Mekayla Bali: The Disappearance That Has Baffled Investigators | blameitonjorge

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Has anybody ever figured out what was in her backpack? Like have they found anything missing from her bedroom (Chargers, underwear, her toothbrush, etc) that suggested she was going away long term? Her friends claimed she never brought a backpack to school, she only used a purse. So I'm curious as to what was in the backpack she had with her.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 43 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/momtoeli ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I would recommend checking out Danelle Hallanโ€™s video on this case, too.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 24 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/isuckatusernames2000 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I know people very close to this case and they all think she was abducted for sex trafficking.

She's from my hometown and I've had a lot of discussions with people who know her. It's a very sad case

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 25 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/blink0r ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The way she kept telling people she was leaving, the way she dressed, and the way she waited around town all seem as if she was waiting for someone to pick her up, maybe the provider of her untraceable second phone and person she was speaking with on her untraceable social media? An older man from out of town?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Locomule ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Just speculating here.

Was Mekayla possibly in trouble due to drug dealing or needing to pay for drugs, so left town? Was she using burner phones?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 22 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TexWiseOwl ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Not sure if you guys are familiar with โ€œDark Poutineโ€, if you arenโ€™t you should be! Canadian podcast talking true crime. Very well done.

Regardless, the co creator of the Podcast, Mike Browne, says that he has it from a very reliable source that she is alive and doesnโ€™t want to be contacted or found. Guess there is more to her home life situation then we publicly know.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/shrumTD ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 27 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What makes me sad is that acquaintances of a missing person may know more than they will reveal to authorities. They wait until they have grown up, or the police puts serious pressure on them, before they admit what they know. There was a New York State case where a high school friend, of a missing student, encountered the boyโ€™s mother several years after he disappeared. The friend recounted a conversation she had overheard at a party, shortly before the boy vanished, between him and an unknown person. Why didnโ€™t she confide in an adult sooner? IMO- itโ€™s because friends worry that, if they spill secrets, it sheds light on nefarious activities they want to keep private, as well.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TexWiseOwl ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Unless something happens, nobody knows 100% what happened. Things might not be what they seem. At first, you see a person with a backpack, money checkout and constantly on the phone before vanishing, clearly running away from home and meeting with somebody, either man or woman.

If that worked well for her or not, it is something else entirely. Did she run away? Yes. That is the only clearer answer in this story.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/bybyalbert ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This seems like a super obvious case of someone running away and doesn't want to be found or something completely unrelated to her disappearance has made it impossible for her to contact law enforcement/family/news to let people know she's alright.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BatemaninAccounting ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
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on your first device head to WWE and calm board / your head and then when you want on all your devices use my promo code for hey that's Jo are GE to upgrade a premium [Music] on April 12th 2016 16 year-old Michaela Bali vanished from the face of the earth her friends lisara at Sacred Heart High School in Yorktown seesaw schewe where she said she would be going on a vacation to Regina while this may seem to be a straightforward case in the surface the circumstances surrounding her disappearance continue to baffle investigators to this day on Twitter the Michaela Bali family still poses regularly hoping that their daughter will one day appear despite the many tips and a full police investigation nobody knows what happened to Michaela Bali Michaela was a pretty normal girl she was a big fan of the Hunger Games and fantasy video games like League of Legends her hobbies also included playing the violin and photography Michaela was raised by single parents according to her mother she was quiet sweet shy and a voracious reader although not very adventurous or outgoing despite being a quiet girl she was popular in her community her friends described her as a good listener Bali's friends say she didn't smoke although she frequented the smoke pit doors a rear entrance of the school where the smokers often hung out she wasn't into drugs either although there was an occasion where she showed her friends some pills and claimed that they were opioid oxycodone police investigations later discovered that the pills were actually accutane and medication Bali had been using to treat acne we don't have any evidence to suggest that drugs were a factor in this police said at the time of her disappearance Michaela was single earlier that year she had dated an old boyfriend and they remained friends after the breakup her friend Shelby claims that she also connected with a few people online at least four but that the communications were usually short-lived however on the day of her disappearance it's widely suspected that she was in contact with someone the only issue is that she used anonymous apps to communicate with people online meaning that the police could not trace any of the call she made or the text is she sent on that fateful day as a consequence they have to rely on the people she contacted to provide the details [Music] the time leading up to April 12th the day of Mikayla's disappearance includes some interesting events to point outs a few months prior in February Mikaela received a bouquet of roses at school she never told anyone who sent them one of her friends Hanna claims that it was odd that the flowers came in a plain cardboard box apparently the flower delivery had been from an online order unfortunately despite identifying the sender police never revealed that information to the public Polly frequently talked about moving to a bigger city and mentioned specific places like Saskatoon and Regina the day prior on April 11th she talked about leaving town to go on a vacation her friends didn't take her seriously at the time later that day according to her teacher she seemed upset during class after class she texted her friend Oxana asking if she could take her to the bank the next day and that it was important bolli later called customer service at TD Bank three times checked her balance and transferred $25 in the evening she contacted an ex-boyfriend Shelby and another friend named Amy Amy later told police that Baldy mentioned a man named Christopher who would be coming to Saskatchewan to meet her we now know that they never met in Satchel on however police did end up eventually investigating Christopher the investigations by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or the RCMP regarding Mikaela Bali's disappearance have been quite thorough the RCMP you recovered footage of Mikayla's movements the day she disappeared where they last saw her at the STC bus depot in Yorktown at 1:45 p.m. they have interviewed anyone close to Mikaela and even investigated her bank activity phone records and social media but to no avail one of the greatest setbacks in this investigation is the method Michaela used to communicate with people online much of the time it was through social media like snapchat or Instagram for police to obtain records of social media interactions they must go through tedious legal processes that take many months however Bali also used an app called kik which has some dark history police claim that the app has been used by kidnappers to groom young women due to the nature of the app where people can talk to each other without any filters or approval systems like friend requests before we go into any further details it'd be a good idea to look at a timeline of events during that day fortunately the missing children's Society of Canada and CBC News have provided a thorough overview of Bali's day before her disappearance according to CBC News Polly's movements were described as erratic she walked to various stores around town appeared to be looking for someone and tried to get money all while claiming that it was for a vacation to Regina so let's go over what happened here's a bullet list of the timeline of Bali's movements from that day this information was taken directly from the missing children Society of Canada websites at 6:41 a.m. Bali texted her friend Oksana again asking if she could take Bali to the bank apparently she had been claiming that she had $5,000 police said bank statements showed that Bali had nowhere near that amounts Oksana responded that the bank wouldn't be open until 8 in the morning and didn't take her Michaela's grandmother says she dropped Micaela off at school at around 8:20 a.m. police verified Wi-Fi records that showed Bali's phone connected to the school network at around eight away a.m. by 826 she had left the school through a back entrance surely they're after Michaela's movements were captured by a surveillance camera at the super see convenience store where she was seen walking along the railroad tracks around a 51 a.m. Michaela arrived at the local TD Bank camera footage shows her talking on the phone as she waits for the doors to open at 8:55 a.m. when a worker opens the shutters she ends the call and approached the teller to withdraw fifty five dollars it's important to note with Telus data from cell phone towers police are able to see the sending and receiving party of calls and messages but the phone company does not retain the actual message what's weird is that the phone call Michaela made in front of the bank didn't register at all in fact none of the calls she made that day were registered police had to wait 10 months to access her social media accounts through their proper legal channels but we're not sure if they ever got a hold of her messages on the kik app after the bank Micaela headed east towards Teri's pawn and bargain arriving at 9 a.m. police spoke to the owner Terry Hedden who claims she tried to pawn a silver ring apparently the value of the ring was too low hadn't said that she didn't seem bothered and that she simply left the store and had itself about 15 minutes later surveillance footage captured Michaela at a combine Tim Horton's and Wendy's it was at this location where some strange things happened she bought a drink and sat in a booth with her backpack next to her during the investigation one of Michaelis friends had told police that Michaela usually carried a purse to school not a backpack this is the clear indication that she left her home that day with the intent to leave Yorkton and the footage Mikayla can be seen turning every now and then looking at the entrance at 9:23 a.m. Michaela leaves the restaurant through one of its two exits [Music] then returns to leave through the other exits she enters Tim Horan / Wendy's at 9:49 a.m. while talking on her cell phone another call that police weren't able to trace in their investigation this time around she sat at a booth facing the door after earning her call she waited sent messages browsed her phone and intermittently checked through the window at 10:12 a.m. she texted her friend Shelby hey I need help over the next 30 minutes Mikayla is on and off her phone during which time she texted Shelby again saying never mind I figured it out in the same timeframe she left the restaurant again only to immediately return and sit in the same booth at 10:30 9 a.m. footage shows her looking around during a call 4 minutes later she gets off the phone and approaches an older lady sitting at a nearby table the police later discovered that Makayla had asked the lady for help with renting a hotel room in fact one of the key pieces to solving this mystery is understanding why Makayla was asking the lady for help unfortunately the lady claimed she didn't know the reason whether Makayla needed the money for the room or just an adult to make the transaction the lady refused she didn't know where Makayla wanted to rent the room either after asking the lady for help Makayla returns to her booth makes another call and leaves the restaurant while talking on the phone there is a gap of time for Micaela's whereabouts are unknown about an hour later Micaela sent Shelby a text I'll see you at lunch at 11:59 a.m. but Kayla had returned to Saiga her High School where she met with two students Ali Clarkson and joannec buckle she told them that she was going to take a bus for vacation to Regina police investigation reveals that she may have been carrying two phones at the time less than five minutes after meeting the two students Michaela leaves the school Micaela went to a bus depot after leaving Sacred Heart High School where an employee remembered seeing her around noon the employee said Mikayla wanted to know what time the bus was leaving she was told 5 p.m. and then decided to not buy a tickets she was then spotted at a nearby restaurant called trail shop where she purchased a meal unfortunately there are not many cameras in this area and her movements beyond this point are unknown nearly four hours later at 3:40 p.m. Michaela's grandmother was waiting to pick her up from school 20 minutes later Mikayla misses her violin rehearsal roughly another four hours later Mikayla is officially reported missing by 7:00 a.m. her cell phone was off [Music] police have received many tips across the years one of the tips was the Friday right after her disappearance at the local bus station many were hopeful that it would be Makayla but it turned out to be somebody else a few weeks later Michaela's records were transferred to the general investigation section or the GIS this means that the investigation would be treated as a major offense the officers of the GIS spent weeks watching camera footage analyzing phone records and going through the legal processes required to retrieve Makayla social media data to this day there has been no activity on her social media except for one occasion a few months after her disappearance a message she had been sent on snapchat became opened as if she had seen the message on Reddit a user claims that snapshot causes messages to be opened if the person's account becomes deactivated after 30 days they become liable to be deleted once they are they appear as in the mark currently conversation shows to have been opened even if the recipient never in fact opens it but just because 30 days have passed doesn't mean the snapchats will be deleted it's kind of random however this doesn't seem plausible since many of her social media accounts still existed at time like Instagram and apparently snapchat doesn't delete inactive accounts her Instagram account included selfies and pictures of her school friends and siblings however according to CBC News there was another Instagram account under her name with hundreds of followers but no photos and the about Me section simply said goodbye if B's account still exists I couldn't find them less than two months before her disappearance Michaela made a post on social media with a screenshot of her snapchat profile saying looking for snapchat friends because I have none in real life add me please don't be a greasy [ __ ] and send me grossest nudes just looking for friend could it be possible that somebody contacted her that day and made plans to meet her the following month in April GIS officers investigated everyone in Mikayla's social circle including everyone she was known to be contacting on social media note that not all of her social media activity was recoverable because some websites don't hold user data for long periods of time and the legal process is to require the records can take months one of the people that GIS did investigate was Christopher who we mentioned earlier Liang Michaela's friend had mentioned that Christopher was going to visits gotcha Wong but Liang wasn't the only person to mention him Michaela's ex-boyfriend also told police that Christopher was visiting the province to see his mother in Saskatoon police searched Christopher's house in their investigation they found no evidence that Christopher was in Canada during the time Michaela went missing CBC News also reached out to which he had this say all I can provide for you is that she suffered with self-harm a few years back back then I was helping those who struggled and I encouraged her to fight against self-harm and to look towards God police said there was no evidence to suggest that Michaela was suicidal at the time she went missing however the self-harm story was indeed corroborated by Michaela Bailey's description in the Interpol database as found by one Reddit user it says that Michaela has a fair amount of scars on her upper thigh from self-harm side unknown Michaela's friends pointed out to police another boy she had been contacting via social media who goes by the name of Josh however they didn't know his last name police followed up interviewing multiple people with the name Josh throughout their investigation until they found a boy in church bridge who said that he knew her the boy said they saw each other about once a week at a youth gathering however they hadn't spoken for a few years and police said there was no indication that discharge was involved in Mikayla's disappearance there was yet another man investigated by the police a man who claimed to be Mikayla's father Micaela had told her friends that she didn't know who her father was but that she wanted to meet him the man who was interviewed by police rick breats said he was never contacted by Micaela and he didn't think she knew his name Michaela's mother Paula claims there is no evidence that Rick is Mikayla's father despite the insanity police searched breats house and even took DNA samples they concluded that there was no evidence to suggest that BRE had anything to do with Mikayla's disappearance BRE even started posting online about Mikayla's disappearance on his own behalf at the bus depot police interviewed an employee named Sheryl McDougald who said Bali looked pretty normal for the kids who went there about a week after the interview McDougald contacted police with more information from a customer who remembered seeing Bali apparently she was seen with a big guy carrying white bags after putting out a sketch of a man described as having a tattoo of a cross with red flames on his left arm someone came forward however the investigation concluded that he was simply holding the door for Bali and that they were not together after looking at all of the information regarding Mikayla's case police do not believe that she ever purchased the tickets or gone to a bus leaving Norton it's been several years now Michaela's family runs pages all over social media with the hopes of finding her police have investigated over 600 tips throughout the years including sightings as far as Scotland and Colombia among the other tips at the RCMP have received a few standout in January of 2017 Michaela was believed to have been seen and events at the great Eagle entertainment centre in Calgary considering the location has a casino generally these places have excellent surveillance however police were unable to confirm if she was really there that day the latest tip was in August of 2019 from a man in Edmonton who thought he met Michaela outside the hide one club in Capilano the man said that she was very sweet kind gentle and naive sadly the police could not confirm the validity of this tip looking at the locations of the sightings if any of these are true it would seem as if Michaela headed west after leaving Norton in fact the sightings are near locations I'm Michaela had discussed visiting like Regina and Saskatoon all of these locations are west of York ten where she disappeared including Calgary and Edmonton the places that were reported to the authorities even with all of this information it's still difficult coming up with a comprehensive scenario that could explain Mikayla's disappearance one thing does seem Suren Mikayla wanted to leave that day she had her backpack set up she withdrew of money she had and she hit the road whether or not she actually left or remains in roarton is uncertain whether or not she made someone remains uncertain it is precisely what happens in Michaela Bali after she left the bus depot that remains a mystery you
Channel: blameitonjorge
Views: 1,419,513
Rating: 4.920917 out of 5
Keywords: blameitonjorge, mekayla bali, yorkton, Saskatchewan, disappearance, mystery, true crime, rcmp, cnc
Id: AzLqFYyY0bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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