Top 25 Cryptic & Disturbing Mysteries from 2022 | Solved & Unsolved Cases Compilation

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notice the woman lingering around the ATMs she Blended him with the rest of the Shoppers with her Hood up and an infant strapped to her chest she'd been standing there for the past five minutes but in all that time hadn't taken out any money withdrew his Yen and began heading towards the store's main exit but just as he was about to leave the woman quickly approached him and intentionally bumped into his shoulder feigning surprise as if the whole thing had been an accident she gently began running her hands over his pockets ojisan quickly realized that she was trying to steal the money here just withdrawn he may have been 68 but his hands moved quickly and he grabbed his wallet at the exact same time she did they grappled for a moment the woman desperately trying to pry the wallet from what she Sun's grasp realizing she wouldn't be able to overpower him she instead grabbed onto his arm and collar and began screaming Thief without hesitation three nearby Shoppers ran over they saw how distressed the woman appeared and the infant she had with her and immediately assumed that the old man must be attacking her they pinned ojisan to the ground restrained him and tried to pry the wallet from his grip to give to the woman refused to be robbed and he held onto his wallet with such Vigor that several of the bank cards inside it snapped he pleaded with the Shoppers holding him down telling them that he was innocent that she was the one trying to rob him but the Shoppers wouldn't listen instead they called the authorities too young inexperienced officers just so happened to be nearby and were the first ones to respond seeing just how frantic ojisan was they immediately put him in handcuffs and forced him to stay on the floor they handled the situation so aggressively that they even broke a lens in his glasses for the next 20 minutes ojisan was held down with one of the officers kneeling on top of him the 68 year old began groaning throwing up and even lost consciousness the stress and brutality of the situation had spiked his blood pressure still the officers refused to take off his handcuffs or call for medical assistance eventually more experienced officers arrived and saw just how poorly these rookies were handling things they asked where the supposed victim was the woman but the rookies had no clue by that point she was already long gone having Slipped Away into the crowd without anyone noticing realizing ojisan was in a bad way these new officers took off his handcuffs and called for an ambulance but the damage had already been done ojisan had gone into cardiac arrest he died the following day the police filed charges against him the day after he passed despite there being no evidence he had committed a crime and without even knowing who or where the woman was thankfully there were some diligent officers who didn't like the way the case was being handled and took it upon themselves to investigate after examining just got a CCTV footage they quickly determined that ojisan had been telling the truth the unknown woman had indeed tried to steal his cards he was completely innocent and yet he was dead and this woman had escaped Justice The Humper her began but despite having touched ojisan's wallet and bangkoks she hadn't actually left behind any fingerprints so detectives were forced to track her down by other means due to strict privacy laws in Japan the authorities have never released the CCTV footage of this incident to the public the laws there surrounding privacy are so strict impact that even stills from such footage are rarely ever distributed in this case however they made an exception forensic artists took two still images of the woman captured on the surveillance cameras and enhanced them to give a clearer picture of what she looked like in 2005 one year after the incident had taken place they released them to the public people immediately noted and the strong uncanny valley quality of this picture in particular and soon internet users began referring to the woman as the jusco zombie her face appeared completely inhuman dead synthetic evil as if it were made from plastic according to eyewitnesses at the scene however the woman definitely wasn't wearing a mask they were able to give a clear and detailed description of her to the authorities she was between 25 and 30 years old and was dressed in dark clothing she was short at around five foot two had shoulder length brown hair and judging from her appearance and accent was a Japanese native they described her facial features as being very unusual that much everyone agreed with much like the woman's face the infant strapped to her was also real and wasn't a realistic looking doll as some internet users suggested investigators theorized that the woman must have been local to the area since she wasn't caught on any other cameras leaving the scene and likely knew the best Escape Routes since these images were released one year after the incident had taken place they didn't result in any new leads to this day nobody knows who this woman was or whether she struck again and since the statute of limitations has already passed in this case nobody's actively looking for her it wasn't until March 2011 that the authorities officially acknowledged ojisan's innocence meaning that for seven long years his reputation was left tarnished in the end ojisan's family took the police to court they denied being responsible for ojisan's demise and claimed to have handled the case professionally and competently in May 2011 the police paid ojisan's family and insulting 125 in compensation thankfully the Nagoya High Court stepped in and ordered them to pay 350 000 instead a definite improvement though obviously no amount of money could bring their loved one back unfortunately though these types of incidents are rare in Japan and they're far from unheard of I've even seen something like this happen firsthand in Kobe a woman was grappling with a man over a backpack screaming that he was trying to steal it from her and saying that he was hurting her we kept a hand on the bag and called the police and in the end it turned out that the back actually belonged to the man the poor guy just kept stammering why is this happening to me luckily he didn't suffer the consequences of her actions unlike portal dojisana there's something particularly chilling about unexpected and unexplained TV broadcasts especially those from the pre-internet era a time before 24 7 broadcasting and a period many of us associate with our childhoods with Saturday morning cartoons and carefree weekends in front of the tube for a Selena Delgado or a Max Headroom to suddenly intrude that space and appear in our very living rooms that would feel like a personal attack on the most fragile part of our psyche the fact that both Selena and Max are being discussed today decades after they aired just goes to show how much a mysterious broadcast can stay lodged in our minds even if we weren't there to witness them ourselves just like the Selena Delgado mystery today's first entry revolves around a missing person's alert and just like the Max Headroom Interruption it comes from The Unofficial home of creepy and enigmatic Broadcasting Chicago January 14 1989 was business as usual at Chicago's WMAQ a local TV station owned by MBC in the early hours the channel ended their scheduled programming the same way they always did by airing a selection of public service announcements a sermon and finally the national anthem played over the same old pre-recorded footage as always as the camera zoomed in on the American flag the few viewers still tuned in no doubt expected the station to cut to their usual sign-off screen but that didn't happen instead this did with no pre-warning and no context the station hard cut to a missing person's alert for a Joanna Lopez and this slide remained on screen for several hours until the morning most of the station's viewers were caught off guard for obvious reasons the photo of the missing girl was extremely grainy as if it were a photocopy of an actual poster it's hard to make out any facial details at all and those large glasses give her a deeply uncanny almost alien-like appearance there was no voiceover to explain who this Joanna Lopez was where she had last been seen or what may have happened to her in fact there was no sound whatsoever for the people who happened to be tuned in the only thing they would have heard was either ominous silence or the static butts of their television sets and just as there was a lack of sound there was also a disturbing lack of information just a very low quality photo of the girl who had disappeared her name and an unlabeled phone number to contact who exactly her parents the local sheriff's department to give you an idea of what a typical missing person's alert looked like here's one from another NBC Affiliated Channel around the same time period scene Sugarbush Minnesota September 30th 1982 call 800-843-5678 as you can see there's plenty of information along with a voiceover a clear photo and the name of the department you should contact all things absent from the Joanna Lopez alert it's easy to understand why so many people did and to this day you still do find this image so disturbing I mean picture it it's late at night and you can't sleep so you start watching WMAQ the broadcasting is coming to an end and you're probably expecting to see another commercial or the sign off screen and then this pops up out of the blue with no sound and no explanation but even more unnerving than the broadcast itself were the details of Joanna lupus's actual case by which I mean that didn't seem to be any for the past 33 years people have dug through police files newspaper records and reports from other TV stations and no one's found any mention of a Joanna lupus disappearing in the Chicago area in the late 80s to this day there's still no information about her online and as far as we can tell this is the only known report of her Vanishing that exists though it's not the only time her face appeared on television whether intentionally or accidentally Joanna Lopez made yet another appearance on wmeq in 1991. that night just after the national anthem came to an end and the station was about to sign off the exact same missing person slide filled the screen the only difference being that the image quality was slightly higher this time but unlike the first broadcast in 89 the slide didn't remain on screen throughout the night in fact we had only had for 10 seconds before quickly cutting to the Network's usual sign-off screen had the second broadcast been a mistake one that was quickly caught by a technician if so how did the slide end up on that night's programming two years after making its first and only other appearance and if it wasn't a mistake why would they only screen the image for such a short time and still give out no further context or details about who Joanna Lopez was aside from a few people who had recorded one or both of the broadcasts Joanna Lopez quickly baited from people's minds that is until the 1989 sign off was uploaded to YouTube by the Museum of classic Chicago television after that small internet communities picked up on the mystery which in turn caught the eyes of some popular YouTubers now with the case fully revived new generations of Internet investigators have come up with a number of chilling theories about who Joanna was and about the nature of the broadcasts themselves here are the main ones Theory one Joanna Lopez was a young girl who had been taken and perhaps murdered potentially she was this still unidentified Jane Doe found murdered in a Chicago Alleyway in 1994. the dough does somewhat resemble the photo of Joanna and appears to be of a similar age though obviously it's hard to tell Theory too this poster was made by the person who had taken Joanna her trafficker they had anonymously contacted the TV station and paid for this screen to be displayed at night only providing a photo of Joanna and her name there's no other information because they weren't appealing for any they just wanted her family to contact them so they could begin negotiations they didn't know who Joanna's parents were but this was their way of telling them we have your daughter call this number if you ever want to see her alive again Theory three Joanna Lopez was a so-called frequent blier a youth who made a habit of running away from home that would explain the half-hearted nature of the appeal in 1989. she then ran off again in 1991 and the network aired the same poster without any updates in both cases she returned home soon after the broadcasts hence why there aren't any police records about her disappearance Theory 4. Joanna Lopez never existed in the first place and WMAQ was either playing a trick or conducting a test for a photo from the late 80s the image quality was like something from the 60s the name Joanna Lopez was also extremely generic like the Spanish version of Jane Doe the general lack of information given about her also made this seem like a fake appeal and since there's no records of any Joanna Lopez going missing in Chicago maybe this really was just a sick joke with all these new theories now floating around on the internet we are Joanna Lopez subreddit was set up to help investigate the mystery in the five months since the group was established its members have made some huge discoveries here's what we now know thanks to them firstly they figured out who the phone number was for it had been used by various police departments throughout the 80s and 90s but at the time of the broadcast the number belonged to Joe Mayo commander of the youth division of the Chicago Police Department that seemed to confirm that the broadcast was legitimate that Joanna Lopez was a real missing person and importantly that she was under the age of 18 when she went missing one of the Reddit users aiding the hunt was Chris poligon Chris submitted a Freedom of Information Act request for the name Joanna lupus to get his hands on any information that may exist about her in the police's database the authorities got back to him and confirmed that nobody with that name had gone missing in Chicago between 1988 and 1990. that was bizarre but it certainly doesn't mean that Joanna Lopez wasn't real as one of the sub's moderators wrote regarding the foia request quote Illinois is a body present state this means that you cannot be declared dead unless your body has been found the law states that they won't release any records that contain information on a currently living person there are three possibilities in this situation one we're requesting the wrong years or the name's been misspelled two the police can't release records because someone involved is still alive or the body hasn't been located 3. Joanna was never reported missing to begin with as this mod went on to State it's also possible that all the records for Joanna lupus's case were either lost or kept in paper format and not digitized but here's where things get really interesting the group were able to confirm with WMAQ themselves that this was a real broadcast and that an anonymous source had requested for the Slate to be aired instead of the usual sign-off screen this Source was an individual and not an institution like a foster home as some have suggested WMAQ also confirmed that the photo use for the appeal was indeed a photocopy that explained why the image quality was so poor that graininess combined with Joanna's large glosses and heavy makeup I won't give the image its creepy aesthetic some members of the group were able to clean up the photo and improve the overall quality of it and using Advanced digital editing user the Lava Hot Shot was able to create this detailed enhancement of Joanna's face giving us a much more accurate glimpse of what she probably looked like two weeks after that Recreation by Lava Hot was posted another user binding bloodline made a notable Discovery in a West Chicago Community High yearbook a former student there named Rachel Lopez wore a striking resemblance to the photo from the sign off on top of that the timeline sat it up Miss Rachel Lopez would have been a freshman in 1988 and the first Joanna Loop has broadcast was in 1989. members of the group started theorizing that Rachel was Joanna's real name or that perhaps and shortly after her Vanishing she decided to go by Joanna for whatever reason well the resemblance was certainly there but unfortunately the high school's website also had other yearbooks from the years 89 to 91 which also featured this Rachel Lopez she'd been present for all four years of high school that means unless she'd gone missing on two separate occasions and had been quickly found both times then in all likelihood this wasn't her with that realization people were starting to lose hope that the Joanna Lopez mystery would ever be solved but then just last month another much more promising Discovery was announced by one of the group moderators use a bubblegum Trad just contacted me on Discord they just got off the phone with the Joanna Lopez from Chicago who ran away from home in 1989. they said it could be her and they'll get back in touch soon is it an unfortunate coincidence or is this our goal only time will tell but two Joanna Lopez's going missing in 1989 in the same city would be ridiculous we won't be disclosing how we got the number out of the safety and protection of the people involved but I have verified the information with Bubblegum they're being honest now we just need to see if Joanna will come through and call us back if she does we may be at the end of the investigation if it isn't her we've got the world's worst coincidence on our hands stay tuned bubblegum Trad we're going to explain how when he called this Joanna Lopez she'd reacted very authentically however she did tell them that she had only run off for a few days back in 89 and that her parents probably wouldn't have contacted any news stations about it still this was a genuinely exciting moment for those following the mystery could this be it could the Joanna Lopez from the broadcasts have been found unfortunately we still don't know despite emailing her a photo of the missing poster this Joanna Lopez still hasn't replied to bubblegum to confirm that it was her so either this really was the Joanna from the broadcast and she simply didn't want to discuss some bad memories from the past or this really was just a huge coincidence and this unconnected woman was just freaked out by the whole situation but what do you think could this really be the Joanna Lopez we've been searching for if not then is the real Joanna still out there somewhere alive and well this is now a confirmed missing person's broadcast so why are there no police records of Joanna's case we don't have all the answers yet but with each passing month the Joanna Lopez subreddit seems to be getting closer and closer to resolving this mystery I highly recommend you head over there and help join the hunt or at least keep an eye on how things develop includes another day of outstanding television program AQ TV channel 5 NBC in Chicago wmaqtv const ants Albuquerque New Mexico on the night of June 3rd 1991 between the hours of 9 30 pm and 11 pm a local trucker named Eduardo Colin checked into a Super 8 Motel despite seemingly having arrived by himself he asked the clerk for a two-person room for one night and was given the keys to room 233 Eduardo paid in cash at the truckers rate and the clerk told him to check out by 11AM the following morning two days later on June 5th the hotel employees realized that Eduardo hadn't checked out the previous morning like he was supposed to a security guard was sent to check up on him the door to room 233 was locked from the inside and there was a do not disturb sign hanging from the doorknob the god knocked but there was no answer so with no spare key available he used a screwdriver to gain access to the room aside from a few bottles on the table nothing really seemed out of place that is until he entered the bathroom inside hanging from the shower head by a suitcase strap was the lifeless body of an unidentified woman despite her face being badly decomposed Pathologists believe she died the exact same day Eduardo had checked into the motel two days prior on June 3rd a toxicology report revealed that she had heroin in her system she was a Caucasian or possibly Hispanic woman between the ages of 25 and 35. she stood around five foot seven weighed approximately 140 pounds and had curly strawberry blonde hair with nothing to idea with they dubbed her the Albuquerque Jane Doe investigators examined the room and one of the first things they bout was this picture resting on the table the photo is believed to be of the deceased woman herself sat next to an unidentified man the distorted angle combined with the dose expression give the picture an eerie almost uncanny quality that leaves a lot of people feeling unsettled given the photo's backstory that's not surprising it's believed the image was taken in a more photo booth just a few short hours before the woman's death the photo was shown to the clerk who was working on the night of the third and despite not seeing the woman enter the motel she confirmed that the man in the picture was indeed Eduardo as it would turn out Eduardo had checked into the motel using legitimate information the only thing he had lied about was his license plate number after several years of detective work Eduardo's family was tracked down by the time the police found them however Eduardo had already passed from natural causes and strangely when his family were shown this photo they said that the man pictured wasn't Eduardo and that they had no idea who the guy was they didn't have a clue who the dough was either the fact that she had been found dead in his motel room years earlier wasn't news to them with their primary lead now gone up in smoke investigators re-examined all the other pieces of evidence that they had found in the motel room there was a woman's suede purse with a wallet containing 500 in cash a suitcase full of women's clothes a bracelet and most interestingly a digital weighing scale with the name George Martinez written on it it's believed that the scale was used to measure illicit substances and that George Martinez may have been the name of the man in this photo if these photo booth prints really were taken just before the woman died was this George Martinez with her when she passed in an effort to discover This Woman's true identity the authorities released to this digitally altered version of the photo booth picture this version gives her a much more neutral expression and in a strange way is even more unsettling to look at regardless it had the desired effect in March 2021 investigators received a reliable tip that the Doe's real name may have been Becca and that she may have been from Los Angeles County it's believed that she flew from California to New Mexico shortly before her life came to an end at this present moment in time the police don't suspect Foul Play in Becca's case instead believing that she took her own life right now all they want to do is give her back her full name and talk to the male companion that she was with in her final photograph to this day however he still hasn't been located and Becca's true identity remains unknown still there are many who believe that given the circumstances Becker was actually murdered with so many former John and Jane dose being identified as of late it seems likely that in the not so distant future we'll actually discover who Becca really was still it's strange to think that for more than 30 years nobody's come forward to claim her even with this photo available to the public surely someone out there knows that she's missing if only the man who was with her in her final picture Maria glikina was a 19 year old University student from Russia who had a passion for photography and art she lived with her parents in Nizhny Novgorod the sixth largest city in the country and a relatively safe one compared to its Big Brothers Moscow and Saint Petersburg but that doesn't mean it's the void of crime on the night of November 8 2014 Maria had plans to meet with her friend Irina ivanenko it's unclear where exactly Maria was before she set off to erlina's house on timaria saver street but at 10 pm the two had a phone conversation in which Maria said that she was on her way and that she was traveling by foot Helena believed that Maria was walking with her boyfriend Nikita but in actuality she was making the journey by herself at 10 20 PM Maria caldorina again and told her that she was on Menina Street about 3.2 kilometers from Marina's house or about a 40-minute walk 42 minutes later at 11 02 PM Irina received a text from Maria saying that she was on belinskogo street and that she'd be at her house in about 10 to 15 minutes harina waited patiently but after 20 minutes had passed she gave Maria another call to see where she was strangely Maria answered the phone told Arena sorry I can't talk right now and then abruptly hung up the phone without elaborating further according to Arena it sounded as if Maria was out of breath worried Arena called her back again to see what was wrong Maria answered simply said I'm not coming and hung up again Arena tried to call her back but Maria had already switched off her phone that was the last time anyone heard from Maria clikina she never made it back to her family home that night after hanging up on Arena nobody was able to contact her she had fallen off the face of the Earth and given the worrying nature of her final call everyone be it the worst on the morning of November 9 77 local volunteers scoured the streets for Maria searching high and low for the missing student unfortunately the search wouldn't have a happy conclusion on the evening of November 10th her body was discovered in the basement of an old abandoned house her hands and feet had been bound together and she was lying in the fetal position the only clothes she was wearing were a scarf and a blouse her other garments had been taken initially the police had been reluctant to help search for them a single but now that her remains have been uncovered they finally began to take action after examining Maria's body the coroner determined that she had been beaten and ultimately asphyxiated no strangely there were no marks around her neck DNA samples were recovered at the scene though they didn't match with anyone on the forensic database to begin with the investigators tried to claim that Maria had accidentally been hit by a car and that the driver had simply dumped her body in the shack to avoid repercussions given that she was tied up and had been violated nobody was buying that after mounting public pressure they began tracking Maria's movements on the night she disappeared using City surveillance footage this turned up some very valuable and very eerie evidence on November 8th at 11 05 PM Maria was caught on CCTV at an intersection approximately five or six minutes from Belen skoko Street heading in the opposite direction of Arena's house but that's not the only thing that the camera picked up just 30 seconds later it also captured these images of a bald-headed man following Maria 's body was discovered just 300 meters from where this footage was recorded as such it's highly suspected that the man in this image is the one responsible for taking her life given the time frame it seems likely that Maria had already been cornered by her killer when she spoke with Arena on the phone and that she had probably been instructed not to cry for help and to just hang up the fact that she was heading in a different direction away from Arena's house also suggests that she knew she was being bothered according to Maria's cell phone data she was moving extremely quickly shortly after their spinal sighting too fast for any human to move on foot it's believed that she must have been captured forced into a vehicle and murdered in a different location before being dumped in the abandoned house close to where she was last seen in the early hours of November 9th surveillance cameras near the abandoned house captured this footage of a man who looks remarkably similar to the one following Maria these images may show the man leaving the scene after having dumped Maria's body in the shack as some netizens have noted the man there's a striking resemblance to Vitali kozyachkin a murderer who was apprehended in 2018 after stabbing an 11 year old girl in the heart named miraculously failing to kill her kozhachkin had been living in nishnin of gorod at the time Maria was slain and had a history of targeting women however his DNA wasn't a match with that found at the scene and he's not believed to have been involved in Maria's case as it stands the suspect in this image remains unidentified and until he's brought to Justice it's possible that he will strike a game if he hasn't done so already if you've checked out a lot of Unsolved Mysteries content before it can almost end up feeling like you're listening to movie plots rather than things that have happened to real ordinary people like you and me but as this next case proves any one of us could unwillingly become the star of our own murder mystery the year was 2005. the subject of this story Todd Geib your average 22 year old living in the small community of casnovia Michigan with a good job at Hager distribution an act of social life and a loving family the future seemed bright for Todd but sadly that future was about to be taken away from him by a Sinister Force June 11 2005 was a Saturday and for a young and outgoing guy like Todd that meant a night out with his buddies now Todd and his friends were a very close group not surprising since casnovia only had a population of 314 at the time he left the house that he shared with his cousin at 7 30 pm and went to meet his friends at the Half Moon bar and grill they ate dinner together and at 9 30 set off to an orchard party just off a dirt road basically in the middle of nowhere but still very close to where Todd was staying with his cousin most of the youngsters living in and around the area went to this event about a hundred people in total one person who wasn't attending was Todd's designated driver she dropped Todd and the others off at the orchard and promised to pick them all up later straight away the event seemed like it was going to be a rager there was a keg and a bonfire and by all accounts the atmosphere was Electric a little too Electric at approximately 12 45 am a fight broke out between a few of the local guys and almost erupted into a full brawl this prompted Todd who was still in a sober State of Mind to leave the party very abruptly it's unclear whether he was frightened about the brawl or whether he was just tired and wanted to get some rest but either way he said a quick goodbye to his friends and told them he was going to walk home he set off on put and disappeared from the party into the darkness since he only lived about a mile away and hadn't drunk too much his spouse weren't too worried about him making the journey by himself but almost as soon as he left the orchard Todd made a series of odd phone calls that were concerning to say the least at 12 47 am just two minutes after leaving the orchard Todd called up his close friend the woman who had dropped him off she answered and Todd simply said I've had enough before the line cut out it's not known whether he meant he had had enough of the event and wanted to be picked up or if he meant he had had enough generally in another call which he made at 1251 he told that same friend I'm in a field before the line got out once again his friend immediately called him back but all she could hear on the other end of the line was either the rush of wind or heavy breathing phone records show that dog kept trying to call his friend back for the next five minutes but the course wouldn't go through that was the last contact anyone had with Todd Geib he never made it home that night while making the ma long journey back to his cousin's house Todd seemingly fell off the face of the Earth and vanished entirely for the next three weeks a search effort involving 1500 officers and volunteers worked day and night to help find Todd planes scoured the area from above and thermal imaging devices were used to try and locate him in the latter days of the search sniffer dogs were brought in to track Todd's movements they picked up on his scent and followed it from the orchard along a dirt road and up into a field it appeared that after leaving the party Todd was indeed walking in the right direction back home but strangely the dogs lost his scent as soon as they reached the main paved Road the road that would have led Todd straight to his cousin's house the final stretch of his journey but why did his sense simply vanish when he reached it somebody pick him up after all on July 2nd Todd was found but to everyone's dismay the search for him didn't have a happy ending a local couple found his body in Oviedo Lake very close to where his scent disappeared smack bang in the middle of the search area but he wasn't submerged in the lake he was standing upright his head and shoulders above the water's surface it almost looked like he was still alive and was just treading water but there were no Ripples and the lake was completely still at burst the wife thought that he was a beaver but when the couple realized what they were actually looking at they immediately called the authorities investigators arrived and removed Todd from the lake he was fully clothed and his wallet was still in his pocket there were no noticeable injuries on his body and since he had a large amount of alcohol in his system they theorized that Todd must have left the party then decided to go for a drunken swim and ultimately drowned in their eyes it was a classic case of misadventure and they closed the case almost immediately but their conclusion just didn't seem to make sense for several reasons firstly Howard Todd's Body gone undetected in that Lake for three weeks when he was so obviously standing in the middle of it a group of 1500 had thoroughly searched that area it seems strange that nobody spotted him secondly most people who drown are found bobbing they stand in the water but the chilling way in which Todd was standing it almost appeared as if somebody had placed them there it also doesn't make sense that top would go swimming fully clothed not to mention when he left the orchard everybody noted how clear Todd said was like he hadn't had too many drinks at all in response to these questions a team of independent investigators examined Todd's remains and what they discovered was truly disturbing although Todd had been missing for three weeks he had only been dead for two to five days his body was in too fresh a condition and there was hardly any insect activity or algae built up on his body even stranger they found absolutely no water in his lungs none whatsoever which completely discredited the police's conclusion that he had drowned and strongly indicated that he had been killed on land and then placed in the water as a result of these findings this independent team conducted a number of tests with pig carcasses they placed these carcasses in the lake to examine the rate at which they decomposed pigs are anatomically very similar to humans so they wanted to see if after three weeks their caucuses were in a similar condition to Todd's Body as expected a huge number of insects colonized the pigs on top of that there was also a large amount of bloating foaming algae and slime build up all things that weren't present on Todd there was no way he had been in the water for all those weeks and he had almost certainly been the victim of Foul Play this new team theorized that when Todd made it to the paved Road he was actually picked up by one or more people who then held him on land for a period of time before taking his life and eerily placing him in the water they even put forward a possible group of suspects namely the smiley face killers a group you have likely heard of before their existence remains unverified but many people including seasoned investigators believe they're a shadowy group of organized Killers who Target young successful popular men and almost always dump their remains in rivers canals and lakes often leaving behind their graffiti signature close to the scene are crudely sprayed smiley face According to some witnesses one such smiley face was found spray painted on a tree near Oviedo Lake though I can't seem to find any official reports confirming that the team speculated that the Smileys forced Todd to consume a lethal dose of amitriptyline and desipramine two prescription substances which were also found in his system and which Todd himself hadn't been prescribed despite the independent team's findings the authorities stuck with their ruling and said Todd had accidentally perished while Night Swimming even though there was no water in his lungs it's entirely possible that Todd's demise was a complete accident but the official version of events ignores too much evidence to be taken seriously and the Quest for definitive answers persists to this day Todd's mother has tried for years to get her son's case reopened but even though all the evidence points towards Foul Play the cops still refused to take another look at it remember Todd lived in a very small community of only 314 people if somebody did take his life it doesn't seem like it would be hard to find the person responsible that combined with the authorities refusing to reopen their investigation has led some people to believe there's a cover-up going on if that's the case then the only question select to answer are who are the authorities protecting and why Trevor dearly was a 22 year old man who lived and worked in Dublin the Republic of Ireland friendly and hard-working Trevor was well liked by everyone who knew him and as far as anyone knows didn't have any enemies to speak of which makes what happened to him all the more tragic and confusing on the evening of December 7 2000 Trevor attended a work Christmas party at the Hilton Hotel on Charlemont place Trevor and a few of his colleagues decided to keep the party going and made their way to Buck Whaley's nightclub on Lower Leeson Street there they all enjoyed themselves well into the early hours of Saturday December 8th at approximately 3 25 am Trevor left the venue and decided to go home there happened to be a taxi strike going on at the time meaning there weren't any drivers available to drop Trevor off at his apartment on Serpentine Avenue that meant he was going to have to head home on foot before doing so he went to pick up an umbrella from his workplace the Bank of Ireland Asset Management building it was just a few minutes stroll away across from Leeson Street bridge and since the heavens were about to open he thought it was to go and grab one 30 minutes before Trevor arrived however while he was still at Buck Whaley's this Eerie individual referred to as the man in Black was caught on CCTV standing outside his office building for 30 long minutes he stood there as if waiting for somebody in particular at 3 34 am that same camera shows Trevor making his way to the entrance gate of the building foreign follows him as Trevor unlocks the gate the man approaches and briefly chats with him about something Trevor continues to fiddle with the lock but doesn't appear distressed by the man's presence he enters the complex leaving the man in Black on the other side of the gate inside Trevor picked up his umbrella and had a cup of tea with one of his co-workers who was on a night shift 26 minutes later Trevor leaves the building and the Man in Black is nowhere to be seen foreign Trevor continued on in the direction of his house and was last caught on camera at 4 14 am passing an ATM on haddington Road he walks out of the camera's field of view foreign and a man in Black enters trailing closely behind him the authorities believe that this was the same man in Black seemed waiting outside Trevor's workplace those are the last known movements of Trevor dearly when he failed to turn up for work that morning nobody was particularly concerned may it had been a very late night his flatmates were also away that weekend meaning that nobody was aware he hadn't made it back to his apartment the alarm was only sounded the following Monday when he again failed to turn up for work and nobody was able to contact him an investigation into Trevor dealy's disappearance was launched the local area was thoroughly searched the river dotta was scoured missing person posters were placed all around the city the police followed over 700 lines of inquiry derelict sites were Unearthed in search of his remains but no trace of the young man was ever found to this day nearly 22 years after he vanished Trevor's whereabouts and well-being remain a mystery even now the search for Trevor continues with this age-progressed image of the missing man being created and released to the public showing what he may have looked like at the age of 35. needless to say the main question on everyone's lips is who is that man in Black unfortunately we still don't know though for obvious reasons he's considered a prime suspect in Trevor's disappearance and in all likelihood death though when it comes to a motive everyone who knew Trevor has been left scratching their heads could this have been a dispute over a woman over a debt an old Grudge perhaps or was this simply a random targeting we don't know for two decades the authorities have done their utmost to ID the shadowy figure in these images but due to the lack of detail in the recordings and a lack of leads they've never been able to all they know for certain is that this wasn't one of Trevor's colleagues after all these years the man who was seen following Trevor still keeps me awake at night said Trevor's brother Mark that individual sticks in my mind because they've never been formally identified or come forward having looked at the footage again and again I was hoping someone might have recognized the way they walk I would do anything to find out who this person is and would have no problem in meeting anyone who might be able to give us some information who is this elusive Man in Black a 100 000 Euro reward is available to anyone who has the answer to that question or indeed to whoever has any other valuable information pertaining to Trevor's disappearance was born in the Chinese Port City of Dalian on June 25th 1985 but moved to Chicago with her husband at the age of 20 where she changed her name to Amber is Amber's first two years in the U.S were both the happiest and saddest of her life as the birth of her daughter Melissa in 2007 was quickly followed by the death of her husband who passed away from cancer the ensuing heartbreak and financial issues saw Amber and Melissa briefly moved back to China but with the support of her family they soon returned to the United States before settling in Las Vegas within a decade Amber had established a prosperous grocery business that specialized in seafood and in a city that consumes over 60 000 pounds of shrimp every day that business made Amber a very wealthy woman once her business was firmly established and she had secured a future for her daughter Melissa Amber began to venture into the Las Vegas dating scene and it was in 2017 that she met an Uber driver by the name of Chang Shang according to those that knew her Amber's relationship with Cheng grew very intense very quickly the couple became so entangled that some assumed they were already married despite that intensity their relationship was a volatile one 2018 saw the couple briefly separate but shortly after their reconciliation Amber Chang and Melissa moved to Irvine California ready to begin a new life together Amber's friends and employees were very sad to see her leave but she continued to run her business from her new home and frequently made trips back to Las Vegas in order to check that things were functioning as they should often kept in touch with employees and regular customers via WeChat a Chinese messaging app similar to WhatsApp and would usually reply to a person's message within minutes of receiving it so in November of 2019 when Amber suddenly stopped replying to messages and returning phone calls those that knew her became very worried on November 22nd Amber had been on her way back to Irvine from Las Vegas with a car packed full of fresh fruit and Seafood Cheng had expected Amber to return to their mitchelson Drive Apartment in the mid-afternoon and became concerned when she failed to arrive when expected then at around 4 30 pm he claimed that two visitors came to his apartment Cheng didn't recognize either of them but noted that they were a man and a woman of East Asian descent right as he was about to ask who they were Chang said that the female pulled something out of her pocket the last thing Cheng remembered before everything went black was a kind of fine Mist wafting over his face a few hours later Chang woke up on his dining room floor unable to remember how he had gotten there but just seconds later memories of the mysterious couple at his door came flooding back not long after Chang was overcome by Terror when he noticed a single bloody handprint on the wall staggering out of the room he spotted even more blood on the hallway carpet realizing that his stepdaughter might be in danger he began calling out to her while searching the apartment to his horror Melissa was nowhere to be found as he rushed to contact the authorities he discovered something terrifying a handwritten note next to his phone the note informed him that both Amber and Melissa had been kidnapped but would eventually be allowed to return home if Chang followed some simple instructions the final passage read if you contact the police you won't see them again clean the apartment act normal we are watching you terrified that the kidnapper's ominous warnings were legit Cheng set about covering up the evidence of the crime to ensure Amber and Melissa's safety he began by ripping up the square of carpet that had been stained with blood then he repainted the wall where the bloody handprint had been he also contacted Melissa's School claiming she wouldn't be attending class due to serious illness and even impersonated Amber using her WeChat account to assure her customers that she was fine over the days that followed as Chang continued to obey the hostage taker's instructions a series of anonymous letters were solid under his apartment door while he was out one assured him that his behavior was being closely monitored another told him but if he continued to keep the ordeal a secret for just a few days longer Amber and Melissa would be released on the fifth day another anonymous note arrived this one instructed Cheng to leave town for a few days so that the hostage takers could access the apartment Chang capitulated and drove over to a relative's house in Las Vegas under the pretense of a surprise visit for the next two days he continued to hide the truth regarding The Disappearance of his partner and stepdaughter acting completely normal before driving back to his Irvine apartment when he arrived home another note awaited him one which read they are fine clean the carpet again clean the house again you will see them Monday Chang patiently waited for the return of his family but when Monday came and went and he still hadn't received any kind of update his worry turned to panic as the situation dragged into its third week and the hostage takers still hadn't made contact Chang began to fear the worst on December 2nd 2019 changjiang finally contacted the Irvine Police Department and reported that his family had been taken at first the detectives found Cheng's story extremely suspicious foreign convoluted it was they believed it sounded an awful lot like a cover story and initially considered him the prime suspect in his family's disappearance however following an extensive 44-day period of constant surveillance a complete search of his apartment and over 40 hours of thorough interviews with friends and family Chang was amazingly ruled out as a possible suspect and his story was deemed to be credible sections of the bloodstained floorboards changed scrubbed and covered up were sent off for laboratory analysis and a DNA test confirmed that the blood belonged to Amber Chang seem distraughted the idea of his partner being injured during the kidnapping but despite the convincing levels of grief that he displayed a few things just didn't add up firstly Chang appeared to have what's known as a defensive wound on his hand and although he said the cut came from a slip of a knife while cutting meat the slice resembled the kind incurred during a confrontation secondly a number of Chang's neighbors had witnessed him hauling one large cooler and one large storage container out of his apartment and down to a waiting truck when asked about this by police Chen claimed that he had just been cleaning the apartment like the perps had instructed another aspect of Chang's story which seemed odd was his claim that he had been knocked unconscious by some kind of aerosol he was adamant that a female stranger had sprayed him in the face with something and dismissed the idea that she had used a chloroform soap track investigators deduced that it was possible she had used the anesthetic spray halothane which can render a person unconscious almost immediately but the thing is halathane is not exactly an over-the-counter substance in the U.S in fact it's extremely hard to get a hold of however one country has a long history of using halathane during Espionage operations and would you believe it that country is the People's Republic of China but what would the Chinese government want with a young businesswoman and her 12 year old daughter and had they been murdered or were they being held prisoner somewhere a considerably less Fantastical explanation for Amber's kidnapping could well be her financial situation Amber had convinced almost everyone including Chang as she was a very wealthy woman with millions in Investments and six figures in her bank account despite those claims however the investigators uncovered that she had vastly exaggerated her success the truth was her bank accounts were drained and her business was on the verge of collapsing this raised some interesting questions had Amber gotten involved with Chinese Mafia loan sharks in order to keep up her successful businesswoman image had she upset the wrong people with her deception did her captors think that she would pay for her and her daughter's release with money that in reality she didn't have Chang also mentioned that Amber had an on-again off-again relationship with a man back in China and that was the reason for their brief separation in 2018. some began to speculate whether Amber had staged her in kidnapping in order to throw Cheng of her scent and Escape but if her financial situation was so dire how was she able to finance a delicately timed operation that involved a rare and Powerful tranquilizer not to mention Amber and Melissa's passports have both been left in the apartment and there's absolutely no record of either of them entering China since they vanished many people who have dug around in this Rabbit Hole have concluded that Cheng must be a master manipulator and a highly skilled liar in their months his story is simply too crazy to believe and he must have murdered his partner and stepdaughter before successfully covering it up yet in January of 2020 he passed an FBI administered polygraph test showed no signs of deception during his 44 days of surveillance and an FBI Behavioral psychologist confirmed that he was definitely telling the truth and could be ruled out as a suspect not to mention the authorities likely wouldn't have even known about Amber and Melissa's case if Cheng himself hadn't reported it if Chang is indeed telling the truth it makes for a terrifying story and might well constitute either a human trafficking ring or even an act of Espionage on American soil either way whoever is responsible seems to have acted with complete impunity and poses her great risk to The Wider public they have never been identified and Amber and Melissa's whereabouts and well-being remain a mystery to this day is a relatively obscure Japanese indie horror series made using the wolf RPG editor in part 1 you play as uttano yamano a girl whose happy home life is shattered when she returns home one day to find her parents dead her sister possessed by a red mask and her grandmother as this thing at least someone's having a good time after that Pleasant start to the game you'll spend the rest of your time exploring very large and very demon-infested houses hotels and shrines following a trail of notes left behind by uttanu's Sister uncovering Clues and encountering bizarre entities all while being pursued by this terrifying meat mannequin part 2 sees you playing as shizuni a reporter investigating the mysterious disappearance of uttano from part one the games certainly have an eerie atmosphere about them what with all the jarring sound effects and disturbing visuals there's just something about these warped realistic images contrasting with the 2D Sprites which gives the games a really haunting quality but since these games were never translated into English they didn't receive as much International attention as other similar titles like Yume Nikki that is until several years ago when a mysterious an unsettling glitch was brought up in the r slash Creepy Gaming subreddit one that most players hadn't experienced hey no no no no no no no no no no foreign area in part two and walked around for a while their games randomly crashed a jumbled string of error messages appeared and locked them out of the game after this error message their screens flashed four times before this image of a seemingly dead woman popped up out of nowhere accompanied by an equally horrible noise those who stumbled into this glitch were of course creeped out by it but most assumed that they had just bumped into an enemy without realizing and patiently waited for the game over screen to appear but it never did their games had Frozen the only way for them to get off this screen was to close the game and restart it so in their minds this almost certainly wasn't a scripted event most people who tried to deliberately trigger this crash also failed suggesting this really was just a random glitch that didn't occur in most playthroughs according to other people who've explored this mystery this picture doesn't appear anywhere else in the game when you're playing a horror game you expect creepy imagery to crop up from time to time but this photo really struck people for two reasons firstly because this unexplained glitch and creepy picture were hidden within a bug and clearly weren't meant to be discovered and secondly because the image itself looked a little too real to some people as if it were a photo of an actual dead woman so what caused the glitch why did this picture appear after the crash and just how real was the photo itself let's try and answer those three questions if or when you encounter this glitch the error message that appears on screen is different depending on your locale if you're outside of Japan you'll be met with a string of gobbled characters which may have you thinking that this was a genuine crash but if you switch your system local to Japan then your game will still crash but instead of a meaningless string of characters the text will display as intended now to most of us this too just looks like an ordinary crash screen but if you can read Japanese that's obviously not the case it's actually a string of typical sounding error messages but with some horror sentences mixed in for example one part reads location date too the data is being damaged possible causes so it seems like this glitch wasn't actually a glitch at all but was a calculated jump scare indeed this text is actually presented as an encounter between the player's current character shizuni and an evil version of the former protagonist utano who seems to have become possessed after disappearing at the end of the first game and given that part 1 begins with utano discovering her mother's headless body the inclusion of this image also makes a lot of sense I mean it does look like a detached head with that context it's clear that the error message was intentional and we're meant to interpret it as either a demonic utano presenting her mother's head to us or utano's own Sabbath head communicating with us directly if we dig around in the game's data false we can see that the image is actually titled yabai yabai can mean a lot of things depending on the context but in this case it would translate to something like oh my God so I guess the game's Creator thought this image was particularly horrifying too and figured it would be a scary thing to include in a fake crash he thought this image was so scary in fact that despite what some have suggested this actually isn't the only time it appears in the game here's the same asset appearing as part of a weird live-action segment in part two as you can see it only flashes up briefly but it's there so we now know that this so-called glitch was actually an Easter egg designed to mess with a few unsuspecting players but what the game files don't tell us is where this image originally came from and whether it's real or fake it's not unheard of for Homebrew developers to throw images of real dead bodies into their games the Infamous game overscreen from Hong Kong 97 Springs to mind what's more this was a small free to download indie game not some studio project it's conceivable that the creators could have included a highly saturated photo of an authentic body for either shock value their own amusement or because that's the only asset they could get their hands on so is the picture real well doing a reverse image search turned up nothing so there was only one way to find out for sure I put on my detective hat did some internet saluting and found the Twitter page of the game's creator a guy by the name of payam says here's lost tweet was made in 2019 which isn't a good sign but hold on it says here that this is his old account so let's click on this link to find his new one and well last week was in 2017. given that he had set his DMS to private I got the impression that he was a man who was hard to contact without holding on to much hope I decided to leave a comment underpayan's last tweet on both accounts asking if he remembered the origin of the image given his post history it's likely he doesn't speak English and honestly my Japanese is pretty atrocious but handily my lovely wife's a native speaker so I asked her to translate my message to Bayan and no reply unfortunately the guy seems to have disappeared from the internet entirely taking the answer to this mystery with him unless he returns I'm afraid we can only speculate whether this image is real or fake I thought it looked like an edited version of girl with a Pearl Earring but putting them side by side you can see that the angle's all wrong so who is this a picture of and should we be getting Hong Kong 97 Vibes or not I'm starting to think we'll never know foreign superstitions surrounding bathrooms in Japan toilets are the unexpected setting of a lot of urban legends there for example nakamanto AKA Red Cape a masked Spirit who appears to people in public bathroom stalls if the occupants run out of toilet paper a Commando will offer them a roll of either red or blue paper if you choose the red paper you'll meet an immediate bloody end the spirit may play you alive or rip the spine from your body and wrap it around your neck like a cape if you choose the blue paper a commander will place his hands around your throat and squeeze until your face turns blue try and outsmart him by picking another color and a pair of hands will drag you to the underworld your only viable option is to make a run for it without wiping so there's really no winning in this game now those type of stories are popular among high schoolers and fans of the Paranormal sure but ultimately no one really believes them and they're just seen as a bit of fun there are however some genuinely unsettling figures that lurk in Japanese public bathrooms namely peeping Toms things have gotten a lot better in recent years but in the not so distant past Japan had a real problem with pervs men who go around following grabbing and photographing women in many ways that's still a big problem in Japanese society and it's the reason that trains in the country have female-only carriages and why phone cameras can't be switched to silent mode but one place in particular that these men seemingly couldn't help but Venture into back in the day was women's bath stalls which brings us to our first entry from tamura County a rural area in Fukushima it was the cold Dark Night of February 28 1989. a female school teacher namumi Tanaka went into a restroom just outside her single person dormitory inside was an old-fashioned squat toilet a simple model where the septic tank was u-shaped one end of the pipe was connected to the toilet inside the bathroom and the other to the outside world you'd drop your business down the bathroom end of the pipe and periodically it would all get sucked out from the other end by a machine after using the squat toilet Yumi looked down into it and noticed something bizarre there was a leather shoe deep inside the toilet confused she went outside to open the concrete lid of the septic tank but found it was already a jar she gazed down into this opposite end of the pipe and what she saw made her heart skip squashed inside the thin septic tank covered in human Wist was the frozen body of now Yuki Kano a 26 year old man who worked for the local power plant an autopsy would later reveal that he had died two days prior due to a combination of pressure on his chest and hypothermia investigators were stunned to find him in such a strange position he was lying on his back in the fetal position his head positioned just under the squat toilet despite the freezing temperatures now Yuki's torso was completely bare and his shirt was found neatly folded atop his body one of his shoes was on top of his face and that's the one Yumi had seen his other shoe was later found on the bed of a river quite some distance from his body his car was discovered close to the bathroom with the keys still in the ignition and the doors unlocked the authorities quickly closed the case concluding that now Yuki must have squeezed into the pipe in order to peep up at women as they used the bathroom and to enjoy the feeling of their waste covering him now Yuki's friends and family were outraged by that assertion the young man was known for being an upstanding Sunny moral citizen he had helped many of the locals with odd jobs and problems they were facing and was well known in the community he was also the minister of entertainment and activities of the local youth club and was considered a role model by all the young members there was no way such an intelligent and sweet guy perished doing something so shameful and foolish they believed that now Yuki had been the victim of Foul Play more than 4 300 local villagers signed a petition for now Yuki's case to be reopened but the authorities denied their request the corona had ruled that now Yuki only had minor abrasions on his knees and elbows with no noticeable wounds suggesting that he had been forced inside the pipe so in short there are two possibilities when it comes to this case either now Yuki had gone into the pipe willingly for his own gratification or he was put in there by somebody else but was there any evidence that he had been murdered actually there were several pieces firstly the pipey was trapped in was tight and I mean extremely tight now Yuki's shoulders were 16 inches wide but the diameter of the pipe which he had slid into was only 14 inches the recovery crew couldn't pull his body out no matter how hard they tried and the entire pipe had to be destroyed just to get him out as now Yuki slid himself face up into the pipe and shimmied his way down he must have realized there was no way for him to get out he wouldn't have been able to get past the ceramic toilet above him and it would have been impossible to crawl out backwards would he really have put himself in such a risky position just to fulfill a fantasy even if he had the lighting in the bathroom was so weak he wouldn't have been able to see anything anyway secondly his missing shoe being found so far from his body didn't make any sense at all why would now Yuki have thrown one of his shoes into a river so far from his destination and then crawled into the pipe with the other in his hand thirdly it wouldn't have been possible for now Yuki to neatly fold his shirt while stuck within the confines of the pipe he must have folded it before he went inside but if it was so cold why did he remove it at all if you didn't want to get it dirty surely he would have just left it outside fourthly the fact that he had perished from hypothermia was odd most people who have fallen or crawled into septic tanks in the past have either died from drowning or from breathing in toxic fumes it's not clear how much waste was inside the pipe but surely the fumes would have still been potent enough to end nyuki's life at a faster rate than the cold finally remember Yumi Tanaka the woman who found nayuki's body well now Yuki knew her they were close friends between the 24th and 28th of February Yumi was away visiting relatives outside the village now Yuki would have been very familiar with her schedule and almost certainly would have known that even if he didn't know she was gone for some reason he had still perished on the 26th that was a Saturday Yumi was never at her dorm on the weekends if now Yuki wanted to be papada so desperately why did he stuff himself into her bathroom pipe when she wasn't there knowing that he would have to wait inside it for at least two whole days in the minds of many the only possible answer is that he didn't get into it willingly but if someone else had stuff now Yuki into the pipe who and why well there are a few theories and just before the incident now Yuki's Village had a mayoral election one of the candidates was a man named tadashiro Watanabe now Yuki had been a supporter of tadashiros and that is until he learned tadashiro was actually corrupt and had been buying votes from the local villages this strategy worked and tadashira was voted in as the village mayor now Yuki was Furious and being a man of principle immediately turned his back on tadashiro on February 23rd five days before his remains were discovered now Yuki played a show with his punk band at a local restaurant now he was a very outspoken young man meant consumed by anger he thrashed his guitar while singing lyrics that berated the villagers mocking them for being so easily manipulated and they sparked an argument between now Yuki and several men from the youth club that supported tadashiro the youth club now Yuki was the minister of in their eyes their role model now Yuki had just betrayed them betrayed tadashiro according to Witnesses these Men followed Nao Yuki out to his car some people speculate that they force now Yuki into his own vehicle drove him out to the septic tank knocked him out somehow and while he was still alive stuffed him inside it now Yuki then woke up in the cold dark pipe realized his situation and unable to get out squeezed himself into the fetal position for warmth only to succumb to the freezing temperatures two or three days later so had this all been a setup a way to get rid of tadashiro's outspoken critic now Yuki and pin him as being a Peeping Tom desperate for a glance up at his friend Yumi Tanaka had these men actually not intended to kill na Yuki at all and stuffed him inside the pipe as some sort of joke gone wrong it's worth noting that the police handled this case very crudely mishandling now Yuki's remains and accidentally destroying evidence it's also worth noting that the coroner who examined na Yuki's remains just so happened to quit his job after declaring there have been no foul play had the mayor himself pulled some strings and got his young group members off the hook and ordered the authorities to flush the evidence so to speak it doesn't seem likely that the young men would have killed now Yuki over such a minor gripe but then again it also doesn't seem likely that he'd crawl into the pipe willingly himself there are a few other theories floating about online ranging from na Yuki being Celine for being an outspoken supporter of nuclear energy to him being silenced by the very plant he worked at for knowing some of their nefarious Secrets but there's not much evidence to support any of them he may have been a Peeping Tom he may have been a victim all I know is that now Yuki suffered one of the worst Fates imaginable trapped in a cold dark pipe unable to move and covered in human waste Gordana kadevsky was described by those closest to her as a perfect child if ever there was one ambitious intelligent and full of spirit Gordana just had that spark and it was clear that the bubbly 16 year old had a very bright future ahead of her she lived with her parents and siblings in the lake Macquarie region of New South Wales Australia on the night of November 24th 1994 Gordana Departed the Charleston Square shopping center and began walking down Powell Street towards her aunt Sonia's house just 500 meters away although several homes land the sides of Powell Street there are stretches where only trees and brush flank the road a young girl walking by herself at night would have been easy prey on that road at 8 45 PM two men in a light-colored single cab Toyota Hilux with a silver work tray attached drove up beside Gordana according to six eyewitnesses one of these men jumped out and began dragging her towards the vehicle where his accomplice was waiting behind the wheel she was forced inside and the men sped off with her gordana's shopping bag and wallet were later found at the scene but she was never seen or heard from again aside from a detailed description of the suspect's vehicle the authorities had little to work with they asked all of the witnesses to undergo hypnosis to try and draw out any details about the two men who took Gordana one of them was able to give a detailed description of the perps involved and these two ebits were made up they were both young and athletic unfortunately none of the witnesses could recall their license plate number 300 owners of Toyota hiluxes in the area were interviewed and had their vehicle searched but this didn't result in any arrests it's unknown what exactly became of Gordana some believe she was killed and buried in the outback others think that she was trafficked and sold to the highest bidder whatever became of her after 28 years with no contact it's safe to assume that she is no longer alive the coroner's office agreed with that meant in 2003 Gordana was declared legally dead despite the fact that her body has never been discovered ambiguous loss is difficult to explain to someone who hasn't experienced it said gordana's mother Peggy it's a loss that never brings closure and leaves you grieving the child that didn't make it to adulthood part of you is missing forever there's a strong possibility that gordana's case is linked to three other missing goals from the lake Macquarie region Amber Robinson 14. Leanne Goodall 20 and Robin hickey 18. they all vanished between December 30th 1978 and April 21st 1979. and just like Gordana their Fates remain unknown interestingly gordana's sister Carolina told officers about a phone call that she received from Gordana just two weeks before she disappeared during that call Gordana mentioned a customer at the Delicatessen that she worked at a young man that she called The Spook in Carolina's words quote Gordana said that there was this fellow bothering her at work hanging around and bugging her and she didn't like him The Spook ended up coming to the deli so often that Gordana quit her job there she didn't know him I think he just saw her at the deli once and got carried away with her Gordana described The Spook as being of Middle Eastern or possibly Italian origin and that he sometimes appeared with a blonde surfer looking friend unfortunately to this day nobody has been able to pinpoint exactly who The Spook was the forensic artists were able to come up with this sketch is it possible that the eyewitness's description may have been slightly off and that these two men are actually one and the same after all it seems likely that The Spook and his blonde surfer mate were the ones responsible the Australian authorities strongly believe that there are numerous people out there that hold vital information pertaining to godana's case a one million dollar award is on offer to anyone who can help bring her family closure and bring these perps to Justice Barbara Gustin was an accomplished singing and vocal coach living in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood during her long and illustrious career she had worked with such stars as Blondie's Debbie Harry as well as countless Broadway performers at the age of 87 Barbara was far from retired and was still training and supporting plenty of students as well as regularly meeting with friends and helping out at her local Church's soup kitchen despite her Advanced age she still had a teenage energy as one friend put it and it was clear to everyone who knew her that Barbara had a real zest for life and for her community and planned to keep on working socializing and volunteering for years to come on March 10 2022 she was actually on her way to Joe's Pub to see a student perform something she often did to show support unfortunately she wouldn't make it to her destination at 8 30 PM just as Barbara stepped out of her building on West 28th Street and 8th Avenue another much younger woman suddenly approached her from the other side of the street called her a [ __ ] and in a completely random and unprovoked act of violence forcefully shoved her to the ground before casually strolling off into the night Barbara's head slammed into the hard concrete pavement and she suffered catastrophic trauma to the left side of her brain a young man found her on the ground and helped her into her building's Lobby where two of her friends happened to be waiting when paramedics arrived Barbara was still conscious and was able to tell them that she had been attacked by a redhead woman in her 30s whom she had never met before shortly after relaying that information her condition deteriorated and she lost consciousness tragically Barbara would never wake up from her coma five days later she passed away with her grandson by her side holding her hand soon after the incident authorities released these images of the suspect who was caught on multiple surveillance cameras leaving the scene just as Barbara had said she was indeed a woman with red hair the police announced to the public that Barbara had been the victim of a homicide and these images of the burp were widely circulated no doubt realizing the DAR situation she was in this woman now identified as 26 year old Lauren pasienza handed herself into the police on March 22nd pasiansa has since been charged with manslaughter and although she's yet to stand trial for Barbara's death the police have revealed some truly disturbing information about her actions after the incident just six minutes after pushing Barbara over pasienza returned to the scene and watched as the ambulance took her away she then removed all of her social media posts and photos from the web and hid out at her parents home for almost two weeks two of her friends called in a tip that she was hiding there but when officers arrived her father said that she wasn't in and that they couldn't come inside to search the house the following day as the answer turned herself in waipasi ends up fatally shoved a complete stranger to her death remains unclear perhaps we'll find out during her trial but the fact that people like her actually exist is enough to make your blood boil okay more Alice he preferred to be called was known for being a kind and easy going guy the type of man that had no enemies to speak of even his ex-wife Gail whom he'd divorced in 2002 remain good friends with him long after they had separated and Al went out of his way to keep a good relationship with his stepdaughter Julie in early 2004 Al was living the Carefree bachelor's lifestyle despite having lost his wife stepdaughter and previous job just two years prior the 53 year old was now doing very well for himself once again he'd purchased a two-story townhouse in Aurora Colorado and had landed a new job at the consulting firm Carter Douglas during a work function he also happened to meet a Charming woman named Linda angelopoulos the pair quickly headed off and began a casual romance one which quickly blossomed into something more serious now with a new partner a new job and Newfound happiness there was just one thing Al still needed a new tenant as mentioned Alice townhouse in Aurora was two stories he lived on the top floor and rented out the lower one to bring in a little extra cash each month in May 2004 his previous tenant had moved out so Al was on the hunt for a new housemate to fill his empty room he put up ads in the University of Colorado's library and on May 19th someone responded a guy who went by the name Robert Cooper well whoever this Robert Cooper was he sounded desperate for a place to stay and wanted to move in as quickly as possible he told Al over the phone that he could have the security deposit and first month's rent for him that same day in order to secure the lease Mr Cooper also mentioned that he worked at Wells Fargo said that he had just been transferred from the East Coast hence why he needed a place to stay Robert Cooper ticked all the boxes and sounded like a decent enough guy so I'll agree to rent him the room perhaps he thought this could be the start of a new friendship at some point within the next three days Al's girlfriend Linda came to the townhouse to pay him a visit she just so happened to arrive while Al was showing Robert Cooper around the downstairs apartment I lost Linda if she'd like to meet the new tenant she said of course she would but she had to use the bathroom first in the short space of time that Linda was inside the bathroom Cooper told Al that he had forgotten about an important appointment he had and hastily made by the exit as Linda stepped out of the bathroom she only caught the briefest glimpse of Cooper's back as he left according to both Linda and several other neighbors he was A well-dressed man who appeared to be in his late 30s or early 40s of medium height and build with dark curly hair most notably Linda said that he walked with a limp and carried a cane neither She nor Al thought much about Robert Cooper's Speedy exit maybe he really did have a prior engagement well maybe he had some social anxiety problems and didn't want to meet Linda for some reason either way it wasn't a big deal as long as the guy kept up with the rent he could come and go as he pleased a few days later on May 22nd Al dropped Linda off at the airport she was taking a week-long trip to Virginia Beach while Al finalized the contract with Mr Cooper and helped him settle in Cooper said he needed some assistance with moving an armchair down the stairs or something like that and Al being a nice guy offered to lend a hand Linda's plane landed safely later that day and she called Dal at 3 30 pm to tell him that she had arrived but there was something off about the phone call Al wasn't his usual happy-go-lucky self instead he was quiet distracted maybe even uncomfortable figuring that he was just busy helping Cooper move in Linda wished him a good weekend and they both exchanged I love yous before hanging up Linda had no idea that she would never speak to Al again nor would anyone else for that matter except perhaps for the man who took his life on May 24th just two days after Linda's departure Al's absence at work was noticed by his boss that was slightly alarming owls are diligent and punctual worker he wouldn't have just taken a day off without notifying the company the boss tried to call Al but got no response to be on the safe side he called dapal's Sister Barbara and asked if she could check up on him Barbara didn't live in Colorado so she in turn called up the local authorities within minutes officers were on their way to Al's home to conduct a welfare check they knocked on his door but nobody answered realizing that the door had been left unlocked the officers slowly entered and took a look around hoping to find some trace of Al inside well they found more than just a dress at the bottom of the stairs to the basement they found Al hogtied and lying face down in a puddle of his own blood he had been struck in the back of the head with a blunt object while walking down the stairs but it wasn't the strike that killed him while incapacitated at the bottom of the stairs his attacker tied up his arms and legs behind his back and then proceeded to torture him for hours the soles of his feet were extremely bruised and swollen having been repeatedly beaten with a steel honing Rod a form of punishment known as falaka sharp blades from his own kitchen had been inserted into his ears down through his shoulders and even into the spaces right above his eyes the unusual way in which Al had been bound made it impossible for him to move all he could do was endure the pain finally whoever had done this to him have banished him off with 22 stabs to the chest head and neck the final blows were so ferocious that Al's head was nearly detached from his own body sickeningly after taking Al's life the perp then made himself at home he cleaned up the scene ate food from Alice Bridge wore Al's clothes took a shower in his bathroom and even slept in his bed something very reminiscent of the Japanese satagaya family Massacre case it's believed that Cooper may have stayed in Al's home for more than a full day after slaying him perhaps the perp wanted to know what it felt like to be his victim perhaps he just got a thrill out of remaining at the scene perhaps taking Al's life wasn't enough and he wanted to take his privacy too whatever was going through the guy's head it was clear to the investigators that they weren't dealing with an ordinary killer whoever this man was he hadn't known Al personally but it's still taken great satisfaction in his work and he had to have been planning this for a very long time the lead investigator on the case detective Thomas Sobieski believes that Al was struck in the head while helping his new tenant Robert Cooper move in this Robert Cooper was the obvious suspect now all the authorities had to do was track him down to begin with they found the crumpled up rental contract between Cooper and Al in the kitchen bin the contract contained all of Cooper's personal information but obviously it had all been made up his social security number belonged to an 80 year old woman who lived in Indiana his address was for an elementary school in Denver his reference phone number was from an Aurora retirement village and the name Robert Cooper was of course an alias no one with that name worked at Wells Fargo or had moved to the area because this guy had chosen to target al not because he knew him but because he had an apartment to rent they didn't really have a lot to work with but they did have something when the pub finally left the townhouse he took Al's debit card and truck keys with him he then drove Al's vehicle to a nearby ATM where he withdrew a thousand dollars of his victim's hard-earned cash while doing so the ATM's import camera took several pictures of the killer his face hidden behind a ski mask strangely Al had a lot more Savings in his checking account and the pub could have taken a much heftier sum if he wanted to but for some reason only took a thousand dollars then again money clearly wasn't this guy's motive he hadn't tormented Al and then taken his life for financial gain no he'd done it simply because he could after withdrawing the money Cooper again returned to Alice townhouse removed all the blades he had inserted into Al and then placed them in the kitchen sink along with the steel honing rod he poured bleach all over them as well as down the shower drain to remove any DNA evidence he left behind finally he walked out the front door and vanished Into the Night to this day nobody knows who Robert Cooper really was or why he did what he did he'd been careful not to leave behind any trace of his identity even in the lead-up to the sling the only evidence he had left behind was his phone number which he had used to contact Alan in the first place but it turned out that he had actually been using a burnophone that very phone was found in downtown Denver and investigators were able to work out which 7-Eleven Cooper had purchased it from one close to the University of Colorado's Library but Cooper had done his homework he had waited 30 days to activate his birthday and guess how long that 7-Eleven kept their CCTV footage before deleting it Bingo exactly 30 days Cooper was also smart enough not to call anyone else using that then so unfortunately the seemingly vital piece of evidence was in reality worthless Mr Cooper had been disturbingly methodical as the investigators would come to learn just before Al's untimely Slaughter numerous other landlords in Aurora had left ads at the University of Colorado's Library looking for tenants to rent their empty rooms many of them have been contacted by a man calling himself Robert Cooper several of them even met with him one landlord described him as a well-dressed man who walked without a limp another landlord who happened to be familiar with European dialects said that the man spoke with a distinctly Romanian accent according to her Cooper spent a lot of time examining her windows both landlords agreed that he gave off a creepy Vibe with one of them saying that he made the hair on the back of her neck stand up and because of that they both turned him away well their intuitions likely saved their lives and if they hadn't followed their gut instincts we'd probably be talking about one of their deaths here instead of us but I like to think the best of people always had and that cost them everything as it stands the case of al-qaed remains unsolved to this very day and the true identity of Robert Cooper remains shrouded in mystery but the audacity of his actions the amount of effort he put into finding his victim the time he invested in planning this whole thing the efficiency with which he pulled it off the confidence he displayed by remaining at the scene and the joy he clearly got from his work well it all makes me wonder whether this really was just a one-time deal or whether Al was just another victim on this Killer's sick resume a lot of Internet sleuths believe that's the case and have tried to link rubber Cooper to other Killers who are caught trying to use their victim's bank cards guys like Roy Charles Waller who also like to disguise his identity others have suggested the infamous Israel keys his Mo was very similar to that of the perp in this case and the ATM photos certainly bear a striking resemblance to him still to date no definitive connections have been drawn but there is one piece of good news a small amount of DNA belonging to an unknown male was uncovered on the basement stairs at Al's house this was run through the Authority's database and though no matches have ever turned up the DNA did reveal that this unknown male was of Southeast European descent and using advances in forensic technology composite artists were recently able to create this image of his space this 3d figure is a Robert Cooper back then and now with developments like this still being made more than a decade after the incident perhaps one day this incredibly Sinister figure will be brought to Justice and this Rabbit Hole finally filled in with a little luck the FBI might be able to map his family tree and find him that way in the near future until then all we can do is shudder at the fact that people like Robert Cooper actually exist and that on any given day they could choose to Target you not because you run them but just for the thrill of it eighteen-year-old Kelsey Ann Smith was last seen alive while shopping at a Target in Overland Park the second largest city in Kansas she entered the store at approximately 7 pm on June 2nd 2007. Kelsey had gone there specifically to buy her boyfriend a present the couple were celebrating their six-month anniversary and Kelsey wanted to get him something nice to commemorate the occasion as she perused the Isles Kelsey chatted on the phone to her mother discussing possible gift ideas but unbeknownst to Kelsey she wasn't browsing those Isles alone a young male in a white shirt and dark shorts was caught on CCTV entering the target about 30 seconds after Kelsey the man proceeded to follow her around the store often looking up in her Direction but being as discreet as possible and keeping his distance none of the other customers nor Kelsey for that matter noticed his unusual behavior he followed her down every aisle she went down and appeared in almost all of the same footage as she did Kelsey picked out a nice present for her boyfriend paid for it at the register pulled her mother that she would see her very soon and hung up the phone she exited the store at 707 PM hoping to make it to her boyfriend's house by 7 30 like we had planned as the target was only an eight minute drive away from her boyfriend's home he immediately became worried when 7 30 rolled around and she still hadn't arrived Kelsey always let people know when she was running late he called her and sent her texts but got no reply at about 8 pm he called up Kelsey's dad Greg who worked in law enforcement Greg in turn called all of the local police stations and hospitals and the search by Kelsey was underway almost immediately about four hours later Kelsey's car was found across the street from the target where she had last been seen her wallet and her purchases were inside but there was no sign of the young woman anywhere detectives quickly began dusting the car for Prince and after eliminating those that belonged to her parents and her boyfriend they were left with the prince of an unidentified person who didn't appear on their forensic database as such they got in contact with Verizon Wireless to pinpoint where Kelsey's phone had lost paint that would give them a good idea of her lost verifiable location Verizon were less than helpful and it took the company four days to comply with the detective's requests eventually they got on board with the investigation and were able to track Kelsey's phone during the time she went missing they told the authorities to search 1.1 miles north of a particular cell phone tower and just 45 minutes later on June 6th Searchers discovered Kelsey's body near Longview Lake in Grandview Missouri she was covered in sticks arranged in the shape of a pentagram forensic experts confirmed that Kelsey had been strangled by her own belt as well as rape by all accounts Kelsey Smith was a vivacious vibrant and lovely person having just graduated from Shawnee Mission West She Was preparing to go to K-State University and was eager to play clarinet in the marching band but tragically that future had just been taken from her to try and identify Kelsey's killer the investigators turned their attention to the Target CCTV cameras one thing you may not be aware of is that Target actually has their own internal forensic services division who have the capability to enhance their surveillance footage as a result they were able to provide the authorities with this clear recording of the Pub's face and movements the footage clearly showed the man pull up into the store's parking lot shortly before Kelsey arrived it recorded him entering the store just after Kelsey and leaving just before her while she was paying for her gift outside he quickly went to his truck to retrieve afaro after Kelsey left the store at 707 pm he waited for her to get to her vehicle and then ran up to her he ordered her into her passenger side seat and subsequently drove off with her to the area where her body was later found approximately 20 miles from the store after taking her life at the remote second location he drove her vehicle back to the Target left it there at 9 17 pm and drove away in his own truck the authorities released this footage to the public and in response they received thousands of tips two calls in particular proved to be the nail in the Pub's coffin one from his own co-worker and the other from his neighbor these cause lead detectives to the house of a 26 year old man named Edwin Hall and it would soon become apparent that he was the man that had taken Kelsey's life while at work Edwin and one of his co-workers happened to be watching the news when images of the suspect's track appeared on screen this co-worker looked outside the window to Edwin's vehicle looked back at him and asked hey isn't that your truck Edwin had no answer to that instead he got up told his boss that he was feeling sick and swiftly drove back to his home when the police arrived Edwin and his family were in the process of packing bags and getting ready to leave town he was taken in for questioning and had his fingerprints taken in Edwin's basement investigators found a bizarre ritualistic Shrine and on his Myspace page he described his interests as eating small children given the shape of the sticks found over Kelsey's remains some speculated that there may have been a ritualistic or sacrificial motive to the case and the shrine found in Edwin's basement seemed to line up with that theory during his interrogation Edwin said that he was indeed at the Target that fateful day but claimed that he never approached or interacted with Kelsey in any way he was then asked why his fingerprints were found on a seatbelt in Kelsey's car again he had no answer for that as it would turn out Edwin had a history of violence as a juvenile he had been adopted at the age of seven but was returned to State custody at 15 after threatening his sister with a blade he had also hit another young boy over the head with a baseball bat in the end Edwin struck a plea bargain to avoid the death penalty he gave a full confession saying that this had simply been a crime of opportunity a case of Kelsey being in the wrong place at the wrong time he saw Kelsey walk into the store alone thought she had nice legs followed her inside to make sure she wasn't meeting anybody and then decided to snatch her In the Heat of the Moment in his words he thought she was 12. in exchange for that sickening confession Edwin was sentenced to Life Behind Bars without the possibility of parole once this case was closed the Kelsey Smith Act was passed into law in most States cell phone companies are now required to Ping a phone if asked to do so by the authorities provided they have reason to believe a person's life is Immortal peril prior to Kelsey's demise phone companies were under no obligation to assist with such matters here's a bizarre story that's Stranger Than Fiction on Christmas Eve of 1945 a fire broke out at the soda Family household in Fayetteville West Virginia inside the house where George and Jenny soda and nine of their ten children the house itself was burned to a crisp but both parents and four of their children were able to escape the other five weren't so lucky they were Maurice 14. Martha Lee 12. Lewis 10 Jenny Irene eight and Betty Dolly sex from what I just told you you may be thinking that the five youngsters were consumed by the flames but that's the thing after the fire had burned out and the ruins were surged none of their bodies could be bound George and Jenny believed that their five children must have escaped the house but then it somehow simply banished Into Thin Air but if so where were they most people following the story assumed that the soda children's remains must have been totally destroyed by the fire and turned to Ash hence why they couldn't be found that's despite the fact that many household appliances were found burned but still fully recognizable their parents held out hope however and continued to believe that all five of them had somehow gotten out of the house and were then neither taken captive or murdered the far-fetched belief you might say but there were a few mysterious occurrences that happened both before and after the fire that gave their suspicions some credence on the night the fire broke out the mother Jenny soda answered a mysterious phone call at 12 30 am on the other end of the line was a woman whose voice she didn't recognize according to Jenny the woman had a weird laugh and she could hear clinking glasses in the background the woman asked to speak with someone who didn't live at the house Jenny told her she must have the wrong number to which the woman again laughed quote weirdly before hanging up the phone as Jenny made her way back to bed she heard something loudly smash against the roof of their home followed by a rolling sound she froze for a moment but hearing nothing else brushed it off and went back to sleep 30 minutes later she and the rest of the family awoke to the smell of smoke filling their home by that point their staircase was already consumed by fire George broke a window in the attack and climbed down the wall of the house to collect his ladder strangely his ladder had been moved from where he had left it and was found at the bottom of an embankment 75 feet away hidden from View he put up the ladder and helped his family Escape though terrifyingly couldn't find the five missing children anywhere in the house all the others could do is watch as their home burned since the fire department was too busy to help put out the planes until morning when firefighters did arrive to examine the ruins they said that the course of the fire was faulty wiring George wasn't buying that he had just had the house rewired before the Blaze and the electrics were in perfect working order as such he instead believed that someone must have started the bar and was waiting to sweep up the children as they ran out bones belonging to a single individual were also found inside the charred remains of the home but weirdly after testing them it was confirmed that they belonged to a person older than any of the missing soda children in fact they've been dug up from a nearby cemetery and had never been exposed to the fire it's unclear how those bones came to be found in the house though many assume they were planted sure that this wasn't a mere accident and that the Flames hadn't burned hot enough to utterly destroy their children the soda parents put up these signs along State Route 16 in the 1950s appealing for information about their missing offspring in the years that followed multiple alleged sightings of the lost children were reported though Unfortunately they were never found alive or dead but who would hold such a grudge against the soda family to burn down the house and do who knows what to their children well George himself was an Italian immigrant he hated fascism and was an outspoken critic of Benito Mussolini this had led to some heated arguments with other Italian immigrants including members of the Sicilian Mafia suspiciously a life insurance salesman called George that his househood quote go up in smoke and his children would be utterly destroyed for remarks he had made about Mussolini around that same time George's Elder Sons noticed a strange vehicle parked along the main Highway in their Town its occupants watching the younger soda children as they made their way to school on the night of the fire a passing bus driver also reported seeing people throwing quote Balls of Fire at the solder house a green rubber object that resembled a Napalm Pineapple Bomb was later found in the family's yard so could this whole incident have been revenge for George has outspokenness if so had the perpetrator also taken his anger out on the kids too here's the crazy part of the story though in 1967 22 years after the house fire and now widowed Jenny sodder went to check her mailbox she found a letter addressed specifically to her inside that letter was a photograph a photograph of a man who strongly resembled her missing ten-year-old son Lewis now an adult in his early 30s the back of the photo read Louis soda I love brother Frankie a little boys a90132 or 35. in response the family hired a private investigator to go to Central City Kentucky the place where the picture had been mailed from the pi went out there but then mysteriously disappeared himself they never heard back from him again the soda family added this new photo to their Billboards which stayed up until Jenny's death in 1989. now what comes Theresa tells us that the soda children must have simply burned up in the fire and that the remains were utterly destroyed more simply not bound amongst the rebel but there are so many unusual elements to this case that suggests something more nefarious may have happened and that it wasn't a mere electrical malfunction that caused The Blaze could this photo really be of Lewis soda as a fully grown man the features are extremely similar they both have dark curly hair dark brown eyes the same straight Strong Nose and the same upward tilt of the left eyebrow but what did the cryptic message on the back of the picture mean who had mailed them the photo in the first place and if Lewis was really alive why hadn't he tried to make contact with his family mostly trying to protect them if so from who frustratingly we don't know the answer to any of those questions or tens of others for that matter and given how long ago this all happened we likely never will the last of the ten soda children Sylvia soda who was only two at the time of the fire and who made it out of the house passed away in 2021 until her dying day she believed that her siblings hadn't perished in the Flames many people who follow this case agree hack forums is a website that describes itself as the Ultimate Security technology and Social Media Forum the platform which has been around for decades now is a place for self-professed hackers to connect and chat about mainframes or whatever it is that hackers like to talk about The Forum has been the recipient of a lot of criticism over the years with critics saying that the site enables and encourages online criminal activity those same critics point to people like Zachary shames a man who was arrested for selling key logging software on the site which allowed other users to steal personal information back in July of 2009 a new account was registered on hack forums user Nokia 2 Montu within a short period of time he became something of a site-wide celebrity mainly because whoever this guy was he had plenty of cash to throw around he made large donations to the site did huge giveaways and procured the services of many of the site's members paying them to do online jobs for him or giving them money to exchange for Bitcoins he ended himself to the other members too by donating puns to those with interesting and charitable ideas before long Nokia 2 Montu was arguably the most respected user on the close-knit Forum where others bickered and argued with one another everyone seemed to agree that Nokia was one of the good guys having gained the community's trust it became easy for him to purchase things from the typically aloof user base obviously on these kind of online platforms where people are often acting outside the law most users are wary of who they do business with but pretty much everyone was willing to sell to Nokia between the years of 2009 and 2016. Nokia 2 Montu made more than 500 posts on the site most of which revolved around him buying the services of other hackers and the details of the hacking activity he had commissioned the platforms he had targeted and taken down the social media accounts and videos he had deleted the passwords their email accounts he had acquired the manufactured engagement he had created on Twitter YouTube and Facebook things of that nature this at all cost him thousands upon thousands of dollars so it was clear to everyone on the Forum that Nokia was a man of means but where was all this money coming from and who exactly was Nokia 212 well occasionally the online Man of Mystery would have a bit too much to drink and would take to The Forum to discuss his political views and even once let slip they was from Saudi Arabia this caught people theorizing about his identity while some thought he was just a millionaire who disliked certain groups of people others believed that he may have some stronger political ties most people didn't seem to mind who he was or where he got his money from though he was just that popular guy that did loads of giveaways and gave plenty of other users jobs and that generosity continued for years that is until one day in 2016. when without telling a soul why Nokia 2 Montu disappeared from the site completely it's unknown why exactly The Man Behind the account suddenly stopped visiting the site but in the minds of many it's because he feared accidentally revealing his true identity but little did Nokia 2 Montu realize he already had despite being an active member on hack Forum Nokia 212 wasn't exactly a techwiz as it would turn out he'd actually registered a number of websites under his real name in order to host botnets using the website Who dot is several curious web solutes were able to uncover his personal information including his contact info real name and his social media accounts one of these sites had metadata that linked him to the Nokia 212 account on hackforum and so it was learned that Nokia 2 Montu the prince of hack Forum did indeed have some Royal Links of his own Nokia 2 montu's real name was Saud al-katani a Saudi Arabian consultant and at the time Royal Court advisor to King Abdullah and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman not only that Saud al-katani was the head of the Saudi rapid intervention force a group whose role was to keep Saudi citizens in check and protect the Integrity of the Kingdom their modus operandi was simple if someone was causing a lot of trouble the sraf would lure them to a luxury hotel hold them captive interrogate them and force them to give up all of their assets or face the consequences those consequences involved electrocution vlogging and lifelong imprisonment sound personally oversaw a large number of those operations he was also present during the horrific torment of Legend al-hathrul a woman's rights activist who unbelievably thought females should be able to drive cars and shouldn't require male Guardians for three years she and numerous other members of her group were beaten shocked mock drowned forced to pleasure their guards and were threatened daily with death Saud himself had threatened to slaughter one of these activists and told them that he would dump their body into the sewers as you can tell sound wasn't as kind-hearted as his online Persona had many believing arguably the worst thing that Saud did occurred in 2018 on October 2nd of that year a journalist for the Washington Post named Jamal khashoggi went to the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul to obtain marriage documents Jamal had previously been very close to the Saudi royal family but after questioning their views on certain subjects was forced to flee to the USA in America he began writing articles about the dark side of his motherland Saud had been in contact with Jamel since 2017. the outspoken Jamel considered Saud a person he could trust a friend even it's unclear whether Jamal had willingly told Saud that he would be going to the consulate that people day or whether South had been using spyware to keep an eye on Jamal's phone activity but Supply said to say he knew that he'd be there surveillance cameras scored images of Jamal khashoggi entering the consulate but strangely they didn't capture any footage of him leaving the building with no trace of the man anywhere his concerned family contacted the authorities in Istanbul and Jamal was declared a missing person he would eventually come to light that while inside the consulate Jamal khashoggi had been intercepted by a group of Saudi hitmen he was then slaughtered dismembered and removed from the building piece by piece by The Men Who had ended his life initially the Saudi regime denied any involvement in Jamal's disappearance and said that he had left the building alive and well but after mounting political pressure they eventually conceded that Jamel was dead it's strongly suspected that his demise had been ordered by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman though he of course denies any involvement what we do know for certain though is that saudal katani AKA Nokia 2 Montu was the ringleader and Mastermind behind the head phone records show that he and the Crown Prince have been in contact in the hours before and after Jamal's life was taken according to Reuters Saud had even called into the consulate via Skype while Jamal was still alive and being held captive during the video call he reportedly taunted Jamal before telling his head Squad to bring me the head of the dog to this day Jamal's remains have never been located and under the protection of the Crown Prince Saud al-katani has never faced legal repercussions but his role in the operation it would later be revealed that shortly before Jamal slaying South had procured the tools used to hack into the phone of Jeff Bezos the CEO of Amazon and the owner of the Washington Post the publication that Jamal worked for his aim was to quote influence if not silence any negative reports related to the Saudi regime this may have been How Sound knew that Jamal would be entering the consulate on October 2nd it came as a shock to many users on hack Forum that the kind and charitable Nokia 2 Montu was actually a monster and worse than that many of them had unwittingly done jobs for him that may have caused some good people a lot of anguish he just goes to show when it comes to Anonymous platforms on the internet you never truly know who you're dealing with foreign 's famous for a lot of things amazing food Scenic landscapes eight day work weeks but few things are more Japanese than vending machines sure they're not exclusive to the country by any means but an astonishing number of these Contraptions line the country's streets from the biggest city to the humblest little town personally and I was once caught in a blizzard on top of a mountain there trapped in my friend's car for hours awaiting rescue and wouldn't you know they just so happened to be a vending machine right outside the car that kept us fed and watered truly is the land of convenience but unfortunately when a place has a good thing going there's always someone out there who wants to ruin it this is the story of the vending machine serial killer April 1985. fukayama Hiroshima a 45 year old man stopped by a vending machine to quench his thirst Atop The Machine he found an unopened bottle of autonomant sea a popular fizzy drink after quickly inspecting the bottle he considered it to be a freebie and took it home with him there he popped it open and enjoyed it but that would turn out to be a fatal decision the mansoon began suffering from intense stomach cramps and was rushed to hospital his vomit was examined and doctors discovered that the man had somehow consumed paracord a toxic herbicide used by gardeners to kill weeds and unwanted plants consuming a mere drop of paraquad burns holes in the drinker's throat and invariably results in lung congestion and death there's no antidote it's an extremely painful way to go and for this unfortunate 45 year old truck driver and that's the way he went he passed on May 2nd his final days being nothing but agony no you don't need to be a detective to work out how the Paracord got into the man's stomach the aronamin C somebody had injected the herbicide through the screw top most people at the time didn't realize that this had been an intentional murder though meant in the minds of many including the authorities the man's death was simply a one-off perhaps he had ingested the paraquat deliberately a dramatic way to end his own existence in Japan that wasn't unheard of and so for the rest of the country vending machines were nothing to be afraid of but that all changed five months later in September on the 11th of that month a 52 year old man purchased a bottle of varanamine sea in izumasana as he bent down to collect his drink he found a second bottle lying in the dispenser he gathered up both bottles and drank them and as you can guess perished three days later paraquad was again Bound in his system and inside one of the bottles he had just Fallen victim to the same death trap as the truck driver five months prior the incident back in April had in all likelihood been nothing more than a test run for the Killer and now that they knew their methodology worked they were about to up the ante at this point you may be wondering why both of these men would drink from seemingly abandoned bottles well it's not actually as weird as it sounds at the time aronymon C happened to be running a campaign for every bottle of their drink purchased at a vending machine there was a chance that an extra bottle would be dispensed for free the odds of winning an extra beverage were actually quite High as theosphere noted in their excellent write-up of this case over on the unsolved mystery subreddit there was a widespread Pay It Forward culture in Japan at the time and so it wasn't uncommon to visit a vending machine and find that some generous Soul had left his or her extra bottle behind for the next passerby unfortunately the killer was aware of this and that September he took advantage of his fellow countrymen's trusting nature on the 12th of September just one day after the second victim had consumed his fatal beverage a 22 year old male in matsusaka purchased a bottle of real gold another popular soft drink and found a second bottle in the dispenser little did he realize that this second bottle had been poisoned this time with daikwat another toxic herbicide he perished two days later on the 19th a 30 year old male in echison found an unattended bottle of soda at a vending machine and drank it he died three days later a 45 year old man emiakonojo also died that same day after drinking an abandoned bottle of real gold which he had found in a vending dispenser 50 year old male perished in early October after drinking from a bottle of auronium in Sea which he had found in a machine in habakino four more men also died in October after ingesting paraqua poison drinks soon the similarity between all of these cases caught the media's attention and people began avoiding vending machines altogether the slaying finally came to an end in November but not before two final victims lost their lives this time a 48 year old man in saitama and a 17 year old girl in the Kodama District she was the only female victim of the vending machine killer the government began placing warning signs on every vending machine throughout the country telling people not to drink from Left Behind beverages the manufacturers of our ornament sea replaced their bottle screw caps with pull tabs and the general public were now much more weary about the dangers of abandoned consumables either as a result of Greater public awareness or for an entirely different reason altogether the poisonings came to an abrupt stop after the first female victim perished during their investigation the detectives first had to confirm that all of the poisonings had been the work of one individual as mentioned all of the victims have been killed by drinks laced with paracord that is all but one of them the third victim who had been poisoned with die quad that was the only discrepancy in the perp's modus operandi otherwise the Killer's work was remarkably consistent too consistent not to be the work of one person for example the perp had only ever left poison bottles in quiet areas with no CCTV cameras he had left them at machines dotted all over the map and clearly had no connection to the people whose lives he was taking he had never been seen by any Witnesses leaving his deadly concoctions behind he had never once tried to contact the police to brag about his actions and hadn't left behind any notes to daunt the families of the victims or to make any demands he had never left behind any DNA evidence for the forensic teams to analyze and he ended his Rampage early before getting carried away and never struck again to put it simply he had been extremely thorough and had made the investigative team's work almost impossible there was absolutely nothing to link anyone to the poisonings and as such the identity of the vending machine killer remains a mystery to this very day their motive for slaying so many random Innocents remains just as unclear many have theorized that The Man Behind the vending machine slings wasn't actually a man at all but a woman who specifically targeted men the fact that 11 of the 12 victims were male surely can't be a coincidence aronamin C was specifically marketed towards a male consumer and most of the vending machines that the killer struck were in so-called salaryman areas near offices that had mostly male workers the fact that the poisoning separately stopped after a female died could also be significant the pub may have felt that they had made a mistake and decided to stop before accidentally taking the life of another woman still that's just one hypothesis others have suggested that the pub may have actually been a student on University break that could explain how they had time to travel the length and breadth of the country and why the killing stopped around the time that University students went back to school ultimately we don't know who was behind the slings seeing how the statute of limitations ran out on this case back in 2000 we almost certainly never will but in all likelihood the perpetrator is still out there roaming the vending machine lined streets of Japan and you can't help but wonder what they feel every time they pass by one is it guilt or satisfaction this next entry has come to be known as the Taiwanese Elisa lamb kiss and for the past 14 years has been the subject of a huge amount of speculation throughout the chinese-speaking world in 2008 a 37 year old woman known only as Liu went missing in Taiwan along with her four-year-old daughter they were both last seen at the Yuan Lim Financial building in Zhang Hua where they were caught on CCTV entering an elevator after these images were captured neither Liu nor her daughter were ever seen or heard from again to this day it's unknown what happened to either of them according to the building manager Liu was acting very strangely when she entered the building that evening when the manager asked her what she was up to Liu told him that she was looking for a friend at which point she quickly rushed into the elevator before he could ask her any more questions inside the elevator Liu and her daughter discarded their shoes and red jackets and left them on the ground as soon as the doors opened on the 11th floor Liu picked up her daughter and sprinted down the hallway out of the camera's View the manager watched all of this unfold on the downstairs Monitor and quickly called the authorities fearing that Liu was about to jump from the roof with her daughter removing one shoes is a relatively common practice for jumpers planning to end their lives in Taiwan it's done so that they don't track dirt into the Afterlife and that and so that loose Footwear doesn't fly off while you're falling and strike an innocent bystander the removal of The Red Jackets was also a worrying sign red is a very symbolic color in Taiwan and those who die while wearing red clothes are set to return as vengeful spirits it was almost as if Liu Was preparing herself and her child for a peaceful transition into their next lives the police quickly arrived examine the footage and agreed that the woman's irrational Behavior suggested she was about to end her life thing is they searched the entire perimeter of the building and didn't find the woman's body nor the body of her daughter dozens of officers scoured the inside of the complex too including the building's rooftop but they found absolutely no trace of either missing person they went door to door and asked if anyone had seen anything they even checked the water tanks and the building's pipes nothing it was as if the pair of them had fallen off the face of the Earth in hopes of uncovering Liu's true identity these images were released to the public a few days later Liu's ex-husband came forward and told the authorities that Liu had been raising their daughter alone now with the woman's identity revealed investigators had a lot more to work with they found missile used moped a few days later parked a short distance from the Yuan Lim Financial building that was about the last significant piece of evidence they ever found after 10 years with no new developments the search for both Liu and her missing daughter was called off in all the years since they disappeared Miss Liu never once used her national health card and her daughter was never registered to any schools strongly suggesting that whatever happened to them neither of them are alive but what do you think why was Liu acting so strangely that night and why have neither of them ever been found how did they escape the building without being detected where did they go next and what ultimately the game of them the year was 1981. Glenna or as she preferred to be called Sue sharp was a 36 year old single mother she and her five children John Sheila Tina Rick and Greg all live together in the tiny rundown town of Keddy California the house known as cabin number 28 was situated in the forested Sierra Nevada Resort and was just as old and dilapidated as the town itself still for a single woman with five other mouths to feed it was cheap it was also close to her brother's house and far from her mean ex-husband James despite the questionable condition of the cabin itself the family seemed to enjoy living there it was far larger than their previous home and there was Woodland throughout the resort for the youngsters to explore and play in there were also plenty of other people living at the resort to socialize with despite the forest surrounding them this was far from the middle of nowhere the sharp family were now seemingly the happiest they had been in a long long time but in a cruel twist of fate their Newfound happy home was about to become the setting of utter Carnage April 11th was a Saturday and for the sharps that meant hanging out with their Newfound friends at the resort John was with his good friend Dana Wingate in Quincy the next town over Sheila and Tina were next door at a neighbor's cabin Sue herself was at home watching over her two younger Sons Rick and Greg as well as one of their friends Justin smart a boy who was staying for a sleepover and this was just like any other Saturday with nothing odd or noteworthy happening throughout the morning and afternoon at 8 30 PM Greg went to bed followed by Tina at 9 30. Rick and Justin stayed up until 10 watching TV with Sue in the living room Sue herself stayed lying on the sofa waiting for her eldest child John to return home with Dana as for Sheila she had decided to stay the night at the cabin next door the following morning at about 8 A.M Sheila left the neighbor's cabin and made her way back to her families she opened the door to cabin 28 and was instantly met with a scene that doesn't bear thinking about lying face up in the living room covered in blood and deep punctures was her elder brother John his friend Dana lay face down beside him in the same room wrapped up in a yellow blanket was her mother Sue all of them had their hands and ankles bound with medical tape and electrical cords and none of them were breathing as you can imagine after stepping into that nightmare Sheila immediately ran back out the front door and straight to her neighbor's cabin screaming and crying for help the neighbors contacted the Plumas County Sheriff's Office while they waited for the officers and ambulances to arrive Sheila and her neighbors went back to cabin 28. they peered in through a window and strangely Rick Greg and Justin were all still forced to sleep in their beds alive and well they had apparently slept through the entire incident they pulled the youngsters through said window so that they wouldn't see the three bodies just outside their room they then checked through the rest of the house looking for Tina Tina was nowhere to be found she had been taken whoever had done this whoever had taken her they had left the back door unlocked on the floor next to John was one of the instruments used in the slings a steak knife it's blade bent about 30 degrees a second blade as well as a hammer were also found on a small table in total five officers arrived to examine the cabin none of them had experience with preserving a crime scene of this nature and only after all five of them had gone through the house did they start taking photos and documenting evidence their incompetence would have huge ramifications on the future of this investigation not least because they failed to report Tina missing for several hours during that time the remains of Sue John and Dana were examined in depth John was closest to the door the right side of his throat had been slashed and he had been struck in the right side of his head with a hammer his hands were bound with a white cloth and tape and his ankles with an extension cord the other end of which was knotted around Dana's ankles Dana too had been struck with a hammer and had also been shallowly stabbed But ultimately he had been strangled a much wider tape was used to secure Dana's hands meaning two different rolls of tape have been used indicative of there being more than one Pub the hammer used against Dana also wasn't the one found at the scene as for Sue she had been stabbed in the chest and through the neck the blade hitting her spine a narrower tape had been Loosely wrapped around her hands and ankles with three separate cords tightly wrapped around the tape her trousers have been pulled down and she had been gagged with her own underwear the blanket and Sheet covering her had been taken from Tina's bedroom splatter on the living room walls and ceiling suggested that the massacre had all taken place in that Berry room or while Rick Greg and Justin slept soundly just a few feet away it's hard to believe they didn't wake up while all that was happening in the same cabin as them especially since the home was so small and the walls so thin following this preliminary search of the cabin a more thorough investigation began curiously there was no sign of a forced entry and a footprint by the back door suggested that's how the perp centered the cabin though it's unclear whether Sue left the door unlocked or whether she had willingly let the attackers in the curtains have been closed to stop any neighbors from looking inside and the phone line had been severed there were blade marks on several walls inside the house and fingerprints were discovered on the inside of a door frame and on a railing pools of blood all over the living room floor and on the bottom of Sue's feet indicated that the burps had moved their victims around while they were still breathing next the neighbors were questioned and some interesting information came to light a couple living in Cabin 16 reported hearing muffled screams at around 1 15 am several other neighbors claimed to have heard a dog barking near cabin 28 that night and that the sharps porch light suddenly turned on at 4am a few others noted the presence of an unfamiliar green van parked just outside cabin 28 at about 9 pm the local cats were also said to be acting very strangely that night pacing around as if they sensed something was wrong those were all useful tidbits sure but what really stood out to the investigators during their questioning were the clues provided to them by Martin smart the father of Justin who was sleeping over at cabin 28 the night of the incident according to offices Martin kept on feeding them an endless stream of glues which they thought may have been a way for him to throw suspicion off himself the most curious thing that Martin told them was that his clawhammer had gone missing from his toolbox seemed weird that he would bring that up out of the blue especially since the cops hadn't yet told the public that a hammer was used by the perps nor that one was missing from the scene despite Martin's suspicious steps it was ironically his own son Justin who gave the authorities the most insightful evidence the 12 year old no doubt confused and shocked by the events of that night had originally told detectives that he had slept through the entire incident just like Rick and Greg had on various other occasions though he claimed to have heard the incident taking place in the other room and other times even said that he had witnessed it obviously he was young so it's easy to understand how his mind may have been playing tricks on him especially after experiencing something like that Justin agreed to be hypnotized to help him recall his true memories from that night after which he was able to give detectives a precise description of the events which he had witnessed according to Justin he was awoken at an unknown Time by loud noises coming from the living room he peeked through the door and saw two men he didn't recognize talking with Sue one had greased back black hair with a mustache and stood around average height the other had long blonde hair was clean shaven and was taller than average both were in their late 20s or early 30s and curiously both of them were sunglasses with golden frames and mirrored lenses the situation was clearly tense though Justin couldn't work out what they were talking about that's when John and Dana came home through the front door an argument immediately erupted between them and the two unknown men and things quickly escalated young Tina came out to see what was happening at which point one of the unknown men picked her up and walked out the back door with her that's where Justin's memories of that night ended based on his descriptions the authorities had these two composite sketches of The Burbs drawn up despite the authorities having access to the FBI's top artists they instead approached an artist who had no experience in forensic sketching and asked him to draw these up instead it's unclear why they made that decision for the next three years the authorities searched high and low Fatina but turned up nothing that is until April 22nd 1984. three years and 11 days after the cabin Massacre a man was out in the woods of Camp 18 in Butte County a two and a half hour drive from Keddy while searching for bottles he came up on an unusual looking object nestled in the leaves and dirt he took a closer look at the thing and soon realized what it was the cranium of a human skull next to it was part of a mandible this discovery was made public after which the Butte County Sheriff's Office received a chilling phone call on the other end of the line an anonymous person told them they had just found the bones of Tina Sharp soon after the remains were tested Nicola had been telling the truth these were indeed teenous remains with this discovery interest in the case was reignited unfortunately that interest resulted in nothing more than a swirl of unsubstantiated rumors and theories theories alike the shops have been Celine as part of a cult ritual and that's to say this massive development didn't actually result in any new promising leads that's essentially where this case hit a dead end in the 41 years since the terrible incident at cabin 28 neither of those two perps have been brought to Justice that being said there are two major suspects the affa mentioned Martin sharp and his friend and roommate bobydi as mentioned Martin lived next to the sharp family and his son Justin was staying over at their cabin on the night of the murders that night Martin had gone over to Sue's place along with his wife Marilyn and the other suspect Bob obedi they invited Sue to join them at a local bar she turned down their offer and the trio went off without her they didn't stay long at that bar though since Martin hated the rock music they were playing they returned home and Marilyn went to bed at 11 PM just before she went upstairs though Martin and Beau strangely told her that they were going back to the bar they had just left they then returned home again an hour later around midnight at 2 am Marilyn awoke to find Martin and Beau burning some unknown objects in the wood stove and talking about John Sharp not suspicious to say the least but let's say they were responsible what would have been their motive for taking four lives well according to Marilyn her husband Martin quote hated Johnny sharp with a passion Beau too was no fan of John's they'd had a run-in where John called boa Punk to his face but it also made a pass at Sue on the night of the incident but she had turned him down which allegedly enraged him both Martin and Beau were known for having mean tempers for example Martin was known to be violent towards his wife where Marilyn confided in Sue about this Martin became extremely angry and he may have wanted her gone simply for knowing that information as for Beau he was a known lowlife had a long criminal record which included robberies and break-ins and had even done hits for the Chicago outfit Mafia an organization he had close ties with it's also worth noting that after they officially became suspects both Martin and Beau disappeared from California for a while Martin fled to Reno and while there sent his wife Marilyn a letter that ended thusly I've paid the price for your love and now that I've bought it with four people's lives you tell me we're through great what else do you want the police didn't think that this letter was worth looking into and failed to document it as a piece of evidence and that's extremely suspicious I mean it's basically a sign confession You could argue that the four lights Martin was referring to were his four children from a previous marriage but personally I'm not buying that but what about the wording of the letter I've paid the price for your love and bought it with four lives I mean it almost sounds as if he carried out the massacre for Marilyn there are unconfirmed reports that Sue and Martin were having an affair behind Marilyn's back perhaps them Marilyn found out about their entanglement and under threat of divorce had Martin take care of business for her and that's just speculation though on top of the letter Martin confessed to his counselor that he had indeed killed Sue and Tina but flat out denied having anything to do with the slings of John ordainer many people including Marilyn smart believe that Martin and Beau were the ones responsible for taking Sue John and Dana's lives yet despite all the evidence against them the authorities never felt like it was strong enough to charge either man according to sheriff Doug Thomas Martin had voluntarily taken a polygraph test and passed with flying colors which apparently proved he was innocent but I think we all know how unreliable those tests can be when Martin and Beau were brought him for questioning the sheriff also made sure that they were interviewed together rather than separately basically breaking the first rule of the interrogation handbook it would later come to light and that sheriff Thomas was a close personal friend of Martins and may have even pulled him to skip down after he and Beau became Suspects unless Martin was intentionally trying to insert himself into the case for the thrill of it I'd say it's pretty obvious he was responsible one plausible timeline of events goes like this in the daytime Martin sent his son Justin to stay over at cabin 28 to give the illusion that he wasn't involved in any way at 9pm when Martin Beau and Marilyn went to invite Sue out the two men were actually casing the cabin to see who was home at 11 PM when they claim to be going back to the bar they both actually snuck over to Sue's place but was surprised by the appearance of Jon and Dana the two Lads had tempers of their own so things quickly got out of hand when they tried to defend Sue Martin and Beau overpowered them and ended their lives they also took care of Tina who had witnessed the whole thing hid her nearby and later dumped her at camp 18. at 2 am they were actually burning evidence of their crime in the wood stove again and that's all speculative Beau passed back in 1988 and though some believe his mob connections helped him fake his own death Martin passed away in June of 2000. in 2016 the clawhammer that was missing from the scene was found at the bottom of a ponding caddy it matched the description of the one that had disappeared from Martin's toolbox that same year knew more trustworthy detectives said that they were looking into six unnamed suspects who were still alive and who hadn't been properly examined at the time the most recent development occurred in 2018 when authorities announced that they had recovered DNA from a piece of the medical tape they said that the DNA matched with a still living suspect but didn't disclose their name despite that huge finding there have been no new developments or updates in the past four years that may mean that the DNA belonged to an innocent person or that the tape had been mishandled by officers while stored in evidence that or Martin and Beau actually had a third accomplice one who was still alive in 2018 perhaps Marilyn she passed in 2020. there is actually another suspect in this case that being Sheila sharp Sue's own daughter who spent the night at the neighboring cabin I hesitated about adding this to the script since I don't want to cause suspicion on a family member of the victims but the author of has put forward an argument about their possible involvement which has gained a lot of attention so I'll go over that here now but let me be clear that this is just one person's Theory and not my own according to the author Sheila wasn't very fond of her mother Sue as he States we do know for a fact that just two short months before the incident at the age of just 13 Sheila actually gave birth to her own daughter it's believed that the father was a young man named Richard Meeks the son of Marilyn Smart's friend according to Keddy 28's author Sheila viewed her new daughter as an opportunity to escape her own family and join the Meek's household however against Sheila's will her mother Sue put the baby up for adoption this angered both Sheila and the Meeks family who then conspired to have Sue killed since Sue was supposedly having an affair with Marilyn's husband Martin she too wanted Sue gone Marilyn Sheila and the Meeks then came together and hatched a devious plan Sheila would convince her neighbors at cabin 27 to let her stay the night despite never having slept there before while also making sure to switch off the lights around her own cabin and leaving the door unlocked Martin Beau and Marilyn were then free to enter the cabin and end Sue's life what they didn't plan on was being interrupted by John Dana and Tina as a result they had to be taken care of too again this is just one Theory but I thought it was worth mentioning personally I don't think Sheila had anything to do with what happened to her family and that she was just extremely lucky to be staying at cabin 27 at people night rather than cabin 28 but I think we can all agree that Martin and Beau were most certainly involved and that they never faced Justice for their actions I don't think we can brush that off as just being the result of policing competence either I think it's something much more Sinister than that one or two mistakes is incompetence but the amount of times the original officers on this case screwed up and ignored vital evidence well I'm all but certain their incompetence was intentional either Martin's good friendship with Sheriff Thomas got them off the hook or both Connections in the Chicago mob were able to dissuade or buy off the authorities but what do you think could a corrupt sheriff's department and perhaps even the beds have tried to protect the culprits and cover things up was there more going on beneath the surface in this case that we simply don't know about all I know is that this is one of the most deriveting and dark rabbit holes I've dug around him for a while we can only hope that one day the four victims whose lives were all cut far too short can have their Killer's identities officially confirmed Until That official confirmation in this case will remain unofficially solved Andrew McCauley was known for being an adventurous competitive spirit the young Australian was an avid Mountaineer and sea kayaka who liked to push himself to his mental and physical limits and really put his abilities to the test he scaled some of the highest peaks in Australia New Zealand Pakistan and Patagonia taking risky exploratory routes he made the first non-stop kayak trip across the Bass Strait and had even paddled 800 kilometers within the Antarctic Circle for all of his daring Antics Andrew was named as the Australian Geographic society's Adventurer of the year in 2005. by that point Andrew had effectively conquered all of the most difficult kayaking routes throughout Oceania all of them that is except for one in 2006 Andrew set himself a new challenge he was going to cross the Tasman Sea in a standard one-man kayak completely alone and unaided in his mind that Journey was his white whale the one he had to conquer he knew just how difficult The Voyage would be to make the 994 mile Journey he'd need to spend about a month at Sea survive on little food and sleep and face the most extreme elements but Andrew wasn't one to shy away from a test of endurance after months of planning Andrew set off in December of 2006 but his first attempt to cross the Tasman Sea ended after just one night he was having trouble keeping warm in the cockpit of his kayak and he quickly realized that life on the ocean was going to be much more hostile than he had anticipated Andrew was rescued and immediately went back to the drawing board on January 11 2007 he set off on his second attempt this time fully prepared to deal with the intense temperatures and conditions that he'd be facing or at least he thought he was all of Andrew's adventurous predecessors who had attempted to cross the Tasman Sea had done so in elaborate custom-built kayaks designed to withstand storms and freezing weather but as mentioned Andrew wanted to make the journey in a standard kayak just one man his simple vehicle and the ocean or he had to defend himself against the harsh elements was a removable homemade fiberglass capsule that sat on top of his cockpit this capsule which he named Casper was fitted with an air-only ventilator and self-writing capabilities meaning that should his kayak cap size in the middle of the night which had almost certainly would in stormy conditions it would automatically flip itself back upright for the first two thirds of his voyage that wasn't so much of a problem during that time Andrew regularly radioed him with his wife and Sam Pack in Australia and told them that he was doing very well that weather conditions were good and that he had enough supplies to make the journey but as Andrew got closer to New Zealand the conditions outside his kayak became much harder to deal with 30-foot waves began slamming into his vessel day and night and on February 9th Andrew made a distress call in which he said quote do you copy this is kayak one do you copy over I've got an emergency situation I'm in a kayak about 30 kilometers from Milford Sound I need a rescue my kayak sinking fell off into the sea and I'm going down on February 12th one month after setting off on his journey Andrews partly flooded kayak was found floating about 30 nautical miles from his final destination but both Andrew and his protective Yellow dome were missing Casper had failed him the way it had been fitted meant that whenever Andrew's kayak capsized it wouldn't self-roll back into an upright position instead Andrew would have to crawl out of the kayak and perform a self-rescue by manually flipping his vessel it's theorized that Casper must have become detached after being struck by a particularly strong wave with no protection and no way to Auto flip the kayak it was just a matter of time before the Tasman Sea claimed Andrew a single memory stick was found inside Andrew's camera which was still inside the kayak Andrew had taken a number of photos documenting his entire Journey the photos near the end of the stick shed light on just how dire Andrew's situation really was this was the final photo he took to this day Andrews remains have never been found located on Japan's Chicago Island tokushima prefecture is a popular getaway spot for hikers and nature lovers the entire prefecture has a population of just 750 000 people making it one of the least populated areas of the entire country but back in 1989 in this quiet and peaceful part of Japan was the setting of one of its darkest Unsolved Mysteries on March 6th of that year four-year-old shinya matsuoka arrived in the town of saramitsu tokashima with his parents and two siblings family had traveled all the way from mibaraki to attend the funeral of shinya's maternal grandmother which was to take place the following day they stayed at a relative's house just outside the town in the mountains on the morning of the seventh at around 8 am shinya his father masonobu and his two-year-old brother all went for a walk around the local neighborhood which consisted of a few residential houses lining a road that led down into the main town they didn't cross paths with many other people other than a few field workers after 10 minutes or so the father masonobu suggested they all head back but shinya was adamant that he wanted to walk for a bit longer masanobu said sure but first they had to drop shinya's brother back at the accommodation the trio walked back to their relatives home leading up to the house was a 10 meter long staircase chinya's brother all the way to the top with shinya making his way up behind them as masanobi reached the entrance he claims that he turned to see shinya very close behind him at the top of the stairs masunobu stepped into the home and handed chenya's two-year-old brother over to his wife something that took 20 seconds at most it was at that point that masanobu turned around and noticed that shinya hadn't followed him into the house stepped onto the porch outside to his horror shinya was nowhere to be seen he wasn't on the stairs leading up to the house he wasn't standing on the street below in a matter of seconds he had vanished Into Thin Air but that was impossible shinya had been right behind him he'd seen him make it to the top of the stairs just a moments prior masanobu only had his back turned for a few seconds at most the whole family searched the entire property both inside and out but no trace of shinya could be found anywhere within no time a thorough search of the surrounding mountains was underway with firefighters and police officers combing every square inch of the neighborhood this search would continue for three months straight but shinya would never be found at first the authorities strongly believed that shinya had wandered off by himself and gotten lost The Backs did all seem to suggest that was the case after all the area was quite remote and the house the family were staying at was located at the End of the Street there was no reason for anyone who didn't live there to be there nobody outside the neighborhood knew the matsuwaka family was staying there either the field workers who were only a hundred meters away from the scene of the incident hadn't seen or heard any strange Vehicles pass by when the boy disappeared neither shinya's father nor mother heard a peep from the boy when he vanished so even if some opportunist happened to be hiding in the bushes it just wasn't plausible that he or she could snatch the boy up and make him disappear so stealthily in such a short space of time Virginia was a smart lad he knew his parents phone numbers by hard and could even recite the address of the relative's house they were staying at if he had wandered off and gotten lost surely he could have found his way back or asked someone for help and though their relative's house was outside the main Town it wasn't like it was miles from civilization there were still people living nearby particularly to the east of where the family were staying was it possible that someone living there had taken shinya chillingly the night before he disappeared a worried looking shinya ran up to his parents whilst inside the relative's house and said he's looking for me he's gonna find me foreign whether that was just the imaginative ramblings of a child or whether shinya had actually seen someone outside his window that night now here's where the plot really thickens on March 16th nine days after shinyu went missing the matsuaka family received a mysterious phone call at their relative's house shinya's father masonobu answered it a female voice on the other end of the line asked him is your wife there masanobu passed the phone to his wife I am American hardest mother the voice said my child is in group Moon of the Seiki kindergarten shinya's mother immediately recognized the name of the school it's where shinya's sister went to kindergarten back in ibaraki but that was odd she thought since the woman on the other end of the line spoke with the distinct tokushima accent mother told the woman that the family were returning to ibaraki the following day the family did return home but they didn't hear back from the woman about the money shinya's mother felt uncomfortable calling up the school to ask about it but after some time she decided that she better make an inquiry she phoned up the kindergarten and asked what the situation was with regards to the condolence fund the principle of the school was confused to say the least and told shinya's mother that no such money had been collected that they knew about mother said there must be some kind of mistake that maricon nakahada's mother had collected some money to help support them I'm sorry replied the principle but no girl named Mariko nakahara goes to school here that's when it dawned on xenia's mother how on Earth would one of the other mothers at the school have gotten a hold of her relative's phone number that didn't make any sense at all but whoever the mystery caller was they knew that number they knew the name of that kindergarten back in ibaraki and they spoke with that distinct takashima accent hachina's mother actually been speaking with the person who had taken her son after learning that the condolence fund didn't exist she immediately told her husband masamobu his first instinct was that the mystery caller was the person holding their son captive thankfully he had actually set up a recording device on the House's phone after shinya vanished and the call made by the mystery woman had been recorded onto a cassette he contacted the authorities and gave them the only recording of the conversation suspiciously the police never bothered to investigate who had made the call and somehow lost the recording that masanobu had given them to this day we still don't know who made that bizarre phone call or why in the years that followed numerous reported sightings of shenya were made to the authorities in May of 1989 just two months after the boy went missing a man was seen walking with a child Who Bore a strong resemblance to shinya on a beach in tokushima when the witness tried to get a good look at the boy's face the man turned him away and rushed the boy into a waiting white vehicle the beach where the sighting occurred is an area where North Korean ships are known to pass in 1990 two alleged sightings of the boy were reported one came from a housewife who was certain that she had seen shinya in tokishima City the other came from a man in Yamagata who believed that he had seen shinya outside a shopping mall who equipped his job to search for his missing son personally investigated both of these leads and handed out missing person pliers to people at both locations locals outside the mall in Yamagata confirmed that they hadn't vaccine the boy with an unidentified man 1995 an elderly man in Hokkaido disturbingly reported that he knew someone who would quote received a boy named shinya as a gift 1997 a woman met a young boy who strongly resembled chinya at a train station in Yokohama the boy had marks on his arrests and looked sickly and unwell he told the woman that he was being poorly treated by an older man she gave the boy her number and told him to call her if he ever needed help the boy called her just once after that but she was unable to find out where he was living finally in 1998 a cashier in shigoku reported seeing a boy with marks on his arrest shopping with what looked like a typical Yakuza type the Yakuza appeared to be keeping a close eye on the boy who strongly resembled the missing poster of shinya nakashir told his boss about the situation and they both went to get a good look at the boy but by that point he and the Yakuza were already gone none of these supposed sightings led to any new breakthroughs unfortunately for the past 33 years shinyamatsuaka's whereabouts and well-being remain a mystery as to the circumstances surrounding his Vanishing perhaps the boy's curious nature got the better of him perhaps he somehow ran off in the space of 20 seconds and his remains have been lost in the Steep takushima Mountains for the past three decades perhaps someone had been watching him from afar that morning and somehow swept him up in the short space of time his father's back was turned a sick neighbor or a local worker or perhaps it's a mix of both the boy walked off by himself only to run into the wrong person the first Theory makes the most sense logically after all nobody saw or heard anything or anyone suspicious when the boy disappeared and masanobu may have had his back turned for longer than 20 seconds like he claimed but given the mysterious phone call to shinya's mother and all the sightings that were reported in the subsequent years hard to rule out Foul Play unfortunately whatever did happen to shinya the outcome was either death or a fate worse than it in 2018 it seemed as if a miracle had occurred a man named ryutawada appeared on National Television claiming to be shinya matsuoka the boy who had vanished so many years before he was the correct age and looked just like the missing lad shinya's parents were filled with hope that their son was alive and well and that they were about to be reunited with him three decades after he had been taken from them but alas a DNA test confirmed that this was just a cruel hoax to this day the matsuwaka family are still searching for the truth about their sons fate today's first Cold Case takes place in the appropriately called Alberta Canada the year was 2010. 20 year old Amber tukaroa was a single mother and a member of the misaku cree First Nation she lived in Fort McMurray with her 14 month old son Jacob whom she struggled to support financially the two of them were bounced between staying with Amber's mother and various women's shelters in the city in fact it was at the Unity House Shelter that Amber met another woman named Evangeline despite only knowing each other for two weeks Amber and Evangeline agreed to go on a trip together and on August 17th the two of them and Jacob caught a one-hour flight to the province's capital Edmonton after that plane landed the trio checked into the Nisku Place motel a cheap rest stop across the road from the airport but a fair distance from the city itself about 27 kilometers South the following day at approximately 8 PM Amber left her son in the care of her new acquaintance Evangeline and exited the motel to head into Edmonton it's unclear whether she was going to buy food or diapers or whether she was just excited to explore the city without a rental car and with limited funds Amber decided to hitch a ride with a stranger into town something she often did she was last seen getting into the passenger side seat of a stranger's vehicle throughout the course of that day and the day before Amber had been in near constant contact with her mother Tutsi however shortly after hitching that ride she suddenly stopped replying to her mother's calls and messages of course worried Tootsie who got in contact with Evangeline back at the motel Evangeline assured her that everything was all right for some unknown reason light didn't see and said that Amber was actually still at the motel sleeping soundly alongside her son Jacob the following morning Evangeline got back in contact with Tootsie and told her that Amber had left the motel in the middle of the night and still hadn't returned this of course was only a half truth since Amber had actually left at 8pm Tootsie contacted the Royal Canadian Mounted Police immediately and reported her daughter as missing the RCMP pulled to see the ramble was probably just out partying and said to call back in 24 hours if she still hadn't returned well those 24 hours came and went so Tootsie called back as instructed and at last an investigation was launched now this is where things get strange eight days later on August 28th the investigation was quickly closed after a sighting of Amber was reported to the police the authorities didn't bother to investigate the veracity of this alleged sighting and took the report at base value then on September 4th the police announced that Amber wasn't in any danger claiming that they knew for a fact she was still in Edmonton alive and well as it would turn out that was either a huge mistake or a bare-faced lie it wouldn't be until September 23rd more than a month after Amber had disappeared that the authorities reopened her case and relaunched their investigation the RCMP now admitted that Amber was still in danger it would eventually come to light that during their search for Amber they accidentally destroyed many of her belongings without processing them into evidence failed to interview her acquaintance Evangeline and didn't even interview her mother Tutsi for over four months the handling of Amber's case has been widely criticized it wouldn't be until August 28 2012. two years after Amber vanished that a chilling piece of evidence was released to the public a one-minute clip of Amber's final phone call which she had made shortly after leaving the motel in a stranger's car in the recording which was captured inside the stranger's vehicle a clearly terrified Amber talks with at least one unknown male and repeatedly asks him where she's being taken I'll play the audio for you now but their warning it's a disturbing listen so if you don't want to hear it you can skip ahead using the timestamp on the video progress bar they're north of Beaumont we're heading north Beaumont yo where are we going are you [ __ ] kidding me yeah yo we're not going into the city are we oh we're not you're so welcome these roads going to 50th Street 50th Street are you sure absolutely yo where are we going yeah 50th Street Amber had actually made the school to her brother who was serving time at the Edmonton Roman Center she knew that in Canada at the time all calls to incarcerated prisoners were recorded as such the system saved the entire 17-minute conversation the RCMP have only ever released 61 seconds of that call at the same time they released it they also announced that Amber had most likely been the victim of a homicide and that she had likely died shortly after getting into the stranger's vehicle why they had previously announced that she was alive and well in Edmonton remains a mystery coincidentally and some might say suspiciously just four days after this audio was released to the public Amber's remains just so happened to be discovered on a rural property near Leduc horseback Riders happened upon her bones this property was about a 17-minute drive away from where Amber had hitched our ride 17 minutes the same length of time as her final phone call she was most likely slain just after the call ended either inside the Pub's vehicle or just outside it since the end of that call still hasn't been released it's entirely possible that Amber actually recorded the audio of her own murder to this day the identity of the man who took her life remains unknown though some claim they can actually hear two separate male voices in the audio recording so obviously there are a huge number of unanswered questions related to this case for example we don't even know why Amber and Evangeline flew out to Edmonton in the first place there are those who believe that the pair were actually involved in prostitution and traveled out to the big city to meet clients they were both struggling financially after all perhaps Amber just got picked up by a psycho I'm not sure I by that explanation why would Amber bring Jacob with her if she was flying out to Edmonton to sell her body she could have easily left him with Tootsie back in Fort McMurray some have suggested that Evangeline was in some way responsible for Amber's demise given that she lied Tootsie about her whereabouts the night she disappeared and that's certainly suspicious however it's possible she only lied in order to not send Tootsie into a panic perhaps she thought Amber might return from Edmonton in the early hours seeing how Evangeline was some bizarrely never interviewed by the RCMP it's hard to draw any definitive conclusions regardless she was never considered a person of interest in this case in my opinion the most likely theory is that Amber was picked up by a still unidentified serial killer that specifically targeted indigenous women that may sound like a stretch to some people but the Grim reality is that indigenous women in Canada are statistically much more likely to be the victims of violent crime they make up just three percent of the country's population but 10 of its murder victims and more than half of their murders go unsolved due to the high rate of poverty that native women face in Canada many of them turn to hitchhiking as a means of travel for any wandering serial killers that makes them easy prey just 49 miles north of where Amber was last seen you'll find the infamous Highway of Tears a stretch of robe on which countless indigenous women have been picked up kidnapped and slain to support this Theory even further between 2002 and 2015 the bodies of three other indigenous women were found in the exact same small area where Amber was discovered they were Edna Bernard Katie Valentine and dolora sproud just like Amber all three of them have been hitchhikers and were last seen getting into a stranger's vehicle if a random serial killer is the one to blame parambo's death his identity is yet to be uncovered and there's every chance that he's still out there casing Alberta's cold and Lonesome roads searching for more victims in 2019 the RCMP officially apologized for their terrible handling of Amber's case many have speculated that their shoddy police work was due to Amber's ethnicity this mystery has been making the rounds recently with channels like goosebus and blame it on Jorge uploading some very detailed videos investigating it but I thought it would make a nice addition to this list for reasons that will soon become clear most of you are no doubt familiar with this image associated with the Jeff the Killer creepypasta the story of a Teenage Slayer with a mutilated face the originals not a great read let's be honest but this Associated picture has to be one of the most iconic horror images to circulate around the internet and where most pictures from the Creepypasta era have faded from people's memories this one persists and what some of you may not know however is that the image itself is shrouded a mystery in short nobody knows where it came from it's obviously a heavily edited photo but to this very day its origin remains unclear for the past decade Creepypasta fans across the globe have been playing detective trying to track down the original photo and unveil the base of the real person that Jeff spaced on and it's actually been a Wilder search than you might think let's get into it what many people think of as the original Jeff story hit the internet in 2011 but the character was actually first conceived all the way back in 2008 by a guy called Susa Susa posted this short background on all Jeffy on new grounds along with the now infamous picture in an interview with scare theater Sousa claimed that he had taken the photo himself using a white latex mask and a pair of plastic eyes he couldn't prove this however because apparently he had lost the mask soon after taking the photos but we know that's not the case firstly because the image is obviously photoshopped and not a mask and secondly as Internet sleuths later discovered susa's post wasn't the first time this image appeared on the internet one year earlier in 2007 a Japanese video titled nnnn special broadcast was uploaded to YouTube the video itself is a recreation of a then popular Japanese urban legend that involved a late night news broadcast according to the story a young man who was having trouble sleeping turned on his TV at 2 30 am he switched channels to the Nippon News Network but was met with nothing but static then suddenly colored bars filled the screen the words N N appeared alongside a photo of an abandoned Factory a list of seemingly random names slowly scroll down the screen followed by the words tomorrow's sacrifice the implication being that all the named individuals would die the next day the broadcast supposedly ended with several weird images and sound effects the YouTube video stays faithful to the legend but what's interesting is that at the end the Jeff the Killer image briefly flashes on screen just before the video cuts to Black and we're left with the message or yasumi nasai good night so it appeared as if the famous Jeff image actually had Japanese roots that made a lot of sense seeing how nobody in the west knew what the original image was that theory only solidified after the Jeff image was found in an archive post from a now defunct message board that was popular in Japan back in the day the post titled or scary was made all the way back in November of 2005. long before the image started circulating in the west and two years before it appeared in the nnnn video two months before that in September of 2005 this version of the image was also posted on Pia this appears to be the furthest back we can track the Jeff image the version with the least edits the uploader a user named mulholland's son titled the image white powder part two the words underneath it read go out with me so it seems the image may have been getting shared around as some sort of joke perhaps making fun of another user's appearance but notice what somebody commented underneath I often see this on the net if that's true then the image May date back farther than we currently realize as for the picture itself it's definitely far less edited than the image we're all familiar with at some point between September and November 2005 somebody painted Jeff's distinctive black eyes on the image and also elongated the sides of the mouth as some have suggested the stretched mouth may have been a play on kuchisake Ona the split mouth woman from Japanese Legend but I actually think there's a different Japanese connection here around the time these images were posted to there was a popular Trend amongst Japanese internet users called Kawaii kusasetti or the let me be cute challenge this was particularly popular on the imageboard 2 Channel essentially users would upload an innocent picture usually of a person or a human-like object and then ask other users to make me cute a different user would then make some creepy edits to the picture and transform it into something more Kawaii than Kawaii someone else would then take that altered image and add more creepy edits themselves this would go on and on with the picture becoming more and more cursed with every new iteration during the process the original image would often get lost with different edit chains branching off and becoming their own thing entirely seeing how mulholland's image was titled white powder 2. that could suggest he was playing the let me be cute game with whoever uploaded white powder 1 aka the original Jeff image white powder 2 was then adapted by another user and then another and then another until it eventually became also as blame it on Jorge pointed out in his recent video when we examine the XF data of we can see that it originally went by a different name pretty face A fitting file name for the let me be cute challenge don't you think there is one final development to cover just last year the creator of white powder 2 mulholland's son was actually Tracked Down on Twitter and according to him the original Jeff image was actually a screen grab he took from a video that was circulating around Japan at the time Mulholland said that the clip featured a middle-aged Asian woman at a point in the video where she approached the camera he took a screenshot made some edits in Photoshop and uploaded it to as white powder 2. the image was then warped further resulting in which went on to become a popular meme in Japan that's probably how cesa the creator of Jeff first came up on it and realizing the image wasn't well known in the west chose to use it as the picture for his story unfortunately Mulholland believes that the video he took the screenshot from has since been lost a Time the final version of the Jeff image we have to talk about is this one green eyed Jeff summer suggested that this is the earliest incarnation of the Jeff image though it's not clear when exactly it was made however as creepy as this image is it's widely considered not to predate white powder part 2. the blurriness and overall lower quality suggests that it seem more edits in the year since this mystery caught traction many photos of real people have been suggested as the basis for Jeff but none of them quite fit the backgrounds are too different the hairlines don't match up the proportions are all wrong while the stories behind them don't make sense there are plenty of great videos on YouTube debunking each of them so I won't go into details here but suffice to say none of these photos fit the bill all the other Jeff images said to pre-date white powder 2 have also proven to be fake all in all I'd say mulholland's version of events seems the most likely especially since he's the one who posted the image online at the earliest point in the earliest that we know of anyway but if the videos are lost like he says then this could be where the search ends but perhaps in some dark rarely visited corner of the internet the video of the woman approaching the camera still exists if it does then the people searching for it are yet to find it until they do this is the closest thing we have to the original image despite its relatively small size Byron Bay is one of Australia's Premier tourist destinations nearly 2 million people visit the coastal town each year in 2019 18 year old Theo Hayes was amongst them the young Belgian national was drawn to Byron for the same reasons as most Travelers his age the town's beautiful beaches great surfing spots and it's chilled out relaxed atmosphere for much of the Year Backpackers and tourists make up the majority of Byron's population it's a transient sort of town a place where some people go to find themselves and where others go to lose themselves unfortunately in Theo's case his trip to Byron was an escape from which he would never return Theo had been exploring Australia for the better part of a year by the time he arrived in Byron he'd spent much of his time down under with his cousin Lisa Hayes who described Theo as being irresponsible and level-headed Traveler according to her he wasn't that typical young tourist who loves partying and was instead much more interested in experiencing Australian culture and immersing himself in the country's natural beauty still meeting people and making connections is what traveling is all about and since Theo didn't know anyone when he arrived in Byron he got to talking with some other young people at the wake-up hostel where he was staying these fellow Backpackers invited Theo to join them for some drinks in town the young Belgium was scheduled to fly home to Europe the following week so he figured why not one last adventure in US on May 31st Theo and one of his new acquaintances caught a shuttle bus into town they were seen on CCTV at 7 45 PM buying a bottle of wine and acting normally they both then returned to the wake-up hostel and shared the bottle with some other friends that they had made later that evening Leo and his new companions went back into town once again and paid a visit to an Infamous bar called cheeky monkeys a short distance from Byron's main area now cheeky monkeys had something of a reputation at the time it was ranked as one of the most violent bars in all of Australia well known for its dodgy clientele aggressive bouncers and for the poor lighting in the surrounding area most of the locals knew better than to go there but Theo wasn't a local and nor were his new friends with the end of May being somewhere between autumn and winter in Australia it was obviously the off-season period And as such I mean it was a particularly quiet night inside cheeky monkeys in fact the bar was only at about one quarter capacity still judging by the surveillance footage Theo was having a fun time nonetheless and was seen dancing on the bar with the other Backpackers he had met at about 11 pm Theo bought two drinks at the bar before promptly being escorted out the building by security according to the God who kicked him out there was a polite young man but it clearly had too much to drink and was stumbling all over the place other Witnesses at the bar contradicted this though and said that the air was actually completely sober when he was kicked out and wasn't being loud or rude or aggressive in any way according to them the security guard's decision to kick him out seemed completely random a number provoked looking at the CCTV footage of Theo exiting the premises he didn't appear to be intoxicated though of course that's up for interpretation the God made him stand on an X to have his photo taken Theo appears confused in the footage but goes along with the whole rigmarole at 1107 PM the security cameras captured Theo walking off by himself down Kingsley Street and into the cold quiet night this was the last time Theo Hayes was ever seen alive After exiting the camera's field of view he vanished off the face of the Earth never to be seen again to begin with everyone assumed that when Theo left the bar he began walking back towards his hostel that of course made perfect sense seeing how his accommodation wasn't too far from town and he could have easily made the journey on foot but as detectives would come to learn after analyzing his Google location data Theo never made it back to the wake-up hostel that night in fact he didn't even get close soon after leaving the area Theo sent a series of text messages in French to his friends back in Belgium that's likely who he was messaging in this footage at some point after that he watched a portion of a TV show on YouTube and sent his sister a message on WhatsApp on several occasions he opened Google Maps to search for roots back to his hostel clearly he was planning on heading back at some point however according to his mobile records he actually took an extremely bizarre route after leaving the bar and walked in the opposite direction of the hostel towards a youth activity center down Tennyson Street he then spent seven minutes standing in a sporting field a field where homeless people and Drifters were known to stay at 11 30 pm he began walking extremely quickly through the Milne track towards Tallow Beach moving at seven and a half kilometers an hour with no street lights in that part of town it would have been very dark with no signs of life and Thea would have been well aware that he was heading in the wrong direction and away from civilization still as the data shows he continued on through the thick Bushland in a near straight line considering just how treacherous the bush along the moon track is that seemed like an almost impossible task especially considering that Theo wasn't familiar with the area as he made his way through the shrub he never once slowed down and continued walking at a very fast pace he finally exited the Bushland and made it onto the beach after which he began heading in the direction of Cozy Corner towards Byron Bay's lighthouse during all that time Theo continued texting his friends and sister as if nothing was out of the ordinary his messages were coherent and didn't give off the impression that he was distressed or in trouble at 12 56 am Theo sent his final message to a friend he had made in Australia just six minutes later his phone suddenly switched to sleep mode and stopped transmitting data strangely his phone came back online at around 6am and connected to a cell tower in Cape Byron one final time at 1 47 pm after that his phone never pinged again in the following days Theo failed to call his family back in Belgium that was completely out of character for him he usually stayed in close contact with his parents so they immediately began to sense that something was off when June SEC thrilled around and he still hadn't called his family reported him missing a huge search and rescue effort was launched it involved helicopters drones cadaver dogs trackers divers and even rock climbers the local community even banded together putting up missing person posters and helping hunt for the young man Theo's parents flew out to Australia and made a passionate appeal for any information that would help them find their son but by that point the trail had already frozen over they couldn't find a single trace of the young man anywhere his passport and personal belongings were still in his private room at the hostel in July volunteers came across Theos gray Puma baseball cap nestled in the brush near tallow's Beach so what happened to Theo Hayes well here are a few of the main theories Theory one Theo left cheeky monkeys meant for whatever reason decided to go on a solo Adventure through the Bushland he somehow made it to the beach and began climbing up the Beachside Cliffs towards the famous lighthouse this act of misadventure ended in tragedy with Theo falling from the rocks and into the sea his last known location was at Talos beach after all and it would explain why his body still hasn't been found then again if Theo ended up in the ocean and was swept away or taken by a shark how could his phone have reconnected at 1 47 pm and pinged off a cell phone tower it's possible he dropped his phone before falling in the water but that doesn't explain why the device still hasn't been found to this day or why an otherwise sensible and risk-averse young man would do something so reckless and out of character his inhibitions may have been lowered at the time but as the CCTV footage shows he almost certainly wasn't that drunk Theory too Theo was murdered it doesn't make sense that a young man with no knowledge of the local area would have been able to travel the Milne track alone at night according to people who know the area it's simply far too complex dense and difficult to Traverse without knowing where you're going and for him to have taken the unapparent detour towards Tallow Beach well that's an obscure route which only a local would know to take you have to pass down a small path by a gully and an abandoned campsite and it's not the kind of place you just stumble across in the minds of many Theo had to have met someone after leaving cheeky monkeys a local perhaps in the field where he spent seven minutes standing around this local then led him through the thick Shrubbery of the Moon track with Promises of showing him the lighthouse or taking him to a secret party this local and neither killed Theo hurt him badly or left him to fend for himself it's unclear what their motive would have been but again human intervention would explain why his body was never found it's entirely possible that Theos buried out in the Bushland somewhere or that he was taken and driven somewhere even more remote this Theory would also explain why he took such a bizarre route he likely wouldn't have gone in that direction if he wasn't being led by someone and his text messages implied but he felt comfortable and not lost Theory three Theo's Google Maps simply bugged out and gave him a bad route back to the hostel I'm familiar with the area he followed Google's directions without question assuming that the dark and desolate route must have been a detour he unfortunately got lost ended up on the beach and then turned back the way he had come now stuck wandering around the Hostile Bushland he eventually succumbed to the elements it was a particularly cold night after all Byron's called this main Knight on record in fact his remains could still be out there somewhere laying undiscovered deep in the brush this Theory however doesn't explain why he never once tried to call for help or why he didn't message anyone about his dire situation there's a myriad of other possible theories that people have come up with someone gave him bad directions he had wittingly or unwittingly taken some sort of substance someone stole his phone and ran off with it all of these theories have their own set of merits and inconsistencies unfortunately we simply don't know what exactly happened to Theo though I think it's safe to assume he is no longer alive but why did he take such a strange route why was he moving so quickly through the brush why did his phone enter sleep mode only to reactive eight hours later and why has his body never been found for his family's sake I'm hoping we'll be able to answer those questions in the near future if you know what happened to Theo there's currently a 500 000 award for any information relating to his case Dale kerstetter worked as a maintenance man and security guard at Corning Glassworks in Bradford Pennsylvania he was last seen at 11 PM on September 12 1987 caught on CCTV walking with this man in a balaclava that night two hundred and fifty thousand dollars worth of platinum piping was stolen from the plant taken from the room that the masked man was leading Dale towards in this picture not long afterwards the masked man exited the room alone dragging with him a large black bag Dale was never seen again and to this day his body has never been found looking at this image it's easy to conclude that Dale looked directly into the camera as a plea for help a way for him to communicate to whoever would see it later that his life was in danger however some believe that he was actually in on the whole Heist from the start and looked into the camera as a way for him to say got ya you see moments before this image was captured Dale was seen talking very casually with the masked man in the back area of the Glassworks and didn't appear to be in any distress in fact he roamed freely around the complex and wasn't constantly supervised by the Mast vigor those who think that the pair were actually accomplices believe Dale either escaped through an unmonitored exit or was actually double-crossed and slain by his partner in crime probably while they were backing up the piping indeed according to the glossworks manager quote whoever removed the Platinum from the tank was extremely familiar with the plant everything in the plant they knew exactly where to go I think the fact that he did everything in front of the camera was once again just Dale kerstetter saying to us look hey here I am I'm taking your platinum and there isn't a thing you can do about it Dale certainly had a motive to take part in The Heist it was about forty thousand dollars in debt and had just taken a major pay cut due to cutbacks of the plant and that said his family believed that his money problems were manageable and that he would never abandon his seven children and two grandchildren without so much as a goodbye phone call what's more when sniffer dogs were brought to the scene they tracked Dale sent to a glass furnace on the second floor an area where Dale's usual arounds wouldn't have taken him so was Dale kusted a court of God by this unidentified perp and killed during a one-man robbery then placed into a black bag along with the valuable pipes and dragged from the scene or was he in fact in cahoots with this master figure and either escaped to start a new life elsewhere or was slain by his accomplice and burned in the furnace nor bagged up was this glance at the camera braggadocio or One Last Cry for Help given how long ago this happened we'll probably never know for sure Mexico a beautiful and vibrant country home to some of the world's most delicious food unique cultural experiences and warmest locals but in spite of its countless qualities the country does have an undeniable dark underbelly one particular stain that Mexico has on its reputation is the danger that women face in their everyday lives in recent years the number of femicides throughout Mexico have skyrocketed to unbelievable levels to put it bluntly women have been Vanishing and turning up dead at an alarming rate targeted solely for the crime of being female and one very recent case has brought that issue to the Forefront of the nation's public consciousness the mysterious and extremely disturbing disappearance and death of ebony Escobar an 18 year old law student living in apadaka in the early hours of April 9 2022 debony disappeared from the face of the Earth after a night out with friends this Eerie final photograph of her taken by the Lost person to ever see her alive her Taxi Driver no less spread like wildfire over social media platforms and over the past few weeks the Benny's story has not only captured the attention of Mexicans but how horrific it is on an individual scale but also for how it Shone a light on just how much of a problem the nation has with targeted violence towards females but we'll get into all of that for now let's start at the very beginning on April 8 2022 debeny went on a night out with two other young women her new friend Sarai whom she'd only known for about four months and a girl that she had just met that very night named Devon at 11 PM the three of them ordered a taxi using the Rideshare app DeDe and made their way into the center of Monterrey Nuevo Leon that driver took them to Simon Bolivar where they stopped at a store and purchased a bottle of vodka before heading to their first party of the night as can be seen in the shop surveillance footage the girls all appeared to be in High Spirits and of sober mind at this point in time at least after checking out a couple of empty events the girls finally settled on a party at El Diamonte in Quinta they ordered another taxi using DD and a new driver named Juan David Cuellar dropped them off at about 1 20 am their arrival was caught on a CCTV camera outside the establishment please note that due to the Mexican Daylight Saving Time shift this camera's clock was actually one hour behind devany's new friend Yvonne took one David's WhatsApp details before exiting the vehicle just in case they needed to call him later for a ride home it's not uncommon for these Rideshare apps to be unreliable during the early hours so being able to contact a driver directly made a lot of sense outside of the vehicle the ladies joined up with a group of young men and they all entered El Diamante together ready to enjoy a fun-filled night just 10 minutes after arriving at 1 30 am that same outside surveillance camera Court debony leaving the Party by herself and heading towards an outside pool area four young men pass her and seemingly taken in by her beauty look back in her Direction it's not known who these men were if they shouted anything at her or if they were just talking about her amongst themselves ebony returned to the party soon after at some point around three in the morning debony allegedly started behaving very strangely she began shouting and acting very out of character and at one point even locked herself inside the men's bathroom upon exiting the bathroom she scolded a Von for leaving her alone at the party and according to Yvonne and other Witnesses continued to cause a scene this prompted Devon the message one David a taxi driver who had dropped them off asking him to come and pick up devony and take her home at 3 45 am the camera outside the building caught these images of a clearly distressed ebony fleeing from a male partygoer after he catches up with her she seemingly slaps and kicks him moments later a number of other people also appear including Sarai and Avon it's hard to tell for sure what happened here this large group may have been trying to defuse her situation but the footage also shows a smaller subgroup of them huddled around ebony preventing her from getting away foreign Juan David arrived at the scene in his White Taxi video captured at a different angle shows ebony quickly entered the vehicle before a male and Avon say something to the driver Juan David and domini then leave El Diamante and head east at 4 17 am another surveillance camera captured this footage of the taxi pulled over a short distance from the party with debony in the front passenger seat in the video it appears as if she and Juan David are having an argument or an animated discussion of some kind after this the pair continued on down the road for a minute or two until they came to the Nuevo Laredo Highway it was there that ebony told one David to pull over she then exited the taxi and stood Motionless in the middle of the road at the same time Juan David took this haunting photograph of dibeni larochi's standing in is known by locals as the highway of death due to the astonishingly High number of women who have disappeared there shortly after this image was captured ebony herself would go missing too at 4 25 am Juan David sent a Von this photo of debony standing outside of his Taxi he also sent out texts and voicemails saying that ebony had gotten out and that she refused to get back in he then sent on this final infamous picture of debeny proving that she was indeed outside of the taxi and was no longer his responsibility Juan David then drove off leaving the young intoxicated ebony alone in the road I stayed parked there for about three minutes to see if she'd think twice about staying there said one David but seeing no reaction from her I left clearly feeling guilty about driving off Juan David continued to stay in contact with Yvonne for about the next 45 minutes explaining that he couldn't have touched or forced ebony into the vehicle without facing legal consequences and that it was now her friend's responsibility to go there and get her about 10 hours later at 2 54 pm he messaged upon one final time to ask her what happened to your friend everyone replied three hours later and simply said they haven't found her devony never made it home that night after Juan David left nobody ever heard from her again a CCTV camera caught her moving in the direction of Escobedo away from the party at El Diamante walking erratically Down The Busy Highway she passes a transportation company called alcosa and shortly thereafter is seen frantically running into the Nueva Castilla motel and looking in through the windows of its closed-down restaurant seemingly trying to gain access to the building or see if somebody's inside please note that the camera's internal clock was two minutes fast after leaving the indoor cameras field of view she apparently hid in the corner of the motel's garden for 20 minutes before she was finally caught walking along the wall side nobody else appeared in this footage these are debony's last known movements from there she simply disappeared foreign on the morning of April 9th devany's parents Mario and Dolores Escobar reported their daughter missing to begin with Juan David her taxi driver and the lost person to see her was obviously suspect number one Mario Escobar was convinced that he was the one behind his daughter's disappearance and asserted that in this footage Juan David was trying to inappropriately grab ebony hence why she got out of the vehicle this accusation had an immediate effect on Juan David's reputation and relationships which in turn forced him to publicly deny his involvement in debony's disappearance on National Television he explained that in this footage he was actually struggling to deal with ebony who was either drunk or high or both and that she was being aggressive with him slapping him and being totally incoherent according to Juan David he was trying to ask ebony for her home address or her mother's phone number but the girl was drunk and angry and refused to give either to him unable to calm her down a frustrated one David sent these messages to Avon in which he said that he was struggling and didn't want any problems Yvonne was unable to give one David debony's address or her mother's number since obviously they had only just met that night but she did make it very clear in her oblies that debony shouldn't come back to the party in Avon's words debeny had been acting uncontrollably hence why she and the other party members chased her down and surrounded her they were scared of where she may go or what she may do however she did say that ebony had only been drinking vodka and hadn't taken any substances at least not knowingly for 12 long days debony's whereabouts on well-being remained unknown during that time investigators and local volunteers searched high and low for the missing young woman on April 21st a group of officers approached the Nueva Castilla Motel whose roadside entrance read don't take risks stay with us the staff that had complained about a foul-smelling odor coming from the out of service restaurant and the authorities have been summoned to check it out given that the motel was the setting of devany's last known movements the grounds had already been searched several times searches which included drones and sniffer dogs however it soon became apparent that nobody had bothered to check the restaurants underground water tank an area inaccessible to the public surrounded by a 2.6 meter high concrete wall and barbed wire this tank was about 30 feet away from where debony was Last caught on camera and in the same direction she was walking after peering in to one of the two open sisters everyone's worst nightmare was confirmed at the bottom 14 feet underground was debony's lifeless body lying face down in three feet of water in that same cisternous ebony where her removed Converse shoes and a tissue which contained quote cadaveric matter with signs of insect activity thank you given that she'd been left for nearly two weeks in a hot damn tank her remains were unrecognizable and she had to initially be id'd by her clothing and necklace to begin with the Attorney General's office tried to claim that ebony had accidentally fallen inside the tank and drowned after banging her head a hypothesis that was rejected by her family a second much more detailed independent report revealed that she had actually been repeatedly hit in the head by a blunt mechanical object at various angles there was severe damage to both sides of the frontal region of her skull as well as above her right ear on both of her eyelids on her nose lips and the right retro auricular region according to the manner of death described by the report quote the craniofacial contusions are of external origin to the body and because they're intense repeated and with different angles of impact it follows that they were caused by another person and that it was a violent homicidal death given that there was no water inside her lungs she must have already been dead by the time that she had been dumped in the tank this second report also found that ebony had been this had been no accident this was murder as mentioned both of Ebony's removed shoes and a tissue were also found in the cistern alongside her however it also came to light that some of her personal possessions including her keys a small bag with the phrase stayed grateful on it a phone case a small bottle of hand sanitizer and her lighter were found inside the other open system next to the one her remains were found inside either she had thrown them in there for some unknown reason before accidentally falling inside or somebody else had hidden them interestingly more items were also found inside this middle section which connected the two systems these included a dirt covered white bra debony's face mask her black purse and two pieces of beige fabric as it would turn out the Attorney General's office had intentionally been withholding information about Ebony's case and had made at least two errors in their initial binding that wasn't surprising given the amount of apathy and negligence the Mexican authorities have shown that countless other cases like Lebanese where they've often publicly tried to shame the victim in order to brush the case under the rug but still you have to ask yourselves were there mistakes due to incompetence or was there a more Sinister motivation behind their emissions corruption is Rife in many parts of the world and Mexico has more than its fair share of crooked cops could they have been covering something up in debony's case if so who were they trying to protect and why as of right now there isn't enough evidence to speculate on that what we can speculate on though is what actually happened to debony that fateful night let's go over some of the main theories Theory one given the strange way depany was acting at El Diamonte many have speculated that one of the male partygoers may have slipped something into a drink in order to take advantage of her when the substance began to take effect this man made his move leading to debeny biting him and locking herself in the bathroom her behavior slowly became more erratic leading to her screaming for help and exiting the building it was around then that a Von called Juan David depict ebony up once inside one David's taxi debeny who was now extremely paranoid and not in control of her actions began yelling and hitting her driver she then exited the vehicle on death Highway Juan David took her final photo and sent her to Avant to show her what was happening before driving away Yvonne then innocently told the other party goes what was happening and where dabani was the male who had initially tried to take advantage of her overheard this information and set off to hunt her down since the Barney was only a short distance from where the taxi had picked her up it wouldn't have been difficult to find her Theory 2. just as Mario Escobar asserts Juan David really was trying to grab debony in this footage and ended up following her to the Nueva Castilla Motel after she exited the vehicle he then took her life and discarded her inside one of the open systems at the abandoned restaurant personally I don't buy this Theory for one Juan David wasn't seen on any of the cameras following dabani to the motel he also had no idea that he was going to be called to pick dabani up by herself and therefore would have had to improvise hiding her body on the spot given that numerous Witnesses saw him driving her away that would have been a very stupid move on his part as he would inevitably wind up being a prime suspect his messages to Avon also came across as extremely genuine foreign he's just a taxi driver that got caught up in the crossfire of this terrible tragedy should he have left a drunk 18 year old alone in the middle of a highway absolutely not but was he responsible for what happened to her I don't think so he likely assumed that ebony would walk back in the direction of the party at El Diamonte or that her friends would come and pick her up Theory three ebony fell victim to an opportunistic killer staying at the motel the fact that nobody's caught on camera following her to the Nueva Castilla suggests that her Slayer must have already been there given Mexico's huge number of femicides it's not unbelievable that Ebony could have randomly stumbled into Hercules path given her condition and the fact that she was alone she certainly would have been easy prey now all three of those are of course only theories and until more information presents itself we can only speculate on what may have happened to ebony but for us to have a more informed opinion several questions still need answering what exactly happened at the party to make ebony act so erratically did she have more in her system than just vodka why did she hide for 20 minutes outside the out of service Motel restaurant gain access to the area with the systems which was protected by a high wall and barbed wire how did the pub get to her without being caught on CCTV were the cameras tampered with or the footage edited in some way how did her personal items end up in the small tunnel that connected both of the systems and finally why did the authorities release incorrect details about her case even before her remains were discovered debony's story had already become huge news in Mexico hundreds of thousands of people have been sharing the spinal image of the young woman on Instagram Facebook Twitter and Tech talk debating what may or may not have happened to her and discussing their own theories news of her body being found shined a light on the massive number of murdered and missing women across Mexico especially in the state of Nuevo Leon just a few days prior to her slain the bodies of 27 year old Maria Fernanda Contreras and 26 year old Yolanda martineth were discovered in the exact same region the remains of five other women were also discovered during the search for Ebony which could clue you in to just how huge a problem the country has after news of Japanese death was announced hundreds of protesters took to the streets and blocked a highway in downtown Monterey demanding Justice for the tens of thousands of Mexican women who have been killed in recent years and the tens of thousands more who are still missing other protests also erupted Nationwide with hundreds taking to the streets and the capital in this first half of 2022 1 600 women have reportedly gone missing in Mexico 56 women have been murdered in Nueva Leon this year alone 42 of those cases have been classified as spemocytes Nationwide 10 females are killed every single day since 95 percent of these cases go unsolved at least according to a un report it's extremely easy to understand all the national outrage that's beginning to gain International attention despite all those terrible statistics debony's case has gained a huge amount of attention and as such authorities now seem to be working hard to solve her case at least with the president of Mexico himself vowing to find the perpetrator until then until that purpose caught the Escobar family have to go on with their lives knowing that their 18 year old daughter's killer is free to roam the streets just like so many other unidentified Killers throughout Mexico
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,157,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, scariest video ever, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, nexpo, mr nightmare, blameitonjorge, new, best, reddit stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, English, British accent, asmr, top 10, skin walkers, unsolved mysteries, photos with backstories, true crime, mystery, real, cold case, buzzfeed unsolved, internet, rabbit holes, disturbing things from the internet, pictures, Japan, Japanese mysteries, cold cases
Id: HgaqYLovRok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 246min 9sec (14769 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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