilla sized dragon i mean in terms of lore it's kind of impressive actually and number four is the unchained from mortal shell yep the other big dark souls-like game of the year mortal shell isn't too difficult mostly but the final boss can really be a handful i like it's got a wide range of attacks it's super aggressive and annoyingly it can cause these three waves to form on the surface of the water you're fighting on which interrupts your attacks or slows you down and if that's all this guy did that would be challenging enough but nothing too bad it's just what he starts doing after you take its health down to i think less than 30 percent that makes it so nasty what it does is generate this giant whirlpool in the center of the area and slowly sucks you in and on top of that it summons these shadow enemies that aren't too annoying on their own but if they get sucked into the whirlpool with you they'll start healing the boss so yeah you are going to want to take them out as fast as you can of course you get too close to the center and fall in game over any boss that can heal itself is just gonna be a pain and this guy's just one of the worst and number three is sentient from hell point like the other other indie souls like game hellpoint gets points for creativity because it merges the soul's formula with sci-fi as you might expect for these types of games the final boss is well a real bastard and i mean the true final boss sentient it's a being that transcends space and time but you just beat on it with a sword and it eventually dies it's just not going to be easy when you go up against this thing it seems basically impossible just bombards you with multiple long range attacks from every direction and then you just die when you start to figure out this thing's bizarre patterns also it's still tough the arena is even working against you you judge distances in a way that's just incredibly hard because you're void of space there's almost no visual cues and around all that out this is a boss where he has multiple attacks he can just kill you instantly so get used to dodging because that's basically your only hope also massive life bar of course honestly things so tough it's almost not worth doing for the quote unquote true ending the standard ending was good enough for me to be completely honest and number two is the man eaters from demon souls these guys sucked in the original game on the ps3 and they suck now it's a relatively basic boss you enter the boss area with one man-eater it's kind of annoying it pulls out this dash tag knocks you off the narrow bridge and you have to fight this thing but it doesn't seem too bad but you know then another one appears so you gotta deal with two of them on this narrow bridge area because if you miss one of the time dodges you just die you fall off and die it's possible to nearly kill the first one before the second one appears but good luck with that if you're a melee fighter because he spends a bunch of time just flying around doing these uh long range attacks fun fun fun the eight-way rolling makes it a lot less likely you'll mistakenly roll off the ledge at least in the remake so that one change makes this version of the boss a little easier but otherwise it's still pretty hard and finally at number one sammer from doom eternal right you probably thought we were going to talk in the marauders right those guys are bad news but sarmer the boss from ancient gods part 1 dlc makes them look like total chumps there's so much about this fight that is just utterly insane he's constantly barraging with attacks he summons enemies non-stop there are these annoying i-beam drone things that require pinpoint accuracy and he teleports around the arena like mad and then he shields himself after he takes a bunch of damage and makes you fight multiple possessed enemies these crazy aggressive super speed moves and attacks that do massive amount of damage compared to any other enemy that's all bad enough but it's just the first part it gets so much worse when he makes the floor hurt you combined with wall lasers and platform traps that generate more damaging surfaces like just look at this chaos it is completely nuts and he doesn't stop there his third phase makes you have to hunt him down while having to deal with all this mess like do maternal is already hard enough but the dlc makes it look like child's play the guy isn't just a tough boss he's one of the top bosses in any fps ever period and that's all for today leave a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed that's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe don't forget to click the notification bell and as always thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 669,768
Rating: 4.907805 out of 5
Keywords: hardest bosses, tough video game bosses, hard demons souls bosses, unforgiving video game bosses, longest boss battles recent games, video game bosses with second life, video game bosses replenish health, hardest doom eternal boss, hardest mortal shell boss, hardest final fantasy boss, gameranx, falcon
Id: PBEugyv6UCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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