Chronicles of Reddit [Vol. 2]

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i was watching it,but fell asleep..finish it today..

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jakedasnake665 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ty I didn’t get a notification for it!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/videocauldrons πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Back to form

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChutneyPie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I expected something else after the "vigilante" episode performed on the last video. This one is boring as shit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/culodog πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

y e s

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Random_Guy4532 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The first guy is a fucking liar

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sugarJackal πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œTwenty nine ten” i know y’all heard that shit

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Spacekal3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] 430 million the amount of monthly active reddit users worldwide as of december of 2019 a figure of this magnitude has effectively cemented the site as one of the most widely used of all time and with that comes an incomprehensible melting pot of post topics spanning nearly anything you can think of as with anything however there is a dark side the shrouded corner of the websites harboring the strangest mysteries stories and true crime cases it's safe to say that i've sunk an embarrassing amount of my life reading threads in this category but hey i guess that just happens when you're fascinated by something what can you do welcome back to chronicles of reddit an anthology series dedicated to diving into the less disturbing and more odd part of reddits that you might overlook in your day-to-day reading this is volume 2 so if you missed the pilot episode be sure to check that out when you're finished with this one without further ado get comfy because tonight we're taking a dive into three more bizarre discoveries that have weirded me out from reddit first stop rbi a hub for investigative minds to congregate and tackle real world problems on july 31st of 2020 a redditor by the name of sooth bibi would reach out to the community in a plea for help in finding their co-worker their post reads the following on wednesday july 22nd a coworker of mine abruptly up and left work before the end of his shift and hasn't been seen since one week later a text message is received from him containing only these three photos does anybody recognize the location shown in these photos i work at a lab that makes prescription eyeglasses in northern ohio last week wednesday about six hours into our 10 hour shift a co-worker of mine got up from his station in a hurry left his bag of personal belongings at his desk and walked out the door and didn't return no one's seen him since some of my other co-workers thought he was just sick of the long hours and decided to quit but that doesn't make sense why leave behind his personal belongings and not say anything we tried calling him that same nights but his phone would just ring until it went to voicemail and by the next morning his phone was turned off my boss said he got a hold of his mom and that she hasn't seen or heard from him but didn't seem too concerned as she said he had a history of living somewhat of a nomadic lifestyle in his past she thinks he may have relapsed and owed someone money or just ran off with some girl apparently they aren't very close and don't have the best relationship i know he had a history of drug abuse but from everything i've gathered in the two years that i've worked with him he cleaned his life up after an arrest in 2014 or 2015 for drug possession and had been clean since he always acted normal around me and seemed to be living a productive life [Music] on the subject of the pictures a couple days ago after work i received a group text message that was sent to me two of my other co-workers and six other numbers i don't recognize it was from him and contained the three pictures i linked no text i tried calling and it rang once then went to voicemail when i called again it went straight to voicemail this whole thing's got me feeling very uneasy and i don't know what to think does anybody here recognize the location of where these photos might have been taken as stated below this was a link to an imgur album containing the photos which are as follows [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we've got three images in strange locations with very apparent motion distortion it appears that whoever was taken them must have been trying to shoot him on the fly and very likely could have been attempting to be discreet about it camera flash aside now i know the first thing that probably comes to mind here is the potential of exif data being embedded within these photos and considering the fact that it provides critical information including the gps location extracting this from the image and tracking his friend down should be pretty easy peasy right wrong unfortunately a few others have noticed this and suggested looking into it however the op's attempts at doing so didn't bring up anything usable on top of this not only were the images that were uploaded to the album on emger not the original photos from the camera that shot them but the websites and potentially the messaging app they both used more than likely stripped the exit data from the files effectively rendering this angle of attack to be useless a couple hours after this threat was made a redditor named zepazuzu would inquire on if the police were notified to which soothes responded saying that's what my boss contacted his mom about she said she was gonna give it some time before doing anything like that because she's absolutely convinced he's fine and just left on his own accord her lack of concern is kind of mind blowing to be honest if my kid up and left leaving behind a bag of personal possessions i'd contact the police asap we talked about calling the police ourselves but my boss ultimately said it wasn't our place since we aren't ken and that should be left to his family [Music] not sure about you but this seems a bit off i don't doubt soothes claims here however leaving only his mother with the sole authority to file a missing person's reports or contact the police seems a bit odd to me personally if a friend or co-worker of mine were to up and vanish after leaving all their personal belongings behind like they'd done red flags would be going off everywhere if i were them i'd be filing a report regardless [Music] anyway in the sea of speculation and theories under this post two users maxilla the destroyer and mashed potatoes would present nearly identical theories that stand out among the others for brevity we'll just take a look at the one from mesh my phone is a feature where if i hit the lock button three times really fast it'll send a series of three photos to whatever contacts i've approved the phone i just got will send three from the front camera three from the back and i think a couple of seconds of audio recording it's for emergency situations my old phone would send just three from the front-facing camera is it possible this is what's happening [Music] now this this is a contender i'm willing to get behind considering the fact that sooth and a few others all receive these three photos in tandem if we assume that their co-worker utilizes sos feature potentially built into their smartphone then it leaves the door open to just two options either they're completely fine and did this by accident or they were or are legitimately in trouble and needed help but then again that brings us straight back to the root of this mystery regardless of what happened soothe unfortunately never followed up with an update on if they ever returned if a report was eventually filed or if they ever got into contact with them leaving the door on this conundrum wide open for speculation if you or anyone you know recognizes these spots from northern ohio drop a comment it's a long shots but perhaps we can help soothe put their newfound dilemma to bed while helping to bring their friend home [Music] stop too legal advice a place to ask simple legal questions and to have legal concepts explained on the morning of february 7th of 2017 a redditor by the name of babyblue17 would jump into the conversation explaining and inquiring on an unfortunate dilemma that they found themselves wrapped up in their post is titled i'm pregnant being investigated by dcs and reads the following hello i'm 29 years old happily married my husband and i are college educated have respectable stable jobs and dona home in a nice neighborhood we're basically as prepared as anyone can be to start a family i'm almost nine months pregnant with our first child the problem is that 11 years ago when my husband was a freshman in college he was arrested for possession of marijuana it was a large enough amount that he was charged with a class d felony but not intent to deal he pled guilty and did his time in probation without a problem passing every drug test along the way he has not touched marijuana since and we rarely even drink i have no criminal record and have never done drugs myself it was a stupid mistake he made as a foolish 18 year old and he's worked hard to put it behind him someone has apparently contacted child services in our area and informed them that we are drug users this accusation is being taken very seriously because of my husband's record we've been as cooperative as could be with our caseworker we've been interviewed our home has been examined and she found nothing remotely suspicious or incriminating we have both taken a drug test and passed our caseworker says that everything looks fine so far unfortunately she also says that there's still a possibility that our child could be taken from us in the labor and delivery ward and that we won't be allowed to take her home i was devastated and horrified to hear that when i asked why she said it was not up to her and we'll have to wait and see which made absolutely no sense what gives i feel like there's something that she isn't telling me but i have no experience with dcs and i'm not aware of anything we could have possibly done wrong i know they'll have to test my daughter for drugs once she's born but she hasn't been exposed to drugs nothing more than prenatal vitamins not even tylenol and i already proved that by passing a drug test i'm scared and confused do i need a lawyer i'd anticipated spending our savings on our new daughter and parental leave but i'll use that money for a lawyer if i have to thanks for reading and thanks in advance for your help clearly the actions taken so far by the caseworker are cause for alarm receiving news that you're being investigated and might not be able to keep your newborn child would instill anyone with a feeling of overwhelming anxiety thankfully commenters were quick to jump in offering various tidbits of advice and insights on how she can get this handled get a family law attorney on retainer maybe contact the local aclu chapter this reaction is pretty extreme and the fact that someone tipped them when you're obviously not using is pretty malicious another redditor named sudsworthy floated the possibility that the caseworker is potentially complicit in working with the one who made the report others however had their reservations on the validity of this entire investigation indiana dcs does not get involved with pregnancies please make sure the person you're talking to is actually dcs or don't let them in your home anymore and probably the most substantial comments came from a user named hurry up meow who claimed that they were a former cps investigator in the ops data residence i'm a former indiana cps investigator and assessor something here is not making any sense at all unless the law has changed greatly in the last few years when i left the department as of this moment you're pregnant correct you don't have any children they're investigating the fetus to which op responded claiming yeah we have no children yet they are investigating the fetus i wasn't aware that was even something they could do the report they got must have been quite alarming i guess it seemed weird as heck to me too the remainder of the comments understandably were incredibly sketched out that this was occurring it was heavily advised to stop contacting this particular caseworker and to get in contact with the dcs supervisor directly hopefully through them they could get some answers on this and so the op went silent for a while hours became days and the thread began to lose a bit of steam as they always do hopefully things were okay [Music] so february 21st of 2017. here's my original post when i made it i was advised to get a lawyer right away i was also advised that indiana's dcs doesn't investigate pregnant women who don't already have kids and that the woman claiming to be a social worker might be an imposter i contacted and met with a lawyer and explained the situation to him he seemed to agree that something was very fishy to make a long story short the woman handling our case has no affiliation with ecs i'm still in complete shock we went straight to the police and they're taking this very seriously i can't give a lot of details because it's an ongoing investigation but she seems to have been a very skilled and well-researched liar i never would have known anything was amiss without the advice of this subreddit and the intervention of my attorney i feel like a complete idiot but the instinct to cooperate when faced with an intimidating authority figure is strong i haven't had the baby yet and we're staying at a trusted family member's home until the baby's born [Music] my ob and the hospital we'll be delivering ants have already been informed of the situation and we'll be taking the appropriate security measures i'm still freaking out but we're taking every precaution for the safety of my child and hopefully everything will turn out okay thanks again everybody truly abduction of a newborn is something unfathomable to me however after reading this and looking into it i now know that it is a thing go figure the stats are interesting too according to an article made by kvue in austin texas from 1964 to october of 2019 327 children under the age of 1 had been abducted in the u.s of those 327 who were abducted 257 of them were taken by women of childbearing age between the ages of 14 and 39 a nurse or healthcare worker is more likely to take a child from a healthcare setting while a babysitter relative or friend is more likely to take an infant from a home had the op not raise their suspicions then who knows what the next step the attempted kidnapper would have taken perhaps they'd try to get someone to impersonate a nurse coming face to face with the op in the recovery room to abduct their child it might sound like a long shot but if they were this dedicated pursuing a fake dcs case against baby blues and even coming out to inspect their home then i wouldn't doubt that they'd pull a stunt like this too to dates the op understandably hasn't returned to reddit their story though will forever live on in our slash legal advice as one of the most bizarre and unsettling occurrences that have been shared there i'm sure this would make a great personal story one day but to be honest if i were them i'd be happy with just forgetting it [Music] so [Music] our final stop our slash relationships the place you go for advice in well your relationships on monday may 23rd of 2016 a redditor by the name of losing my mind 5 would share a story about what they believed to be their husband spying on them when he isn't home considering the post received upwards of 6 000 likes and nearly 1.5 000 comments in just five months it's safe to assume that their story shook some people up it's deleted now however thankfully archives exist to remedy situations like this and it read the following my husband henry and i have been married for almost two years together for five we have a pretty normal relationship and have always felt that we share a mutual trust in each other we've never broken up and i can't think of one situation where he'd feel that i'm not trustworthy i feel like i'm going crazy over this henry's career usually requires him to travel rarely but this year is an exception his company's in the middle of a reorganization and he's been traveling to do training seminars about once a month his trips are usually monday to sunday i've confirmed these trips and yes they are legitimate i'd say that we've been handling it well but the past few months my husband's been doing weird things that have caused me to believe that he's spying on me or showing controlling tendencies the first incident was at the end of march when my husband came home and asked me how my friend was doing with the death of her dog at first i said she was sad but doing okay about a minute later i asked how he knew that and he said social media the only reason i asked was because i had a phone call in the living room with my friend when the dog died not only that but my friend had deactivated her page before the dog died so it wouldn't have been on there i'm the only mutual friend he had with her so i don't think that he'd see anything that she was tagged in i asked him if he's watching me as a joke and he said seriously why would you think that i explained it and he said no it was on social media i just assumed his defensiveness was because he had jet lag the second incident was in april when i went out with my friends during the weekend that saturday nights i texted him that i would let him know when i'm home and it should be around 12 30 am i got home earlier at about 11 pm and fiddled around the kitchen for probably 20 minutes i'll admit i forgot to text him i got a text at about 11 20 that said you're home i told him yes that i was straightening the kitchen then going to bed i asked how he knew and he said he just figured you would be already he told me good night and i went to bed normally i wouldn't think anything of this but this latest incident has been looking back on the past few months henry got home early from this month's trip on friday i was super excited because he doesn't have a trip until september when he got home he asked what i did all week i explained all of my activities when he said did you have any friends over i said no and he said oh really i said yes and then at that point i was really confused because i truly didn't have any friends over he just huffed and stormed off again i just assumed he was tired i went to the bedroom and asked if he was okay and he said that he was later that night we were talking about my week and i mentioned my brother dropped off some photo albums of my dad who passed away and then i wanted to show him some henry said oh your brother was here okay and then mumbled that makes sense as he walked away i have really good hearing and i don't think he thought i'd hear it if he had a camera is it possible he could have heard a male voice and assume that it was another male friend my brother didn't come in the house but we talked on the front porch with the front door open i feel crazy just typing this sunday because he was at his mom's i decided to try and look around i didn't want to be too obvious so i kind of just nonchalantly walked around looking at things accidentally knocking things over and looking at them when i picked him up etc i'm sure it was obvious because i got a call from him asking what i was doing i told him just hanging out and he said doing what i told him i was watching tv i did have the tv on there was a pause and he said i'm leaving soon i'll be home in 20 minutes he was supposed to be there for three more hours someone tell me i am overreacting and this is not strange am i digging too far into this i don't know how we'd know about my friend's dog and that i was home early that one night there's gotta be something going on right he's never acted like this before february it's weird i get home after him during the week so i don't get too much time alone aside from showers bathroom visits etc help [Music] oh yeah i can see why this story gained so much time [Music] in our connected world options for spying especially for someone versed in information technology with access to the network within the house that you live in are nearly endless webcams microphones smartphones smart speakers laptops connected tvs what have you and that's not even including the potential for hidden cameras which these days are disturbingly simple to come by being spied on is truly something that induces chills within me because few things are more intimate and more sacred than one's own privacy and so reddit jumped on the case giving her options and theories as to what he might be up to these ranged pretty widely from the potential of him cheating and projecting his behavior onto her to him deriving some fantasy from spying on her it truly did light this subreddit up for a while a user named rikeromega3 lended their advice with a pretty solid gotcha tactic to subtly pull the evidence out of them next time he goes away unplug the cable mono if he's monitoring you he won't be able to without the internet going to the house power off your cell phone and any other tablet during this time as well in case he's using those as a microphone take that time to really carefully go through the house wherever you were looking when you got busted the first time is where it starts pay attention to anything that's been moved look at the air vents returns and smoke detectors these usually have a layer of dust on them if the dust has been disturbed odds are somewhat disturbed them look for scuffs on the floor or indentations on the carpet as if a chair or piece of furniture has been recently moved if there's a camera or microphone odds are he's going to have one in the bedroom so start there the living room is the next logical option most importantly take pictures in every room when he gets back in town he's going to want to know what happened with his listening devices he'll check the internet and the actual devices to make sure that a that they are working and b they're still there maybe place the modem at a certain angle or facing a certain direction if for some reason the first thing he does is check the modem when he gets home you'll know you're barking up the right tree [Music] now this to me seems like it'd be the best option and it's a bonus that it's so rudimentary next time he's on a work trip or at his mom's cut the internet effectively buying yourself time to snoop around the house without worrying that you're being watched while doing it if i were her i'd do it again and again and again considering the fact that spousal spying is illegal in the u.s thanks to the electronic communications privacy act she'd be able to build a pretty substantial case against him call the police they're able to check for hidden cameras and other devices that are used to spy on people [Music] listen this is your husband and i get that you love him but if he's really spying on you while he's gone it's beyond sick and disgusting and it's also illegal if spying equipment's found you do not need to press charges but the fact that you can press charges should scare the [ __ ] out of him if you find stuff and still want to stay with him i'd go to marriage counseling another user named workdog suggested that she checked the router for suspicious connections that could hint at the possibility of hidden network cameras to which unfortunately she responded saying that she's not tech savvy at all [Music] from what i gather here i'm honestly leaning towards the prior suggestion that the husband's cheating and is projecting his actions on her if we're assuming that they've had no prior relationship issues and that this spying dilemma suddenly started around february then it's safe to say that he must have had some sort of significant life change around that time furthermore considering the fact that he's away for extended periods of time for work combined with the fact that he literally dropped everything and left his mom's take that for what you will to rush home and address her snooping after he suspected her of doing so it's just adding up to infidelity to me either that or he simply dropped up this sudden infatuation with spying to keep control over their relationship to purposefully drop hints at the fact that he knows what she's doing and to prevent her from cheating on him in the future but then again that brings us full circle because why would you need to do something like this if you aren't doing it yourself why would you need to convince yourself that your partner isn't cheating completely out of the blue to date losing my mind hasn't revisited reddit to give any sort of follow-up so it's unclear on what might have happened to her there wasn't any location information in her story that allows to do any further digging and so we're left here four years later hoping that they'd come to some sort of positive outcome losing my mind if you're out there jump on a private tab use a vpn and drop us a sign it can be anything a smiley face on your profile bio an unrelated comment on an unrelated post anything your story resonated with a lot of people and we're all just hoping that you came out of the other end of this all right [Music] reddit is a massive space and with such a gargantuan size comes a plethora of strange mysteries that can truly captivate even the most lighthearted subreddits tonight we dove into three eerie threads that have recently interested me i hope you all enjoyed this second installment and if you have any running theories for any of these definitely leave them in the comments also if you have any further suggestions for a future chronicles of reddit anthology feel free to submit it to nightmareexpo with the title chronicles of reddit submission with that being said thank you so much for watching i'll see you in the next one i love you all and good night [Music] you
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 1,716,616
Rating: 4.9423342 out of 5
Keywords: reddit mysteries, internet mysteries, creepy reddit posts
Id: wszAFgiwQOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 5sec (1925 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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