Wuthering Waves is COMING! CBT2 First Impressions & Gameplay

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I love I love mothering waves I mean mothering waves amazing anime action RPG it's him okay the combat system feels like it could be very very rewarding that is not what I expected at all I like her hold on a minute oh I like this hello you YouTube you are about to watch the condensed version of about 2 days of weathering waves Clos beta test 2 testing we covered pretty much everything the game mechanics combat bosses gotcha the pity system open world exploration but there is a lot of really creative decisions that were made with weathering waves particularly with the ecosystem which in short terms you catch open world creatures after beating them they can be summoned to do their own like unique ability and they add stats to you I won't spoil too much I will let you walk through the video and get your own thoughts together I had a great time beta testing I probably will be continuing weathering waves if you don't know is a free to-play action RPG from curo games and pre-registration is open so make sure you head to the link in my description uh you can pre-register there my two beta testing days as well as this video are sponsored but all thoughts shared here on my own they gave me the Liberty to be constructively critical so hopefully you're getting like a good balanced idea of what this game is going to be like so yeah enjoy the video thank you so much for watching may your waves be weed okay anyways bye ooh you know that hair is really nice on both of them this feels so suspenseful type in your name maximum immersion oh I see you pick right now yeah you know you know what it is it's the fact that she's not like the typical blonde innocent looking main character that she has a more dark Aura and she looks a bit more like serious and mature that is why I will be picking the lady just just because it's a break from the norm she's quirky and different see that's not what I mean she's just not like other MC's okay oh her eyes are golden amazing anime action RPG oh wow the animation is lovely wake up this is so [Music] intimate we're going into a black hole wow okay consider me hooked good morning you're awake oh I assume these will be voice acted later the E etheric sea is converging it seems a new tcid field is taking shape huh what do you mean yes good question what do you mean for those of us who don't know what the word what those words are that you said that means it's probably going to get dangerous here soon Rover can we call you that before you remember your true name it suits me yeah let's get going can I switch to see and I want to hear the voices I like the visuals a lot I like the sfx here that's very pleasant my first item collected [Music] grass boom Oh yes eight damage that is Peak Performance okay smooth though really smooth I actually feel a little bit tripped out playing in 120 FPS doesn't twitch only show up to 60 you'll just have to take my word for it looks great on my end okay but my e skill is kind of fire though I knew she'd have a softer voice wait didn't they say that actually I figured she'd have more of like a whispery are you injured from the fight yep I got it it's my duty as the main character to save her even though I just woke up and I don't know where I am I I got this oh hold on a minute there's spunge attacks okay we got a ice character I think so you switch characters at Key moments and it looks like it gives some kind of like special attack or something I love I love mothering waves I mean weing waves yeah I stole that droke from allora by the way I saw it I but I need it for my YouTube video so thanks aora okay okay okay beautiful it's time for the first Crisis crisis Crisis crisis what's a Tac field I don't like being left out I don't like being stupid something is there someone is there someone that's more provocative Oh yay don't have to get no freaking gliding license wait something is wrong I've been here [Music] before I like her hold on a minute now hold on a minute hold on a minute she's so beautiful suddenly I feel so much pain oh please help me Baer suddenly my arm hurts can you look at it please I don't know come look at it worry has clouded your judgment dang it she looks like so I don't know how to explain it elegant she looks kind of ethereal grais conflict oh oh okay yeah okay she said I'm been here before what I wasn't ready interesting so it slows down when you dodge I think that's what I'm seeing okay okay anything think this I got hit okay the combat system feels like it could be very very rewarding especially against like harder enemies so I think that's the ult but then there's like a skill and there's like two skills I think so you absorb the echo with the gourd oh of course because she absorbs it with herself oh we are the gourd you can run up the walls like around the corner that's what I'm talking about okay here we go basic attack resonance skill Fort circuit resonance Liberation and intro skill has anyone posted a guide video yet whoa BR take ity easy I'm just passing through look they have Lily pth them oh yeah let's ult on him save us guy maker save us please I'm a filthy casual I need assistance I don't want to fight actually but I will give your terminal a roll okay so I've obtained an echo equip Echo to enhance your resonator summon a destination to cause spectro damage and create a stagnation area I like the little wiggle though why he moving his hips like that okay when testate Discord is defeated the remaining frequency may become an echo echo is an important source of combat power for the resonator if it is equipped in the first place it could also release its Echo skill okay so the echo have their own skills and stat boosts so it is kind of like a companion zigzag and whiff WAFF my two best friends next one's going to be snip snap and flip-flop I'm having a great time oh I feel it I feel I feel I don't know how to explain it you know when you have like this it's like it's like a snap moment when you start to realize that an interest in something is turning into like a oh I like this it's like a D oh did I just get her training pistols oh weing waves has guns the residence Nexus stores information of the surrounding area you can obtain correspondence corresponding map okay okay I love sci-fi fuse with traditional ASM wow I feel like I'm in an outdoor Museum I like that they're giving me just enough information to like make this feel very important but not too much that the mystery of it is being preserved well I feel the balance is is good here te [Music] oh yes yesly love it resonate with various resonators and weapons through conine sufficient ways to meet reliable allies and cl powerform gotcha I can convene with my 300 300 stars or whatever the heck no way we get her and now we have the answer to our pressing question are there men in this game and the definitive answer based on what is on my screen currently is yes and we have triple redhead fourstar 80% off you know that's great and all but I have priorities that's so it's like climactic is so funny gaunlet okay so I didn't get any of the special ones Dion I will be keeping you in mind purple she's a four star what the heck but hey I pretty good you know pretty good collection for Day One initial thoughts H farming for character increase can be done in the open world like open world combat that is very compelling to me we should keep playing watch this watch this you click on her this not that big a deal but it was cool have you seen the turtle dance yet no I haven't the Hest I uh spent too long laughing at the name to uh to do anything like that I'll take this then I switch to three what that is not what I expected at all wait you like completely transform into it how long does this go on so it heals and it just like Vibes out I never expected horse to be such a party animal maybe I should have with the name got to get the full experience bill I Choose You hortis I choose you oh hold on a minute you can grapple in the middle of a fight and then come down with an attack oh that's interesting is wa wa going to be on mobile yes it is and you can pre-register uh so that you get updates about it on your email I love this this is like one of my favorite Aesthetics it's like over overgrown apocalypse industrial nature reclaiming good good visual storytelling the sees very complex yes it does seem complex but not overwhelmingly so at least not to me and I do tend to get overwhelmed at the start of games quite often oh you know what I totally forgot someone asked me to look at the five stars and I did not so here's Encore I can't spin it or anything unfortunately but I can show you this cute janin who is is pretty cute not going to lie oo I like her hair a lot why am I getting princess mon no Arrow gauntlets lingyang Gauntlet uh glacio he's got cute little ears and that's probably all you need to know and then obviously we have the man of the hour who I haven't met or anything but he's blue so Gian he's blue so what else do we need to know even [Music] come oo Dam she is Havoc one more [Music] wish I'm not lucky it's fine I'm just saving my life for my real account who's this oh oh oh this is the other five star I love the yes oh wow I hope I get her she's cool I did the first day and I read and and I listen to everything but for now I think I want to save most of the rest of it for when the game actually releases so I'm kind of Gaba yeah this this is a lot of map to release I was really especially for the beta I really wouldn't have been surprised if it was only like maybe this much so that gives me the impression that it's like almost done at least ready to be released yipp [Music] what [Music] waa it's him [Music] [Music] okay okay now we're talking wow this feels so smooth and what what what what do you mean what's this POV okay PO is a little buggy here there we go oh my gosh woo oh wow that eat that ate way at the shield so quickly oh it looks different if it's in the air okay this one added a slot constant attributable slot after tuning an echo the sub attribute slot will be added crit rate look guys My First Defense stat but hey my first ever stat that I received in this game is crit rate she has 5% crit rate no crit damage but um that's [Music] okay don't be intimidated Squidward try to imagine him and his underwear oh no he's hot he looks Psychopathic you are scar I going to say yeah that's the I was kidding you can't fix him I don't know what you're talking about the facial expresses are really good it's boot cut I like the boot cut pants also can I say this font it feels very dyslexia friendly I'm not exactly sure what font it is but I find it very easy I don't know what if I attack him for the beta and then I'll look for clues in the main story I've had enough your nonsense fight me properly gives you three chances to fight I mean I know I'm going to get leveled I know I'm going to get Lev LED I will make a more responsible choice in the main game for the content I'm doing the [Laughter] fight finally oh oh no I changed my mind I would read this enemies to lovers novel I'm just saying oh he can attack me during [Music] that I'm sure this just pH one I want to read it [Music] oh he's down no no no that was that was just a phase one surely oh I'm sure his actual boss fight is going to be way harder oh my gosh it's mahito she's got the the flower on her chest the innocent smile okay Chad I think that is a good good stopping point and That's all folks saw some really interesting characters we saw the boss fights and now unfortunately no epic gacha moments we saw some interesting designs wow dish what is this cool game you're playing and how do I also play it wow that is such a great question we have been playing this genuinely very exciting upcoming game called weathering waves I did try to draw some more characters but unfortunately you know the luck just wasn't in the cards yeah just being a relatable streamer okay a relatable wishing session this game seems to cast like a very wide net it's going to appeal to a lot of different types of players and assuming the endgame content in this game is going to be fleshed out I think this game has a lot of staying power and I really hope it does for players obviously but as a content creator as well I see a lot of content potential that's good for everyone that's good for CC's that's good for the game and the uh company and that's also good for people who like to consume content around the game they like it's an entertainment but it's also very communal so that's a big deal to me and it doesn't seem like any of those things are being done poorly if you're watching on YouTube uh you can click the link in my bio there's no official release date yet but their pre-registration is open and that will be the fastest way to find out when the game is actually going to be released I think this is probably going to be the last beta hopefully the game will be out when it's ready and as obviously as soon as possible so yeah very decent for a beta very decent I'm excited and thank you C games for sponsoring my dreams these last few days and also sponsoring this video pre-register with the link in the description and prepare to weather the waves prepare to have your waves [Music] weathered d
Channel: dish
Views: 88,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wyvNZ03fs08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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