10 EASY Tips for Wuthering Waves Beginners

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hello guys at the time of this recording it's about a week post weathering waves release I have been streaming it on Twitch and playing it almost every day and you guys know me I'm not like a sweat you know I'm I'm a pretty dirty casual but I have played gacha games before open World gacha Games especially and I have been getting a few repeated questions in my chat so I thought I'd make a video just to explain 10 things that I think you should know as a beginner all right the first category of tips is going to be uh regarding account progression it can be quite annoying to be trying to progress through the game and getting uh level locked or getting Quest locked so my very first tip for you guys uh oh so my first tip for you is to do quests I know that's very simple uh but if you look at the quest tab you will see that each Quest is going to give you a very high amount of Union XP um even tutorial Quest is going to give you Union XP companion story 2,000 exploration 1,000 so especially if you are like me unable to play the main quest because of a low Union level so where I am from Union level 20 to 21 it's only 2300 XP I can get that in a quest or two but maybe you don't want to do two quests back to back so that leads me to my second tip which is spend your wave plates your wave plates is the equivalent of resin which I have almost uh I'm almost capping on you will earn a wave plate every 6 minutes and then you can use the wave plates to do things like bosses you can spend them at the uh simulation training which is where you're going to get character XP you're going to get weapon XP and the credit Shell credit wave plate is a limited currency which will go up in perceived value uh later on however it's still valuable now and there's no reason to let it sit there a lot of these bosses have first time clear Rewards or one of these bosses which will give you uh first time clear rewards Union XP uh and by the way first time clear just means the first time you kill it you actually don't even have to spend your wave plates to earn the first time clear and you can also get Echoes from doing that too so there's no reason not to spend your wave plates um even though the rewards will be limited for now resources are scarce and you're still going to need materials to level up your characters you're not going to get enough just through doing quests and open world farming so just spend it uh if you're not sure it is always safe to do simulation training just to stock up on a res potions that you're able to level up your characters almost as important as earning Union XP is earning Data Bank XP so this mechanism the data Bank uh is essentially a record of The Echoes that you have collected uh so if you go to this tab you can see all the ones that you've claimed it will tell you how many you're missing from each category and Echoes if you are a little confused on what that is uh it's essentially a fusion between a Pokémon and an artifact in genin Impact terms Echoes eventually can be equipped to your characters you can equip uh five at a time so you earn Echo and you can equip them to in individual character it has two main stats which will increase when you level and then you will unlock a sub attribute plot basically a substat um substats there's another mechanism called tuning which you really don't need to worry about for now but it's basically how you reveal the substats uh and you do that through this material called uh tuner there's different tuners for each level green blue purple and gold green being the lowest value and gold being the highest value you can use the tuning materials to unlock substats uh which will apply not to the echo itself but to your character and then if you can see here this one is set apart from the other four that is because this is my active Echo don't know what the actual terms for that but essentially this Echo has its own unique skill which I can use in com combat so this one deals electric damage to enemies nearby and creates Mecha waste that explodes in a while incre increases current characters attack and then this one transforms into carace to perform spinning attacks dealing Arrow damage yeah just to be clear spectro damage that main stat that Elemental main stat that applies to the Rover cuz her element is spectro but the echo itself deals its own Elemental damage I'm not going to get too into it there's definitely a lot more to it to that but this is a beginner's guide okay so that's how Echo work but the reason you want to farm Echo is often as possible is so you can unlock more entries in the data bank and level up your data Bank you're going to get a lot of different things from this you get estri which is always great uh you get a tuner which is great you also get one force release component which literally just means you get 10 extra points of stamina but what you're really grinding for is level 15 uh that is because when once you hit if you see right here once you hit Level 15 you will be able to get five star Echoes you can see here the max is a four but once you reach level 15 you have a 30% chance of getting a five-star Echo when you defeat a mob and a 70% chance of farming a fourstar so that's huge literally it just kill everything uh you can also kill bosses you don't even have to spend the wave plates to potentially get an echo from killing a boss so yeah just Farm echos kind of in that same vein this is something that's very normal to me apparently this is not always the case for every player um so I'm just going to say it anyways grab everything grab every open world item that you can find um all the flowers all of the bugs just everything you don't really need to deliberate what you pick up and what you don't uh even if something is not innately like super valuable you don't necessarily have a reason to pick pick up butterflies as far as I know um we will talk about dodging later and you may not even know who uses the flower that you're picking um but it can't hurt you have pretty much unlimited um inventory in terms of like Specialties and stuff so just grab it if you're walking close to it you're not in a big rush just pick the flower and grab the lizard it's hard to say what will happen in the future building a count wealth is just never a bad thing it's not going to hurt you uh resources are really scarce also some things that you pull will have special mechanics like for example I can't remember I couldn't show you where it was but I pulled a bunch of flowers that were in a circle and a chest popped up oh chest love this fruit really love this and also like I don't know really what's what I don't know how to deliberate between what's a character essential material and what's just like an herb or a cooking ingredient and this is the material that the Rover uses which I'm currently using I didn't know that she was using that but now you know I'm glad I have them additionally uh at least I can speak in terms of genin uh eventually genion impact released uh two methods to get rid of kind of excess materials we have the parametric Transformer we have the crystal flly trap uh so having an excess of items is not ever going to hurt you it's only ever going to help you additionally I'm sure you're already aware of this after you finish the 50 beginner Banner where you get a five star after 50 warps you're going to get get The Beginner's Choice convene uh which will allow you to select which character which standard character you want even at the time of recording there is plenty of information about all of the standard characters publicly available I would recommend as soon as you decide which character you want look up that character's materials um the world is very big and it's going to take all of us a while to get used to what's where uh what grows in what region my recommendation is figure out who you want once you figure that out uh start farming those open world materials that way just for you you can start playing that character as soon as you get them and also you'll be prepared to level them up especially uh since you know this is 80 wishes by the time you receive your beginner's Choice convene character you're probably going to be able to level up your characters to 50 or 60 assuming you're not wailing on The Beginner's Choice convene ah she's so beautiful she's most of you will be going for a character you don't have so look up what materials they use and start farming those early so you can level up your character enough to start playing them up right away that's just mostly for you to have fun and to get that you know instant gratification of pulling a new character oh yes another fun little tip this is a very quick one quick and easy but it's very worth as soon as you can fight The Inferno Rider uh you don't even have to spend your wave plates just fight it and collect the echo because The Inferno Rider gives you's a pseudo Mount which can help you explore the open world quite a bit faster especially when you are trying to unlock all of the TPS uh I still haven't unlocked everything thankfully there's lots of fun ways to move around the map okay we are moving on to characters now uh don't look too hard at my build because listen I only have one fourstar weapon I'm working with what I have here to ease your mind about early game leveling uh this is very similar to genin you don't need to really focus on Echo early on Farm them yes uh grab as many as you can yes fill your data Bank yes but as far as the echo themselves using them on your characters it doesn't really matter level up anything that has like a good main stat like this one's pretty good Arrow damage bonus and attack um not the sub stats necessarily but it will make her marginally better but like this crit damage that's nice um my genin has 5% crit rate so it really doesn't matter the only thing that matters is that you equip a echo that you like to use for this main slot right here um because they are helpful and useful in combat uh but similar to genin the thing that matters the most most is leveling up the resonator level leveling up the weapon and focusing on skills which is funny cuz I haven't leved up any skills yet I just unlocked that this again goes back to the data Bank pretty much until you hit Level 15 and can start even getting five star relics not relics five star Echoes uh it is not really worth worrying about you're going to replace everything anyway if you're going to have fun with it at all um focus on Main stat and the one Echo that you're actually going to use in combat another thing um resources are scarce early game my recommendation is to focus on three to maybe five characters at a time don't spread your resources too thin it's okay to leave some characters at low level really all you need right now in early game is one main carrier Jin is a really comfy character by the way to play early game she Shields she heals and she can be like an onfield DPS so I'm trying to go for multiple copies of her cuz I really want to build her but anyway that's not really relevant to this video focus on one or two DPS thankfully here my DPS is also my healer and shielder and then you'll need obviously a Healer and then you can level up like a swap pick as you start getting to higher levels the cost of ascending characters and ascending weapons is going to become almost exponentially more expensive uh so it's going to kind of sneak up on you so it's better to reserve your materials for the characters that you just like playing so that you don't end up bottlenecked later on this is like a character tip but also a combat tip uh if you don't know weing waves is not really an OAB boonga um hit everything until it dies type of game early game and for easy fights yes you can do that weaing waves combat is much more focused on a Dodge Parry system and a combo system so my first tip when you get a new character you want to start playing them do the character trial you can reach that by going to your character of Interest then hitting this little button right here that will take you into the tutorial this will show you all of the different combos how to unlock special abilities wow go go go when you hit specific combos you're going to get damage bonuses you're also going to get just more satisfying and fun gameplay if you just Spam stuff um you're not really going to see what a character like lingyang is capable of which I'll show you right now 1 2 3 4 five attacks that's pretty basic Air Attack also pretty basic charge attack Air Attack you see how much more damage that was a skill press Auto attack Auto attack Auto attack enhance skill hold Air Attack Air Attack look look at this guy he's in the air Lions rum evil crumble boom he's flying the enemy is so staggered he can't even move you may not necessarily figure all that stuff out uh right away and that is what the tutorial is there for you for um the Dodge par mechanic I'm not going to go into too much detail all you need to know is that it's really important and it's how you're going to get the most fun and effective gameplay you don't necessarily need to be attacking like Auto attacking spamming attack at all times uh to be effective bonus tip is very important to listen and watch for cues uh for example there will be an indicator when you are able to Parry something successfully what you will see is a white or gold Circle two circles actually you have to watch for the outer line to overlap the Inner Line when you do that if you attack essentially at the same time as the enemy attacks you'll break a big chunk of that tough you will be able to get that enemy staggered more quickly there are huge benefits from dodging and parrying and huge punishments for not dodging and pairing when you need to each boss is going to have a different mechanic and you will benefit immensely if you learn how that mechanic works also listen for audio cues when your are skills ready and when you can switch characters for special attacks you can also slow down time when you dodge and Parry which can make battles very epic and fun and also you can deal a lot more damage I have personally found the weing waves combat system to be very enjoyable once I figure out you know how a boss mechanic works the final tip I have for you is don't worry about figuring out everything it will be too overwhelming gotcha games and open World Games introduce you to events and gameplay modes and mechanisms slowly so that you don't get so overwhelmed so if you see other people being much further ahead in the game than you don't worry you will figure it out the game will teach it to to you and if you still feel confused there are plenty of people on YouTube not necessarily me cuz I don't know if I'll do an update gu when I'm more knowledgeable but there are plenty of guide makers who can teach you and help you understand more of the complex components the whole point is that you can enjoy stuff at your own pace as long as you're having fun and are able to clear the content you're doing everything right and there's not really much you can do to ruin your account as long as you're not like melting five star weapons I think you're going to be fine you will catch up but it's also it's a single player game so just have fun and there's plenty of uh Unique Mechanics that I didn't even touch on because that's not really the point of this video this is just to give you what you need to start to learn how the game works to be able to play all the content and hopefully so you don't feel so overwhelmed but yeah it's no big deal okay it's just a game it's a hobby so I hope you are having fun uh whether you're watching this during the early release days of watering waves or you're watching this far in the future which that that would be great cuz that means the game is still doing well I hope you enjoyed I hope this was helpful and I'm sorry if any of this stuff was outdated or not exactly right um all I can say is I'm sorry Princess not everyone is perfect all the time feel free to add more tips in the comment section if you like and if I ever make an updated video or like you know farming routes or stuff like that uh I will link it in the description in this video so you have a place to go but for now that's all I got for you I hope that is helpful let me know leave a like if you liked it that helps very much and let me know if you're enjoying weathering waves thanks for watching let me know if you want more informative videos I'm not necessarily a guide maker um at all but I could certainly try if you like it if you like this format okay I will see you on the next one bye-bye thank [Music] you bye robers
Channel: dish
Views: 53,001
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Id: MDRgsF7R9W8
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Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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